HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-03-25, Page 2fur flale- R, Coats & Jon. A« Notdee—-Manning and PlZiiaL, Hao’ — BiRndfather Ejcm TAIZTXMOISr .v.g-lleroi’fl *’■ ... . ' C( G’ GoderiGh News j. ■—AXO-^ ’ . ' on Record, Wednesday* March 85 purliMsp’un away with tliy. /the present I’aGianieut has against ,coui pensatiou «(j ou d ion carry. The Housttuimp; ired that until prohibition impted the quest fan of com-, u w-as premature. - ,- ~uomi>ensaifan sh'-uld'1 TS- those who uiuy-'f’be l/'gis- t.of, a now fagithuate HukL ight,and iliat the pri upon the firm be the whirligig t Iv and favorably i irohibitioiii.sts li et which we hav frofn. &itd a fa g radii ally TITUTION.” .the ‘‘th. lich'thn pay foi gilt h.m t SOI that jfalui O Wh ciple :a tnlut'i.n me wijl i mine./! ave issued a' only sr'ji Ht-re is one which ,po.ser”:~‘-<'GMPEN'. being a The wi nds of I k «rs and ji the fii ; human lost ? lit they are and poo ou*ai brew i an v OlU WtTld riter then it .souls, distillm '.st placi bring to A lid sup- 8 ’ad mid lie placed should restitution, bi writi d rum trad an IMS nd,, riter p : .lines had tli is ask he ow hould not ition hich Not coaches its, of iir el, L'f •c rlepri-ciaOed, ' It illy,’ ’whether ( L'hes and horses i isftied for the de property by legislaf -d the rai l wav a char ^Fke owner of tli >;rs• :s iiot proliil J them. ie*.his regular business ; wn’t^s of breweries and rfistill- would by prohibition be pro- id from using their |ropertv* eir regular business and .couse-.." Jv v.ould be entitled to com-' ition. e difference .is very gieat. In use the depreciation of the pre- is. the _ accidental effect".of ation ; in the Other case the eciailon of the property . is the nled (-fleet of legislation, who q i obji-ct is directly Mined at Che. ioiling of the utilization of the lerty for (be purpose which the prs liougTi't or built it for, under '-xprrtss sanction, encouragement protection pf the law. , . n emiiietit writer on jurispru- (•.e says " rii&law commands what is right and [.Is what is’wrong. Personal protec- and protection, ahd soegrity in the rision of land: t is to’ yid k ■T rity dad list dl .id other property is k’S of England.■ The ivati on, of a pr ivato ?;.tb o lack 'ol pi •otec- ecu to. a iu'gfo f a public duty the whole com mon-’ a t -ISO >Wf‘ 1 f « f igl. ~ I 1.ite it ct U f ate id 8 can eqyifabfa way <jat of the dilemma. The laws of God’ wnd man will *up*» port’ thia contention, The injury or injustice i» ^voidable Veause OOipjSWWfatHS pOMiilrfa. 1'tt’MidOF unto Cvaser tba <hinge <h*t ore CeuwrU Glider to the Jiotefa owners the things tiutt are theirs by the existing fawe of .the Jami, on au equivalent, And,«.« we said die other week,’if the masses will de* rive the .benefit from prohibition that its-adYoeahia-allege they will, the money required to compensate distillers, prewres etc, for the loss ‘they will sustahi hy being legislated out of existence, and their property,, rendered vaJuefass, we!) retwYn. them one*thousand fold. A f*w days ago an ^rdent prohibitionist ’ferrnte' to>.the, - London.’ L pr^^unui people, of Surety it investufent imaginable $40,000,000 down on the «pot, but for once ofity, and save $40,000,000 per annum, not only during the lives of the present generation, but save $40,000,000 per annum for all time- Xt bhatH all follow the most roseate tiiited ipsnrmice"’endowment policy ever •0- iee PwHrf that $40,000,000 at would be saved to the (Xumda by prohibition, sliouhj'he the-very best to invest concocted. ■0' SHI TILLEY TA&KS. HU efl-pf the Mouth lam bast- Those who have noticed the style id matter of the .liarang humptious member 'fa Huron will agree that the, ing" he received from Minister of Finance Tilley' was as deserved as.it was apropos. . Sir Leonard said “Mr. Speaker, I desire . to siy a few wprd^in reply to the honorable gentleman. But before d< House thi sessions I Parliatnen of sfmm to wffact or provent it. lhe drunkard fo the gaol will tell you jhat when, out be can get all the intoxioAtini? liquor l*« wanka, when Un ~W~Kimy Annual Report of' the IitspeetoYs of prison and Gaols in iVaine, tiOITOlllAL A'OTES, The Hamilton Spectator emmi we -have warm weatlnT In Huron county when the thermometer showa 24 degrees below zerd. What arctic.region the Spec, must live Thpre were five executions hmiglng* in the United States last week ami 231 failures—tlmre were at least that number of failures to hang persons deserving of capital punishment Ilers an in. nv Says thh Ottawa Ji'ree Press:-- “Sir Richard Cartwright was in splendid form—he. was sarcastic,'’ &e., itc. Says the Jlamiltoii Specta­ tor Let us sets, What was it tire late Thomas Carlyle said of sarcasm ? thot it was “the fatig<i<ge- of the devil,” or something of that sort. Quite appropriate, elf? 'and en- jury ac> In th© trial for the collection^! tbe-amount of a note made .by con­ spirator McKiin, M.B.H dorsed by one Gainor, th tuglly said that he altered the date of khe note without the knowledge or consentw of Gainor, Tim Glob& briefly mentions that the jury de­ cided that’the n’ote was al tered in Gainer’s presence. Conspirator McMim’s Alleged Forgery. The ease of Gaiuuv v. Lillien. was heanl. Mr. Munlock and Mv. Murphy apimmed JfevQUufe 4<k- C, and Mr. D. Guthrie, Q. V., far thode *' fenda it. This is an action by Gainor, a fauuw, against IJUit’o, who keeps a private1 bank-at Arthur, to fccow* $50'0, tthirii he paid antotbe bank on aceoimtofa nnte mmb ...................................................... w tu m huh ■ken >re w Mr. li,’ Robert lm had en o.a t he ■iff chan (kihior ara-fal tl S MrKiin, hmsM. nid that after he: the first ■ KIWS1VIL Was tho cam® formerly given fa ficroful*. beeauso pt A (tupewUUon. that ltcoulflljo cured by a king’s fauth. Tfio work! Ja wise? now, and knmwttiat • SCROFULA *• can only be curv'd by a thoron* b purifier tion \>f ibe tjauik If this is fafeketefa the disease iw-ryvijiutva fix bffut throui x gewrutwa after gewfriimu Among f. < earlier symptoma.fc Uev< Jopinenfa art*. JGczema, Cutauecus Eruptions, Tu­ mors, BoDs. CwbuncfaM, Kiyripelaff, - I’arnlent Vlcera, he"vpus and l*hy* plcfti t’oRupae, ere. 1 asiawul to c<m- timw. Hneumattem* ficrofuloas tarrh, Kidney and Divei; Diseases, Tubercular Conanr’pfam, and Wh-* ous other daugeroui ox 4Uvi4. muludicA, ju» produced by if, - Apsr'sSarsapixdUtr" Is the onto pnrerfvt tmA always 5lo£a-puri/iiin(f medicine, H isux-ffeei- ■ ual an alterative that il eiridfcateff• froin the System Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of -ct.irtiuioux disotwa »nd mercury. At the r. nie time it en­ riches and vitalizes the blood, restorin'? healthful action, to the viial organs an.t rejuvenating the entire system. This great: Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the eenufne Handvrar Savsanarilla, with Yellmn Dock, IStib lingia, the Iodides of potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po­ tency, carefu’Jr and svirntificajly com­ pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best ShysloUns constautly piMcrifie Ayer’4 ARSAPARfaLft as an * * Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by tho T,Illation. tho blood. It is conccntiVcfl to the high* cst practicable decree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects , gro claimed, and is thofr'm-c th$ ebeapes*, as well as the best blood purif j Ing medi­ cine, "in the world. . , w 4 O- w - ^pRErAnrO BY - ■* ’ S . Pt*, tl. C. Afer &‘Co./ Lowe!!, '[ Analytical, Ch emists. ] Sold by all Druggists t* price $1 j alx ’z ' ' bottles for $5. '”*■ Stanley. Mr. Joseph Foster, of Stephen, lias moved tu His farm on the Bar# line, Stanley, f Mr. Jame» Wells, start# fox? Brann don, Manitoba, Tuesday, taking with him two span of horses. Masker David McNaughton, fell off a sleigh oue day fast week and broke his arm. • a” Mr. Tho • Johnston, has returned from a visit to his daughter, Mrs, H. Hu Ison, of Ma.fatte, M chigau* We hear that taffy pulls Are the rage down on tho Bayfield road among the fads aild fatwicb. Mi tliacl, youngest son of Mr. Jacob Diehl, who fell from a horse just fall and injured his back, fa now so.far recoveredjw fa be able to walkjirotmd tHoTIbuSeAvinioiiF asswtahceJ 'fa'""’ Mr. A*. Mitchell, lost a valuable colt fast week, coming t wo years old, which he parchased some time ago in Kinloss. The cause of death was inflammation. Mr, W u. Woods, has gone fa visit 1 his friends at St. Helens and Luck now. His absence causes one of our young ladif s to wear a mournful coun­ tenance. Mrs. Bollock, another old resident of Stanley, passed away to her home on Monday fast having reached the ripe’age of 9(J years. Her remains were interred in tiie Bayfield cemet­ ery, mourned by a large number of relations and friends. “ Presentation.—The members of the Presbyterian congregation of Blake, presented their pastor, the -Rov. Mr. Dauby, with a fine load of oats. Such conduct asfahis must be very gratifying to the Rjv. gentleman as showing the high esteem in which he is held, The memb.crs of tho Bible class in connection with the Presbyterian .church, drove to the residence of thoir teantatesr^fWWMiSfe-TShaxv, and presented him with a handsome easy cfiair. A neatly w01-'ded address was read by Miss llickie, to which Mr. Shaw replied in suitable terms. After spending a few hours in games and other amusements the company broko up wishing Mu. Shaw a long lease of life to enjoy his easy eh air. A unioii Sabbath school convention was held in the Methodist church, Varna, on Wednesday, 18th. Inter­ esting addresses were given by the lfavds. Smith, Dauby, Taylovand also by several of’tlio hiyniefi present. There were a large number present at thb evening session, The chair i,n the evening was occupied by Air, James, Shaw. Music was famished by the choir of the 0. M. chiirch, The con­ vention throughout was very edifying and lnstructive, ■ .. . . while a charge of cavalry and fire ftwu the guna at tin, Lfasfaeu web* stopped- the oosl Might of the Arabs, which at the ouret thn-atened serious diawer to the Brittain Gen* Graliw reports the Ung- 'isli 1 <■«,■ so far as knowti, are two. ,offir>> rii' aiim’t wV/j ty-1 wo meoiwa awl thirty three men wounded. The losses nf tne engiuwra and transport corps and Indian troops are not-reported, '' A7>WTWNAI* PETAIIff An un< fiieial. eslima'e places British killed at 54 and wounded N‘ft ly uil fae casualties wcr ” spi-ur thrusts receivrif in hand to Ij ficins. snort tl ’lie (rm They f. or take Wifa .-ennimitading the zarebu, wsgirilv there wen rebels ' sv?rftr.kilfad owsidmbU length, ih which ha ad­ mitted that no one advised Lira to g.a to Chicago, that he did not knqw how long he bad lived in Goderich; that the ijrst lie hoard about stealing them on Friday and that he was drunk,was .not in a state to remem­ ber all J that night; that be did notgetdrunk for the purpose ofateel- fag the ballot boxef, did hot know where ho got the liquor, hut was very drunk on going to-Bailey's; can not account far renoHeotmg some* conversation gnd not others. Didn t know where he was on Saturday nismt, <li<I nokkmow whether he was in bed or not. Jn fact the whole of the cro ;s e? afaiinatibn merely showed that the witness remembered some things,and forgot others and that he was generally drinking or drunk; That he had written to Bailey from Chicago and told’him he would give him away if he did pot, send him money. ' t Will lam Craig, the next witness, stated 'that he re ’ enibered the voting on the Scott Act. the Sunday pvening lofa Inw'ng the voline there was a conversa* . tion between Curry and McPherson on the jBbfawalk ; the conversetion was a general one; there was nothing private abontit V/p were talking about what might or could le done in the way of taking the “boxes; I locked upon it as a j-fae. After* some similar evidence the witness stood down. At this poin.k the prosecuting attorney stated there was no evidence a-fainst Carry and asked far his discharge, which His Worship allowed. James Farqnharson testified that he knew •L'.htt McPherson, and saw him very early one m/Woing af’e'- the voting on the Scott Act; it was a Monday morn-' ing between three and four o’clock:; he waff in- Mr. 'Bailey’s company in the liquor room behind the bar; cannot say what they were doing at that time.; was surprised to see them there I came down to the pnmn to-get a drink and heard some whispering; I listened and then Mr, Bailey.enme into the ball;‘I -asked him yffiat he was doing at that time of the night, but don’t remember the . answer. He/asked me into the bar to have a drink; I did so and then said let us have another one; we had tlie drink and I started to go back to bed and.wn3 as far ns the sitting room when Bailey .called, me back and I followed, him in'o the liquor room, Ha said h? had some boxes and wanted me fa help him to get rid of them; I^s iid no; I saw a box. my impression is more than one; looked tn me like a sqnaye tin box; I nevec-had seem till-that time what they' call a ballot box;, nofaing was Said in .my pre­ sence as to where the boxes came from; I asked .no. qnes(inn.s biit snsnected where they came; from. Brtilev. said he had a wif’nnd fami'y and I,Lad nope, and if I (lid m ’' ’ ............ •was sa5 ley let 'Ghicagi hi crosi " lifiti’ * bld’ Him tlfar' he' nf their coming there', Joy- did pot find Fan for" bringing' tpem, • After Mr John Reed had’ given evi­ dence!-, regarding the discovery of; the broken window, t,be ifavor adjourned the ciise till Tuesday morning far the purpose of ■ obtaining the evidence of M’r. Musgrave. A •"■ ■ •’ • Bailey was committed for trial,:bail being accepted. * ' \ Th© Van Archdeacon Elwood was in Toronto on Monday. Mr. W. LL Dicksob Barrister of BruBsefa fa in town. ■<?d- from Hamilton. Mr. Allan, is in charge of Miss Moore’s class io St. Andrews Ward, that fad.v'being away in attendance on sick relatives, The News'-Rec r» item last week ifegMTling an old and respected resident, of Colborne^ township, as to bis Masonic standing, is murdered by the Stinol stating that the gentle man claims to be the oldest Mason, in Canada? Mr Green claims noth­ ing of the kind, nor was he aware tlfat the item given as general news womd ever be published. The Sig­ nal had Better continue its wholesale stealing, than muriier as it did last week by re writing. -, A the regular meeting of Hurori Chapter, No, 30; G’.R.C,, on Tuesday evening, 17th inst., the following officers for 1885 wefa installed .by V. E. <kunp. Joseph Beck, assisted by E. Comp,F.F Lawrence; R. E. Comp. I. F._ Toms, Z. V. E. Comp. Joseph Beck, II. Companion Jatpea Green, J. Henry Clucas, S. E. A. McD. Allan, S. W,- N.- Nicholson, TreaB, H. W. Ball,ILS. D, McLeod, J, S, Jas, Robinson, S» S. Jas. Addfabn,M.of V* W; Bailie, S;B. J no. McBride Jas, .Miller D. Comp. Radcliffe, Comp. F.F. Lawrence the 8o. I to end an- , - of ps and kil’ed aniimds .. “« to give 'General McNiel, i'h> tenprtB several thousand the fight, and that over J.000 .. ..J or wmmded.. McNeil I* blaojT*# tot uutwkiugprec. ntion against' Burpi'isn, 4 . nriuour Co\of Chicago, have re** Mveib an order? fror^ the British Gove n- m|fft for 'fift)' miitou c^im; of meat for the army ’ in jSgylit invent? thousand! . CHifaile will’pg required to fill the con­ tract. ’ ’ du< Atd/8 got-between <he t< ni’> and zarebu, sp nn-tl men isuorteori ogfit'riivugely, refa ’qiinrt^r. C . d ... at Li’ had h. 1.1c re uds’iid h If for Mr in que; on Aug: ’house. -r ...^. __ — -., as. when lR signed it.in July. He did uf,t recollcet the date it boi Imai .. after MrJv hints some due. Air. before the the mana; lifai that Mr. |lri<: tiro note cqiu'c flue « In; I to mortgage his He paiiH’lrevfntmey to li«-i puid tiiej/imte L cc zery that the date ('.Rihged. After the hi Mr. Smith had told lrii. note as be would get th M<’.Kim. Whim. Im bi tho’ date of the note hm tolfl Smith that he had < no jtmir when lie (Si altered the hun that SW en-led h hi.m. 81 i it iV ", iyti >iug about th i m's assig: two or th -Mo Kim note cam* ?ejr M' Lil: m ! <D it a fa, the note iloifa-d it Mt-Kinffs rendition To ith) note, va.s V He did not tin until paid the re it \riift. dgnmefit ... ■. ’fan-th, ,uk. hud told nrmnont made me. Ho bad nay the not*. :h. Alter he i8de the d;s- 1)0 1}! old he ike cm icy fa note it. He days Mu i! ind Mib it n die n rr « a d ivli ■Ki had tot 1j h IHl id d- ■oceediri; that M tliangi ii, to 1th t<■j' crino into the banik wi tWso mo no that lie had made mark tli at 1 be bettef to make all tl iotes ei at tne same time.SmlitffsinilMe went to a side d(«■k an <1 thait he tli Into tho back ollii infl 'when ' bock ho had tlie i mte in itsi.ultei'e K >tc: it hi ;d' 'ty, of Arlliu ' AZ '..j . Heli iicooun' . Sow h m ’on d fii id nil dd 4. GODERICH. Holy Communion at St. Geo gc% jxt Monday at 8-30 a, m. The alterations on Crabb's hullare making satisfactory prog.i'ess. Mr, Geo. Cox, the British, left for a trip to Ottawa, last Saturday, Mr. Gifford Elliott, barrister of Brussels, was in town last week. Mr, M.C. Canmron, M,P,is in town attending the Assize”court. Miss Annie Doyle left on a* long visit to Saginaw last week. Rev., Mr.,Carson was able to occupy his pulpit on Sunday, .. - -- The 'attendance at the Salvation Army bafrackfa'is increasing. Mr. Loftus E. Duncv barrister of SeulaTtli was iii town'lnst we^ek. The Messrs Beck shipped-103 sides of leather, yesterday. ■ -■ On Friday night tlm, thermomenter »g&tered thirteen' below zero, ’ - Miss Peacdiell, of England, who- is railing in town is the guest of her K <C Steward^. > Ex.Com,fi IL. _ .. . Comp. W. H. Murney, Janitor. A curling match was started on .Saturday between”Scotchmen and their d/cendanfa on tire one side, and other imtionhlitfaa on' the. other. The game was not played out on ac­ count of a misundeTstanding as to the number iff ends that should be iflayed, * When play’ceased the score was as follows: • ’ O sb O'i k Rev.' Fijthifa D( 4the. next witness. Gainor, Lillico, an caffton to overifati Lillico's -Bank so Mr, Smitjfatne mm a'lowed him. to overdraw his account Finding that. Mr. McKim had failed he thought that some of the members of his congregation, might have lost by the fail­ ure. Mr. Smith had to’d Tfan ’that Gainor hold McKim’s note for ^501. Smith hai (old him libout iha chah, ing Of the date, ‘Smith said he wns going to see ;M<iKim and would have l.jrn arrested if he Wrnuld nut pay the notel After he heard Gainor had taken up the note he had advised Gainor to ge^.-legal adyico about the tion befo had goni money fa He bad ’seen yourtg M bank, who told h ' ' any thin gj He had g. sion with Mr, Ji ' By ^r. .Q’sler—He had. said nothing bo previous u ' e, money nor were ight thnl ph iborty, of Arthi sHe said ha il Smith, w. his i mutinies. fiigev of'the b is as follows: . Scotchmen, Adamson, Dickson, iSti’achan, Allan, » skip-18 > AH others E- II. Watson,, W. O. Bei'ry, E. Martin, . Q. A. Humber, skip—17 No 2. O, .Tones, , Welsh’ ilborne, Dnncy, skip-. it the t ’ssrs I fate pliiypil in the is'making it an he. . ■ fays' opened on i Is Ii fp " 0 Ii le i" Ti) s ■ ridfai. His Lord- said/he was sorifa igratulate the P. A. D. A. 0 < McD..The "Toronto A’afas publishes hogns account said to have hei made out by-a “patriot” in T837 for •war' loss<faT"''TriA^ a '“giveaway” it is said to have been copied from a-memorandum .made at the time (1837), and yet the account runs, etc.. ories, ment that name .in. 1837, a nt. J’ v coi^jiij, Mr. R. R Th< West Rid: Show will take, proxiir ‘ A d< Goderi temp ei ' He ye are un spbetiv Meeting of the High School L . eveuii >. Sey mour who was in town ms the guest ot’TIr. J . R. Div. Court/Clerk-. . - nglmm, w'eji innn'ed to hi ig so I would state’to the it diuhjg the oleyen or twelve have lia'.l,the honor of a seat in t I have received at the hands irs on both sides, every .respect vith the exception of the bon'. ir, Hear.) is on this < ecu disp jid integi id consideiatioi), am oar gentfiunan until Hufdn-.^flh able gejitleniaii b satirical manner, upoirwy honfa the honor and integrity of with whohi I am associated '•merit; He has oh more tlia: iMhiuk, in aii uiigentlemanlv maii (elW - ’ ’ ’ ’ of m y\> a: fr Si oi fa neihlwr for The hon- iccasion, in d to reflect and mionity the geritlemen. in the Govern- n one occasion, )—referred to to the cqnstructiou ...yNSoiifences as beiilg ungi’amriiatical, il lie'Stood iii his place as a critic of tho >ral character Anfl educational standing the HousV - Sii’i Lam renunded by his irdnct and sratcnien ts of an incident that ot mag. since in the, smith 'of lere a meetiiig was lfohl.for the riisciissrqg some iting the Tb^iijriy. There iat occasionT country sqi of self-esteemNwiis very ]i ami his ol’gan'df beftovclenCevproport atcly small. (Laughter )'. lldriniagi he knew everything in that section of the country, .and that .his neighbors\knsw nothing at,all. At trie meeting if hunible fa.’iner was 'presellt, and' he had.'.the'iuv clneity to differ from this.g-ouhtiy‘ squire/' Aee<)vdiiigly-;lthe"’’S.qiiire, took him to task and said, “I hav,o stated so and so and you ' arc .an- illiterttte-jil.aifR’. “I have’ been ed­ ucated in two*'universitieSi” He did not say whetliffi'-hn’liad -ever: taken- a dcgree*cir. not—(much • laughter)—but the farmer replied, looking , directly ..at the squire, .'“What of that ? . I ’had a calf once tfirf sucked the milk of two cows—Jlaughter) —’arid the more lie sucked the greater calf he grew.” (ITeuifenddus laughter lin’d np- plfihse-'} That- i*s the spirit in which tlie lion, gentleman fi'oiij. South Hnrop. (Sn’< Richard Cai’twriglit jt'reats tiff on tins side of tim’Ifauseravlietlrertodiwateil oruineducat- ed (QheOi’S.) It'is trucT had.n'ot the ad­ vantage-of-a university education, but I trust-1 ■ have’sufficient to make my state­ ments to the Houscffi'u such a manner as the members will ’ umleistiuifl; them, and I,, lir.pe with, such evidence that they . will believe them. (.Cheers.) — ' . • — ! ' • • ' - . i nd, wh sc of. , on uffec it on til organ ipoi’tttnt '53 irge. ion- tied Huron Spring io. ‘bate between Bov. W. '1' A, C Gap t. “Government of Ontario Dr.’* Liars should have good mem- for there was no Government of Ontario nor a Province of lrre*' give He food -We tali'- war- have beef and other faifiter.' After the invest; ■e the magistrate at Arlhi i to the bunk to'denian ck from the. bank* for G Lillico at ga­ bs the )br. the that he cou-il not do .about it unt I he saw his fatliyr ;<me to'the bank on -'rliis occu- is-' Madden, of Arthur in fill d ‘hate between Seaforth and eh faok pla<U last night in the ■iface hall, riil of otir 'resident mariners tier .orders to join their :e ships, ' >■ ' • re. tlii ' 01 th Mi ,13 wo di- *o terrible-diseasor Consumption. Ask i’selves tr you can* afford’tor fae sake of" .. ing 50()ts., to run the risk mid do noth I Ter it. We know froin experience that, lob’s Chre- will cure your Cough. It er fails. This explains why more than. Million Bottles were sold the past year, eliei'es Croup and Whooping Cough at e. Mothers;- diriioHitfMtltout'it'." ’"For" fie Back,-Side, ' or Clii?st, use'Shiloh’sjgs^ oils Plaster, Sold by’ J, ff, ;Combe. 263y nt sp he would have to. Nothing id about, money at that time; t ai? nt me. fifteen dollars; I went tp ;b; J have never repaid the money is-examinatvm stated that Bailey. L«i Polslated that Bailey, •had no knowledge fyid also'that 'Bai- Jt with’McRlierson e. riprift lay.' H Th .• tice Cameron pres ship in his address ■ that Re could’ not congratulate the Grand Jury oft the/lightness of the calendar, ahd dealt at some-length on the .different cases that .would come before tjiat b.ody. After the Grand JUry hn'd .retired, a civil suit Irwin vs, Mai'Sball & Soil vvtia triedC 'Mr. Garrow appea .■tUf..'*The dele ’ am appearance Wd-bee/rlmari q verdict for amount clni-m -then morn in N; Cash Stan Mor: field ■Join Law: ' .wanosh ter ary Society on Friday election ot of-Hcers,* Mr. ,1V m. last we.ek v xUcDouguil, Mr.;E.B has; been'c< few weeks, by severe/in The (^iadrille f day' evV' It, iLis Is MAstgj ing p the Ji Mei ’ <io(Ierich flL’<>whship. We have seen a letter containing refusal of $300 for a Ton tine colt coin­ ing 2 yearspld. ■ - 'Mrs. John Thompson; of'“the-Bay-* field con , is able to be up. - Her many friends hope to see her around soon. . ‘ .Among fae many parties of the 'season there.was one ft’t Mr,. Town- sand’s, Of tlie.Riiyffal.d Tine,-last Week.’ „A.n umhermf. 'to.u.rJ3ayfield-iind Dade-.. i;ich township- friends spent, it very enjoyable evening, tripping the light faritastic, Th’ere .was another at Mr» Syller’s, on.the '5th eon., the same evening., Wh.oop .it tip. boys, opposi­ tion is the life of tmd»e. ’ ’■ •* : : " 1 .Messrs. George-McGregor and — Sterling' left for Dakota,* taking'll'number of horses George McGregor iutenrls farming iu. 'Uuvlo ; Success .fa George. • ■* JPh’je Literary Society -met’ on.'Fri ' day evening ..and produped./a good .'pi’bgi’amme consisting of ff’hngs,'Tend­ ings,’ *reciiations, dialogues, etc. A good*, program tn p is. expected for, .pe'N't. Friday night, . All are invited,, to’-attenvi. ; T?"' ’■ . *' Y .1 While threshing at Mr. John Mid dlefantaj on the I (Icon*., on .'1’1)0 rffdstw, -Georgr-tktTtej'P’as fa ’the' lie t of;oi ling ■ the horse power when his clothing was .caught by a shaft and torn from him, Im received a.piiiftful bridge’ ori ! one leg b.utjw-ill’ beribte to -be. around “ 'soon*. .' 1 ■.' . .•... . '. ■' a MARKET REPORTS. ,< (Corrected (fvoty Tuesday afternoon OUINTON. S4 00 0 " 0 0 0 0 to to to to, to, to to to to to to- -lour,-r— Full When Spring Wl Barky.: Oats, Apples, (w Futatoes, Butter . EgffS, ; IfaYt ' • G'orihvddd, Bota, •; 78 78 50 1’3 io 1 oo 0 30 0 16 O 16- 8 0O -5-775- 3 U0 B gret to learn bed the/past imposition’, rst Wednes-. the season; Tiis eiaUniniition about mal< He knetir that ' McKim and. Gai grfeat friends, and lie had tlioi perhaps McKim find/given the' the money to ’tafce. ^tbo no-t^ -Alj’T^QsRr-.-—You Howie a little ? Witness—Well .yes.’ formation, Mr,. Osler—You fen Witness—’No, sir,-. of„th;it at previous tri >od. ' ■ Mr. Osler—Y ns laying the ise of gelling ishing McKim? lit ga detuand for th tiff hefoed&De.teotiV^ n I gave- him sortie Lt, d la d . . . 'ty _ conclude ,’rgeiy attended . .1 ifay.Molcotnson, bluffer- of congestion -of V Si< .-tn it t tack il- ■' «■ djev). pur bbl,for the-plain- lid not nutln the evidence th.e'7jMry”ln',0u gliHir 9''ie ft y • LXicTcaAJv- ontlence.'- . J. McNabb Toronto. ntiff for.’’th 'I'hp ' com meet' 'J'uesdn the phi ’ 44QD. to Si lectal Corresp Mrs.. Rev. siting in . •J, I ... ' -^-GCpERWH „(Fron> the lat< Wheat ...... .. ig Wheat....... tz.aiut Ffttqik.Ei- last week on a adjoin S’ .. imes of i, Seat’oi fay, Colin ris Finley, i Rott. C r Knut.ze fance,zBIyt DfinTcl- McLaren,- Salil'ord, McEw’ew, 'Huy./..Josh l’rocmr, Go.d'e-. rich, John. Perdue,‘ Morris, . Rfab ^Rnnsforii,-Clinton,''Jfafjn McDonal'd, Brus.se’lls, Thbs. S'taubiu'y, Clinton^ J. -M. Slmppartl,’ Goderich, Daniel Sham n on'^'THTHwfy^ffanra elfa^thrlirr,g, - 'Stanley, Jnp. Thorpe; Tuckersmith,. •,Th’ori Tofal,; Waivanos'b, J'nn. Whl- Ince, Goderich township, Geo- Ale- KibbonjWihghuift, Foreman-. . and son, are s^yertmft and o,. .S' pro: n lay - in IC.ll. p $"0 . 0 it h upers.) ■ 78 a $ 6 a a a a a B t bin; your horse ? Y< al. Biyi Woodvillei ’^Ir. Mildred; son ohn Walker,'ind-fori as. rented'tlm Bnato ill open a new carriage shop, The Moxvab ■ gerryimaiider ‘is not •y: —E<1 ward is Coleman, Dungannon, Ifairish, Ash- e.k,‘ McKillop, xetbr, rAlfred 'an 7» 80- 33, 55- GO •IT 00. G lli d - Fri Denn ..nd John bvenlc •. .Wi!< ,,z.mYuhrMo: Arch Malloy,, (Jolborne,; ‘John •censed me is a. false- Fall ’ .Sp-riu: Gats '■ Binle, Peas Butter Pork . all fo- ee; as sojd Robert 78- 32 f>(1 57 1G 75 0 0 0 0 fa) 6 usa Ms idei av.e i ling: nc: 'n, t -1 adv of Roy.. >rly*of' London’ property and. •inli ■ General Grant is S/iicLth be , coverablv ill;. He has had to up smoking. His family physician says the ■ cancerous affection he,is troubled with though npt caused hy smoking is aggravated by it. has also’ giyen up taking solid • oir account of this ^arliilPiit'r- suppose he has had to give up irig cocktails. This should be ii , riiiYg , to smokers,-to,those who for years been using solids, and to those' who have been: taking an occasional glaAs of wino to make'the heart glail... If. he had not been using those things during, years . of health-an’d toil he" would not now Xhayeto give them up in sickness but ivpiild most likely haVe passed over fa the silent happy ■ majority years Senator^ Siinpson died Surtdayv. 22nd, aged £3. Tlie' classic phrase- “big push” a.Anow used fa matters political originafad 'a -corres­ pondence between\lie Hon. George Brown and the IIoiiXjMr. Simpijon;: ■ Big Push Wilkinson by his publication of . e corres Irespondeiice and the urierfrthiug of ail alleged brili.ifag scheme to efavate the standard by-making a “Ing push” with lots of money. The. par^ ■ sonal magnetism, the “mesmeric” in­ fluence he called: if," of the just de­ ceased. Senator contributed ‘ largely "to the success of grit candidates Yn' several elections; IIis“large mer- .cautile and banking connections aided him wonderfully. In 1857 he assisted-iti founding , the Ontario Bank, with headquarters at. Bow manville, of which he. became President. In politics; he .was a Liberal, arid represented ..Queen's Division in the Legislative Council ’IP'f’‘'©jnSdWi’&^^l'1^6='iInrtil“Co'nfeilY station, In 1867 Whs:call Senate by royal proclamation. pi notoriety ur: idi inforrnatii; he money ■a was ’/tli foi not it Ga­ me p forp 101 :n- r <1.1 J ,h in. Uncle1 Satxi’s yesteri with th ■going i doniai .• amhifttlun. , ?■ . The jury answered ' tlie q.nestibhs sub­ mitted to them hueffi’ct tlpit tjm.altfirif*- tion in.the, note Wasnunfle bv M-cKim' at Jiis house at,‘the .time of signature;/ that tlie alteration -was made w‘>lhm.i.t tih.e... . assent of Geitior; that, Gainerpaid ijie . note before hr'kno v of the lilteration;'.. that’Gaiwor, after lie became ft ware of tlie alteration, assented to it and; nffap- Wards ratified.it'. . A- verdict. was ac-_ cordingly entered for tlie dlfendttnt • WAR NOTES; o’ .... ..................... o ............. o ...5 . SEAFORTH.Inspector "Cowan, of the lulimd Revenue Department, fats In.,fawn ,. last week... . '*■■■•' " . . Mrs-v.-Ifosrifafaf. Brantford, wlid is; visiting in. town, is the gue,st' of hei'” blpther, Mr. Jitint's Reed. j-‘ Tl'm roller rinks-avpre-walLpatroftiz. ed on Saturday ‘eyPning. At ijfa I’rrncesis vv.e.counted loyty skaters on- the floor at ope time. - . ;A Jv,J. Brown, of the .Inland Revenue. Department, lifts beenttransferred to Seaforfa, and officer .Rpeiice,’ of -Seii- 'torth, to Goderich. \ '.. ■ ■ ■. . There will be a most .enter.taining' carnival.at the Princess Rbiler Skat; ing Rink to-morrow night—be'present 'at i,t, Mr. ly, :L.. Hortori returned-from Lan cas ter, 1 ‘e na., las t Th u rsdav u rid er’ •the carefal.guardianship of ■Mi’. A.M.. . Polley.' . ■. '■ . There will be an emergency... meet­ ing of Ilqi’qn Chapter No,. 3, :,’R. A. M.- 'to moi’i'oW eVetung.,’ A full attend- ance is"d'esired, as there is work ti? .'X.-*----j-’-' .... ’ - Mr, AIM, Polley ’lost?' n valuable horse out ri>'f the last • car load, he shipped. .. Its death was-caused ’by ‘d cold caught whifa detained on the Railroad l'fac through a storm. ' '■■ Mr. A.-M- Pri ley was .in Brantford hi'sT weeY'Arrifiking ariarigemcrits for .the forth which Els the line;‘fl . At the HuronJEr . Pat. Joseph. -JR TnWTleT^J V.ery palatable to . the Reformers., of Luckuew, the township of Huron had always been worked'by-Ottr grits, and ’’Clio counectipri - farmed- politically' lrtitufallv bi’oiight ahou.t a business ] connection bet^veen the township and- blio Village, jNow that the political: TciJSii icfciori /is' broken it is'altogthor likely th i business enow ill also sever.. The. By-law to ’mi^e.-'^4-100 for, the' erecti.011 of"a new Town anil Fireelfadf was voted on on Monday 16th inst and carried^ by- 76 miyorlty* Seven' ladies. Fast tiieir votes being the first election at Which such aRhihg lays taken place here.- , ; ■The Baifhsfatlier family . gave" a scotch eritertaininent here on 'L’hnrs- day night last'fa n snial’i-house. Mi< ■ B, sings.ft good song and’tells.an -fad- "story very well Miss.Etta-sings sweet­ ly’ but’does. npt come up.to many of our Canadian girls. M iss Ida’s over-- tures-'.were well’rendried and ‘tile- little liny end girl'sang, very nicriyi The little'gii’l also’tried to dailce.fhe Highland Fling, but that miglit have' -been. left off the — pT'agrivmufe-as-we- have a score of- younger . children in tfais Caledonian village much super­ ior dancers. As an entertainment it is away behind that "of the -Kennedy Famil.v.^Why can’t tlie Toronto papers tell the truth about those en- tertaliiiinents instead Of giving praise to good and ’ bad alike ?. " ' . : T)r. Gardiner of-Lucknow, has the finest collection .of birds, animals and reptiles in Ctinada-if not in America., lie has 2000 ) -specimfarrSAind expects from Austral in, India had M A nierica - abo’tft;T;()O0''tnoite^-ri,heJfawalUeA.hL-u collection at about $ 20,000. H-e Ini'S shipped to tpose far off countries during the present win.terabont 5,00i) ‘ „ ap.e.cimens of animals and birds .ready tor stuffing as well as a large number- . of --reptiles. All. these the .Dr; has been colleetfag fa. Canada during the last. fi(J years. . Tto. spend iin‘ hour“ among his curiosities- is by no means-" an hour thrown aWav by the lover of nattfral history, no fane canimagine, Canada .contains such a variety of reptiles' until be see's them- ■' " • • . ' fafmiytlW'liWtSst^e.arix'.pcrs;) . ■ .1’. 0 78 a ’ 6 8'0, .... 6 78 a ~ 0-.8O .. 0-32*a " 0 34 .... 0 5. a . 0 60. - 0 -55"a . 14 n. 00 Fall 'Wh -nt..... Spring Wheat,; Oats. ,....... .Burley Pens, ........ Butter.,.'.,../ .... Pork 0 GO - 0 15 a. 5 75 . - 0 ;■ TORONTO., ..• .. TtiKSDAV. Tail Wheat...,’.,........... 0 'Spring Wheat, Barley............ Oats,............. Peas.................. Butter.,....;. . Hogs"........ a- 0 85 a a; a a. a" 80 0 78 -0. 59 0 35 0^60 6 io 5 70 a 0 .82 .0 GT - ■ 0 ST. .0 6(> ’ 0 18 5 7!> Tije UJisshigf" BaHot Boxes. On Saturday Jas, Bailey and Jno. Curry were-brought before his Wow ship’Mayor Horton charged with the , iarceny of five ballot boxes. 3'he in- formation'was .*sworri '.to by Govern,- merit detective' lingers,, Mr. Gar­ row appeared for the. the prosecution- and Unnipioii lor tbe uelense. .The. first witness., called waff . JnO,.'Me- Therson. ivlfo stated that'Re knew' ;Jiis, Bailey and J no. Curry tlie parties' charged; do' not recollect tne day of '4.110. JSfl.eJMMt., fap..uiion th ...wlfon j. the.. "voting o'n tlie Scott Aot took place; I broke into the CoprtHouse and-took •out several ballot boxes on the,Sun­ day anight of Monday morning after the. voting;. I was offered money -by both Bailey amTCftrry to steal them; •Jt-was oft’ered-me on thfaffj’riciay’rfighi’ or Saturday night* previous. It was first spolcen of at Bailey’s, one Wells ^anil^one Moore being present^ I can- not say who first started, the con versa- ' tion; I was not sober myself, cannot fony for the Others; had been drinking jy.itfaAtlijeiu^,ALi;«-.Ba.U.ey- -wii's.-»sobe.r.. This’was on the Friday night; it was then lifranged-to steal the ballou boxes, between Bailey arid myself; he told me lie w.oiild. g.i ve qne. $16 and .could raise some" "moTe; the two of us were'present; I forgot .it. that night and bec'ime intoxicated; jnext night -lneV-Opvi'y.-.oppotite Craig's „hqtel; <Iuri;y said he .would give me two hundred dollars h.e epu'Id collect;' 'during the day had been -in Curry’s shop and talked with him,, but no-, arrange'ment .was then made that ! recollect; could not say who first spoke of thj matter; at the cppver- satien wRlj/Curry in fae morning J _agr.etylAvi.th him—fa steal the/boxe^, to be paid as before agreed on; it was. • i]igreed -that the .b'oxes .were to be taken to "Bailey's hotel;. Bri.ley arid ..I.__nra.do.’^the_.:urrai)LgMnanTpJBailujL was aware .of lhe ip'ran go merit I ' Iiiid made - with Gurryj . this conversation took plifoe fat Thii Npy's' between h'itr) and myself; no iCi’s.being present. I' stole the ,, ... . _ . - > . j liy morning. Mr.'-Bailey, gave sbt^ew driver and a hatchet fa fa'g'et into the dofirp IiXsC'"-'*” «■)-'<■) io on '■.A Deed Most Foul- •-.. A 'FIVE HOURS.’ IlJviTLE.... ,1. A- special from Snakini states that-a' •five hours’ battle, was fought on ’ M itch. -‘20'th,- between the*British ti’o.ops, and the •fnt’ces of Osinkn Digna. Osman’s posi-; tion was .finally -.captured: The. Arab /lots was over-6C0..7 '. \ ____- \ - WLLEl) AND. WOVNPEn,-. ' ’ Ywo officers and two men. of’the Brit- id five .Sepoys ■ 'we,re killed; 'and 26 - in.ea.(i^’jtisli),.'o.na officer, and ten-men (fa J. tan contingent' vV-erff woiindefa The infiitrfay behaved with great steftdi ness. The tfatnber cf rebels is estiruated at. 4,000., Tlik Atabs-carried off all. their dead and Wjuinfled. .They maintained a. SK #tng blowly from each ..pogifipn,. ANOTHER WWOU.NTSpF THE BATTLE near Hasheen-gftyff that facre -wa's -a. hdt eUgageftient for. ft few a-Mirs, during Which the. British ctivalry^cliarged re­ peatedly upon the'Arabs, .whri^ guns "were worked wuh dead.. Great...bra.v.e^ay.^Wftxx;:dtaiilavedmoh^otlk- 'The Arab fass, killed and wovud- dred. Br'Tisn is displif'et] (leS[Kir\ ,\Jari>ies ,d ■hijls and the charged tic r, biit—-wore- speefed body < itting behind th nd themsel ves TWEEN 'O ytng >bc :d by 'f ile naw Mgr.TssA bush broke wown-at the. ’ "lr” ’SIGHT OF< HER DEAD fain,nJ \ ■GRAINSs SEED WHEAT, *2.3BD OATS, - SEED PEAS, SEED BAELEY. A child ahoilLeighteen months old- was tou'nfltafa tlie. door-step of one Cleiland,- in .the’.village of Hlieifield, coijnty of \Ventwoi’tli., -■ It died' from exposure", having been .out all of one JoLthe-recan-t-v-ory-Gold-nightST—s-Dne-- -•Melitfsji Bush,-was suppo’sed to be the motfiei-of the child and she.-and one Albert Weaver were arrested as prin­ cipal and accessory, fa the faurder of the child. , t■' ■ . ". Miss Bush was.firSt, exantitied, . •, , JIeF evidence was very unsatisfact­ ory..'denied any .knowledge of the child, said that"she. nyy^i’ saw.it before, and maintained- that she-had taken her child Up to' Walpole some time ago and left it ■with her mother. Her statements - were -V ery' eon triifae tory-,wnfa- the cor*-- oher sent hei’ to her room’ to recon­ cile? her statements while Weuver yvus being examined.. • ■ ■ • Weaver’s evidence was also very crooked and ‘ contradictory.t He .swore that ho.did pot recognize the jchild, never Jaw it3l)efore,juuLwasl not acquainted with Miss Bush ufall. .11 is account of bis movements on the night in question was not satisfactory and tbfTcoroner threatened to com­ mit him for perjury. He was locked in his loom to’see if .beneould recon­ cile his stutenients, while Ibe court adjoiirriexYformipJiefl'.jLi.. ■___________ _ ppeiHl isst BuslMvamrccftli-' ed, and she crnrrtpleJelyLliroke dow.n,= fawned 'the.chi.ld, and throwing her- self on. the* Open coffin,-kissed . her ”d eafai n fan L^agaTrrtUthngfthl^lfae Jie r cries were r>itiftl 1. to hear.. She..said. .she' was not able ,to get-:.work while she had the child,. Wjeayer suggest­ ed to her they would leaVe ft fttUlej- ‘land’s,, where-it-would huve a good' home; that he drove her up there, and acting on hiswlscp^b^faf^ ft at Giri- land's; that aftef'' feavfng’’Cle,lland’s they s’opped and looked back to see ■if anyone catrie out for it;'that she saw a door opbn and some, person. come out,.and she supposed the cfald had been taken in. In this she Wqs mistaken, for the light was atNelsofa Uummfa's stabla-, which is in .a line with d'elland’s house, u . Weaver was recalled, and nfterre- ceiving the us ual cauti< n from the coroner,rsiiid he would .admit’driving the girl back fa Clelland’s, but would, make no further-statement. After a short deliberation the jury returned a verdict of' death from ex-. posurO, with a charge of manslaught­ er against Melissa,'Bush and Albert Weavef-. The coroner accordingly committed them to the’county jail, fa await their 'trial at the assizes in April, - -. — FOR SALE BY— At the1 Standard Elevator,' 339-tf ... C» IIMTON- . - 27^WZ72?Z2’ZC>XZAr'J/dZxV^. ■' ,...L ■ ♦ 1 ■: According to the records'of the priHOii flLhti bf our Ststtc^ it will be seenjlnfa a large apiount of-crime has been coinuri^ted within the State during the year. Ip answer to the ’question whicn is often~:asked': “Wl')at.~jfaAhe. cause of so, much prime 1” , in hun . fact ri with, reforn prevfti lia^fa faut sfaiTw-en’onvlr visited the prison' m the state many past four years, a: personal observation and knowledge. The p. iine cause- of crime, cy.s con-~ iiected* with the prison, ..is the Jftek'of ; goiTd Jio.iiie. niflueiicB.'fa.i.i.d edjJLcatiotu. In the'Wa.ke.of this followyovil assoA eiatioiJH, thfa 'society of the* vulgifa and criminal," vicious reading, lazi­ ness, and tire ."desire -to Without lfioupst labour, tippling, gambling, lewd temperance j’tlieu begin sion of other crimes, s btfa hicreasii'igjn boh arrejt, chfiVictibh, the < prison. ■" Afore men cam on with thfaffigus of Icwdness upon them than- with thu signs of intem­ perance. ».Thux'Ut.renf; of the stream of crime .is as easily' triicud and ad powerful as-the curnmli'of a great is its drift infa the. I, Ilin other, more its drift fafaj.be Iht cIh rib effect. the St are- a): State •■, that mn ch lit is nc cun dep rivilege'- that lias l/itd specJjlAftfjal deeds of J’cars, is no* should do so. If, ople, through tboir " til0 hv a the greatest test possible prohibition ty. But r.li irig cut wl louud to th i should t'< tick ulioi jnsti * fill I po istle is a al u of r privi ’• of II h ti ii ’cause inritv on a on ill a.-. I’ I f<> I Io 'J11 tl ,o i fl it ft' w W<! any nvm f’8, (M •e p irticH ’1 iiiit ii minor y (>w* <t t-fury ih<> in e ' eng; I, rille m inju- so am. r. w( if duty jnjttry—a-nttlrl e anyone is to do ■ l<w:en the value of distillers, brewers, . by prohibition we m injury, an injus- ijnry. or that injustice fay shmdd h imo-a-S in U hr: is <faimv Co jury done is made thfali1’- I'nsn- i only We say'! Grime is inherent man nature, and as long as tlfat emains we shall have it to. deal to prevent, to punish, n, if, possihl’e,. Many tii .il as to; its cause. The W and all tin fin ms durit id W’ and to morins istern, ‘-lmyH r gnol£ ng.the write from ■get property Next come an ion nt '88 Illi I 088 d in* imiV first, then d the pris* rivfiri ()tt<r Hwoqp great <mea)) Imypm powerful, weeps guo) tiifd pidkcm» pot a cause.of vr more than io.latj ’the ti and this at the discretion dftlm con stHbly or police ofiTm’rf’wiio js not obliged to iiwAtnuy one-for flrabks “etrin*rm,-h<r^rnajr,J14lrffhnvHny.,T/A- rismirnly far the whole matter iasugs gesteil; strike out the word HmnyH wherever it ocimrs in Gfiapie,1 27, Sl’clion 48, of the Revised Htatulew, and insert the word “sha'l,” and also strike out the money penalty. Xiitoxieatum* is co the. increase; snmtr bow- Wiblation must-be ftmtfa if it fa IO he lessened. Itl dlftfiy of <Atr ’ cOuntieH pi ohibition fajes not if ai to cl to the “You don’t, mebn, to say you pat-. - roufae the’?News RspOBb,- do you,” said an ignorant bigot'theotlfar day to a Citizen. “Don’b-yuu know'it op­ posed the Scott ■Act .?*’ -“I ant quite ■^'weU aware of that;/’' wasfah.e-.reply, of theJntelligeht Scott. Act. citizen', “and I am. a stronger supporter of . the-NjifaSiR^CORp for its-manlyyand conscientious btrfaffT think tnisjtrt Ir­ en, epurse than if it .had adopted a '.course- which, it did hat believe 'would tend to’the -best iiiimrests of t’hmpublic, Tiiere is no stauncher advocate of temperance and morality in. the Province than the News Rft1 CORD," “But is it not inconsistent in opposing the Scott Act and yet favoring prohibition of tlm manu­ facture and sale of ardent spirits,?” “Not at all,4rn(d there is considerable force in it« contention that so lofag’ as liquor is made it well bpTsokl, and that legal licensed- sale *.is pre- farable to illegal! unlicensed sell­ ing,arid the attendant demoralization ■ which it fears'will prevail nmlcr th &coit Act. ■with While I do not Uiese views 1 respect then agri a.’* inperancfi is it is a crime id the family Oar laws News Notes* sides. cd, is estimated lit six' lfti l oss, 4.0 ate An thei the Arabs’. ittid ah* corded i indiiins bravery. The •from t,he to retire to idian troops .. posit! instil ) gel four in in :bs n It wo the forced Then )11 -4.1) f iCOming trotting • race in iy C|i'off.is expected to pass 1'st/’ i . ... Ilfat regular meeting of idampmerit/\ro. 28, I.O.O.F., . Scribe for the current, FARMERS And Stock-Feeders. ' term. .. , , qfpui' pfOdFrich subs xshown usfoue oi tjiq larges we Ifitve ever seep. It is that we refrain, from giving sib-nVfob fear df unbelief. ^..Mri^Wil liafa' Z Gil to pbell, 'Vice C(msUl, ‘.has of i'a'te n u tit Bo r . dfo do ti s u lai* cert young Canadians proceedu toba. ” . . ■ Mffasi’s-. .CoopeiviVRobfason^of the rinkjhave presen triLy big drum to the Salvfilion Army,*On Stfadulyidtfirnoon the Arrpy marqhed aifaund the town, ;_i n’g. alwftynr<riTl'c*n)torly^aimie iuy' school sT?hohirsyfifaowi ’ During the’ morn in,, faoTgeff last •SunrliiVi,Atl)gi YassiiUiint rector .Rev* was -crisfanm .band and.Mr .God parents, ke'op fag' thei i his good beh ‘ceremony. ■ Y the at L eldest daughtei’’ of the bite Hev/jifs. Spencei’ happy c< . moon trip the same IfacoRi) joins i 'foride and brid • Tb^'e was oi le at ts di men1plain, op qtnll nk-d Arabs r line. ■o is' ,t th< , wh d th; ick in i 'ry arnj th if ii fart it r sue- The , American i issued a tificates to ng to Mnhi- and Ard. cioseiy pressi piriing the„horses and i The Bdngiilese .fall bi upon-the English infam Ari^h&fabvi-nH&ritwiri Ttdriaridw .failfail .while. '4,1m A rd Ar l|K- rha mbs. >y •were hum­ idors, llsioll inrds, yelling thm. they hi position,^ j‘ " c n m e td"tbe‘ re sen e: small shot from the sift th< Mu till’ l)Ol tin of buttle by a desperate cli tti'ved maud v ■ * Kilin Ar this jnnctt • -nd nac re giu e ie ) St. Pf Act WtlS Bl iluencles IftBt Wed: out tff tlm i'mi* it carried St..Tiiomis, it’ carried By 11; biimbion contiiy by a Elgin county about 1,71'0 , ted In MlsBmsiquoi conniy, Il h said that ^SOiitt Act Ims been sub ^>u;<r'fdr'*^nd 11 digninstl The Ctmadiitn P.BCliic rail was ,“f9h,(»oO for the wedt ondmg'MAi'ch •14, 1885 nompfited With $ 4G,O0i) for the etimo period hwt year. Loin's Biol, th*»lieto of the Bod River rebellioh recently exiled .from Munitobo. io treating tli8s^n8(on,ornong the hilifT breads in the neighborhood iff PriVico Albert, N. W. T., and an .outhfeak’lit imminent :/ Thv'mllitisn.re npMtHntt for m trn to defciid their homes... Cnl.‘Hough mu in ■cp.tnrpanit lots ulegrapliml to. Du- nwa for ihsprnotions. ■ Men ufa-uiixf to enlist if si ms mvi be Inhf, / Th r oti s' ibmi.teil lesifay; I In the ... ' It, w.-is diiI eft. by-PH " in 7t const: fjted i fa tin ity . <y ,b nt 3,000 ; 0 nr ve of of in innciM the and GO have ’Av -fraflio .3 1 lie Ki fidni jn Udi ri Conf he di qw sqnrti'e were lost artillery i lire. of ms, and ■rs drove is. The steady, firing leu’t, but .the bably (life • to ngt’d jjie ;.lldu itge and’ re* aham’s coin ost hopeless* ■til hi d e ibs .hei th bi Si (. ;n j: ...............Mv‘, Qwer 1. ’Mrs; Mol’t, h . Jno. Deacon, w the good' looking Jrio r newly ftdoptefason hit aviour during the whole J).Oil) I, .111.11 1’2 mil ^p.lifth if»'! ic galling g< Kttbbftbish an about t< Abd if successful lnt< Berber., fol 10 Wl- uumbei lines of Gi seemed am 20 AtIio Miidir of D above Merawi with i , three ‘field ' jdccp's, * lie is suppor.ed by attack the rebels at da co t: .LUfa.JUpaeted. dint ers-are desbrtiiig hi: ife. ,'llOVhT.R IN nL*5FAIIP.l’,8 “natives state tfie rebels wfi'd farcifying Birii"in A rnesri-ngfa • from The ’in'g ,tp Pass. Bays th Santaosi. The ,ot. disobeying Las’ Quarrelled principal chief, bis DWti- uncle chief's Mahdi, the Ti h tn w P 'C11S1 an" >d tl<J Vc ugu the Mali in Inn .111>. re re tu i :siiui< lT| k I di ■is M lc dismiss and itisi ice 7 Tlv deserted lived to eatiiig’ The fa (FoT'Ml Lowlo.., ...___ _ .. .....j..............,J^,.. • ^xkrtiT-Wy;'^ W"lieticKuipni of Engli-hitud Indian infantry were making ftZArcfai seven miles souih-wcsll of Shft* kirn to-day they were smldcjilv surprised .. ...A Ii'id beet)'nmssed and omfrcmtlcd''in defiles wc,t of Ifasfa on. ■/he ErigH-h foi'inc’d jtsquare ue jWiblc, but tlic 'cum'Is, horses were driven back in ci i ho troops, c, rio ' ■ ‘ Sou wh ftlC! rid' UO' ut< ei by a rush of Ar«b3„wh its' qilic'kly mi.d muled I mludion t<d (Jli Ull An ■•I Mo fa­*k..)lfag Ml Kild Wf- tied ft imiitin vjflr <-‘bayi ’4 - ■t.i. till st. tin Of iri fa tin r C, J. Detlo)', M. A., chairman of Uljfio Suliool Board, was married •is/iast Tlfurs'day, to Helen, the • v friiiV mC frt-Y/V TttVrs ■ M'» A >, of •Paris, (.fat, .The :iple sinVJed ’on their honey* tiny. The News- ngiTRulatidns to n» • ■ r n cm 'grdon ly a fi st. r iy. T as . exi tfie t'vcnii: e, pc a Mure in i’iclc's'J)i ■Hi of da n 'I) bm of >n th rfor ( Silt * sp IIS II nnti ters e mi Men t. M t, IV ir, 13 end’s, were pfayed, each yer using B-sfas fif^toilcs.. After lost exciting, game in whif-hf,first 'and then tlmother player Imfafa l .M’qro,.*'U1i>T.h('rifi wks dyolarfal winnerTf>y tfaw> Jipfanmnlstgreat oring’qf the lnbi<«rs on, the hber ting, hmit'tily in the chorus; W-fa iofa iniweorimiy to mid th-it. lh-r bmo Lid homn-.’ meekly. others. . „ , , boxfas between .Saturday night and Momniy morning. Mr. ■ Bailey gave nic a sbrew driver and a hatchet fa enable mb fa 'get into the dofirp house. ThXsci’ew driver produced, is like the ope I had. I lost the screw-driver ami took back tjie hat­ chet. Don’ t know where I'fast the screw driyer. ItNyas after three on Monday mornitigxwhenlgot the boxes out of cauyt house; I am wrong in saying Saturday irigliK and ,M°n day mottling it should bev Sunday night’and Monday tnonringvL broke, in through the window by shoving fa in;I tyieil the doffa'but found it lock edj I had no"one to assist me; I took tl! ’ n . 9)1 th ti tl; in ae I )- iml to know ■oke. •“ fa ) woke Bailey up, he was nt time nd. I gave them in. his charge and' them .in a back room. This was it'f'our o’clock, Janm’s Farquhar- a boarder, then came down •s.to get n drink; Bailey showed tlfa/ biillot boxes one of which, a -wooden, cric the otljers wove stoic the boxes; had arranged fa meet him and his brother, but they, did not nppeftr, went fa their house atplsaw rm ones on Tuesday morning f loft for Chicago faaring they would r-nte.h me. vi'<: for w fan it. T Im '# Ltmtmnod > to Kuiloy onto ninneyi lob T tliirjk I s wins cnK* UeJtast, ■... ; itiss Eliza Green who Wffs'at R, D. Gamefan’s for the past few men ths has returned to her home at Wfax- . fait, .. She darr.i^Awi,th--her--tha^wi?ll*- _ wishes of the many ’ friends shemiade "' wjjile'liereT ■ 5 ■ ■ Mrs- Phillips, of Bonclbead, "is vis-' iting flier father,”Mr. Janies Mullin, of thia- village... . . , The assessor for( Ash field recently put the residents' of this .vicinity' through their catechism. I . Fodder is getting scarce and far-, mersi are looking anxiously for 'spring weatlfer. , ■ . Mr. Chas. Briber' lias sold his farm one mile north Of here to. Mr. Thos, . ytothers, and will rnovO fa Dungan­ non shortly, . . " Miss. Annie Harper was presented with A beautiful cruet, Toy the mem­ bers* of her .Sunday school class at tho sbcihl reoontly lurid at Mi\Ge0J GinnpbeIIa. . . ..* f- Mr., Harper And fani’ly intend bars* of her Honda; ' LOST/;.... . A promissory note for $158.l>0 m.ide by James Young, payable. -Hr'^i'lios*- <iowdy • -&’1 Co. ' or ■ ■ bearer, due 4th MarcIrf88Si~ ’All parties are- hereby nnttfi . ,ed not to negotiate sftid note. REMEMBEFt —Tlu)- ®vand— AT-TiEr-r- - Tuesday MciPfdt Sisi. $22.50 'IN - PRIZES Admission: 25c; '* ‘ 'Sec Po.ytc>ri.— s WANTED, sn coans of good; siionT.aiiRBS wood-DU for: the.Clinton'S'chow. Apply to h'26 2t W. II. HINE, 'Saertaary. \moying fa Manitoba about the mid- , mA of April, We are sorry to lose such good neighbors, and wish them success in their new and^ distant -home. \ ’ ■* There,. Wgs a very good turnout of visitor^ atrihe examination in the Public school\herfr on Friday, tho 20th fast. Messrs Thos. Alton of the Nile, and WiHJnckott of No. 16 Ashfield assisted in the examination, anil all present seemed Wall pleased with the work Milch is’bring done and tho disciplino of the^sohool. - Mr. Crosby who has had IhAblaclt* smith shop hero ronfad for tho pnst 18 months has been so successful in winning pnlronago by his obliging manner and superior skill that ho has bought out tho concern front Mr, 'Fhds. MoBrion paying therefore the sum of seven hundred dollars. AVe wish him oven grei.ier success as proprietor than be has LM as ten* ant IIo sit. present engaged fa building Callanders Patent Harrows. T’horei harrows have been a success wherever introduced, and we,predict for Mr. (I. a large sale to tho farmers in this vicinity* ’ ” i from Chicago | I received an ; can produce, I •oxaminfc'l At i A terfible state of affairs exists in Toxas. An assassination society was formed tliorosomo time ago, and three men leave been murdered. Twenty-throe citizens are under ar­ restIt is claimed tho" object of tire Organization was to rid the country of cattle amt iiorse tln'ovos and in- Cnndiarios. A detective joined tho organization and obtained ’all dbeu- monts and names of tnotnbors, who bound themselves to ’kill all bad men. Anstver This Question „,Why do so4nany pcoploovo soo around Mits, worn to prater tu suitor and ho made misovabld' by Indigestion, Constipafioi Dizziness, Liss the Food, Yell We will sell the aisttvd to tlhc,. V "XT * n l -i 1 ’-"T '«"i . n11 rn. | \ T"*"!?•■ LJL» -