HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-05-06, Page 3Huv«i-Mw0i'il
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Be Gotoici' fiis
Huron Record,
(4 W 4 .V 3 7'EB.)
Clinton, Wednesday, HI ay 6th.
LOCAL news.
In anil Around the ** Hull.’*
NOTION.—At all times we will be glad to receive
items of n^wvfrom any reliable soareeteither
verbal or written, lieports of nieelings, ea-
tertainincnti, society awl c/iwrcft doinns, etc.
or dh? 'lilatters of general interest,
will alwayi have a,place in Qurcoluinn».^iiv
Igzg'" BOy Wanted to learn the
art of printing,—Apply at this
office. ”
ggprJusT- Received from’ New
..York soine elegaut designs in
Wall Papers, also a large assort1-
merit of American Express Wag
cons and Baby Carriages, Clirj s
Dickson, Clinton,
As a battle is expected in
the Northwest, shortly, parties.de
siring the daily papers should leave
tlieir orders for somft .paper for a
week and then Jtliey will be sure, to
get tlrem, ■ Dickson, at the City
Book Store will be happy tg .attend
to all. f,... ,337.
Arbor Day.—The Clinton town
Council have sog apart Thursday
May I4th as Arbor Day. It is de'
eired that those wishing, trees to
plant and those having trees for sale,,
slrou-ld have an interchange of Views,
previous to that day—May 14th is
the official civic day for planting
shade trees.
Sunday May 3rd’, slight snow fall
in the evening'.
The stock of the estate of John
Craib was put up at auction May
Sth, but not reaching the reserve
bid was not sold.
• The High School has just been'
furnished with "new blnids and-
spring rollers on—each of'the four,
rooms. Mr. Dickson bad ,'con'
tract._________ -------------'■ —— ■-
CHANGEJin advertisement of C. C.
Rance; merchant tailor, will appear
next week. In the meantime lie will,
personally '^tteud to those who give
him a call.
The -Town Band played on (lie
Market Square and at the Ikoller
Kink Friday and Saturday evenings..
The^Hroysj* play^exceeriingly^^well'
4ind are a credit, tp themselves, and
■the towni . :
How About It?—In former years
• Clinton’s “big day”, was the'Queen’s
birthday.. This year we believe'no
steps have'as yet been taken for
a celebration. Action might be
taken inf the matter at once.
if ■. ’ ■ " ■ ’. ■
Tin: Doheuty, Band headed the.
“boys in red” while parading Friday
night.' The members of the. band
have new'head-lights, and we'under,
stand'they will appear in.full Uni
form on the‘24th;:.May..':'7:'
Monster Si«n.—Messrs Thomas
Cooper <fc'Son put .up yesterday, on;
the north side of ,. their grocery
establishment; a- magnificent sigiT
•of immense propoiitiomq 'prdha.blv
the largest in the county, and of
real artistic merit as well. ’
^Visiting, the Heathen.—Mrr
Robert'Holmes, editor.of the Clinton
New Jtfa, led the Gospel band on ,
Monday,evening last. .If Robert1
aliould fifl“nT.tlie sanctum lie would-
proye'a success iiFthe- pulpit, ‘judg
ing by his earnest appeals and apt
illustrations.—Mr. James Young, ■
alffo of Clinton, is engaged' in. religi-
' ous ministrations.—Seaforth' /Sun,
May 1st. . . .' ’
Not so Bad OFF.r—The ■ 1st'of
May has come' and gonp,- bat th?
JScott Act remii'ns. ^mne of those
who had been accustojned • to their
•itlyim were prepared on that day for
'the veritable r<^nck of doom and,
-made strenuous preparatory efforts
to nerve themselves for tlie occasion.
Dut now, though 4‘Of riitn.they have
•scarcely a tittle, Yet tliev know not
—vtlieir folly is such—That f^r one
mi a n w h 0 .dj ps..o.L.t.o.oli.ttLv!,. There, are,
Ififty who die of too much.
Mr. J, C. Smith has taken the
' 'position of book keeper and’c'6rre,S'
podding secretary for • Mr, Chi'is
Dickson,’ bookseller , &c., of . this
place. Mr. Dickson’s .business has
grown so large tjnit be lias •■' beeir
forced to have additicn^l help'to
attend to the wants of liis nunierous
-customers. Mr. Smith ,comeS'_Well
. recommenced, be having heeh’book'.
Hceeper for a large business down
•east for about 2 years and formerly
►taught school snccessfuHy^in Gode-';
irich township, near Clinton, fdr four
•yearn, and previous to that, in School
^Section No. 9, Morris,' for-one-yuar.
dJHe holds ■ ii first class teachers’ Cei*- ■
it'ificate. . ”■ ■’-*■»-“•■ -----■
Churning Power.—Messrs' ,Carl
ing and Pinning^ have bought the
rigtit to, manufacture and'1 sell the'
•“Churner’s Friend” in’Goderich aiid'
Stanley townships. The chutney
sits on1 a seat, which is coilffdetOT’j
■b’y a compensating,jointed lever ttr^
■rangement with thft dasher in the-
■ch¥rn about six feet; distant, The
motio’n of the'dasher is up anti flown,
■a slight pressure on a handle in front
■of the sitting churtter gives the up'
ward stroke, <the weight of sitter the
downward stroke, „'A‘ child can.'
work thisohurner with ease and it.
■eati'be attached to any ordinary up-,
right churn. .It does< .certainly
seem'f5‘Tie a perfect labor saving
machine and every • farmer’s wife
wilLfjay so when they see it, dr ,wo
are greatly mistaken.'* f ... '
Those Mails.—The new arrange
ment by which the mail which leaves
Toronto in.the morning is not*due
hero until 3.05#-does not give satisfac
tion. Gur " people were under •'
the impression that if aiiy change
xYere m’ade it would be giving an
earlier mail from- Toronto instead of
a later or ia 5 The public here would
like the.Toronto morning mail to hrs
rive here by noon nt latest, if poss
sible. Tho last state of the people
along tho line in tlie matter of con*
venienco of taails is now worse than
the first. If the towns; along Hio
line wowld net in concert and petition
Postmaster General .Carling he might
arrange for an earlier Toronto mail.
If it cannot coma direct wofild it not
be possiblo tb Have it sent via Lon*
don and rwffi hero in tho vjotonoon
mt the London mail nowaloos.
New Rigs—Cunteloji JJros, hav«
a Dies new waggon for country deliv
ery t—D. Irwin, Jluron Fop Works,
delivers “Seott Act drinks” with a
new rig.—The “staff of life” is now
furnished by Young, theJbaker, in a
nobby vehicle.-—Dunlop also sports
a nice delivery Waggon. u ■
High Schools and TEACHERs-The
following circular has beea issued
from the Education Department <:■—
The examination for admission to
high schools at miijsmu^ier will be
held this year on Thursday and Fri
day, 2nd and 3rd July. The
examination in the non professional
subject for third and second class
teachers will begin Monday, 6th
■ J u by? ;>Eor''fi rs l^clussjngrad’e^tLzW'
Wednesday, 15th July; for grade
A and B, on Thursday, 23rd July.
The professional examination for
first-class will be held Wednesday,
22nd July, . '
Officers Installed—The follow
ing officers were duly installed in
Clinton Lodge No 705,1. 6. G. T.,
on Friday night lust, for the ensuing
quarter W. C. T., James live ;
VJ. V. T., Bella Young; W. 8.,
Warren Callander; W. A. S,,. Lucin-
da Collins; W. T,, 8usie Moore ; W,
F. S., George Hannaford ; W. O.,
Henry' B. Ker;. W. M., George
Whybrew; \V. D. M., Sarah Euves;
W- LG.
O. G., G<
Mary Ci
Mechanics Institute.—About
$150 worth of new books upon pop
ular subjects have just ^been ad'led
to the Library of the Institute,
amongst them are works on .the Sou
dan, .-Egypt, Afghanistan, Ac, Byer-
son’s. "“United "Empire Loya'lista,’.’*
ana many other very valuable con
tributions to the literature of the
day...The Institute lias just been
moved into new commodious qnar4
ters where every facility - is afforded
for the work designed to be done.
A canvass is just being macle for new
members and all who are not now
subscribers should join at once. Th
annual meeting is toj/e hrlj on the
eve’g of 2lst inst. and it has been
suggested, without casting a‘ny-re
flection upon the present bardwoik-
ing members of. the Board of Direct
or.-, that the -infusion' of some, new
blood might work beneficially.
, Lizzie Whittington ; W?
iorg.e Saville ; W. R. H. S.,
ttlo ; W. L. H. fe„ Dinah
; P. W. C. fl1., Samuel T.
Town I’arliahjent.
’-T-Gdurrurl' iuet “"Monday evening,
members all present. . ■
Tie^s. statement showed Receipts
for April $594 05, expense $613.86.
H. R. Walker was voted $5.00
for selling old engine. ’
Mayor, Reeve, Ddputy-reeye arid'
Councillors Cooper aiid Copp to form
-Court of Revision and meet -27th
Muy-lit ■■'
$1.00 was'vbted for street watering
subject to. same condit.ions?_as last.,
year. » . .. ...
.The-.Mayor ^and Treasurer are
'authorised' to borrow from*^
sons Bank funds necessary to meet
current expense, noi to. exceed
^6,0.00. ' . . . ■ .
' John Dayinent, was selected , to
fill vacancy in the Fire Company! ,
Council agreed to cover drain on
Princess $t; opposite the properties-
of H.. W., Cooke find, Jacob .Miller,
prqviding they build the stone-work
to the s.itislac',*on °f the Inspector-:
Thursday Lkth Muy was fixed up^
Oil as Arbor T)ny, . ■------- ------- ..
RupoKaU- . .•
i'ire. cmd Water. Committee recom
mend purchase of 200 feet - Fire
Hose, 2.i inch, 4 ply same as .that
purchased in July 1883. ’ ......
Have-examined all hose in the
i. department and find 14.lengtlis good,
. 4'lengths that cap only be.used, for
filling tanks, .2 lengths good for
nothing ; also 500 feet canvas .hose,.
..making 1200 fdet'in good. Order and
a.vailable'for fire purposes. ' ‘ ’
Have hail engine-oyerliauled and
boiler tested, liy Crystal and Black of
Goderich.; tfie" same'are uow4n"good:
condition. “ \
The Fire Company is now'-coms.
plefe, .except one to fill the place'of
W. Ill Cooper, who declined to-sigh"
contract. The names of John Day-
inene and'C.has. Wilson are subniitL--
teii io:ntf?V'acaiicy£ “
The baud engine “Fire Fly” has
been'sold-to the Doherty Organ Co.
for $50.
^ALl?.afrwhichHs. respec’tfuU-y-~sub---
’ . I-I. H-Walker; ■
Adopted. ' . ' " ^Ulmirman.
l'-inance, Committee recoinitioikI for
pay m e n t t h e . f o 11 o w i 11 g ti ccou n ts :—
J. G'a I lander, qf’s. salary, ^37.50; W,
JL lJH.isley, .do,, fel 12..50;. .Capt.jEir.-
Co.,"'“6Tm()uths salary, '$37.50, 'coat
foy uniform, $5; Devine, Ripe and
.O’Toole, work on dram, $23.50;
several atnalI accouj-its, freight, on
cedar, $14,40; draft for cedar, $150;
Geo. -E,.. Fay, account S. Pratt, "3
Rfiys work on engine, $6; J." Ryder,
do., $3.75; Crystal <fe. Black, testing
boiler. ,an(I ,■ i npairF $7i other r<>pjiirs
.and jacket $5.68; L, Trouse, salary
- for A priI. $21; rent for Mrs.. Devine,
$.L’.75 fW ."WTFar riuiji’nsui fa nee; AG j.
J. Ridout,' do.,: $24.80—making to
tal $428.7-8? .Recii?jpljL.forApr-i-l>i^
1 Weigh scales,,.^11,45;.tovyn hall, $29.
i Respectfully’submitted,
‘ ‘ • brahman 1
. Sppfidl Committee on main drain
reported .a scheme^ with inap.acebm'
panying: A 12-inch pipe from Fair’s
mill to corner of Mary street, 9 inch ■
pipe frmn'.Kennedy’s livery stable to
Orange. . street, 6-inch pipe along
Huron from North to Orange StK,
and —inch pipe from Orange aud
Alary stTcets to belli,qlnry,. In, nil
aiiout 5,41.2 feet, average, dZpth of 7
feet, at cost of $ 1.07 £ perjjoot Total
cost$5,818. About $50,000 worth
of property will be benefitted and the
idea is to levy special tax fm the
property to pay for drain. -Will
require $5q0 a year for 20 years to
pay principal and interest. Prelim
inary expenses, $80.
:• • 1). A, Forrester,
i . .. Cluiirinan.
The above report was laid over until
next meeting. . '
Slfeet Committee .report.Nnw
work: Grossing from G. Diehl's to
Mrs. Rlcock’s; sidewalk from Mrs.
Alcock’s to Ghidlev’s corner; cross
ing at’(Smithson’s; sidewalk from A.
Taylor’s to Huron .Road; crossing at
A, Taylors and at Mrs Griebs; side
walk from Rist fet. to west side,from
Huron to Ratten bury on Raglan St.,
east side Maple St., Albqi t to Queen
on John 8tq Rattonbury from Hale’s
to Young’s, North St. from Mhry to
Huron, stop nt Biddlecomb’s; dross*
on Rattenhury St, from Hibbing’s
housff to Fowkff's also on Mary St.,
at Pott’s corner, the whole to cost
$819.00. Q
(feigned)" Tiiob. Cooper,
Messrs. Manning and Cooper coik
tended in a lengthy but perfectly
parliamentary ’’discussion to have
this work done. The lleeve and
Deputy'Peeve and Mayor were also
quite anxious to have the xvork done,
buta.s pnly $1,200 had been appro'
priated for streets, they did not see
how they could accomplish it and
effect repairs which were absolutely
necessary. A sort of compromise
was effected by which it was agreed
that all of the appropriation not
required for repairs should be ex'
paudjaL in-carry ingt-xmb-tlje -naw -work-. --
suggested, with the prospect of in-
eluding in the July estimates a sup'
pleuiental grant for this‘'year> should
there not I e sufficient remaining of
the $1,200 grant of last year to do
all required,
A beautifully engrossed and il>
lyminated by-law was introduced by
deputy reeve Coats, seconded by
i i'hos. McKenzie,’»that every cow
running at large within the limits
of the town of Clinton at any time
during the months of November,
December, January, February’March
and April, in any year; or between <,
the.hours of eight o’clock in the-
afternoon .and,_. six. o’clock the
following morning during- the.
months of Ma^, June, July, August,
September and Qetober, in any year,
shall bo liable to be impounded,
with the usual
. /
After complying
formalities, liy-law was passed,
one dissenting.
f - ------- -- ----------.................. -----r
New Goods
.. .IuSt L....
^^BjgBrductrofffflirPlieW^apirAlbums, and. Cups and. Saucers.
^'Laurence’s Celebrated Pebble Glass Spectacles for sale, *"
We have added to our immense establishment a Dress-Making Department in connection with our Mantle
Department, MISS McMANIS has charge of both these departments, and while we have never advertised Dress«
Making, she has (privately) turned out some very excellent and nobby costumes. We bespeak for her a ehare of
.public patronage' and will GUARANTEE every Garment going out of our Establishment. She will have
experienced assistance to help her in running both Mantle and Dress Making. -
Alex. Jordan- 187, Bertha Aitken 185,
Arthur Bennett 176, Alami Carr 171,
(trace Webb 155, Herbert Castle 155,
Fred Ross 140, Rufus Andrews 138.
. Third Class—Alary AlcAIurehie, Alice
Twitehell, Clara Dayinent, Azie Gibbings,
Willie Moffett, Alay Campbell, Willie Big
gart, Bertie Hovey.
Second f ’ “
Powell, Jessie Gardiner, .......... .
ALaTeolm AlcQuaig, John Forrester,
First Class—Howard Grant, Grace
Overbury, Janies,AIcKenzie, Nellie Grimes,
Nellie AIcKenzie, James piiscoU.
■ jjisS simpson’s.” Division.
Fourth Class—Vina Cdok, Bertha Bean,
Frank Fair, Charlie Reeve. ' '
TliiriTtffass—Alittie Davis, Willie Davis
Harry Clulf, Olive Jlelyar. " 1 '
. SuconiF^CIuss—Frank ATercer, Cyril
Craig, Bessie Redmund, Alinnie fipling.
Class—Louis Doherty, Susie
>sie Gardiner, Winnie Youug,.
. ... ’ toy “ ---------—
A portion of the material for St.
Paul’s school house is'on the ground,
and digging, etc., has been com
Last Sunday morning the Rev.
j/Kenner preached in the Ontario
street Methodist Church a very in
teresting sermon, takiiig for bis text
Sonus of Solomon, 2nd chap., par . of
the 15th verse, as follows; ‘^Take
us the foxes,^the little foxes, that
spoil .the. vines.” : At the close Of.
the public service the sacrament of
the Lord’s jSuppe^r was administered
to a large number of the members of
The fourth .business quarterly
meeting of the .Ontario street SletbV
odist church was held Ins Y .
evening in the basement of.-the
church. ' ’
Rev. W. Craig, St. Paul’s church,
preached a special -sermon to the
Oddfellows Sunday before last. The
brethren wei’eninch pleased with the-
r&v. gentleman’s.able disCourte.
Last Sunday evening.the Rev. J.
■ Kenner preached a temperance ser-
■ nion. The &>od Templars aftend.ed
jn a body. The rjv. gentleman took
for his text St; Matthew, 7tli chap.,
part of The 18th verse, as follows
“A good tree cannot bring for'tli.eyil
fruit-” On account of the nighOie-
~-iiig.yvet no doubt many- were pre
vented ubmiiig out, b.ut .those Xvh.o.
' were present c'aunot fail to be beam-
fitted by the remarks of the'pastor.
, Porter’s Hill..
Sir. I noticed in News Record of
the 26 inst., a challenge from Messrs.
R'obdrt Elliott and James Blair, to
MessrS, Robert B. Elliott and Robert
Johnston to saw front, 1 to 5 cords of
wood for $15 a side, Now Sir, we are
, wil lingto saw with them ori their terms.
We hav.e ddposqted tlie full amount,
$15.00, with Mr.-Samuel Johnston of
the’Jth'con., where .they can" meet
. him and make final arrangments with
him, We would prefer the match
to come off on Saturday afternoon the
9th. inst., Signed. It, B. Elliott,and.R.
Johnston. ■ ' „
...... ’iiui.ett'
The Township Fathbhs.—A meet
ing of the lluliett Council was held
a^Londesboro on the 2“th Ult. All
the members were preseL’t except
the Reeve who is away jn Scotland.
By-law of 1884 dividing the to wnship
into road, divisions, alter bein& revis
ed was adopted fur the current year,
and a by-law passed appointing path
masters,j fenceviewers and pound
keepers, also lor the present year.
The statute labor for the present year*
was reduced one half. The sum of
$400 was granted for repairing roads
and bridges through the township
during the present year, viz., $80 to
be expended under the direction of
each of 'the Councillors in their ftes
spective divisions. A. T. McDonald
and J. Lasham were appointed to
" ’examine washout on concession road
10 and II, lot 36, and have the same
repaired, treasurer to pay fgr .said
. work when'■completed on (he order*
of tue said council o s. The Counq.il
adjourned to meet again at. Londes* ;
boro on the’ 26.th day of NJJty, being
the day; appointed for the court ,ol
revision. John Braithwaite.
/ . Clerk.
I 'aV
Luminous Dial Alarm Cljcks. The timtf1 can be seen ns well at night as by day
", —Cathedral Gong Cloaks striking tlje half hours.
” Call and Bee them at ■ ' s
* i
sL-Mwdtxy-' -giinpgOn;
Clinton Public School/
; The following is a statemen t of t/ie
n u in her of p ti p i Is- en.rolied, an 11'av er-
age altendan,ce. in ' each room- during
the month of April : ■
Division.. . .Na. o» roll. -Avg-. attendance
. Air. Lough’s. -48 42 ■ ■
■ Mr. Linklater.s 58 49 ’’ ''
— 48
53 ’ .
66 ’’
■ -62' .. ”
« ja ja. ula JSJia j
«• ...... .... v...
Ex-township clerk of Stanley,.-AV,
Blunkett; writing from Dakota, re-’
marks : “I wish Jto' commend .the
people of Stanley for electing Air.
...“Reeve again. During the
thirteen years I had tile honor to
clerk-Tor Stanley—the. greater part
of,whiclbtime Air. Sitnp&on was reeve
—I bad a good opportunity of'becom-
jng acquainted with Simpson's .mp
fives, i I lia've seen influences used
. to Swuy liim wjiiclr were hard to resist,
from both friends and relatives, but I
never knew Simpson to give his vote,
tor consent to a ine,asur.e'which was
not for.thp beriefi'tof the ratepayers.’’.
An old physician, retired from, practice,
having JjaA placed in his hands by an
East India missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanimt cure of Consum] tion,
Bronchitis, . Catarrh, Asthma and ’all
throat i,l nd Lung Affections, also a.’pos-
itive and radical cure for Nervous Debility
and' all Nervous Complaints, after having
tested; its wonderful ’Curative ^powers in
thousands’of cades, has felt it his duty io
iniko it known to hjs suffering fellows.'
Actuated by, this lnotive-and- a llesii’e to
relieve hunjair suffering, -I will send free
. of charge, to all’who desire it, this re-'
cipe, in Gorman, French or English, with
full diveetimis lor preparing anil using.
Sent by mail by addressing wftli stamp,
naming this paper,' W. A. NoYt!S,: 149
JPowei's Block, liQcliester, N, K .
■ , ’’ ■ . 311-ly-e.o, w.
F fl
W -
* Note Some of
Mankin Young Hyson,’40<;,, at
Bakhaong Young‘llyson; 65c., at - 50c
Japan, 40c,, at
Japan, 60c., at . 50c
Moyune Gunpowder, 75c., at
I (HIT nn
Our Prices: .
25e I Oolong, $1, at - - - - 75?
"C„ .20 lbs. Best Kaw Sugar, - - $1 00
50e 13£ lbskStundard Granulated Sugar,$1 00
• We Import onr Goods direct from Foreign Markets, and consequently can
quote you lower prices than those buying in the ordinary way.
‘TBHMS.CASH. Produce of all kinds taken same as cash. See ouFStook—
GetDor ‘Prices, and you. will find them right. . ' ■
C. J. TUTHILL & CO., :
• Hign of the China. Tea Carmistcr, Searle's New Block,. ’
y 1. ... CLINTO1T,' O1TT.
CongiyBest, 75c., at
. w
Miss Q’iSieill s •. 48 •
Miss, Field’s:. -6~)-“
•Miss Foxton’s 63
.‘ -Miss D.ickson.’s 73
Miss- liolirifes’ . 72
■ Miss Simpson ,s 93
Total,' ■' ■515,
The-result^of a written exainina-:
tion is given below. . •
- .. MR—fcOUC.Il's DIVISION. . ■*
Senior-section J marks attainable,
855:—J2va Spooner 700, Ida. Boles
666, 'Muriel'Redmond and Albert
. Mo.iTish, equal, 662; James Ball 654,•
Annie Filsiifitnous '636, Te'na’Cqoper.
' 6'_6, Win. ]Jal,l -619, Mary Carson 6L8;
Bella Cree 611;
•Junior section-marks attainable,
; 86J: -T-Iticliard H an.lon -612,;Maggie
Jackson 610-, Edith Brown 636, Cora
Van tassel 600, Sadie Qreig/587, Mag-
-gie Muir 582, Aggie Jackson 570, Jas.
iMarti.il 564, Annie Moore 562, Anna
Irwin 550;...
'■ ' • 3i«.''iaNKLATEii’lS DIVISION'. ’
Senior section, .marks attainable,
775 : —Em ma >S te p h e n son 663, .Sy d h ey
Smith 594, John A. Dqnlop 5j4, Mary
Wilkie 580, Minnie Cooper 555, Mary.
Munbr..547, Ilu’ldah Whitely^JJ,
■ hie Matheson 529, Carrie Coats 525,
Lillian .Miller 522, Arthur Craig 522;
Albert Moore 522, Wai; Jarvis 5^0,
Wm. Holloway j 1.5. • » i-
' Jun/or section, marks attainable,
775 Bessie Robb 566, Cadvena Mc
Donald 50<3, Mary llbbb 501,’’Sydney
Jackson 501, Albert Cottle'486, Mary
. .SiiepliAvd 475, Lizzie Carter 46Hf Mil
lie A ndrews 441, Inkerman Cantelon
423, Mary Dalsley'- 419, Minnie Her
man 418, Wm. Young f40‘2; Annie
Young 401., Arthur McRae, 393 Wm.
Tedford393? ‘ .
Senior -sectioiL marks, "attainable,
46b 7—Nettie Combe f-411, Hattie
RjMnball.404, Minjhje Jiu'mball 400.
E'rnma Webb -387y N-ellie Jarvis' 3.94,
Duliie I'Air 390, Henrietta; Ujllaby
284, E.va Ch id ley 366,. J/osie, Reeve
"ifiTG;'^Tdh'n'Scbtt 366, Mattie Shipley
'■365, S tyhl.
’ ••“ri.Libbie ' Gibbings 395, Kate
Taylor-380,. J J bbie „
JMiy McKowen 350, Wellesly
, Whitely- 343, Sydney J’Jrwi.n 343,
Eddie Twitchell .332,'Minnie Joy 297,
Fred. Brown 293. ’
IMarks attainable, 260 :—Qertie
Yqung 226,■ Winnie'“Slieperd 225,
Hattie forden 221, Percy Holmes 219,
Louisa Worthiiugton 218, Marshall
Morrish 218/ Jlaggle.,. Keane 217,
Dottie Fair 216, Amy Canlelon 215,
Etta Andrews 213, Mary Forden. 211,
Phemte-Morrison 21 fr Hattie Irwin
209, Fy^ink Boles 209, Robt. Downs
208, Aggie Hunt 208, Theo-. Specht
207, Sara' Win'd 207, Theo.' Kenny
20.6. Geo. Hudgens 205,'GracoDastian
205,-Pliemie Cree 205, Jennie 'Ham
ner 2Q5>.
Total No.
223, Mabel
218, Emma
240,—Susy Cook
, Clara F
i 21 , _
213,'Miilsd Ward
Janies Wilson 212,
nd ship
Annie War-
213, Edith R<
Frank Vpshall
I-Mijh Frctnlii
Mary Pratt 20;
Cordon, 203,L
Donald 201 Hi
199, Busy (Jim
Muir 196, Ho . . ..................._________
Blacker 164, Emma J'ipling 193,
sent um, marks attainable^ 300,—
'Davis’2'55, Annie Alexander 235,
uickshaiik 225,Nettie AlcRae 220,
Imston 220, Birdie Heywood 220,
ompsou 215, Mary Matheson 213,
[us 206, Robt. Kenny 205, Aino-
inmis 204, Robt. Twitehell 198,
av 188, Iff,a Holmes 188, Amelia
i 208, Ilattie Bowers 206,
>,David Cantelon 204, Jessie
ncy Sheppard 202, Jessie Me-
igh Archvr2(i0,Carrie. W alker
i 199, John Slonian 197, Ed.
race Jackson 19 J, Earnest
’Annie Cr
Lillie Jo
Laura Th
Alex An/
Jia Fitzsi
Jarnos Gi... _ „....... ............
Harland 185, James Fortune 183.
Junior section,, marks attainable, 300k-
Willie Erwin 213, Mabel Doherty 206,
Arthur Brown 205, Nellie Oliver 198,
’ ' ■■ -ISel ‘ rave.
’’ Air. Tlios. Wilkinson, of the 4th,
con., Morris is building a brick resid-
enqeuartd Mr’ J,as. Wilkinson of the
same line has made frame additions,
to’his house. /
’ Tlie Rodmin'bridge on the 4th of
.AIorriE! had, a close call from-, the
spring 'freshet. jyThe "superstructure
W’rs moved-'itRout a loot. ■ • '
.'Air. McMurray has bad luck with ,a
horse he "bought'last fall . from-. Aliy.
U?. Stanley,* llolmesyille. ..The anim
al lias . inflammatory ’ rheumatism in
the legs, has been six- weeks in the
■sling, and the V.’-S. does, not think
lie will ever get Well.
' A youn£ man who had been, obtain'-'
Mr Robt. McMurray about two'years
ago.when Air. AIcMurrny resided in-
Goderich'.township,'left home on the
4lh'of Alori'is one ni.glitTast week,and '
at time'of writing no. traces of him
Lad been obtained. He. is about
thirteen years of age; and any one
harboring hinr without notifying Air.
- Robt Alc-AluTra-y, BelgravedLn 0rr.-wiUT
be prosecuted by the. authorities of
the Home. .. ' ~ ' ’
• -The’second anni versary of.’the es
tablish men t of the 8alvation Army
in Yicturia, Australia, jvas.ce,lelwftt-
^.ciil^ou New YDar's Da'y by. a proces-
sioir^'ttTKL. (lemoiistration. . Three
thousand five hundred persons.book
partin the procession. TJie demon
stration was held on the South •Mel
bourne cricket ground.. “Colonel”
Ballington Booth,.tiie'son of “Gen
eral” Boolhf who presided, said-that
tlm revenue of the Army here now
amounted (o. .£27,000, ‘compaied
with '<£.10.Obj the previous year.
They had 11 freehold buildings, af
fording sitting aecoiiiuiod’atioii. for
11, 000, and 14 hired .buildings,, jn
which sitting accommodation’ wi s
provided for 20,200. There were.
32 ■ “corps” averaging about 250
tpembers each. ()ver 500 chronic
slaves of brink had been reformed
by the Army in Vicioria,’ and 400
fallen, women had become inmates'of'
the “homes” founded and maintain'
ed by the Army. He congratulated
.them ori the success of the movement
lfere. A . collection was made for
the funds of a M'rigdalen hospital it
“is desired/to estlrlili'sh. .
... Mrs Shaw, of Dunlop, is very, sick
at present, ’’ . .' . < ; . ■
Miss Old and Miss Polly Hogan,
of Carlow left on Monday for Detridt.
The'boys had lot's of. fun on, Friday
■ night with the help of some boys from
Goderich, and our village policeman
gave a grand exhibition of pugilistic
skill. •; . ■ •
Mt. Joseph Fritzley died here.. last-
,Mon day.. n igh t at the advatided, age
of: 09.-'- Mr.' ’Fritzley was one " of the
;old'est settlers, lie'was burled .on
Wednesday in the Colborne Cemet
ery- /'
Mr. John Walters pur Enterprising
-grocer has-bough t thd'’McDougal L ldt..
It contains about nineteen acres and
will be a valuable addition to.Jobifs
farm. The price is one thousand and-
■fifty dollars.
.No child or grown person can enjoy
perfect health if .troubled, with
worms. 1)R. SMITH’S .GERMAN
WORM RE.\1 EDY, is the most- el’--
fective worm destroyer in the world,
pleas-nt-to the taste, and’ safe. . Ask
your -druggist for it,, and .take no
other. ' ' 337-2t
young; menl-read this.
The Voltaic Belt Cd.’, -of Marshall,
Mich., after to send their celebrated Ei.i(c\
tiiic-Voltaic Belt and other Elhctric’
Avi'LrANcEs on ’tjrial for thirty, days.’ to*
.ihen. ('J’puiig or old) alllieted with uerxpuK
debility, loss of vitality.'and Manhood, and
all kindred troubles. .Also for rheuma
tism, neuralgia, paralysis, and mahy other
diseases.. Complete restoration to health,’
-vigoc'and inapliood .giiaran.te‘ed.... No..iisk.
is incurred as thirty days trial is'allowed.
Write them at once for illustrated painph-
lot free. t ’ ’ ” 318ry
, JA T] ’
jl 8 c/%
Lz;M 9
" ffRsT“opened ai; /rriE
Stylish Scotch Tweeds, - Beautiful New Trouserings,
’ . Handsome Spring Ouefcoatings.' / • •'
Al I Goods New. Ho old, accumulated Stock,
■ . Pants from $.3'up', Ail-Wool Tbueed Suits J12.
W^Perfect; Satisfaction Given or no sale.
hj ■ / .owa
i X
.Have Measure in announcing that, tjtp.ir-
• '/"' .............. .' ■”
, '• Ilowick. ; ’
The Council' met in Kennedy's
lintel, Eordwich, April ?2‘?2, pursuant
to adjourn uient.. Afembers all pres
ent.' The Reeve-in the*chair. ' .
Minutes of last meeting read and
approved. - • i
Letter read from John' Drummond
.in .i’gferericp to impairing gravel
road heaij Clifford. No 'action .tak
en. ■ ■ ■:...
Letters receiyed from the Home
for Incurables, and deaf and dumb
Institute at Belleville, in reference
to. F. Birch. Laid ..fiver for. Reeve
an/l Cl er kH-to-ari'ange-for th e sa me.
*" The Auditor’s report was present-
"efl'^ancLftlter- due consideration it-
was moved by Mr. (look, seconded
by Mr. Robertson, that the report be
adopted and the (Jlei;k get 200 copies
printed, and - that’-each put’imaster
receive one copy along with the
piithmaster list and also that'the'1
auditors be paid* $10 each,—Car-■
ried. _ 0 . '
Wilson-Robertson — That John
Corbet be. pathmaster“ instead of
Edw.«8othra;ML.\Ym Strong instead of
.John 'Sothefan, and Jas.'Dunlop in*
stead of Chas, Goiving,—Carried. '
- Johnston—Wilson -That the path-
masters instruct parties in their
.beats that any wood orothpr’'obstruo-
tio'n oh the road must be removed at
Cook — Johnston —-.That $’>0 he
granted for fencing agricultural
grounds in Fordwich.
Ydjts and nays colled for.
Yeas—Johnston and Cook,
Nays — Wilson and Robertson.
The Reeve voted a nay. ' Motion
Cook—Johnston — That Robert
.Jamison’s tender be accepted for the
building of the township hall on
condition that he fqrnish proper se
curity for.the due completion of
contract according to plan and speci
fication On or before October 1st.—
Johnston — Cook — That Messrs.
Wilson, Robertson and the Reeve
bo a committee to purchase the
site for the township halt.—Car
ried, J
Accounts passed — Jos.
oi\V, $6 for gravel; Geo.
$1.50, rep. culvert, s. 1. 25
9: Jas. Chambers, |J, rep,
Robertson —- Wilson „...
Council do now adjourn to m
Campbell’s hotel, ( ..............
third Wednesday In May next.—
f'arrlod, Wm. Dane,
, ' ” clerk.
& 36. eon ,'
culvert in
That 9 tho.
Gorrie, on ’ the
Wm. Dane
’ TTn'der life' matfagement- of " M I S S 'PIER SON "t " n 6 w rendy for ’'inSpeiHion ;'
Their'display will comprise some of the ■ , -
smith’s BLOCK, ' j»‘ . CL.INTON,'ONT,
' The correct place forporfcct-fittlng garments
at closest quotations. ...
"’“■’'Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured
...‘I.'IOR Sale by,Carlin? and Pinning, ..Glintpn;
I; The drudgery of ordinary hand elntrning/
avoided by securing one of the Olalruor’s Friends
They are cheap and durable. Sec ’/
’ ' '■ - ' " Cliytor1.
’ • ' .CLINTON / • ’ ’
rpHE. ANNUAL MEETINO/Jf tiio Shareholders
1. of the' (Jlinton -Gtirliug and Skating Rinfc
G'i>nipany,i for tlju lloception of BeporVL E.lcetipn-
of Directors, and general business, wiirije’lield
on MONDAY. 1,1th MAY (iafa.X'nt 7.U0, pan., ia
■thcUounqiLUliatilbor , < ,
President. SeereUry.-
•"":MAV2nd, 1885. 337—It
rpitE UNDERSIGNED has pnreliascd a Tlmr-
I otif/li-brwl Slant [torn Bull from Mr. John
Middloton, anti will lamp hirti for sorvk'b tin lilfi
farm. The charge will he $Lf>0, with privilege
of ybturiilng if necessary.
Goderich T.p., April 22nd, 1SS7>. Slid 4t
D LVmbER for sale, Will ho cut to order.
Apply tu • • ■ " '. -. ■ ’ U. DOHERTY, I
33!> tf Clinton Music Emporium
MENT VL PaIn i’ING, Paper Hanging and Decor
ating done in the Latest Style.
Frescoing, Kalsomining, Flags,
Banners, Etc,,
Attistlcftllj' gotpip. Orders promptly attended td;
March. 30th, mi. . fl 332-3t
CEO. pons. House,-Sign,
va’rutaub d- tfUifjiKAt p&ixriMt.
Pajicr Uanffing hud JfttlMnMnff Mond tn ‘tiOM,. School iilae/ihowls a specialty., ifalis-
facf'on ’tiiiarantec.t and, prices with the -times, litsidence—Mary sired, ■C'LJXTON. SS/fUm
mill: 9
L Thon
to threat
offer's -for tmie -several
HullP,rAtuamr fn
good condition.
.iT»LF,rox, r,int.e\pnl II, ISA,
o’-bm) lnirli.it
ii>,W (•t figfi, it
F. o.
;;i It
Goods, which for Design,_Shades and Materials cannot be surpassed, .Remember.
a” ■ , . the stand—Upposite the .Market Square,
D3. ’W’, Tzr A.-v//"! examine—-—■■
* 1 , ~ “
Tn returning thanks to my’many friendBufnd patrons fdr .pnst'patronage, I- would
like to call their special attotition to tny very complete stock of
” ' ' Speeiiii attention is directed to my Btofck^of
■ . ■
It will be found very cj/nipleto, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by
any onff. As I einpl none but, the best workmen, and use flic best material to bo '
bought in the-mark t, .all who may favor me with their patronage may feel cOnfidi-tit ’
t ..of getting, satisfaction.
„ .....
"W'.v. Viui and see subek
QT .TT<rrT1O‘Kr
" * r” * A <
New Season’s TeaS from 15 to 75c. per Found
Chase ci Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades and Prices.
Christie, Brown &.Co’s Bison
targe and Complete Stock of China, New Crockery, Gla^ward/ &c<
Goods promptly delivered. : Cali and examine our store, wlijxffi is the
General Grocers and Produce Merchants)
Choice, Fresh F
ily Groceries
Farm Producj/taken at Highest Price.