HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-03-18, Page 31 Alleviate PAINS AND ILLS, Tfi^t OW.Reliable Killer of Pain, -»«VV KWmikouldhave afa etwry .Factory, Machine Shop and 'ffvhfOVi *W*W .Farm, and in every House- *f**f***<fy.fi>r immediate uqe> tint only firr ^LoptdentariButo, Brsdsew, etc., butjor Howel Compfalnto, fetch a* AHarrhaia, Ityaentirry, ^h»leraln^dum, midden Colds, ChlUs, rtjp, rie, Holdovery whirr, * Price, SOv, 'Iso and JJOc per Mottle. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Limited. Wholesale Akentd, ^QUtreal, » r'A'V— ’fggtgggggiigwBiHKiHijggg^^ tTUL^’t UcOoiVOCL 4* ’ ' iw*na T ; Cattle Fairs,—-Mr. Skinner, reeve, has been corresponding with I ho mayors of Stratford,, Seaforth amt Clinton with a view of getting monthly cattle fair# started in those »placf‘« cojoiutiy with Alifcbell. s They promisvtl to bring tlm matter before-.tlm councils at next meetings, and do’ail in their power to have them started and held monthly.— Mitcheil Advacate. " *. I Teachers meeting.—Tlm regular teachers mcetiug of the Ontario Sc. Methodist chinch 8- 8, was held , Alohday evening of last week wlmn . it waH decided to refurmh the libra­ ry by adding ^35.00 in new books, and a committee was appointed’to select the samp. It was also, decid­ ed to purchase 100 chairs in place-of Itlm benches, now used and a commit tee was appointed to attend to the- matter. Stop Thief!—Personal organ Tom, of Gouericb, still crams ifis paper with.' news contributed *l»y speciaLcorrespomlents tu the News Record. Evidently our saintly friend ^believes ihut Im who steals and crams away may live to steal another that his sens tlm conseque his Iongi passably time. Joseepil Armstrong and George Buck, tlie two men charged with highway robbery,, the particulars of which appeared in these columns a couple of weeks ago, were brought before Justice Armour at the As- .aizes, Guelph, and ‘pleaded guilty. His Honor, after giving prisoners a severe, lecture, sentenced Chem. Ito fourteen yoais each in Penitentiary. It will' be i*emembevd that gov­ ernment Detective Rogers, prior to the arrest, paes'ed through Clinton In search of tlm robbers,- One of the culprits was employed ly "Ml*; ..Searle as a teamster last sum­ mer.. - - New Correspondents.—This week -w.e add' two to the number of our list of. vfaiuuble contributors, one re­ siding^--at Lucknow in the■ jiurlbhrn part of tlie’county ; and one at Gran­ din,"Dakota, at arid near which place : anta number of settlers from this part of Hqyon whose going in and comi'ffg out will b.e of interest to many of our -readers. With the cor- /i'espondence ‘came the names qf six new sqb-cribers for which, the kind friend who forwarded them will ac- eept our tljtyjks. \V« have returned $l..r)0 as overpaid on the."six' sub'- scriptions, ',1'be News* R-rcord is only $1.25 per annum, not $j.5O in advance.’ ... • ■ W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Farm, ’has make ati addition to his. head.of’ sborthfinis by^ purchasing froni M1V ■Hugh 'Tliotnsoo,/ 8t. Mary’s, Ont., tWyearling lieifer Isabella . 10th. She was bred hyMohn ‘Miller, of Brougham, -Ont.,•raersire is 'the Crown "Prince of Stratlnillen from: Mr. Milier’s famous old cow,Rose of Strath jllefi,bred by "Vibcount Strath- "atreivSrcM'I'mIlim’ G^Tle^Au.ulTtSF’ ai’deig Scot land,' and Isabel fa 10tin, w 11 ose da tn^vaa Lsn bei ia. 41 b, by y ou ng Mavtiqyvr bred by Geo. Murray, Racine, ’ Wiscon sin, from Iris cele­ brated show Bull, Mayflower.-—her grandain Isabella'was imported from tlie hei;d of Mr. $. Campbell,■‘‘Riiiel lary iVberdeetij Scotland. ■ Go’od -Words.—In -tlm cldficult task- of rd lining a .newspaper one- . lias to ru'tvcounter, so rmtimes-, to •the..opinions of one’s oest fried s ' It Is therefore .a'.matter' of much pleasure co have some' of those who do not agree with our views on some points . testify ‘ tlieir approbation, ‘generally, of Gm contents of’.the paper'whieli ..find "its. way weekly to .their homes. Lust w«ek nearly-a dozen, of .subscribers, in reu'e w ing ^tlieir subscriptions gUve us* t.lleir liearty commendation on the excel­ lence of tlie News-Kec.0rip'. We also ha.d’ tile pleasure of .-again add­ ing. to our lists three ,subscribers Who having-.deiiie\i themselves, of our paper for a. year, and who wei-e.fain^ to acknowledge that thiiy '“could not •keep house without it.” ; . □-JIBS ECCTBCIZT Mew -llcroH 5°,. .XP^. The ifofeiS News t —iAND— \ Huron Record, (dMALiSASlATlil),) t Clinton, Wednesday, March IS LOCAL NEW In and Around the *‘Mub.” WM A’OTIC If.—.it all (Iptl tie gldWlb’repeTve" ■ (tew <f( itew/roni ani/ reliable taurce, either verbal or written. Aeportu of-nneetinge, oil- • lertainineitle, »ocietajt,iid,^urck tloirifw, etc. etc, or aiy/.f>tfiir ~^,^£it^^g^r<il iiiterenh* will alutai/e base a place iii our pJCuiii.iw.~El) Wall paper, wall -paper, wall paper, cheap, at E, Flootiy’w. -V ’ —~‘ Dr. Sinclair, President of the. ^Ontario. Sanitarium, Toronto, will be at the (Jouiniercial Hatej^Blyth, on Thursday, 26th., Conflation Free. Buy your wall paper, at Floody’s,. » the finest and cheapest «touk in the County. ’ - : StanbuRY, the-grOcer, has not yet •decided to change his pila.ce of busi-■ ness. In the meau'tyue he is sup­ plying his unapproachable 150 eent’tea at the old stand. Improvements. —Twitchel 1, boots, shoes Hiid harness; is extending his premises to make room for new stock. His trade has for some- time deuiand" ■ed bigger quarters. The Surgeons of the Ontario Sani-» ■ tarium, Toronto, the largest Medical Association in Canada, will be at the Rattenbury House, diu.ton, on Tiles* and Wednesday, March 2^th,"and' 25th., wh,ere they.may -be consuI tecL free of charge, in. reference' to hl,I , diseases of a chronic character; These surgeons are - residents <if Toronto and ha.Ve .no connection with any‘Yankee institution. . .mM.®SuQ^MjGRlNDiNG.. "IXTE desire to intipiato totlfe farmers of Wrrron YY County, especially those wbdgo to Seaforth, - that we are now doing'Custlmi tJristiiig, both wheat and chop; upon the most favorable terms, and guarantee quite .ns '.good. Satisfaction" in all respeats, as can be had iii- the county.—Most . UpMPi.R'tB Rolleii System js* mm, Patent .Flour supplied if. wanted. .We are now wanting to pur-, chase a lot of good, clean Lost Nation or White Russian Spring wheat; ■ .: - ■ A.-W. OGILYlE &CO:, ' -Big'JI Ills, Seaforth.-. T. O. KEMP, Manager.^. 7- J.A-33ff-3L'' , Mr.- A. Th >jias of Toronto is the ^-guest-pFAfrrtTwiu'es FAir. • '. MltJaniPs Archibald of Portage la PiaiipH was in town" last vveek. “ t MISS M. Bay baa taken a position with W. W. Farrau-. in the Division court office.' ’ ,' * • .- Mr. bouGDASS of Woodstock is the guest of his daughter Miss M. Douglass. .* . ■ • ',T. We- observe the fnnii-liar, fffi’tD of Mr. . Walter Coats of Teeswater, around town this week. Mil. D. Cantelon,: the Clinton" apple king, shipped hoiuh cur" loads, of'tbat fruit to Winnipeg; last week.. A MAS" andffiis wife perished in the fiutnes that destroyed their bouse • at, Haysville, Ont, one ■uioruing" last week;- ~ ’T’* '' . The Kincardine Stfllulanl says •: M‘Tfi-enothing if not long headecL” A donkey, by thunder, " .. ......——: Harness For the Northwest. . fShai'ttiati the Harness -tnaker, is busy making up wqrk^or the North­ west. Many qrders' already filled and more on handl . Mr. Andrews Whiti l of the .county town, was in tlie hub dir Sat- * urday. The 'gentleman is engaged in buying pork for/shipping to St.- John and points east, Thursday . next., the voting, will take place on the .SeottXct through­ out tiaurbto'n, Reports fj.om ^ull parts of the county show great'ac­ tivity and enthusiasm on the part of -i die temperance men, while the anti-' <• Scott pe.ople show no sign of .combat- < ting the arguments/" of their op- •^■“puiTfeiTrar^;—"I' '■' One in a Thousand.—Don’t for* geb the’sale of houses and lots at the Rattenbury House -on Saturday, 21st inst. AVitli the expenditure of u stimil .amount-of money two. good private residences can be inade out . of the buildings. Tnis-'is a chance in a thousand, as residences can' be rented Without- any difficulty. ”' Or- men wi|h limited ifieaiis can secure homes.at a smiiil cost and on Dory easy terms. ' , - As^vnm unseen in dur Goderich budget' the curling, match for the Gibbons medal was played on the Seafprtli fink anti won, this year, by Goderich, CapE Dancey. was iu ■Cl in toil .la^tjvrtHk try ing._to make ar- fangemetits to have- the match play­ ed here, but owing to previous skat­ ing arrangements, entered into by ihe-proprtetdri 'oFthe Clinton rink failed to do 'so. . ■ - SuDDEN DEATtt.-^-Tuosciay morn*, ing 16th„ jftst., John Rayson, aged saboiit 63 year's;-was tumid dead in his bed, He had not Feen ailing,- g ’liad sawn a cofd-ot wood on Monday, retired 'tiiicquiplRniiigly that night, ‘ was awakd at 3 b'clock Tuesday <- niftrning a,tid: remarked'to hiii wife that itfWhiu a£’Vffi*y cold morning fat 7 o’clock ho was dead. Dr, Reeve, . sioroner, was there was no reason to sdpphifr U'mt. deceased had met with fob! play/he'did not consider it neceWr^ to hoM aii ins quest. Whether., dijath resulted from h&alft disease”; congestion' of the brain or some ocoirlt disease is not known; Diseased tya* an indue* trious ami tempo rate man. leaves a wife.and’a large nnmbof of .children in .comparatively comfort- ., tfblo circumstances., 0 day- Thera is no doubt purloining vefy/iiiuctrHbe­ labor of his weak bruin and ntly will be conducive to ivity and make his papei imerestibg at the same Mr. D. Bay leavanjffiia week for Detroit. Mr. Charw Huwgon of Regina, N. W. T. is home on a yieit. Mr. A, S. Fisher is home for a time from bis Colorado pruspeeting trip. Wiggins Wind.—■Professor Wig* gins Hays the storm of Wednesday March the- 18th, whieli he predicts ed in -April, ’ 1883, will bo >ery heavy. , Scott Act.—The Young *M>ii’h Conservative- Club met as -usual Monday night. The debate lasted until ] 1.30 and was decided in favor of the Scott Act. 'Next night's meeting will be under parliamentary rules, when Mr. G^o, Sbarman, Prime Minister, willformhis minis*' try. Come 1 ' An Auburn correspondeiit writes us a letter indignantly repelling the alleged covert attempt of our Belfust correspondent, Just week, to belittle the intellectual and mechanical abilL lities of the phrenologist and clocks mender who • recently visited the “hamlet” bearing the nomenclature of the great city of Irish linen,manu­ factures. It was received two late to print in full. Possible Punishment.—It is, a belief of the Buddhists of Ceylon that if a woman behaves herself properly she will eveutullv become a nign. This will probably account for the .cussedness of some of the l.adies of the female persuasion, No punishment could be greater than their being transformed intounen. Canadian Pastime—The outdoor recreation of snow-slioeih<|: is quite pop’ll lav with the elite of Goderich. Tuesday afternoon of last ■ week a large number of the Jady'and g«n*> tiemen members of the Goderich snow-shoe c'ub might have been seen joyously approachii: iti fantastic, and ap dian costui the clear br appearauceroi no am6u.aA.of ... _____„ could efh/t, They were welcomed 'by prom ton club,land, put up at th^ Ratten-, bury*. hoJel, where a'splendid'Iiiiih cheon was served up and ipp'feciut-’ ed in a maimer, which want toprove' that auiple'TJompensatioii was mmle 'forjhe waste of tissue expended iii the . invigorating tramp. Among, file gentlemen.,of the party' we uq>. ticed Mr... John Rausford, secy.* of the b'Jlt association of Canada ;". act~ ing Master of Cliaricei v, Mukomson; Mr. SUrk of the North America salt and ehjmiical works ; Reeve F, W. Joiinsto.1);; Mr. Williains, iiiuns ager of theBC-ttk of Commerce, and. other old friend'd-. 'Accompanied' by the ladies they re;urued to Goderich ...by. the 9 o’clock train, orA Thbee - Were'. '. (LywiERED. — Sabbath ■ last on the opening of .tho". now Prdsbyteijaw Church, the building was filled morn­ ing, afternoon and evening. Prof. McLaren'and.Piex', Mr.- McDonald, of Seaforth, officiated, Many had to go m * 3 i ■ - ; -- ' . .... .. ....... .........J direct from manufacturers? consisting of Cake BaskptB, Butter Dishes, Berry Dishes,, ’lea Sers, Water pitcliers, Pickle Dishes,->Cruet Stands, Knives, Forksand Spoons. Napkin R*ugs, Biscuit Jars, Sugars, Card Receivers, &o., .Jtc«, 4cc. 'Ibese Goods ware bought exceedingly cheap, and my customers shall get the benefit, I am selling $<J-1 Tea Sets for $4*3. *4 have a very'lsrge variety of Goods auli- abre for Weihling and Etii thday Presents and I guarantee to give you the best quality of goods at the very lowest prices, l\ ■■ . J WALL PAPE!? cheaper anil nicer tli^^ever^, a w a CITY BOOK STORE, OLI'NTON,, ■! UHIFV ■■ J I TBl ■ WillMWWBIIMMBtBBBRWaMWKMMMMWBMMiBfICTI 1 1 •t ‘t We are preparing for the a I SPRING GOODS * land will be able to shwv-the finest stock of Goods cast of I 7 Toronto^ 'and the FRTCE.S BIGHT . as we bought them early and Cotton Good's of all kinds have advuiwml • greatly since we placed oiir orders. >e an'd cm uii which e exerci air gaye tli uddy health loused amusement Several local itenis were acci­ dentally “pied" just before going to press, they will appear next week. Pronunciation.—There are some words tlm orliiograpby as well as the oi tlioepy of which is unsettled, and therefore one author spells or pronounces one way, and another, a different; way. You will perceive that the great weight of authority is agreed in the pronunciation of either and wither, aim that the usual pnmURciatiou in this town is not in accord -wi'li them. The following atitli’ors make “e" long and pro­ nounce e Umr and , fie tlier, viz :-y- Sheriduti, Walker, Perry,.. Jones, Enfield, Fulton, Knight- Jameson, Knowles, Smart, -Read, Webster, Scott,'Nares, ggid Fry; Kenrmk is " undecided and (W. Johnson alone makes the “t” JoVig as i-iher and ni- ther. . - ' Broke Out in a New Place.— A Montreal papers states that a cur does story is being ciruulated by the prjests in the city relative ta a mir acle which ‘is said to have taken place in Agton Vale.^ Some twelve days ago a man, while, threshing grain, swore very badly. On some bystanders reproaching he replied. , “If tlrere is a God let him punish me.” He was at once seized with paralysis, a’ud fixed in the position in which he stood, becoming so rooted lu the ground that he could not fie removed. His neighbors bad to cover him with rags to preyent his. being frozen, and although they- of­ fered him food be could not take it., If is further reported that Mr. Fabre is. to visit the place to try aiid restore him. * • : • •. A STOjfc&^VITH'A MoRAD.-r-Sonm two or. three j\ars ago .Mr. John McGarvey made tkclaim on tlre*cors pqratiem of Scrathroy for $600 da­ mages" sustained by^^water being UivertecLg-awarfl his rqts on Front street? Thb cl aim was\ ho t y n ter-* tained by the Council, anoI' a suitj,11 chancery resulted in a verdkr.for the plaintiff, the.assessiuent for-Wiinages being referred to the Master. By the advice of Mr.-Jo inf'Gainer on the case .was appealed . to u.higher. -eirdei^r” ed against' the town. -Foliesby ,itox 'Going act-ed for McGarvey, through* ' out the case, and it is claimed that their bill is excessive. Mr. F, chavg* ing a couusel fee of $.20 fur every day be appeared lielore ybe Master, -in Chancery, and the other charges being on a similar scale,ih-i.nak-i-n-i^ tlie ' costs to tlie town about $-l,000,rwlhle the property over which Che suit, look place is actually-worth about . ofie*tenth of that su m? "01 iii ton has a- diverted water course-which is ' often a,■suhji'i't <ff contention in our council. . The prelecting arm of file law has often been threatened./— Verb. Sitri. k • ' t " ' ' • Kile. Miss L. Cantelon und Mr. Wk- Curry of Goderich township, arv visiting Mr. Jno. Cantelon. Miss Maggie Bailie, is visiting friends, in tfaltlord. Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Sum'l Shop- perd ^peia^sonje time in visiting Iriends’ut^Gorrie. Miss Mary Ifepderson, of Kingston, who has been visiting friends here, is now vi/ilmg some t'riends in Gorrie. Mr. S.G. Kaine, of Gorrie, who has been spending a short time in this vicinity, left for home a few days ago. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Goderich, is to give a lecture on “Matrimony," on the 19th. lust, in the Nile church, A grabd lecture is expected;'it (s • much needed here. - * „. M‘r.. Hugh Girvin, sold one of'his horses to Mr. Folley, of Goderich, for0 the handsome su-m of $180. Mr. 'G. bought another one from M. Petty- piece, of Wlntechurabjfor legs gioney. Sir, Jno- Taylor, bad a wood bee lakt week anti got considerable wood cut. In the evening a gay company' assembled i’n the house and “tripped the light 'lafitastio" until! the sma' hours of the morn. , ■‘‘Mr. Robert Sallowsj celebrated his silver wedding last Wednesday, 11 th inst.' Mri. James and tlie, Misses Mary,' "Agnes and J. Alton, were visiting friends here last week. .... Ro signs of spring’ yet—only an odd crow mafeiagd-ts^appearanee. J. 4 J J J 1,1 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. The latest stales of Watches,'Clocks, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Silverware'always in block. A good sw<ik'of VIOLIN Sl'KlNGS always on hand. • UGe3- Repairing promptly attended to and Warranted. ' ■ BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. STOVES. u: J) 0' Just Arrived,, a Splendid Lot' Coal StovesCools Stoves, ” PARLOR & BOX STOVES, .... O”0F EVERY” DESCRIPTION.;' -awayAiHJft^eyemirg^ ^ceuatr andAirrot4i er“decisixm'’retT qbtain admittance. Ou Monday eve'- niug the toa.-ineeting .was largely patronized, and the wants of the pliYsical and "iutjoilectual man and worn an wore catered for in a manner wor.tliy of aU' praise.( Rev. Mr. St0w-_ art presided over file iati-llectnal Least.'• The meeting was. addressed by lievds.-.W.'Craig,.Janies and John Grey, Mr.. Tuvlor, of - Bayfiold, Dr.• Uro, of Goderich, Mr .K •nnor and Alt •'' Salton. . Tlie . proceeds-.at Snbbutli sej-vices apd at the tea-meeting were sjj'LOl.OJ.,. The social, Tuiistlay night, v bere fun and feed civil be had lor 10c will augment this stfni-. • Out- mutter, being pretty .well-set up by Tuesday, pioclmlos us-from giving mote - ex tended notice. . • . . ■ Presbytery" of Huron.—The Presbytery of .Huron 'met in the Presbyterian .'church, Seafoi-tli, on ' Tuesd-iyJast, and .iiptwitbstaniling the- state of the road's there wash good .attendant^ of; ministers and and elders. In t-lie absence 'of'the ;Mfi.(l<^t^jwM.,Glerk, Mr. McCoy, of Eginondvill.e,'acted, as Moderator; ' "liiid Mr. .McD.onald as Clerk. Ses­ sion Records, were examined atnl’at- -tesltffiAis. corfe.ctl y k epV—Mi*. tin reported .that as Gm eommjltee ofi" Sabbath ' observance hud issued ridq‘ues,lions this- year die■ ■had1 nd re­ turn to' ^.ubmit. Air. Thomson," of Brucefield, read the report on Sab­ bath school work during' tlm,’piLst year. ...Mr. Mu'sgrove.repor.ced-’that' so few. Sessionstliad sent in answers' to the questions on the sfcxte of re­ ligion, he had not prepared, a report. ■ He was instructed to -"-prepare a re­ port from tlie returns rt-cetved,. and' forward tlm same to tlie Synod. Some time was spent in considering tlie ■ state of the coilgregatic-iis re­ ceiving aid from the Home Mission Fund. It was agreed '.to iift.trnct '.the representatives- of the j/nesby- tery on tlie Hom'' Mission poinmit- . tee to .appJiY.fpr.Sil,O.O..for.Exeter, and . il'ie usual grant to Grund - Bend, Bayfield—and Bethany, and; for the -Gael iiw nisst on-mtwttuftTirrGdd'&i'ic b. -4VeTrevimihlT”itt£Ve"Wr • " ■ ' General Assembly wefe ■ than-up* poinled, . namely, Messrs.-. ' TLirr, Fletcher, McCoy; Carriere and Mar­ tin,. ministers, "and an elder .from EgmondviH^ Thames Road, Qptle- hricli Mtid Brucefield congregations. It was agreed to ask Mr, McGill- viray to supply.tlie Gaelic station at Goderich for the summer months,. The PreSbytei'-y spent- some" time considering the appointment of Mr. Thomsonfof Brucefield, to Bfirfard Inlet, ,Bri’t.i.Hii Columbia; Messrs. McUidlyj Fotlieringham, Bell, Rot- lib'-n u-nd ilolffitt, representing the congregation of 'Brucefield, -were’ heard, .who pleaded eariiesilv and with'great ability that,Air, Thom- sun bo not. 'ieinov’ed from amongst them. "Air. Thomson" whs heard for himself, and stated, that on account' of tlm state of his health -and the hope Uxat tiie- climate of British Columbia- would-suit him, bo foit'it to.be his duty to accept the uppoint- .ment After members of tlnf Pres­ bytery bad expressed their high es­ teem for Atr. Thomson as a Chrisf- tian gentleman and . neighboring minister, the following motion was adopted : Tl.mt' Mr. Thomson’s ac* coplance of the appointmcht of the Home Atthmon committee to Bur- rard Inlet, tyitisli Columbia, bo ap* .proved ; that tho pastoral be dissolv­ ed jMiat the Presbytery express its sympathy with the congregation of Bvitcelield in tlm loss sustained in . the-removal of ’Mir. Thomson,' and .its .regret in losing Mr.• Thomson that the clerk and Mr, Musgrove preparq a wtiit&h)e minute to be given’ t<L him ; that Mr,. McCoy preach the pulpit vacant on 8»U bath, the 20th of Match, and act as Interim Afodoralor Hesston,**»• AV- ywsilor. .;SiUcking 0utrag-is.—From our -exdi;tii^i:.s vv.e lHHrmm~f~RTfeairftrl~~ouI- ' rage committed in the township of . Grey, .orn'k; vising girl JL4 years of age; daughter of a respectable farm-# er named Henry Ball, She w-as on- “Srer way home from: school*" when a; young rnaii "caught up with het*, and’ after a- few minutes coil versa'ion. threw tha girl down on the.snow and brutally outraged her. .When leaving her lie warned, her to say nothing,ot t[re-aff.uf threatening to ."kill her if she did; The poor, girl on arriviTrg’Tionie^was so much excited and terror-stricken tljac her parents' inquired as to-the cause of it. Being told, and enqtfifies made, a young man named' John .Logan, -wbo. had just returned to the township from completing a term of seven years .in., ■the pepitenciary-for a similar offence, ■ was arrested, ‘ After a hearing' be- for.e two justiceiThe was c.omn‘:itted toXJodeiriffii'gaol for trial at a.'lTigli-v " -er-cOU-FtT" w- ; o'casion to. remark on the increase of crimes of this character. • A free usfi'of the lash oft the person .of such monsters would seem to be" the strongest deterrent against the com-,, mission of such .offences. This fail- 1 ing. the death penalty should be re­ sorted to. . A Cunton Boy’s Skill.—-Th D, C, Ross mentioned in the follow-, hig, taken from the Helena, Montana Herald, is a son of Mr. John Ross of- this town:—Mr. D. C.'Roas,-the skillful ornamental painter of our city, lias just’completed the ituitte painting and finisliing-of the. Hauser mansion, erouted the past.season By Mr. 8. T. Hausaf, President of tire First Na'tioiTal Bank of Helena. On the dowir-stairs floor the. rooms are al! .finished in solid black waltint, oiled und’ polished bore by Ml*. Ross. Tim 'waiuut work, stair iklustf.rs and heavy doors, were finished by the practiced painter Mf. Rugs, Tim hard oil finishing put on .by this exs periencod artist is superior to many jobs nature that come from tlm East. In tlm painting and graining of the (ip-stairs part of the house, Mr, Rosa has nicely demon­ strated tlm near approach in appear­ ance that can be made l>y art to tho productions of nature.' Indeed so natural were some apecimons of hie walnut graining that the eye would be loth to trust itself to give'a jti'dgs ment as to what was natural and what art! filial. Tho bed rooms are finished handsomely in walnut, ash,, -maples red- wood „ iind. oher.ry, all grained in film handsomest manner, Thfti whole Job .is the handsomest wo have seen in tlm Territory^ and Mr, Ross is certainly to be congratulated upon having executed it. ■■ ^ana’a issizss,' isso.^ Tlie following ‘cases are.entered for trial in the High CourtTM^Justice, wfhich cornmeiices-oil. Monday,* 2'3rd March, before*the Hou. Chief Justice Cainei‘on,'.a-fr Goderich. Air.AV. Lount, (jh, 0.. Crown Counsel ; "Mr. D. Mc-- Ddouald, Clerk of Aijsizc : ' . ’ AVrwi j^URY^I'iwin-’ v/^tavsball: Garrow &; Proudfoot for plii',, AtJair. & ifclair t'or dit, . Elcoat y. Aiken- head G.lltow & Provdfoot for pill., ..Cameroi),--Holt-^CawTn'eiF-f&i^dLE^ Wright V. ’Jackson ct’. al, Garrow Proudfoot for plff., D. McDonald for dft., McLeod, v. ,McDpugailrjPMIolIj Holt for 'plff., 'E. Campion for df|, O’Lauglilin V. Carroll, P. Holt for plff., Garrow - & Proudfoot for dft. Pollard v. 'Diirnin, ,p4<LIolt' for i>lff., Davison &''Johnston fnrYlft-. Adair •v. Wade |Davison.& Johnston for plff., B. V, Elliott for dft- Bank- of Com­ merce, v. Wright,: F. Holuiestcad for plff,,. L. E. Dancy for dft.' •' Without" Jury.—Young v.- Ilogan. - et. a)., Garrow & Proudfoot for plff.,' Parkes- & McAdam' for. dft. 'Runci-- man y . -Seeginillcr, :P. Holt for plff., GalToW & Proudfoot foi* .dffcv;-;-:Heilt •sail, v. Garter, Garrow '& Proudfoot for plff., Caiueron, Holt .& Ca-moron for d’ft. ' ' - * » • News of the Day. The Irik Fenitina, James Stephens and Others who were expelled from Prance are on their "way to Holland, and are ex­ pected -io embark at RotterilH.rn.for Amer­ ica. They concluded not to reina’in in Belgium; as they had received -an inti­ mation that they might be expellyd'froin that Kingdom.,' Their arresti'and depor- tatloa was a,complete surprise -to their friends among the French Radicals. ■A-Among the^moBt interesting-.- minor- topics of t|m time is me fact that the Pope has" "granted .'a dispensation to a Catbbli.e.lad,v to mafy a IIuiigaiiun Jew Baron, an act withqut precedent. Ill- natured people say the groom has pai.cl 2.00,000 fl-oriiis into the Vatican treas: ury. , . putiltion of'.ilttssuinian yesterday a.sked the Governor to urge-the Biitish Govern- \iuetit.- to .maintain iirmTiess in resisting \ussiuti aggression.. ,TJie-Meputa ion promised Engluud'material ami moral support. * * Arabian pkpers state the Khan of Belo- 9clii'staVi,liuS.oirered-li.i-!jirmy to the B.ri-% '••tisli Government in the event of war. Avi-tli.Russ'kc • An enormous military transport fleet’is being xapidly\()UeCted on the Thanks, at Bortsn.iouth-an L’lvniou.tli. The size-’ott 'the fi.mt fiir'eklfeeds any , ossibie'heeds; ■of tile iSouudati campaign .. The Woo > wich ArsenM worliXsl/ops were hurriedly Enlarged by- the CrcXtiun of' temporary ■ struetiires.. ’ "The-workmen.in tbje arsenal are on-du.uhic.time,'" ■ \Baroh De Sinai, the Czar’s'-ambassa, dcly to .England, jins .askeaVtbe British • Goyernmeiit .lb. order, Lunisa^n’s I camp moved within.undisputed Afgbom .t'erii- tory.. I he reques t, was refused, and Sir Petex instructed to keep ffis present ppsi- - Mob and '.'ma hi laid from it 'c.ommunica tioii with-the iifghans .at Robat f^msv These and "other iudications cortvftTce ob- Servant.Englishmen that a struggle be5^ 'tween Ivnghind. and. Russia has been merely.averted temporarily . ' The Parn el 1 i te m embers"-of ■ the—D-ubli n - Municipal Co.uiicil, Lord Mayor O’Oon- nor'presiding, resolved to present Ail ad- rffiss to the Prince . and Princess of , Wales, settingTorth that in the. present -Lftund-i+ton~(>ftliecoui)trv,-wliile—.desirou3- . that-no (lisf‘oiirtesv ahull ■ be offered to the royal visitors, the c.qy-) \ralion should abstain from, taking official paiT iii""the- receptioh.; . Diph theria is raging in Malden, Essex ffour.ch-ildven-im one family have digd ; wilbiu'a weak. Will Open in FuirEIasF on 'Saturday. >Ve have purchased the finest stock of Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods ’ zLT SWJETUP'lya HJ3DUCT1ONS, ■ ' ■ ' which will enable us to offer ’to our Clinton and country friends till Greatest Drives ever-witnessed. The new House will open under such favorable cjrcum-’ stances that no business house in Clinton* should have u more prosperous career . than‘we might anticipate. " SPECIALTIES r; : Bee our Dress Goods,*... — ,, >See our Laces & Itibbons", See OUT White & col’d Quilts See our Tweeds, x- ■ See otir 'Hosiery and Gloves,. See our. Factory Cottons, . - . Sec our. White-Cottons; - See our Embroideries, Hee our- Prints, ", See. our Ginghams,_ — “S#pui^Kid-^'itm!S7Tr'’.,~" wEteL./, /TTEtTL7~"y^b^7 Robertson’s Great Cheap Cash Store, - \ ' STAND, CLINTON s. ' REMERffiB'ER ■ , ■ ■ —Tho Urand-r NG GARNI —AT THE— VINEYARD ROLLED RINK, CLINTON ■—on-h- ; ■ ' __ Tuesday, March 31st. - W50 'JN PRIZES ! A»Missi<>’k 2f)C. ’ "Seo.'Posters. New Season’s Teas from 15 to ’?5o; per Pound. Chase ffi’SafllJorH’s COFFEE"a specialty, dl'grades and rhees-. . :ChTiBtie; .Brown_&TJ5’s Biscuits'. HAMS,. BREAKE'AST BACON, ETO.-. \ Goods promptly delivered.;- Call apd examine our store, which is the . .-^LARGEST AM NEATEST GROCERY IN .TOWN';— \Large and Complete Stock $f China, New Crockery,. Glassware, &c. Varna ■ ■ Mr. George" Stevenson, Babylon line, has a Wellington colt t5vt/ycars_ olcLt. .Caiitydign. -Fn'<JG7'"wfflclTwmglm- .over 1600'lbs., has great bone and ■*Sn®I<Va''fiif6~i’angy~n©ck, -and—will compare favorably with much of the imported sjtock. ,. .- A; •“ • As Mr. John Turner and- family .'Were .returning from -Brucefield on Wednesday last with a spiiited team,. they went aff his usual track"and .cap­ sized the contents of the bus oh to a dowuy’bcd ; only the softness of the bed saved them from injury. The- timely arrival of David, who arrested the fiyiug steods.was quite opportune. In fact wore "Dav’’ not'a “boy" of. more than ordinary muscular propor­ tions, tho upset would. have boon supplemented by a runaway which • might have been a serious matter for Mr. Turber amHamily. ?EL0N ] GeneratdSmcers ' and Produce Mer-ohdnts, "" RACETOUrb 'STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON;. ’ Choice, Fresh-Family G-rbceries ■ \constantly in -stock’ , ■ Farm Produce taken at Highest Price, ■iifiiiir.' In returning thanks L6 my many friends and patrons for fit st pAlro'’agtv. f' would ..like to Call their special attention to my yiyy complete stuck fit HARNESS, WHIPS, CORRY ’COMBS. J. MILLER’S -:-QLDt>6T AND, iSN!r East of Cynninghame’s:Grocery. ^'PARTICULARS- NEXT WEEK. ■ l^UltCHASEBS OK ; WILL KIX'LLY EXCUSE. ;;/' _________ SHESL .ETC,, . . ■— ■ Special-attention is?directed to my sLck of ■ -5IMGLE:: -It-KlLLbejound very complete, and for diirability -and 'finish cannot lie excH'Ic.d bv Any pne .~ATrerffpl<iy~none--bat the best'workmen, and"use the best, matei iakto b-< J LWh&i may .fn vo^-mc w-t: h their-patroiiU tfbliai-ri f; of,getting satisfaction. ’\ ’ ■' ' gis-" AWAY uoWn., ■. Trunks and<Valises in great variety and Prices Low. \ .■ For not entering Into details, this week, of Stock offered for. sale at their StoreXin SearliPUNe.w ULocicfnext to Cooper’s Grocery. •'Wnl merely, say that Stock, is very complete and prices low for Cash oi\parni Produce..’ /CLINTON • . '' (-LATE .HARRY" CANTELON’S) ' ■ft ';W.. HAYWARD, PBOPBIETOO,' ’ ' , AIANUFACTUBE8 ALL KINDS'Ol’\ . .. Only best scasoit’cd Kitaber and host iron used, Bnstwoidanen anpliWeil. hjpositerMarket' Place. ■ CIultoOM. ■ CM-ANCEltY DIVISION. . In tlie matter of Partition, WATTS vs, WATTS: Relgravft. Sunday, 8th insfc, Rqv« Mr.McCosh, ptciiche.d a sermon to the Foresters ill., the. ’Presbyterian -church, Roy. .Mr. Parke, of Bly th, and Rev. Mr. • Law, of B('li'ravci, .,toqk-parlr“ML*the“ services. There wore about 500 per­ sons present, The Foroste.ra march­ od in a bod$ from tho Orange hall to the church. The-affair was very im­ posing as well as interesting; . A little b<5y of Mr. RobK'McMnrray, of Morris, has boon.very had- with the ■ di'nup, but is now bn, Rm way toward recovery. ' ' All quiot on the Maitland, By the .opMjitfg of. navigation wo shall likely hear Roni the Mahdi and Khedive Masom Tho recent marriage of William Hoppor, of the 3rd coil, Morris, to Lucy; daughter of Jarnos‘Grigg,.coni. 0, E, Wawanosh,- was quite a nobby as well as happy affair. Tho gay party drovi hero about 10 a.m., then returned id Mr. Grigg's, partook of a dejeuner a Id f/owdelle, then they drove to Blythireturning homo about 7 p.m. Tho fallowing night th'e rep­ rehensible practice of serenadin** the happy couple with the mnsiq of tils* cordant spheres and cow bells .and, tin pans and tho/mng of muslwlrv war, indulged, in. XL..._____________ PURSUANT TO AN ORDER mule in the 'matter'nf partition Watts vh. Watts, this creditors of JOHN WATTS, late, of thoTownsbip of Stanley,. in, the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who ‘ tiled in or about the moptb of , lkpi, are, on orbefoYotho televtntli ' tiny of April, ISR5, to sand by post, prepaid, to MANNING w SCOTT, Barristers, ofC|in£oiV the Solicitors for tho Plaintiff herein, tjriiir. (Ihrisfinn and stiffiaines, a dresses and (loscfip- "tjofl, the full particulars of their clainiSfW state­ ment of their accounts and the’nature of the " securities (if anv) held by them^- or in default thereof they will lie pOremptoj-'Hy excluded from tho. benefit of the said oiylfir. Every creditor holding any seeurity is -to produeo the same hofor’e me ift tny Chainbof8f in the Court House, in the Town of Ooderich, on 13th day of APRIL, 1835, at 11 o'clock >n rhe forenoon, belfi(f the time appointed-for adjudication on tho claims. "Dated .this 12th day of March, A.D„ 1885. ■. g. maTX'.OMSON, ... 33<^3t Master at Goderich. M ...Fresh Currant^ Layer Ruisins, Black Baskefliaisins, ' ‘Valenciasjlayers; Valencias, loose;. Citron, Ofange, & Leinqn Peels. • Nuts—; Almonds, Filberts, Peaciim &c. Gl’ftbn and Dried Fruits of all kinds. About twontyMifforent kinilk of Copfdcti'onory. BISCUITS—Wino, Abernethy.,. Lomon, Fruit, Sodas And Ufbwn Biscuits. ‘Murrndlndo in jars. CANNED GOODS—Poaches, Peark," zTomatoca, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters, Sardines, etc. ifc^* Haddio andX OYSTERS constantly oiihand.•’ 'I. |&fit’s Cups and Saucers, Glass Bread Plates, Fruit Dish.os, 'Jugs, Nappies, otc.—all new goods and of the very ’latest styles. See them early. ' . Essences’oit 6V0HVkind, ReliableAr6ast Oakos. Toilet So&ps, madefy ajl tho leading manufacturers.- Washing Soai>s—a.U the leading line's. CREAT VALUE IN .TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. nggiepiO .All work tVarranted as represented. ’ Low Prices, and Quick Sakes „ Buggy Tops, Bodies; Goars, Trimmings, c.tc./madc in largo, (|iiipitlties iHid-i,rrppli(ul'i<<- •the Trace at tho very lowest Wholesale Prices. REPAIRING proii'iptiy utu-iidml iu. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange.- Give us a cull. - - . H W. HAYWARD, Opposite Fair's Mill' >i»»™u»iMWOT»i«»n«B»xarjj»^rue»MuWMCTaa«wn-xarwjM«'irtTyjrai^K.-?jMg>'«ain--.rwTn4;rjTrT-.r.xr.i.-»--. Record,Subscnbe'-^^fe^Tr-'^fc . $1.2@ per.Year. ADVERTISE IN" IE NEWS-PJ 'Double - Circulating’ \ .Paper in' the County.' ■' o 5 COX & co. STOCK BROKERS? I TORONTO. MBMBESS TORONTO STOCK.EXCHANGE, Have Independent direct wire, by wj?ich Nev/ York,continuous 8tock quotations' ar^reoaived more rdpid- ly than by any other source. / Buy and soli on eoinmlssion, for cash, or on margin ail securities doaU.in on the- Toronip, Mwntveaf. and NW Turk Stock MchaWSr Also execute orders jn Grain and t’rovislons On the Chicago Hoard of Trado. ■ ’ Daily 'cable quotation’s of Itfidson’s Bay and other fttoeks. ■ I26’ mnoS^ wi. Fischer, SMITH'S BLOCK, » CLtSIOS, OST. Tho correct pUct for porfset-fitting' jfaraejitii , atclOBpsl/juotations. WAITED, * A CORDS OF GOOD, SHORT ftREEN WOoD I r) y f<>Y flu- clhit-m Schools. Apply to,........ MbM