HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-04-29, Page 3h ¥AYN Jt«ADY F. .Alleviate ILLS. Mt Old, I^Uabfo Klllerof Pain, TFhnther Internal or iLoternal, Swtvlt’ Pain HAUey should haw d in every Ifaotorffy JirifMne Shop on every N^rmi^rM^A 'every Uosue* ready for immediate we, not only for ^fddente, Cute, BrittnuptOeAEut for Nou-el ipntralgia, etc., ttc SM irvoryivhere. Price, ^Oc, and SOo per Hof tie. DAVIS & LAWRHNCE CO. Limited. . 5¥hcde<ale;AiienUEAMo^tmal. ................' »- T-’ -'--? --;-—- - - .— News' Huron Record, Clinton, Wednesday/ April 39, LOCAL' NEWS. . v.<--------- III and Arouiid tlic\“ Hub.” NOTICE.-At alliimes ice wilt-b^lad to receive items of neips,fr^X>Siiff¥^lidi'i'e source, either ' verbal or v>rittViif \ Reports 6f meetings^ en­ tertainments,society amt ch ureh doings, etc. etc , or any otK^lialtSri of general interest will always htyw A^icrl? E® ^^*Just Received from New York some elegant designs in Wall Papers, also a large assort­ ment pf Americau'Express Wag gon3 and Baby Carriages. Chris" Dickson, Clinton. OF House To Let.—Ths.brown * dwelling house on the point opposite John Ross’ pump factory. Apply at W. H. Cooper’s Marblp. Works or at tliis ofijcp. I Judge Toms held Division Court' I in Wingbam, Monday of last week. I Judge Doyle . presided at the “poor mania- court” here last Friday. Mr. John Callander Ims bought the pastura^'febm the Agricultural Society. .... ’ . Mr. Geo. • Whitely, of Seaforth, 1 has returnfOMuKentucky with a splendid. n^Lsfor stallion; * • Miss . Ke^NJJH j. retqtned- from Bowmanvill^'jast-Thursday even­ ing, where-eJte has been spending-tlm past few w;pM<S‘. wi(fi associates and acquaintfoiceS." - t' - Rak ing Tiiu^f ;4'In.—JJeagom’a' “ “Tontine’’bine first prizes, one diploma and one special, prize afthe ■ ■ spring shows;,.this year. He took first prizes'.wherever shown and lie was exhibited at nil leading points from. Blyth to near London, coming into competition . with the horses from tfie most noted stock producing sections in the Dominion. Stout’s'’celebrated Skater,ial Com- ; . hinat,ion wiR appear at the Clinton Roller Rink on Friday and Satur- ■ JI. Winegar will imitate on rollers . a locomotive going over; a bridge, . beginners arid dudes, and will also turn handsprings through balloons, ■ jumping tlm boon, cart, wheels, nip nps, etc . etc*. Miss May Montgom ery, the queen of the rollers," will I- . give exhihi^ioRs graceful and fancy skaffhv^. - See advt. and posts ers. ■ '. - . d v’’ .‘^Duke of Perche.”—T.liis ails' • imal is tlie ' vefy" beau ideal of a heavy general purpose -horse, and . . lias taken first prizes wherever i shown since ! 8.82,. He is owned by ' D. Jr J. P. "Fisher..& Co. . and will travel . this season’ from ".Auburn down lakftgliore road,Goderich towns ship, to ’Bayfield,, then' airing to Varna, tlieHr',’Rrucefinhl”ffifong Mill * ’ road to Seaforth,’ then Ky wav of Alma fo Cl,in ton, where he will be every Fnday^jjfKVr.4*then • -by -way of Base Line to Auburn. ’’ •' Mr. WRiTEiiEAD is bnilding up, tearfogmbwn^ .rehHililing, \land< —— -----..<x itr43.., hardly kWo\Y what |m is not doing “on his'.:R'icp.ly » -located grounds. C»*<Var posts largoenpugh foRsa-wdogs suggests to> the casual .observer that there is a-saw- mill “thar. or thar nb mis the . pew 'u nber around . planning..piill on tlm premises, while /the7 largff^fiiimher of: T'lbororsj at work wi.tli-pick ' and shovel, makes the ■foiiribus; “want,\to know” if . “Whitehegd■ia.suii.l following up his natural -bent towards rAjlway ooh-, -fitruction.” Convicted asJd Fined.^-A Ham­ ilton map';’at the Spring Assizes was fined- $50 for signing an an.ti-' license petition alleging that . the, applicant-was given to drink. Our jA o/fily own exeep-tive,’ committee of ■-x tlm “ Huron-Scott Act '--association ' should bd wise tn time, as it is with- ' ; tif pWjhfthility that tlmy'" may- become so pointed in their uris' Called for. attacks upon those' who have bpenJ^j/pq habit, of selling lfo quor legxWy 5as to-leave themselves- liable fo; pTpsecutfon . arid convic- . tion. Z' • qi' i'.nc. • i. -. The Strafford rises to ret i-— mark “The Ifowick .Enterprise - ^.iiris, in " an argument, to have wound up. the » News-Record'.’' There is a mistake floating around somewhere* ■. ; Tlm Newts.-Record never had'th'e pleasure “of engaging in ait argument with out1 Howick brother. Jfot to. orir knowledge lids he ever combatted any views on public /jtnatWA' bnunciftted by this journal. Had J.,W. G. engaged in such pastime'With us, we would have .utilized"'duf' ’ftcafoing pen to such purpose tlia,t-tlmto would-now bo at* • least one wig on the Green. ’ An. erchange- percim;n,t||ytirqiriarkK 1 Dear friends, it would aid bis greatly if when-you are in to’Wh 'you would kindly call at theopflweand >,.let us know'of any occitrmnce which may have -takmi place in yohi* neighborhood. - H evfttwmim.would do thif?„ it would be betWj!fot‘' jfo^r^*.JygB as we!I as us, fo^MlcIti’t ymiae'fi, what you’d kuow ft6fq$mdy else .would know, And whaiil^bmftHody else, would know, you’d .know, -arid what you’d all kntrtvi'Wffd know also. Now, don’t ’think so. .Why, of conrse',do, and tye are sure you will us in all' tlm news you can. Although generally busy wo CAn alwciys find time to make a note ^^MBUmws itt‘m that will he of in« Mr. IL McDonald, formerly an attendant at the High School here, was on a visit hera for the past few days. Mr. McDonald is holding the position of short-hand writer for a large Steamship firm in Detroit, * M11- Roberb-Elolme8j «f the Clin­ ton jVew A’ra, was in towu on Mon* day, and paid ns a fraternal visit. Mr. Holmes had a case at the Divis­ ion Court here, in which he sued a subscriber to the New Era, for ten years Unpaid subscription. He woq his suit and returned home rejoicing. Delinquent subscribers should take warning and call and settle for their paper,without further delay.~r-Wing­ ham .2'imes. ■ Sportsman’s Paper.—Verily of illustrated J»apers there is no end. The latest candidate for popular fa-, vor is the “Sporting World’’of New York, published weekly at $4 a year. The first issue was April 27. It will be devoted to athletic sports . and the various modes of muscular pas^iue, boxing, etc. It is printed on fine paper, the letter press is good and tlm illustrations are exquis­ ite specimens of pictorial art, It contains 16 pages of the same size as Harper’s and othej; pictorial weeklies, Church Notes.—Last Sunday morning,; 'Mr. A. H. Manning oc­ cupied the pulpit of the Ontario St. Methodist church taking for his text part of the 37th verse of the 18th chapter of St. John, as follows : “I ki ng^Tlrewbjiict yirasr very- ably discussed bv the speaker, and those present listened very attentive-, ly,, throughout the whole service,and. certainly one and all were delighted (as well as surprised) to hear such an able and eloquent sermon from one outside of tlm ’ministry.—Coni. • Huron License Commissioners and Inspectors.—The Dominion Board of . ticense. Commissioners .will, of course, continue to act and grant licenses for the sale of spirit­ uous liquors under the provision of the Scott Act and also.grant licenses at wholesale and"for vessels Chief In sped or/Per kins’ office is abolished and he will take the position j»f In­ spector for East HurOli heretofore filled, by Mr. Ellison. Mr. Ball will continue as Inspector for West Huron. . Honor to Whom Honor is due. —-Another canard started by our town cotem a few weeks . ago was that Lieut-Col. A.' M. Ross, had re-- sigued'As chief offices, of the 33rd., Huron, Battalion. We are-given to understand from a reliable source that the gallant Col. has not resign­ ed. There is one thiug'that may 1>p depended upon and that, is that no more popular or efficient officer holds Her Majesty's Commission ; nor one who would-sooner take the field to: crush Her enemies than CoL Ross.- This.much is due that geiLtleman .as the foifmlatiouless rumor sfarted by" the '. A’ra has given rise'to gossipy talk of a cruel and damaging chiirac- <ti-r. Boilind Rebellion!—-We have before, us the third nu.mber of $ie Toronto “Illustrated War News”" published'by the “Grip',’ Co. There is a marked’ improvement in tlm number over thu .first- The cartoon, {‘Who is.Responsible” is very good. A huge pot is boiling over w.ith re­ bellion. The contents of th\ pot. appears to haye siintnered a littfojjy„ the (irefrouT'tlm^fuel of‘^grfttvatrees but when some 'pitchy blockhead^ wra'ppeU up in bundles of unpatrio-x tie-newspapers containing, mythical “couiplaiuts” got ignited what ‘was Before but slightly bubiding suilUriT’ ly becomes a seething mass of “rey hellion.” Sir Johii is represented at one .si le of pot with. cafe-worn countenances anxiously watching,the hyiling p.ouess; •wh.iift'.BlAke. with, tlm. “Reform Party” banner under,; his arm is st.eall.hily. creepii)g away from tlm pot on the other side, with an ill at 'ease look significant ofca conscience as though smitten on the ragged edge with-u’kimwledge that, as tlm text in tlm custom says : “The Reform Party brought; its about/’. ' . ■ Newspapers of, tq.day.—From ®,; careful examinatibu of the advance pages' of. the'1885^. edjtfori of" tlie American Newspaper Directory, issued May 1st, by Geo. -P. Rowell *k Co., 01 New York, it.appears that ,,,there are 14,147 newspapers arid cm is , pi mo i-'w»it •« i Ik v »n,, - - t/tF .States and Canada ; of these the United States has 12,973/an aver-- age of one paper for every-3;867. persons. .Ln 1884 the total nuiiiber of newspapers was less by 823 than at present-, and- wbiltl the gain this r “yearr-is-nTut— so-;itiarked.-®s-’iu-8oiim- previous years,, it isVtili cotisidera-’ able, TCairsas sliows ' the ••greafostTifo crease, tlm number being 78, wliiLe Illinois follows w.ith a. gain, of 77. Jt; is curious, to?"1 imti.ee that New Yoik, tlm scene of sb liiucli political activity during tlm, last cainpaign, .shoultT have biiiy about one-third as niatiy news papers as the State of Pennsylvania.' As an index to tlm comparative growth and prosperity of different sections of tlm country, especially.-tlm Territories,• tlm num­ ber of new papers form an inter- eating study,. arid may well occupy • tlm-attention-of tlm curious. -. ■ " Real, Though Not Apparent Growth.—As tv ill be observed by. the assessment statisticis^we furnish­ ed last week, and for which we Were, indebted to Assessor ■ Meim.es, tlie apparent increase.of the popuN ation of our town over.that of last year is only.nine. But, as suggested by Mr. Menzies^ and as"every one conversant with tlm growth »of our towiris awAre of, Clintou'has largely inci eased in population during tlm pastyea^ Tim'changes in the ow* uersbip of property* during tlm -last year has "been very great. To such an effect has this taken place that where last year tlm saiim party was assessed for we will say three diffiit** ent properties he is assessed for but bne, and two different parties are- assessed for the,other two. It will “be remembered that tlm,same mimls name appealing three times on tlm assessment roll means threeof a pop­ ulation, , Our real gnin in popula­ tion will bemsde apparent when we consider that in from fifoy to dim hundred cases where the same pa‘rty was reckoned two or throe times in previous years, this year there are two or three bona fide different per­ sons to represent tlm two or three properties formerly assessed to that one individual. So many changes have taken place in this manner that we will probably be within tlm mark if we say that there are 150. souls . more in Clinton now' than there were a year ago, Tlm increased Value of property on the assessment roll issolely due tothe improvements effected during the year, The sub- pfAntial thrift of our town, as re* ■BMtoLjj^Laifissor'| Menzies, can be a note of the greater number of pro party holders there are this year* Many of these were formerly ten* ant?, hut by constant employment, attention to business and thrift they are now proprietors. May they and all go on and prosper. St Paul’s Guild. 1 The closing Guild meeting Tuesday, April 21, was made a farewell entertainment to the old School House. A programme was presented and was filled to the satisfaction of every one. The Rector at the opening gave a short address as a goad-bye to the old building which once did excel­ lent duty as a church in the days of Clinton’s youth. It was built in 1857. Since then the Church of Rnglandi congregation have erected two brick churches—-the first was unfortunately burnt down after a few months occupation. The old frame has done duty duringull these yearB as a Church and School Hbuse and has stood the congregation in good stead more than once. The following is the programme r PASTI - ' 1 Hymn 360...'..................................Choir 2 Organ Solo................................. .Mr. Brewer 3 Song ... ..The Lady of the Lea... Mrs. Craig 4 Reading. .Paul Doherty’s watch... Mrs. Hearn 5 Song.. Lonely Bird. .Mrs. Irwin & Miss Rippey 0 Reading..................................Mr. Dartnell PAIIT II 1 Duet,Sec the pale moon,Mrs.Keefer & II. Coats "sorgaTrsw^^--------—— 3 Song,..... .The Bashful Man....... 4 reading,,.The King and the Monk 5.Song,............. ................ 6 Reading.......Count Gismond.,...! 7 Hymn 338,................ ................... God Save the Queen. The receipts were $14,75. on TMK'Reej'Bsr Mr. Brewer ..Mr. Hale .. ..Mr Reeves Rev, W. Craig .............Choir »• Methodist Superintendents- Both General buperintendentB at­ tend the session of the Western Sec­ tion of the/Transfer, Committee. Dr. Williams' will attend the session of the Eastern Section of the Transfer Committee. Both expect' to attend the meeting of Victoria -University Board of Regents-, the Book Com­ mittee. and the Superannuation Board. Dr. Carman will attend the Moy.treal Conference, and possibly -the Bay’of Quinte Conference. Dr. Williams will attend the Niagara Confereifbe, Guelph, and possibly the Montreal. Dr.’ Carmatr will at­ tend, so far as dates will pillow, the Maritime Provinces Conferences,, arid spend most of the sumufoc wi< Il­ in their territory; Dr; Wi'lianis will attend the Manitoba Conference, and give such time to that country', as the case requires. • <». The -Prince in Ireland. . ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION ACCORDED TO HIM AT LONDONCERRY-.,'-’'-' BABY ( ARBIAGES! Over $300 worth to select from, I guarantee my OarHagestobe all made of superior wefod Mid begt* material. I ddn’li buy any poorly made Carriages. Come and see my stock and get my prloes and be convinced that you can SAVE MONEY ’’J buying your Carriages from me, "XRT ATT TJ A TJIDT? I have the largest assortment in the County— VV A, JU JU JtT XxJl JuJEWoarly 600 Patterns to ehooge from. Good jmpfr ONLY FIVE CENTS A ROLL. WINDOW BLIHDS—Large variety, from 10c. to $1.50 each. WINDOW ROLLERS at 25c and 35c each. New stock of FOOT BALLS-cheapef than ever. RUBBER BALLS —Cheaper than last year, I '. DICKSON. 4 I I ue I pl * <4* Estate of the late J. HODGENfe-t y: • r 0 $yery Department in full running? order and supplier' witht the Finest Goods in the Trade. '4 V $ <?T 1 j {ei|r Carpets; Hats &Caps, Ready Made Clothing, Ordered . Millinery, Mantle Making, Fancy Goods, etc., etc. CALL-AND"*SEE US. 3 1 f»* ,:pq r * . *} Goderich Township. 'Wood-bees are all the rage now-a- days. Among the number was one at Mr. J, Anderson’s, on the Bayfield con., on Saturday. Mr. Anderson had a good quantity of wood cut. Mr. W. II. Steep, and Mr, J. Chur­ chill,' of the 9th, have traded" their farms of 40 acres each. Mr. Steep receives ^we understand) $250. Owingjto tho bad state of the roads, there was no service at Middleton’s on Sunday as the Rev. Mr. Steele could not reach the church. "~"We^n6tice^lWbl6w’T'®ader^"your’ Hullett correspondent a few weeks’ ago about two men cutting, a 22 inch stick off in 1 minute and 3 seconds. Two of our township boys cut the sama size stick, in 40 seconds, ^tlie timepiece was a good reliable one. . Mr. Robert 'Eagleson, of Bayfield, has been visiting friends in the town- . ship.for, the, past two weeks, he has. been a welcome visitor,. during liis stay-. He is a •'blizej.’” on corns^ Wafts and bunions. Mr, Geo, E. Anderson,' school teacher of No. 9., visited .Mr- W. Chur­ chill's school on the 16th, on Friday last. On the same day Mr. C, Hol­ land, teacher of No. 10 school, visit­ ed Porter's Hill1 school.—[The above items-wore mislaid last week.] ,'We would advise a’certain girl who spends most of her time on life 6th con , to hie to her. borne, as/it is near house cleaning time. ——Londonderry.,, Apribr25,—7-Tlm, Prince and Princess of Wales had a ’most/ enthusiastic.reception to-day. The town was. literallv covered with flags and hunting. Immense crowds were in the streets through which the procession passed. - The process sipn was composed of' the municipal' authorities, various corporationsand their employes,’Prentice Boys,- &c.' A dozen addresses were presented to’ the Prince? lri rrplyj he “thanked the people in a touching manner for the very cordial reception. Tie had -bwn^gmm^a’tfd'^ feeling terms,lhe many expressions and manifestations of loyalty to liar' most gracious majesty, tl.ip Queen, The prince concludedjiy saying that .Jift. hoped at no ..distant, d'nte the, princess and himself would*be able to revisit Ireland. Ilolinesville ." Mr. E.-Pickard was made happy on Monday. lie "was mari’ied to Miss Lizzie Huller. It might be said he is how ih pick-hill.. “ Mr. Bee.le, of Lofidon, was -visiting at the Cv M. parsonage last week. Mr. Walker, of Lucknow, preached 4n. the Methodist, church, Sunday morning; ■ d '. Ploughing and seeding -have com-' menced. [The above items were too'" late for last week.-^Ed. J . / Our village shoe maker has. not put in an appearahceryet'. .- Mr. J. McCartney is so far recover­ ed from his recent illness as to be up. ... Quarterly services will be.held in next ■ L..0-L.; No. 189 met on .Monday^^ night Ikst. The. brethren ititend"t going toMStrittford. Io celebrate the J st ..coming 12th of July. . . • ' f Mr.'Mckibbon, of Goderich, preach­ ed irithe Metliodist church on Sun- "Tlay’mornlngTast. “TleTs a very proin- ising young man, . : On Thursday night last, some of ; the boys-s-eiwmadtrir "Mr. E. Pickard. The music was charming— that is .as much- as tin pans and guns could make, it Th.e only damage done was the breaking of a window. . ’ Bcljgrave. Henry Brandon, Of the 4th con., Morris, was .the first' to tickle moth­ er .earth ibis season, in this neigh­ borhood. The disconsolate young “than having no human companion would fain commence with nature to drive away the “Tonelies,” . — John Scandrett will vacate his hotel on May 1st and Sandy Stewart will take possession, Mr. Scandrett will'moye on to a farm in this vicin­ ity., - . • The Cheese factory building was raised .‘on, Wednesday . last. Mr. McCasey Beems likely, to-..have his ^contract .completed on time. ' . Mr* \Vebster, tailor, has rented the premises lately ^vacated by Mr. Wm Duncan. ' - . Gen. Gordon Nixon still'-^holds the fort” while.Mahdi McLennan recon­ noitres from' the opposite side of the street. By the manipulation of bells they make out to keep up A desultory warfare. It seems they ring the .bells in “cipher”,- the meaning of the' tin.tinabu.latio.n being known only to themselves.; dt is quite.possible that they ape symbolically “punchin of each other’&2ads»” - j _. ‘-/ On e. dayalasUweek«on e»ofi=a«car«Ipad~ of cattle was trampled to death in tlte car. ' The anima Is were • loaded at' ■Winghatn."and the d<?ad cow was put off at '-Bel.rave, some parties in the^ village agreeing to see that it did not -be€O«Eeia-i+uisa44-pe^----- ----------———— John Gillis, station-agent, has now R greater responsibility than ever- thrust upon him. He is now the fath­ er of'Belgrave arid as our village con- ..ta.i’ns quite.a-number of people/- his ' family is necessarily a large one.. It must not, however, be assumedJthat be is a real live Mormon. . His patri­ archal titid,rests, upon the fact that he is the oldest resident in the. place_ noiv that Mr.-Allison and. Mr. Bun­ can are-a way. Miss' Messer, our popular dress­ maker, has been away lor some dayg, persumably on business intent.- —Mrs™W. Duncan arid familv have' removed to their new home in Varna, leaving many warm triends here. ■ Mrs. McRae, one * of t.he oldest residents of the township of Morris, who died . on {Saturday was buried on Monday the l’3lh inst., aged 46yrs 4 months: Deceased was a daughter of .Mr. Chris Corbett, J. P- ' The wrx.vV l/i »4rzxl ir . n.i t an/l/a.hL-. She leaves'a bereaved husband and a ^family of six young children, ;’ *• Mr. Caeser.'ig recovering from a severe illness. . " ” < Varna Miss Jane Dennison has returned home after-’ a Tbolougect visit co her. Bisthf in McKillOp. : ‘ .' A large number Of our yourig nieij are beginning to wear a-melancholy looks on account of the 1st of .May approaching. , ’ v 7 Quite a number of the ^rrners.have started their spring Work in this- section,' . We woulddike to know what takes Jack over BQ„often to ,ae.e.. the...Reeve of Goderich Townshipjjsofne say it is to see if he cannot get a, bridge of despair retpoved,, ■ , Select parties have b'e^n the rage around here, buUyour correspondent didn’t happen to get a bid and,there- 'fore,can’not,tell j ou’much about them, Jiut -if report\be ti’U?)*,. some of our ministers may. ' " . A party writes from Sanilac county, .Michigan, to a friend in Stanley stat­ ing that last week as Geo. Carter, W* Thrower’and a man nahied Buss were olearin.g land Carter’s dog. got after an old bear and three cubs. The men killed the bear and captured the cubs. Mr Carter is well known about Clin­ ton. 1 • The many friends of Mr. Colwell of Varna will be sorrv to bear of him leaving aS he hR6 been'carrying on the blacksmithing here.for over "twenty yearB, and his integrity and upright­ ness gained for him an enviable rae- piitatioh hot only in Varna but other places. He is -moving down to his farm on the Bayfield road fora while. Before leaving their old home the junior members of Mr. Colwell’s fami­ ly treated their many friends to „a farewell party, they apenta very en joyable time in tripping the light fantastic until a late hour ih the morning when they all repaired to their homes. County Currency and District .1^ G tS"- - tiifious Coin. A Soft Head Babv.—Mrs, Lin- der, the wife of a respectable mech^ anic of Greenville, Kentucky, gave birth to her fourth child. The child is an extraordinary freak. There are no bony structures in the head and it is like a rubber ball. The head entire closely resembles that of the common sea lion. There was an entire absence, pf the nasal hones, and she lower portion pf the fiontal bone was undeveloped, The nos\ ' trils w^e only ru(Iimeritary., The under lip fell below the cliin,. The baby had no eyes, although there were ..cavities or depressions corress ponding „to the orbital space. Un* like other infants, Mrs. Linder’s ba­ by does not? cry. It bellows when it is^thingry,- and becomes quiet and feeble w-hen it is fed. It refuses to take ? natural nourishment, but at five days was thriving. The rest of the b6dy and internal org%rih appear to be normal. The grief stricken mother hoped that the child would diej but it has grown stronger with each hour of life. A friend of the family told a reporter that one day last suricher Mrs., LindeY visited the aquarium on Staten Island and’pe came .much interested jri the antics of the seals and sea lions. She talk­ ed-about them for weeks afterward. While visiting the place on."several other occasions she always spent a long time before the cage,. ... . o' —i Clinton Roller Rink. Stout’s Gigantic Skatorial _. Combination. 2 Nights only—4 Exhibitions each night. Friday & Saturday, May 1 & 2, Positively the Greatest Exhibition ever witnesa- ed in this town. Something truly wonderful. MASTER L. II. WINEGAR, $500 Champion Acrobatic Skater of the World.- Stands aloue and unparalleled, and without doubt, the top. of tho heap. MISS MAY MONTGOMERY, the mos graceful, lady skater ever in this section. Don’t full ,to sco tin m in their wonderful performances. —MASTHR-IwH-. -WINEGAR and .MAYMONT­ GOMERY, Champion Combination Team of the West. We imitate none, excel all. ADMISSION 25C. SKATES. 10c. . THORO’-BgED SHORT HORN BULL rpHE UNDERSIGNED has purchased.a Thor- I ough-bred Short Horn Bull front "Mf. John Middleton, and will keep him for service on his farm. The charge-wH) be $1.50, with privilege' or returning if necessary. .......Goderich Tp., April 22nd, 18S5. . 336 4t LUMBER FOR SALE. Fourteen thousand feet or hemlock' ~J?~IiUMBERrfOT-fialv.---W;in-be cutr-to order:- Apply to ' • • . . . . ■ C. DOHERTY, ' 335-tf . - Clinton Music Emporium SHOP.CITY COPP & LOGAN, Decorators, ’ ’ ' JEJTQ-, ETC. . All kinds of HOUSE, SIGN-AND .ORNA­ MENTAL PAINTING, Paper Hanging anil Decor­ ating done in the Latest Style. "• Frescoing,' Kalsomining, Flags, ‘ Banners, Etc., Artistically got up. Orders promptly attended to. . ' .Shop—ISAAC-ST., CLINTON, March 30th, 1885, ' ■ . 332-3t . 1 / - . <»• ' CfEO. POTTS, House, Sign, Vf CARRIAGE <t 'GENERAL PAINIER.^ Paper Hanging and ‘ KalsOmlning second to none. School Blackboards a specialty.. Satis- faction Guaranteed, and.prices with the. times. Residence—Mary Street, CLINTON. 33h-t>ni ESIATEim J. HODGENS, DRY-GOODS PALACE fl Luminous Dial Alarm Clocks. The time can be seen as well at night as by day. • ' ' OathqdralGong Clocks striking the half hours. . ...........— ~r-fJail and Bee them at — —...—a—— a ■;. * ♦ - 4*’i» ai J ■o---------- Note Some of Our Prices: Mankin Young Hyson, 40c.,, at Fakliaong Young ’Hyson,’ 65c., at Japan, 40c., at, - Japan, 60c., at" Moyune Gunpowder, 75c., at We Impe.’t our Goods direct from ___, ifuotc you lower prices than those buying in tKe ordinary way. TERMS CASH. Produce pf all kinds taken same as cash. See our Stock— Get Our Prices, and you will find them right, ’ C. J. TUTHILL & CO., Sign of the China Tea Cannister, Searle’s New Block, CLTZSTTOnST/ oisr®. ............. t • - - . - , Coiigr, Best, 76c., at - . - 60c Congr, 65c.’, at - 50c 20 lbs. Best Raw Sugar, - • $1. 00\ 13| lbs. Standard Granulated.Sugar,$1 00 “ V «*' ■ . “ fl Foreign' Markets, 4nd consequently c&U - . 25c | Oolong, $1, at 50c ~ “ - 25c - 50c ■50c V 0 JCi 1 l!I I * * ■ .A . * ’ . 1JUST OPENED, AT THE L - . g fflOuse. 'Stf/Tsh Scotch Tweeds, —" Beautiful New Trouserings, Handsome Spring Overcoatings. ; All Goods New. No old., accumulated Stock. Pants-from $3 up, All-Wool Tweed Suits $12, . ®®*Perfect Satisfaction Given or no sale. DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE. rpHE*,SUBSCRIBER . offers for saie several ThyVW^lTFSd iKiruStH’B'uli&. Vaiiguia' itOlU UnU to three years of age, in good condition. ■' *. . JOHN MIDDLETON, Clinton; P. O. Goderich Tp., April 11, 1885. •' . 334;’4t Merit Proven. > • Ddllurupon dollar Hs frequently spent-on the faith of ^recounhciidutions for articles entirely worthless, jtotjiQ WilliMvfirogdr’s Speedy Cure;- A SnakeIStory. —On Sunday,.after- • noop labt, while standing on Fisher’s bridge. Lower W-inghani, watching tile ice jam pass underj we and' about a dozen others saw a large snake wig­ gling about on a sheet of ice as it pas­ sed down the v'wefA-^iriii^kiini slid- ■vance. Is the Saturday night- arid - , Sufi'day .closing clauses of the Liquor Act not enlorced in our neighboring and county town aspiring burg! There is something over 10,000 feet of fine square timbal; in the ’Brussels station yard, ' awaiting shipment to Quebec. •• - Johnston and Turner’s dam at Wirighnni was swept away by?the spring freshet. This will demoralize .the W'fogham- fire apparatus .for the time being. , . ....Mr... J.O.S,. ffolley.,.. J as.: „GpJ.ley,. „W m, Golley, Miss Maggie Golley ahd Wm. Dodds while driving into Wingham with a team worth about ft30D and a light Democrat wagon, when about the. centre of the water over the. gravel roadf a dog started to run to­ wards the horses, jifmping through the water. When the horses oh-, served the dog they stopped, looked ’ and wheeled around to go back, turning ftll right, In turning ardund. the tongue of the Wagon broke, and Mr. Jas. Golley, who was driving, pullpd on the' horses which tilted the wagon and threw’liitn out in front, f’alling'to the ground, the front wheel-of the wiigorn passing over his head. The horses then jumped into the ditch at the side of the road,s where the. water must be twelve feet deep, one horse getting on the top of, the other. The rest of t)iose who were in the wagon got-out all right, Miss Golley jumping out with a bas* .ket-ofegga without any of them be­ ing broken. Ropes were secured, and the horses were-pulled out by the neck, much oPthe harness hav­ ing to be cut, Jas. Golley'a head was badly injured, having been cut- by the gravel in front and tho wheel Of tho waggon on the tack.—-Ad­ vance. "'J’ouTtt^iotraskedrto'purchaae’it-unttHtinnerjts- are proven. Call at the drtig store and get a . free trial bottle, and it not convinced it will cure vou of .thc' Worst forms of" Dyspepsia,’ Liver, bomplalnt, etc., no matter of of how long, stand- ing, it costs you nothing; Sold in 50c. and $1 bottios.. See testimonials from .persons hi your own town. • — •■ ■ 334-4t. ' '.- why” WILL YQU cough when" Shiloh’s Cure will give' immediate -relief. Price lOcts., J50 cts., find $1 Sold.'by J?H Combe. . 336-ly. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, AT- sd r Under the management of MISS PIERSON, is now ready, for inspection. < ' Their display will comprise some of the . Show Room ' ' ’ I -ri.......... CHOICEST MILLINERY Goods, whicii for Design, Shades and Materials cannot-bd..surpassed; '■ Remember the stand—Opposite the Market Square,' ... '. NEXT TO T. COOPER & SON’S GROCERY. ■J ’ ■ ■ r'illJlhllillll’HI . ............. 'l THE HUB CLOTHING HOUSE, CLINTON Have pleasure in announcing that their-----r FINE TAILORINC I M. FISCHER BSHTIl’S BLOCK', ' CLINCH The correct place forperlect-fitting garments at closest quotations. • " . „ Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured Thos. McDoffidd, of Wroxcter, in going ffrom there to the residence of Mr.C. Willison the Goffm road took pathway which. led across an ice covered mill-pond. lie flavor reach; ed Mr. WilHr who says he heard cries for helpin the night baton going out could get no reply to his calls, and it is fearer! that McDonald broke drowned. YOUNG MENl READ THIS. Tim VonVAro Belt Co., of Marshall, MiclU, offer to send their eolebrafcd Elec- Taro-Voltaic Belt afid other Erjactnic Alliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervods debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles,. Also for rheuma­ tism', neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete f.estoration to health, vigor and manhood gniranteod. No risk ■is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed, Writs them at once for illustrated pamph­ let free, . 318 y .Vegetable’^Sicilian ' HAIR RENEWEB • was the first preparation perfectly adapted to. cure diseases of tho scalp, aiidathe first sue-, ces^ful restorer of faded or gray hair to its ■ iutiiual color, growth, and youthful beauty, Tt' Uas Iidd iiiuny iniitaTorsT'Dut^iidne liavc So-''’ tally met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of tile iniir Aiitl scalp. Hall’s Hair kENiiWUit has, steadily grown hi favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to fivery tiuarter of the globe. Its, unparal­ leled success can be attrilifiti’d to but ono cause: the entirejdfjilnien't n/ its promises, The.proprietors have often been surprised -t'-tku reijolpt df orders from-remote cotui- r'es, where they had never iuado fttf ciloi L fof # w JntroduelioiL The use for n short time of H'ai.L’s IIaiii tuxuvER wonderfully improves the per* or.nl appoarauec. it cleanses the scalp from' .11 impurities,’ cures all humors,,fever, niid ryfic-s, and thus prevciits baldness. It tunii'.ates the w.etikejied^laiids. and enables k in to push -forward ft new and vigorous row: It, Tim effects of tills article are 'not rtins^nl, like tliORe of alcoholic prepftta* ,<>i,s,but remain a long time,which makes a s ite a matter of economy* BUCKINGHAM’S DYE. ROll Th B "7—' WHISKERS Will change, tlio heard to a natural brown, orblaftk.asdesifecL Jtproduces apernmiienf ■'niorthnt will not tvnsh away, Cohslstlhg.nf . a single preparation, ft is applied Without;, trouble. ’ PREPAtlFJ) BY B,P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H, Hold by all Iloftlots in Modiclfiea. 4... n..ii ia-..,..--. , E0R ALL THS tOM ff, Rcrofulons, ■MwlA nn<1 ' • - Blood Dlsdrrtcrm ‘ L the best, rmnodyV boenwij ih> most; (mntehihg and thorough ljblood-pnrlfi<sr<iil Ayer’S Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Urnggleu i ^I,tl* bottles, 15* CLINTON CARRIAGE WORKS. (LATE HARRY CAnTELON’S) P. W. HAYWARD, PROPRIETOR, MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF . . Buggies and Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs-. Only best seasoned lumber and best iron used. Best workmen employed. 4 All work Warranted as represented. • Low. Prices'and Quicjk Sales Buggy Tops, Bodies, Gears, Trimmings, etc., made in largo quantities and supplied to the Trace at the very lowest Wholesale Prices. REPAIRING promptly" attended to,. 'All kinds of-Lumber taken in exchauge. Give us a call. ‘ \ ’ P. W. HAYWARD, Opposite Fair’s Mill COOPER & SON / •' G-BOCEBS. .. ’ New ^easpn’s Teas from 15 to.75c. per Pound. . Chase & Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades and Prices- Christie, Brown & Co’s Biscuits. HAlfoS, BREAKEAST BACON, ETC. Large and Complete Stock of China, New Orookery, Glassware,. &c. Goods promptly delivered, Gall and examine our store, which Is the —-LARGEST AND. NEATEST GROCERY 117 tfOWN — T. COOPER & SON I J- ■ CANTELON BROS., General Grocers and Produce Merchants,. RACEY’S OLD' STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries ' . CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. TEAS—EXTRA VALUE. Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. pj&.asrTELoip- -BROS. Tn returning thanks to my many friends and patrons for past patronage, t Would - like to call their special atumitd.n to my very complete stdek of; HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COIjflBS, /BRUSHES, ETC-,' ETC; Speeial attention is directed to my 8tock of ' , .-iSTNGLE: -HARNESS:-: It will be lonnd very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be eidelled by any one. As I employ .none but the best worktii°n, find use the best material to htl bought in the market, all who may fntor me with their patronage may feel confident- ■ . of getting s’fttisfttOtion. a^PRICES AWAY DOWN. Trunks and .Valises in great variety and' Prices Low. - GEORGE -- -------- --------------------—n , ...V___ • V « ■ ■If :s5 .9’ i3e aiunsTTOisr. January 16,J1885* o ' v n