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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-24, Page 8
Special -Draw a line from the Lake • Shore directly eget to 1Clppen and then by way of Sta.Mt and C)i' i tarty to Ful- /erton and Russeidele, their south to IUrkton and Wood ham then west again to Clandeboye mid terminating: by way of'MeGuiee, Motutt Caatuel,Cot•bett and Greenway at. Grand. fiend' you have the outside I3oundery of the field which THE MART aims to cover with its goods incl cus- tomers. To secure this we have 'to keep a large supply and certainly aro not failing in this respect, "Qui. store is literally crowded withgoods and Holiday Stock ready for seekers of IIol- iday Gifts, Evers' desireablo thin; we could think of has been placed to meet our customers wants and no -w we'cor- dially invite there aucl their friends to call and pass a pleasant half hour in looking through. We wish to make our store worthy of Both our Customers and Ourselves and now with little fear ask for their eterdict, GRIGG, THE MART. Egg Ot02. Great Closing Out sale FOR 60 DAYS5 —AT— Thi kg1410 This is the Big Bankrupt Store's -ad- vertisement. That's what you are looking for, all right. our talk this week is about the success of our great 60 day closing out sate Order!• Order! You old timers who are shouting yourselves hoarse, crying Great Clearing Sales. Stewart has the Flour, here's where you take a back seat. The Greatest sale of the season is ours, and is already at high tide in public opinion. The Big Bankrupt Store is overflowing with rare bargains which steed only to be seen to be appreciated. Now, while this great 60 day sale is on, the hum will continue at the Big' Bank rupt Store. A Beautiful lot .of Dress Goods at such .,rices as will cause you to wonder. A jolly lot of Furs, all at sale prices, and sale prices with us are so low, that it would mean utter anni- kitttion to any of the old fellows to at- tempt to beat us. Our reputition is al- ready established and it can't be a very bad one. judging from the crowds which daily throng our store. Not to Took around, (as they do in some stores in this town), and go away disgusted. No, No, the people who visit our store are not built:that way, they are a far seeing and wide awake public who re- cognize a, genuine bargain when see- ing it. Hence the REECJ JPT STORE'S success, Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS; There is in our window a glass jar containing a number of buttons, the num- ber is unknown to any per: on,the guarantee of which appears below. With ,every pur- chase of 5-1,00 yon are entitled to one guess at the number of Buttons in. the Jar, with a purchase. of8800 two guesses and so on. In our office will be kept a Book where you will register your name and. your guess. The contest to close at 8 o'clock on NewYear Ewe.. when the jar will be, opened and the Buttons counted. by disinterested and res- ,•ponsibie parties, and the person who has, d the correct or nearest to the correct guessed_ number of Buttons will then become om e the owner f Beauty,should them be'a tie thea the first who has registered ccorrectnum- ber will be the winner. 1 f This is tocertify mer f that he t t number of buttons in the jar in the window of the Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they were placed there by us and the jar sealed in our presence. Signed P. S.O'NEIL, R. H. COLLINS. Stewart, Dealer in Bankrupt Stock. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Richard Pickard & family groceries. For a fine black suit try J, II. Grieve tilerchant Tailor. All dress goods being cleared at Richard Pickard & Sons, Our Public School closed on Tuesday . for the Christmas holidays, A. big lot of fancy goods going at safe prices at Richard Pickard. & Sons, If you want a first class farm on easy terms calll on John Spackman, Exeter. Don't forget to call and see J. H Grieve's $10 overcoats before I lurches- Buy your Zeus groceries and teas at the Big Bankrupt Stare and sale money, calct' tes, at away down pt•ces at Richard Pickard i . a1dI' a d 3t Sons, . Sons for cheap ADVOCATE and "Area/eat Al rh,isra,n and " Z h Ir+ a) n as01 clj3 frosts zloty .till 189u for $L. Sec Cl.ubbin.r rates. 7 y VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE ie a ,rot aid to internal medicine in .the treatment of scrofttlous sores; ulcers ,r and abtcc,ret of all f'in'ds. lc 13.& C. corsets, £or 690, at Richard. Pickard & Sons, Grey cottons from 41e, a yd, upwards at 1 iebard Piakerds & Sons, 13oots and shoes, robbers and over- shoes, all at sale .prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. Order your suit and overcoats from Richard Pickard i&, Son they will save you money. Crompton's :atisi Corsets for 51.00; Crompton's Coi•aliee Corsets for 75 ets; at the Big Bankrupt Store. To purify Your blood Take liaod's Sarsaperilla. A fest* day's ago Albert MtCallutn, got his foot caught in a. horse power, but' only received slight injuries, ,NATION'AL.PILLS arca mild pug g:itive, acting 011 the Stomach, • Liver and host=cis, renloying all obstructions. 0 yercoats for men iud boys for near ly half price during the great 60 day closinti out sale at the Big Bankrupt Store. We are often asked, "Now really; which is the best and cheapest stere in town?' our answer must be the• Big Bankrupt Store. The coating of suite which covered` the earth last Week hasentirel•,r disa,p peered and in all probability we will. have a green Christmas. A bright thinker, a splendid preac- her and a true man ie lost to Caned- ian Methodism by the sadly 'sudden death of Rey. E. A. Stafford: Empty is the pocket -book; the stock - in •'s full, is a refrain thitt parents will be singing all over the broad Dominion on Thursday, Christmas Eve. The wonder is that when annexation is so overwhelming popular in this country it does not arise and hutnp it- self and elect some of its apostles to parliament. The Holy Communion will be admin- istered in the Tripitt Memorial Church on Christmas morning at 8' o'clock, and again after the eleven o'clock service; b:- the Rev. I H. I'att, by do the people all come from. and what is the attraction? Why, the great 60 day closing out sale at the Big Bankrupt Store is what is being ing the crowds to town every day. On Monday next the citizens of Exe- ter will be called upon to choose men to fill the council board for the year 1S92. It is believed that a number of aspirants aro seeking for the different offices. The Exeter Woollen Mills are going to run off the balance of the season's make of blankets before starting on this year's goods. Now is the time to get your woolen goods at first cost. Call and inspect them before purchas- ing. • While two ladies were driving along Main street, near the market, their horse shied into the ditch, when the occupants were tumbled Into the snow. The animal, being of a quiet nature, remained standi fg until the unfortun• ate people were comfortably seated in the vehicle, when they proceeded home ward, The Free Press Christmas Number came to hand this week and is a very readable number. It•is devoted to short articles aiming at conveying an idea of life, also a description of several places of note in London and Strathroy The number is well worthy of the ens- erprise and public spirit of its manage- ment and is sure to meet with a hearty reception. Mr. James Westcott, of Douglas,Man. a former resident of Usborne, and known to many* here, recently succeed- ed in shooting a moose that weighed over S00 lbs. We feel satisfied that many here will agree with us in'con gratueeting_him on his success and at the same time would say that game has a small chance of living in the dis triet he may reside, as he is an excel• lent marksman. The large building used as a roller skatingrink 1 .iS t •n•' a present m and undergoing 1 r+ o. repairs s In order to render , der i t service- able ervic - e able for ice sl `isle o• -The proprietor, Mr Richard Davis, has found it neces- sary to remove the floor, because the joists have become in J a• decomposed state. A bottom will be made on the earth to receive the water to make ice, and several large poles will be placed in the centre to support, the roof. It is the proprietors intention to have every thing in readiness to make ice as soon as weather wilt permit, and all lovers of this sport may look for the usual amount of enjoyment. On Friday last week a vote was to ken by the ratepayers to decide •whet- her' the market should be moved frons its present location or not, and resulted by a majority of 53 to have it moved to the site near the Town Hall. Action will he taken shortly- to move the build ing down and have a fence pat around t e property on which it. now stands. This hascaused cousiderable wrangling between the northern and southern pop- ulation of the village, but if the council take immediate ftction, as they say they will, all disturbances • , ur ba ccs will soon be at an end, and a market established which wilI, be more convenient to the majority of ourcitizeus. The,lilcGibney Family gave an ent- ertainment in the Opera House on More d ty:'evening to e well filled house. Froin the tune the curtain was rung up until the•;band played "God save the Queen".every one in the large aud- ience i e, errt .t c,,. cce •i red p 9 ppto ciiJo. .ttrd appreointo to the fullest extent the pro, gramme as rt, was ,unfolded piece after and the ft ct, a, t .o iC ,c. tc o til U e s, r d t ttu4ts of applause were marked evidences that all was merited. The different musical and vocal selections 'and Jlungeri'in da"ce heed to be 'heard and eeen to he lr'r`eetenon, i'hb, in the family's se.;ond trarance liege, and We feed satisfied p liuuld they return again thCy will be • eted with;a large gathering. Pro- eede arnout,ted to $92,85, The remains of Minnie. I3o11, infant daughter of hpltrrtun and Mary i'olliel were interred iii the Exeter cemetery on Sunday a£teenoou, the Rev. William McDonough performing this burial service. At Christmastide a butcher shop al- ways affords a sight worth walking a mile or two to see. This year our 1901 butchers are trying to eclipse all their previous efforts, tut it will not be until Thursday that they wilt make their best display. The .first we will mention is Mr. Daniel Dai+is; who has had sev- eral men employed for a few days kill- ing and preparing for the event and now has a splendid show of meat on hand, being composed of all hinds from roast bitef to rabbit. Visitors and mist:- Meters ustoiners will find him obliging, both in regard to supplying thein with juiey roasts and in promptly attending to every order, large or small, B111(11 is given during the holiday. season, As we journeyup the street our next place of note in this line is Wood Bros, who have 'a magnificent display of meat of every description, dressed i n the very best style, ant hung in avail able places both inside and ont of their establishment, showing that they can provide some delicious eating for our citizens. Progressing still further up we arrive at the business quarters of Snell. fires,, who are busily engaged Flaking decorations, and have the lar- gest show of lard, hams a.ncl bacmn in the village, andall other meats in end- less quantity; We feel satisfied that should you wish to visit these places of business alt of the proprietors will try and entertain you in the meat line. IIair op.uttina And shaving done in first-class style during the holiday ' season by E. H. Fish, • Tiro ',opera for Si. The Exeter AnvocA•ri 'anti Medical Adviser and "Fat -m .Help" for only $1 from now until Jan, 1st 1898. Farms tor Sime. • The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terns. J. Sr icltiu<+`v, Exeter. w ante*. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Mainson. 'Notice. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Tlie Exet- er Salt Works Co. require fifteen hun- dred cords of soft wood, dry and green. Will pay the highest price. For fur- ther particulars apply to David Mill. T. B. CARLING, Secy. Cutters, Sleiit1L . D. Braund, Exeter North, has a great variety of cutters, bob•sleishs, &c., call and see before purchasing' elsewhere. Also a large quantity of dry hard wood for sale, which will • be delivered to any part of the village in large or small quantities. Orders left at this office promptly attended to. Accident OnMonday last while Mr. Dennis Hallorhan was engaged working around a band saw in Verity & Son's Foundry he had the *misfortune of los- ing the top of his thumb on the left hand. At the time he was holding a chisel handle near the saw, when , it caught his thumb and severed it in two at the first joint. Search was'made for the piece but it could not be found. The wound has been properly cared for and is doing nicely, but the want of the particle will not be felt until he be. gins actual service again. Boys Can Make Money i"ast Any active boy can make plenty of money 111 his neighborhood by re- plating tableware and jewelery with one of the Magic Electric plating Out. fits. Those who have already secured one of these machines are making from 520 to 525 a week, The price of the plating outfitis 510, but we have ar• ranged to supply it to one boy only. in each"neighborhood free for it few hours work, which can be done alter school 0P on Saturday. at No capital required P q Any boy sending his addluss and re- ferringtos • •1 some emelt cant in his town as to honesty will receive full particu- lars by- return mail. This is a perin- nent money e making business for the right kind of a boy. Apply at once. Address LADIES PICTORIAL Co., Tor onto, Ont. Concert. Amongst the numerous concerts and other attractions which have taken place here lately a large 'audience'` at- tended the one given in the Assembly, room of the Exeter Public school on Friday evening last- The 'programme presented a number of novelties in part singing, sone being of exceptional merit, and sufficiently varied in their character to maintain interest of those, congregated. The opening• and closing choruses were sung by about 175 voic- es, composed of girls of the school, with very satisfactory results, The Squad Drill and Dumb Bell Exercises given by the boys and the Broom Drill by the girls, were pleasing features, of the ev- ening, each class showing by their movements that much, patience and careful study had been resorted to by their instructor. The rendition of the "Merchant of Venice" is well worthy of I, few remarks. This play contributed 'largely to the enjoyment, and intro cltiCed several young artists who have not previously been'lheard in Exeter, but who ,give promise of being second to none, winning for thein'at the close much hearty applause and enthusiastic recalls y• t from those in attendance. Music was furnished -h the Oreheidra a ce on - 1arm<nts leitb clifulIY Playedby Katie Miss I . 3 • ' conclusion !'t > tt <, 1'CcI ill. • At tlitj cone usron , of the program a vote of thanks wee moved by N'D HurYdon, Awl seconded hy Dr. Browning to Mr. T. A. Brown, Pi!iiicipal of the school, tvlto had c'on., ducted the affair, and to tvl ose efFortr3" ' r' c, th.S' C°e',H the ' r is largely I e u c.s of hc, e -cut t1. glue, Althmigh Mr. 'Brown lies 'only been iu one i0lidst about one ,year, ht; has succeeded in not only W11111iti " a fonds, ess • e omthe little no 1 r • ftco sl©lar; its u «• a , er 11]s cl . S Cl in C, brl 1 . t G`lt 1 ! .emsfrom 5 ; p the eonrmuuity its whieli he et present resides, The trouble ,and inereasin Ittboe, whieh.he"must have gone to in order to have made the affair such it grand success, shows plainly that neg• ligence on his part was unlgtaown, alt the enthusiastic manifestations of th crowd completed the success of ti ()yens.• Receipts were about $40,00. eioare4 fie. B. io Chicago. Dr. H. M, Cowan, at one time Editor of the Exeter Reflector, is now a prom- inent physician of Chicago, Consider- able prominence has been given to the alleged success of Dr. Keeley in his treatment and cure of alcoholism by in- jections of bichloride of gold. Dr, Cow- en holds that the bichloride of,gold is a poison which when its effects leave off willleaye the patient with tenden, Cies to. alcoholism snore :pronounced than eget•:' l'he •Threes, Chicago, pub- lishes a challenge from Dr. Cowan to Dr. Keeley to discuss the matter pub hely . Dr. Cowan claims to treat and cora victims of nlcoholisul with purely vegetables and non puisonous peeper ations which "will enlarge the caliber of the mental roan elle permanently add to the timber of his Ilervous capac ity and physically assuage his appetite for liquor and build up his constitution ravaged by the drink habit,." So far Dr. Keeley has :declined to publicly dis cuss the two systems of treatment. The Times says if the two doctors should meet the fur will fly.-- News Record. Personal Mention. d e re Christian Hegnander, of West Tor- onto Junction, formerly clerk in the Molson's Bank here, who has been. vis iting friends here, returned home on Thursday last. -Mr, Sam Treummer, of Petrolia, formerly of Exeter, was in town 011 Friday hist.—Mr. Frederick Dunsford, sore of Wm. Dunsford, Lake Road, Stephen, is here visiting relatives and friends. During the past summer he has been working in Sarnia, and is now on a short vacation, -Mr. Freder- ick Farncomb has returned from his home near London Mr. Edgar Willis is here visit t na• relatives and friends. He is much pleased with his new home, Sarnia, and will return again after the Christmas holidays.—Mr. Harry Baker, who has been in Michigan for some time, is home under the parental roof again. - In speaking of his home across the line he is fairly well pleased' with it, and'iutends returning again in a few weeks.—Mr. Herbert Elliott has been home on a short vacation. -Mrs. H. L. Billings, of Ridgetown, is again in our midst and appears to be enjoying good health.—Mrs. Joseph Senior and son' :and Miss Eliza Wood left on I.Vednes- day evening for. Chicago to visit their sister, Mrs. John nuke, for two weeks. - Mr. Hugh and Master Garnet Ilynd- man. who have been in Toronto for some time, have returned,—Mr. Ham- han, of Ingersoll, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Fish. -Mr. James Russell began to serve a term with Mr William Parsous on Monday at black• smithing.-Mrs. Peter Beerdeu,who has been spending a vacation in London for some time, returned on Tuesday evening: -Mr Arthur Andrews, of Buffalo, is now winding:up-a visiting tour with his Uncle, Mr. Waiter And rews, and intends returning shortly. -- Messrs, Chas McLaughlin, Geo Snell & A. Vincent intend visiting' London on Friday. -Miss Annie Levett, of Park• hill, is visiting; friends its town.—Miss Sarah Herd, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Isaac Bawde.n.—Miss M. Kennard, of tlr•ilcefield, who has been visiting friends here, left on Tuesday —Miss Nellie Pringle left for St. Marys on Tuesday- to visit her sister.—Mrs. Robert Rowe. left for Clinton' on Tues day, where she will visit friends and relatives.—Mrs. Herrington, 01 Blythe, is visiting her mother, Mrs Isaac L•>aw- den.—Miss Lilly Ilarding, who has been attending the Conservatory of Music in i'oronto, is home again Mrs. Phoebie Sweet of this place and her daughter,iirs.James Hill, of Crediton, left this place this morning for Burling ton, Ont> where they will speed thnr xt threee weeks visiting i , latitcs.-- hiss A. Ching, , left for Lodon on Thursday . last to visit relatives --Mrs. Stalter, of Bowrnanville, is visiting her parents, Mr. a Mrs, 7 end lh,..,ohn y Crocker.—Mr. S. D D illina „, and wife, of Seaforth, ere visit- ing friends and relatives in town. Npvir IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR FALL 1LOTHIHGJ 13,000.00 WOIITII. TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN P.RICE, WIIOLESALE If you want a Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and ccall &. r and see our big stock. Tito >';'In TQ.7 to CHOOSE sown E. J.Pl •C OMAN & CO. S SAMWELL'S BLOCK, ONTARIO ETETItit, H 3. Il 11 JI es e Rear' aff: II : _ II II , it : : Ii What are you goin ' to want? No doubt there are man thins you need and a lot more you will buy- that you do not , we needhave thing for the "NEEDr'and ' t r vfl thing for the. NEEDLESS. We are now STOCKTING d1i' with a view to a big' trade. Prosperity is over all l the land and the opinion is that a Food season is coming. 'Trade is to be lively, we think, and we have prep 1 p2red to meet a busy period for the next two months. Do not take any stock in any misleading statements of bargains "its throwing a s lPratt to catch a mackr'el", sure as you live. We are told that our goods are ` ft* t than toose that prate so much about their bargain making. To be, convinced, se0 for vainsalves. We would like to SEE YOU. Highes ricepaid for produce, Butte p 1 1 16c; Lard 11e; Eggs 1.7c; Dried Apples Sets, Geese 6cts; Turkeys Dcts; Ducks G:-cts; Chickens 5 cts. A CALL SOLICITED. ARLI Great Barill 1D Tillare! Also a large `- ,ssortziient or Stoves. COOK: Bermuda, Original, Florida, Famous Cook, Manitoba. COAL: y _ k 7t Art Countess, '; Roy sl Art, '" Dguble Heater, Double Heater with oven :Box Stoves. OEAT CLESIIUNO SALE. Having a large quantity of Tinware''`. to dispose of we will bald an OPEN SALE every THIURSD ,A),Irand SATUR AY afternoons and evenings. Farmers now is your tine to get cheap tinware,made of the best .Pradley tin and at your own price. Do not forgot every t ati:Y d., a c .th Afternoon cit. evening. J J. N. HOWARD Pro. 7 1 GUw TS! , r hena time I any I cern h v not menu merely. , • stop an a Y I for c time and the: have them retina anal, , I E menu n radical cure. I hate merle the disease of c ly EPILEP. i SY or FALLING SIOliNESS a 1fe.le!m study I warrant m remedy to core the worst cases. Becausese t others s have fulled is no reason for not now ri•a ctn. Send at once for n treatise and n Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give=PRESS and poST.OFILE. H. G. ROOT, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE Sr. WEST, TOEONTO, ONT. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT from which this paper is printed was supplied by the ra a aTyPE FOAMY Dealers in type, Pres es, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON. 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO. ONT. Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET RE WHEAT 0.90 TO 0. Our Sellin3 Flour, strong bakers', ,,best family, tt loCir ,.r.L1 dGt vb i Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, Chop stone running PORTS. 95 lel" bush Prices. 53.00 per 100 2.50 et t, t . GUP.,Y'f day. 1,10 t 2.00 't4 " 70 tl .Id 90 " 100 ;tt 1t 01.25 r• tt TERMS CA.SII. Exeter Milling The. „ Co Alan •; _p v 1 r } AC. The Summer holidays are now about over and the Fall Fairs being close at hand, I wish to inform my many Cus- tomers that I am..still in my OLD STAND, (OVER (F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.) And am prepared to do work in latet s style ajatc , best of workmanship. x II - 11 x II - II x II Il x NLL 10M1 JJMIINTEEU. x II II x II t- II x' II 1). x Give me a call and leavey our measure and 1 will give you a neat fit. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT CITY' HOT LONDON, ONTARIO... $1 year J. & J 14I'ciYl1 U.TIN, Proprietors. r"YSMzr4 <":]