HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-04-15, Page 3II '2 ft r a ) ALWAYS READY wl TO Alleviate OVH .1 L PAINS AND ILLS, ■hat Old, Bellable Killer of Pain, M WAetXer Iifiemalor External, Pain Killer ahould Aove a ■pace wary JEactAry, Machine Shop and UHll, on every Farsn, and in every Mouse* field, ready for immediate use, pot only, for Tidccidenfs, Cuts, Bruises, etc., but for Bowel Complaints, speh as IHarrhooa,. Dysentery, Cholera Infantum,,, sudden Colds, Chilu, fTeuralffia, etc., etc,' Sold everywhere. frlce, 90c, yJHc and Ifflo per Bottle, DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO. Limited. Whole bale Agenta, MontraoL the.. zeprriEtoiiNr WeM-Bewd _ J............... The Godericli Jews —ANS — Huron Record, (AMAIGAifATND.) Clinton, Wednesday, April 15. LOCAL NEWS. Iu, ftnil Around the *‘Hub.” . ®muit SMIt. NOTICE.—At all tizzies toe wifi be glad to receive items of news from any reliable source, either verbal' 'or written. Reports of meetings, en~ tertainme.'ts, soeletg and church doings, etc. etc, or any o(]ier matters of general interest' * will always haye'apttteelMurcolumiis.—ED • • Green Apples, 40ets per bag, at. Floody’s. ' Ladles’ hand satchels, cheap and elegant at Eloody’a, « Mr. .TyM Kitt is still in a low- condition. ’ . ■ . n ' _. Mr. L. Hartt is lioipe on a visit from Dotrbitl • Reeve Kelly, of .Blytli. spent a day or two in tire “Hub” last week The- Doherty Organ Co. ' Rand intend coining out in uniform before long. •Mr. J. J. Taylor has purchased Mr. W. Doherty’s residence, near the organ factory. The Young-Men’s Q. ,C. meet next Monday evening. ■ Let there be a good attendance. Plowing was commenced rfbont the middle of March in 1.884,. Ifl 18^5 we have Jots-of- snow in April —in fact a fresh fall of several.inches on the 13th. L. O. L. No. 710, Clip ton, intend having a special sermon delivered, here on Sunday, 12th July. Meigh* boring lodges will likely be'iu atten­ dance. • . The co'mpany of “red xoats” un­ der tzapt. Forrester, were drill’d-in the town hall Wednesday evening 5 also on Monday evening when , they paraded outside as well. Society Showing,—Of the- Tor?\ onto contingent gon^-to tlje front 250 belong to the Orange Ordef; and of the_ G9 members of oneJkla-sonic Lodge 40 are volunteers at .the , front. L ” Last week Mr. Justice Rose; of Toronto, u nseated- M r. Van Zat'id t, of Markham, from tlie School Board on the ground that the.-firi.n -of which he- \Wis’'a Tfuirnb'er-“lreld an account against the Board. . TIqrse Stock Sale.—On Satur­ day next, at 1.30 p. m., sharp,..D. •, Dickinson will sell a choice lot of horses, at the old Lane-property,in the town of Clinton. These animals have been selected by Messrs. Moon­ ey & Rattenburv, and are of desiS able pedigrees _ S^e large bills, ' ■ She Had Hiiff There.—Said one of the lipriie guards to a young lady who was championing woman’s ‘would*you do, Miss-Brown, in times like these, if there was a- call for men at the front?” “Do—why, do just like you Mr. Jenkins,- stay at home and urge others to go and- fight.” Wedding ■'Belvl—There were What about our Dau© Ball and Lacrosue Cfubh 1 Spring way oonje with a rush, A Grand Farewell Guild on-, t rtainujeiit iu St. Raul's school' house noxt week. — Meeting Qf tj^e Scott Act County Convention in Clinton yesterday. There were a large number of dele* gates present. It is believed that March and Ap til, 1885, were the coldest spring months ever experienced in this section of the country. Those in want of dry goodpf clothing, groceries or anything ehse, should read the columns of The News*Record before purchasing. , Personal.—-Mr. 0. McIntosh, of Goderich, took a breathing spell in the “Hub” yesigrday morning while en route to London—Lawyef W. B. Dickson, of Brussels, passed on to the county, town, Monday evening —Mr. Alex. Wallace/ of Goderich, spent a few days here last week, with Mr. McGarva^ J. p. Der Boys.— What is d«r matter mit dot band ? What makes dem fellows play so grand, Pull down your vest and wipe your chin, By a large macbority dot band plays agin. ; 1hear some gouncilfors make big noise ! Umlvon’t spend town money for der boys. Dot’s hot right, give der boys a liberal i grant To build ’em np "yon pretty nice big standt., , . —Fritz, Should Know Better.—Winter still lingers in the lap of spring.' Winter should know better. It is quite antiquated enough now to have gotten over its dallying, ■ If it does not quit flirting w'th spring mighty soon, we, shdll look for it “making up to” summer ‘.‘ere long.’’ Saturday, Sunday and. Monday a “beautiful” garb of snow again ..en* wrapped mother earth, and- at time of writing the old dame is placidly wearing the garment. . " Hello!' Hawkers :—By a bill passed by the Local ‘Legislature no person or theagent for any pfirsopor ipers'ons11 not resident * -within the’ county shall/ on. and after the October 1st' 1885 sell or offer to sell, without license, tea} dry goods or jeweTry f iipTr irlnrli-they carry and expose samples or patterns of such, goods to any person within the countv who is not a wholesale or retail dealer, in such goods, wares or. merchandize. • ” The Illustrated War Hews.— Grip /Publishing Co.. c.of Toronto have issued one nuiiiber'oL the ‘‘‘Il­ lustrated War News” and purpose, continuing it weekly during the existence Of the rebellion. • If the fight' at Duck Lal’ce was one quarter as murderous'an affair as the illus­ tration of it in the News, we- nlay search' the record, qf barbarobs or civilized warfare in vain for an)* thing to equal it in atrocity. The artist after he- gets over the scare tbe Grit press sensation bead lines Have thrown him into'will, we trustj collect'himself sufficiently ‘to abstaiii-from tbe murderous practices he .has ' .was indulged in hjs. first -pictorial representation of- war 1 scenes in the North west. ;„/A.Freak of Nature tion during pany years of extensive reading of dur newspapers I cannot rec­ ollect a single instance in which a cnee of “common assault’-' ha? been visited with such condign, I hs4 almost said vengeful, punishment Sven where the offender has not been] possessed of proper­ ty so that the viotbn had no other re­ dress it h a been very unusual to pass so severe a sentence In this case, how­ ever, the accused Is a young farmer of means, and the assaulted has ample rem­ edy for any monetary loss he may have sustained. 1 he injured men, 1 under­ stand, is all right again physically, and I think that executive clemency should be asked for McOullagh. His is a case in which .such clemency could be exer­ cised without any’fear of in jury to-socie­ ty, and to the relief of g citizen who has already paid dearly for the one offence .of hi? life. Yours, JUSTICE-— MERCY. Over $300 worth to select from, I guarantee my Carriages to be all made of superior wood and best material. J don’t buy any poorly made Carriages. Come and see thy stock and get nay prices and be convinced that you can. SAVE 'MONEY by buying your Carriages from me. / IW € studded thao jit a casual glauce-its., might' be njistake 11 for a,nhhep. As -a business speculation it might be-a good thing. .'The world’s supply of bristles come,8 ’ from Russia; and shouldj-var be declared tlie crop on this pig would r-'alize a small for­ tune. '“Peter,”’• who - has eye for, beauty as well as a head for math- 'ematics, asked, “Why is the ‘b;<ste’. like a line?1' “A "lion/- ‘Says a by-; ■sta.nd.er, 1 dunno, except that it’s fer< ocious looking.” ‘‘'Wrong you are,”' said Peter, ‘‘its because it lias length without breadih.” And theslab-siderl bristly.beast just about fills the bill. ; . Mr. A. McD,. Alla&,formerly pro-’- prietor of the Huron Signal, was in town the' past week__working up ■ North Aniericau.Life Insurance Co.■ business. ■ From a look .through the tables of rates and a* coui.par.isoii with those of other c<Wnpnnies; one would- be inclined to express opinion that the terms and ;.c<fndi- ' tions'should secure for,tiieJ0omp_any_ a large amount of business. Life .tp^r, e rront as me very best means-'o. - providing for ones fatiijly\xifi C’' e of the dentil of lander; of Sylvan, Middlesex, t.o ■ the head^f jt/and ftueh provision jsr Jennie M. second daughter of Mr.;what, tlie great mass are' working Fred Rumball, of Clinton. . The 1 fpr; Ths most thoughtfui niiiids cf- happy young couple are well and.| the day are a unit iti favor of life • favorably known -in Clinton, jilt'd , a host of intimate, .friends--yoi!ng and old—wish the newly'*wedded; pair a long, happv and prosperous, journey through life. . . C.W.J.C.C —TheoClinten AVan1- derers Junior Cricket Club have re­ organized for . 1885, as follows Hon. Pres., A, H. Manning ; Vice- Pres., ,N. ' Robson ; “ChaiTman/. A. McGarva; Sec.-TrPas., O. Howsnn; Captain, W. Harland Com., L. Kennedy, J.' Armour, j. Spooner. , . From last year’s showing the Hoy’s . should receive good support this year. I n *84 jtlig^’W^a^hHerers”~8Uc6eeded’irf. downing teams from th® cities of St. Thomas, Guelph, Stratford, rind n ei g h ho ri n gto.w ns..This mif JtaolL speaks well of the bovsas cricketers. Buy a ticket and you will thus aid' the'“Wanderers” in it practical way. A Fine Colt.—That blood,-well , toll is often quite .evident by the ap­ pearance of eVen undeveloped speci.-* mens of the progeny of well br-? ’ sire® and dams. We.had the' plea­ sure the other day of1 looking at a beautiful specimen of a young entire ^toacli horse, wht®h was sold last week by Mr. W. W. Farran for shipment to the United States. Tlw animal we refer tr» was sired by Beaenm’s “Tontine,” dam a Well bred mare of Mr, Farran’s. He is » bnly 20 months old, but is already a " magnificent specimen of his clafts. Dark bay in color, good size, fine Jiead, intelligent eyes that seemed to say a’s he proudly arched his neck and, unhaltered struck a low down g^it around tli®yard, his lithe, clean, flat limbs covering the ground with immense strides“Flow, do you like me now f” We understand that Mr. Farran wotflij not have parted with'this colt blit that he5 ha® not time to took after a compe­ tent person to test the speeding qualities which his breeding and his action give, undoubted promise of. The sum obtained for him would surprise th® raisers of.ordinary eoV>i. So far th® “Ton,Uh®”, stock seem he just £he class for farmers to raise. H from dams of? the coach hors® ( class and they do tiht turn out “fast,” "rights ~the~w^ Editor News Record. Dcxa Siu,—In my previous letter I have met tbe two first cbargos of the Clinton New Era against the Conserva­ tive Government of Sir John Macdon­ ald, namely that be “had not redressed the grievances of the hMf-breedej” and also that he “had been deaf to" the ap­ peals of the settlers for simple justice,” A few facts given proved the falsity of these charges, and before I proceed to deal with the further charges of the New Era\ let me recapitulate those facts for your readers . In 1870, the province of Manitoba was formed, and, with the remainder of the North West Territory, admitted a'3 an integral part of the Dominion cf Can­ ada. At that date there were “no gnev- ances of tbe Halfbreeds” to be redressed, and no “appeals of settlers for simple justice” unheeded. Tbe former had nothing'to “appeal” from, ahd “eettlers” bad no existence, Yet in that year, 1870, Riel aqd his gang commenced, their career of rapine,* murder, and r,-’ Hellion against the newly constituted, authority of the land. In 1871 that re- ' bellion'"was crushed and the murderers and traitors fled the country, Thomas Scott.bgjng murdered in cold blood by Riel on 3rd March, 1870. In December 1871, Mr. Blake being then a member of the On tar ^“Govern­ ment off/rs on jts . behalf, a reward .of five thousand dollars for Riel’s appre­ hension. ■ _ . . ' In 1873, the pacific Scandal, as it was called, agitated the. country, the commission appointed to investigate, tbe eba'rge reported to the House of Com­ mons, which, met on 2nd October On tbe_ 27'th the debate pri the address begun, and after several nights debate a divi­ sion was expected, and rumours were prevalent of a large defection from Sir John's supporters, some Ontario mem­ bers. being dissatisfied with t’hetallegrd- temporising wi h Scott’B.murderer,- <tiel. ’Many pf the French Canadian members from Quebec Wanted an amnesty for hipn,'whilst Mackenzie^nd'the opposition were negotiating~on the tetms of that amnesty in the event of their accession . to power, and Riel was'on Jiahd to avail himseli oflL Their combimid influences failed to extort a promise of amnesty from Sir John, and early in Novemb r his ministry resigned office, and Macketf.’ zie came in. ': Early in 1874 • Mackenzie-, ^dissolved, ‘parliament. The- result of the. appeal was that he met. the new House ..with a -majority of 8G at. his buck, lind. his trouble begati. The ghost of poor Scott hauntel him, the blood stained build of Riel' was clenched and-shaken * >n his face and the -viy.Orious, but’ hungry'grit's were ejamorous for the spoils. In *1875, Mackenzie mo.ved and carried an amnes­ ty lo-Riel to take effect a.fier the expira­ tion of a.term of five years banishment; and the claims of half-breeds, and the Grit squatters who poured into .Manitc — A tl ba; corn-nenced'to. give.trouble.A cry ■ gentle- Manitoba now arose.; .... man, in town has'secured a pig which * ;■ . ... „ _ „• . ,, . . . ; ■ %J? „ -.1 have before me an extract irom p.is an undoubted curiosity. The Can- journal in«the.interesvbf Mackenzie Gov- telo.n Bros.-are negotiating .for U. o m£ni iQ-the. North west,culh d the. Mani*-,. Its 'bristles are so long and closely toba-Herald,; which thus, speaks of lhe , ; b-7k,T iv;nclunrl«,.in<r”' nn<i^............... ‘ ° ■ ■ ■ ' courae which[had been pursued by the i speaking lying and siander.ing and^ Ma0K.epz4ft ministry.< . “So far as Manitoba is concerned she . has been snubbed on almust every occas- sion. Her citizens have been treated as. if they had been beggars at the gate, and their wish?s have received as much at­ tention as if they hW' never; 'been ex­ pressed, * * *, They, (the. ministry,), had their friends to attend to, and die- wishes of . individuals aud companies reigued paramount to those of the pep-- . pie. The . selection 'of. Fun Polly as head, quarters for the Northwest, to suit a clique of Grits,' is a alight example of> this,' ^The. spo-t proved utterly unfit, and • Batllefo'rd had to take its place much to the di.-gust of a few’ speculators; who, however, derived some lirtle^benelit from the erection of.the buildirjgi'at that poiut .* f. 'The Grit government have ignored the wishes of the ^people of this province’ to guitPtheirO'Vjr'fnends- .Ourbotei9 are "■f(iir'<5f*GTit"^ofijtractorS”:and^ob’-seeker8y -aud, yoirxdn 0“e them at every turn on the Streets, Verily • it must be a good thjffg at this time (for one’s pocket) to /be a grit.” . . ■ ■ . •O savemefrom .mv friends.was no doubt tse cry ih MabitoW^Wlfeu;ft'v^I>TnsXieW ■ weeks after Mackenzie’s azreespion to of- married on Thursday-, at the resi insurance is tiQW .to^t*e front as-tlie dance of the bride’s father, hy the Rev. Jas. Gray, Mr. .Roht. A.’Gal- " lander; of Sylvan, insurance, and the small amount w quired to keep'up amoderate policy is often ’ .frittered away’ for neither present nor, prospective, gain. Mr. Allan has been fairly successful. ' , We uihth il to be distinctly undmtodd.tkafiAe do not hold ourselves responsible for tho opinions ' .expressed, bi/corriipondeuls.- Eu.News-RCcohd Editor Neios Records ' - ■, T do hot know'that I am- doing, right, in C’iticUing a. matter that -has ieen ad-' juy'C.'red~dppn by./ho'R'iiLineut'a'nd sterl*' litiga judge aa-Matthew CrookS'Cameron However, much as I admire his integQ- *y>. I do think' that, his senteiicc. qf six months imprisonment upon Mr Robt M.cCullagb fps,aii.otEen.ceJV,hich the .jury dec'ared was only a “common assault," was jnot justice, tempered with mitcy. The- pub'ic were quite astounded at such ft sentence, and, bo I am informed, none more so tlian the .jury. That Mr. MeCullagh was grievously wrong in as­ saulting Mr. Taylor theto can t. no doubt That be in a most unjustifiable manner took the law into bis own hands all must admit. That he should have been pnhisbed All lo’vers of law and qr-' dor will concede. If'McOullagh h.td been a quarrelsome ntan, if his antece­ dents were crowded wirli Instances of law defying acts, in fact if he were what is termed a “rowdy” it would have been eminently pfoper to make an example of him. But. the’ Cs.s& is quite different. McOuflagh was .born and brought up within a few miles of Goderich. I have known him from infancy and,with hun­ dreds of per-ons who also have known him. for the. same leng’h of time, could testify to his good and orderly citizen­ ship. Now, While I id no way or shape approve of McOullagh’g conduct, I do think the ends of jtistjce would hr ve been served, *Lo law vindicated aud adequate p mishmentmetedouttohim had hfereciev- ,ed as many days as there have been months of imprisonment passed upon h.m. He is also liable to civil damages and the shorter term of imprisonment with the. possible pecuniary cost of the affair would, no doubt, have served as a warn­ ing to . him and a deterrent to. others. ■ “ven’Oftdce is mine and I Will repay,” saitb the highest authoriA* ffilt ven* gettnee is not a rocogniZLa Attribute of 'legal mjutidane Jusiice. i will sAy no­ thing of the conceded aggtavftting char- actor of the Assaulted man, not will I Attempt to Allege Airthat. Is" said of Tay­ lor in excuse for dr as A condonation of - - - / McCulIagb’i naSAult upon him, 'There they We th® b®ne And st*® to b® is no excuse for McOnllagh’s Attacking ■ th® vory best fn’rtn. horses; and if bim0A8 he did,.n® extenuation of the ®f- from heavy draft dams you have *cltr* ^tabiding ------ . ClUwn during hU. whole previous Ilf® inent TUT A T T’ A .T> TD I kavo the largest assortment In the County— VV XXXJAJ TL.nearly 60Q Pattern#to ohooae from* Good paper ONLY FIVE CENTS A ROLL. WINDOW BLIND3—Large Vtrieiyt from 10c. to yi.00 each, WINDOW- ROLLERS at 25cand 35ceach. New stock of FOOT BALLS —cheaper than ever RUBBER BALLS-Cheaper(than la#tyear. <4 t,-« culprits guilty of that treason to their country. There are two more charges made by the New Era which I have yet to deal with, the loss of life in 1837, and the re­ bellions* of this Riel, and whence the arms and ammunition he possesses, and the’source from which he hasj derived lhem'r" I1'MUair beSSifVe these points for my next communication, and I promise him an answer that may make him re­ gret that ha ever put the question. In the meantime I again subscribe myself. AN ORANGEMAN OF 1830., Merit Proven. * Dollar upon dollar is frequently spent, on tbs faith' of recommendation* for articles entirely worthless. Not so with McGregor’s Speedy Cure; you are nqt asked to purchase it until its merits are proven. Call at the drug store and get a free trial bottle, and if n0t convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, etc., no matter of of how long stand­ ing, it costs you nothing. Sold in 50c. and ft bottles. See testimonials from persons in your own town. 334-4S. Don’t forget to visit our Mammoth Carpet Department. We show a very large stock of Wool Carpets, Tapestry Carpets. Brussels Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Stair Carpets, Linolhims, Oil Cloths, Mattings and ,Rugs. Wool Crumb Cloths, Linen dniwh Cloths. Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, &c., &c. J. CALLANDER, mei J. HODGENS, ' ____ MANAGER. DRY-GOODS PALACE I’p Q;'i 11V Jack and Andrew. -A— I say Jack what dally papers do you take ? ■ J ■*— I tnlge t^o- G/o6e—V^hftt papers do you take ? A — Tbe Daily Mail J — Ab-I 'Beware of the Mail A —Why ? ‘ . J*—Its a dangerous Journal » ■ . ' A;Whd told you bo ? J-—A purified Grit, I guess you know him. “ ' A—• What’a his name J -? —---------He works in one of our fajctorieB. . ■ A What makes him thihk «ofA J — Because he read the Mail tor three succe8siyp„dayB - A-T-What did he-fin'd wrong? ' J —- The r.eportB of the conspiracy case A — Oh, I see, he had been reading the Globe bo long that the result of that case .was not as he expected - • J — Probably/ but-he says that the. Mail always contended that the alleged conspirators must be cojqyictedJ and they were not . A — That’s proof that it was the Globe thftf deceived him! it was the Globe that said so. Let him read the. Mail and read it more carefully-- ANDREW' Belgrave, Mr. Wm Duncan of this place will shortly sell by auction^ double and single buggies,. stilky,cutterf a .lot of bootsand shoes and dry goodsalso a famous speedy Indian pony.'/ Mr. Duncan has also rented his premises hilre.and will shortly remove to Var­ na where he has purchased the dwel­ ling, "blacksmithshop etc of Mr, Joseph Caldwell, paying therefor $1,000 cash. Our citizens will regret the departure of Mr. Duncan as dur­ ing the many, years he has lived .here, he . has, by his honorable dealings, won the respect of all he has had .business with. ' ' ?. falter Allison goes on a trip to Glasgow, Scotland, he will be accom­ panied by Mr. J. A. McEwen of Mor­ ris.. . ■ . -. .Dennis McCasey has started on the new-cheese factory building. •He has a lot of.men at work. 4 — -—-------- **. • .1 c. o T •<J—-----.,Q_ Ltd ><d • tW O JBL M w . WHOLESALE AtfD RETAIL DF.ALERS IN 1I Xi [I Porter’s^ Hill. Mr. Robt. Beacom has sold his fine young prize winner horse “Acciden­ tal,”' from .imported Kentucky ^Accidental,” to Mr. J. W, Cook of the 9th con. for a good price- - . (‘apt McDonald and Lieut Bacam. will be glad to receive applications to fill up th® numerical standard of their company. -Now that their is a possibility of‘‘business” ahead there will no doubt be a rush for vacancies, but as -all likely to apply cannot' be 'accepted,' the rule will be “first come first s'erved.” •)Ve received two .communications not in time for last. One advises our Porters Hill-, correspondent “to hurt -no person by word'Or deed and? 'I to keep‘liis tongue (pen) from evil- ' alleges* that this was - not, the; ^ifse -When he-Wrote the item that^one- lady rudely jostled an.elclefl^one .against the' wall -of the cinirch. 'The other warns some individual that liis ■.Mormon p.r'open8itips^will;-.get him into trouble- if heMoes n'ot cleave to. one wife only ”* ldivjuual that his opensitipS^wUl^.get him if he.does ■ not cleave to X— T’ isellast. Ou-r store-keeper R. D. Cameron" has by the help of Mr. Michelson put new ceiling in his dining-room and felt paper on' the " walls. This”' ’has. been a cold winter •anti'R. D> is pre­ paring lor the next, and has combin­ ed beauty and Wartnth.' . We are sorry to learn that Mr.-Mc- Crostie found one of his horses lying dead in the s'tabl® ope piorningre- ..cent|y,.■..J. • flee, c NiAuu/Fa.ovic,., Gli»vi, JJayiuoOM and‘all tbe 'celebrities of tbe Neebing Hotel arrived^ followed by 8ir Richard Cartwright and Mr Cameron from Huron, ■ to prey upon the half-breeds- and early aetilers of the Prairie Province. /^I’TiS’wftSlhgTnode’in^whicb Macken- j -zie strove “to ‘ elevaie.XbE'slaridttr.d. .'..fj. Public Morality, and on this basis of ac­ tion Jt is not to been wondered that clajms of Halfbreeds and settlers pouted in Jor adjustment to such An extent that ■ even^the giant in’ellect. of that graduate of,a Michigan University, the.Horu David Mills, then a member of the Cabinet specially charged with the adjustment, threw' them *(ip in despair and, when the . Mackenzie ministry resigned in.Novembd'r 1878, left t‘ip settlement of these claims to the iucoMug ministry of Sir John Macdonald. .**. ■ How Rtand .thdy 'flow.? The just claims of the haifitreeds have been ad­ mitted, evidence called* for ih doubtful .caseB, and commisioners' n#w at Qu’Apr pelle -to receive that evid riCe4 4ftnd renori on the claims. Ab to any Jojealice -td setlle?B7"TK6 ^ry./ is- - sti/’Qf the-OI iHon”IVew'-E»?a "Which- con-- tains the charges I refer to, furnishe# tbe i best repjy to refute them. That evidence ia contained in ft letter td the editor of lire Era; dated 23rd March- last, Written from Morden, Manitoba, and signed .Neil Fox. He tells us that Morden is situated 8 miles south east of"Nelson on the O.P. R., South Western Railway, pear a ‘Mennonite settlement “It is a fine tract of country, they <ydl it the Ghvde.n of- the West, ft is'just one year and a'half since Morden was Started, just one year since 'the ,station was- finally locat­ ed, and We^have now about 400 in- habitants,- with .sibTes, two elevators of 60,000 capacity, ’ iwo hotelp, lawyers, bank, and one newspaper, the Manitoba News, and, he adds, rit has been the best grain market jn Southern Manitoba, It is astonishing the amout|t of gr <)in ■ that’has been purchased here this win­ ter. • ♦ Morden has -a good prospect be­ fore her. .We are looking forward ton great harvest, this fall, aS the farmers are in a better shape than they wbro. heretofore‘ * This^ia a terrjhle picture of the injus­ tice to' Settlers under the government of SiF John Macdonald, particularly as he add#, “Manitoba has had a hard tithe of it fiihed the boom” when the Ourtwrigfits, the Camerons, el hoc genus ovine crowd­ ed the hotels, but. he ddtK, the Province is “just now getting over it,” The .ed­ itor of tho New ErA adds at foot “wo hop6 our jeorrespondent will favor us with another tetter,” 1 join in the hope, «tid when received trust he will make . it public. r Tbe etidencs supplied by? The New Eta‘ig sufficient in itself to dispose oi the editor's*third charge that “hundreds of Canadian settlers have been driven out of Canadian Tetrit .ry by the unjust operation of the land laws,the monopoly, And the non*recognition of their just claims.” You, Sir, have given the land regulations in your last issue, ho t need hot repeat them. Thai in the l’ssi three or four years interested parties hate, tried hard tc divert the. stream ofAettle- Mr. an.d Mrs. Kiltv spent Easter at Snmtnerhil.l. • G < M. returned alone ahd i8 boarding.at Mr.'Agar’<s'. Bach- > ing don’t seem to be the-thing. , . Mr; Harper has not yet (Saturday) started for Manitbba,. owing to* the illness of Mrs. Harper from. inflam m.'iti^not-vliiz’lusiaSL^.-We^rsvpleussd! tostate she is rapidly recovering and ■ he expectsjo leave ..on Tuesday tbe 14th./instTfor the West. : Mr. IT. Alton had a sale of stock, .and implements on the 6th inst. j Prices didJiot range.high considering. I. .the quality of the animals and articles sold. J He intends visiting Algoma and Michigan as soon as the boats run, with the object of taking upland in the locality which 'suits him-the' better; • ■ . • .. . -Mr. Alton is drawing wood for the School for next winter’s consumption. Master Cliiaholm Mullin is learning ‘‘Cabinet making” with Hoey & Miller of Lucknow. ’ The wild Cats kicked up quite a, racket at the loot of Mr. S. Alton’s -orchard last Thursday.night,, none of. them were slain. . .. ' .• ''Mr. Hefb'e’rFATtdh killed a “coon” in one of the treeB in the orchard a short time ago. Lots of wild animals here yet yon see. ’ > "-«» o » < j 4. >-------- Goderiefi ^owiislnp.^^ Service in Shanon, Methodjst Church at 2:30 next Sunday. «?Mr Jw-WLCooiThas purchased a: stallion/sired by, “Accidental”^ Mr. Q..in,tends travelling the animal for the.improvement of stock; during the coming season. Council met April 6th» 1835, pursu­ ant to adjournment—Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, Moved by Jas. Laithwait, seed; by- J .11. ElliotCj that the clerk draw up a by-law regarding Assessed dogs,that all dogs which have died or been killed between the time of assessment and Court of Revision', it not applied for-to he taken off the roll the latter day shall, remain on the roll for taxation, Carried. The ■ bonus to wire fences came up agaip. for discussiop. After a long debate' it was moved by John Beacopi, Seed, by J * H» Elliott that motion 13 of Feb.. 16th reducing the bonus to wire tences tyorn 25 to 15 cents be rescin­ ded and that 20 cents per rod be paid and eachj commissioner only spend '$75. this yeay on bonuses. Carried. Moved by Johb Deacomf,'aecd. by,J. 11, Elliott, that in regard to the petit*' ion of Angus McLeod and 29 others asking to sell tbe road allowanoe of 11I th con, frjdtn Holmesville to tho Malt, river, and buy a road through Albert Halstead’s farm to Mait,-oon/ that Edward Acheson and James LaithWait be appointed to asbbrtaih what the old road can bo sold for and what Mr. Halstead will sell a four rod wido road for, and any further partici* plars ahd report at next paeeting of couhdl. Carried. The following accounts were paid viz. Mr. Lamin indigent, per John McDonald $18,75, to sundry: articles furnished John Penn by Messrs Hunter and Platt, Penn being indigent; $10,62. Asses­ sor paid work finished $75. Wm* A Collkis indigent »18,75. Jauies Con» nolly wire fenca $4,38. CoiwiMf q'L 1 " . • Varna The Sabbath school in connexion .with theC. M, church held an Easter entertainment last Afonday evening. The programme consisted of. music, singing,; reoitatiofls and readings. , There - vvasalargecrowdin~attend- ■ano,e.t,i ■... ‘ Mr? Jas. Stewart, of the firm of Stewart Bros., merchants, Varna, haa leased a store, in Kinburn and moMed thither last week. The store here will be carried on by his brother Mr. George Stewart.-. We wish Jim sue5- cess in his new enterprise. “• - . Mr. Walker, of Iowa, U. S. spent a few days with his cousin Mr. Jas. Reid, Bayfield road.’ ■ ’ ” , - jiliss Wbiteford/ who was visiting friends-.iti the vic’nity of Varna ’for 8om.e.'time, returned to her home in Centralia lastWeek. ' ■ 'Mr. Milbourne, of Jkfthp, is the guest of Mr, MorroW^merchant, We have to record tlje death of another old.residenfofStantley-in the person of Mta.. Sharp, who -parsed away to hpr final home Tuesday of last w'ezelr aged eighty years/ She wsb interred in the Bayfield cemetery -qiv/rhursday.. ......,——• ' ? Z^Mr. Joseph Colwell has sold his blacksmith shop and dwelling .house .to^iVir. Wm.H-Duncan - of Belgrave. „ Mr. Duncan takes possession the 1st. of Mayf ' ’ . ■. ■ The Stanley, township. coundl"met ■on.the 4th inst’. The bylaws appoint­ ing ^poundkeepers and fonceviewers and fixing, officers’ salaries were pas-/ 'sed. After passing a number of ac­ counts the following sums were ap­ portioned’ to the several roads in the township : concessions 2 and 3, $150 5 concessions 4 aiid 5, $150; concessions^ 6 and,7, $90; concessions 8and 9, $7.0; concessions 10 and 11, $130 ; conces-’ sions 12 and. 13, $130; Sauble line, if. 150; centre line, from Par to Baby­ lon, $4<>; Babylon to G'OBhen, $40 j- Goshen to Bronson, $40; Clark’s side­ road, $10 fCurrie’s sideroad. $10-; Lo­ gan’s.sideroad, $25; Baird’s sideroad, $15 ; G. McGregor’s sideroad, $15; In- -nes’-mderoadT$15;-PolloGk~s-sideroady $5; Sharp’s sideroad, $10: Mcllveqn.s sideroad, $30; Thirst’s sideroad, $10 ;» McNair’s sideroad, $15; Bay field-road, east of Vatna/$200 .; west of Varna, $ 100; The council then adjourned to •meet- again on Saturday' May 30th,at -10 o’clock a. m.j as a court of revision ■--iad-fes^etthes-geii'SyGl 'bRaiacssy”--'-'' .7.WZJ lz>i >4 worth 50c. worth . 75c. Kiel Qloves at 50c., worth 75c. Dress Goods at 12i-c, worth 16c. :-------0------——’ ’ ■; ■ • . '' Butter and Eggs taken as Gash, Plumsteel’s Old Stand. ---- —--------------------L0,—0 0_ 1, , ' ■DniQTMonnQnKr the popular IlUJDJuAi 1 dUJN 9 dry-goods man. NEW SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED AT THE1" Hub Clothing House. Stylish Scotch Tweeds, . - Beautiful New Trouserings, Handsome Spring Overcoatings. 4. AH Goods New. No old, accumulated Stock. Rants from $3 up, All-Wool Tweed Quits $12. ft^-Perfect Satisfaction Given or no sale. C. C. RANCE, THE_H,U>.CLOTHING CLINTON. i Fluidrldglitniuff. ' _ There are but lew who have never suffered almost intolerable pain from Toothache, Neural­ gia, or like acute pains. -To themsuch an instant jtelieLasMuid Lightning is'an untold blessing in ' time pf trouble. No disgusting offensive med- ■ icines to be taken for days. One.application of . Fluid Lightning cores. ’ 8old at the drug store. ‘ '• 334-$ (2eO. POTTS. House, Sign, XJt CARRIAGE & GENERAL PAINTER. . .Paper Hanging and Kalsomining second to none. School BlacNbodrds a specialty.. Satis­ faction Guaranteed and prices with ths times. Residence—Mary Street, CLINTON. 33/pGm^ DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE. THE-SUBSGRIBERoffera—for-s#ie-«ev«ni1 Thoro’-hred Durham Bulls, ranging from,one to three years of age, in good condition. .' JOHN MIDDLETON, Clintoh P, 0. Godorich Tp., April 11, 1885. 334-4t Have pleasure in announcing that their- Milltaery Show Ho® Under the management of- |V| |SS Pj| E R^SO N , 19 now ready for inspection. Their display will comprise some of thb ” . ' . .. CHOICEST MILLINERY -'Goods, which for Design, Shades and Materials cannot be surpassed, Remembet • the stand—Opposite the Market Square, NEXT TO T. COOPER & SON’S GROCERY. ABSTODT ' OF THE TOWN OF OLOTON* . for 1884. . RECEIPTS;"" Clergy foosorvo account « («ii * Cash on hand.. . Cemetery account Clergy Reservo au_ County . Dog tax ’ +■ Mills payable Incidental «Lieeshse Non-Resident Taxes /Market Magistrates Fines Public School Statute-Labor Taxes • Gravel Pit Salaries . $2102 17 200 20 . 24 6042 4V , -190 10 .. 7700 00 . 25'00. . 950 18:i 1712 .. 812 79 . ”91 80 .. 350 00 102 00 , 13651 25 14 9o . 82 26 . . 18 60 126,314 M .. $11200 00 . 3400 00 . 2500 00 .. 226 87.. 35 31 . 76174 . 13 60 218 40 . 73 07 ,» '199 3f , 398 28 .. 54 00- . ' 15 12 . 1246 88 . *11)88-00 • LA*2• if 85 .. 202 78 100.00 900'00 420 00 .300 00, 800 00 260 00 2386 08 $26,314 b'A 116600 00 6000 00 ; feooo 00 $27^600 00 vasn on nano vocomnor fli, ioa», ... . $2385 9$ Sinking fund and int'Bt In M oleoni Rank,-1400 04 '4* it a I* H *’** it ‘ • • “ • • OAiuricn 11 Streets and Sidewalks1 ‘ . expenditures. Bill* Payable account, Public School • • “ . , HighSchool '« Charity * Cemetery '* County '< Division Registrar’# lt Gravel Pit “ Election Expense “ Fire and Water 0 Incidental ■ ’ Printing “ Stationery and postage a Streets and Bldawalks “ Salaries “ License ’’ Pound ” Market <•Street Watering “ «« ... Railway deb’t special bate account, Fire and water special rate account, High’School special rate acaount; Fire and water sinking fund account, ■ High School sinking fund account, Cash on hand December 31,1884, , “ ,-/'r LIABILITIES. L, H, AB. Railway debentures, Eire and water-debentures, High School debentures, z ASSETS. Cash on hurid bocembcr 31,1884, We, iU Auditon MM 62 JUA WUMJ VU11UUI ' Crockery and Glasstuan We beg to announce to the people of Clinton ntid surrounding co tin try "th at we have opened out with a select and full stock of above goods. TEAS V/E JVIAKE A SPECIALTYMiT and as we import direct we defy competition. Tbe consumer Will save 20 per cent, by giving us a call and-trying our Teas. ■ c ROSS ’ A B LA C K WE L L ’ S GOODS we haven splen d d assortment of, also all kinds of Canned .Goods. Agent'for Fleischmann & Oo’s Celebrated Compressed Yeast. Terms Cash, and all kinds of Farmers’ Produce taken iii .exchange at Highest Prices/ •. Remember the place—Searlds New Block, opposite the Market—sign the^reat Chdna-T-Cannisler^ : ___: C. J, TUTHILL & OO-, ALBERT-ST., CLINTON. 1 e. 4 FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, SEEDS,1 SEEDS, c SEEDS, \ CLINTON CARRIAGE WORKS. -. (LATE HARRY CANTELON’S) . P. W. HAYWARD, PROPRIETOR, -------- . -• . , MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF___ ____r Buggies and Wons, Cutters and Sleighs. , Only best seasoned lumber and heal itdn used. Best workmen employed. All work Warranted as represented. ■ Low Prices and .Quick Sales Buggy Tops, Bodies, Gears, TrirUmitigs,,ofc., made in large quantities and Supplied -to the Trace at the.very lowest Wholesale Prices. -REPAIRING promptly attended''to. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange. .Give us a call. . - - P. W. HAYWARD, Opposite Fair’s MiU “V- Subscribe for the News-Record, $1.25 per Year. AUmtlSINGES® B'.e afrtheoffice of LORD & THOMAS, Me- Cormick Block, Chicago Ill , .. ....- ......................... .................... a hki<vf Send six cents for postage A UlcIZIa and receive tree, a costly box fa I 111 Mibf goods which will help Ml, of either »ex, to moro money right away than anythingclse in this world. Fortunes await this workers absolutely sure. At once address Trub & Co., Augusta, Maine. «, • 281-ly4 CITY PAINT SHOP. COPP & LOGAN. » a* iii ftu u. a*ijDecorators, Sign Writers.Gildei w ■ - •• - - --- All kinds of HOUSE/ SIGNANd ORNA- MENTAL PAINTING, PW HiwigtogMM Decor­ ating done in the Latest Sty in 1 irs ETC., NOTICE TO CREDITORS. n„..» ii. yT PURSUANT to Section 1 of Chapter 0,^46 Victoria, Statutes of Ontario : X jntotiqe; / # r Ib hereby givop that al! creditor# and othor# Saving claime against JOHN COPELAND, late of tho Town of Clinton-, in the County Of Huron, gbhtleitnan, Who departed th! # Ilf Oft OObout the twenty-fifth day Of, July, A. D.,T884, are requested to bCndby pdet, prepaid, adurtBsed to the undersigned at Clinton, Ontario, oh dr before the •' 1 ’ * “ 27TH DAY OF APRIL, IS85, a statc'mcht oi their name# and addreoras, with full particulars of their claims and the securities ■^if any) held by them; and thtt Mtcf the day last aforesaid the Executor#, under the will of the said Johrt Oopelapd, will proceed, to dis­ tribute the assets of the Bald deceased AlEon^ the battles entitled thereto, regard belhg hsd only to tho OMiths of which- notice shall have boon given as above required, and the said Executor#, will not bo liable for the assets or any part tberepf toany person or peradnB of whoso claim or clMto's notice Shall not have been tecelvod by thent at the time of such distribution^^^^^^ OTjUSTTOTST.- M. FISCHER/ - .. smith’s BLOCK,- CLINTON, ONT; The correct pl-tee fo«-pent ct fitting g-irmei.f ' at clj6iist.qu-.ita.ti -.ns, , ; < ' Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured IMPORTANT Awnpl, In returning thanks to my many friends find patrons n'for_;pijst.pati,Qr.egp...I._WOLiid - 'like' 3tock of HARNESS, WHIPS; CURRY COMBSp BRUSHES, ETC,, ETC. ■ Special attentlon ls directed to'my stock, of ^SINGLE: HARNESS-■ It yvill be found very complete,.ahd for durability and finish cannot-bo excelled hv any one, 'A#T employ none but the best workmen, apd use the best niau rinl to be bought in thd market, all who may favor me with tbdir patrohligc tuny feel cpufidehi •> of getting satisfajctibn. ••'“.• -• ° REPRICES WAY DOWN. Trunks and Valises in 'great variety and Prices Low GEORGE A. - - - - - - < z ^Tte==T==!T!= y JO * c <0 ■=es j Si W '<&*• ZA