HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-1-14, Page 10eseresseeesemposmosesetherrearsheresesseereessresseeherhsere • INSHBA OZ i2�23Y, -1",43,1ili,EtiT ELLIOT AGENT FOR A TUE WESTEHHASSUHANCH COM. o'fToronto ; also for the P-110,11,111. FS: S:a UlliDitsbrQk1 COUPS1`YY, of i,cudox; Etiglend, the BOYALt]A. DIAl'i, of Mon- treal, and the otS .`3RtQ bXU MAI, 'APE A6SYQ,uAssu aanO, esnie ee $1312'1400 001 onhed uses every five years., Special Nonce! During this week our usual supply of Holiday Stock will be opened and die- playr.'d for sale, .so that on and after Dec ah we will be in a fair position to re - i, our customers and their friends. Wo sincerely trust that the exhibit this year will be found in every way satin- factory, Much to our surprise we find a large number living within a few miles of Exeter who have not yet called. This is a mistake. Our stock is equal,, and .we think superior, to any found in vil- lages of this size ; m. fact we know it to class well with the, majority of those found in city stores. We are steadily endeavoxitlg to make it more widely known and will not rest content until it has been inspected by at least the ma- jority of those living within ten or fif- teen miles of Exeter. \Ve know that if 8t unable to sell, our. stock will at'lea pease ; and so cordially invite every reader of THE TIME to call with their friends at least once during December art? t=eke a look through. A Beauty,, fretttltte We have received the most liaudaoine 1 The property put up at auction lastg blents, etre, ever week and not sold was the George Dyer catalogue of seeds, bulbs, p sent out in Arnerieee trem the well known T proer ria C Enailfau firm of The Steele B.". Co,, The newly elected trustees oneohairman, TO For '92 they offer Campbell's in yesterday by Mr.: Thos. Fitt , white chaff wheat,. a great yielder, Early of old BoaYd• Gethland and Golden. Giant oats, three The arson Co, Commit is conceded to new potatoes, arta the wonderful Prizetak stand politically one of a majority for the er onion, besides an endless array of nov- Conservatives. elties in towete, Stanley's Wash Tub, members of the new after oon and sig ed the ne necessary Tmet on ey Spider make Et specialofferto mail two. deo1er, Sword Fern, etc. y Chinese Sacred Lilies (to plant in water declaration of office, slued 400,, A young man named Miller of McGillie now), y xray hats two of his fingers taken off on ` Agricultural. Society. Tuesday by a straw eater. Agricultural. annual meeting of the Stephen do The ice skating rink opened on Saturday ilsborn@ w.0 l eetin of the t Exeter night last, an expert having examined the on Thursday last. Thera was a large re - roof and pronounced it safe, presentation present. Dr. Lutz was ep- The different churches of the town were pointed chairman. After the reading of thinly atteuded on Sunday last, the cause the treasurer s repoxt.thefoIloiving officers being attributed to la grippe, were elected: --Pres , John Delbtidge. Us - We have enjoyed good sleighing here for borne ; Vice,Pres., S. Sanders, Stephen ; Jas, Ballon- three weeks, and teaming has been the Dityieectoot _, D. Jells i ter, jr, J, . Bail e Hellen- order or the will be the farmers., wed- Ed. Christie, T. Acheson, Exeter ; Win, nesdThe rink will. ande Saturday , even, Elliott, B. Eilber, Stephen ; John Willis, T005d, Friday yereveninga,aud Hay. Auditors -M. Eacrett and Sep. Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. Hogarth. Mr. John Griffin, reeve of Ashfield is J. GR Tele 'gam) Exeter• --, - -- - '" ala t Reporter. of the cutter. The D1cl�ulty �. l;::trt theatrical troupe i ub- veek th aro diabaneled iu l+:x •ver last t , lay all along tli@ lin@ being greater than aspiring for the office of warden fHuron �A2r can t This is, of North Dumfries, Co„ and some say his chances are good. Mr. Wm. White of Rodgerville sold his has 36 hens of the 13rowa Leghorn variety, driver o t�r$2 . W. H. fill go: oScotland, in a building 10 xns of which he %Rows o1?.n at large and He has kept antic- St Marys tor Hersey 'w Ito loss go t curate memorandum of their product of Sam's Hersey rile closing a shutter pe on eggs in 1S91 and dads the total to have aaeach. f 4 a of�G '� heavywithin four his house the ether ruche a been 5,916 eggs, or with freestone fell sad struck him a severe blow. Ti yields tar the different months were Purse containing a sum of money, found The BEFORE ENTERING We intend clearing all :steady -made Goods— Ladies' jackets, Ulsters and Dolmans, Children's Ulsters and Reefers, Straight Itlarch ti44, April 757, May 727, June 394, 469, on Friday last; rimer can have the same ou application to this office, and paying for July 640, Au'rust 544, September $77, this notice. 1October. he coat offeed was $2ovember 450 and the ecember A horse owned by Mr, James Loadmau far ran from Treble's shop on Friday, and be the year a trifle tfyer or 140. per61 dozening( alt forebeing naihwbit had smashed the shafts 1 an rt Iro the receipts. Fo A ri r Is, ;lir•� Jna1tbs. Older, of Virden, Mani'rob a, and formerly of Rodgerville, this county, At efft. FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. was in town last week. \Ir. Eider is a While felling trees in the bush yesterday leading and prosperous farmer of Manitoba, a young man, Frederick Peuwarden, aged Hellas been commissioned by the Govern - 91 years, of Wit clielsea,ivas instantly kill• inept of his Province to lay before the ed by a felling tree. farmers of Ontario the benefits to be de- rived from settlement in Manitoba, and with that object in view be intends to hotel meetings throughout this neighborhood. His first meeting will be in the town hall, Exeter, on January 22, at 7:30 p tri, Mr. Elder bas proved farming le Manitoba a success, and being•thoroughly Conversant with the pvovince, is 1u a. position to give a vast amount of reliable information, The ladies are invited to attend, A neater from I'lseter atteuded the meeting of the Saudi Huron Farmers' In- stitute at Kippen } asterday, There is a meeting at Hensen to -day. Mr. john Fele, ,af Exeter has rented Mr. Sent'1 Mertin'e faun of 200 acres on the fi:h eon„ Vele:ri:e, for a term of years G::eat Stock -taking Sale now ou at the Big Bankrupt Store. Vtrondelful values for care- ful buy era 3, A. STEWART, Dealer in Bankrupt Stock, • .l1;(53 glittV g11' ii1,0. THURSDAY, .1_' NUARY 21st' 1592. Li) t ;t: HAPPENINGS. and will ;pee, eete the same 1n March, Mr Peter :\1 house, rete of the Far - school h. e been engaged to teach No. 5, Usbnins,, ;tt aaalart of$4 60. Mr. Hogarth tate teacher received a salary of 81 50. The thermometer went down to 13 do- gmas l Blow zero rnt Tuesday night in Ex- eter, it being the coldest experienced for many yeas. It has surely flown out the la grippe. Mr Anbry of Montreal baughta num• bar of horses hero on Tuesday. Messrs. Graham & Sons of St. M trys,atso parolees - ed carriage horses, in this neighborhood last week for onset to Scotland. ccllaai leert ltnath, U, The public school examination held on € riday, Jan. 15th, at S. S. No. 3,Stephen, was in every p grandss articular a success. , the examination comnhzneed at 10 o'clock rel enntinued until noon when a short in- termission was given for the purpose of partaking, of rein, le elite provided by the ,1se nt the seetir,n, After all had par- t of a heart, 1r::, h, the e.:r.'nination leas again resumed and eantieuod until 2 r. t;loe.k, when Mr. Jory was elected chair- ., :en, Programme consisted of : chair - .•i , nthlress, instrumental solo by \\ m. `r'., r s,eg recitatir)n by They ` werlers,reei -. tion ley Eddie Beaver,-,uttrtette by Misses <• 1 bossra Snell and Harrison; reading T yNellie Penhales dialogue by Mies L. .Tory end Mr. On, Penhale, snow brigade «.y Tour boys, duet by the• Mises Gill, re- eitati M by Louisa Dealing, instrumental Wm.Sanders.recitetien by Victoria 'garage w, quartette by Misses Gill, Messrs `ine.11 and Harrison; dialogue by Wrn. Sweet end Wm. Gilbert, mouth organ selection by Richard Welsh, and duet by q."in nd S. Sanders. Addresses were then elven by..Messrs J. ff. Downing, \Vin. Peri l., S. Sanders, Wm. Natty and S. 3:e t all of which expreased themselves :u hist s :y pleased with the nay the pupils Church 'Notes. I , . 'rill be no prayer meeting in the Mei t. Methodist church on Thursday erg.,l.ving to protracted meetings in the Tarr t U et church. Arco, the Spaniard, who stole a horse and au'„ y .,ud,some jewellery in Guelph. and gave the jev'oliery to the Exeter North hotel keeper for bear d, etas been sentenced to two years imprisonment in penitentiary. The town of Seaforth owns the electric light plant, and the Expositor says „lame of the citizens are so crazy to get rid. of it that they 0. '-neate the giving of it away to any private cainprtuy that will take it and run it.,' In all the village clearehee Sunday feel- ing references were made by the preachers to the death of Prince Albert Victor, and intercessory prayers were offered up un behalf of the (; nese and the royal fancily in their great „ i,,;reavem@lit. Among time who passed the Christmas examinations at the Ontario Agricultural College were :-First year, in all subjects, 3. Atkinson, of Seaforth; F. C Elford, of flolmeaville; G. Center, Chiselhurst; sec- ond year, W, H. Harvey, lTsborne. Big Bargains in Men's Overcoats. RICHARD PICKARD & SON E'eriwools. The many residents who were sick of la grippe are recovering.. It, Haudcock and bride left for their adopted house in Michi- gan on Monday.. -.Mfrs. Parkiuson is still very low. -Jas. Ferguson is very i11 of consumption. --Dr, Browning has been laid up the past week with the grip. --Rev. Dr. Pascoe was in town oa Thursday last at- teudiug the funeral of the late Mra.Ilaaper' -Mr, 3. N. Hooper left for Toronto this weok,Mrs.Hooper will follow in the course of a few days. -Mrs. Selden of Ingersoll, reported ill last week,is recovering,•= -Verb Elliot, mail clerk, spent a few days of this week in town. -A number of people of this place attended the funeral of the late Mrs. t\r. R. Hodgins: Hensen, Iast Eveek. -:hiss Sadie ilawkshaw is very ill. -Reeve Bowden has recover ed from a severe attack of the grip. SouthHuroD Agricultur'1 Society 1 a 1 South 13 %7 The anneal meeting of the S nisei old agricultural society was held in B yesterday; fair attendance only. Thomas re- Fraser oof the Co.eand Branch in the hair. Societieswere received, which showed all to be in a pros - porous condition. The election of officers then took place; and resulted as follows ,..- President, President, Hugh Mcearthiiey of Tucker - smith; tMc Mer- Rob •e ids nt el?c a �\ le , 't • let uh Mohler - die of Hay; 2nd Vice -President, Robert M.cAllester, Bay.Directors teeStauley J. Murdock, Hay, Robt, Love, Stephen, Geo, Penhale, Exeter, James Pickard, Uabotne, L. Hunter and Thos Russell, Tuckersmih, Alex Ross, Seaforth, Rebc. Wiliam; God- erich Fraser and Jas.Swan; John cKitchen. Auditors Y. McLean. Huron Sleigh ride parties are all the rage among the young folk these evenings Most of them take in the country roads where the fresh breezes blow unhindered, but a few are content to drive around the village streets, makingmerry with laughter.. James McNabb, a fe seer i = sident of Exeter, died at St. Thomas at the residence of his son, William, on ''rhursdey last, aced 83 veers. Some ten years ago de- ceased ran a turning factory near the river, and was well and favorably known in this section. Have you seen the: Trivitt Memorial church sheet Almanac for 1892? The Rev Fred Heeling Fatt has secured a supply from England and invites hia parishioners tore are call at the rectory onto each familyr them. of the enough to supply congregation. Call and get one. Exeter Municipal Council. The council elect for the village of Exe- ter beet pursuant to statute in that behalf, at the town hall, Exeter on January 18th, 1892,ilir.H. Speak- 1 Mr. Wm. i3awden, reeve; man, deputy -reeve; and Messrs Carling, Christie, and Ross councillors elect, took and subscribed their several declarations of ,iueliffeation and o,'gco ie presence of the clerk. The council being thus organized it was moved by Carling -Ross-that Lewis H. Dickson be auditor tor 1892.• -Carried. The reeye nominatedThos.H. McCallum as the ether auditor. By-law No 1, 1802 to confirm appoint- ed Ment n t moof tditors was ion IL Spackuia t seconded reed and. pbysD. A. Rosa, The council then adjourned until Mon- day the 25th inst., at 7.80 p. a1., on -motion of Carling-SpaelemM. •l;aclt> xz, Clerk. William Johnson of Ailsa Greig appear- etl before Magistrate Snoll on Wednesday afternoon on te oherge of stealing one suit of elathes,two pair pants, one pair overalls and braces, four shirts, one gold chain,two razors, etc., from John Shipway. It rep. pe^arch from the evidence that the prisoner was working with Shipway cutting wood, the two living together and keeping batch, when he suddenly took his departure after breaking open Shipway's truuk and ab- stracting the above mentioned clothing, can's found.Mr. Haien aat The prisoner wa on the North boundary of Stephen whore he bad engaged as a farm laborer for a year,with the missing property in his pos- session. He bad two pate of the stolen pants on his person when arrested. Be was committed to Goderieh jail to await his trial. Chief Gill is having his share these days. The private prosecutors who are pressing for the extradition of Henry Garbutt, the alleged forger from Wingham, who is wanted in l au Alatyne, Texas tried to ac- celerate the slow moving machinery of the Court of appeals Friday by briugine for- ward a motion to speed the hearing of the prisuuer"s appeal. After considering the application, the four judges decided tweet - measly not to interfere,and ordered that dere Garbutt's case must take the ordinary course of other matters le appeal. We would tell you that we are selling goods at halfP rice. Occasionally this is done in a special article, as a job lot of samples or remnants ; but generally when: you see such statements you oar set it down as a straining Conscience, 1` a S fence O r ail.. use of the Lo p p JUGGLING WITH THE TRUTH. Now to be honest with you, we have anticipated a bid trade the coming season and have put in abig stock o goods. They must De disposed of, and legitimately, possible, they will be. Ilse picture in the Main-st, church last g ,ly Rev. W. McDonagh on "Social as somewhat largely attended. 'Lw e at,ture was an interesting ane, amus - ,g tail instructive, and one from which -.ou.h could be profitably extracted. The anniversary of the Main•st. Meth, will be held on Sunday next when _ r?ohs will be preached by the pastor 1 t the afternoon an open meeting will be 1.1, to which everybody is invited. On tan.?.y evg. a tea will be given in the ofsurch, and addresses delivered by local At Hamilton a few days ago an enter- prising firm of clothiers lit the biggest candle manufactured in Canada. It is G it. 4 inehps long, 19a inches in circumfer- ence and weighs 70 lbs. The person guess- ing the nearest or exact time it will take to barn out will receive a valuable gift. Royal Templars of Temperance Advance Council No. 20?,rare to be congratulated on securing the services of such an able and elognent speaker as Rev. J- W. Bell, B. D., missionary superintendent of the above society. He will preach in the Methodist churches of this town on Sunday, Feb' 7th, next. Mr. I3e11 is a clear and convin- cing speaker, being a thorough master of the subject under his consideration. The people of Exeter will do well to temember the date. Walitertou young ladies held a Leap year ball the other night, the invitationsto which were novel. They read: -"Ye yong maydens of ye thriftie Towne of Walkerton requeft pe pieafure of ye cone - panic of ye fyne lade, Matter — , at a L- ape Yearo merxie-makinge, toe bee holdyne at Hilifyde at condyle lyghte of Tnefileye ye twelfthe nyehte ofyemonth of Januarie, A 1). MDCCCxCII• Ye bigge dote wyll bee uuoarren at eandyle lyghte, and ye bet yunwyll will be at VIII, of ye clackke. ne ry. , yr.—Isaac Langford of London township ere) acted. in the Main Street church an ``Ramday last, in the absence of Rev. Mr. l,Te J 'agh, who was preaching missionary •nertuana at locating of the Bp -worth League l+t in the Main-st. Meth,ahurch Tuesday e , :g, the following officers were elected ter the current year :-President, W. J. sett; Vice -Pres. of Christian 11:,udeavor, 73 . c Carley: Vice -Pres. of Department rf Ii.1'.;inns Work, Alias Barr/saw Vice - Pres. Dep't of'Literary Work, 'W. E. -fursdyVice-Pres. of Dep't of Seale' Work, r t •-es \rox ity •SeaY . C.F. Verity; Treas. . f,. , ,•lies Sweet. A Strathroy correspondent writes con- cerning the death of aformer resident of 13lanshard township :- "The funeral of the late 3. A Sperling, 13. A. whoes unex- pected death occurred Wednesday, took place Thursday. The remains were con- veyed to the G. T. R. Station here on their way to time place of intermeut at St Marys, accompanied by the entire teaching staff of the Collegiate Institute and Public Schools, the Collegiate Iustitnte and public school trustees and the pupils of the In- stitute, about 250 in number, together with e. vast concourse of citizens. A delegation from the Collegiate Institute Board and Glencoe High School accompanied the re- mains to St. Marys, where they were in- terred, The pall -bearers were six of Mr. Spariing's late pupils. The annual meeting of the 1' trons of Industry for the county was field in the town hall, Clinton, on the 13th inst., de- legates from about fifty lodges being pre- sent, It was decided to try and establish an official paper iu connection with the organization. Various matters in connec- tion with the work of the society were dis- cussed. It was decided to divide the county into sections, tor lecture and other purposes. objection was taken to the several sections being taxed for high school purposes, but no action taken. The elec- tion of officers for the current year was as follows :-Jae E. Gaunt, St Helens, Pres; A. T. Bean, Dashwood, Vice -Pres; James H. Gardner, lucknow, •Secy; W. A. \ir il- son, Lucknosv, Trees; J. Cerrie,\'4 ingham, is wholly en outward application for Sentinelspeedy and permanent rnra of Rheumatism In the recent Municipal eleeticf.P in the Neuralgia, Gout.e.t:ta,•'..vi lr00085, s*rains •township of Hay, a. tie occurred in the . •.n vohe tes recorded for 3. Voelker and R, Mc- most`inerednlcus, • h ey WILL BUY MORE, 4d1 things considered, than ever before in t history of our store. Some things may be a lit higher, many are very much lower, and are sold by us the lowest possible margin of profit. '":i•. hike of Clarence, eldest son of. the 'rinse of Whales, died of inflammation of .ha longs last Thursday, at the ago of 27 :cava. He was to be married Feb.. 24th: to tiri?icoan Victoria Mary of "Tock, The flog on the tower of the , Trivitt Memorial bon been at half incest, during, the eel: in consequence of his death Linirdont for rale everywhere. The anniversary services of the Thames Road Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday, the 7th of February. Special sermons will be preached at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m•, and on the following evening one of the good old-time ten meetings will be held. There is e, grand feast for the mind and body in store for the people of this section, Our Presbyterian friends ere noted far and near for the nodose of their anniversarie3,especielly the tea. Bear. a mind the date and if you would spend. a pleasant evening be sure to attend. HIGHEST PRICES 2AID FOR PRODUCE Butter, 16c; Lard, 11.0; Eggs, 16c; Dried. Apples, Geese, 6; Ducks, Ge; Turkeys, 9c; Chickexa,, 5c.. A CALL SOLICITED. Ct3LLODaN CuLL1Nos.-Gentlemen,-In 1988 I was severely afflicted with gravel of the kidneys from wilieb. I sutT>rcd great pain. I was recommended to telco Burdock Blaad Bitters, which I did, finding great re- lief, and after taking 4 bottles ,eau truly say I ant cured and have not since been troubled.highly Wnee, Cul end P itnCulloden 0 Ont Chief Gill on Monday arrested a young man named 'WM. Muttart front Michigan, but who Howar lately employ teamster, ona of M. 3.charge of stealing an overcoat from: one George B'awden, Some weeks ago Mattart deliv- ered reel a barrel of cement to. Mr. P. 13awden, and it is thought he took the coat from the barn where it was hanging. Muttart was, wea<ing the coat when arrested, and befog tried` by magistrate Snell, was committed to Qpuerich ,jail for. trial. Searohing.;his pedes ls Chief. (sill found o leaded revolver and a box of an' triages, which of itself is Sufi cient to en,ivict the young man. CARLING B 0 YOU Want A Soil Of Cloth 3,OOO W'Ol;TIT CULLED FROM THE OLD YEAR. Lewis S. Butler, Burin, Nfid„Rheumatism. Thos Wasson, Sheffield, N 13, Lookjaw. 13y. Moi,fillin, Chatham, Goitre. i,Irs W W Johnson, EValal, Ont., Laflamme tion. James H. Bailey, Parkdale, Ont., Neural- gia. 0. I. Lague, Sydney, 0 13, a Grippe. Iu every case unsolicited and autheuticat- ed. They attest to the merits of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. English Spavin Liniment removes all ba.'d, soft or calloused Lumps and Blain. ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Oaths, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, oto. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the moat wonderful Blemish. Oure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz, 0-29 ly OF Men's Boys' and Childre Suits, Overcoats & Pants, to be sold off at SPACKMAN & CO'S this next `. The Great Atlantic Liners. All carry St Jacobs Oil -in feet, no ship ,sails from London or :Liverpool is consider- ed ready for sea until sufdeient guautity of St Jaeobs Oil is on board to last the voyage. 1 St. Jacobs 011 conquers pain. -It acts like Samwell'S Block, Exeter, magic. It penetrates; it reaches the heart lt I (Atha disease, and relieves pain directly. +r It 30 DAYS,A At Less Than Wholesale C Having visited the markets and clearing out nom big lines job of Clothingat prices enables us to sell you Suit or Overcoat fqr a man, boy or child Cheaper tha Wholesale Cost. SPACIiM?N & CO Mordie, candilatesfor councilors. The retnirnin g. officers gave the casting vote in avor of 1,,Ir. Voelker. 1fr.111o:viordie re, his friends not being satisfied with the seat institute .a recount of the ballots which took place at Goderich on Saturday that the dairy industry of the country will before Ills Honor, Judge Toms: The be much benefitted by the information div P' , i aroused The Western Dairymen's Asscoiation closed its convention at Brantford on ' Thui'sa;ty. The meeting was well attended curllnirvhly 'successful, and it is believed ballots were counted in the presence of agminated and the interest he returning officers, and the Candidates, others and resulted in a majority ofone i At ice t,' of the Victoria Board of vote for Mr, Voelker, independent of the casting vote, , Bach candidate had a appli- ed bailor and Mr. V. gained one. The re• count coat about $50, which was depdsitea by Mi'. McMordi d his'frien,le ) 1 Regents b; lel Lt i ono L -o . ' to l•..,ition of Regents , lbev: l}r, tvtnl.n,:i,s charged with holding heretice�L doctrinca was h'ecorAilorod and. the I.r,td ; c.iaio4t of ht,., hl::t it t rill,' t• r;; 1 a 1tilcnin'r his ti. colog t,'1L1 11ut yru.,11 t �, e am eller Air, V•,clkesr f�els u tin i,toe,ti Ds \e'{.? n, i tl,tarminls needless to say Justly proud. over his good fez tone, and. r ig,nc,l ut1 Hiss tewi e .tu,,i 'woo ;Lcccrecd. Mr, McMordie chagrined at his misfortune, if1 r aFr�TRAL � he ofsr�ns �.� er FANSON'S BLOCK. Prop p llhaving and Hair•eUtiing in thelatest style of the eat. Every attention paid to cutting mites ua ;2d 0 hi IdY ervi air ( OIL B!LRED BY PA RLIAMEI3 T,1805), PaidnpClapita] ... .,+ .22.000,0 ReatFund. ... ,. ,.r 1,000,+"' ]:foado]ioe, Montreal, 2. WOLI+ RSTAliTROMAS,Bsei l GENRIRALMANA4E_ Money advanoedto goodfarmera on their ow noteEvftb one er more ondorsera at 7 505 051 or annum. P &,Tl Exeter Branch, Olsen every law rulday, from10a.vi.to3 n•) SATURI)AYS,10 a.m. to 1p.m, 4PerOent.peraunum 011o'iodform0neg Depoaiilloc0into. Savik'gs3ookat2tter00 N. DYER It7HDO'i1,