HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-04-22, Page 4w OM^itiinrt^iiiiWiwwwt njtanwiwsiSiMltaWtnwBlf NEWSPAPER LAWS We call tlic apcviftl Attention, of Post »i- tcrs ami snfeicri'CvM to tlw following jynopMs, of the newspaper Jws: -- 1—A pi'rtnmter is required to give tirnk*' uv JAI'ITKK r eturning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does ii-n take his piper out of the office, and nhtte the reiwou for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster '•('sponsible to the puWisliers for payment.- 3- -If any peisun orders his paper dis* 1‘oAtbmoil, In? must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to (scud R until payment ffi made,, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from tlm oilice or Pet There can be no legal is«'cntiiiu4jice until tlie payment is,made. 3^-Any person who takes' a paper from the paat-’olnee, whether directed to hie name or another, nr whether he has sub- i'iljedor not, is responsible for the pay. 4— If a subscriber orders his paper to be upped at a certain time, and the publislr- fontinm's to send, it the subscriber is mud to pay tor it if he takes it out of the ist-oflice, This proceeds upon the ground at a man must pay for what he .uses. fi ■ ft. J ■ p- > firkin the Division Court in Goderich the JfnyepFber sitting a. newspaper pub- .)ier sued for pay of paper. The dnh'ml- I. objected paying .on the ground that he d ordeixrt a" former proprietor of the per tn disQonriuuo it. The Judge held at that wan not a valid defence. Tim lintrtf, the present proprietor, had no tier to discontfnno ana consequently iild collect, although it was not denied at'H'lid'emiaiit had notified.foru ietor to fondant w hud rece d paid all ai I? T' !' I r di ■I' pro-, iseontiuue, In any event bound to pay for the tinio ed .the-paper and until he reai s due for subscription. C H » Rflll DIltECTORt St. i1 ‘..‘rtoul. h h.«-Servlces on Sunday at Bible Claw, 10 ii.n). Sunr Service on Wednesday, 8 p. ft AM W onder-Books VOfi'DSIl-BOOICS in *na trifling sensn, but tho best' iteratuxe of th® world i>resonted inexccllent andattractive form, at prices so low' as to excite universal “wonder.” LI If BA It Y 0/ STANDAfill ILISTOLtr, Containing iu cue volume, impet'lal octavo, good type, with nuinoroua lipeiiluKtra- tions, the whole richly bound in liue cloth, ornamented, the foliowffig " celebrated works, unabridged; “ , ’ GKEI'IN’S Larger HISTOKY of tho ENGLISH PEOFI.E. « KKLVUK'S HISTORY of the JFKENCJtl KEVOLIITION. CRKANVS Fifteen DECISIVE BATTLES of t|»e WORLD. SC'HILLEK'.S HISTORY Of the THIRTY YEARS' WAR. Harper & Brothers’ lowest price for these four great works Is 1'14.50; my price is $2,50 f postage 40 cents extra. “A wonder-book in more senses than one.. The idea &f put­ ting a work Tike this at only ^2.50 per copy, seems preposter­ ous; ami yet there is wisdom in it, foe everybody will want it, and it will thus lip the means of advertising and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put­ ting forward?’—Chri-stiua at lI’orft^New York City. -> “ It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern m&* chanieal art that such a noble voltjnie can be furnished at so wiall a cost. Whether we admire its Idrge proportions, beau­ tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik­ ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100—all are first-class?’— Christian (.Tjnosure, Chicago, HI. LIBHARY of STAN I)A HD PO^'T.V, containing in one Imimrial octavo hamlsmiudy hound volume, ot about 1.10Q pages, Bour­ geois and Brevier, type, leaded, the following works, unabridged; . Scott’s boiuplett? poetical and Dramatic Works, Crimpleto itaetlcal Works of Robert Burns.-'"''1 Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Moore, Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain- abJe for less than $4.50; my price $2.00; postage 81 cents. Waterloo News. Walter Linton, of Waterloo, writes that Hagyard’a Yellow Oil has dohe great good in his family# Ns wife being cured of Callous lumps that other medicines failed to remove, he also states that a neighbor was promptly relieved of Rheumatism by the same remedy. 334 3t AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so insitlioiis In their attack nsthose affecting the throat and lungs: none so trilled witU by thetnn‘ority of auffcr- ers." The ordinary cough or cold, mnUIrg perhapa from a trilling or-unconsckw ex­ posure, Is oftcu but the bt'cluiring of a fatal flicknesa. Ayjui’b Cherry I’ir imral b’ae Well proven its efficacy in a forty j c nm' tight villt threat Wi<l lung diteast'B, audBUomd be .taken iu all cases, without tWy* . A Terrible Cough Cured1. . I took a sortie cold, which rff^eted ih; Umtl a ten lb ivcougb.m djn.ii Iter night without sleep. The uocu 1 tiftd Ayer’s Chei - ‘ ' ,t relftved my‘lungs. hie t ‘Btuff, nothing of the sort- Bwk as my cousin Buffum has writtep to me to say be was coming to take pos­ session next week, H*l about time lor us to think of getting out? ‘Your cousin coijRig to take pos­ session/ gagped Jonas;‘why, what on earth do you mean? Surely this store and everything else belongs to you, I know it does. I saw | the will Of tfie late lamented Mr. Buffum? ‘I can’t help what you saw/ wearily returned his wife, ‘go we must* But*, fam, the brute, added a codicil to the wiR whereby everything be left to me went to bin cousin, in case I should marry within two years/ $till, (hat does not matter of course, ; dear Jonas, as you said you had ample for us both, I suppose we can go to your house at any time—well, wby <jon’t you answer? ’ The unhappy Jonas sat ip his chair- fairly gaspiug for breath, His rage t disappointment, an^ the thought of the way he had been finally taken in after all his scheming, fairly took away his power of speech and thought. Finally he rose from bis chair, iairly quivering with excite­ ment and rage, and said in sepulchral tones, ‘Why was I not. told of this ? ’ ‘Ob, I supposed ;you knew it ail the time/ said Mrs. D. carelessly : every one else in town did. Besides as you said you were well off, Rdid not care to trouble you just then. Now, dear Jonas, don’t be angry; we’ll still be happy together,- won’t we dear ? ’ , ”‘Happy—together I ’ yelled Jonas fairly gnashing bis teeth in his.rage,, ‘Happy with you,? Do you suppose I would have ever marj'jed ftn ugly old fat thing like you, if I had known that you hadn’t a penny?.. No, I’ve been.sold, taken in, deceived,'and moat abominably put upon, and'I won’t stand it. No ma’am, - do you hear,JL.won’l stand it. I’ll leave you. . I'm going now-.—Good-bye, you—' you—’ said Dumble, fairly at a loss for words to express in any adequate way~h'fs feelings, seized a hat. and made for the door. 9 ‘Stop, you monster/ cried Mrs. Durable, stung to madness at the un- ’ complimentary epithets hurled at her head by ' the rabid -Dumble. ‘Stop, you canting ’ hypocrite; you* mean old fraud. Oh, to thinK of any one ever being deceived by your piety, you hoary old reprobate. Yes; you can go. I’m sure I never want to see your mean,sniveling, hypocrit­ ical .face again. Go and takef'your lying prayerB and mock sympathy .wherever you like, but don’t'you dare ’take1 anything with ,you that- don’t beldng to you. ■ You ve got Mr,- Buffum's hat-on your head how. ' I won’t be deprived of any relicjbeiong-* ing to that .dear, good man. Give it back, to me I say and go as .fast as you like.’ ' ■ Mr. Durable, thus addressed tore the bat from bis head, flung it with all his might at, Mrs.^D. who was rapidly getting hysterical, and rush­ ed from, the room and out of the house. ;, . :As. life hafc fell at Mrs. Dumble’s feet; a paper fell out, which had ap- . paretiily been concealed in the lin­ ing. She picked it-dp-ahdriandi-lBakita^r Ing. at it,'gave a scream jujdLread it over again. The paper contained the following words : “I hereby revoke > my will all there were no children, »nd every­ thing wax left out and out to the widow. ............ Soon after this Mr, Dumble devel­ oped^ particular taBte and fondness for sweets of all kinds, aud was to be seen at all hours of the day and. eve­ ning, until the shop closed, leaning across the. counter of the late Mr. Buffum’s store talking to the interest- ' ing and disconsolate widow, who, no doubt owing to the comforting assur­ ances she received from Mr. Dumble as to the present wefl-bein,gofthe late Buffum in another world, bore up very well. Things went on this way for about year, during which period Mrs, Buffum grew quite consoled, and be­ gan to blossom out once more into colored cap and- bonnet ribbons, and Mr. Dumble bad been obliged to eat so many Bweet things (owing of course, to his being-so constantly in the Shopi as to,8eriou8 impair his diges­ tion and usefulness, and his appear­ ance at funerals and evening prayer meeting was but semi-occasional, and his outpourings pt spirit, piety and consolation on suchr'cccasions as he still was seen at, diminished notice­ ably in intensity gnd volume, - One morning Mr, Durable; appar­ ently dressed with a little more care than usual, walked down the main street of Freeport, and pausing lot a' moment before the store which'bore the sign, Silas Buffum, ‘Pastry Cook/ and looking through the window to 6ee if the fair widow was esconced in'bor seat behind tho counter, he opened the door and«went in. ‘Good morning, Mrs. Buffum, a fine day? said Mr. Durable as he deposited a couple off phocolate creams within his capacious mouth. ‘I hope you. were apirifually refreshed by my dis­ course last evening,’. ‘Oh 1 yeB indeed, Mr. Dumble, you wire indeed inspiring, so prayerful 1 'Such- eloquence! Such a flow of spirit? I am sure everybody was.'aF uplifted as I was? ‘Dear. Mrs. Buffum, -you are too kind, too good to. my humble effort, in the way of grace, You are a nobie woman, ma'ato/ said Mr? Durable, . helping himself to some marshmallow .drops.. ’ ’ - ' No indeed, Mr. Dumble you are too good to me/ murmered Mrs. Buffum in" sweetest tones; T only wish I knew some way of rewarding youjor all you’ goodness to me, and to the uiany families to whom you have been 'like an angel of consolation in their sorrow?- . ' ‘Oh,’ ma’am, my Christian sister? • ray d<?ai’ Sophia; if I may be permit­ ted to so. address you.’ said Mr. Dum­ ble pulling out his handkerchief and slipping it behind the counter, ‘you overwhelm'me, you do indeed. But you talk of rewarding my. humbl'fe efforts. You can reward them. Be mine, Sophia, be mine. Be Mrs. Dumble, Lpt me be the partner of your joys ftft I have .comforted you in your sorrow. Be mine;’ and Mr,' Dumble suiting his action to his words, passed his . arm around the ; somewhat^i'dbust- waist of the relict dl' the late Buffum, .and possessed' himself of her hand, .withou t meeting with the slightest resistance. .‘Jonas, I am thine/ 'said fMrs. B., * The Chinese take their history back to the lirae, of Noun. The empire has borne in its time many names, for it was a custom when a new dynasty ascended the throne to give another name to the empire, as H»i que, Chum que, Han que, etc., according1 to the name of the ruling monarch. The true name is said to beChnmque, the centre kingdom of the world. Tins term was by usage- corrupted to Chin que, and from this word the Portuguese gave it the name of China. For Rough conditions of ths SJkin, Shampooing the bead, Pimples, Erup> tion and Skin Riseases^uje ProfLow'^ Sulphur Soap. Said an English lady, one night at a ball in Edinburgh?! pity Scotchmen, because the men never marry till they are weary of lodgings? The remark caught the ear of the beautiful and witty Countess of W-—who retorted, 'Your own countrywomen are rather to be pitied, because the men never weary for lodgings until they are married I’ m cxj §1= “TUt 'V iuii; i.-fit u 3W.UW UP. on.u<, viiicit ............ lm>. and ftti'enkd me the retr j> - -bo r<..........- -• — . ...........’■ ir ir B* Ti Bl ... lor th. continued ii..,,.old, h............ .............. ClUUlRV XWXUIiAp ai it cure iu dyi-ind _ ■.-U’l'S irr 1 i.i- imtufcd ireeFHH' By the t penna , „ .. b!i ywilb. md am ajit.ftlied your .ved'nie. covcry of my strength, use of the Pjckulil a Wits effected. L aw. now i mu heart!......? . ‘ “ saved JIOjtVOE f............. ..jroxhrb?* Itoeklugham, Y t» d uly 15, Jftb2. . Croup.—A Mother’s Tribute. “■While in the country Inst wit ter my Httlft boy, three yearn old, was taken ill will* croup; it eemned as if he would die Irani stnm.gu- 1111101)^ Ont if the family suggested the use oi AYER'S CtaEKlrt' PlXTORAt, ft bOitlo of which was always kept in the hoitfle. ILis Was tried in ” ~ ■ ■'■■■ to onr dellgh little patient...... _T„ tor sai<l that the L>, saved my darling's lifi out' gratltuue? A*1 iLLUffTRATi;^ history/ Pootry, Clasala«« ZIBIMILI'' < (IlUSSICf BROSB, In one imperialoo tavo volume of. about sori pages, haudsoine type, and line cloth ornamentaM, the following I iuiiouh emys and wewta: Mactiulayta Jissxya on Milton* John Ntnurt PIJJI On Liberty. I’. G. IlftuMrtonta The InteUeetnal Elfe*I Herbert Spencer on .JgdSUSttloB* Oreat Thoughts from Greek Authors. C.reat Thoughts from Eatln Authors. Complete Essays by toril Baoou* Complete “ letters of Junlut.” Irving’s Rip Van WlnJde Other Sketches* YVnahlngtonta Eure well pnc| Other Addresses. Macuuluyta Life of Frederick th*,(Great. - • - , The above cannot be obtained from any other publfehirqf house for less than |10; my price is $1.15; postage 80 centft- “ This is indeed a wonder-book, in the amount and. valuable quality of its contents. The wdrider is how such a book, which is a library in itself,- can bo sold at such a price?’—Metier odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’ ' “ Your ‘Historical "Wonder-Book’ IS a, wonder—a wonder how an imperial oetftvo volume of over 1,000 pages, with many'" - illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, con­ taining four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for $2*50?’—Benson J. Lossino, LL,D.,.the Historian. 1 ■ <i.i*rw»'l*iw.nnriwiwwWi—.Buil.,lig^<3——U COUPON TUh <’o«i>oi> will tajiwlwri tn lieu of » waterajih, .toward th* X 8 oct/mFmVq in-tetref iiUher of abdVe work*, If nent within ten dayafrom<tateo»B• ««(.hit* paper (mention nemo of paper). Th!* offer is to secure yotel I P'ROHn' response unff indicate the paying advertising rnedfiimw | lOO-DAG^MT^f^^ The best lit-' ’ erature of the world at th® lowest prices ever known. Books sent for BXAGINATION BEFOBE PAYMENT ‘ on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN Be ALDEN, Publisher, » ■ 303 Pearl Street. N®W Yorlc, ;♦ i ssiull ami frecjuevi (loses, ajid hl iu less Bun luilt an lwttr the iL-wiiB breathiuB eusily. .The (loc­ al tbe vm t;i<v FktoraL I>a4 ifliug'8 life. Can you uonriei' at iu? Sincerely yours, " 18.1'MStA GrPNEY?' .............ay IB, U82, riXTORAL u.<l do nor jifeetuul ive ivc-r A.SE,” ftwed AVer's Cue illy lor sennit yc: UIOUIH'O it tilt ,ghs and colds W Minn,, March 13, weight years froii ; niiiiiv reinedics' u WALDE.N :in«r > n'ost i e hi I. di ,-lbt! n Br with ii h ri P.O. BOX 1227, CATARRH CURED, health,nnflsweet breath secured, -by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Rusal In­ jector tree, bold by J. Combe. ’ 335 y Alexander's' generals complained to him, just beiore the battle of Ar­ bela, that bis soldiers had been so insolent as to-exnet a promise that the whole booty should’ be theirs. 'Very well,’ said faq, ‘that is a sign of victory. Those that speak with so much assurance do not design to run away? ”• Laka Crystal, “Jsnffi nd after jss, 1 v Pt-' Bylit “ I c; Chiiiui bm ita from It... italvsti No case of an affection of tho throat or lungs exists wliieh cannot b<? greatly relieved by the use of Avnn’B Cherry Pectoral, and it? will ariffa?/s cure when the disease n not already beyond the control of medicine. ‘FRKl’AREP BY DrJ.C.Ayer&Cp., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ill ce IV mcliitia, lio sue- s (.'um- A BARGAIN crozEznsr Leslie, ------MANUFACTURER OF— CARRIAGES, WAGON< &C., Corner of Huron and,Orange Streets, CLINTON. The Improved Timpkin Buggy a'specialty. In Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no offier. ' * All the latest improved vehicles kept constantly on hand. £ IR ST” CLASS BLACKSMITH in connection. Best material and Workmanship in all ’............... branches?' ■ ALL WOBK WARRANTED. - PRICES REASONABLE. * .'.C^>Repairing and Bepainting^f rpmptly Attended to,* ered f< •trying....................— is vufcri by lbw use vf i, .Miss.,'April 3, lbb2, not sm- cnoui-h hi nrjifte of lmvroiiAi.. bCievlug as 1 ts us-* J should long si: ee b., . . X troubles. _ E. Uu.iguun, ue, T’l xtts, April 22, Xbb2, 41. •an uv ■n TH A A J. -Cl'■m dhh bsimb KA CENTS KA vUapound.vU —0—0— The Best ever offered in this viomity for the money, ....;..... Also, General GROCERIES, equally cheap. . . FLOUR AND FEED always on hand. 11sClum ft. y>.V., Rector Services at 10130 ath ■School at 2.30 id— Services at Ila, School, 2.30 p. tl it 10,30 d i p. i . 2.30 p, Mrwp,i» mta 4Mi uula V i'CBf" f'b J’ Baptist llhurch,—Service at tt.30 p. ill. S>a hath ta-l'.col. 2.30 P. ni, Buv J. Gray, Vastor. t; B 5. li 'W stliodiet. . Sahba I’lwtor, byteri’an ">ath I Vaetor '. Lsef*________ itU Sefiqol, 2.30 p . —SarvLrv Q.X V,P(IH ■usbyt Sabb MIT, .s-tiaff, irtor. ;e» li. fr­ m. m. ■Arm's do that vo died 1*^ arm UsY*. . . and Bev. J. . Sab- THE HUROW (.iiif4Z^4.v,krwrh ..'• One great cause of the sicltness of children, is the presence of worms in the system, which irritate the diges­ tive organs, causing fever, sleepless­ ness, pains and sometimes fits. The most effective worm destroyer in the world is HR. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM REMEDY,a confection pleas- a'nt to the taBte, and safe. Sold by all druggists*. .Price 25 cents per box. •335-2t Chuton, Wednesday, April 23 The Best Gift of AH. Onc-and-twenty, one-ancl-twenty; Youth aud beauty’, lovers plenty'; Health'and riches, ease and leisure : M'prk to give a zest to pleasure ; .. What can-it maid so rpcky^l®^*^?. What can I'wish’ that fate holds bftek ■ • • . Yduth will fade.gw.d. beauty wanos; ‘ Lovers, flontpcl, break ilioir chains,_ Health may fail and wealth may fly you, - T?lvu.sures’cease "tn B.atisTy?you.;_ . \ ’ Almost everything that brings , , Hap'pi'ncs U born with .wings. This 1 wish you ; tliisHs best;? *. Love that ^aii endure‘the test. ’ ' ■ Lovd surviving .youth and beauty, Love that blends with, homely, dutyj; ------Loyti tbft1c^geBtl&r4.bv-p^atXtI'.®e' • Lpvu that's -constant wish I,you. ■Ski'll unsatisfied.she.lives.'. : "T Who.for gold more silver,gives,' • • Due more, joy I wish you’yet, To give as much' love as you.got. • (Dant you, heaven, this.'to do,. To love him Seat, ■ who. best lo’ves vou. tjisihg suddenly, and-tihyowfa^hegself- codinal—_L<1 ' R.’ Dulx. in the Rambler. 3Jr. Jonhs Durable .was a young, man of a decidedly funereal turn Of mind; lie was accustomed both by ■ constitution and. habit to look on the dark side of things generally. Mar- ..U'UUlffi&Uflhail sorts^ul'gmds'ymS'dvotl - * vities possessed no interest'' /or liis gloomy soul, but funerals were lite deligHV’ahJl/principal pastime. ‘ Not one occurred Within a tadiu's; of ■ utacturing town of’’Freeport, where, Tie resided, .that was not graced by • the presence of this universal mourn' rr. As he stood behind the bier, of at. the grave among the-.mourning relatives.a,nd friends,’ bls long black mat and .white tie; with ‘a large hand- ker.chief effectively 'displayed for absorption of such tears as he might at that moment be'able to commanfl, he looked like an overflowing fountain ‘ vT sympUrhy ffi'r. all “th® griefs • and. troubles of mankind. In fact he bad more than ouce beedi mistaken for' the undertaker, or at.leasUfqr~ori® of disposed people who Juul been known to say that Mr) Dumble was irifluenc- , ed in his course oDcunduct by w wide*-' ly different motive, than that which vas usually attributed' to him, for they meanly said the outlook for some rich widow' whom* he could .marry and thus provide for himself a snug corner JinAns world oi soi row and car® fol* the rest Of his life. . Brich envious and evil minded’ (■filuinniiilors of Mid Dumble’s well- ■ known piety ’ .wei'®|SOOh silenced by a9 few quotations from his last prayer- • fol ajldrcss at the \Vedhefulay prayer meeting, or from: the words of com­ fort he had given to the bereaved family at thd'funeral of Mr. Hiram Sriiggct’shy, the soap-fet boiler, lately =^i===rlewase<L Thus the evil* minded per- , sons aforesaid, if not convinced, were silenperi, and’ Mr. Durable went on ■ his funereaLway ..rejoicing, ’ Though Without doubt full of sytn- j nthy and spiritual consolation, for all, Mr. Durable a grief was noticed to b§ always a little more.inarked, his ♦yinpnthy a trifle mOre tearfully ex pressed, arid his consolation slightly more tender and confidential, at the funerals oi these gentlemen who de­ parted for a better world, leaving a widow to mourn their loss, and who were knowii to have had a'good bal- ftiiee; at their banker's, Mr. Durable ___Lv'ftr thoVgbt to have quite surpassed with such violence'into-the,arms of the jubilant Dumble as tq precipitate^ that gentleman, who was.Aot .prepar­ ed for’sueb a weighty demonstration of affection (for Mrs. B- was Dy nd means sylpli like in her form), head­ long into, the showcase, ' where he struck a batch of newly-made-pies, and emerged covered .with piecrust tantt various sorts^'jam, the contents of therpies.; The little incident mar­ red but lor a moment. the;f*flicity7of Abe fair widow and. the pious Durable, who spent the remainder of'the day in the'"manner, usual, to lovers on such occasions,. and before finally leaving her in the evening, Mr. Durable had prevailed npon the widow to lay en- tirely’aside her mourning f6r Buffum, whom he represented as no longer ■-tittedmg^"hi?r"~towrs, andDio- ijeepme. Mrs. Durable’ the following week, TbisJ tfi'e ' widow at first would not hear of, - blit finally, after much .per-" suasion on the part of Dumble, and Trratiy’jiTqqiTteff 'un'tlie-pgrtTif Dura-’ . .file's worldly position and; posses­ sions, which he ayerred were great, she. finally consented and named the happy day,, In pursuance of this decision, the, marriage was celebrated Hie following ■ week with much splendor, and the resources of -,the store were drawn upon to-supply a fitting breakfast for the-happy pair and their numet; ous friends. Some did sfr /, in spite of the. general festivity, that Mr. Dumble in the midst .of Iiis happiness . Sslil contrived to throw a funereal gloom over the proceedings which miidethe-marriage-assu -meUheairof a wake, and the weddiTfg~feast (which was cold) taste like ‘funeral baked ftieiitS)4 but this no doubt was caused by jealousy at Mr, Dutnble’s’luck oh the part of the persons who made these ill-natured remarks, Anotlier week^passeerbyi ancT SIrTT and Mrs. Dumblereturned from their Wedding tour and settled down in the rooms ’over the shop. Mr, Dumble having nbw gbjtten the wife of tile ate Bujfiir.1,.^endeavotod in ft way to ptit hiinself into his skin by learning the pastry cook business;, but'his -efforts ,were .not crowned with success to any marked degree; in. fact he Wustd in his pjXperitnents in pies and cakes, during the first ■ Week of his apprenticeship, as much material as Mrs. D. said would’ iiafre sufficed to . keep the shop going for a month, Udnseqnently his better, half advised Joints to leave cooking alone and coniine his attehtioh to tending the shop, where hi§ .eminently sympa­ thetic manner much pleased the lady patrons of the establishmeht, • '^OnFeyetffng Mrs, Duipble came in4, and sinking into- an arm chair, re­ marked to her lord that she was very tired, “ .» ‘Why, my dear 2 * said the ever-tit- tentive Jonas, ’ ‘I have been packing up all day/ replied his lady love, ‘and tint that tired* I cfthT stira linger/ ‘Packing/ said 'said Mr, Dumble, fa* y>) ■ . • .----------------“t*and- ,my wife Sophia can marry whom she chooses/ for if any one be fool enough to take her, be needs some reward for bis trouble?. Signedj Silas Buff’um. Mrs.. Dumble at once.went out arid told the story to' (he whole^-vi-llage; Mr Dumble. called the next day,; and many days after., but was’ not admitt­ ed. . lie exhausted, his- ■ powers of . persuasion arid excuses in vain j lie said’he was drunk that evening, for which admission he lost his position ft# deacon in the church, and the in­ spect of the community as well., all to no purpose, Mrs. Dumble instituted a suit for divorce on the groynd of de^ejitiaiLancLApilJKJ111^ . Durable was a ruined'man and- left the town.. When last heard from he was driving A lreftr8e.,.„Mrs..Dum resumed her name of Buffum,married her cousin, still Reeps the shop in Main Street, and is growing fatter every day. For a long time after Mrl Durable’s dis- • -coin f i L-u re,-- --sympathy— an d; con sola­ tion were at a heavy discount in Freeport; and men who prayed much at meetings and Went to- funerals were regarded with suspicion." It was said that Mfr. Durable drqVe-the hearse at bis. former wile’s‘funeral . which occurred a few years later. ’........... ■ ■ The ruraour which is. periodically revived and dies- away again, to be revived again, that Lord Spencer is to retire from the Lord Lieutenancy x>f Ireland, and that he wjll be suc­ ceeded by Lord Ripon, omits an es­ sentialcondition,-. Lord Ripon is leg­ ally ineligible for fhe’office of Vicer- - oy. It is one of those posts—almost the only post—fpr winch no Roman " Catholic ’ need’ apply.- An Act -of Parliament would be necessary to remove this disqualification. ' * '^‘L ~ ~ \J - ' _ ' . For lame back, side Or chest, use Shilgh’s Porous. Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by J, H. Gombe. . 335-y . ‘So you went to the party with Mrs Elberton,’did you ?’ asked a wife of her husband. • , . L “~~ f ‘ Yes, as yo:u’were away I thought it wouIdTldTno harm, as Elberton askeW me to, being detained at home and not wanting his wife‘td.be disap­ pointed.-’, • . ” . . ■‘Well, I don’t belleve.in lending my husband to anybody.' i / . ‘Why not, pray ? ’ ‘Because, it is not good, according ^to'the Bible,- for a mail to .be a lonra? A‘Household Perfume, Every" Fa-' "IiLX.AjBLE to appreciate and enjoy .’l^’peSSffi^’Sffo'rlWd^b'y^w^reftl healthful anddelicious perfume,- should supply themselves. ■ With the genuine Murray & Lan man’s Florida Water. It is the most delightful and. ~iriust jacting of ‘uiP: fragrant' Watera?- . “i don’t see?’observed Mrs, Grap, “why, when they are giving away all them offices, they don’t- let women hold soniefchirig?’. “They would, my dear, but the women won’t do it,’’an­ swer cd her husband. “Well I sho.uld like to know, John Grap, wl'uit tbev'll let them hold ?’’ He. took liis- hat, looked to .see-thaf the hall door was open, and in trembling accents mur­ mured, “ Their tongues, ray dear-.’.’ . SLEEPLESS,NIGHTS, made miser­ able by that terrib e. .cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the remedy for you.„Sold by. J:'4L Gombe. - 235’y p............• •' ' ; YOUNG MEN I-READ THIS. ' The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Micli., offer to send their celebrated Elec­ trio-Voltaic Belt and -other Electric . Ai’I’i.tances on trial for thirty days, to . liien (youug or oljiji afilicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manlfood-, and- 'all kindred troubles. Also for rhcuin'a- . tism, neuralgia, paralysis, and .many other diseases. -Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. -. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them af once for illustrated 'paniph- ■ lot free. • '318-y Burdritte,’ in a fatherlyr niinner? advises: Better a pair of brogans Tanff Jean "QVerall|, my " son? and a dump cart of your own to boss, than ••dude pants and .toothpick shoes and •an offiee withkl where all'the public can and will fsassT you) and tfie^civil’ service rules will not permifyou to jaw back. .' ' . . CONSUMPTION C1KED , . . . An nld .phy8icianr retivad from practice;;- having Juid placed til jiis Inuids 1jy?an, East' Lidia missionary’.''the formula.- Cfa simple vegetable remedy-forytho speedy .and permanent 'cure, of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, . Asthma . arid all ■ throat arid Lung Affectiops, also a post, rtive and radical cure for Netvpus Debility' and. q.11 Nervous Coinplaints, after.having? tested, its Wonderful curative, powers iu. 'thousands of cases, has fel,t it his duly to ..make it known-to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this inotivc.and, a desire to Teliovediuman .su.lfering, I will se'rid free .of charge,; to aii who desire it,’tlus re-.‘ tripe, in.German, French prEuglish, with . ^WL^dtiWioffsTi5jEtq>i®par.mgs.'m.(lam^^^ ,-Sent-by-ii)ail™,by-addi-tKssing-..with.stamp,;' miming rthis paper,- W.. A, ’ Noyes, 149' POiuei's BIdcIc._ Rochestert N, K . ' • . ?. • 3,11-lvie.o.w. It is Olio of thetmost powerful .and per­ manent perfumes prepared, A single drop will bo found sufficient to’scent a handker­ chief or eVen-a room. ■ It is put up .in a. new style of glass-stoppered bottles and Sold by all perfumers and druggists, ’ DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, SOLE AGENTS, ■ MOJSrTIiEl^JL,. TO MERCHANTS. How to Sell Goods ------TALK TO— ’. -WATTfJ CO. • ' ■ —CLINTON,“ONT,, DEALERS IN—- . Drugs ‘■^Sts aVIecLicinesr ..Physicians’ Prescriptions-Carefully and Accurately Compounded? and Orders Answered with Care and Despatch. ■ The Public will find our Slock of ^Medicines Complete, Warranted' and of the Best .Quality „ • Toilot Soaps, Perfumery,. Shoulder Brace#, ■Trusses, Sponges, and alii kinds of Druggists’ Sundries usually kept in a-First-Class Drug Store.. A Gpod 'fest- For 'over sixteen years G- M. Ever­ est,; of Forest, has sold Hirgyard’s. Pectoral ’ Balsam, and its sales are steadily increasing.. lt„cures coughs, colds arid all. lung complaints; is ^p’casanttJTvliilts^and always -reliables- _________334-3t' .. ’ In Arizona,-any person who uses profane, indecent, vile or ‘abusive Irnguage, or threats, within the hear.-’ ing of women or children,, iS held-, ■liable .by lftvv. to fine or’ imprison­ ment. ' .(Ibsiruction of^the Stomach, Diver ftnd^owelsi'ftr^'T&hiiitly^ pem^yietfe- bwy^ional Pills. ■ ' ®'332*5t'-.' • .Tri "India it is a standing joke, in connection, with agricultural experi­ ments, .that a-native: will not use an ..peach the, bullock*a which is 'his only method of urging, his beast to further.exertibn. The boy and the farrnor's wife.—,V beggar boy rnade application to a far^ nier’ir wile for assistance, anrl wiis re­ fused,on which the boy,with an arch look, informed her that he would, "if she gave him a slice of hrtfad-.iuid cheese,, put her in posession of a secret which would be of service to her alji. ilie~d(iy§ of her" liipy^’ller curoisity being aroused, the- farmer's wife agreed-to the terms, and having supplied tha provisnms?shtrn',w-tcrld- - “If you- tie a. knot at the .end of your threaJ, pou will never lose your first stitch?’. . ' - ATTENTION! FARMERS! Implements! !mplements! xMcGORMTCK -SELFJHNDERS; R E A PE IIS,, M O VVERS, ’ SEED DRILLS HORSE RAKES' WArhER I' WALL .PAPER. The time for House-Cleaning is near. All wanting • - . Hall, Parlor, Dining-Room, or Bed Room Papei’s, . will find the •.; Best -and Latest Patterns -IN—- ' ’ ■ ' «> IEt” The-Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 ar.e out and can be had for nothing., -Call ftnd see the papers and -get a Book ’ -■ • ■ Study A' Man. “11 am" de easiest thing in de worlilJiQjDake a friend. Ijlust, locate your man.' Second, size him. up. If he am a.vain, proud man praie.e liis pehoiial apiieareiLce, hw lionm—hts. “Wifefuhrn?m)-ati?^peechesr^o-tnan^ ain so poo’an* lowly dat his words of praise won’t souu’ sweet, to an egotist. “If be am a ctors, surly, .outso.V sorts chap, feelin’ sartin in his own ‘ TiiTnd aaWe world wasn’t Iffirlt’on cor-? rect principles, doan* trv to argy wid hiintoconvincehimdatdisairtham all O. K, from cellar to garret/ On lie contrary sicle in wid him, Growl at de \vorld, abuse mankind un’tell him how sorry you am dat he Wasn’t on han’to manage things about 2000 y’ars JB. 0. It will, .be like doin’ up a sore toe in a greased rag. “When you meet a man who am sort.o’ sneakink’ frew -life on quiet-—nebber heard of outside of. his own nayburliood—modest* hii1-, assumin’, an’ only wantin’-to be let alone* feed him gum*>drops. Tell him you have heard bis iiuniA meh' shlttied as”candidate flit* alfffrrftiam Ask him what y’ar it was- when he run fur do legislachur. » Tnquhr* when his next Hook of poems am to- be published, Ax him if he am de Smith who invented de comet. He , will cringe and wince, but he will- go home an’ think it Ober an* be your friend for l.ifq, “t)ar’ am cranks fq be humored, Dur* am epcen tries to be praysed, Oar am circlin’ ’round us day by day a chain of men ati’woman who doftn’ know 'beans front broomsticks,’ blit who must bocomph’mantedondeir ex- order of- intel- de In the- west of Scotlrnd there lived' a parochial schoolmaster who was very fond of a dram, In fact,, he wenfto sucli a • length’ tlfat’ the herit­ ors determined to dismiss hi ih quiotly if possible. They toljl liiur if he would resign his charge they would give” him a splendid character, Ao that he would have little or no diffi­ culty in.getting another. T.o.-this he agreed.. They- eave him his testi­ monial, which aftefc,he liaR read' and quietly taken possession of j ho said: “Gentlemen, you have a&.much need of-akman -witha goodch ar actor here as.any other place, so I think I will ■just reriiajn where I am?’ SHILOird COUGH and Cdfisniription Cure is sftld by Jjl.-Combe, Uiinton, on a guarantee,—ivcures-.Co'iisnmptlmfi--- -■ ........-— 335-y~—**r , .“Madam?1 sai<l a husband to'his young Wife, in. a little’ altercation, which will spring up in the best regu­ lated famflies,‘‘when’a than and his wife have quarrelled, and each, con­ siders the other at’ fault, which of the two ought to advance totvard a recon- eflifttaon “The better natured arid wiser offheTwo,'” slud the wife, put­ ting up her mouth for a kiss, which was given with an unction, She was the Conqueror. . « “Frost Bites’* are ugly’things: a hose or ear sWhlle.n to twice1 its ttsu.al size .is no more beautiful than it is comfortable. After trying many “cures” we come back and award the pflhn.to Pefry Davis’ Pain Killer,“the old reliable,which, affords relief’ quicker’ than” any other-thing we know of,- CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and ^Tlrnnchltlfl Immedlntely relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. Sold by J. II. Combe, ' 335-y ‘ .THAT HACKING C<>1 Gil can’be.so . quickly currif hy Shiloh’s Cure, We « uarautee i t- ■ Sol d h v J. H. Coirtbe.. 335. ------------—■----------. lie went to dine with a bacjjploi- friehd who prided himself that his. few pictures were gems. After hav­ ing enjoyed .themselves well—-too well, in fact—-at dinner, they adjourn­ ed to the picture .gallery, where the „host pointed out to Bib guest a land­ scape,' saying,. ‘ What do you think Of that, my boy—eh ?* The following reply was h'iccuped rather than spok­ en—‘Beautiful, old chap-very fine— .awfully- good-—the-trees- :wave about - so naturally 1* ./. The enervation and .lassitude of spring time are but'indications of the sluggish action ok the blood, over- loaded With carbonates accumulated by the use o.f heating food .in. winter;. This condition may be remedied ..by the use of Ayer’S Sarsaparilla, the best ploo’d purifier known. A voung minister, a native of Bu­ harin, was officiating in* a neighbor-- ing-parlsh one Sunday, arid gave out a psalm of somewhat aw.kwai’d metre? The precentor, who was rather eccen­ tric, tried arid tried in vain to pitch tshyeral Tgn®s, ? - Atdas,fcthft:jBt.Qp.ped r- and looking toward the .young divine /wwh^ft't0pud-en.ough-4o---be—heard- throughout the church—/‘If ye betae -gie ouj; psalms o’ that kind,’ ye can sing them .yersel’. Gie’s the • Aul’ Iluudcrt?” ; " Dollar upon dollar is frequently..spent On tho LlaMhjJLxenpmiBObdiwIotw- tvr urtiulos entirely worthless; JNotlsu'witli .tl<:Gi'ei,'v>"e'Speeily Cure; you are not asked tu purchnsO i.i until its in<>ritk' pre proven, Call u the dvug-jjt’ore and g*ej u fr<?e trial bottle, and if not convinced it will cure .van of the lvorst forms of Dvspup.siii,. Liver G'omplaiiit, etc., no tpntli-r of of.how long stand- inir,’ it costs- you ncrtblti'g: Sold in. 50c. and Si. bottles. See testimonials (rain persons in your own town. ' ' -----1 ...331-it, '___• . Sevei'al'years agoGen. Grant utter? _ed these earnest- words about the Bible : “Hold - fast to the ' Bible, as the :sheet, anchor of your liberties; write its precepts on t your hearts, and practice theh/ in your lives. <Tq_ the'influence of this nook, we are in­ debted for the progress .made in true- civilization, and :'to this we Took as ' our guide in the future? Can Deafness be Cured. . , •Mr, John'Clark, of Milldridge, CTnt., .declares it can, and that Hagyard.s. -Y-ellbjyjOfl is ,the remedy that cured him. it.is’also'a78pecilia.Jor all m- llauiulutlOu arid p&nj.-;;.. . 3T-4—jt. „ . CUTTING BOXES, SHElVRERS;: ’ . ' ETC., JW,’ ’ And all,Implements used on a farm, as Good as the Best, and as Cheap .. as the. Cheapest, at j. B. WEIR’S ■ ’ IMPLEMENT WAKERpOMS, . CLINTON.. - ' - ' ONTARIO .■;Xrki' .■■ ■ GODERICH. .. 33" He Sells Cheaper than any oneon top of the Earth. ■ " [raik Well to RemcinbeK A stich in thw^’?i?r?4nine. Serious results oft follow a neglect*of consti­ pated bowels and bad .blood. Bur­ dock Blood Bitters legislate and pur­ ify the stomach, bowels, liver,.kid­ neys and the blood, Take it in time. ’ ' , . 334>3t ’ The richest men in 'the world ftre said to be Mackay (#275,000,000/ Roth­ schild" ($200,000,000,) • Vanderbilt (17.6.000,000,1 and the Duke of West- mitirsjer ($80,000,000.) Mackay was ft poor north of Ireland man twenty years ago. He has accumulated in one lifetime a greatev-amouiit. than. the Rothschilds and Vanderbilts have* in* several' generations,..or than the Dukes of Westminister haye in many generations. Asa superb hair dressing and re- novator Aycfs Ila’ir Vigor is rinivor.- sally commended. U eradicates sciirf and dandruff, cures all erup* lions and itehinga of the scalp, pro* moles the renewed growth of the hair, prevents jti[ fading or Osman Digna’s men are now eating , their camels, bonder if they strain at gnats ? , WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia anil Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vital- Izer Is gdamntecd tqcure yon. Sold by *L 11, Combe. >. ■ 336-y.e-o-W. ‘Would that I might- end this existence I ’ sighs a poet. This is not the first time a poet has been in entire accord with his readers. BRoxciit’Tia—Unless arrested* .will terminate in consumption, An al­ most never failing cure for this Com­ plaint is found m Alien's Lung Bal­ sam, which can be had of any Drug­ gist, price one dollar per bottle. ’Sandy—‘An’ lido did ye like Can­ ada, John, ? * ftolm *- ‘Canada 1 Eh, mon I a wis only warm ylnce a’ the time n wis there, an* that wis whin tlie hriose next door wis on fire P The Secret Out. The secret of suceess of Burdock . Blood Bittors is that it acts upon'the towels the hver, th® kidneys, the skin and the blood; removing dh- structlonB and imparting health and ■•••••-...............'...................3.UM ADVEBTISINBeBx- file nt theoilieu of - j.ORO & TJ1OMAS, Me--' Cofniiek Bloel's, Chiciigo 111 . '■ “ifiOP^TORFEm Wtfv.in'g the.'utmost confidence in its superiority, over iili others, and ufttu- thousands of tests of the most coni'plieuted and severest cases wo could . find, we feel justiiied in offering to forfeit On< Thousand Dollars for' any 'case of Coughs, colds, Sore throat, iiijibenza, hoarseness, bf-onehitis, eon- sumption, i'rrits early'-stage#, - whooping coukh, ami all diseases of tiie throiit and lungs, except. Asthma, for Which we only’claim', relief, that we. ean't c'ure with'West's'Cough Syrup, when taken aecording to-directions, Sampio bpttles. 25 and 50-cents; large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrap-' pers only in bine.', Sold by all drnggistsr-or sent. *Uj'’i?XpreS‘S'mrr\:eei|jo'<>f p.-'isc. JflliM Al..V?K3T , fcCO.i sole proprietors, 81 and 83King street- E,, Toronto Ont. J. H. Combe, agent, Uliiitbn. 314. / FBEEMAK’S zdriM x?owjjeks« ' * re .pie/irnnC to t'dm> .Contain'their own «r p.'e. Is- ft K'lfo, eiirti, and. effeciwi ^y~ w'»»'/asin Children or Adult* -L On Sunday Beecher said : We are. having iu our streets to.day Salvation Armies.-' There is.much in the thing -,that-is^w)tesque^.JiJ.udffMJ;j;t„tha.^jsL wrong; much.that would shock.all those that believe in the formal order ’’and .propriety of the sanctuary.-- It is not to.8Upersede organized arid re­ gulated preaching and .working ; but if, with all their ignorance, they have;, fallen on’an enbiiusiKsin oj^faithj of therUiavirbleness of the: wicked,- the vicious, tile, drunkards^the barlots ; if they believe that they are inspired’ by God to bo victoriieus in that strug­ gle, they wjll bo. **4*^eeffiari,8 Worm Powders destroy and remove worms without injury to adu.lt or. infant, - 332-ot A contractor. Cft.ughtjio Jrish? lab - L outer smoking, and fold him to leavp -qff-which-hoddid- sorely<.against. ,lus„ will. Some time aftei’wards, having quarrelled with liis raasoris, he came Up and asked Pat if lie couM toll him where hh c.ould get about half a dozen steady rn.cn, ■ The Irishman thought about his revenge, and told him lib- could. “VVhcre ?“ asked his master. “Up at tho’cemete^y, your honour?’ Fluid' Lightning. There ftre hut few who have never suffered ’ Almostifitolcrable pain from Toothache, Neural- gla* or iikeiicuto pains, Tothcntau<Sh'ftn'.lristant relief As Fluid Llghthing Is an untold blessing in time of trouble, No disgusting offensive med­ icines to be taken for ditvs. One application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at thd»drug store* , . " ■ 33t*4t « .Homeward bound.— A minifiter living in the suburbs of ft town in** Forfarshire \vas going home one night, when he mef one of his congregation in a very advanced stage of intoxica­ tion- 'rhe man was struggling very hard to keep straight when he saw the minister coming, but it was very . little use, ns he was as often cling­ ing to th® lamp-posts as walking; On passing, the minister says, “Well, John, ypq're getting home?” to whffih John coolly replied, ftY-efi—sir* — wh-whiles?,’ ® A Great Mistake. It is a .great mistake to suppose that dyspepsia nan’t be oared, buf must be endured, and life made gloo­ my and miserable thereby. Alexan­ der Burns, of Coburg, was cured after- suffering fifteen years. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. 334 3t , Tho seven Bibles of mankind nr® s. Th® Bible, the VcdaB of the Brah­ mins, tho/rrlpitaka of th® Buddhists, the Zend AVftsta. of the PArsbes Or Persians, the Chinese Sacred Books of Confucius, the ChinosfiSftored Book of Laon-ts20, and the Mohammedan S500 REWARD! WE kill.pay (be fibovo reward for any ease of J.ivct ConiiilaihitJliJD£l>siftj^ SiClLnc}d'jy!h.1S‘lfr,‘’ dic-CStion, UonstipatlOn orCoatlvetiftHS wo cannot' cure with West’s Vcg^hila-Llv&tdPillftr When tlig. ■“diYertFons aresWcthnfominicd with. They are- purely. Vegetable, atitfmever fall to give satisfac­ tion. Sugar Coated? J.ilrgeboxes, containing30 Pills, 25 cents. Fol- sale bv all Druggists Be, "Ware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genu- .'hie manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., “The P|1I Makers81 and 83 Kirtg-st., K., Toron­ to, lint. .FroO trial packages sorit by inail pro- r«pild on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. .J, H. combe, ' agent.Clinton aii.u- » _J2 VICTORIA BLOCK. , \ ‘ ’ ——o——o—-- • y. ' 4' Having purchased a large stock of OOTS ANE SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices I am prepared to sell LOWER TITAN THE LOWEST. nkirOfc tI Both Light and Heavy, Double'and. Biggie, at GREATLY..REDUCED PRICES^ .Trunks & Valises 'away. down. Baby Carriages in great variety. '■ 15,800 ! WWW1 ' . I West of Engfanf Scotch and Fofeign Suitihge ■ <& Trouserings, English Id French Worsteds. U ~F! A Ur M. (Goflerich, ling a splendidly-/assorted stock- of new Spring tind Saminet Goods. Ordered and Re’ady-in.ule Suits at. the lowest prices ever lienrd‘Of«—nope but the “ best of trimmings psed, and perfect tits guiU'iintecd. A fuU llne of CiENTS ’ FURNISHINGS always-hi stock. Gall and see, It will pay you. 1—— AB AIIAM SMITH, The Square <jj W *A Vi K UH \ .Da, F. 0/ West’s.Nerv-jb and'Brain TitEATMifN’i’, a guaranteed specific for. Hys­ teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol Of fobacec, Wakefulness, Mental Depression,’‘Soften? ing tffthc Brain resulting’in-insanity and leading to misery, decay and dcatlj, ■Pro- mature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in cither sex, Involuntary Losses and Spor- matorrhtna caused by over-eXortion of tlits brain, self-abuse or ovor-indulgoneo, Each box contains one month’s treatment, Si.00 .a box, or six boxes for $.To0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ef'priec.’ , We Guarantee Six. Boxes To nnre atty case/ With each order rr- ccived by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5,00, \ve will send the pureltaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatmeut doesynot effect a cure. ■Guarantees issued only by JottxG West &Co., 81 and 83 Kjng-st D., Toronto, Ont, J IL Combe, agent, Clinton, 311-ly WILL CURfc OR RELIEVE* DIZZINESS? . DROPSY, FLUTTERING - • OF THE HEART; ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, BILIOUSNESS,. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, erysipelas, • SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And ovAry speeds of rfl«nai« arising frees disordered LIVER, KI ONEY 8, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, r. BILBOM & SO.. Proprtis^.ro, THE LATEST'I Haerv rmicii, u>« hmm* SofiAl Artist, has obtained the Mttlstaittfr Of» flttt-ol»M Barber. jRT AH the Ieieet style# of leges'and mtlenwn’s halr-cutting, OneWOOV e»st Of the Cetanjeroiai Roth,