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The Huron News-Record, 1885-03-25, Page 4
BPAPER LAWS ■•tke spwUl mtteMtiou of Fo«t ■d subscriber*, to the following I tlie ncwapaiHW larvs ■wtnnuter is, requixed, to give ■.Frrita (leturnbig a paper does I the law) when a sawedmr does ■a pa|>or out of the office; and ■rowwu’ for its hot being bikeu, It to do so makes the postinaster l:Hlo pnblfebm for payment, Ity pertvu orders his paper dis- I bp must pay all arrearages, or lifer may continue to send it kant is made, and collect tbc |unt whether it be taken from lr not. There can he ho legal lance until the payment is made.* r person jrho takes a paper from Lluce, whether. directed to bis Luther, or whether he has sub- rjiot, is responsible for the pay. I subscriber orders his paper to be It a certain time, arid the publish- ifea to send, it the subscriber is yay for it jf lie takes it out of the L- This proceeds upon the ground an must pay for what he uses. I, g ? '■ f . s r the’Division Court, in Qoderich. wember sitting a newspaper pub- p. - < |:ed paying « . Ltd a former proprietor of the llfeca irinno it. T’ ’ ’ L was not a valid defenci I the present proprietor, had no L C... ; L’.- ||ect, although it ,wf|#> not denied Ito discontinue. It was bound to t „ [received the paper and until lie [all ariferrsdue for stflwwption. forpayvf, paper. The defend- 1 paying on the ground that lie Tlie Judge held ........ The' I the present proprietor, bad no fa discontinue and consequently [feet, although it ,w^#> not denied [eudaiit had notified fertper pro- In any event pay for the time sirs due for stfbstTiptioii. tu tn Ivuvil IHItECTOltV. ■ 6 Church.—Services on Sunday at 11 I? p, in. Bible Class, Id a.m. Suuds.v ISO pan,. Service on Wednesday, S pan IliAm Craiu, B. I)., Rector - la Methodist.—Services at IO.?-! a. Ip. in. Sabljjith Schojl ut 2.80 p, IlW, Pastor. j ,, |. Presln torinn.-Services at ll aan. -anj h, Sab’hatii School, 2.30 p. nt. Rev. kwj.jiT, Pastor. • • ■hiristlaa.—Services at-10.30 a. in. and Sabbath'School, 2.30 'p.in. Ruv. J. Pastor. ■— t Church.—Service at 6.30. p. ni. Sub- col. 2.80 p. m. Rev J. Gray. Pastor. THE HTJKOJSr e Goderich. News F ’—ANO— WifRecord, (.AMAL&AMATKn. on, Wednesday, Marell 25 rhe Belle of the Rink. e* are blue and my cbe«ka A* I bear her light step night after . night, Hero and there, to windew and* door, As tthe waits with a heart that is heavy and sore “ ■ I wish the boy dead j while ttha givea her life To Bare him from pin . There'p hus band and wife.'L —Cardiff Mail, Stylish Livius. “Friend II- n^iror marry T The prompt answer wax : “I can* not, afford . to. The girls Jn my stratum of society nowadays are not satisfied without diamonds, seal* skins and opera-tickets, and my in come can’t stand Utat?’ So a warm-hearted man travels the life-journey alone, when, for his his own sakej and for some good , woman’s sake, he otght to be mat ed. What H----------said, half in sport, has a serious side to it. There is no doubt that ‘hundredsof young men deny themselves a wife, because they cannot* support a wife who has extravagant notions of living, . : Every young woman is noL-Pcfean daft" on the subject of stylish fiv. ing ; there are <»s sensible girls left iu this world as there were when Solomon wiotethe thirty-first chap ter. of the Book of Proveibs. A friend pf’ifiine, who Imd just learn ed his trad?,1 said to-the young lady w|i(yn%he loved J “You are having offers from young men in nundsome circumstances. If -you marry me 1 ,cfui prodiise you, for'a while’, no thing better than ail upper story of a bourdiug-house. She adm.ired his frankness, and had sense enough to know that the genuine love of-a pure .ami noble )' 9^*5 ATff/attT Priz9 J J1 ft! “(TparTor caTpetedwTHT"WTI t’oiTand'a, warerobe filled with satin and point- "itcee. She married him and he fought his way up to become a pros perous bead of a firm in Broadway, If she had sold her maidenly heart for .money she would have oheated herself deplorably. There is but one single, valid, motive for'wed lock, ami that is pure, ob -“asI i med 1 ive—^a love strong enough to stand any strain, and to b?ar every pressure. A Probably there never was a mari tal union that did not involve a single particle of friction ; and situ- ■, wiry hav© you H'm the'belle of the skating rink : My uug men piuise toy graceful air May my face- is wondrous fair, — Ml ack a-day ITin u nd a r vw en Vy-j-....... M though I’ve uuent va beaux in M plenty, •*■ Mms that I cannot go with them Me rink to dkote after five p.'m. J ■pears that some horrflile legislator, M the bouI of a Florida alligator, Hoses at once by hobk or by crook, ■lace a law on lhe statute book H will cause a world of grief and tears ■tfrniua girls under twenty years,—- ■w, in short, forbidding them ■o to lhe rink after five p. m.. I, there's that horrid girl, Mia J .May— Is tw;enty-six if she's a day, , Isays she’s.not quite twenty-three— lr glad the envious tiling will be 1 Iry night to the rink t^e’ir go . I skaie with Harry Jones, I know, lie I must knit or stitch, or hem, ■ears at home after five p. m. Iv would these legislators feel, Io arechuaeu ta> guard-the common I ' weal, . Ire, ffie girls whose libortiea • ey seek to crush with fews like these lainsl the harmless roller skate, . • paessed the power to legislate, . Id passed a law forbidding them take a dtink after-fivc p. tn >». •A— -. and no woman a sinless angel.' But oven tlie few and inevitable fric tion swil I not, wear on the f’riyets” if they are kept well-oiled with un- selfish Iove,.L.When true hearts-are wedded in the Lord, and wedded for i;eaveii, they can iiear occassion- al.disagreement of'ta-te or judgment, -or^-~fe w~d isa pyoiirtDT<HTt's7L"Wimt"^ .puts a . wedding-ring • through the soonest is wilful neglect,—Dr.( T.'L.. Cuyler, in the Brooklyn Ad vanc.e. : . Tlietlaifeis to^Herat-T^TJ •RUSSIA’S- PRETENSION^ERRONEOUS AND, . . ‘ BASELESS-. . ‘ . London Standard. Tlie Comqii^rors the Merida Bislmp Taylor terme mihaionaries “The Conquerors of the- World” and like all other conquerors have rnada mitttakea. In his book-. “Tan years of Self-Supporting Missions in India" the Bishop mentions some of these mistakes. An earnest missionary in North Indie, having spefir some years in the Study of the Hindustani lan- guage, waa one day preaching in the open., air to a premiscuous crowd of Hindus and Mohammedans, about Heaven— asmaui ja han— the heav enly world. Iti his discourse he tried to .quote the assuring declara tion of one who “In my Father’s mansions," The . for mansion is “makkhan,” their word for butter is,“inakkhant” 0 The two Words gre alike, with the dif ference of an accent.. He meant to say, “Mere Bap ke ghar men bahut makkhan bain,” But said, ’‘Mere Bap Ice ghar men bahut mukklian bain that is, “In my father’s house there, is much butter" The diifer- ence between ‘a’ short and ‘a’ long in makkhan converting mansion in to butter. A Madras missionary told me , about a-ridiculous mistake made by one of-tiieir most learned men in that city. He had beeu. selected, iibove all others, as the most com potent pian among’ then) to traiis- iate a number of our hymns into the Tamil language, and compile a Tamil hymn-book tor tlie use of their native churches, In, render ing the first Ijne of that ^grand hymn of Charles Wesley, “O.fora . thousand tongues to sing,” he made an egregious blunder that passed through a number of editions of the book, and was sung for years before they detected the mistake. In the «Tamil. lapguagwAlta -wxinLf or Aoiig-uq and tlie words for sausages are very much alike.’ So for. several .years the translator had the missionaries and tboir native congregations piously singing, “O for a thousand sausages to sing-!’’ Strangd to say, tho ridiculous thing coincided ex actly wiih a Moliammedan„slander against Christianity with which, they had been long familiar, name ly, that drinking brandy hnd eating pork are distinguishing character- isticfl of the Christians.. So the na tives, wlio’ktiew the meaning of the word, seemed to take it for granted it. was all right, and hence,ithat Hie ’ “iCin‘istiatffi wanted’!!" thousand saus- ■ ages for a 'song. had been there: house are many Hindustani word Editing a Paper. ■H CONSUMPTION CHOP An old pliynfeian, retired from piaetire, having had placed iu his lunnfe by nu Ei«t India mimmary tlw Ibrmula of a tiiuiple vegetable remedy for the speedy and parnmnejit cure of Consunq tion,, BronchitLs, Catarrh, Aatbiim and all threat and Lung Affections, also a pos itive and radical cure for Nervous Debility ami all Nurvous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ot* eases, has felt it hie duty to tnake -it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relievo human suffering, I will awl free of charge, to ail who desire it, Inis ire-' cipe, iu Uerjnan,. French or English, witli full ducctidiis, for preparing and »wmg- Bent by mail by addressing with stomp, naming thia paper, W. A. NoYxs, 149 Powti's Rieck, JRocheHer, N. Y, y 31My-e,o.w- was extremely entail ; he u verv tall j man* Fearing.. M>at i» l>Hr iiront her greettng would be rawer more noisy than seemly under the eircuuistatices, be bent down, as she drew near* to speak to her in a whisper. Rft«h man I Xu » moment tthfl clasped him around the neck with hoth arms, and bestowed upon him a painfidly audible apostolic ailutat- ion. The magnificent cathedral nave; echoed to strange sounds that after noon. Not even the protentmm sol emnity of a cathedral verger, in the very presence of the canons in resi dence, watt proof against the trial and the white-robed procession dis* appeared Lorn the sacred precincts with mo«t indecorous rapidity. The victim dfthis astounding reception,a man possessed of remarkable, power over the muscles of his face, was lhe only person iu the cathedral who preserved an unmoved gravity of de portment; , • , A very common form of religious craze is a desire to argue out privat ely with a.clergyman someques'ion he has touched'Upon in preaching We once heard a clergyman preach on the text “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God/ and he chan ced to make some remark upon the occasional value of apparentlyLvary unimportant portions ol the Scrips- tures. For Some time afterwards lie' was sorely besieged by a hearer who #j(uv v>|up |yijcu jifh,(rw wished to insist on having proved to < |-o(, vheumatisin, neurnlgia, pain, sore- him the importance of verse 9, chap. ’ .. .... iiLSpng of Solonion, “.King-Solomon nrode himself a chaiiot of, the wood of Lebanon/’ Fortunately, the clef eyntan in question had only been officiating for a friend. Had be been vicar of the pariKli,RaUrotQ.Jui. buttonholed as lie walked about the streets, his fate wonhl have been pitiable. ' Worst of all, and often absolutely dangerous to the cleigy, is the craze of a mission, either to insist upon', or prevent the promu.l gation of some particular doctrine, Scottish Review. 1 ’ ' From this time henceforth. TennftB- see school directors must know how to read and write, Burden after bur den is being added to official life. McGregor .& Parke e Carbolic Cerate hue been tested by years of trial and has been found the inost convenient and effectual method of applying carbolic acid. The greatest antiseptic ly nsefor Cuts, Bui us and Old Sores, Be sure you get Mg- Gregor & Pai-Ke’s Carbolic Cerate. Sold at 25 cents by your Druggist. 830-4t. In some regions of Africa girls must be six feet high before they are allowed to marry. And pray why shouldn’t Hymen insist upon high women ? AWeWed me"'; — Hagyard’s Yellow Oil touches the .rightspot everytime when applied ness or lameness, and internally for colds,- sore throat, etc., it is pqually- infallible, 330-2t. - Vegetable Sicilian IAIB RENEWEB vm the ar»tpreparation perfee^yttdripted to !uif> tfefe&titai of Hw ttwitp, and ilia tioit »uc- ■cgiful r^iorur of l’udcd or gray liftir to its. iiuunri color, growth, and youthful bcautv. . it law hud many buitutora, but none hat Oto .fuUy Juot till ti>o tpijukcuients nueuful for Uni proper Irtarinent of the hair ai.<l scalp. lUM’M ILvin jmseWER has ptwidily grouu in favor, and spread iti fame <uid usel uh css to ttvery nuarier ot t'.io globe. JlU unparal leled success can bo attributed to but oi:o cause; flic entire fuljU«Knt af its Tlie pro^ietors have often been surprised ■t the receipt of orders from lenioto COUli- sr.es, where they hod never made au ellortfor vd lutroduelion- 'jlrrusn for a short limo of Hall’b Hair tuxEWKit wonderfully Improves the per- O;;arnj>peni')incQ. ft cleanses the scalp from 'I impurities, cures all huiiiors, fever, and lit^f.tucs tlie weakened ghiuds. and enables m to push forward a* now ajid vigorous nvtli. The-effects of this article are not .UiSieut, like those of alcoholic prepnrn- >ns,but reinnin a U>rg lime, which makes ..-j use u mutter of economy, BUCKINGHAM’S DYE FOR TRli ... WHISKERS Will clinngo the beard .to a natural brown, or blaek. as desi red, 11 produces npertnauen • -o’or that will not wash nwny. Lotisistipgt 1' 1. single preparation, it is applied without rouble. PREPARED BY -a. p’. w & co., W, m “ ’ Sold by pll Dealers in Medieijirs- A BARGAIN -I A ..... . TEA■■ ■■■I Ml MS —0—0— Kf| CENTS Rfi JVA poun d. WV Th© Best evev offered in, thia vicinity for the Also, Gleneral equally cheap, FLOUR AND on hand. i naoney. GROCERIES,"f FEED always THOS. STANBURY ■ 0 TO MERCHANTS: How to Sell Goods —-TALK to----- THE LATEST! HARRY FISHER, the renowned Ten- soriil Artlet, h.is obtained,the assistance of n th-st-yliiss Barber. All the latest styles of l.idiei’andgentlejiieu'sh iir-cuttiny. Ono door east of the Ovinniercial Hotel. ' : HawThe Jinglct Gets ,Iusitlc , (Chrlstan Union) The making of sleigh bellsis quite an art, The little "iron Ball is too big to be put in through- the’holes in the bell, and yet it is inside, How did it get there? The little iron ball is> called the “jinglet” When you shake the sleigh bell it jingibs,- In making thebell t.hisjinglet is put inside a little ball of mud,just the shape of the inside of the .bell. Then a mobld is. made just, the shape ' of the outside of thebell,0 This mud dmlHwi-H.rothe-jing-iet inside,' is plant d in the jnould. of the outside, and1 the metal is poured in, which fills up the ■space between the ball .and the mould Wdron" the rirould iro taken; off- you, see aTsfeigh hellV but it will nofrihg. as it. is full of dirt. The hot metal dries the dirt that the ball is- ninde- of so it can be .shaken out of the It. is a shame for a rich Christian man to be Tike a Christmas box that receives all, and nothing can be got ’"blYtof it till it is broken in pieces. If you are suffering from asens'e of cxlrune weariness, try one bottle of AVer's Sarsaparilla. It will cost you but Oirodolhir, and will do you incal culable go.od. . It will do away with that tired feeling, and giye you new life and energy. • A German jilt has just deen ptm- . islrod by the Mainz tribunals, her aggrieved ii.etrotkea having been awarded ;£3c0 damages, with all costs. This is the first time that a lady has been sued for breach of promise of marriage in Germany. OF Scrofulous, Bfcrcuvinl, bk Blood Disonb-rs, tbo b<'«t. renrorty, beontiso th most searching and thoroug: blooihpnriflor, is ..... 121 i . LARGE ASSORTMENT'OF Eliting a paper’ -is a’very nice, business, and those who know not-.. ’ • ’ . or so n can lie .suaaen oui> «h hi»-hi.ng=aJiput-itr-considerit-a--very-easy^ fcl- W|) 'the |itt|e-iron jiri<* " A Valuable Patent. The most valuable discovery paten, ted in modern times is that of the best blood ; purifier and liv^r and kidney regulator known-. We refer t,o BuvdoJc Blood Bitter?, tyhich is making so many wonderful cures and bringing tile blessed boon of’health to so “many people." 330 2t. Be sure you get the Genuine Mur ray A Lannen's -.Florida Water, There are counterfeits, but if you Tvill bold a leaf of the pamphlet, which is around each bottle, up to the light, you will see, in faint letters, Water marked itf the’paper, the. wprds“LAN- -M-AN-&* K em prN e w-Yo i: K-’ ’ a n d - w-h e re you cannot find this, you may be sure the article is not genuine. . . '■• Ayer’s Sarsaparilla* Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles, §5, CORN S'HELLERS, J. B. WEIR’S . IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, And all Implements used on a-farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at CLINTON. * ONTARIO PLOWS, wyr:' nr" hkht* t* / "xti ,nr*’T3HiW. rr-f-r? -I -■ j,-,,-, n f/A J *- Wishes to in'oi m lus old «nstmn uH anil tin- public geueml’y - tlath lir, h cqa-m-.l out in tin.* • Carriage and Waggon Business, 0» tb.9 Corner gf Hujon and Orang? Staets, Clinton, in the Brick Building known «s thv/'Moimtcastie property,” where he will carry ’ qn the trade In till In hranclufe. .hr exjieiTCiu'e of ovi-r 20 years In business in Clinton Will enable him to meet the requlmtu-iHs of tins-public In hts line. All matet'kil of the wry quality and the wm'fcm ittHhlp imxni’piwsed. Call yjHl examine before purchasing. All the latest improved i'igsmanuiuctureJ.uud kept coustautly o» liaml. • ALL WORK WARRANTED. • ’ - PRICES REASONABLE^ ^^fiepairiug and Repainting Promptly Attended to. —CLINTON. ONT., DEALERS IN—( X3ria.@;si dfcs ZUCedioixxeis Physicians’ .Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded, and Orders Answered with Care and Despatch. S'Jie Public ioill find our Stock of Medicines Complete, Warranted and of the Best Quality Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists,’ Sundries usually kept in a First-Class Drug Store. wapaper t WALL PAPER. The time for House-Cleaning is near. All WftPtiBg Hall, Parlor,. Dinin q-Boom, or Bed- Boom Papers, will find the „ Best and Latest Patterns FFI Z S, OFNirSANi PANELS, FILLERS, »C... US” The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nothing. . Call and see the papers and get a Book ■. m GODERICH. E3“ He Sells Cheaper than any oneon top of the Earth. ’ • JOHN CUNNINGH AME,. '* ' ............... ..............i'‘------ - GROCER, - GtlNTOKT. QW Groceries, Fruits, Gonfectioiiepy, Etc. 1 Fresh Currants; JLayer Raisins^,Black Basket Raisins^. Valencias, layers;* Valencias,, loose; Citron, Orange, ■& Lemon Peels. Nuts— Almonds, Filberts, Beacon, &c, Green1 arid Dried Fruits of all kinds. About twenty-different kinds of Confectionery. BISCUITS—Wine, Abernethy, Lcbfffin, Fruit, Sodas and Crown Biscuits. Marmalade in jars. CANNED GOODS—Peaches, Pears, Tomatoes, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters, Sardines, etc. Haddie and ” I II nsbaitd ’anit-Wjfgr- -—— - It’s .the strangest thing that ever I I knew, md the most provoking, twixt me and you, nd a woman .who’s got a man like .....me,................. good provider, and steady’ and ■ free rith all her folks, with funds salted . down, nd as fine a house as any in town, o be lamenting ’cause one child in , ten.. ..... ________ .• rn’t quite as good aS he might have. been. , It’s a pretty good showing, it seems _ to me,; ■_____'____ 'hat only a tenth of my lot should be . . L little off color, and that's what I say . ' i’o their mother twenty times a day ; But I can't make heT see: it in tlfat light,- . And she,listens and waits night after night"*'......... -*-7“ For the sound of his step, till I grow ‘ so wild , . ’• 7’hat I almost curse both mother and child. ■ “She ought to live] for others, you know, And let the tormenting vagabond . -go >< And -follow his ways and take the pain— But I tUrn him ouFalid.ffh-p"Sall8“Hij3^ again, . ; This makes a liardnesB between her and me, • • And the worst of it is the children agree ' - That I’m in the right. YdiTd pity - her then— k Sometimes 1 think |’m the meanest of men. , “I’vo argued and scolded and coaxed without .gji.d; Her answer is always : *My bo"y has ’ one friend’" Ah long as I live, and your charge is untrue That my heart holds no equal love for ydu Arid all the rest. Bui the Otte gOfiO astray Needs me the most; jatid you’ll find ’tin the way • ' - Ol all mothers to hold close io the ono Wlio Imrts her the.thost. So lovo'$t work is done.’ “Now sdiat cfttifl say to such tvord os those ? I'm wot convinced, as the history shows j But 1 oftett wondei1 wliielt owe; is righty ' Herat—even Ru.ssiaus admit-—-ia, beyond all question, “Afgh.ani' ..’To tiro north a mountain system sep.ar-? ■ ates it froth the 'Turkoman deseits, and these-, cfeserts stretch in almost unbroken line to M.erv. Two rivers or water- .ways run northwards, through or round the mountains till their waters are Jost-in-tiro.sands. On one of these—on the northern slope of tlie hilJs-feis. situated Pens.; jdeli. It is' now lrojd by a garrison placed there last year by the Ameer. The people, are Turkomans, of a tribe- which once held. M..erv,_._J)iLt_. "generalions since were driven .south- waMs; The Russian case is tliaL. these, people being Turkomans are "their subjects. - ■ On the. other hand,’ the tribesmen have themselves .ac cepted the supremacy of the Ameer, and have constantly and regularly paid duesn- .’It is contended -that during all, the disorders which pre-' ceded the Russian occupation of Alerv—a period iii- which there was no pea.ee iii the desert or on its borilerlfeud-^-tlre : Afghan ^autlror i ty; ‘ at Penj'ieh wus noiyiual. Perhaps so. But there was no other author ity there; and the-great fact-^-a fact of winch Russian diplomatists ought certainly to allow the fall force™--is-, that possession is on ’the side of the Ameer. That/however, is not all, •Iii" 1809 tlie Euiperor of Russia ap proved of a boundary .line—which was then, pfp'^oups^ drawn in view of .the reiirote possibility of a Rus sian advance towards Merv—dud in -4B72“profes«ed-hiiiisel f-muelran tiqjfe? ' ed that any fmther ■arrangement'^ should be tlroukht necessury, Petro jdeli fell on the bn the Afghan side of that boundary. Ilf 1873, how ever, a fresh and specifroundei stand ing was ■ Concluded, between -Jlie, Cabinets of St, Petersburg and don. By this the ‘’’dependeiroies’.Wf’ of Herat were recognized implicitly as part of .the Afghan Kingdom, and only the. “Desert”- beyond the --'•specified districts dyingsJietwoetr- ! Herat’and a point on the Oxus was spoken of as belonging to the in dependent .tribps <>f Turkomans. Now, history shows Jtt the clearest way that Badghees has been a de pendency of Herat. Yet the Rus sian view, if accepted, would enable the C'zar to occupy a long tongue of the territory up t<» the mountains. The pretence -of the Miifteovite Diplbniuts is, in fact, tltftt WcauM the Ozjxi4 of dttd_ thefo'ore |qrd. of the Turkomans, he may clnitu—-in spile of zlfghan oc* cupacy and traditional rigl)t'*»*Iord* shiy of any r<btce to which the wan derings of the nomads reach. Thi^,. as a prinqiplt', would be iiitolerabfe, ami the fipt'dilri appHeatlorr of it is simply a Ij^iiaue to the Ruler of Afghatiistan, Sliltali’s Consumption Cure* This is beyond question tiro fnoM site ecsftfnl Cough Medwitro w« have ever field, A few drops invai-iably eutctt- tiro worst Cases- *oT Corigb, Croup, and Bvcnchitis, ’While-it's wonderful auceessin tiro cure of Oohetnnplferi is 'Withqut a parallel In tiro htsfory of' nrodk’hie. Since it’s first dis covery it Iros been sold on » guaranteCi a let! which no other mediciiro can-stand. If you have « Congli wo eat irosfly ask yon to try it. Price ificte. o50ef«. and $1.00, Ifyotir Lwigs are sore; Chcsfe.or, Baek, I.4ftro.. wse Sidldli’s Porous -Plaster, Price .^cts, Svl<i by J, II. CmuU LOfi ly - V business. . If we publish jokes peo- " pie say we are rattle-headed %rid if we omit jokes we are told we are an old fossil. If - we publish" original matter, they Rlaipe ub for not giving selections,.- and if we publish ‘selections,- ' folks " «ay'f M*e. ' are lafcy for .not “writing something .-they lfad 'not read in some oilier paper. Ignorant of .what good edit- , ing is, people Imagine the getting tip ■of selected uiatter the easie-t thing in the world to,do, where It is really the hardest work on a paper. If they find .the editor with scissors in hand theyb.e sure to say, “Eh ! that’s the way you get up original matter, eh?” accompanying\ ilroir- new .and witty questions with nri‘ idiotic wink or suiile. The facts are, that the interest, the morality,’ the variety^and usefulness, of a paper depends in no Small degr.ee upon its selected matter,' arid few- uien are "capable of the position who would not lie able themslves to .write, many. ..ofi.lAkar.ticlestbe-y.sdeet,AsensiMe. editor desires considerable selectpd matter because, he knows that orie mind cannot make as good a paper as five-or six.-—Xt' wa-giye-tv-matu -a - compIiitient.ary ■ notice we are censur ed . for being pa'i'tTa.l, '“"ai’fel^'"" if" we fail .to give complimentary notices we are; infurtiied that, we are a Ilog.. If we insert arti-. cles that please the ladies the'nien ■are jealous ail'd if rive do not cater to the wishes of the ladies, the pa-: .per i.n the; dear ones’ opinion .is-yot, fit to make a hustle of. If were- main in our office and attend’to our business, folks say we are too prou I to mingle with our fellows, and if fwe go out tliaysiiy we.never attend to pur., business. If we wear o.ld is bad, and if we wear good ones they Bay we are extravagant." A- newspaper and a newspaper editor that people don’t talk about- and sometimes abuse ar.e rather pt or concerns. The "me'n and business that an editor sometimes feels it a end3R,Xim-riskrof-m a ki ng- |Bpjie.inies of. another class, are often the1 very first to show ingratitude. The editor whg expects to receive much charity or-gratittide will soon find-out his mistake; but he shoiild *go alidad and say what he thinks d? smifefe ■ let will still be in tbe^bell-and upil, ring. It took a gbo.cl many Veors to. think put, how t*o make a sleigh bell. Skating vs- Methodism. Have you a cough?’’' jSleepless^ TnghTs'needin'd"Tb'ri:ger trouble you. .The use of Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, be fore retiring, will soothe Rm cough Io quiet; allay the inflammation, and allow the needed repose..It wB1, moreover, speedily heal the puhnon ary organs, and give you health. ■>.. Brooklyn Eagle. k < - The agitating question at the. Methodist book concer n, which is .tiro headquarters, of the Methodist . bishops of the ‘[Tinted', States, is whether, or hot to officially-,cpiTdeirin roller skating rinks.’. Every mail brings letters from pastors who ask for advice -as to what attitude thes ought'to assume toward the ali’aln sorbing sport. Many of them, say ‘ tlt'at their efforts .to start reyivdls this winter have’ been completely fustrated by tlie skating craze, which draws the young people away fioin. the service in church to the pastime in 'the rink. Reports . from tlie professional revivalists' are to the same purport... They are unable to command the success of- former y ears=in-Consequm'icefof/tlro-cli.stract« lug-craze; .Harrison-,the’Boy Breach- er,” iniplures tlie bishops to- issue a manifesto on the point as tQ wli.ethftr this ndrt-of-s lea ti11 gH s-i i o t-ess'ei f t i a I l-y- tlie sauwlirchai’actro as the dancing wbicii ALetTiotlisu/. jxwTuvely pro"”' hibit.s "in public asseinbl-ages. Tiro Widow Van.Cott.is etuphfetic in, de bouiichig t lie amubeme.ii t,-ns wicked, and the tendency ot must of.thr-' correspondence hr OB' that ' tenor. Blit pastors generally hesitate with out the autiioijty, .olfethe bislipph io take a stand iti the matter. Tnu- far the bishops, have confined theii . replies to- private and unofficial nd- vice., The Rey. I)r.'Curry, about' as expert a Methodist-as there is on ■ points.of discipline, said' in answer “Roller skating ni public rinks is not a whit different, in its moral as pects, from dancing in~ball rooms. The discipline "of ..the Methotlist Episcopal church is 'uleant. to piaci- duncing,in mixed assemblages under the ban which it explicitly prououiro ces-agai n st’ u ng.udly? and < I em,oral iz- iug amusements. 1 don’t intend, to give you th.e views of the bishops on . this Suddenly important question—. the gentlemen are scattered through out the country on duty, and there will.be no meeting before the end of. the skating season, unless one be' calhd for the express purpose of dealing With this topic-—but I have, .individually,, no doubt what their’ decisions will be.” In the mcau- fyrinie,. Rev.Bueklay, editor, of official organ of the Methodists, feels so certain of the pernicious quality of the rinks that' he will, in. next week’s issue of. the journal, advise pastors to preach plainly hgainsl them ftnd forbid their members to indulge publicly in the sport. Tlie' policy W’ill be to inveigh against the sport its?, physicallv injmieus, too. The opinions of en.iinent physicisns, so far as they agree with this .idea, are to be at once secured and puli iished. It can be set down as a positive fact, therefore, that Metlro odisin is going to wage'll warfare on the i’inkfi. , clothes it is insinuated that-business^ -toi ti n -inquiry ot'your’correspondetrt- Bcliind The Scenes In Clerfcal Lite., A not uncommon, and perhaps lit tle suspected, cause of clerical worry and annoyance, sometimes even of peril, lies in .the vagaries of people wlio.are meritally unsound. Relig ious mania is a .very frequent form of such unsouiidness and this often leads to the clergy,'being objects of attentions far more iiiarked than' ag reeable. Extravagant’dpvotioif to, >, or equally extravagant detestation of some special clergy iban J is very cq4m- mon/ The former once, in our Own experience, gave rise to’ ’wliat, con sidering all the accidental circniii* stances and surroundings, was prob „#abljr the most ludicrous-scene ever wituefisej In a church, lit a city Boasting the possession 'of One of tlie cathedrals in England, there, Jived a spinster lady somewjiat Weak, in iutvrfect,ono whose etate^lmwever, did not render any further supervis ion iifecJSksai'y than tiiw constant at tendance of a trustworthy eompan- ion. /the,rector ,aot the parish in ■which s|w lived waa the object of her most *ardent Hevotion'i On one oc-. casino, just at the tpoment when ohofisters and clergy were coming in M procmiofL down Um wave, this poor little woman entered" at the west door, She instantly espied her rect- iW, and Vefote lmr uoiiipauion eouW ___ ____ , interfere, rushed jtowaid b.m. Him; his homo at Panama, N. V j National Pills, not prompt-ly-npon- tiro Liver, regulate the Bowels and as a.purgative are mild arid thorough. . . _------;.--------------------..p “jy.ill.iam,” said ft teacher to on? of- . his pupils, ‘‘can you teil me why the sun rises in .I’he eifet?” “Don’t know, sir;”- replied AVniiam, “’cept it be ■that-, the ’east, nfekes everything rise.’-' .Teacher fainted. ■' ' • 7Ua X»»r»vJB« 9** *‘uo»* *“ • »UW4 THE REMEDY FOR CURING MSWTIGK, COOS, COCTS, ' • ASTHSSA, CE..OUB ■ All Diseases of the Throat, lungs, and PULMONARY ORGANS. . Q'¥ IT S F A 1 T il l't.' I. V Hi;_______ , CCKG When other Ri<*nc<,tiea and Physicians have- ■ . foiled io yilect a cme. Recommended by PuVsictANs, Ministt.rf, and . -Nuksiis. In fact hy .evuiybod.y who i.us givenit a good tri./h. ft never jails ' ■ "' . to fy-ins i'tlief. • ,- Ah ah Is4rECTC'RANT it hap no Equal •. . I: is harmless to,the Mpst^Dclicatfr.GhiKI.«^™. /^contains no OPIUM in any foi-m, tar Direcfions'aCcpiiipany each bottle. ” tf^For sale by all pruggiyts,. . ■ ■;;<SI‘3ObO FORFEIT! ■ Having the utmost cwfl lenee ifeits superiority overall others, and uftor thousands of tests of the most complicated niiil severest eases- wo could find, ive' feel ~ justilie.d iii otf'erini;- to forfeit Dnc ThotisanrDoTlai'sTfei' nifv'cisd orUoti'g- hs/col dsj' sore throat, influenza,hoarseness., bronchitis, con sumption, in its early stalos, whooping eoug-h, and .ill diseases of toe throut and liing-s, except Asthma, for which we only claim relief’, that, we • cau'.ttmre with West's Cough Syrup, when taken. 50 cents; large bottles oiio dml.tr. Genuine Wrap pers only in blue. ■ Sold bv all d'i'mrgists,’or sent by express on.receipt of prieo. JOHN C. WESl* (tCIO.; so.10 proprietors, si and-S3 King street E., •Toronto Ont. J. 11. Coiiibe, ugoht, Uiifiton. 31-1 ' WARE. CROCKERY AND , GLASSWARE, Ladies’ &-CHINA &....... -.. . Gent’s Cups and Saucers, Glass Bread Plates, Fruit Dishes, Jugs, Nappies, . ■etc;—nil noTv goods and-'of tiro very iatcstrstylus. '-Sco-tliem '.early. u' Essences of ovqrv kind. Reliable Yeast Cakes, Toilet Soaps, made’by all the leading manufacturers. tVashing Sonps—all the leading lines. ; ,L.....- GStAT VALUE ifi TEAS, C9FFSES ANO SPICES. .....— 1 iwnsjjmraiiraraaj too Matter. No-inaUer where pain, lameness or sorenessrcxist-fij Ifagyard’g Yellow Oil taken orapplied will give immediate releif, and a positive'cure. quickly follows its use. . ’ ■ 330-2t. A .witty deacon' puts . it thus: “Now, brethren, let ns get. lip afenp* per and eat ourselves rich. Buy your food; then give-it-to the churclr; then go and buy it back again; then ent it~ up, and your church debt is paid.” ■We.h'rvf a speedy nTM.posltf-Ve-.Cnre,’ .for. I?jj taitrlij-rfit^Gn nker -mont-lb arid liend • Ache, bi filHLOilW C/\ |'. AlUlil l-'EMEDY. Annual In fee tor free ..WitlidiRgh Got tig. Uke.rit’iT yon rh>slre health iiihI sweet hieith. Price 50cts. ~Sol<4-by“.L,-II^Goriilie.-.— "^-’'A-irolri-'-dai'keawm-Ken tneky-signs ■ hiioFelf Col. Henry Clay Jones,. 'When asked why. Re should prefix that title to his na.tne, as he had no .right to it, he- replwd * “Yes, /•' has, S;il).’-’ ’'“Blit yon ‘are not a colonel.’’ “Diif.^do’n nieiiti coldnel, bossj.dat means colored." ' . Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap.is highly: recommended lb" the ciire of Erup tion,Chafes, Chapped'bands,.Pimples, Tan, &c. • r . ' 328-4t" . SHIEOJFS CATARRH REMEDY. 'A niaiWous .cure for Catarrh, r-Djpthei-ia, Canker nwuth, and .Heait Ache.’, '"Witli each-bottle tlicro-is an iiigeiiious, iiasaf Iff.' sector lor tiro wore successful.ttreatynent of these complaints without extra droroc. Price o.Octs. Sold by S. B Combe.’ 2(j-2-ly You can’t judge a man s dapac.it.v b,y. the size-ot ft drink he takes If it is an unusually large one lie nro.v be otiTiift way liorria to tell his 'yifb ’that- -h e- d idji' fr -ha v e--t i me-t oMffiyH b eLborfe^ net that he promised her. ’ - . ' A Itcarty ItecaiumeiKlation. Jacob A. Einpe.v, of Cannamore', states that he. has taken Burdoek lingering ppnplaiht,'iunl adds t.bath would gladly recommend it to-al], Jacob A. Einpe.v, of Cannamore, states that he- lifts taken Burdoek Blood Bitters with great benefit in a "-1- ■’ ke ...3'30'uV. Ccorgc McClury, of Loufeyille, Ky., on ClmsttwiaJOiky^pifoiuised to uiav- ,ry Fanny- Bender, within three, months. He, however, deserted, her, and paid attentions to Addio Beard. Yesterday Miss Bender called upon Miss Beard, and after greeting her a^ectionaHy shot her through the lungs. She was arrested. ' . On Sunday, Bov. C. A, Babcock, of the Baptist church, Titusville, l’n., reprimanded certain members of ins congrogation becauso they had om deavored to oust him. On Monday An. Dctt'In, who was ono of the par ties offended, assaulted the minister, struck him h) .the* face and kicked him. The minister lias gone to his ■TELON_BBOS., •■ ■■■. General- Grovers . and'• Produce. Merchants, ' RAfiFV’S flLD STfiitl). ALBERT STREET, Cl.IH.foN. ' ’ ■ -iStioics, Fresh Finiiiy’Groceries ■ . CONSTANTLY IN-STOCK. . ■nrfian.'M'u • . I ’WE will pay the above reward for any casi'of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick ileadachi', In digestion, Constipation oiUJostivi’imss we cannot' cure with West's Voxotalbio Liver'Pills, when. the. directions are strictly eomnlied witli. 'Drey ate puf’eiy. V'c^eiahle, anil never fail to give satisftu*- fioul ■' ailg.tr Cffilted. Lav-go.liuxi >sriniutatoinjAl. Pills, 25 cents. For s-ale l»v all Druggists. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. 'Die gotnc inc ni’anuf,w.ture’ll only by .1ptIX (1. WENT At CO,, “Tim Pill Makers," §t and SS King-st., .E.', Toron to, Ont. Free trial p wlou-os sent b.r m-ill pi'v- paid oil receipt of a 3 eent stamp.. •>, H. Combe,, asront. Clinton SSOO Rg’.S-ARD'i . . . Fanii.Pruduc-e' taken at Bighest- Price. YOUNG WIENI-HEAD THIS. , “-^Pir'E-^WpLT.ue, Belt'Co., ■of Murshall, .Mich., oiler to-send tiieir celebrated. Elec- ,4’RIOS‘u 1,'PAW-B Di rT~a-l id--, o tl mtol'JWJTSRrc: Appliances oil'' trial for thirty days., .to". men (yoiwg or old) nlllieted with irui'yAm? ' debility, loss of vitality anil ii.>an!i()odf iufid -.ill k'indre. I troubles.- -Also for rhea ma - risni, netir'iilgia, paralysis,-and niany other diseases; Coutpkdc restoration to health,' vigor and“niaithiroil -giriranteed/ No risk is incurred as thirty.days trial.is allowed. llfeui at once fov.inus^<LjimilU lot free. . 318-y When a young man is fingering the ‘cash left him by his grandfather, can it lie said lie is revelling in liis an cestral hauls ? . Along the lower course' of the Ural river, in Btmsia, the-prohibitory liquor law,s are so strict as to prevent the saI'g-'Of hl 1*tl Istii I«rl <1 rinIts.' Tlie'rich jnople, in consequence, have taken to tlie consumption of cologne, the little town of Guryeff alone consum ing about 2/LO dozen bottles a year. Dr. Low's Worm Syru.p has remov- -etLtape .worrri' from 1A to 30 feet in length, it also destroys all kimis of worm., 328-4t As the happy- couple were leaving the chuvcli* the husband^ said to fhe partner of bis married life, “.Marring? must seelrf ft dreadful thing to you; why, yott were all of n tremble., anxl one could lmrd.ly hear you say' ‘I will.' ' “1 will'have more courage and sfty jt louder next time,” said the blushing" bride. ■ Th« Qtiestion Of The Way. -.“What is good for ft -idold <”his ft qiiesliii’n oftef) asked, but seldom sat isfactorily answered^ Wo onn answ er to lhe satisfaction of till, if they will follow our advice nn<l try Harvard'# I’eBtnral Balsam, oafe, pleasant and certain ifiroatnhd lmfig healer. Sold by till, druggists. - ' 330-2t. Yfes brethren, said lhe tdorgymaw who is preaching life funorftl sermon; “our deceased brother was cut pfi in a single might ■ torn from the-arms of Iu'b loving wife, <who Is thus ibft a desolate widow at the early age of 24 years.” “Twenty-two if you please,” sobs the widow In the front pew, I emerging front her handkerchief an ■ ihsiaut. ’ Freeman’s Worm Powders require no other Pttrgfitiv.e, They are ..safe :«nd sure to remove" all varieties of Worms. ' 328-4t ■ It tn kps 26 years foij a man to be- comp a.physician in Germany. Land Is,' scarce oyer there .and and. they' ^ariDM_spar.e-iitucK. spacfeUor-roenro etery lots. ' ” ' Fluid Lightning cures Neuralgia, in onetinlnute. Fluid IJglithiiig curesTouthiicno iii onefniriiite. Fluid Lightning cures Face Adicin onu-nilhuto. Fluid Liglitnlug cures Lutnbivgerin one minute. Fluid Lightning relieves Bhcunmtisin. in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or Ache instant ly. Price 25 cents per bottle at Drug Store. ............................ . ' ■ :wo-4t............ _....,• •. ........................■ “Yes,’’. said the- schdol girl, who hail arisen from the lowest th the highest ppsilion in het class; shall havA-a-liovseshoe lor my symbol, as it denotes having come from the foot.’4 A riant Of Rare Virtues Is the common and well-known Burdock. It is one of tlie best blood purifiers and kidney regulators in the vegetable world, and" tlie compound known ii? Burdock Blood B'rttei’s po ssesses wontbirful power in diseases of- the blood, liver,,,kidneys and saomach. 330 2t. At a boarding school, one evening, rv youngSpaniai'fl, who had,just-begun, the study nf English gramninr; wish ed to be .helped to some boiled tongue. "“Miss,” he said to the girl who sat at the opposite’side ol the table, “I will-thank you topass me the language.” Mc(Jrcgoi*'s^l»eedy Cure." ■ purebiiscr of common sense busTOfiss ■, when requiring an nrtlele fur a certiuii Burefnvoi only that which htis been . Is allowed first to tost -before bitylnc. nllawed a< free trial Jiottio of McGreg r’s (Jure, tiro gp.it jromojy for b.-apoasia. Sold7at t>0«. amf $1' few bottle."ffeo ' ", Wr; “I fitiw yMf auvei'tisement for a \young ■ man of good address,’ ” rd- mnvkbdone of the applicants for a vacant position, “and I tbongltt j would cull and reply. My address is Clinton, Ont., and if that isn’t as- good its the host, T should like to kffow wlrora you will find a holler one.” E- fftpj w crj ,IOSC, , tried or I; You wes' Spoil,V (’.Ire, u>o grj.iv ru»>u i.v iov m,.spopsia. impure Blow and-i.hcr Dlsordcw, at jo.tr Drug Store. Soldflnt 60c. and $1 per bottle. Seo testimonuis from persopslo your own town. .----------------- nt to't Ro. Contain their owe s a f fa, sure, and ciTecCjaai Children or Adults bargains HEALTH IS I . Dr. F. C. West’s Nerve and- Biiain ■ Treatment,agunmnlncdspenilic fer' Ilys- teria, Dizziness,-Cimvulsioiis,Fils, Ncj-vmb Neuralgia, Headache,' Nervous Pi osti at ion caused.-by theaise ofnluohol m-toliacco, Wakct’lilness, Mental Depi-cssimi, Soften- : of,the Brain .resiiliilig in fiisanity and leading to/misery, decay Mini ilentlj; Pre mature Ohl Age, Barrenness, Loss of powei iff either sex, involuntary Losses and Spcr- matnrrhma caused by iiver-oxertieu of the brain, self-Tibiise or uvor-imlulgence; Each box eonbiinsone month's tveatmeiit. $1.00 a box, or six bo'ki's for $5.00,’ scut by mail prepaid ’on receipt ef price. • We Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any case. With each order re- ceived by ns‘ Im ; six .boxes/ accompanied With $5.00, wonvill soml the purchaser our written- gitara.ntec to refund the, money iT the treatment docs not clfeet a cine,. Guarantees ftsnod only by John C. West fcCo.,81 and SO King-st. 13., Toronto, Ont. J II. Ciiin’oe, ftgenfpCtiiiton; ftT-j-LY '* VICTORIA BLOCK. ••I ’nnving- purchaser] a l’.rge- stock oY-- - SOOTS AND SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices iiim prepared to sell LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, - •Jfeffi. Light inid Heavy, Double anti Singlo," at GREATLY REDUOSD PRICES.' . l£unks_&_Valisesaway down. Baby Carriages.iri great variety.. - 15,000 Bunches of High land Pine and Cedar Shingles,- . ' VERY CHEAP. . \ ' F2 ooni^ To \ ( a ve»• 1 op.*=^3gf ■saanazaomnzneaHaMiaaaMUDMMMMaBKaHMBaaaMMBMaHaHMMMMiMBMHaaaMMM^HB^M TAILORING. West of England, Scotch and foreign Suitings ■<& Trouserings, English & French Worsteds.. , THE CLOTHIER, Goddi'lcb; 1ms ■ii 'snreniHi'ily•wrriwl stock- of new Spring-■nnd ^uwmef'Gbodff.- Ordered uinl .Rwid-y-ninde Sults at the lowest prices ever htmrtl of—none biitthjb best of trlmm'lngs fiseil, it nil perfect fits guaranteed.- A full line of CENTS’ F U R NIS HIN C S a I ways tn si oedti On 11 and seb, it will pity you. AB AHAlffi SMITH; The.Square. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every ttpoefes Pt Jtscasa artsing frown 0T®WTAweBt T.MJLBt’!tNHO..*^§aNra OILINESS, DROPSY, ' FLUTTERING OFTHE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE* STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, ISuekien’s Arnica Salve. r Tnw Bast Wat,vr m the.Wotld for UtttR, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Feyov Sores, Tettcv, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin Fitip* lions,, and positively cures piles', or no pay required, it Is afummiced to give perfectsiUtyJftcUon; w money rcinndcd. Prive ventsJ per box, F<m sals by Watts & Co, ( 2.$S-ly St-Il 8