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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-04-22, Page 3ALWAYS REAbr *
That OW, Reliable Killer of Pain,
L _ Whether Internal or External, I l*erru Davit1 Fain. Killer should hrvo a Wow <n even/ Factory, Machine Shop and
uill, on every Finn, and 'in every
fudd.ready for.immediate nee,notmly for Jlcciaent-e, Cute, Druioeo, etc., hutfor Dou>el
Ccmplatnts, each, ae Diarrhoea, Dyeentery,
Cholera Infantum, sudden Colde, Chill*,
Jfeuralyia,etc., etc. Sold everywhere.Price, 90c, gfSe and SOo per Dottie.
Wholebule Agents, Montreal,
the h-ctron
Huron Record,
Clinton, Wednesday, April
In and Around the Hub.”
- Wit. ■ '
NOTICE.—At all times. we will be glad to receive
items from any reliable source, either
verbal or written. .lieports of meetings, en
tertainments, Society and church doings, etc.
etc ; or any-other matters of generalinterest
will always have a place in our columns-—Ed
g2J“JusT Receive!) from New
Yorlj? some elegant designs. in
Wall/Payers, also a large assort-'
meat of American Express Wag
gons and Baby Carriages, Chris.
Dickson, Clinton.
House To Let.—The brown
dwelling house on the point opposite
John Ross1: pupip factory. Apply
at W. H. Cooper’s Marble Works
or at this office. .
Councillor Copp sports a Iiand-
Bome “Royal Revenue” goer. The
animal is as pretty as a - “pictur.1”
Mit.” Jas. Biggins, of 'Clinton,,
was a judge-at-the E. Wuwanosh
spring show Ueld"at Belgrave last
^veek.. . ‘ t‘ "
The' Roller.—The carnival on
. - Tuesday evening1 was well attended,
and successfully carried out, -Prizes
were awarded as follows :—Ladies
, fancy’CORfume, Miss Lottie Kinda'll ■;
'Gents fjinev .costume, W. Webb
Ladies comic .costume, Miss Grace
Robf®tson ; Comic, gents costume,'
E. Mitchell, ' „ ■ ■
The Friends of Mr. H. Barry
Combe, who has been pursuing his
----ph arm aeeu ti cal s tn real n-Fororf topvere’
much pleased the other day to note
that gentleman's return'home from
Toronto, and that his avoirdupois-
bad-“increased ’ considerably daring
bis abspnep. • ; . •
’ On Trial^—4At the jneeting of
Hamilton amLLondon Presbyterian
Synod, held in Hamilton, last week,
Mr. Robt. McNair, son Of the late
James McNair, of Goderich, was
Liken on trial for license on the ap-
_plication of . tile presbytery.of Lon-
don>- '■ ' ,
. ' The uoeEerty Organ Band made
the “Krick” block” folk*
■ iiappy on Saturday night,. The band
tu.rnwd out in response to■ ja request
;• by tqlophone. qnrjl tlm ncciipantRAL.
■the “block” were so pleased with
\the instrumental discourse that they
authorized Mr. A, 'A. a Bennett
to give a substantial simper to the
“boys” 1 after' .they had 'finished
flaying. . -'
There, is. d.
o Tournament in Brantford, on June
3rd. Invitations have been
a very large number of fire depart-
. ments JuiZCanada and tire United-
States to take-part in the affair.?
Many acceptances have already be.on'
received, and we. doujit-not that it
will ib« an-ipmepse affair. 'Amon»
- the invited, is tho Clinton Fire Brb.
gade. ... ■.. , . • ■
Huron Scott Act Association.-
A general committee of this assneia-
tiwi 'inet ’ l>vi-M r<ist * svVgte; They?
hpe-nt $L025.62 last year, presum
ably in Scott Act forwarding. They
pawed a resolution-condemnatory of
the appointing of hotel keepers, to
‘ s^-ll 'IjqtiOJT—jn accordance with the
™,-~j.»r-o<vnBidbs”of"-frli e<“Sc'dtdr^:’eL"“ ”*Tirey’
Want a police magistrate for the
county, and appointed and recoin-
■ mended; JolrwBoattrR bf Seaforth for
the position,.
From the West to the North-,'
. WEsr.^.Col. Otter, who commands
the’Tordnto volunteer
the Northwest -is an old Goderich
" hoy, we believe he was born there.
At any .rate lie'lived there when it
mere, child with -his father A, W.
Otter who ■ was • .'employed in the
Canada Companylfl office under the
Uomnussionership Of the late-iFhos.
——-M-ei'ccr-Jones-.-—~C«k r(>ttp?S"grattd <“
father was Bishop of Chichester,
? ^England. / The Col .3s an enthus-
iast :ifi his profession and has de
voted much of his time since 1862
to the sbudy-oLmilitarj’
'7 String Shows. —
township spring show
Seaforth last week,
prize winners J. F. Fisher’s “Dtike
of Percheron” took Ist.’in his class.
I'n carriage horses John Beacom’s
“Ton-tine,” took first prize. At
■SBrucefield in two year .old heavy
drtrft, John .RattenUury’s. “George
1st. Tn
Imrys “Royal' Revenge” 2nd. At
Heiisall John Beacom’s “Tontine”
took lsi prisje for carriage stallion;
Joseph Carter’^ • “Kentucky Star”
took first for roadster stallion,
Canoeii.—Some-/people who have
hot followed the case of General
Grant are under the impression that
the cancer on the tongue' or in his
iRdUth was caused by smoking, The
General’s physicians do not; say so.
They merely said that'the disease
"wiiss aggravated by emokiu^,..AV2a
have hefefd of several cases of can-
cerhus affections of the lips aud ton
gue in andabout Clinton. A profes
sional gentleman says that most of
eases of this nature which come tins
der his observation are caused by
broken teeth., tho sharp, ragged
edge of Which are...efentinnally ir
ritating’ the delioftto membranes,
and if the systenii is predisposed to
“tnwtterFf.™' “
was 'held-in
Among the
drkft, John .RattenBury’s. “
Buchanan’- took 2ml pm<
general purpose, J. F.
“Duke of Perclieron” took
carriage, John Beacom’s “
took 1st. In roadsters, J,
“Kentucky Star” 1st; J,
Imrys “Royal' Revenge'
Fine Art.*—-The. London Free,
Frees lias the best np^ravinge of
notable men, and they are gotten up
in that establishment. They are
certainly a credit to the engraving
department and artists.
The Town Banti ‘tooted’ up on
Monday night, while the ‘boys in
red’ were out for drill. In addition
to these ami M the same time the
S A. warriors and drum and singing
came to the front.
Bpidping.—Mr. J. 0. Elliott has
broken ground for the cellars of his
new buildings to be erected on both
streets, adjoining Dickson’s book
store. Improvements in the build*,
lug line geneially are noticeable on
all hands. <> <
‘The Hodgen'b Estate’ opening
was a grand success. The arrange
ment of the millinery and mantlede-
partment under the charge of the
Misses* Harrington and McMauis
was admirable. And manager Cal-
jander is to be congratulate*! on the,
efficiency of his staff. Mr. Mitchell
as aesthetic arranger of goods is
simply unsurpassable.
Another Set Back.—-The Can-
telon Bros.,, son of Goderich tp.
Treasurer Uantelon, who are located
ou the Primitive Methodist grant
iri'-.the Northwest, have written to
their friends here stating they have
done a large amount of spring work.
And in reference,to the Era’s saying
they were engaged as Iridian scouts,
they say that theiteui was made out
of the wholfe cloth As they have not
seen an Indian for months, and
have not been away from the’farm.
• ..Tpw-N Statistics.—The number
of children iri 1885 Between 5 and 16
are 677 ; between 7 and 13—406 ;
over 16 and unfler 21—217, a slight
increase oyer 1884.» Value of real
property in 1885, $517,300, an in
crease of$165,000 over last,year|and
which increase is.owing to improve
ments. The value, of. persoiiaLprp>
perty is $30,450 as against $28,050
fast year. Income $300-less this
year. The total value of all property
$558,350 as against $539,700. last
year. Population 2668 as against
2659 last year. Dogs 79,.as against
97 last year.
. The Seaforth Full Dress 'Mix*-
sTuel Company, under the manage-
. inent of Mr. ”T. E. Joslin, will give
a concert in the Clinton 'Town Hall
on Tuesday eveng., *28rk April.
The Seaforth- Expositor speaks ap-.
.prpv.ingly of the efforts of this1 com
pany. From a lengthy and favor-
a ,le • mention in that paper we
extract:—“Mn T. E.Joslin'certainly
'deserves -the greatest credit for the
tact lie displayed in the arrange
ments and his triste in the selections
* * an entertainment affording
more harmless amusement was nev
er given in Seaforth. .
Another Error,—Some time ago
our town cotem gazetted Mr.Gorrell,
■.now of the_Nort h west,' formerly of,,
Cli,n.tpn,.,cliie£ adviser to-Gen. Mid
dleton. We have closely scanned
the’, to.learn if Mr. Goix
roll was. “really* one of, the leading
military spirits in the North west,-
■but- have faifaiLas yet to', find .any
mention of him. ' We have been for
ced to the conclusion that, the Era
did..Mr. Gorrefeui injustice*hy-falF^
ricating the alleged news item refer
red to. It seem,s*-not to,have had '
nearly as much'truth .irijit as even,
the average Grit War news • para
graph. ''. • . , ■ .,*■
A letter dated Caleary. April
signed l>y__• ■
dressed - to and published in the'
Gfobe, confirms'the hopeful view of
matters taken by. the Ne‘ws?Kecurd
last week: “We ,will conclude-by
advising all Who had intended mak
ing the North-west their, hpirie, not
to be deterred from doing- so Iiy*re-
ports of sunniier- frosts, Indiaii
scares,-or whatever next impediment
4he^cou n Lr-y-s op po n'en is nlay ,p uhl is;ii •
abroad. As regards the.line of the •
Canadian Pacific. Railway, thme
■never ' was and never-can be .any .
more danger from .Halfbreeds or
Indians than from the whites them
selves; and as regards the' districts
of . Carleton’ slid Prince-Albert, it
wil.l probably be found .that.the diffi
cuities there are much exaggerated,
arid which a little com-mon fqi'esigjit
might have obviated entirely, and
. the rectification of a few petty griev-
ancas,—miglitpev en u6w, at c hc^-,re »
Got -a New Dress.—Were Mr. C.
C.- Banco a married man and wo'
made a reference to his 'doings with
the jtartling announcement, “Got a-
New Dress/’ ouFreadors~wouId^riaN
turally be anxious to learn who got
the‘n(jwjlress—his wife or the baby.-
As it is, no sucli answer can be given
to tlie query .. ' Neither Iris, wile uo»
tlip .baby, so. far as we krioiv, lias, got
-a new dress. But--oven thq most''
casual observer can hardly .bo so
preoccupied as liot to notice the now
dress Rance’s tailoring shop .has got.
Tlie premises Took positiyel'y nobby,
tho outward and visible' sign, we
suppose, of tlie tastily -gotten, up
geut's clothing winch ’ wo lptieo .iri
process or manufacture "■within the
building. - Then the background to.
/tlie formerly groat, staring windows
has-been relieved by handsome win
dow* shades.’ Altogether Mr.-Eauco-
“dosefyeCLhi^liyiof mention for■ hav-
.ing in such ,a happ5<mannor. added to
tlie attractive appoarancooi a very
important part of tho business por
tionof the towu. .....
Inters'tiNG Lecture.-—On Mon-
day ev.etimg last a fair audience as
sembled in the basement of ’the
Presbyterum church, in this town,
to hear the lecture on “Respiratiou,”'
given by Dr. Campbell, assisted by
Mr. J, C?'. iratstone,' of jJm High
School, whe at intervals illustrated
the subject’with excellent chemical,
'expei’iuients,showing how important
it is for us that weTireathe tpuro air,
which can obtained .by pay
ing heed to Nature’s laws. Tho cir
culation of the blood in, the I rings,-
heart and other members of the body
were 'each in -turn’ discussed at
length, showing how care/ul we
should bo in seeing that our rooms
are arraged so that pure air may al
all times have Tree access, without
which it is simply impossiblo for us
to expect-to fliavd good health, for
unless the essence of onr life—the
blood—is in a pure state, which Can by puYo air, we
will never bain a healthy condition
•jujd.our system will be rendered,more
liable to disease in consequence. The
audience wore also treated otd many
useful hints in regard to preserving
health. Tho lecture thoughout was
a mpst interesting ami instructive
one, and the only regret is that there
were not more present oo particip
ate in the advantages to be derived
Nobby 'Sign.—Pay and Wise*
Tub Young Men’s 0. 0. meet on
Monday evening next.
The Volunteer^ were on parade
Monday night* headed by the Tb'wn
Mrs. Dark, of Goderich, was in
town on a yisit Monday and Tues
Mr. R, A. Leonard, brother-in*
/law of Mr. 8. J. Andrews, left for
British Columbia, Monday.*
What We May Expect.—Sum*.
,mer to force the season since spring
has been so late a coming. The last
fejy days have been the first hiut of
“gentle spring” that the weather has
condescended to give us,
Simpson’s and Cunningham’s
stores have had their external-econ
omy transmogrified into buildings of
beauty by the judicious application
of “warranted tp wash” coloring
Mr, A, W. Carsi<ake, being one
of the first to answer the advertise*!
ment of the L'oullrijkeeper, Chicago,
which appeared in .The News-
Record a short time, ago, received
the other day a stem-winding silver
watch as his premium, c
The Rollers.—The exhibition of
trick and fancy roller skating by
_J. E, Hamilton, on Friday 17th
was witnessed by a large and de*,
lighted number of people. Among
those‘present from Goderich were
Messrs Arnold, Malcolmson and
Porter. Mr. Hamilton will give
another exhibition on Wednesday,
April 29 th.
Butter Making.—It seems to be*
now ,conceded even by those who at
one time looked upon the creamery
system of better making as a scheme
of the enterprising few to make
•money at the expense of the many,
that such views were wrong. We
have taken some trbuble to investi
gate the ordinary domestic mode of,
making butter and oompare it with
the creamery system arid can come
to no other conclusion thari that the
creamery system, is the most profits
able tor-all concerned. It is the
most profitable to‘ the- owners of
cows ; most profitable to the retail
merchant; , most profitable to the
jobbing merchant whojiandles it in
quantities, and Hiost profitable to the
dousumer whether he butters one?or
both sides of his bread. It can
easily be demonstrated that the own
ers of a given-number of cows will
make more by selling cream to ,the
creamery during the season than by
having his family make it into butter
and giving their labor fbr-riot’bing.
This may seem st range,but a brief in-’
vestigation will fiiid it correct, . The
owner’qf a creamery properly man
aged with probably average 20 cents
a pound for all he makes,while dur
ing the sane season individual
make i's...w iUui ot^et/more.. t b a n_15.
cents. The uniformity in’ color
.and the greater excellence of quality,
accounts for the better price which
creamery brings. . No matter how
good butter is made by the farmer’s-
wife it '.will deteriorate, if soldin
small parcels to merchants, before it
can be packed. ? Th'e iireaniery own-
er is iio t ta k i n g tjie-pr-ofi-ts from-*th e
owners of .cows, afty niore than the
’’owrie^of a sawmill ,is taking the
profits of a man’s bush from him.
The owner of a saw.mill has iaiprovs
ed appliances and machinery for'
making luiiiberr^ He. buys ‘loys and
cuts tlitem into merchantable lumber
‘and makes money by Iris enterprise
and skill. The original, owner of the
'li>gs might 'have bis sons'help To
whipsaw,.by-hand, iind convert them
'into lui'nber. The lumber would
not be as uniform in thickness fete, as
the mill made lumber and would cost
; much more, in fact, if sold -at all the
home tn a h u factured I u m her,would ,pro
hably not. realize moi e than coubl
have been obtained-for the logs, and
the labor of whipsawing would be
• strfritich hard work lost. The labor
of tile*farmer’s faniily'in riiakjn'g
butter where the creamery system
can be made usfe of is* just sro much
labor .thrown' away. The * retail
inercbants’’ who—.purchase butter
indiscriminately almost invariably
lose'money ori the butter. , The job
bing merchant, who buys from /the
retail merchant who has’ packed it,
^vnei'ni !y - I®Ses iiTGiiFyr,-’ Tho
one who lias made money under
the old system is the commission
merchant, and it is liiade at the ex-
.pense of his-principals, farmers
caq do better by-selling their cream
, to,Ui.e„0rea m ery and-Ku,y. m er-cham^
dise for .cash or oil short credit than
they can by 'the system of barter
which has so long-prevailed;^— •
. ------------------i--------------------------------
Mr. Geo, Black jr., left for Simcoe
last .week.,
Holy’Communion at St. George’s
last Sunday at 8.30 am.*
Mr. Geo. Cox, British hotel, left
for Ottawa last Saturijay.
-Miss G. McMicking returned to
town last week.- ■ • . 17*.., ,:
Last week- lots of snow ; this week’
dust flying on the streets, 1'. * •
’ Mi’. L. E; Dancy, barrister of Sea-
. forth, WHS ini town.on Monday. 1‘.
Mr$j Philip Holt was seriously in^
dieppfeg^LJaat:AA.week.~4--— -
The wire should be placed around
the grass on the square at once,
To-morrow being St'. George's day,
-we-expect to—see numerous' i'Osc'S
. Mr. Munroe will ‘shortly open out
with a stock of <|ry goods in the^store
at present occupied by Curry Bros,.
Those at the break-water last Sat
urday and Sunday could Bee the ipe
shove, and hear the waters roar.
The roads north were so bad last
week that the Lucknow stage could
hot get through every day.
The'American Consul., R. S. Chit
ton Esqr, returned to town from the
States last Saturday;
Col* lion. A. M. Ross and .family
returned from their winter residence,
Toronto, last Friday.v «
Mrs. R. S. Williams and children
returned to tbwn last week alter a
long visit to Brantfdrd. ‘
The effects of tho late salt associa
tion were disposed of by public auc-
tion Inst Saturday morning,
.To-day, at noon, Mr. Ball wjll offer
for public competition 8 excellent
houses. The sale will take plaee-at
the market house.
To-morrow, "at 1,30 p. m, Mr. Ball
Wiircommenco selling the stock of
liquors and fixtures of Mr.^W. D.
Bis Honor Judge Toms Jetf on
vMonday to/preside at tho outsld'o
Division Courts,
Mrs. IL Moyers, of Wingham, is
visiting her‘parents, tho Hon, A.M,
'and Mrs, Ross.
Mr. Stqphbn Yates ocoupfod tho
Over $300 worth to select from. -
I guaifaUtoe my Cfl-rria^ea to'b© all toads of superior wood and best material, J
don't buy any poorly made Carriages. Come and see my stock and get my prices
and be coMTuced that yoti can SAVE MONEY bX buying y°ur Carriages
from me, • <<*
ATT TJ A T3>'Ti^T? llavo t,>0 l»«-r«eat assortment in the County—
y V XA-XjXi JT J-XJl Ji|(jLIJ»neariy (MO Patterns to choose from,. Good, paper
WINDOW 0LlNDS'-I*WYKriety, from 10c, to?1.50 eacly
WINDOW ROLLERS dt25b'4nd 3So^ach.
New stock of FOOT BALLS —bhhaper than ever.
RUBBER BALLS—Cheapen thatf last year. .
Dr. McMicking was present at tjip
funeral of the lateR. H. Kirkpatrick
Esqr», in Toronto, last Friday,
Mrs. Macdonald, sister of Mr. Geo.
Cox, of the .Signal staff, was.buried
from the R. R, station last Satur
day. 1 •
The Foresters will attend diving.,
service at St George’s phmeh next
Sunday morning. The sermon will
b.e preached by Rev. Owen P, Jones.
Base'baU, Lacrosse ancTtbe Bicy
cle team out in full force and. the
dust flying on Monday evening. If
the Above, is not a sign, of spring
what is 1
At the vestry meeting, at St
' George’s on Monday night the finan
cial position of the church was the
subject qf discussion. T -
■ At the meeting of the High school
Literary society, next Friday even
ing, the entertainment will be by
sides, the Misses Ratcliffe and Mur
ray hfeing the. respective leaders.
Mrs^C, Ferguson, Colborne street,
fell down stairs last Friday and broke
her left arm in two places, and iojui<
ed the thumb of her right hand. Dr,
Cassidy,, who was Called- in, set the
fractures,Mrs. F, is doing well.
An officer .of the Salvation Army
. London Was present with the
detachment belonging, to this town
last Friday.. The Army' had knee
drill -and other exercises at the head
of Hamilton street in presence of a
large. crowd, arid then marched to
the hall. ’
A meeting of the members qf the
Mechanic s Institute took place on
Monday evening, at wliich*tne work
ing of the .society- was freely discus
sed-. After ■ numerous complaints
had been made and explained, a vote
to ask the, council to-recon.sider the
application for a grant, was carried.
Huron Lodge, No. 62,.; I O'O.F. will
celebrate the anniversary of the inj-
stitutjon of Oddfellows on this con
tinent by attending the Victoria st.
Methodist church next Sunday'
^morning. On ..which occasion Rev.
Mr. Carson will preach the annual
. sermon. Members will ,meet • in
Lo’dge at 10.30. .
period secy.-treas. of the Salt Associ
ation, left,for bis home'in Clinton on
Saturday. We/sincerely regret tlie
gentleman’s departure,as his obliging
disposiliion and general kindliness
made him-a general favorite with our
people. The Godericli Sports Club
will 'miss him much, for hi? manipul-
a.tion of. the bob-sleighs, stride .with
2th£L. jshdML^shoes,-and- bass echo - in
“Tramp Tramp?’ were among its. lead
ing characteristics.- • ' ?
' Mr, R. IT Kirkpatrick, of Toronto,:
formerly of this town, died last Wed
nesday arid was Interred on- Friday.
Death was the result.ol a fall while
descending the steps oftbe Rijssell
House, Toronto,- The deceased when
leaving- tha. Hotel slipped and fell-
backwards striking his head ' with
great force against the. stone steps,
He was conveyed home in a state of-
insensibility, and. never regained
consciousness. He was the-owner. of-
■-considerable property-in—this^towni
and vicinity.
Last week a ‘Rummer Sports Club”
Was orgajiized/with a large member
ship. The”club will indulge in lawn
tennis, boating and other healthful
.amusements. The officers are Pres.',
Mr. S. Malcomsqh ; vice fires?, Mr. E.
?W. 'Johnston. ; . secretary, M>‘, R«. &
.Williams ; treasurer, Mr. T, C. King ;
■Captain, Dr-. Holmes ; Committee of
■management-—Mrs. Loyd, Miss Mac-
dermott, , Miss Macara and Miss
M. Cameron, Mr. John Ransford,was
elected an honorary member, apd ac
corded special, thanks for Iris services
.in connection with the winter club.
A meeting of subscribers for the
. stock of our local Loan Association
□took in the^-Tpwri Ilall Jast.
Saturday,.the Town Clerk, Mr. Wm.
Campbell, acting as secretary. After
the meeting bad been called to order
? the election of Directors took place
with the following result :—Sir? R.
J. Cartwright, Dr. Holmes, JoSh.
Sheriff. Gibbons,J; II. Colbor'ne,
J. Roberts, Dungannon, ...and W. M.,
Gray,Seaforth. After which Messrs W.
Campbell and W. R. Roberts bn were
appointed,auditors and the meeting
adjourned. The.Directors rriet Sub
sequently, and appointed Horace
Horton, Esq., Manager, and M". -G.
Cameron Esq, solicitor.' The election
of I’r'esidentfJind Vice do, was defer
red fbr a full meeting of the boardf
the pnanimotis feeling of those pres
ent however was in favor of-Sir. Rich
ard. The" ■ Society starts under
bright aspects', tire first issue, 11125’,
C00.00 being all taken up, and with
a manager.who has alborongh know
ledge of the county and the work in
connection with, the Administration
-XiPhTSTjinup. ' ' ” '' ! “““'
For the3 first time in many^years
.the ice shove in the river did riot
,.commence’',’’off"'a''lTu'riday. It com
menced on 'Saturday and its depar
ture from the old rule was a serioUB
disappoin tnien t to the many who prog
nosticated its break up on a Sunday
aS*usual. *0n?Saturday^at~5r3p/p‘,;W;*
the'ice, from the little Falls to the
mouth, began to moye, at 5.45 it had
entirely blocked the mouth of the
river, it being piled up about twenty
feethigh. The water then'rose ra
pidly and just before six it was within
two feet of the top of the break water. .
At this timeserious damagewVas an
ticipat ed to tlie large lumber piles,
and just when the wise- ones were
sure all the lumber would be washed
away the mouth of the river cleared,
•and mountains of river ipo passed at
fiery speed through,, the opening,
leaving a clear channel to the north,
the harbor side being, still solid.
When the water, was at its highest it
poured through the opening in tho
breakwater .on tq the R. R. track
forming numberless bea'utiful water
falls. On Sunday morning the break
water was crowded with persons in
tent on witnessing the shove on tho
south, side, but between twelve and
half past, nine-tenths of the sight
seers left for the mid-day meal.
Their departure seemed to have
moved lhe waters, for at twelve-forty
the grinding ice betokened a speedy
break up, and almost before the few
watchers,, left could, choose good
points fbr observation, immense
blocks of ice were thrown many feet
out of the water, and themext in
stant ground the accumulated avalan*
che behind Into the fipest powder. In
fifteen minutes the Sunday* shove
Was Over and the southern channel
clear ; and the lucky ones who had
the fortitude to put up with a pold
and a few logs? little of value came
down the. river. Mr. Platt lost ri
quantity of barrel making material
foom his gait-well, and Messrs Mal-
colmson and Proudfoot Attd Mrs, B.
B. Smith lost boat houses. The bank
along Attrill’s property was some
what washed awaj^ and the uproot-
ring. of<A few .trees agqmtf Att
balance of the damage done.
The West Hiding Spring Slieiv
This year was not a suoceSS) the
wretched state-of the roads, made it
almost impossible for teams to get-
into town. The number of entries were
below previous seasons, and the at
tendance not upto theayerage. ’ The
following is the prize list: ,
Aged—1,^A, Allen Co,: 2, S.McDougall. > - - ?
Three year olds—1, A. Allen & Co.
° Two year olds—1 and 2, David
Fisher. - • * .
, Aged—1, J. P, Fisher ; 2, Malcolm
McLennan,-Amberley. . •
' Two year olds— 1,- Wm, Young.; 2,
David Fisher. ' ° -
Aged—1, A. M. Polley ; 2, J. P,
Fisher ; 3, James Bailey. ,
Three year olds—1,. J. Ross, Grodbr-
Two year blds—1, Robert Medd. '
Aged—I, Isaac.Saleld.
JUDGES—Hugh Girvin, Ashfield ; •
Wm. Dixon, ' Brucefield; /'James
Pester, Goderich township. .
13 Godericli Township.
Mr. Herbison will devote liimsqjf
to the creamery business this season.
He is quite satisfied with the trial
trip of last season. He riiap already
the promise of cows enough to fur-
riish cream to make 200 lbs of butter
per day. Mr. Herbison will rio
doubt be successful.. He liasalready
a reputation as an excellent butter
quainted with the gentleman knows
that he Will' have- “every thing just
so,’,’ that is. lie knows under what
conditions and circumstances good
butter can be produced and he wili
bend his energies to control thg^e
circumstancesand condition's. . '
, M.ARRyci^_on the 20th inst., by Re’V
WD"Birk's7 at the 'residence pL the^
bride's, father, Mr. Ezra? Pickard to
Miss Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter
of Mr.- Aaron Iluller—all of Goderich
township.' ‘ . .
Mr. ' McKibbon of Goderich, will
prqach next Supday evening iij the
• Methodist church, Summer' Hill.
Service at,7o’clock. .
The service at Sharon Methodist
cHurcii next ‘ Sunclay will be • in the
aftei n.oon at 2,30. . ' '
foreign War Notes.
». -«-T-n4h e^Sou d anrBerber has revol t ed?
against the Mahdi. The Italian tyoops
are advancing ,to Kassala, and ther
Arabs along the White Nile are- de
serting the False Prophet.
Lumsden- contradicts Komoroffs
account of the Penjdeh affair. The
tenoi; of recent despatches would in
cline one to think, that England and
Russia will patch up affairs lor the
present . Though '.there are those
who assert that England, is playing
Russia, at her own game of “waiting
to get ready”, and that it would' not
be-surprisin&to hear of a rupture in
. the veryheftr future.- '
Satnrday & Saturday Night
Don’t forget to visit our Mammoth Carpet Department We
show a vei-y large stock of W;opl Carpets, Tapestry Carpets,
Brussels Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Stair Carpets, Linoleums, Oil
Cloths, Mattings and Rugs. Wool Crumb Cloths, Linen Crumb
Cloths. Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, &c., &c.
J. CALLANDER, ^telate ,| h
I -1
Do not fail to see the MagnificQB^Dbplay of
* WuHj uuuuuuj uuuuiui UlUUUllUMj
Crockery and Glassware.
---0-~------. ' - .
b0? announce to the people of Clinton and surrounding country that
we have opened but. with reelect ahd fufl-stdck-of above goods.'......... " '
.. TEAS .WE. MAKE A SPECIALTY of, .and as we Impart
direct we defy competition. The consumer will save 20 per cent, by giving us a
call and trying our Teas. . . ■
CROSS & . BLACKWELL’S GOODS ' we have a splendid
assortment .of, also all kinds of Cauned Goods. . ■ ;
Agent for’ Fleischmann & Go’s delebrateTOompressed Yeast.
Terms Cash, and all kinds of Farmers’ Produce taken- “in
exchange at Highest Prices. , • . - „
. ’ ^Remember the place—Searlds New Block, opposite the-
Market-sign of the Great' China-T-Cann'ister,
Great Cash Store, onjGrreatL.Cask. Store, on
■ ..I
*9 V-'i
* ■ ‘■■9'W
Stylish Scotch Tweeds,
Beay tifu! New Trouserings,
Handsome Spring Ouercoatings. f
sMl Goods New., No old, accumulated Stock,
Pants, from $3 up, All-Wool Tweed Suits $12., . . •
^^Perfect Satisfaction Given or no sale.
■n .:
Curious Coin.
' ’ A Novel ComplalnL—-Nearly alC
the battalions that have passed over"
the Canadian Pacific on the Lake.
Superior Section-complain of want
of -food and hard marching. Will
tfiu—flamiltonr -Spectator's- wiseacre*
make a’note of this?—Montreal
Tinies. Cert’nly—-with ipueh plea
sure, says the Speo. But we don’t
quite see why the unreasonable
‘battalions’., should complain of
'want' of ‘bard' marching.’
Lawful Coin and the Scotch Boy.
—A boy from the farm of Balmas-
banner was brought up charged wijth
'pushing a girl into a ifaill pond.
In pleading his case he said he did
did not*push her in—he was only
gau n to do’t, '.whereupon* ;the Bai lie
Summarily informed, him that do’t
and thfift he would .have to pay a fine
often shillings, or go to jail. The”
boy, not having the necessary where-
witlial, wasAIIowedTogo aiitTget it
from a friend. In a little while he
was hgain^seen standing in the
Court/when-tbe-Bailie asked Jrim-rif
he had paid his fine yet. “No,”
said he, “but Inwas gauii ■ to do’t "an*
as ye say do’t and gaun to doT are u’
the same, I’m thinkin’ you an’ me
’ill be clear noo.” ........
1’ LUMBER for sale. Will be cut to order.
Apply to
■ ' 0, DOHERTY,
335-tt Clinton Music Emporium
■........0 ■ . ............° .................• ..........:■ „
Decoiatorsi Sign Writers, Gilders
MENTAL PAINTING, 1’nftot Hanging and Deenr-
atlngdone In thn latest Style,
Frescoing, Kalsomining, Flags,
Banners, Etc.,
Artistically got up, Ordors promptly attended lb,
March 30th,. 18SS, . 332-3t
POTTS, House, Sign,
CA fin J AGE rf! GEKE11AL PAlNfEIt,
Paper Itanging and Kalsomining second
to none. School niacJcbbardS ft specialty. Satis',
faction Guaranteed and priccA with the timet.
J(esi<lcnc6--Mary Street, ChlUTOtf. Mt,-Gm
-Have pleasure in announcinglbal; tliei.r—
tinder the management of MISS PIERSON, >s now ready for inspection.'
' * Their display will comprise some of.the
smith’s block, - Clinton, onT.
Tha correct pi:we forpertect-fitfing garmonts
( afclosest quotations. D
’’ Assured .
Goods, Which-for -“Design., Shades iind Materials cannot be surpassed^ Remember
., ? tbe.Btarid—Opposite'the Market Square,
. ■: ■■ .. MANUFACTURES ADD .KtNDSdQE____ ______
Buggies and Wagons, Cutters and Sleighsi
Qnly best sofioried lumbor and best iron used. Best Wqrknien ejnjilqycd.
”Ail‘wbrk‘Wsirraiited*asrepresented. . Low Prices and ijuicB Sales
Buggy Tops; Bodies,-Goars, Trimmings, etc., made in large quantities and supplied to
the Trace at the very lowest Wliolesalo’Prices. REPAIRING promptly attended to. -
All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange.. Give us a call.
P,' W. HAYWARD, Opposite Fair’s Mill
New Season’s Teas from 15 to 75c. per Pound.
“ ’ Chase & Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades and Prices.
Christie, Brown & Go’s Biscuits.
Large and Complete Stock of China, Now Crockery,, Glassware, &c.
Goods promptly delivered, Gall and examine our store, which is the
General Grocers and Produce Merchants,
Choice, Fresh Family Groceries
v YNTi fNrtvszi**—__IM—
I .
■, J'
In returning thanks to my mafiy friends and patronfor^hst pairbjiage,. Ewoti 1
' ' Speelal attention is directed to toy stock of ■'
_ • . .., / ' $ ..J It will bo found yjjry complete, and for durability'and finish cailnot be exceilciLby'
any one, As I employ none but the best workmen, and-use the best material to be the markot, all wfio may favor me with their patronage may feel Confident
of getting satisfaction.-.
Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low.
ii r