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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-17, Page 8
�MOtfliflIEjff Special Drav .a line; foul time Lake Shore directly oast to li.tppeii and theft by way 41 Stat ti3t Cro party to Ful- 1lerton a. 'Lrtptl and 1titL.Sef(I rlt then south to t , irktou gird Wood ham then west again to Ciarldebaye a id tei.uliitatiirg by way of McGuire, Mot nt Caaruel,Corbott and Greenway at Grand Bend you have the outside Boni clam' of the field, which THE MART aims to cover with its goods and eus tomers. To secure this we have to keep a large supply and certainly are t 't • inthis respect, t, Our store no failing pec is literally crowded with goods and Holiday Stork ready for seeker's of Hol- iday Gifts, Every desireable thing we could think of has been placed to meet our customers wants and no r we cor- dially invite there and their friends to call and pass a pleasant half hour in looking through. We wish. to make our store worthy of Both our Customers ant Ourselves and now with little fear ask for their 'verdict. s anilriGy TICE MART.' Exeter. Great Closing Out S al e FOR 60 DAYS, —AT— Tho Banitnilt s��i°fie This is the Bi • Bankrupt Stora's ad- vertisement. That's what you are looking' for, all right. our talk this week is about the success of our'great 60 day closing out sale. Order! Order! Yon old timers who are shouting yourselves hoarse, crying Great Clearing Sales. 1 Steaxt leash t e Flour, here's where you take a back seat. The Greatest sale of the season is ours, and is already at high tide inpublic opinion, The Big Bankrupt Store is' oy erflowing witli rare bargains which need only to be seen to be appreciated. Now, while this great 60 day sale is on, the hum will continue at the Big Bank rupt Store. A Beautiful lot of Dress Goods at such prices as will cause - you to wonder. A jolly- lot of Furs, all at sale prices, and sale prices with us are so low, that it would mean utter anni- hilation to any of the old fellows to at- tempt to beat us. Our reputation is al- ready established and it can't be a very bad one. judging from the crowds which daily throngour store, Not to Took around, (as they do in some stores in this town), and go away disgusted. No, No, the :people who visit our' store are not built:that way, they are a far seeing, and wide awake public who re- cognize a genuine bargain when see- ing' it. Hence the , IMO BANKRUPT STORE'S success, Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS: There is in our window a glass jar containing a number of buttons, the nur - ber is unknown to any person,the guarantee of which appears below. With every pur- chase of SSt,tril You are entitled to one guess at the number ofBttttons in. the Jar, with .a purchase of$800 two guesses and so on, In our office will be kept a Book whereyouwill register your name and your guess. The contest to close at 8 o'clock on NewYear Eye, when the jar will be opened and the Buttons counted. by disinterested and res- ponsible parties, and the person who has guessed the corrector nearest to the correct number of, Buttons will then become the he owner of Beauty, should there be a tie then the fast who has registered the correctnum- ber will be the winner. This is to certify tilat the number of buttons in the jar in tire window- of the Big. Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they were placed there 'by us and the jar sealed in 'our presence. Signed B.5 O'Niiu, { R. hi. CnrnTtts.. Dealer in Bankrupt Stork, LOCAL JOTTINGS. Call at G. Manson's for cheap boots and shoes. For a fine black suit try J.E. Grieve Merchant Tailor. If you want a, first class farm on easy terms call on John Spackman, Exeter Specialattention is directed to the window of E. H. Fish's tonsorial parlor. Don't forget to call and see J. H. Gri.eve's $10 overcoats before purchas- ing. Men's best fine shoes, (Ilepburn's make) for $2, 75, worth $010, at Man sons. Buy your Xm.. �roceries and teas 0as Big Buy at the Baia r st Store roc . an d save yc i motre3 . Be sure and ;ret your hair cut by 11, 1-1 .Pish before doing away on your holiday trip. 04'6 -Great redtiction Sale now going on at J. G. Surallacorn be's• Don't fail to attend. There will be sold at Christie', store house. on'l'hitinday the '24th day of Iee rir 2 o'clock : p, m. the chat- tels belonging to Mr. Frederick Grif- fin, Boots and sh 's ^ttbb4rs and over- shoos, all at saalt' prices at the Big c , Bankrupt x ' ,: �tR1 .A; big ,stock of boots and shoes at at Manson's to be eleared out by the lst of ]February, Crompton's . tis. Comets for $1.00;. ron C n r. C i o �Coa © rst for75's• Goets; t. at the Big Bank' Store, t A1)VO0ATE and "Med lea 1 4clvise rr, and "farm 1-Jelp" from now till 1S93 for $1, See clubbins• rotes, Market or no-inarl,,et boots and shoes will be sold cheap at Manson's, Comte early aqui secure a bargain. See J. N. Howard add for greet sale' of tinware every 1 hui•sday and Satur day. BoGh afternoon andevening. . NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur- gative, Acting ur-gative,.acting an the Stomach, Liver and bowels, removing alt obstructions. Overcoats fo -men and boys for near' ly half price du'irg the great 60 day (,losing out sajc a the Big- Bankrupt Store, "Who said Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands of people, who know it to. be the best blood purifier and tonic rnedieiue, i eked, "Now really ud cheapest store in must be the Big We are ofte which is'the be town," our ans)1; Bankrupt Stor Where do thte. peo)-rlc all come from, and what is the�ittti'aetron? Why, the great 60 day closilatig out sale at the big Bankrupt,�"�•ora: :what is brilig- d`s ing the crowto toii3 every day. Mr. II. 0, McBride, of he firm. of Mc- Bride and Jones, architects, London, was in town last week and received instructions to prepare designs for the remaining buildings to be erected cn the Trivitt Memorial church block. On Saturday last Master Henry son of Richard Genic', was out rabbit hunting and was about to shoot, but before;getting the gun to his shoulder it discharged, the explosion causing it to strike him with such force in the face as to cut his lip badly and break three teeth. What was wrong with our. night watchman one night this week. A man hailing from near Fullerton Cor-. hers' declared he hunted for him' all night and could not find him. until the neat morning.- Having walked the streets all night. We notiee by an exchange that the car which the authorities' of the C. P.R.. sent to England a short time ago is now in the county of Kent. Accomp t:nying it ie a lecturer who explains the contents of the car .and gives a brief description of .the country the products are raised in. This novel en- terprise has created so much of an ex-. citment that it is expected that one of the lamest immigration parties' ever known will leave the old land in the coming spring. - M'r, Frederick Fairhall, a former res-. ident of Biddulph,' well known to many in this village and brother -in law of Mr. William Baker, Gardiner; now of Killarney,. Man , sent word here e few days ago that his crop amounted' to 11,100 bushels. The yield consisted of 2400 bushels of wheat; 1200 buses of oats, and 7500 bushels of barley, all of which are' of bright quality .and com mand high prices, having received 73 cents a bushel for a portion of :his wheat a few days ago. On Thursday afternoon while Mrs: John Spackman was busily engaged dotn,g her household work she met with a misfortune. At the time slie was in the act of coming down the stairs with a large basket of clothes when she tripped and fell down a long flight of steps. In the fall she had two of her fingers badly sprained and re- ceived a number of other bruises which are'not thought to be of a ser- ious nature. She is slowly improving and it is thought will soon be -able to resunre her household duties again. \Ir. & Mrs, Jacob Bean, of West Branch, Iowa., were visiting Mr: and Mrs. Richard Davis this week. Mr. Beanserved B � h' ' ]s time al apprentice to blacks i ar mrtlnt rb with Mr. Davis about 20 .years ago, and. has been absent from this neighborhood for twelve years. They are now en a yisit to relatives and friends in this section. Having, worked at his trade for a short time, ..rid not feeling satisfied, he resorted to farming to obtain a livelihood which has proved a success. Enjoying; good health as they both do, they 'cannot help praising their ‘Vrestern home w'uefi they fondly lova and., cherish, anxiously' wishing the time to come for their return. The annual meriting of the:Dominion Draught: Horse Breeders'. Association was held in the Council Chamber, Cliil ton, on 1Vednesday, last week, there being a large attendance of members. The auditor's report showed 'that the total assets of, the Association were $3,067.85. The election of officers i•e• stilted ill all the old officers being re- elected. They are as follows:—Presi deiat, J. McMillan, Constance; Vice;..D. McIntosh, Brucefield; Sec., Jas.',]'Mitch ell, God rich; Treas., Jno.' Aih:enhead, Goderich, Council --1 year—D, Fisher, Goderich; Jno. McDiarmil, Luck now Jas. Henderson., Belton; J. J. Fisher, Benmillar; T. Green, Dublin; C. L, Ma, son, lhrucefiekd; J. H. McRoberts, Luc- an. For 2 years—P. Curtain, Central•. ia; A, Innes, Clinton; P. MoOregor Bracefield; Jno. Busch; Sebringcille; W. . Sinclair, Chhsellltlrst. Executi ire Committee—A. Irises, P. Cnttain, Jas, Henderson, D. McIntosh, J. E. 13laekall, Auditors, T. McMillan, S. SmiVie„ The next annual tneeti.ng will be held in Clinton on the third Wednesday in December. at mets. 1.Vhe11 is town, keep your eyes open for Manson's cheap boot and shoo store, 1 td•o Papers €ort t, Tho Exeter ADVOC t,ts and .ife(74r;rrl, .1 dva„er•aild.":+'rttuI]elp;"for oni.y $1 from now until Jan. lst1303, acnnFA,Pu Pcf Muri,;144s,' i.6iu gains t Manson is selling boots and Shoes at priors that will eonvince you they aro cheap, parsan$ tor cal , The uado rsigned°'has several first elass farms for sale on easy r terns. 1 J, SPAC11biAN, Exeter. 41st isttnari $'.reSents- A eluant assortment of photo stands easles, and frames away down in price. Seethom in our show witalow.—Jos. Senior, B'ietatre4 t Pictures! You cannot buy a more acceptable Xmas gift than a nice pair of chr•omos., See them all ready framed for $1 at Jos. Senior's. Wantett. Never too late to mend, 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot andshoe store next door to the ' post office. 0, Manson. a✓anie,on ettIVO s Yet. In the matter •of the West Huron protest, Mr. M 0. Cameron:hasdecide..d to resign his seat without the process of trial and will contest it again at the ensiling election. Fiis majority at the last election Was 379. . a o tice. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! The Exet- er Salt Works Co. require fifteen hun- dred -cords of soft wood, dry and green, Wilt pay the Highest price. For fur- ther parnienlars apply to David Mill. • • T. 13. CAnti; cL, Secy Cutters, we1 shs. 1). Braund, Exeter North, has it great variety of cutters, bob -sleighs, &c•, call and see before purchasing elsewhere. Also a large quantity of dry hard wood for sale, which will ,be: delivered to any part of the village large or small quantities. Orders left at this office promptly attended to: Assessments Lor Public schools. An assessment passed at the last ses, sion of the Legislature provides that township councils, instead of•colleeting the full amount required iu each school section from the section itself, shall deduet'from the amount called for by the trustees $100 for each single teacher and $50 for ,, Ych ,assistant which amounts shall be -.aggregated and levied on the township as''a whole. The effect of this will be that the wealthiest sections will pay more on the general levy than they will draw out. Concert. The concert given in Drew's Opera House on Tuesday evening by Prof: Scott was a failure, regarding the number present to witness the per formances. The talent was the best that could be produced, but owing to so many entertainments being. close at hand the people felt that they ceuld not attend all. It must have been a' great disappointment to Miss Jessie. Alexander after being greeted with a full house and overwhelming applause. a few weeks ago, to see the chairs nearly all vacant, but rest assured that should you return again you will be greeted with a better house:f Boys Can 114 ke ilipmey Fast Any active boy, can make plenty of money in his neighborhood by re plating tableware and jewelery with one:of the Magic Electric Plating Out- fits. Those who have already secured one of these machines are making from $20 to $25 a week.' The price of the plating, outfit is $10, but we have ar- ranged to supply it to oho boy- only in each neighborhood, free fora few hours Work, which can be done after school. or on Saturday. No capital required Any boy sending his :address and re- ferring' to some merchant in, his town aas to honesty willreceive full `partieu- tars by return mail. This is a peim- n. Peat rrao-ney ilaadci7a_n business ,for the right kind of a. boat. Apply .at once. 'Address LAnIEs PICTORIAL . Co., Tor - Onto, Ont. Division. Court. Division Court was held here Monday when the following cases were tried: -Trench ys Manning -This case is again adjourned for the tenth time;q R. H. Collins forlni p alntttf, i . Elliot for defendant. Collies vs Storey -Action by solicitor on account; Judgement for plaintiff; plaintiff inperson,no one for o :defendant. Fink vs Richard -Settled by consent; Dickson for plaintiff. Kel• ly ys Griffin -Action; for wages; Judg d ment for plaintiff; Dickson for plaintiff. Coates vs Mortice -Action .on note all journal; Dickson for plaintiff. Carling vs Portiee-Action on note adjourned.' Dickson for plaintiff. McDonell v Por, flee --Action on account ad- journed; DilkSoII for Plaintiff Irvine vs Dempsey- Action .ori note adjourned Dickson for plff. Collins ys Stanlake Actionby solicitor on account; Judg- ment for plaintiff; plaintiff in person; Dickson for defendant, Per Dr, Lutz and 1 . Treble, that E, Volliok be janitor for 892at a salar of two buudr•ed and twenty ,live clollaa Conditions of ant'l'eelnent to be the sear es for 1591: per V'V Hoskia & A.C.'I)y that tl.ie cbuirmalt and 11 li naston be conitnittee to supervise,axclu nge an 1'e )at " r �of seats; per I'1. - 1 t( '1 1 e s,11 les rrl and \ Hoskin ,that the system of regrading a suggested by the 1'uspeetorbeeudorse by the Board and that the Principalb requested to have the necessary chain es effected as soon as it cart be wisel done; per W . Hoskin and W. Trebl that four Cooper's County reaps be p chased for the school; per Dr, Lutz, A, Cr, Dyer that' the following aces, paid: Geo. Heamen;-ash hoose, $20.50 �� Ross al Taylor, �,s4; Davidson Bros, R pairs, $2.10; Secretary, school supplie $7.S0; per 1I. Huostoe and;Dr., Lut that the annual netting be' held in th Town Hall on the last Wednesday' i December at the hour of 12 o'clioc Troon; per A. G. Dyer arid W. Trot)] that Mr. id Lacrett be asked to b chairman; per Dr. Lutz 41 G Dyer tlta W. D, Weekes be auditor; per W. Hos kin,- adjournment.—J, 0niatd, See'y, Cotanteii .lf'roceeriints. Council' pursuant statute; in the behalf at the Town Hall, 'Exeter 151 Dec. 1391, all present, .Minutes 0 previous meeting read and. confirmed P. B. Carling—W. G, Bissett that order be granted for the following sums viz Jas. Willis SOc, lumber; A. Cottle 60c Jabot', W. II, Parsons, 65c, bolts; Bisset Bros,65c. hardware; WM. Parsons $7.5 labor; Albert Bissett, $1,S0 do.; Jeo Gillespie 90e: do; Thos, Welsh $406 Itt bor; S. Handforrl $1 labor; the Clerk $87.86 salary postage for 1591; th Treasurer, $o5 salary as Treasurer Isaac l-Iandfoid $3x45 blacksmithiltg n Wm. l lc,ble $2 labor: C. Smith 50c. la bor.—Carried; The Reeve and Trea- surers report to be circulated as for merly, the time for return of the Col- L0640Rol! extended one month on nio- tion of W. G. Bissett -E. Christie, D. A. Ross --T. B. Carling that Messrs Bissett & Christie be committee to see the drain spoken Of by Mr. Crocker and if they see fit let the job. --Carried W G. Bissett—T. B.`Carliug: that the coral; cil adjourn•uritil'call iif; the Rceve.— Carried. ` 11is"Eacune-r, Clerk Cannadian Os;4:'e Chosen Friends• Is a trimly Canadian Benevolent and Fraternal Society, is charted by the Government; and admits both ladies and gentlemen to full membership and full-benetits from age 18 to 55 years and pays the full claim at death or age 75 years, or one half in case of total disability and balance at death or age 75, has also a sick benefit fund paying. $5 per week—certificates aro issued for $500,$1,000 or $2,000 as the member may elect.. The Order gives its ben- efits.at actual, cost as it does tot allow any more surplus than $20,000 to ac- cumulate at one time, The object. of the order is to protect the families of its Members in case of death and the. ntetnbers themselves in the event of disability or old age. The order is controlled by its member, , each mem- .ber having a -vote on all -questions, diviidually first and.. then: by their dele- gate in the Grand Council, every amendment being submitted to the membership in the local councils before being -brought before the Grand Coun- cil. The Order has already- between three and four thousand members. Exeter Council No, .94 has decided for ashort time' longer to admit candi- dates at charter rates. There is a de- cidedadvantagc in joining at charter rate which can only be made known after' initiation. Nnw do not put orf until -to -morrow that which you should do to-day—give in your name "don't "procrastinate" veil, know not what rt, clay may bring forth." He that 'pro- videth not for his owri, and , especially those of his own household, hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. For full particulars see circular or all ply to, any- of the following•, Rev. W. id Martin, Councilor; J. P. Ross,, P. C.; J Senior, V. C.; T. A. 73rown, ;Prelate and Asst Rec.; Mrs. T. A Brown, Recorder; T. Fitton, Trees. • T. 11. trey Marsh- all:: grieve,. Warden.; Nair, t4tur «az, dee • E: Christie, C t e, Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent.; 1)r. Amos Medical 'examiner, or to any of the members. As the 'Council can close the charterat airy meeting apply at once and make sure of getttiug in, at charter rate. T. A Bnowx, Asst.Roe. A, 's. 1e 3r a cl V. s d >c fa" 0 110 & be e- s, z 0 ri e0 • h• • • f s 0 Vestey Meeting. A vestry meeting was held in con- nection with, the. Trivia ` Memorial church on Thursday eventnglast week Rev. F. 1-h Fatt occupying the chair. The meeting being opehed with pray- er, the chairman stated the object of calling them together. - The church wardens gave a brief account of their stewardship, showing the indebtedness the church was involved in. A slight discussion tlrcrl arose as 10 the advisa- bility of introducing the envelope sys tem of collecting -money. The Rev. gentleman stated to the assemblage Trow successfully it had worked in his smiler er t n l ra rsll and felt 'c satisfied if his liresent;congregationwould only a dopt the ieethodthat the clturehward ens would be relieved of a great a- mount of labor . A committee was then appointed, consisting of six gear: men, to wa,i; upon the member's and ask themtto give the system' a trial. After other business had been Iran- saetcdthe meeting was closed with prayer, 6 lib tic,>~SC h a ' if rl{ ➢ t oA t li Minutes. Dec, 7, Meeting held ie the Town Hall at 8 p m. • All present. Items passed. Minutes of previous meeting, LYLTE1Z, • e NOW IS TEE TIME TO Y YOUR FALL cLLor[[t1c, $3,000.00 WOTL TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT AT LESS THAN pRICE1ROLSSLE If you want a Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and Pants, &c. call and see our big stock. the &irgi in TOWN to CxGGSE mom. E. J. SPACKMAN & CO. SAMWBLL'S BLOCK, ONTARIO THE OLD SHIP STILL FLOLTS Though tossed about by manya HARD 1`` A`111-1 BLOW, EL ow too, still not forced to unload her cargo,but would like to litrllten her burden in r order to >�1ake.rooni far the spring trade. We have a quantity of � Y badymade Suits and. overcoats that will make ouo open r � �-eyes when �� er Y 1 yourquote you the price., W, 1 lot t� t, also have a ve of ' Beets and Shoes, Furs,Oloakin . s Shawls, Underwear, and �� obes, Blankets, an"t.,+l. ,� .bs, which will be. sold at h t o lowest possible price. For Trade Made, . e Trade,wo cannot ,..� S O per cent t+� f,f I� we it . .j�.3, V®eLdtJ ®�',3 rwYti.. a but will allow a liberal discount for Highesprice paid for 1 ploclltce Butter 1f1c• Lard 11c; Eggs 17c; Dried Apples acts; Geese Scts• Turkeys�scts• DucksVis'; Gctti, Chickens 6 cts. CALL SOLICITED. Great Baiiaiiis 111 Tillare Iso a large _tasor.tment of Stoves. COOK: Bermuda, Original, . Florida, Famous Cook, Manitoba. COAL: Art Countess, Royed Art, Double Heater, Double Heater with oven .Box. Stoves. OREAT CLEANO SALEI aving a large quantity of Tinware. to disposef � we will hold an OPEN SALE every c3T T .:.� RDA and SATURDAY afternoons and evenings. atrlers now is your time to get cheap tinware;made of the: best Pradley tic and at your own price. Do not forget ct every. Thursday erg ja both Saturdayfterno®Cly & evening. ',41 • A .Y ft VY7 W A W CL i..J ,, a�•r ro p Li When I say I cure I do not mean me •Cly to stop ;them for a time and then have them return auarn I.mean a r dicai cure. %`have made 11,e disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a,. lite -long stod}. I warrant my remedy to euro- the worst cases. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving a -cure. Send at once for a treatise' and.a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and.:POST.OFFiCE. H. U G. ROOT, M. C., 188 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, I O ONTO, ON -r. v THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT 11 salve. from which this paper is printed yva6 supplied by the ORONTO TYKE FOUNDRY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 Wellington St. wes t •TORONTO. Ol'oTT. Exeter er Roller Trills. MMIARI ET REPORTS. WIHEAT 0.90 To 0.951' er bush Our aelii,, Prices. Flour. ;, strong bakers', $800 per 100 best family, 2,50 " t+ 2,00 " 70 a 11 90 ti if 100 'C 0z, 1:10 to 1.25 t•ro tt low grade, Bran, . - Middlings, Screenings, Chop,' Chop stone runningevery day.. TEIt1IS GASII. The Exeter TVIIIling Co Ent,olan Tailor!fid h q c Summer holidays are now about over and the Fall Fairs being close at band, 1 wish to inform my many cus tourers that I am still in my CLD, STAND, (OVER (F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.) And am prepared to do,work in latest style and best of workmanship. x = 11 x II II x II' - II l.� J!ITEEOI II — II x ,Il -- 1 x II - h x (rive me a call and leave your measure and. I Will give you a neat :fit. Over F. J. Knight's C -rover Store. BERT KNIGHT. CITY HOT LONDON, ONTARIO. per day. & J 1VIeMit TIN, Proprietors,