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The Huron News-Record, 1885-04-29, Page 4
NEWSPAPER laws We call the special attention of Bost iv-kw-s an-.i sobabH^ers to''tlw following i fi rn ii. if :»gp-;b qf the newspaper laws t-~ fl--A p’Witjsrer is"Tv?p:flnM~tw give >.W8 ux j-KHfiR uetmwug ayuperdwa .t answer the law) wbviiatiubsrriheriioi’s >t tak<’ Lis impel out M the ofike, and am th? fvr its' not being taken, i.y uegleet to makes tlie postmaster ” -livin for payment, ikrs ids payer dis- a all ai rearages, o nthnm ’ ‘ * . and •eipnmjtJli If a' : .minced, It- lb Hi th- mi’1 '/•A .ffliv diSeonti: $- PU tl 4- ’vr HI a i h t I I . S' 4»/ll il-t 1,it lu rail A:i 1st Qlli '.an e P fill li I; ev d hath ii-ibl<li if dr ol 1 lb c LU’ .&I H1 a •li X 4. Ui I' 1.1 ll ,t, ■t .1 ... - l|' ’ to send it. . eollwt the taken from be ffa legal ivnt is mmle, a paper front .■'.-IM to bls be has sub- for the pay. L»( T' oprietor fiw J i I driri prietm A uun was v eil fin In a it pro igh it notili nue.‘ I to pay foi - pap luo foi It ;V i the and uni siibsciiptii Talinuge on Kollers.; hour later, Morris Tucker bent grace* fully over Meta's hand# and respond • ed politely to h®** nordift) greeting. He met all her advances with such ‘ evident pleasure in his welcome ( that her heart beat high with hope, s Life had been a struggle for a rich j busband ever since she made her , debut in society, and now there was one paying her deferential attention upon whose h«art she had once made deep impressionr Would he forget that druel parting interview, and lay bls fortune once more at her feet? Mr, Cooke, a young man about half witted, possessed of $260,000, watched the brilliant beauty who had smiled so sweetly upon him all winter with JealouS eyes after Morris entered the room, buk^Meta forgot him in her new-borirhope. AR the evening Morris hoveled about Meta, wondering where Clarice bad hidden herself; but when the supper call thinned the rooms Meta missed her cavalier, In the conservatory Morris had seen a vision of a golden head and white, fluttering dress; and Clar- ire, half hidden by a flowering screen, saw him desert Meta to come beside her, Longing to see him, in an agony of maidenly—shame at the secret* she had revealerL iYhen they parted^-sha. bid there to watch him unseen. But he came quickly across -the flower-bordered path to.her side, and taking her hand in his, said: ‘Clarice, I have come fill the way from California to try -td win your love. Little one, with all my heart I love. you, My ^e> hope of happi- ‘nesff.is the hope that you will be my wi fe. M tis 11 go back again desolate, or will you bid me stay ?’ She looked into the earnest face, the pleading eyes, and her heart grew faint with its own happiness as she whispered : . ' ‘Stay, for Move you, Morris? Meta saw .the sister she had-al ways despised for'her timidity, and the, lover she had thrown aside In his. poverty, enter tne drawing-room together,' arid her heart was full of jealous anger as she read their secret in their happy faces!1, . f She has been Mrs. Qoqke for three- years—the miserable wife of a jealous miser, whose sole aims ih life are to . save money and to keep his wife out of society. It this unhappy home there is/ionstant quarrelling, while Morris, blesses every hour the tem porary poverty'that led him toap- , preciate the'heart of his little wife, and won for him a knowledge qf .the treasure Of her love. - There, is a tod- 'dling. boy, named j.phn, who calls ’Morris:,Apapa.Land. in- the - peaceful - happiness of her home life-and moth er lov\Clarice is rapidly conquering her timidity and letting the world of- ^ocie.Ly^-.s^-sdmeti-mes—w-hat- an ac- complished^graoeful -lady Morris' has won for his wifft-’ . -Arid Morris, folding her to his heart will often say: tenderly . ■ ‘The happiness' of\my life com menced, Clarice, -when\your tender sympathy greeted r-me a’b^the -time T ..was under a cloud? r was schooling her daughter to meet the emergency. ; ‘Did you write to Morris, Meta ?’ she asked, languidly atirring her eof fee..... ...... ‘Not yet? was the reply, ‘HewiR probably call, being an honorable gentleman, mamma.’ j <1 hope you will he firm, Meta. Remember that you harp been the injured party throughout. From the lime your poor papa dted I have had ., every reason £5 believe Mr. Tucker would make you and your sister the heiress of bis property. He worship- ped your aunt, and he never ♦poke of any relatives of his own till this nephew appeared, I believe there was some quarrel between the broth. ,ei-s that ended in the younger tne going West, wh£l§ John, the elder, remained here. At all events it is very clear now that Morris would have been heir to the business and property if this failure had not hap pened. Yon are to be congratulated that it came before the weddings In stead of after? Meta shrugged her shoulders, ‘Yes j Love in a cottage is not jn my style?’ And while she spoke the* bell rang, ami she knew her . lover was waiting to test her cold, worldly heart. She sauntered with easy grace into the drawingroom, while up-stairs' in her'own room her sister Clarice wept for the pain that was to fall upon Morris Tucker's fljeivrt. . ’ ., She was a brown-eyed, golden- haired girly whose quiet, unpretend ing charros-.-had long been evershf^r'i owed by the more brilliant beauty of her sister Meta. She wfts timid to a fault, an 1 was her mother’s greatest affliction in her career of fashionable gayety.. Her beauty was of the de-. llcate order that does not .strike at first glance; rind her affections were carefully hidden in her shrinking gentle heart;- • She had given John Tuaker true love since she was a mere baby and sat upon his knee, playing with his watchchftin. She had never thought of bis money, arid when Morris came she was only, glad that (her dear old uncle,as she called him, was to have a companion'arid a friend. She had hever . questioned her heart about Morris Tucker, rejoicing sincerely when 1’iis engagement . with • Meta’ 'drew him into nearer brotherly relat ion with'herself. Shyly as she had liked him, so she crept away to weep "for" h’fmT'The' utter heartlessneBs that would throw him aside iff his trouble was. only comprehensive- 'to her from knowing w,eR how ber^ mother and*'"'' sister worshipped wealth. ___. ■ ______: She heard th’e door of the drawing-, room open, and her sister’s voice say coldly : . ' ° . -—IGood ..eve-mngr-Mi'.Jr-ucker.^You~. have my best wishes for your future. .success?. ’ - . - ' Then a voice as cold and haughty answered : ' • ‘Thank you, T have the honor to wish you good evening.,’ * > The drawi ng-room door closed, and Clarice-could'■ see Morris, standing under the' hall lamp,- silent and evi dently Wishing to recover'somewhat from the painTof the trying interview before going into the street. Tie was very pale*, arid the brightness that had formed one of. theigrentest "attractions of his. face was filTTtWBte^ en ■ from it. The sad, .pallid , face conquered all Clarice’s shyness.’ Witji a sudden, irrisistible impulse she glided, down the stairs and stood beside Morris. lie did /not hear ' the light foot .fail upon the'thick car pet', nor see-that he -was not alone, until -ft ’ soft* touch' on his arm Start led -him.; Looking down he saw . a sweet, pleading face, soft brown eyes, misty .with unshed fears, raised ‘ to his own,- -while Clarice said", in a low voice : ■ ■ ’ \ ‘Morris, I-must tell .you how sorry I feel for you and-Uncle John.’ - -. ‘Thank you'?' he said, ‘gravely, cov ering the little white hand upon-his arm .with his own-; ‘I will tell my un cle, what you savt’ ' ’ *. ‘Tell him? she spill, earnestly, that - Beliak n6Yr’ieniii'W'’iil/’luveB^ifTra ’mor*/ truly than I do—no one whp feels j.^mor/'deeply any misfortune that eftn >•happen.'to him? . ‘I* will carry your message. And, will you wish me- God spehd, too, Clarice? I .shall, sail for California in a few days? ' ^.The large, brown eyes dilated, .' while the . sweet face grew, white as snow! The blow was tod sudden. \Vitho'u.t-tword..or murmer, Clarice fell forward, fainting. Morris* caught her in his arms and carried her to - the library?. It was~dark‘ there, and no brie saw the Lfps de pressed upon the pale .lips before he put Clarice gently upon, the sola , and ieft-Irerv ite'did TTOt linger again ih the hall. Snatching Iris coat and hat hurriedly . fibm the rack he strode into tiie*' street and walked rapidly Home- ward. ’ ’ ' v - Five years passed ’ swiftly??and •Mettu CfessweU had -mitered little, when, five years-after her parting in- : terview with “Morris Tucker, she stood in the wine drawing-room of her mother’s house; waiting to greet a number of incited gtiests. Time hafl matured her beauty, land taken nothing from her great attractions. Clariee, shy as ever, and pretty ns a violet, stood neat* Tier- sister, while Mrs. Grossweil Velvet and diamonds, spoke hurried- lys . , * ‘Here is strango- nows, Meta. Mr. Jarvis has asked permission to bring a friend, and -who do you suppose.it it?’ . •-• ‘I cannot guess? saicf^eteTT1^ guidlyj some musical man I sup pose, as Mr. Jarvis is so devoted to Euterpe? ‘No; it is Morris Tucker I Oh, Meta lam glad you have not positively accepted young Cooke 1’ ‘I (bought you were.ver^ anxious to be mother-in-law to his 1200,000 ?’ ‘But not'since I have heard-MK- Jarvts’ news. My love, John Tucker had some land claim,5 . in California that Morris hunted up and sold for more flmn •' double young Cooke s fortune, . He has come home how, and is settling his uncle’s batate, bo* ing his heir to every tiling? ‘Uncle John dead-?.’ criodiClarice, ‘ Yes, more than a y ear ago, though Morris has just relumed. Tho boll I Somo one is coming I’ In tho. crowded drawing-room, an 1 id is. •11 :l mt me be mRawWRi. «t. Pau' $ Church---Services on Sunday at. 11 4 -1. i-i-i 7 p. ui. "Bihfe Class, 10 a,ro. Sunday 5 . >vL s.30 0.111. Service on Wednesday, S pan K-;v. Wn.i4.Vl OraIO, B. J)., Rector CanaLi Methodist.—Services nt 10.80 a. tn. . ?. >-•> p;. m... Sabbath Scbod at 2.30 p. m. L|!V. .1 Giniv,Pe-'cr. ' ..Li ?a- <!>• i .-runi.r- Services at 11 a.m. an.3 0 <w o. n. Si'ihlth Schoo), Z.80 p. m. Rbv. At.l.X tua-VART,. Pastor. Bible''hrtitUn.—Services at 10.80 a, in. and l.wp. in- Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. Rbv, J. Ui-.xxi-k. Pietor. Oun'i-t "liuo-h.—Service nt 0.30 p, m. Sab- 0 fill K -i.Cil. 2..1II p. in. Hsv J. llKAV, PitstO'-, The question had been put to him, he said, by many of hia own- people whether roller skating was beneliyiaK or ityormum Btinm euitnhle recrea tlve amusement whs needed for lhe young mm whose home was‘the boarding house, who could not bent prayffr metTings every night even it he would, who was tired sidling goods all day to people who did not want to buy—(laughter) —who had no appetite fur astronomy, (Luugl » ter.). Ami the question was wheth er something better could not be provided for him in the shape of amusement than was furnished, by those places in which the body be came asphyxiated, the mind weaken ed and. the morals were undermiurd. What was wanted was something which would put our boys and girls at the goal of manljood and woman hood. Was roller skating such an am 0 semen a as met the want, as came up to the high requirement? yjss ! ANO No I «aid Dr, .Talmage. Yes 1 with striction, jNo I if unguarded, ing rinks are not all the same,” exclaimed the preacher. f'The dif ference I etween one skating rink audjanqtl er is sometimes im great as between heaven and hell.” If he used his shotgun he did not wish, like 51 acDonald of Glengarry, to be shooting every man on a while horse, but to shoot ’the right man every time. Roller skatine, he thought,came well up to the required standard. It was a healthful, re creative amusement, and it was not necessarily' associated with tempta tion or sin. It was good exercise for both sexes. ' Jit would put a rose in the cheek- of beauty—-Such a rose as was seen in England — and 4f. would check incipient insanity and drive away mer.cilness neuralgia. . AYER’S PILLS A large proportion ot Uw diseases whicli <tawo hnniau aufferimg result from derange- M ff «C thy amiuach, hoivoh, and fiver Av ;u's Catuabtw Pinns Act .directly npoc Cl n tl ■p V it yf tlta Mwutach, hoivvte, miff: fiver The Miracle. a; f: SI re ‘Ska’s TEIIO iscrrrtozw . feciR $UR &TORY-'?’feEADERS. . UTOM_A_CL0UD- Morris Tucker and his uncle sat at their cosy breakfast table .one winter morning, each with a copy of the morning’s paper in _his hand,—each- with a clouded brow and troubled eye. The elder gentleman was the first to speak. 'It is a bad.busih’essTMdrFisT ” ™ *.\- Lad business indeed, sir I’ Then there was-another long .si lence, while each again read • the o ninous'uews of the failure of a firm whose business was so involved with their.owiwtb-t the failure of one house ws other, dish, DParlv utter ruin to the Tiie hot chops cooled on the 7 jbhe coffee was Untouched, and the .break-fast literally forgotten, when the gentleman Jeft the house ti ascertain the extent oLtheii’ mia- !' romps. Bad as they feared these Wo'i^Tr'jTr^vrUT^’^^TfiYYweUP-’SVe'rr v it-ie ihfo' ti e anticipation, and before night the old firm of Tucker a- f.'o. was in the list of failures-. ’I here was a dreary amount of hard, uisoistyful work'to be done after the t.iiiure was- an established fact; but I'-lorris Tucket* never flinched from rny tiu-k or interview ■ t'll nights shadows fell, and lie faced his uncle rC. the table once more. Then, with set features^and a pale face, he said: ' •If von can spare me for an hour, sir, I think I had better call on Miss Cress well.’ . ‘1 can spare yon, but are vou wise to hurry an interview that, I fear, will be vt-i-y painful ?’ •Letter to understand m.y position at once, sir. If—------’ be moistened the. dry .lipa. here.the --woigls;; choked him-‘if Meta is true to me' I will remain here, ajpl try to work my wav up again to the position LJ held only yesterday. If she frees me' from my engagement., I accept you.r,. 'pixiposnl Togo to California; ‘I think it is a good time to look up those old cbiims,’ said Mr. Tucker, sliding easily over the’ first part of hjf liephew’s speech; mouev in (hem-.’ *AVe will see! If I. do. not go we may, be able to fitid some trusty mes- ’se.n!gei.-s’.^;,M ’ ■ •I am. airaid you will go? h'rs unc-le said. i ■Hi may be. Mrs. Cress we 11 is ft worldly woman.' ‘Meta is a worldly woman I Nay, let me speak, Morris. I have said nothing before, though my heart was •sore over yorn* choice of a wife. Meta i-i .vondm-inlly fascinating, beautiful ane itceornplished as but few wprnep jure, but she is thoroughly heartless. J hoped your choice would fall on !< 'lance.' ■ 'Clarice ! She is a mere child? ‘Only two years younger than Meta X love her very dearly, |Moi- I is.’ .... * *■ ‘but you are fond of Meta !' ‘Nd. For her father’s sake, th# n-other of my dead wife, I have He'd to love Meta,' but she repels net' 5 ' •‘Yet you never spoke when I o.d you 1 should seek to win her :>ve. ‘Because love is too sacred in my vys for any one to interfere with its x|*rp.o“iom If Meta loves you I will v« her wiii-m welcome and cordial- lectmn- when she b. comes your ifo, Morris. But nerve yourself for e worst, my boy? ' . Nvivrd for the worst Morris Tuck- sought his betrothed bride. From i time he had come from his Wes- n Imine, an orphaned lad ofnlno- n, to accept his Uncle’s offer of a rm, he had met Meta Crcsvvvell stantlv. Ho had .received cor- I Welcome from her (mother^ and ! tvbt- -strspeeteiL-the schemes and tie ii.flsiences that had led him step by step, from the position of id to that of accepted suitor of beautiful girl. While his feet » bringing him slowly to the fhd- tons interview after the failure io firm of which his uncle liad o f um full partner, Mrs'Cress well magnificent in <4 What is.a ixentleiiian? \ What is a gentleman? Is' it a.thing . Decked with a .scarfqain, a chain, J and a ring, \ .-' ’ Dressed in a-suit of-iramaeulate style, Sporting an eye-glass, a ’lisp, ancl.-.a smile? « Talking-of operas, concerts and balls; Evening . assemblies and afternoon • ' calls, ■ .. . ■ Sunning himself, at ‘.At Homes’ arid bazars, ... ,. ' ? ■ : Whistling ’ maxurkas, and sinplcing cigars?....' '•'’* ■ ' What is a gentlemen? Say, is .it ano Boasting of- conquests and deeds he. has done? One who.' unbusb-ingly glories to Speak ■ ’ *..' Thing's which should call up a flush to his-cheek? Ouq, wild, whilst railing ai*actions uh- - just. j -- - . .? Robs some young heart af-ibs pure ness and’trust;*. ‘ - Scorns to steal’money, or jewels, or Wealth, 1 *. . ; . ■ ' ■ "Tlimks it noJCrime to’ take honor by .-.stealth?' • ' What is. a gentleman? Is it not ono Knowing instinctively what he should , ' iihun ' - Speaking no word that can.injure or paiif, . ' . A .Spreading no scandal and deop’nipg . no stain? ■ ' .One?whe‘knows how to put each at his ease, '■-. , ’ ■ Striving instinctively .always to -please; ? One who Cffffi tall by a glarico af'ydur -,. cheek, U - When ' to.'bo/srient, and whan lfo~ should speak, -iWhat is a gentleman? Is it liot one . Honestly qating the ■ bread he has . ■ won, ' '< f " Living iu ^uprightness, fearing lijs .God, ...... m., Leaving.no stain Off the path lie has ■ trod, ' • ' ' Caring not whether his coat may be ■ oW’ Prizing sincerity far above gold; *’ ' • • Racking, not whether Tiis hand may . be hard, * ’ Stretching out boldly to grasp its to ward? ’ What is a gentleman?-Say, is it birth Makes a man'noblo, oi* adds. to his * worth? *■?..'’ Is there a family' tree to bo had ? = ^Spreading enough ■ to conceal what is bad? . Seek out the man who lias God his Guide Nothing to blush for’and nothing hide; ■ Bo ho a lioWo, or-be he in trade, ffVitx is tho gentleman Nature made, for to has Tltc Secret OOt. The secret of success ef ’Burdock Blend Bitters is that it acts upmfthe bowels, the liver, the kidneys, the skin and the bleed) removing ob- struotiems and hnpiy'ting’health and vigoik 3SU 3b ITuid lightning. Thera Are but few who hava never suffered Almost Intolerable pain from Toothoehe, Xonnj. gia, or llkOiieuta.palmf: TothOMsuch tin inatmit relief m Fluid -tlghtnlMis an untold blessing in time of' trouble. NO disgusting offensivo med- k iniis to he taken for davs. ()no anuiiftition-of Fluid Lightning enres. Bold at the tirug store. iftLIt ■ ia orgaxw, wff are especially ffwlgwff & ir» the fflayqaow caused by their fferwige- :,t, includiug Constipation, -* a, laymyJOysentery, ui a bust of other aiimeiita, for ail of L-.-U tlicy are a safe, sure, prompt;, am) e. .i..n ........... ■ ’ ( M by : ti 1 tai wJy. Ube extensive use of these linent phjHieimiB in regular pr«c- unmifwilnibly the, esUiwffiwi in 3 si- i. VL*0.» A R1 •3 LUyy are livid by the medical protas- je Bills are compounded oi vegetable • "'s only, luiffare absolutely tree ftom flor any other injurious iugiviUeufc; 8u ffever from Headache -writes: 1‘h.ls are invaluable to me, and iy ^oustapt companion. I have been L-re j-nli'-n’iT from Heiulache, and your are the only thing I could look to ’’■L ojm ffose will quickly move iny nl free my head from pain, They loan cilecUvi) and the easiest physio ;r found, fftis a pleasure to me ta the))* praise, ami I always do so islou oners. . I.. I'amt, of TV. I,. Page & Bro.’* n St., Iilehinoud,Va,,dunp 5, JBM* ’0 11 ILL.- '-* i-- li -r. av.-ls. mi *" me in I.-*.tv eye ocen -" \V. .nlclii haveTiscrt Ar eh’s PillsIh. nuwber- lustiuices as rei-uuH»e»ued by you, miff never lniowa tUem to full to accoiiipllslr -.wire) result. We constantly keep them niff at our home, and prlxe theni as a ant, safe, and reliable family medicine. ............. • ---- -- - - -3, ' J. 'J. liAl-ES,” i- U>w.* Xem t. eat wwi r-a “J less i. have i th- <k mi Im b Vit Di‘3L’Nl'SiA they are iuvuiuabio. A. t. iuims,'' Alexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The Rev, JTiancis B, IIatilowt:, writing w# Jth' ~ ------ ------- isc 1 in a whl .a of i f) I' b Jj< j?or some years x_ —- ■-.lan led I jiicreiisin itlis ago I’liey Bv tfa, saySiRlff-'w pvisiv yem 'e been subject to comtlpatloi li, in spite of tire use of med rious kinds, I suffered iverear"' ice,, until some mouths ago ipg zirmt’s Pills. They M- .wrecteff the costive habit, ai istly improved my geuontl health.”l.'O Avril's Cathartic Fills correct irregu- i-ilies of the bowels, stimulate the appe- il iJI{'uStioi>,And,'by their prompt mid ?h notion give tone uml vigor tq IM Jai-ili tita lMr< _ ...................._ Whole physical euonoiny, PliEFABEP BY Dr. J. O. Ayer &Co», Lowell, Mass. Sold-by all Druggist?. 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C'empleto “.Letters- of Junius.** JrvIrig’S Kip Van Winkle anil Other Sketches* WashlnKton’S Farewell anff Other Addresses* . Macaulay's JJfo of rrcffertak the Great, *•-------, The above cannot be obtained, from any other publishing house for less than $10; my price is postage 30 cbnbfc “This is indeed a wonder-book, in|he anuymt anil va)uablfii quality of its contents. The wonder is how such ft bookF which is a library in itself, can be sold at such ft price?’— odist Jiccorder, I’ittsburgh, Pa, “Your ‘Historical AVonder-Book* IS a wonder—a wonder1- how an imperial octav-o volume of over 1,000 pages, withmuny illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, eon* tafning four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for $2,50?’—Dunson J. Dossing, LL.D., the Historian. A | TUi-s Coupon wtH-ba• received Jn lieu of t’ente vwKtP’TMra tbal 8 nit rxEMTn vn of wHInr c»f ahnv e work#, if «jont? within ten dayttjrotpdfcte of; I J vG> |W I *3?a tiifonvoMou nAtno of pfiper). Tbfs offer Is w your ■ j pUOMrT ravponnu u;h1 inUJ^ate the, vuyinw? ndvertWng jnedinp^ | lOO’-lf,A(jrK CATALOG UH sent free. Thu best lit* eratura of the world at the lowest prices ever known, Books sent for laXAAII^ATIO^ BISFOTtH PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B, ALDEN, Publisher, I1. O. Box 1227. 393 Pearl StreetiMew YwrlU Two I-Iigbland men were having a dispute about lsow-a certain miqister ’ g, the bthec him. At last oiie said-— - he preaches,,U no as if .the ire trye.at all. It’is shush i' tn good speerit out of ta fillin’it tyi’water. There’s little pitfriti that, I’m tqld-tiftst; he .says that’ Jonah was an emblem of evil, “and the wi»ale-\|^,s a public* house, whaur Jonah was taken in, ..when, after three* days, they hi).d stripped everything off the sailor, they cast him. out. ' It is most awfu’. Nita that I’ll deny there ’is deeficulties. ”Tt has . al waft' been a deeticulty to me hoo* five men ate or could eat, three thpu- sand-loaves, I canna eatjmore nor- aneat a time mysdlf, put.it was thcit ■ ‘2)^rh(t,ps tJcat'was tkemeeTacle.1 . „-^IAmi-did -yon, h’n-all-yoUK-tra-vels?.- sai’d aiiother, joining the attack,,to the. firs.t who itad been a sailor, ‘ever ( .see a whajMwad tek’ in a man in sic li manner 1 That’s a question the minister lias often put' to me, so it’s, clear lie doesnff believe ip it?’ ‘No I never did 1 put maybe the whales in Jonah’s time were pigger thahnoo;. But, ony way, I. wisb-you- would .title’ the lesson the minister gied to .John.Fr&quaiywha-was «ye aski ng' 11 i m hat’d.-q ti es ti on s -1 i ke.^tlre - Avbide, and things- like it.’ ' .. . " ‘What 'was that?’ * * •' , ‘Weel? says h»,.‘if-yo.u- had goot ■pit o’ bee? put down -before ye when ye Was hungry, it’s .not on,the. bones- \yh' would p/gi’n' first-. • Thete’s fine, "jhicy sappy things in’the Bible, an’ it would be ..’better to be ffel-din’ on chei& than to be worrying oV.er dry fiqffes like the whale.’ preached/ one defendii abusing ‘■The wav Bible Wt likedakii pottle aii’ • ■ 'A Ciood Test . .*' ’-For over sixteen-years G--AL* Ever est, of Forest, ■ has sold Hagyard’s ■Sectoral ' Balsam/ and its sales are steadily, increasing. , It. Cures coughs, ..colds and, all. luirgHcoraplaints; is.. pleasant to take and always reliable. - • . i_' ‘ ’ 334-3t' ———_—1——-——i • An Irish officer; giving-orders to a< rsentinel, commanded trim ‘not “to stir a foot, but "walk up find down', and see what,he could hear.’ • . ' ■ TlIE.GREAT PEIIMAN'ENCV OI-’ MuftRAY & Lanman's FLoiiiiiA Water-gives it a wonderful advantage over nearly all other perfumes; days and. weeks after ■its application the handkerchief of •gulTijeiit' exhafes u soli riuh frag-1 rance,, agreeable, refreshing, and healthful. ■ ' •’ . ' . . ^□YbatTio-wkl^Aveftthej-<-Weh!e'^ah,~ having, Wowilge? remarked one-dude to a brother dude as he met him .yes-, terd.ay, ‘.Ba Jove, yaas? rephed the other • 'and don’t chew know, when I. went.out this morning, I**ah didn’t know it was so ’beastly cold, and 1 took my summer cane, i£tid; caught a hotvid’cold, yer know?. . • A NAHAL INJECTOR free with ....„ „„„—.i Rem- Price CO cenls.- Sold by J. II. each bottle, of Shiloh’s Catarrh ed.v, T Combe,336 Jy “Qu'nntiiy ip medicine is.no indication of value,^^V^s'SMMpavfna-ls-can* -CentrateiJ ■ And pnwerhff^i'equlres a (Smaller'rios'e, and is. more effective, dOse -fOE,* dose, than any -other r-ar* saparilla. It is the best of all blood medicines. ’' Soun Turoat.—The *best cure we knotv of for sore throat is a gargle, of Pain-Killer and water--it acta like magic. , • ' There are-150,000,000 woman and girls in China,nearly all of whom are uneducated and ignorant. Chinese woman are secluded, and' it is con- trnry th custom for asttfthaer of the male sex to speak to a woman. SHILOH 8 CURB will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by. J. H. Combe. 336-ly Roane (parsonage in Hampshire,) —Vicar (to Scotch gardener,-who has given up his situation .* AVell,Sandy, I hear you ,nre about to lenyo us ?’ Sandy : fAy,ay, sirj it’s quite true? Vicar: 'Indeed, I thought you were well-placed with your-—’ Sandy ; 'Oh, I hae nae fau'tto fin’, wi’ aither you,or the leddy4,.but, man, the folk ahoy there dinttn respect the Sawbath an’ they keep awfu’ bad whusky,’ FOR DYvSMPSbt and Liver Com- plaint,-you have a printed giinrantec on every bottle of bhiloh's Vitnliger. ft MeverJfanS'toeure. .Sold by J. It, Combe, 326 Jy. spring seems to have arrived in very truth. the winter xyhioh has been almost beyoud ptecoconf. <■ Woydl welcome it, after i tedious If the May flowers arc to correa pond with thomnmber of April show ers they will bo few this springy Dr, Low’s Pl6ftRahf'Wdtfh;Bypyp-«' An agfoeable, safe and elFectual re- { medy to remov^Il kinds of "worm; | 332-31 1 crojEEHsr llhisxjIHi, . ------.MANUFACTURER of— CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C., Cotner o£ Huron , aad Orange Streets, CLINTON. " ’* The Improved Timpkin Baggy a Specialty. In Durability, Lightness, and Appearance equalled by no other! All the latest improved vehicles kept constantly on hand. Fl RST-CL, ASS BLACKSMITH io connection - Best material pad workmanship in all- • • • branches,'-.. . ’ ’ • . ’ ' Alt WORK WARRANTED. - -4 PRICES REASONABLE, ■ ©Ssr’-Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to. ■deuce the vnivlcrful icticiid effects of i Sarsaparilla, n.witli Sore Eyes, Sore mv scrofulous or syph- ituta healthy aud strong YCTIG, OLD, AND ■ ’MIDDLE’ A-.LD. ilitie ■ ' ■ its Sold by all Druggists; ®1, ?ix bottles for ■»-»— .............■■■■■»-■• YOUNG MEN’-READ The Voltaic Belt Co?, 6'1 Mich., offer to sontl their eolebi TRtc- voltaic Belt and otlie Appliances on trial for thirl men (young or old) afflicted .wi debility, loss of vitali ty and ma all kiudve.l troubles. Also f< tisni, neuralgia, paralysis, and disease^. Complete restovidioi vigor and manhood guaranteed is incurved as thirty days trial Write them' at once for illustra lot free. ■ ' it, All exper •llOJJI Ayer’s Children Data, or a. may be mt . is one of th ent perfume bo found su■ffi most p prepare ieieut to room, ss-stopp .ers Ufiir >• ith mb 4 here are 60 elephants in tlie.Aini- ted'States" ranging Tn nrica§--from 4j3,00.0 to $20,000,. ’. . WHY -WILL YOU cougli-.when fjhilqh’s Cure will ^.give immediate relief."- Price lOcts? 50 cts<, and $T. Sold by J. Jl? Combei . ' 336-ly. The population of London is -shel- te.red byr500,000 dwellings. ’ _Coughs and Colds — If taken in time are easily^.cured,'il allowed to continue wjli result in incurable con sumption. ' Alien’s Lung Balsam has the confidence and sup.port-of the medical, faculty, and it is recorn- m.ended. by all who., are itcquainted with its virtues. *. ' ‘ ■ This how the "§als”’ looked at a soiree: "Mary Monroe, red .frock, white sack,"and hair buricbedj Emma* Latrobe,yellow dress and high heel ed slippers-; Marion Willoughby,-some ■kin.d of thin stuff) white,-and tjed up with blue’tape, . and hair JrizKied; .JenniivMui’chiso!.!, black'*clothes anil a leather in her'hair; Ella. Wexford, ■red hair- and grey suit, flat in Ji-ont and stuck out behind. Pauline Tr-es ley, bigger’.n a tub, and dressed trt’the- top-branch, she had a velvet outfit a' -mrle':long,-inH.i:si Xteen rowsTTf'11 eef 1~ on.’her.gloves, her hair .was a qlead yellow, tied up like a Initi, and a lot of vegetables in itF- Floreuce Ross, .green dress, flipped-. With velvet, and hoisted up at the side-with a' white- checkrein; Vinnie Hammer'slev, ■JXh-'tp.network witlyred strealtg^WiffkT- ed w1(1lii limp’, and hajr frescoed." THIS. Marshall, Lt< It it EufC- LECTlUU days, to nervous Dod. and ’■■■: Waterloo Kews. ’/■ '. Walter LiptonV-of Yrate'rloo,.wri.tffa that- Hagyard’s Yellow, < >ij ’ has /lone .gtteat. gpod in his family,.' bis wife ..liemg; cured of Callous' lumps . that either medicines failed to removeLhe also states that a neig^barlLwas promptly relieved, of Rheumatism by the same remedy, ■ 334-3t . Tn bis Washington address on.Em- ancipation Day the venerable Fred Douglass is credited with saying that love of the negro was a greater-test of’ Christianity than Iqve of Jesus,'for ‘he reaSwti' *tiruii wro lift ter -was popul ar and easy to love, while it required a strong man to love the negro. RH CENTS RfY UW A POUND. '-'V '?'"''"L~o—0— The Best ever offered in this vieipity for the money. Also, General GROCERIES, equally cheap, F.LOUR?AND FEED always, on hand. - iTOS^TANBURY. M TO MERCHANTS: . libwto SellGoods -X_-T£LK TO— cXUCAS PX IN twR. . ,cs-or)Ej|jR,TeE£. ' ‘That picture of X’s is a fearful'” daub, don't .you think ‘I ’ The gen tie- ' man '-addressed -r“l beg your-p.arden, but I am the artist?’ “Oh, I , beg ten thousand pardons! The fact is, J don’t know anything about art-I- just reneat what I iiere everyone say ing I” ' ' • ' ,. Obstruction of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels,' are promptly removed by National-I’illiL - '■ 332-ut "So you didn’t succeed very well ■with your schoOWn Illiiiois?” .“No, I* had tg give it uj> at? the end”of the first?mouth.” "Did you use the*bhrek- board’-muoh?’ “5o-if*’ Wtis- toD-’liirgi-,-■ But! used all cue other furniture ■about The-room that wasn’t intileq. ■down.'*’.•- , ■/' ■ • - '.. m ‘iiSei’it Fr’iiiveil- Dollar upon dollar is fwqiu-ntly spent on ,th,o faith of i‘eeuinnft!lldat,kuis for aftii'ies entirely wdrthijss. A.k’mo with .deGi'eifur's speedy Cttre; you nr-.- nut asked to pimdwse it until its.iiierits iu'c pi-ovon. * LT.Il at i-lw -drng "stor.e mid get a free trial bottle, and if not eotiVlnved it will cure -o-oii of tho worst fprlus of-•J’vspi.-psift, Liver Complaint, eta., no matter of of how long, stand ing, it-costs .vou.nothhig,’. Sold in SOe.- and al bottles. Seo tesiimoni.-tis from,persons in your own town. ;• • 3."L-l;t-___ "Young , man,*"- “said;a..revivalist sbltfmnl'v/’klo'you feel that you are prepared to answqr the summons- fit any moment? Do you realize when voti gd’ tu bed at* njght-ypu may be milled liefbre the-hiorfiing dawns?’’- ’•lolijyes/’srr.. -I-’nyniglnj clerk in a. rlrtig store, an’ alt you’vje got* to do is . to keep on ringin’Ihe bell until you hearyne hdilei*; ’ - “ .. . ■ ; Can Wafiicss be. Cured.; ? . ■.Mr. John (Bat'kral~MHI-deUIger.Qni-^ declares it can, and- that-Hagyai'<l*s kYellQ'.v.Oil is. tho.riimedy,. that cuiTd. him. It is also a specific for (all in flammation and pain. "334“3t W-A-TTS &c CO. —CLINTON. ONT., DEALERS IN— ZD.T’tll^’ss GtaJ lLilecliciiieis Physicians’ Prescriptions’ Carefully‘and Accurately Compounded, and Orders Answered with Care and'Despatch, The Public will find ouy Slock of Aficdtcines Conigolete, }Yan’cmted and'of. the Pest Quality . Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges',-, and all kiudg of Druggists’ Sundries usually kept'in a First-Class -Drug Store.* atTenti O N I McCORMICK SET.F>BINDEBS; ..REAPERS, MOWERS, SEED DRLLLS, HORSE RAKES . PLOWS;' -' . . CUTTING BONES, SMELLERS, ' • ...........ETC., ETC.,. xYncl all Implements used on a farm, as Good as the Best, am.^as. Cheap --------- —as-- the- G 1>va;ffisR—trtr “ X B. WEIR’S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, ' CLINTniV. - ' ONTARIO pj contracts .jniule Jfoi-;T1II.S I’Ai’MK M wliieh'ls .kept on flic'at tliuoflice of 4A)llJ) . Tl/hilAS? ilc- L'ofiiiick U.tack, tlbicaao ill 83,000 FORS^EIT !<■/ Having the utmost cpii.fMcur*e in its superiority over all others, twat after thmisitnds of teats of tiie. most conipliciit.cil. au’ff severest eases we could, fiiid; we feel- justified -hrofferibg to forfeit (hie ■Tlniusiuul DolJars for any case of Coughs, colds, > Sore iliront, influenza, liyarseucss, broneliitTsBKiTrv-1 sumption, in its etu-Jy stages, whooping cough, and nil diseases ft the tlrrbiit and. lung's, except Asthma,' for which we only’ cJaim relief, that we cafft.citre with Wests Cough syrup,,-when taken ■■(ieuoriling- to directions. Sample buttles 25 and izSffceut-i; large bottles one dollar.. Genuine wrap- pars iiniy iii blnti.taSuld-ljy-all_di-'?g.gisti!t4>r sent ” by'hi press'dn receipt'of price.. JOHN O. WEST' Jit.'O., soic proprleto’rs, 81 anil S3 King street E,, Tui'vutu. Ont; • J. it; f‘otobe, iigeift; talntob. 514 fl. I WALL. PAPER. , ' ' . The time for House-Cleaning is near. All wanting Hall, Parlor, Dining-Room, or Bed- Room Papers,.-' . will find the 'Best . and Latest ra In" O.« Fa -ffi 'HF if Knit® Patterns H fi b U a ill. U B O 9 ■ w ® » W- ©,B iFRlEZESd (fflHiCES ft’Nff- PANELS, FILLERS; SC. 4EF" ThaBazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can b.e bad for nothing. Call and see the papers and get a Book ' ..... ... GODERICH. Ks* He Sells Cheaper than any oneon top of iheEar.th.\. -. .’ • gains VICTORIA BLOCK ---------------0----------:------------------------ . .Having purchased aTarge stock of AN ET SHOES _ At Greatly Eeduced Priced -- -I am-prepared to sell LOWER THAN TIIE'LOWEST. ■ ,^^£oT,Roug,lircon.ditiansjo.f.4lis Skinr Shampooing^the head, Pimples, Erup tion and Skin.Diseases, use.Prof.I’Uw’s • Sulphur Soap. ■ 3ii2iat While at r.hs breakfast table fflittle girl made loud and repeated calls for. buttered- toast. After - disposing of a’liberal quantity . she was told’ that*, too much hot buttered toast would, make her ill. • Looking at the dish for a moment, she th.oughkSs’he saw her way out of the difficulty ami exclaim-, ed; “Well, give me anosaer piece and- send -for ze doctor.,’’ . ..... M'cll toEIesneinher. ... t • A>stich in time saves nine. , .Serious results oft follow a neglect of const!-. patcd^bbrvel^Snd bud blood.- linr-' dock Blood'Bitters regulate and pur ify the stomach,‘'’bowels, liver, .kid neys and the blood. Take it in time. . 334-36 - The .Medical'Journal, states that a fevv handfuls of commijn salt, thrown daily into closets# and an occasional handful into wash. Bn,sins, goes far to ward counteracting the noxious ef fects of the omnipresent sewer gas. One great'cause of the sickness of. children Js the presence of worms in the system,-which irritate the diges tive ofgjtns, causing fever, sleepless- ness, pains and sometimes fits. The most effective worm destroyer in the world is DR. SMITH'S GERMAN. WORM.REMEDY,aconfection pleas ant to tbeTaste, and safe., Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents per box- . . . 335 2t At) inventive getilus is said to have produced a cushion, containing a spi ral ’spring, to Bo’worn by skaters who. have the habit of sitting down uncx- peotedlyr A Philadelphia man is re ported to have sat down so hard upon one of those articles, that the re bound, which 'Should have ■ simply brought him to an erect- position, tumbled him violently over his hose, whereupon Im has commenced suit against tho inventor for $10,000 SHILCH-S CATARRH REMKDY-^ a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria. and Canker Month, «So)d by J. If, Combe, 33fp 1 y Sisters of Charity .—Faith and hope, A Great Mistake* It U a groat mistake to Nupnose that dyspepsia can’t **bd cured, but must be endured,and lite made gloo my and misoYablo th ore By- '"A lex an-1 dor Burh'a# of Coburg, waa cured id ter snffmhtg, llftAon years, Pairdock Blood BittoM cfffcd him, Til 3t ™,.r2Yministea,-vis.i.tij)g-fu-$&n00lyfi-s-ke<I" ■■tile schoolmaster how hjsT.schqlars- -were progressing i» theii* bible stud ies,- .The'master. replied; . "Remak- ab'ly well, sir. .In faet tnere is one boy, I may say, as, well acquainted .with scripture fts myself,'for when I ask him a question im'answers it,and in the same breath asks another one ' of me, and sometimes one that puz-’ ales me fpr a time, I, would give anything to be able to ask a question of him that he could *notaanswer, but JHvill never manage it, J. am afraid-.” The minister stood lost in. thought for a few moments, and’then, ex- Vhvimeds "! will give him,, a poser, Point him out.” The-.master did 'sb * . Going up to.-him the minister said: "Gau you tell me, mv lad/how' long Ad am dived in innocence? 1 .'lYes^ir/.'' replied the boy; “aye, till he got a wile. But hoo lang ’aftei'?”’'Jqst- then the minister found it convenient ■to speak* to some otui else- ' THE REV. GEfk -II. TH’aYEE, Bourbon, Ind>, says “Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION, CURE.” . Sold by. Jyll. Combe, • . . 336 ly ‘Whole's Jones ?*' ■ ‘Dead? ■ ‘Dead?, Well,- I. declare! the debt of nature, bey ?’ ‘No; compromised at less than 5G cent? 'How so ?’ . “He lefthis Better half behind him/ of Fhid . Freeman’s Worm Powders destroy and remove worms without injury to ‘ A 332-ijt ■>adult or infant,332- in to aA farmer and his wife-'went a dentist’s. ■' ’ " 'How much do you charge teeth ?’asked the farmer, ‘From two oy Ove-dollars? ‘And’ for pullin’ 2* ' "Fifty cents? 'Marirtr? he siad,turning to his, wife, you'd bettor g&t it pulTed.*-^ fiflin’ ARE You MADE miserable by In- fligestmti, Constipation, Di'/zziiwss, Loss of Afipatita, Yellow Skin? Sliiloh’s Vitftlfzor is a positive euro, vSohl by J. H. Combe, . 3.J6 (y-e.o.w <A ’’Providence man slaporod a stranger's face for •suwing.athis wife in a street car, ami ifo was beginning to fool a hero, when the oar stopped and the In tie girl helped tho'immnL SSLO'S ; Powders? 8500 REWARD! Wfi will paV the above reward for any en Liver Coinplalttt,. h.vspepstiv; Stek-Headiielu-, J« dlgcKtiali, ■C'o'nstipation-nf- CoHtivun'rss we cannot wire with iVc-tt's’Va^etalile Elver t'Hts, when th< with..... .TheyTrix purely’VexQttiblc, and navel* fail to giva satiafne- tlon, Stnsar Coated. Largo boxes, vantnininp- 3f Pills, as. Aeat*. Pot saJi-hr nil nni'gglstsr Ke- Witte-of .-bnnterfoits lii.d iiiiltatraits. The genti ine'tn.-unifiieturcd ohly by JOHN!'. WJWT.X CO., "jClte Pill Makers,” Si anil S3 King-st., E.( Toron to, Ont. Free trial, jmcktiges sent^bv matt pre paid on reeelpt of a 3 cent st-anip, >J,-II,- Combe, agent. Clinton 314-ly Both Light and i-feavy,. Double and Single, at (JRE’ATLY REDUCED PRICES..' Trunks'& Valises away down.’ Baby Carriages-in great variety. 15,000 lunches of High taiul Fine and' Cedar-Shingles,. J5®=>X2o.om.s‘ to Eet over cn-nt to t. kb, Contain their own a f.-r to, ‘auro, and effcettiAi •t’Ofiiia in Cffiiitren or Adult* west of 'England,-Scot-c-h^and Foreign Suitings <& Trouserings, English. & French. Worsteds, ITH/TIeWtHIER,. Godericlq Inis a splendidly assorted stock of new Spring nnd.&umtner.Goods- Ord’cred inid'illeiidy-mndn Suits nt-the lowest prices ever heard of—none btft the best of trimmings used, and perfect fits gmirnnjeert.' A^fiill line of CENTS* FURNiSHIiMCS always In stock.- Call mid see, It will pay you* AH AM' Squiare? tn GODEJBIGH, OJSTT Mi»ja-i^iK'.vu».iBJEaaja^j8RVCTam«MgTMz>ir.«w»uiBiw^i<a UJ om,Coughs CoiM will; cure or relieve; BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTRURN, HEADACHE^ Anff rwory «pec!i-A‘of iSrtdiyt.fribIWi rJ.sord4.rad Liver, KiDneyA STOMACH. bowels or blood, tin. F. 0. West’s Ni-’.avj-j and Brain fTRiUTSijJNT, a guaranteedspeeilie for Hys teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, ’1 leiulaclio', Nervous Prostration eiuised by the use of alcohol dr tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softoii- Ing of the Brain -resulting in insanity and lending to misery, decay and death, Pro- nsaturo Old Age,. Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, In^ohmtary Losses and Hper- matorrheva caused by oVei'-oxcrtion t>f the brain, self-abuse 6r over-indulgunw*. Each box Contains one month’s treatment, $1,00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on recoiptTf price. We Guarantee Six Boxes To miro any iw, With each order re- ooivert by us for six boxes, aecompaniad with $5.00, wo will sand the purchaser onr written guaraffteft to refund tiro, money if the treatment does not effect a cure. (Inarantoos issued only by John West &Co,,81 and ta'! Eittg-sf. il., Toronto. Ont. J H. Combe, a-reut. Clinton wzMitss, DROPSY, FLUTTER!NO OP ACIDITY OF . THE STOMACH* DRYNESS OF THE SKIM* «SWTtS,A0H- 7. MILBURN & 00.. THE. LATEST I HAUKY Uw fcMwfted Toft- Morial Artist, has ebuincd thd AsslsUnee <>t n ilfstvinai-. Harbor, jf^r All the Mt4»t siy-IU <>f Iivtu-s’and ifcetlrinon'shftir-ettttlfitt, One deer tnsl of the iMimewiai Hotel,