HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-17, Page 5>H'qr O%et' liNifty Years, MRs, WItisLow'k SOOTruio SYRUI' has been used by, millions ofinothoas for then child- ren while teething. If disturbed at night and brolten ot. your rest by a sick child suf- fering toad cryingwith pain of Cutting Teeth send at-onesand got a bottle of "Mrs Wiu- s1ow'sSoothing Syrup" for Children Teeth. lug. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothors,thero is no lnistalte about it. It cures Diarrhwa, regulates the Stomaeli and Bowels, cures Wind. Oolie, softens the gums, reduces In- flammation, And gives tone and energy to the whole system, ""Mrs; Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup,' *for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Frio() twenty- five centra bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure:and ask for ""11lrts. Wzusr.ow's SoornING Svstuz," , State Senator Durban, of Wyoming, says cattle thieves are ruining the ranching business in that: state. Ile says.he himself was compelled to close out a $750,000 business and leave the state. Consbnnptioii Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed ui his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable rem odyfor the speedy and porma- nerit cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Tung Affections, also a,positivo and • adioal cure for Nervous Debility and all I' .rvous Conl lain f vin t4 a teT a tes't0 iLS. wonderful p h (�. YO derf 11 curative powors in tliousiancls of, oases, lids felt it his duty to make itknown to his cuff- ering fellows. Actuated by this motive told. a desire to relieve human sull"ering, I will send free of charge, to all ivho desire it, this reoipe,in German, 1!ronch or English, wi.tk fall directions for preparing -and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Ma,RocheN ster, . Y. The wedding of the Duke of Clar- enee and Princess Victoria Mary has been fixed for March the twenty eighth anniversary<of the marriage of• the marriage of the Prince and Prin- cess of. Wales. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, A young man named Nargang, liv- ing near New Hamburg, 'a vn shot in the mouth, perhaps fatally, by his brother yesterday. Didn't know it was loaned. GOOD ADVICE. DEAn SIRS. -I have been troubled. with headache for over 40 years, and had it so bad about once a week that I was sometimes not expected to live. I was advised to try B:B,B,, and have used 8 potties: I now have an attack only once in four or five months, and fcei that if I continue using: it I will be entirely cured, Therefore I recom- mend it ecolnmend:it highly. Mics. E. A,'SToar , Shetland, Ont, The stockholders of the Richmond Terminal Company )auv met at Richmond, Va., yesterday and re-elected President Inman and the old board pro forma. • Those unhappy persons' who suffer from nervpusiless' and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, 'which are made expressly for sleepless, nerv- ous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 .. cen ts. The Erie railroad has notified the Trunk Line Association that on the 10th tot, their former Felonious with thehi�a' C c ,O ,ar d _11toii road will be re- "lil ed. EDITORIAL EVIDENCE GENTLEMEN, -Your I3,1gy.'rd's Yel- low Oil is worth its weight in old for both internal' and external uses Dur• in; the late La Grippe epidermic we. found it a most excellent preventive and for sprained limbs, etc., there is nsthir%g• to equal it, Wax. PEMBERTON, Editor Reporter, 'Delhi, Ont. At the Il.a.miiton. industrial works Tuesday afternoon Charles Carroll, an, employe, threw his helper, al boy= named John Walsh, on revolving sand drum, and the lad was frightfully i:n(ured. Carroll drew his y ages and shipped: 11.>y ,T " P1�L THE WORMS by using the :safe, and reliable authelmintie Free- man's Worm Powders. The large propeller Oregon, ashore: at the Bay State Shoal west of Brock- ville, is being lightened of her, grain cargo, much of which is damaged. The vessel is badly crippled: A. Mr. Gil- ' :Christ, of Vermilion, Ohio, is Eche owner, headache, dimness of vision, partial deafness, hawking and spitting invar- iably result from catarrh, whicn 'may pc oared by the use of Nasal Balm. It has euled others w1iy'not you? Count Mercier s shit against Mrr. Borthiaume, of La Presse, was contiii i.tetl at Montreal yestertla,y, aged as far at the evidence went the writing, of the alleged libellous article •could not be traced to the defendent, A CHANGE FOR TIIE BETTER. Silts; -I have taken three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and fincl it a splendid medicine for constipation and poor appetitd, I will continue taking it as it is a great blessing and I feel a ,;teat ch)tnge, itt my health since talc- . it,.: ,IBS, V G,iziv, 5 Sydenham St,. Toronto, Ont. Mr. D. A. Mc ,CallofSt. Williams, Ont,, found a Beit lv-made grave in a thicket near Turkey point yesterday, and on digging down found a box with the body of n. man in it. The case is a mysterious one. There is no one article in the line of medicines :hat ,''.ivet so large a return for the ‘money as as &toed porous strengthening piaster, such as Carter's ,mart Weed ante 13cllaidonna Backache Plasters. Governor Merriam ofMinnesota, has issued a circular letter setting forth the terrible destitution which ekis`s Russia and asking than people who are blessed' with iro5 . crit do all in their t n y )ower to milie•ate'thc sttl'ferints of the l h O staryin Eussialis, i• Dr. LaROE' COTTOHOOT PILL.% Safe and absolutely pure. Most poworfnl Female Reg, i1 it or known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for side. Ladies ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, ',Talc- no other kind. Beware of choepilnitatione, as they are danger - out. Sold by all reliable drug.;iste, Postpaid onreeeipt of,lrice. AMERICAN I'ILL CO., Detroit, I11eJu, For sale iu Exeter by J. W. lirowi in,l•, Dr. T. A. Slocurrm's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE 00D LIVER OIL. if you have a wasting away of flesh -Use it. For sale by all druggists, 35 cents per bottlo. The united association of lumbermen met at St. Louis yesterday. The object of the association is to protect the retail dealers and prevent sales by the man- ufacturers direct to consumers. TO INVIGORATE both the body and the blain, use the reliable 'tonic, Mil - burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. The LOndou, England, Star says the British workingman has a hard time before him this winter and will not bless McKinley for ' it for America's , boycott is mainly* answerable for the bad returns. FOR PAIN OR COLDS: GnNTLnraL\,-1+ fifteen months ago I had a healing breast, I tried a num- ber of remedies but got no relief, I then tried Ilagyai•d's bellow Oil, whieli gave me instant relief, .It is the:' Let thing lever need for all kind's of pain or cold. MRs, Jelin CORBETT, St. Marys, Opt, On Monday afternoon a 'little girl named Ed ha Boli tho became nervous While ascending on the elevaton in J. L. Hudson's store in Detroit` and fell off at the third floor. She fell 45 feet and Was almost instantly killed.. Allnervous disorders, aril diseases peculiar to women, such as bearing down pains, suppressions of the periods and weak nerves, can be thoroughly cured by the use of Dr. ' Villiams' Pink Pills. Try then. More sailors lost their lives on the great lakes during the marine season just closed than in any previous year since the lakes were navigated- In till 56indt their death, and most of this number were lost during November. Forty were lost from schooners and barges.; Not' a, passenger,. however, was; -lost. NEW SARUM NOTES. DEar. Suis,•L have used six bottles of B,B.I3. I took it for liver complaint Before I took it I had headache and felt • stupid:all the time, but now I :tin healthy and entirely well: In addition I have a good appetite, which I did hot base pie vioroasly. Ltenni POUND, New Sarum, Ont. The 1xi4a, Govet , eut has been n compelled to provide feed to save the people of Durango and neighboring states from starvation. Drought caused the famine. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is a great aid to internal medicine .in the treatment of scrofulous cores; 1IiGe1.8 and abscesses of all kinds. The Central Vermont, the Consoli- dated, the Vermont of Canada, and the Montpelier c railioa 1. have been consoli- dated, and Will be under Central Ver - Ment railroad control. IT SELDOM FAILS. DEAR Siris, -I tool: two potties of Uagyard's Pectoral 13alsam, and it cured me of hoarseness and tightness of the chest after other . things had, failed. I have also tried B.B,B,; it works splendidly for weakness and headache. SAMuET, MADDOar , Beamsville, Ont. Rankin has demanded, acd will be granted an an'•estigation into the chugs thus his race last.Sunti i with \lcLezin;of New Westminster, B.C., at San Francisco was a "job:" The well l: now n:strengthening. prop arties of Iron, combined with other ton. •, acs and a most terfec.t nervine. a�•e t - found in C'otter's :Iron Pilis, .whish strengthen the nerc•es and body, and. improve the. blood and comple5toe. Suit has been eetered in;"Cleveland by Mr. S. J. Ritchie, asking' for Ihe.dis- solotton of the,Canadiau Copper Coin pauv and the Anglo-American Iron Company, and for'the appointment of a receiver, IuISC01(004OOI COMPOUND.' i recent discovery by of Dell physician :Surecs6f'ully n its erne l c9 t lett9J th,ttstciuhsof )! r r,.tnlfss: Is the only perfect ly sate and ratable medic- ine discovered. Beware of uuprin cd dr uggis ts who offer inferior medicines in place of this. 'Ask: for COOK'S COTTON Roar CoafrotNln, tctlfe nog vubstf fete; or' inclose -51 and 4 throe-ecnt 'Can- ada p6sf age stamps in letter, and we will send, Seated, by return sn ail, Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only,, 2 stamps. Andress I oinl t aly Q; pany,No 31iishor Block 111 Woodward ave, Detroit, 14heb.. Itd Sold in Exr;.rr,a at int. T uo z's, J VY, BRowsxiw'S and by all druggists every- where. For Sale. A desirableresidence in Exeter North; new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected. in 1888. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t PIiYSIC.IANS MEET with no more common or dangerous malady thaln Catarrh, it begins with a, cold in the head, often resists all forms of treatment, and runs from simple irritation of the mucous mem ln'tneto chr00ic inflammation and 1111 structiv.e ulceration. Before Clark's Catarrh Cure was known the doctots adopted a long course of constitutional ti0 UIYient With their patents, but now they recommend them to go to she r, drug ist and get at package of Clark's Catarrh Cure. When the druggist' canno1bpplt~, the, remedy will be sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents, Clark Chemical CO 'Toronto New York. S erman We have selected two or Croup. three lines from letters freshly received from pa- rents who have given German Syrup to their children: in the emergencies of ` Croup. You will credit these, because they come fromgood, sub- stantial people,.bbappy \in finding what somany families lack --a med- icine containing no evil drug, which m t administer with con- fidence can a s •c fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry thele through, ED. L. WILLITS, of Mrs. JAs;W. I IRR, Alma, Nob. I give it Daughters' College, to my children when Harrodsburg, Ky. I troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act like with my little daugh- it, . It is shindy tui- ter, and find it an in raculous, valuable remedy,. Fully one-half of our customers arc mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successfulwith the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood, whooping cough, croup, diph- theria and the dangerous inflamma• tions of delicate throats and lungs. O London Huron & Bruce Railway PaSaenger'Mine Table. GOING Noxra Gorxo SoU'l'R. Ivan p.m. a.m. p.m. London,dep'ts 05 i.25:,Wingham " 7.05 340, -t Lucan Cros' g 8.47 ,20, Bel rave 7.24 100, C,landeboS e f 5 528. Blyth 7.38 h 15. 8 Centralia 0.05 5.45. Londesboro' 7.47. 4.25. EXETER 9.16 5.57, Clinton 8.07 4.45, lfensall 9.28 6.09, Brimfield 8.28 5.04, Kippon 9.34 6.17, Kippers 8;34 5.12 Brimfield 9.42 6,26, Henson 8:41 5.19, Clinton 10.00 6.45. EBSTER 8;57 5.38• Londesboro' 10.19 '7,03, Centralia 9.09 0.45' Blyth 10.28 7.12, Clandeboye 9.18 5.56. Belgrave 10.12 7.27. Liman Cros'g9.24 Wineham 11.00 7.45. London a.rr (015 64.5 EXETER TILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at ROCS & :Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD mid anyon will be convinced that ey have. the Largest and Best Stock- of all kinds of Building Materials in this sec. tion of country,and at the lowest prices. Shincj/es a Specialty, having a large stock on hand We are prepared to meet the keeilf'st competit' ion as to price or quality, We have se- cured the right to Manufactnre and Sell isler.ria.ms celebrated Baking Cab- inets, ab 111 tS.Call 1C see �1 arid and e t rem a id be con- vinced of their merit. ROSS &i TAYLOR, • Main St.. Exeter Biddlilpla. The residence of Thos Atkinson, 2ncl con., Biddnlph, narrowly escaped be- ing burned clown the ether night. Mr. Atkinson and his Wife had gone to a neighbors to spetld the evening' leav- ing a fire in the firb•place, which was the cause of the blaze. The fire was seen in time by some neighbors who quickly extinguished it, but not .before a large hole had been burnt in the floor and some furniture destroyed. Brewster. 11r. J. Curbs is a` present in Berlin, where he was called to attend the fun- eral of his sister-in-1a:w.-Mr. J. Gil- more, who has spent the summer in Manitoba., was calling on friends' and acquaintances in this vicinity during, part of last week. --A ploughing bee and glance was held on the. fai•in of Mr. R. B. Bailey onFriday of last week -Mr. J. t;urts has secured the services of illi'. F. Curren as assistant on his farms for the coming }tear -Miss Mary 1+! fine li,vs returned home from Forest where she has spent the last four weeks. -Spooning' seemed to be the Order of the evening as a certain dance held in this vicinity one night last week..- Mr, and Mrs.: R. O'Brien were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. Jeu• ni5oll on Sunday suit. P.,., "Jennison spent part of last week in the ;vicinity of 'rarkh ell. Bayfield The skating rink is to be let to the hinllt;st bidder on Tuesday ---Miss Susie Burgess, of Detroit, is home here visit ing her parents --31i'. Wm. Johnson who was on 1 he sick list is able to be around, -Mr. Thompson is busy repairing the clam which was broken by the last fresh- et. ---The bridge is in 7 very unsafe con- dition, the centre foundation beiii,g 'uu- de,•nnnc,d.---31r• Simon 31 ddlcholt and wife have returned from their Morley• moon trip and settled down to everyday life, --Mr•. J Ii) Swartz is boing to leave; (1)31• town and has decided to locate in W'inghain• 13ayfield loses one of its husiltr•s,--On Wednesday jr, Stan hiii' assisted by Drs, Gunn and Elliott, am- putated hoth m-putateclbbth feet of one of the unfortun- ate sailors who were east 013 the beach three weeks ago. The patient is doing as well as can be e:peetecl,--Our este- emed Ileet o, iVIr, George Castles; though able to get about, is far from being as robust at he was forty eas ago.' poc131 [iiPorilitor fol itm pox! 30 AYSit Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK --0E--- Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak: together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounge Ola r Tabl.` and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST ULASS GOODS NO SHODDY ELZD � 1, and the prices are from per � cent TEN to TWENTY BELOWtie usual price. a the Earlywhale 1oc bsts, Remember the Stand -Factory and Wareroonis two doors north of Town Hail, Exeter, WALT ANDREWS . UJh* IZ o w ! Why cheap furniture at � 110M91 Fu�1i�l � S�giv Good Bed Room sets from $9,50 and up. " Beds " 1.60 " Sideboards " S.50 " " Ext Tables' "" 6 00 Lounges "' 5.00 • " and all other goods in proportion. Fancy Rockers & Easy Chairs for X.S. See them before buying', they are beau ties, and cheap. As I have my two warerooms full 01o0U must bo $Did to make room for more. "i G, ' � :� i:. lore In this line my stock is second to node, RO'BT. N. ROVVE, MAIN -ST., EXETER. FURNITURE -AT 119S. -•,----,eta-• A very large stock on hard no -v to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed room and Dining Rooth suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking Glasses from 10c and rip. H-undreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a great variety of other Goods suitable for Xrr,as presents and in fact everything, usually kept in- o, first class furnishing house all for prices away down. A good s dozen chairs for N. Come: and see Our $1,75 panel Ben that we "BLOW ABOTT",'the reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring -lona 00)11 easy Chairs and Parlor Fur- niture niture that need re covoi� aswellave a beautiful stock of covers with cord & gimp to Unita.. Drop in even if yeti don't want to bey; Will be happy to see you.. UNDERTAKING A complete stock of everything in this'line from the cheapest to the high est. Also the, only Embalmers. fie Member the name and place GIDLEY'S 96S Od d-I'ellows Block. Opposite J G r i •g's Stationery. SNELL, °° Sty EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock MI Waitu IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings, French and English Worsted Cloth up All made in the Latest a Style, at best .k,Rates. jj Y C SEL L 7I1OID 61iVIR6 OPIUM to children if you wish.for their future welfare. horses E iy .. carol(' of Celery/ Com- pound, Exact formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. En- dorsed by physicians. Send two Dent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Bufaio, N. Y. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders Ieft at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A. TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Exeter -North general Store jIIHjSS CC 6• A Clearing Sale AT and BELOW Cost, We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out. Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1. dull Stook ofr c ri tilt C� es, No trouble to showg goods. We of offer �'neClAtcti®� C, roc for cash. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North A complete stock of Pure and Reliable .e Dru s ALWAYS E-3132,92. . Ptt �aIQos, 11flliSt'8 8IIM.1!s At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. l S1DOWIIIIOII'POWI1I the best in the market, r PROP. C. LUTZ h SURE CUR Pen BO LIOUSN ESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SiCK HEADACHE, ANO`DISCASES or THC STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS: THEY' ARC MILD,THOROODH AND PROli1PT tN 'AOTtON, AND FORM A VALUADLC. AID TO E,URDOCIG OLDOD BITTERS (N THC van -meat ANO GURC Or CHRONIC AND' OBSTINATE DISEASES. FarMer a a it Wo1bsa1e & fltai1 Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, Main -spa, Ezetev, HRISTXE'S CONIpERMAL) First Class R/GS And HORSES,. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE _ OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Torras -33a c ab1� Telephone Connection. ACS'�t.. 13Af tILESS'll- i;fCH E €iIsatulrsiiGp,,F�'S iV S• oro rht1•.,,0for which e y hohozosq nest, raightforward s ta to - s Y'waits &OA ay gin giSee Bow man's. Insist on having' them They Cure ALi, Eoa,1ach s, They am not a Catlurtbc. E FISji IHRBER IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND -where he is FOR ACALI.E. Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN - EASY SHAVE, ANE Era OD HAIRGLTT, LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post -Office. 'vF Laocoon in the coils of the fatal ser- pents was not more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects o.l' dip - ease,, excesses, oyerwor i:, worry, etc Rouse :yourself. Take heart of hone again and rI'. A 1tAN 1Ve lrav-e cured thousands, wlro. allow, 118,10 refer to lbaerr. 1V 1' CAzf cui.r mot 1)7 use of ourC:<C]irriwt7 nietljodu and. appliances. Simple, unfailing -treatment at borne for Lost or i aiding Beat ((d,• G'en oral o2 riervotti J3Cllxl i5; i1'real:rlCs1Cs oz Body :Ind Muicl, Uliects of Errors or Eseesses in Oleg or Young. Robust, Noble ]1tA.. Uool) 'fully ]ostored. J•mpl'ovclnont seen {lie fi ; day. Itow to enlarge ;ince strengthen, �T.)TvliLol'l.i)CiP!;-+, i:3AND Bons . 11011 t.LSi;,.iy l'e'=:i 50Foreign. States tiC1 C�7.:ai.C; - Writs Book, o 1.nufi01 alrd proofs 1)la�l ((, cile 1 'o ..1•'1 J. Address ERIE [) CA .,, 00.3 I'n,la-