HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-1-21, Page 1AND HURON
VOL. XIX. NO. 18.
Stock Taking
J ust think we offer 80 pounds of
Wee yellow Sugar for $1 00. This is
the best vele° ever offered in Exeter,
but as we bought it cheap we will give
our customers the benefit.
Small profits and quick returns is
our motto. Remember the place.
James Pickard's Old Staled.
4. J. McTA ViSH 00.
l3RIEFs-Mr. Latta, clerk attended the
recount in Goderich on Saturday last.. Mr
Voe1ke, was elected by a majority of one
without the casting vote -Mr. Peter
Wagner is still very ill. -Mr. Wm.Walper
is suffering from la grippe. -piaster H.
Hardy of G,oderioh Collegiate Institute was
home on Saturday and Sunday last -Conn
oil met in the town hall on Monday last. --
Mrs. John Prang of the Bronson line is
visiting her parents in Stephen.--Etliaon's
Phonograph was the principal attraction
far tiro boys duriug last week.-S1cighing
in this vicinity is excellent. -Mr. r. Michael
Zeller, who bas been treasurer of Hay for
over 20 years, has resigned. Mr. P. Etoss
is his successor.
BRIEFS -The entertainment under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid held in the
Methodist church was a grand success. -
Revival meetings are being held in the
German church. -The weather is miry cold
but fine sleighing, and hundreds of teams
can be seen on the road every day draw-
ing wood, brick, etc.-Jno Haiat the new-
ly married young luau is moving into his
future home, by all appearances he intends
to have it comfortable. -The council of
the township of Stephen met hist Monday,
and were sworn in office and have resum-
ed their positious for another year. -The
Crediton sportsmen are having good suc-
cess hunting rabbits this winter, being
.:uceessful in securing a large number, hut
unfortunately one of the party has to come
home with wet feet every time or either
buy a new pipe. He has a habit of Dither
stepping in a water hole or biting off the
end of his pipe Stem every time he shoots.
We would advise bim to have a pipe stem
made of oast iron.
BRIEFS. -The many friends of Mr, Win.
Chubb, for he was widely known and highly
respeoted,wilt be sorry to learn of his death,
which sad event took place here on Satur-
day last. He was only a few days ill. but
the disease, la grippe, took such a flim hold
of him, that from the first bis life was die-
paired of. He was a native of England,
Ooaseryative in politics, and one of the
moat uptight and squarest dealing men in
existence. Pew deaths could cause mc>r.
wide -spread sympathy, but after all this ie
poor consolation for the atrioken family. -
Death has claimed another victim in Ibis
neighborhood, This: titno Mr. Wm. Woe,
den had to surrender to the fell destroyer,
in the 56th year of hie age. He died on
the 13th inst, $e was one of the very first
settlers of the township, and was without
au enemy. La grippe, followed by pnen•
monia, was the cause of his death.
( oderloh.
Bitxzrs,-To-morrow evening a large
number of our young people will enjoy the
Clinton Military ball. -The Conservative
convention after re-eleot1ng Joseph Beek as
president, and all the old officers, put off
the nomination of a candidate till Wednes-
day the 3rd prox.-The funerals of last week
of Wm. McLean, Ernest Malcomaon and
Ir. E. Pridham, all within 25 home, arous.
ed the sympathy of our people• -Mr. O'Can,
nor, M, P. P,, of Walkerton, and Mrs.
O'Conuorwere in town for a few days the
mat week, -La Grippe seems to be leaving
us, the eontivaed cold weather being the
probable cause. At this writing there are
hut very few serious oases in town. -Tse
reeentiy elected town oounoil and achoal
Board met yesterday and organized for 1892.
-The aloigbing in Gaderich and vicinity
the past week was the beat for many years,
-The County oounoil will meet in the court
house next Tuesday,-Prosent appearances
are in favor of a plentiful los Drop for '93.-
The rector of St George's, Rev. W. A.
Young, not having had good health the
past few months. will take a few months
vacation for its. restoration. -The Arat of
the open meetings of the high School Lit-
erary Society for '92 was bold laet Friday,
The nomivatioua for offioo took place and
pleasant program was presented. -The Col -
will -Townsend Theatrical Oo, was in town
last week. The leading actress prover' to
be one:of the best performers seen in God-
erich for many years.
Dashes d.
BRIEFS. -The many friends and sup-
porters of Mr. J. Voelkor will be pleased
to hear that the recount for councillors, at
Goderich, on Saturday last resulted in his
favor, this time receiving a majority of
one without the casting vote. Wonder
whether the Hensallites gave Mr. Mc-
Mordie another supper in honor of his de•
feat. Those "little few" were not "left
in the shade" so much after all. -Mr. T.
Snell who taught the Itlackbnah school
last year, is attending the Collegiate In-
stitute at Clinton, studying for a second
class certificate, -On Sunday last while
Clara, daughter of Mr J. Witzel, was rid -
on a sleigh, she aeeidentelly`fell off and a
horse and cutter which followed passed
over her. but without seriously hurting her.
- Mr. R. Cook has returned from South
River. -;Messrs. Juo Welker and J. Hoff-
man are visiting relatives and friends in
the vicinity of Now Hamburg Jno. will
likely enjoy the trip after his victory. -
Tho saw -milt yard is being rapidly filled
with saw logs. -Mr. J. Hall is buying a
large quantity of clover seed.-LasbThurs-
day the team of Mr. Dan. Schroeder broke
loose in front of the blacksmith shop and
ran through the village towards home at a
rapid rate. No serious damage was done.
-Un Monday Mr. A: Musser moved into
the house on the S. B. Hay, formerly oc-
cupied by Mr. J. Willcrt. -Mr. Sim Ire-
land moved into thehouse vacated by Mr.
Musser. -One night last week a son of Mr.
J. Selden fell asleep while sitting on a
chair, and after some time got up and went
out, without a cap, to a neighbor's for
milk. When asked for the pail he said,
"It is in the shed." -On Sunday next
there will be quarterly meeting services in
the Evangelical church. -Last Sunday
the S. S. teachers were appointed to their
respective °lessee.
Boot & Shoes
During the Next Month.
Shop undergoing Pcpeu to make room
for Spring Stock. It will be to : your' ctic1-
vantage to: call,
THIRTY Toes -Mill feed at the Hensel!. Oat-
meal Mills. (.heap, Call soau. D, Urquhart/
Boos on Sans, -Seven young thorn' bred
Berkshire plge, wttn registered pedigrees,
Prize stock. Applyto A. Coxwommu, Centen-
nial hotel. Reiman,
Wanted at the Hen eat' Oatmeal mill yard
elm. blaok ash. white ash. basswood. pine etc
Highest prices paid. Call foruleen gthnof eaTlogo.
Sew Leas WANTED gighest cash prices paid
for any quantity good, sound, Basswood. Elm
Aeh, Oak, Maple, Beech, eta,delivered in my
kland in Ilensall, or at the mil. on the 3rdoon„
ay, Custom sewing promptly attended to at
both olaoes, RonT,lialr,)r„ llensall•
Tire:Yltltxsxa.-Owing to the depression
in values in the trade centres the markets
have been shattered, and of late very little
grain bas boon moving. Following are the
current prices paid
82 to 83
38 to 40
e8 to 28
58 to 60
.10,00 to 10.00
15lr toto 16l6
5.00 to 5.25
Clover seed. 5 00 to 5.26
DEATiz9,-One of the largest funerals ever
seen in this section was that of Mrs. W. R.
Hodgins of the Commercial hotel, last Sat-
urday. It was deservidly the laet °Moe of
respect to one who through the abort period
of her gelatene° on this preparatory apbare,
had made a boat of friends. That she had
the esteem of many was evidenced by the
great number who same from far and near
to participate rn the final scene. No home
of aiokness In the village or surrounding
country but bore evidence of ber kindliuesa
of heart, and no hones of mourning but the
band that is now atilt forever, found a
wreath of Sowers for the dear departed ane
She was passionately fond of flowers and no
one was more expert it their culture and
forming the bloom into beautiful wreathe.
Sha was a friend tbat could bo relied upon
under edverse or aiflaont circumstances, al-
ways the same warm-hearted woman; none
would want if she was aware of it. She
loved her school girt friends with the same
ardour as when elm had played with them
years ago, and was always elated on seeing
any of them. That she will be greatly mis-
sed is putting it mild indeed ; it is almost
impoesible to realize that she baa gone
never to return, but the absence of a cheery
good morning and a pleasant amilo will
soon bring about the realization. She ewes
a loving mother and wife and the three
daughters and husband are grief-stricken
over their irreparable lose. They have the
beartfelt sympathy of every person in their
great affliction. Pheniah. Berry was daugh-
ter of Mr. James Barry a pioneer of the
township of Hay and was married to Mr,
W B. Hodgins some nineteen years ago.
Living in Biddulph for a number of years
they moved to Heugall some thirteen • years
ago when they created the Hensall house.
They have lived in Hensall since, with the
exception of a year wbiclethey spent in Kin-
cardine. Deceased was a'sister of Messrs
Thos and James Berry, well lumen en through
ont the couutry. Mrs. ;ilodpins had been
ill for about tan days prior to her death, the
is grippe first taking hold, terutivating in. a
complication of diseases and death --Dur'
ing the week death has claimed two more
of the residents of this neighborhood. On
Monday Mre G. McInnes, mother of kers.
John McEwen of the 2nd can. of Hay, at
the advanced age of 83 years. And on.
Tuesday 1iit:a,,, ei.irved wife of Mr, Robert
Morrison passed peacefully; away. She was
in her 66th year, and was au estimable lady
La grippe is assigned as the pause of the last
mentioned deaths.
Bnzxra.-Misa Tena Londenaberger of
Auburn is attending to her sister, Mrs. A.
W. King, who is ill. -We 'miss Robt. Lar•
mour of the stage line between hero and
Zurich, very much, and ars sorry to learn
that he met with a fall at Zurich on Mon-
day by which he seriously injured his leg,
and is laid up hi cousegnence. • Mr, D. Ur-
quhart's yard is rapidly filling with logs
since the sleighing began. Donald is quite
energetic and is certain to make the aawmill
business a success. -Prof. Scott's concert on
Friday was fairly attended. Sim Fax in his
nimitable rendering of comic songs kept the
house in good humor throughout the entire
evening. -Henry Either, wife and family
of Crediton were in town on Saturday. -
Robert McLean of Luoan was in town last
week. -The rink is now in : splendid condi-
tion and young and old are enjoying them-
selves immensely. -The Foresters spent a
very sociable time in their hall on Monday
evening, an oyster supper taking the place
of the annual entertainment. There was a
large orowd present which included the
members of the order, their families and
friends. To say that a highly enjoyable
evening was spent is merely voicing the
sentiments of all present. -Mr. Robert Bell.
jr., will run a portable saw mill in the vie
lags the coming season where he is buying
any quantity of togs. -Ed. Bossenberry's
arm is still very sore --Ralph Hodgins of
London was in the village for a few days.
last week. -John- Macarthur banker has
been wrestling with the grip for the past
few days ; be is on our areas again. --Ab.
Berry of St. Clair was in town at bis sister's
funeral on Satarday.-Ed. Hodgins of Rip-
ley was visiting :friends hero last week. -
The recount of the ballots has. not changed
the personnel of the Hay Council from the
returns already published. -Miss Al. Mur-
dook of Lucian spent Saturday with her
many friends in town. -A young man from
the saatern township visited Preheall last
Saturday evening. As the sleighing was so
grand be determined upon giving his young
lady a drive, knowing that she would ap-
preciate such kindness ;. also it would make
the arduous work he is engaged in five clays
of the week, more enjoyable. Everything
was just to his way of thinking ; a pretty
girl, good a eigbing and a aph•lted .borne,
and why should he not be happy. But on
attempting to turn around to come hone,
his home became unmanageable; and the
- -- - • consequence was two bodice fighting with
Itch, Mange and repeater: of dl..em kind,. space for amoment,and ablending of voices
ori lime= being oritui;arla, cured iv SO min- saying Oh 1.1r.- _ ; Oh !and in a
nae by 'oolfosd'o eaultary lotion " 'Ibis moment all eves cr.ltnanrl the set was sift
never Mila. Sold by C. Lutz. 0,e. or.Ly
Russeld ale.
Bninra.-There died in this township on
Sunday last, William Clifton, one of oldest
and most highly esteemed residents of the
municipality. He was nearly 89 years Of
age, and until very lately was able to be
about, and enjoyed very good heattb. De-
ceased had a large circle of friends and al-
though be was considerably oyer the filleted
span, his death is emelt regretted. --On
the evening of rue 6th, a pleasant reunion
of the Hanson family took plane io the new
residence of Mr. Thomas Hanson, 12th
non. Relatives were present from different
parts in Canada and the Staten, and a happy
time was spent. .A similar gathering was
held the night .following at Mr. Wm Han -
son's, then at Mr. Gourley's, and next leapt
Francis. --Dr. W. J. Armstrong's brother
is attending to bis patients during the ill-
ness of the doctor. Wo hope that ere long
all the sink will be restored to ;their wonted
health. -Mr. John Harmer, who moved
from here to London a few months ago,
moved back again last meek and is now liv-
ing in Mr. R. Harris' home near Rnsseldale.
John is a good neighbor and we are pleas-
ed to have him back again. Mr. Geo.
Melville left a few days ago to visit his par-
ents in Michigan. His visit will not per -
baps be of the pleasautest, as we• learn that 1
Ins mother, an old lady of upwards of
eighty years, is very ill, which will cast a
gloom over his usual buoyant spirits.
Council met on Monday, 18th inst. All
the members present, and after making the
necessary declarations took their seats..
Moved by H. Either, see by P. Wurth that
C. Prouty be clerk for 1892 at same salary
as last year -Carried,
Moved by J, Sherritt, sec. by F, Wurth,
that the matter of the G. B. Out debentures
bo deferred to next meeting.
H.. Eilber-F. Wurth-that 0. Brown be
treasurer at a salary of $100 and no extras;
M. Fiukbiner be caretaker at $20, his duties
to bo defined. -Carried.
H. Eilber-B. Hicks -that W. Stevens
bo auditor, -Carried.
The reeve appointed W. H. Wenzel the
other auditor. After passing the following
orders the council adjourned to meet on
Monday, Feb'y est :-J. Hawker, lumber
$27 44 ; J..Fipkbeiner ling tax refunded, 51
lbI. Finkbeiuer half salary $10 ; S Stanlake
lumber, 58 49 ; F. Sharron, keep of indig-
ent 58 ; Mrs. Ransom. ebarity 68 ; A Mc-
Echan, work on 15th $5 75 ; J. Sharron,
work Millis 13. $2 ; Il, Doyle, work 1st SR.
52 ; D. Sutton, lumber $12 80 F. Fern -
comb, engineer $35.50 ; J. Steeper, gravel
$2 40 ; Acivooato, printing $39 74 ; J. Coe
rothers $4 ; Collector, duplicate 53 70 ; T.
C. Clark, culvert 51.50; do. refund of stat.
labor, 411 ; Mrs. Newcomb charity $5 ; W.
Mitchell, do. $5 ; N. Corbett, the drain $4
C. Brown, treas. abstract, $10. C. Paomrr
Biliousness- Fever and. Agu.e.
So pleasantly do Dr Morse's Inaian Root
Pills search out and drive away the. needs
of disease that all persons living in a noun.
try where lever aria ague, and all other bil
ions diseases, aro prevalent, will find they
should never be without them. From 2 t0
4 pills each night upon going to bed, will in
a short time, drive away the sickly yellow
look of bilious persons, and bring to their
Omelet it beautiful se. *w of perces( t• health.
Dr Morse's,Indtau Boot Pills aro :.oldby all
dealers in medicine
and cool for their shaken bodies. After the
young lady had succeeded in piokiag the
snow out of ber eyes, ears and month with
a button hook she Providentially had with
her, was again in shape fora ten mile drive
east to S ---.-Farmers' Institute at Cox -
worth's hall today.
Ha uncil
The new council of Hay met pursuant to
statute on Monday, Jan 18th at 11 a. m.
After the necessary declarations of office
were made the council became organized
with reeve as chairman,.
The following township officers were ap-
pointed at 'the eateries mcntionoa, viz: -
clerk; Sam el. Latta, 5110; Treasurer, F,
Hess, $80; assessor, Henry Lippert, '$55;
collector, Wendel Smith, $50; auditors, R
R Johnston and J T %Vren; the Board of
Health will consist of the reeve ani clerk
together with Jos Snell D Steinbach, Wm
Stoneman; Medical Health officer, I)r
Buchanan; Sanitary Inspector :or Western
Division, 11 Grob; Eastern Diyiaion, jobs)
Scott, The salary of members of Board
of Health to be 52 for each sitting of the
The township printing was let to John
White & Sons of The Exeter TIMES for
Turnbull-Voelkee-that the resignation
of M Zeller, treasurer, be accepted. Re-
gret was expressed for losing the valuable
services of such an efficient of iner,who for
a quarter of a century has so ably discharg
ed the aeveralduties pertaining table office
and an earnest wish for his future pros-
Voelker Turnixull--that HenryLiabold
be allowed to cut firewood for his owu use
on road allow* nco between lots 15 and 10
con 8. -Carried.
Kalhfleisch -gamed-that the receipt
of the collector beings found correct, that
the hernia be delivered to him. -Carried.
Schnell-,-Kalbfleisch-that after audit-
ing the books the treasurer deliver all
moneys, safe. books, et.., belonging to the
township to I' Hess. -Carried.
Voelirer-Tarnbull-that tenders be re-
ceived by the reeve, clerk, and Mr Schnell
at Zurich, up to 4 p m, on Monday. Feb.
1st for 10 000 feet red beech and 15,000 ft
cedar and that the clerk notify parties in-
Mrs Reinhardt was appointed caretaker
at a salary of 520.
The following accounts were ordered to
be paid : J A Williams, flour for indigent,
$5; D Nicol, approach to bridge, iia; L
%Valpor, ditch B L, $1; P Sohroeier, cul-
vert B L, 75c; J Hefferman, dog tax ref,
$1; R 13 McLean, boundary bel, $30 84; 8
Ramie gravel G9 6S
JOHN 'oP Stuns .& SONA
Publisher and Proprietors
Benzes s. -The residence o! Mr. John An-
drew was the scene of a very pleasant event
on Wedneaday evening last being the
marriage of hie eldest daughter, Maggie,
to Mr. Daniel Hodison, of Whalen. The
matrimonial Isnot was tied by Bev. J.
Raaael, who has had considerable experienoe
m that line, and will not slip till death
shall do its work. After partaking of a
rich and bounteous,repeat, and spending
the evening in social interoonrse the happy
couple left for their now home at Whalen,
followed by the best wiabes of their many
It is a fortunate and happy day,
When a new family takes its birth,
And moves on its harmonious way,
Among the myriad homes of earth,
Mrs. Wadlin and daughter have been visit-
ing their many Wanda in and around Credt-
ton,-Last week Ur. Pasamoro was thresh-
ing for Mr. T. Worry, and on Wedueaday
the horses wore hitched to the engine for
the purpose of moving it to another plane,
when the ateam began to escape at the
safety valve; frightening the horses so that
they became unmanageable and ran down
the hill at the end of the barn, the whiffle-
tree striking the corner of the barn as they
passed, and into the manure heap close to
the straw stank where the horses got free
and ran a short distance before being
oaugbt. Aatonishing as it may seem noth-
ing was injured, aud with considerable labor
the engine was taken up' the hill again and
act at work. --der T, Steele is hotter. -The
Elfmville donned 0. 0. 0. F. intend holding
an open meeting in the near future.
Osborne Oouxto.l.
The new Connell met on the 18th inst.,
pursuant to the statute. The following gen-
tlemen having been duly elected, made and
subaaribed (the necessary declarations of
oflice and qualification and took their seats
at the Commit Board, viz ; Tilos M. Kay,
sq.. reeve ; Messrs. Jame Halle. Wiliiam
Kydd, Jonathan Shier and Thomas Owner.
Wm •Kydd was appointed deputy -reeve
on motion of Shier and Halls, aul G. W.
Holman clerk, at ea re eatery as ;,last year,
on motion of Halts and Shier, the nominat-
ion of D. Hay as clerk, at 565 salary, by
Cameron and Kyda was lost. W, Miners
was appointed assessor on motion of Shier
and. Halls at a salary of $50,
Oameron-uo seconder that the Treas-
urer and Collector for 1892 he one person,
and that the salary for molt duties he $100.
Shier- Cameron - that T. Coates be
Treasurer for the current year ;at a salary
Good sleighing is very important and
necessary for everybody in the winter sea -
sou. We join everybody in rejoicing for
the. busineas activity, which is the result
of plenty snow and cold weather. At the
Bargain Depot just now you can get ap-
parel of every description to minister to
your comforts during this delightful season,
from the crown of your head to the soles of
your feet, artielea of beauty, durability
and comfort, and we need not remind you
of our reputation for low prices.
Wedding suite are a specialty with
us just now, and success to them we say.
We take this opportunityof wishing our
many friends (that we so eautifully deck-
ed for the event of their lives) a long pros-
perous and happy life, and marry returns
of the season. We refer to the season for
ordering nice suite, &o., at the cheapest
spot known.
Adjourned to;heet on,SAturriap, Iti:tr,12 of $70, and that ha furnish bonds to tine
et10 a. m. a amount le 012,000 to the satiefe tib of
Situ J. LATTr, Clerk. this Council. -tarried.
_ _ . ,.. , .Kvdd-Senile p_.; resolved that A.. Dun-
Kiritton. clan be collector, and furnish satiafaotory
bonds to the amount of $12,000,
BRIEFS. -La grippe claims severe' victims F. W. Farneorab was npoointed Bngin-
in the neighborhood of our village, Mr. G. bar at $5 per day when on duty, on motion
L. Money is recovering after a severe attack of Kydd and Halle
of two weeks' duration. --The household ef. Shier - Cameron - that the Board of
teats and family of Mr. Wm drown started Health be composed of the reeve, olork and
tor their new homy: iu Port night on Mon. Messrs. L. Hunter, D, McInnis, and C.
day lase -Mr. Wm. Somerville who went ltlonteith at$L50 per day when on duty ;
west from here a year or ao ago is evideutly that Dr. Irving he Medical Health Officer
meeting with emcees, your correspondent at 58 per day when on duty, and that J. 0
being able to state that Wm. took unto hint. Tufts he Sanitary Inspector at 411.50 per
self a helpmate in the peraon of Miss Wil- day when on duty --Carried.
son, of Winnipeg, on Tuesday evg. Jan 5th On motion of Halls and Shier M. Routly
1892. Mr. Somerville is engaged in the J. Hazlewood, R. Kelly, G. Rook, sen. T.
milling business at Keewatin and left for Passmore, S, teampbell, W. Gilfillan, sen,
that, place from Winnipeg shortly atter the andR. Hunter were appolnted pound-keop-
intereating ceremony was over. Ws present urs for this year.
the usual congratulations customary on On moticn of Ky&a and Shier J Copeland
such occasions. -Messrs. Hugh Kirk and A Cole, P Moir, B Delbridgo, 0 Switzer and
J. Burne take their departure to -morrow C Coates were appointed fence -mowers.
for the Model farm at Guelph, -It is our G Butherford was appointed auditor on
sad duty this week to chronicle the death motion of Cameron and Kydd. The reeve
of one of the oldest inhabitants of this vioin. appointed J. Delbrilge the other auditor.
ity. The person referral to is Mr. Peter The printing was awarded to White .f
Sperling wbo passed away on Sunday last Sons at 039 on motion of Cameron and
at the mature age of 83 yeara, 7 months, Shier.
and 17 days. The deceased leaves bebind Thos Veal was appointed caretaker of
him his wile who is still older than the Hall at $5 per year.
subject of our sketch, and alsc three sons The clerk was instructed to ask for ten -
and one daughter, who are well known in ders for cedar and rock elm lumber, tenders
the vicinity. The late Mr, Sperling same to be laid before the Board at its next meat -
to this section from the township of Reach, ing.
Co. Ontario, in the year 1850, and has Kydd-Halls--tbat the claim of James
shared in all the toils and joys incident to Moir for damages for sheep killed by doge,
the early settler's life. He was born in the amounting to 016, being two•thirds of van -
Emerald Isle, and was a staunab Conserve• ation, be paid. -Carried.
tive in politica and a consistent member of Shier -Cameron -that the expenses in
the Methodist church. The sorrowing connection with holding the late municipal
widow and family of the deceased have the e'ection, amounting to $24 50 be paid to
sympathy of the entire neighborhood• in the clerk: -Carried.
their sad bereavement. -Tse following is a Shier-Oanreron that James Halls get
list of officers of the Blanshard Agriouitural the necessary improvements clone to the
Society for the year 1892, elected on the Township Hall and grounds, -Carried,
4th inst. at the town hall, Kirkton :-Pres., Cameron-Kydd- that the Collector's
J. Burns; Vice-Pre:•ident, W. Hazlewood ; roll be received, his bond delivered up,
Secy. Treas., R, Beattie; Auditors, A., A. and an order issued on the treasurer for
Doupe and W. R. Carr; Directors, Jon. the collector's salary. -Carried
Shier, D. Creighton, Jas Moore, Jno Hulce The following orders were granted, viz :
wood, W H Marshall, Wm, Yule, Amos Jas Moir, sheep killed by dogs, 816 ; G W
Doupe, Wm. Hanson, D Sinolair.-Mr. Joa Holman, election expenses $24 50 ; Hart
Bryaus, tailor, of this place is on the shelf & Coe Municipal blanks, $4.41 ; A Dun -
with grip. -Miss Lily Taylor has been ail- can, salary as collector, $55 ; do, uucollect
ing for the past few days -Mr. S. Sample, ed dog tax, $2 ; do, error in return of
sr., is also on the sick list-Tbe smiling taxes, S0c ; T. Haywood, error in clog tax,
oonntenanoe of Mr. Walter Hazlewood is in $1 ; J, Shute, do., $1 ; E. Hewitt, do., 411•
our midst again after a summer's absence. D. Richard, do., $1.
-Mr. A. Sperling. of Dakota, is expected The Council adjourned to meet on Sat -
home to attend the funeral of his father urday, Feb'y 61h;
which takes plane . to -morrow (Friday).-
Friday).-Cold weather and good sleighing aro the Tan result of the polling in Glengarry
principal topics of late, -Mr. Zero made Thursday is a Conservative victory, Mr.
to see him again for a month to eome.-Mr, McLennan's majority of 321 in March
Walter Hazlewood la home from Michigan last having been largely increased in the
to spend a few weeks with bis parents by-election, being over 400. In 1887 the
Walter has been ooiug and Doming like a constituency was won for the Liberals,
saw, once a year for the past three or four Mr. Purcell by a majority of 108. It
years, and to all appearances thechanges will be seen that the Government has
agree with him. Web is a good half team steadily gained ground there, which
and it is to be hoped that be will soon hitob would indicate no desire on the part of
up double and dash forward to honor for- the Glengarry eleotors for annexation.
taus and fame.--efr. Brethour is very busy And ills administration of Hon. Mr.
threshing °lovar and has sufiieieut work to
keep him busy for six weeks to some. Abbott, as well as its staunch supporter,
Clover send is a good price this season and Mr. McLennan, have cause for coerratu
as the yield is good, the farmers who saved elation by ;the latest declaration at the
their plover for the seed will be abundantly polls.
avrardod for the labor. -The Methodist Forscrofula insver term Hood's Seed -
church eboir is increasing in number every
k last Sabbath b t'i 1 than three parilla is a radical' reliable remedy. I`
J. P, ROSS..
ENxnBTAzNdtuNT.--The entertainment on
Friday evening, 15th inst,, was wall -attend.
ed. The object of the gathering was to re-
ansitate the debating society, as well as to..
give an entertainment, The principal feat-
ure of the entertainment was supposed to he
the swinging of clubs. Everything went
well, not a break nor any fault-tiuding.
Mr. John Carriek was unaaire u.ly teemed
to the chair, and performed his part in good
style. The program was somewhat varied
in coueeeuoe of Mr. John lact:sllurn of
Exeter eousentiug to moist by giving a
reading. He gave :three selections in hit
n natty impeder and entertaining style. On
T,r,•t.day mg. next a discussion as to which
ie the greater Quit, the thief or liar. The
leaders aro ; Wm and John Ford, assisted
by a number of others, A good time is An-
us two visits so far, and we are not anxious
WnioRS FA=? --Tho meeting held in
this place on Friday evg. for the purpose of
aseertainiug whose fault it was, tbat the
Hay ratepayera paid more acbool rate thea
the Stephen ratepayers, was animated. The
clerks of both municipalfti s were requested
to be present with their bookie, n: ties
were agreed that tb5re was sometbL
Mr. Ponll:Wi and Mr. Harris contends
tha fault was with the clerk of Steph
stating that in diyiding the amounts the
oath township was to raise he had put a
larger amouut against clay than. was award-
ed by the assessors, and that the arbitrators
in the flea instance had no jurisdiction in
the matter of distrihutic+n. Another con.
Minton was that the assessor had not made
any award, and that the clerk of S4ephen
had made the division without any legal
authority and to the injury of Hay portion
of the section. The meeting was organized
by appointing Mr,Silas Stanlake, sen to the
chair, who called upon Mr. Harris to ex-
plain the position- He stated that Hay
amnia onld be credited for the two years past -
$15 for 1800 and $15 for 1801, $30 in a.
and some other figuring that the Troasar
er's book failed to show. The clerk of Steffi,
phen was then called upon, who referred to
the charges made against him, and showed
from hie books and reports that they were
unfounded and incorrect, During his speech
be was fregneutly interrupted by the two
fault flailing parties present, Mr. Harris
charging the clerk of Stephen with lying,
aria called for. the Treasurer's books, which
were presented and which clearly and un-
mistekably verified the statement made by
the clerk of Stephen, On Mr. Harris cal.
ling Mr. Prouty a liar he:mildly remarked
that he thought such language and actions
ill corresponded with the actions or expres-
sions of one professing as Mr. Harris did.
It was moved, seconded and carried unani-
mously that the clerk of Stephen bad ahowzshawl).that all the charges preferred against him
were groundless, and that a vote of thanks
be tendered him for the explicit manner in
which he explained matters, Mr. Christie
one of the assessors who made the distri-
bution between Hay and Stephen was pre-
sent at the request of Mr. Prouty, and ran
dered material aid in explaining the situ=
ation of things, After tendering a vote of,
thanks to the chairman for his able services
the meeting closed. (Since penning the
theta two of the trustees, anxions to gift
the diiionity, -gent to Zink))Zink))to see the col-
lector and clerk. The latter stated that 3m
had no documents whatever giving hint an
information relating to'the portion that
each township had to ray ; and the one,
knowledge he had was what be had bee
told by a resident of Sodom school section_
that the div'siou was one to one and knew
uothiug to the cookery until told by Mr.F.
Greer: and Mr. S. Staulake a few days ago:
1tlr. Latta is quits blameless in thiokin
that kiay portion was overcharged, as)i,
had supposed he had got his inlol katio
frou, a reliable source. I understand Mr.
IL denies ever tering Mr... L. that the div
igen was ono to one, but that it wai 16 t
21. It is not many days ago that eertai
parties in Sodom seotiou charged the Mork
of Stephen with dividing the rate contrar,
to the award of the DAP( nor, that lie he
divided at the rate one 2i instead; of
to 1, and they had been td1.1 so by the pa
ties Mr, L. elains tell him, and this it WA
that was the cauys of the meeting, The re
sult of the meeting was that the clerk o
Stephen was.coieo t in every pas tender.]
Fein time
Dr. T. A. Slocuin's
LIVER OIL. If eve have Asthma
Use it. For sale by a!i clrii • : .35 lent
per .bottle.
Dr. llp ai y, formerly of iMi,trli,ii, clic
Oal, a fe.v ii iii g•: tri ecu
week, a> n n0 esu 1
instruments of mimic �r*ve forth ewet:t an unequalled record of euros.
strains in 1 a"n•'r:` r :1" nrariy VO1OC97 :.livare'a Liniment relieves' Neural >i i, ' 1'i'tt+srlt 4,::'N Darn", e.
' b :l,i .,i:i, a s 1, ,. ,
and still there is room fur more.