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•VOL. IV. • , •-• EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1891: . NO 237
1.4".1,,,,M9",V7.75q54,srAcnaNceraaan, ,
--.1v14011 in need of, --
'Sale Bilis,. 14,.knd Bills, Lette
0'1004: 7”..)i'010110S..-111. 'fite
E,ind4 Of.pfin
e o sons ank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital .... 82,000,000,
Rest Fund.... .• , . 1,000,000,
Head office M.ontroal.
Gruenneen MA.NA ER,.
Money advance1 to good Farmer's oh their
own 23o±40$wit1, MO or inOrO OndOrtiOrS at, 7
per cent per a,nnum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from ID a. m . to 3 p.
Saturdays 141; a.m. to 1 p. ni
. A general banking business tritusacted
Four per °Ontper annilm allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit .Recelpts, Sayings Bank at 8
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub' Manager,
fOxieter 2Lbrocate
Is published. every Thursday Morning,
,at the Offiee,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
±3, 5) if not so paid.
cl-ceerticiLags ,Mateaz cat. .21i.iciolico.-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid.. Advertisements withont speuific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordin,ly. Liberal discount made
for transcient at vertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned. out in the finest style,
anct at moderate rates. Cheqnes, in oney ord-
ers &refor advertising, subseriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Cliarelt Directory.
Robinson, Reotor. Sunday Services, 11 a m
and 7 pm. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. M.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. zu.
and.6.20 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.iii
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDonagh'Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, li,00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 230 p. m.
Pastor. Suiiday Services, 1.1 a. m. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a
rrofessioual Cards.
H. KINSM.AN, L. D S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETER, uAtritAits teeth
without pain, Away at .H.Onsall. on 11t
Friday; Aliso, Craig on 2nd and •ith Tuesday;
and. Zurich on Is,st Thursday of each nionth.
.10. as
College Dental Surgeons'successor to
.H. L. Billings. Office over O'NeiPs Bank,
Exeter, Out. A. safe anaesthetic given for
the.painless em•traetion-e4 teeth. Fine Gold
lallings as required..
W.rAaR7 l3 Provincial .Land
OLvil Engineer. Office,
over ..ost;an
tlice, :Hain street, Exeter, Ont.
. and Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Gocierich,
15 Residence -Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario,
the College of Physicians and.Surgeons
Ontario.. Physician, Surgeon and Accoueli-
. Mir. Office, DaShwood, Ont.
DAl-VD MILLER, 'Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (SUCceSsor to Win. Sweet,
S') Over1.8 years practice. Office and.
residence one block east of RichardPickard.s
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
DR, T. A. AMOS, M. D:, C. M, Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. (Dowell's old
stand. ,
nit. J. 1-1,1 McLELLAN,
EYE & EAR sunaEol
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor.
Maple and Talbot streets.
Conveyan •
Office- Over Post Office,rExNeotetra,l.y011:taabrie
Money to Loan.
of Supreme DOurt, Notary Public, Con.
veyitiffier, COmmissioner, &c. Money to loan.
1.ffioe-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
UI Conveyancers, am. Money to loan
at 6 per cont.
TT BROWN, Winehelsea. Licensed Auct-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
AiiddleSex, also for the township of lisborne
Sales promptly attended to and 1"erin sres.son
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
AJ. nOnneNe, late of lianitol)a, Licens-
9ed. Anetioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex. Residence; 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
W'HOLT, )(hive , Ontario. Licensed auct-
ioneer for the Coanties of Middlesex
and Lainbton, and the townships of Stephen
and Hay All sales promptly attended to.
T.11 BOSSENBERRY, He nsall Ontario. Lk=
• ensed Auctioneer for the Corint,yS of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
T HARDY, LicenSed Auctioneer for the
• Comity of Hrtron. Sales Conducted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Etill arrangernents can be made
at this offlee.
West half of lot 10., Concession 5 in the
township of Usberne.in the county of Huron
60113ainitig therObi 1e1 -6g more or lesS.
There is about 80 acres cleared and tite bal-
o oo' 1,uh, being mixed with blaclz ash arid
cedar. A good wind -mill with a good well
of wat or and well suited for stock raising.
For further particulars apply to Geo, Hunt-
er, Riclgetown or to John Trull ter, Jr. ENet(2r
I11±4 (11±1 SC 100].
Throo•fcriirths of it Well seasoned, 20 cerds
hard wood or 30 cords soft wood. Apply
±nr Christmas to Box, 117, EXeter, 4st22t3ng
quality, kind and price.
etornieation nelting. The meeting for
the nomihation of Reeve, 2 Deputy Reeves,
and. 2 councillors will be held at, neon on
Monday, the 28th. day of Deconiber at Town
31421111) Crediton , -C. nneetii 'fey,. 286-2
Notice is hereby given that the Coun-
cil of the IdrinieipaliW of Stephen Township
will apply th the next silting of the Xiegis-
lature of Ontario ±01 1±4 ..9.1yciai Act to empow-
er said.municipality to consolidate their in-
debtedness on account of Gravel Road De-
bentures to extend for a term not to exceed
ten years. •0. PROUT Clerk,
H '
'ay P. 0., Ont., December. 2:30-0
Mrs. John Gould begs respectfully to
inforI11 the publie that she 11 as succeeded to
the saw mill business formerly conducted
by the late J.0.1411 0.01.11a, (ler husband), and
she begs to assure the oommunity, who
have favored her predecessor with their
custom, that they will still be able to have
work done in the lumber line as heretofore
at the same 1(1021±412210 331:1000 as formerly.
With the hope of, giving satisfaction to all
parties Mrs. Gould has determined to con -
duet her business upon liheral prineiples,
and takes this m odium in behalf of her bus -
band of thanking the public for their past
patronag0 and. fa yoUrS.
-All persons who want -
at 5?e, 6 and Gb PER CENT should call
—at the.
OffloO of L Corizzas
A Scheme by Which You Will Se-
cure a Year's Subscription to
a Great Paper Free.
A years subscription to the popular
"MEDICAL ADVISER" mid Farm Hein,
published at Bownianville, Ont., which
is a most valuable edition to the, Farm
ing Community and whieh we areepre-
paled by special arrangement, to furn-
ish that great publication for one year
FREE to any of our subscribers, who
will pay up all arrearages on subscrip-
tion and one year in advance, and to
any neer su'oscribers who will pay one
year in aelvance. By this arrangement
HELP for one year,: It will be to your
advantage to call promptly. Sample
copies can be seen at our officke.
Heartily, with relish, and without dis.
tress afterwarg? If not we recommend
to Sou Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cre
ates a good appetite and so invigorates
the stomach and bowels that the food is
properly digested and all its nutriment
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
perfectly harmlesS, effective, but do not
cause pain or gripe. 3e sure to get
466orcung to the pew Banking A
the Government will on Jan. 1 posse
itself of all unclaimed sums that hay
been lying in any of the ehartere
banks for live years. It therefore lx
hooves all partiee who have funds i
any. of the banks, and have pot mad
any claim thereon, or had any trans
action therewith, for five, years, to cal
at the banks and make good thei
claims: There are a great many per
sons in this situation, some of then
parents who, on the birth .of a child
have laid cy a small sum to gather in
terest for ten or twenty yearseind who
never imagine that it is in any clang()
of disappearing.
The Shortest Day.
Monday of this week was what is
popularly termed the shortest day In
the year. But there is really very lit
tleeedefference for a week previous to
die 21st and a week afterward. There
only about three minutes difference
between Christmas and New Years
days. After the New Year, however,
the days begin to lengthen at both ends
at first by about an ayerage Of a .min -
rite a day.
sick List,'
MR. MomAS BROCK iS slowly re-
covering frombis late attack of illness.
MR. GEORGE HODGIN S was striker' with
an attack of inflammation last week,but
is nosy thought to -he beyond all danger
of anything serious resulting. -Mr.
Robert Muir, ,Tie, who has hen suffering
of late from a severe cold, is improving
in health, and is able to be around
&again. ---Mr. Wesley Creech, son of Wm,
eel), is still lingering in 22 low condit-
On and hie redoeery is uncertain.-Mr
avid Millet. Seaford), formerly of this
lace, is.seriously ill with eonstimption.
fie relatives here were telegraphed for
n Wednesday lag.
School Examination'
The semi annual public exaMination
of S. S. No, 5, Ueborne, was 'held on
&Fonda y Dec. 21et 221221 31 very !?pleasa nt
afternoon WAS spent. The l.(parents,
:atepayerg and other visitors " present,
expressed themselves as pleased
with the examination, the rapid prog.
ress the schoolwas making And the
general good feeling existing. 'between
teacher and pupils and also eXpressed
deep regret that Mr. Hogarth was leaV-
wEDDED.—On Wednesday afternoon
one of those pleasant events which gen.,
orally brightens a home took place at
the re,sidence of Mr. Stephen Hicks,
when two of his daughters entered into
the ceremony of marriage. .After
number of friends had. assembled Mr.
Joseph May was unite(1 iti merriage
to Aliss Clara Picks, the Rev. Mr, -Allan
officiating, and also Mr. William Rob-
inson, of Winchelsea:, to Miss Eva
Hicks, the Rev. Mr, Holmes performing
the ceremony. The bridalcouples
have the best, wishes of neighbor
hood on entering into their new path of
life, and may their futme be crowned
with prosperity.
Mr, Robert S*(30t had a is bee on
Friday List which' resulted in •:a• scene
,of slaughter-tothe forest.
The P. of I., of Pi 01141011310, held a
debate ou T146scia,y. evening, . the sub
ject of which WaS resolved. that "I'm
Inidence iS a greater impediment to
our snecess in life than bashfulness.
The affirmative was led by S. Sanders,
jr.the negative be- W... II. Dearing,
whieh proved to be yeity interesting,
after doieg the subje.et on both sides
the decision was given in favor, of silo
affirmative 'rho, next debato is in the
form of a. trio, the subject being, "In
ease, a man, wife and child wee 113 dan
ger of being' droweel, and a person was
able to save one; whieh.Should be res-
cued." The leaders are S.J.Hogarth
for the child, S. Sanders for the man
and Geo. Penhale for the woman, each
leader supported by three speakers.
We are sorry to have to say death
again in our midst, David Stall's, of
Chicago, formerly of Crediton, his ee•--
mains will: be brought home and buri-
ed in the Crediton Cemetery, -Mn. Jos.
Sims hes got the mason work of Mr.
Jas..Clarke's shops and house. We be-
lieve Joe to be a firstelass workman
and Mr. Clarke will profit thereby. -The
entertainment of S. S. No. 2 was held
on Friday evening and was quito a
success. The Greenway Band was
well worth the admittance fee itself.
saying nothing about Dr. Pustuff
and the saug "Where, was Moses when
the light went out," other songs, resit
ations &c., &c., heing kept up till about
10 o'elock when the Band gave "God
Save the Queen," all retiring home
feeling quite satisfied with the pleas-
ant evening they had spent. -Me. A.
Hth, who has been ill with a severe at-
tack of inflammation of the lungs is
slowly recovering.
- see
Mr. & Mrs. Stenha.ger are very ill at
Mr. Jocob Kellerman is able to b
around again. . •
Toboggan sliding is the chief amuse
ment at present.
A number from here attended the
school concert in Zurich.
Miss Jessie McCallum, of London is
at present home on a visit.
Mr. F. Wurtz is the happy father of
a big bouncing baby boy.
The Evangelical church intend hold.
lug a Christmas festival on Christmas
Mr. J. Phippin has erected a new
photograph gafflery opposite the post
A number from here attended the
,Christmas tree at Sodom on Tuesday
Mr A, Layman, of London formerly
of this place is visiting friends here
Ab thinks theee is no ,place like, Dash.
The following persons returned home
from Dakota lest week, Mr. C. Snell &
daughter, .Erni Fried, Wm Ruby, A.
Hohlbeio end.P Schrader. They all
speak well of the country and intend
to go, back in the spring.
• Sunshine.
Miss Wynn is again yery poorly,
We hopo she will soon be convascelent,
Mr. James Clarke left for London on
Monday last to look for a situation.
,We join his many friends in wiehing
him success,
The apniversary services were held
here on Sunday last whe,n Rev, E. Medd
of Iona, a former junior pastor, preach-
ed two impressive and eloquent seren-
er's and delivered an admirable address
to the Sunday School in the afternoon
on the element of success in Sunday
School work. It was seven years ago
last Suedny that Sunshine church was
dedicated, Rev. 9,3/, Gene being then
the pastor with Mr. Medd as assistant
who was then on his first year of pro-
bation, Everybody was glad to see
their olcl friend aud everyone marked
the improvement that seven years had
wrought. Then a thnicl, untried boy
nervously endeavoring to walk the
narrOw way and reaching' 0111 ±4930 right
hand of fellowship to assist others, now
a tried and trusted preacher 0 1 th
gospel, fall of eloquence and thought
and chriStian beauty of character. Mr.
Medd is a standing monument Of what,
energy, perseverance and the peace of
God call accomplish, It is to 1.)e hoped GOci
his error May be crowned with that Johns 88; Ella Camm 79; Elizabeth.
abundant Succees he to richly deserves t Cooper 74; Ethel Brown 74; Elizabeth
Sunshine's anniversaries have alWays Berryhdl 70; Olive Hawkins, 68, Cora
been singularly smicessful, and this Rowcliffe 68; Win. Russell 67; Alice
es pio) eci ne exception. An enter- Woods 54, '
tainment of a high character will be JUN PART 2ND.-Le811e Itobingon 59;
given on Xmas night, which it is hoped Jennie Bus) hill 52; Mary Coward 47;
the people will not forget, Wilber Hunter 44; Etruria Delbridge
Brumfield, 42, Maud Woods 39, John Coward 89.
SEN 11 -070451 98,'Mabel
Johns 90; Berth Upshell 84 Lena Rou
tly 79; Clareece Routly 71, Edna God
bolt 66; Linda Miners 66; Ethel God -
bolt 61; Melville Skinner 55,
Jux Isle -May Hawkins 95, Mary
Delbridge 85'; Alice Berryhill 85; Dora
Delbeidge 75; Robt 'Wilcox 75; .Gerty
Miller 65.
Parents should, see that their child
ren come regularly to school. This is
one of the best ways of encouraging
both teacher and pupils.
HonetAx, Teacher.
9) 018011 ADVOCAT.E.
" 111 canine' the atteention of the rate-
payers of Sh, S. No. 5 Usborue to the
manner in which the trustees haye act-
ed I do not think it can be said that
wish to resort to press notoriety, as I
believe a great many have little know
, , .
Mr J A flail- of Knox. College,ledge of how thinge .1,re being carried
preached the anniversitry services of on. It 'is well known that the present
the tbristlan Endeavor Society- last
Sabbath in Union Chureb. He also
gave an address cm' Christian Endeav
WOrIC the following e,teiningewhich was
greatly appreciated by all who heard
The Sabbath School examination of
the Canada Pres by terian ch urch was
held last Tuesday evening and a yerv
profitable and enjoyable time spent af-
ter examining tne different classes in
the catechism and Psalms. Prizes
were given in the shape of beautiful
pnrsTenau,t,McQueen, Toronto, is home at
Miss Aggie Beattie, is spending a few
weeks in Seaforth.
Quite,a number of our 'citizens are
laid up with the Grippe.
Miss Jean Jamieson has returned
from St, Mary's for Xmas holidays,
Miss AI, Kennard is spending holi.
clays in Exeter this aed last week. '
Something', new and good "Christrnas
Pond" hi the Royal rl'emplars' Hall
Xmas eve,
Mr, Cooper, Jr., returned home; from
Vrinnipeg last week. Reports things
as booming' in the West.. •
We nee sorry.to learn that our Miss
X McDonald our esteemed dress -maker
purposes leaving our town about
Mr A, Scott, our popular teacher of
No. 3 Tuckersmitleheld a most success -
fill Examination. The School Room
WiLS crowded with parents and visitors;
and a very enjoyable time spent by all.
The scholars went through their differ-
ent parts and lessons in first class style,
and all pronounce, Mr. Scott a No. 1
The musical entertainment and
Christmae,tree was a grand success
There being. 58 different parts and ev
ery part executed in first class style
The house was crowded, the receipt
fair, the object being to give satisfact_
ion not to make intmey. I think, under
the circumstances, :no similar euter
lain went amid excel them, it was sim-
ply wonderful. The club swinging by
Miss Scott *as admired by all, and
those present who had seen such exer-
cises elsewhere, franklY admitted that
her exhibit was aheadof anything of
the sort they had witnessed. The lad-'
ies deserve great praise for the part
taken by them to have the thing a suc-
cess -in the whole program there wee
not a single break. The training' the
children exhibited and the complece,-
ness of each part reflects unbounded
credit to Miss F. Scott, the teacher of
Sodom. Among the presents awarded
W225 a beautiful album to Miss Scott,
the presentation was made by Mr. Har-
ris, our esteemed S. S. SuPerintendent,
who in a brief but apt speech made the
presentation quite unexpectedly to
Miss Scott, who in a- wry beautiful
manner replied. The Sodom twins, as
sisted by J. Ford. sang, 'one of their in-
teresting plisce,s. Instrumental music
on the organ by Silas Stanlake, jr.,
rendered in good style -everything
passed off to the satisfaction of all, ex-
cept on, -who found some fault at some
imaginary wrong. No wrong was in-
tended to be dope any person and if.
any scholar who was entitled to a Miss Mary Winn after spendine• SCiV-
Cliristmas present, failed to get one, it eral months in Detroit returned ''home
was an oversight, and not intentional, last Tuesday. No place like home
and will be rectified as soon. as known. Mary. -
In choosing scholars to assist in the Messrs A, Benidiet Val. Kochies &D.
different parts it was necessary to pick Zeller,have returned home from the
out those that were the most likely to North West. They intend. to return
succeed best. Some might have all next, March.
the necessary ability, yet so timid that
they would bet failure.. This would
cause unpleasantness to child ;end par-
ent. Perhaps 110xt week I may give a
more detailed stetement
teacher was highly recommended when
he was first engaged and that at the
end of his first year there was a public
examination Which revealed to the
ratepayers 11112 splendid work done by
the teacher. Immediately followed the
sehoui toecap.' day, when a trustee,
who had serve.d. the section lohg, and
faithfully, retired and a uew one elect-
ed his stead. Six months elapsed
and no complaints were: heard except
about the teacher's salary, which some
thought was excessive. The inspeetor
made his last call for the present year,
and I believe reported that the pro-
gress made by the children was excel-.
lone Shortly after a trirstee meeting
was held to consider abcint :engaging a
teacher for the ensuing year. They
were unanitnous in their opinion not to
engacse the present teacher but they.
eoulenot advance a single reaeon for
not doing. So. Did thy then advertise
for a teacher? Instead thee• held their
peace and when a few called upon
them from the surrothiding vicinity
they simply turned a deaf ear to them.
Shortly after it. was learned that -they
had engaged a teacher at the molest
salary of 8'460 a year and he Was not
to light the fire as all teachers hereto
fore were required to do. It was then
rumored that the fire lighting had
been omitted so that a neighbor's boy
might reap the bene,fits therefrom or
better still a trustee's son. A few rate
payers hearing of the supposed actions
of thee trustees began to give voice to
their opinions, and one of the noble
three, to throw the responsibility off his
shoulders, admitted that the teacher
had been engaged by an outside indiv-
idual. The question now arises, are
they capable of engaging a teacher? if
they are, why this method. Let eyery
ratepayer of the section attend the
meettng to be held next Wednesday
and put Men in office who will regain
for the section the reputation it pTevi-
ORSly enjoyed. ' RATEPAYER.
Mrs, Louis Gaebal, of Shakespeare is
visiting friends and relatives in this
vicinity. ,
Mr. 13en Xaercher, of Dakota has re-
turned home on a visit after a 11 ab-
sence of about eight years.
'Miss Elizabeth Hess, of South Bend
Ind returned -home last Tuesday. We
are pleased to she her in our midst once
more. :
Miss Edith Steinbach arrived home
last Tuesday to spend her Xmas
days, She has been attending the
Toronto Conservatory of :music for two
terms she will renew her studies after
News Years.
Next Friday beiug Xmas the var-
ious churches in our village will have
the Xmas Festivals on Xmas Eve.
Mr. Albert Fansori, of Exeter,and Mr
Taylor, of Kippen paid our town a ilen,
ing visit last Sunday.
Dave Jacobie was in town Sunday
ronewin 0. acquaintances Wonde.r w hat
attraction ho llas here.
Mr, Harry Ile,ss returned home from
Telenet° last Triesdav.
Dempsey's concert Friday ia onr
New Hall was, a decided suecess. Not
good taste to individuliee, but to say
that Dempsey, in his inimstable elter4.
aeter songs, fairly broug•ht down the
house, The Pizadore are a whole con-
cert by theinselves. The.'recitatioe of
Wm.:Bram-id is also Worthy of mentioa
bat every one should hear the Yeeop-
hone onc,e---onee, It pleases the little
folks as well as the clown ia the. arms,
?dr. Dorrance, our teacher, very ably
filled the chair: Proceeds 837. Come
egam Jim.. Wo bespeak a bumper
house. -As Friday was the last day of
eehool with 118, many of the rateeayers„
both ladies and ,gehtleenen, might be
seen weeding their way echooleverd. ill
the afternomi carrying' basket's tilled
with good things, to take, farewell of
oar genial teacher, Mr. D. C. Dorrapee,
who leas is to take the position of Prin-
lista Harristen Pi/Olit; . Sehoul.
D. was coinpleeely surprised -but some
got every one comfortably seated, The
usual classes of Friday afternoon °Yee
the teacher, rising to state that the
year's work was at an end, was com-
pletely knocked out by three young
Mieses of the senior classes walking;
forward and presented Mr. Dorrauce
with an elegant gold chain locket, with
diamond setting handsomely engraved
with his monograph, also a fine large
morrocco leather padded backed album
accompeniedwith the following ad-
dress:- . •
S..T8.°N1‘011.11iDSt0e.pDheUR.RANcE' Teac,her. of.
We, the pitpils of your school, feeling
very sorry that your connection with
our school is about to cease, beg, as a
ABloayudcei;ILnocukssi.a Hmordspinosr,rEanyeeely:
the ardeut wish of your grateful pup-
ils. Signed on
of love and regard for you. May your
future life be bright and prosperous is :
thank you for the keen interest you
regret your departure and.assure, you
we will ever entertain kindly feelings
welfare of each of us. We sincerely
have always taken in the individual
chain,and album. We beg to assure
you that we have a lively iuterest itt
your welfare and hope that our flit,
thank you for your uniiorm kindness
to your scholars while' our teacher. We
small tokea of our esteem end regard
for you, to present you with this lock -
MO life will have : few crosses. We
behalf of1'ConillafLBte:111.1:01raa, :
few moments, in a few well chosen :
words, thanked the pupils for the ex-
pression of good will, etc., assuring ev-
ery mil that he would at all times in
the future be always ready to give
the,m at all times every assistance pos-
sible,. Mr.. Dorrance addressed the par.
ents for a few minutes. Parents, pup, ,
and teacher Were at times visibly .•
affected, All were sorry at ..parting, •
but these things MHSt be. A treat for
the children was now dispensed, about
thirty poueds confectionary, nuts, can-
dies, raisins, figs, etc, being distribut-
ed. This soon brightened matters con-
siderably, and soon smiles instead of _
tears illuminated the faces which had
been clouded only a short dine before.:
Proceedings were brought to :a close
by some very nice singing. from the -
pupils. -Mr. Dorrance left for home on
Monday to spend Xmas holidays before
entering on his new duties. He was a.
friend to all.
FOLLICK-NE±eter, on the 1.8th .
'Minnie Bell, inftint daughter of Eph-
raim and Mary Follick, age,d three,
TAvmon.---In Stephen, on the 23rd inst.,
Minnie, adopted daughter of John and
Elizabeth Peddler; aged 13 years and
Last Friday the Zurich P. S. held
their annual examination and concert. reoFErixi.eiendtietiTri-eolTibAitkvienoirnsat.-thtrAinlltstet,hetbevRhoeefetRo:rh•yv,e..
The following, is the standiti,g of the The weather was fine and a great
Trivia Memorial church, Richard
ending the 22nd Dec 91. The names Examination. The children it must be
of those only who made 35 per cent or said equiped thernselves with great
pupils of the public School for the term many people and parents attended the
Colbert, to Elizabeth -Taylor, all of
over on written examination. credit and it showed the great interest
511L -Chas Andrew 95; Hellen Spi- their teacher takes in instructing
cer 89; John Russell 88; Edith Turn, thein. After the examination a grand
bull Chas Delbritlge 78. entertainment was given in the Town
SEN. 4TEL-Wrn Johns 64; Annie Hall, The doors opened at 6 o'clock
Halls 61; Lilly Halls 58; Amos Francis and the entertainment commenced at
57; Maud Brims combe 52; Annie Earl 7 o'clock p. M. by the tinie the curtain
50 Geo. Miners 47; Minnie Clement 35 was drawn the hall was so crowded
,firN 4Tit.--Agnes Hunter 73; Ethel ha:dly permitting staiiding room. A
Andrew 53, Orrie Powell 45, Samuel great many outsiders took in the con
Johns 44, Nettie Itussel 42. • eert and some were heard to remark
SEN 311:D. -Fenton Brown 96, Ida Up that the concert was ono of the best
Shall 80; Herman Kyle 77, Alice Miller they had ever attended. The program
77, Edith White 59, was lotig and good. The dumb bell ex
Jux. Bum -Sarah Clements 77 He erei8e8 by the girls were also good and
lona Johns 72: Elizabeth Johns 65; it showed their good training. The
Elizarlemerit 59:072111 Francis 55; Al- proceeds were large with which they
iee Taylor, 46; Philip Roweliffe 46. intend to purchase an organ for the
2. --Lena Miners 78; Gladys Spi- echOol. We Toilet cerigratillate Mr
cer 77; Franklin Delbridge 73; FloSsv Latta the principal and. his Assistants
Andrew 69; Ityam RoWeliffer, 64, Lilly for the paInS taken he getting up this
Veal 64; I3eatrice Delbridge 45; George entertainthent for euch a good cause Stephen conned and some St plien
bolt 44; Frank Coward 35, and trust Mr. Latta may long be at the, happenings croseded out of tide issue
2ND rAier.--Geo Wilcox 95,Cora head of our public schooL Will appear next vireck.
Usborne, on the 23rd
insteby the Req. Mr. Allan, Mr. ,Tosepli
May, to Miss Clara -Hicks, all of Us
Rentiesox--HicKS.--InlIsborne, on the
23rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Holmes, Air,
William J. Robinson, of Winchelseg,
to Miss Eva Hicks, of USborne.
TOWnship, on the I6th inst., by the
Rev. John Webster George M.Kern-
ohan, of London, t'e) Harriet Alice
Webster, of London Township.
ISAAC -DocaniNG-At the residenee of
the brides pitrents On the 23rd hist,
by the Rev. F. }I. Patt, Wesley .1'.
Isaac, to Miss Fanny M Dearing, Ali
of Stephen,
that lengthy yeara may be his and that 8