HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-17, Page 1IlibSerli be01' I .1 Thor EXEIER ADYOCAlls„ QnlyA froril now ti11,14 unary is 1000, Give i b &tri al, .1".1.4.114[1.1.1061611.1 VOL'. IV. volmomuaralmusug,,uosTascoa....nogarnamrarmalm.astoxemarnmeyouarwoovrAturarommtv.tarsawasxvrearammtm.....1...........1*,...1., EXETER ONTARIO TI-IURSDAYDECEMBER 17 6 The Moisons ank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital._ .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund .... 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. WOLVERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Atoney advanced to good Farm er'S On their own, notes with one or more endorsers 7 per curit per tinaum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from10 a. m. to la ma Saturdays itca a.m. to G. p. m A general banking business transacted :Four per centper annum allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank a b 8 par cont. N, DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan. 28, '88. Sub Manager. THE 0,c3t,eUr brocate, Is published. every ,Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, --- EXETER, By the SANDERSPUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.. One Dollar per annum if paid. in. Advance. L 54.0 if not so paid. .aa.-sr....el•t5..e..z.-2.g -.Mates cal. paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions wilt be published till forbicl and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserte.d for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnecl out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, &c. for ails ortisiug, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Church Directory. TRIvivr MEMORIAL CIIMICIL—Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. ni and 7 p. m. Sa b b a th School, 2.80 p. in. — InETRODIST OILIIRCII-40,Mes-0t , Rev. A.. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, io.30 a. m . ancl 6.30 p. in. Sa b bath. School, 2.30 p. M. MAIN STREET—Rev. W. McDontigh'Pas- tor, Sunaity Services, 1.t.00 a.m.. and 6.30,p.m. Sa, bbath School 4.30 p. rn. PRESBYTERIAN ORURO-R.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. in. and 0.00 pq. in. Sabbath School, 0.45 a. in. ma....1.r.,,......coskatssagasanaisam.a.summommerair rrOceSSIOnat Cards. • .411.p.,,,I.1....Wilk../.015111affe.,.•••••1*.110•*11.e...•001•••=111111•0. H. KINSMAN , L. D. S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at liensali on 1St Friday; Alisa.Craio. on 2ild and ,lth Tuesday; . ..„, e.t.a:a Zurich on last Thursday of each month. - CH. INGMm RAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Unice over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. line Gold :Fillings as reciuirecl. • IfRED. W. FARNCOMR, Provincial Band ,Surveyor and. 'Civil Engineer. Office, ffi _ Post Oce, JNIiii.o. streetsE-.• ,eter, Ont. 411 . — ..,.....----,..................4................-----...—........- Medical. 1.e• as T B WHITELY, AI. D., C.11., PHYSICIAN f...? • and Surgeon. Office 'ancl residence - 0 orner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DR. T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence—Corner Andrewand North Streets, Exeter, On.tario. DR. T. P. AU:LAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians ancl Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood., Ont. TAATVD MILL1?,R., Veterinary Surgeon., .11-1 Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, (Successor to Wm, Sweet, V. S ) Over 10 years practice. Office •and residence one block east of RichardPickarcls store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont TAB. T. AMOS, M. D., C. M , Member of _kJ College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Colic:go of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- 'tiu,te of tilaFaccilty of Physicians and. Sur geons, Glasgow '• Yellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, Office—Dr. Cowen's old sta,nd. ' , - 11. McIELLAN, EVE & EAR SURBECii. • Graduate Now York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor. Maple and Talbot streets. • LONDON, --- ONTARIO. ML.STLe10.31S11,314111: - 1.111111.1.......VII•n•Oternrererift7n/.1.1.1111.1npatrnI111 H. COLLINS, I3ARRISTER, SOLIOIT- t. Conveyancer, Notary. Public. Office— Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. -1(H.'. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • Of Su:Ironic Court, Notary Public,, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, g.2, -c. Money to loan Office--Eapson's Block, Exeter, TIALLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan t nier cent. , B.Y ILLio'r. J. ELI.10T mumonak.o.vorawlegmonowsnommesnry.novoniw-rvarawmonnmarwriewLeven.• • AUCtiOn ••••••••••*61.171,IMS007....16•11.1••••• lT ROWN,Winchelsca. Licensed Auct- i•Dioneer for the Counties of Perth arid Middlesex, also fOr the township of Usborne Salo§ prom ptly attendeit to and:term s reason a hl o. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa A J, ROLI,INS, late of Manitoba, Moons': •wed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable priceS. HOLT, 1:Chiva, Ontario. Licensed amc t- • fencer fel. the Counties of Middlesex and Larabton, and the townships of Stephan lyna Hay All sales promptly a ttended.t o, 1(711 DOSS..61,TBERRY,Ilensitil Ontario. Lie - .1.1d • en sed Auctioneer for the Countys of Huren and' Perth. Charges moderate and Satisfactioi gUartinteed. LHA, LicenSed Auctioneer f'or the i 'County of Huron. Stiles Concluct,ed on rett3onable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a pecialty. Full arrangements, can be Made at this office. FATIMS FOR S'AL142,, West half of lot 10, Concession 5 in tbc townrthip of' Usbornein the CO1111 ty of Huron containing therein 50, acres more or Jess. Mora about 0 0 acres cleared an -1 the bal- Truce bush, bein g mixed with black ash and cedar. A good Wind-in,with it good well oe wator and )vell suited for gtock raising, For Cur fdi or particulars apply to GO, nun t- cr. RidgetoWn or to John Hunter, Jr. Exeter Mr, G. A, Hy nelman iyishes to inform the eitizeits of:Exeter tiud surrounding country that he has secured an agency: —reit FINE FLA,VOED TEAS 4N1) COFFEES --and also - FIRST - CLASS BAKING POWDERS. Orders loft at his residence, Albert.st., or at Dr. Ilyndrmin's Office,' MainSt., will receiveeprompt attention. G, A, -/Tratlin • Exeter, Out. VIRE WOOD WANTED, • _me Three-fourths of it well seasoned, 20 cords bard wood or 30 °arils Soft wood. Apply be-. fore Christmas to Box 117, Exeter, stating quality, kind and price. N OMINATTON. .1%.Toruination meeting. The meeting for the nomination of Reeve, 2 Deputy Reeves, and 2 oouutzill or wili be held at noon on Moneay, the 28th day of Bern m tar at Town Hall in Crediton, -L. PROUTY. 286-2 OTICE. • Notice is hereby given that the Coun- cil of the Irunicipality of Stenhen Township will apply to the next sitting of the Legis- lature of Ontario for a Special Act t,empow- er saiemenicimaiity to consolidate Muir in- debtedness on account of Gravel Road De- bentures to extend fora term not to exceed ten years. 0. PROUT Y, Hay P. 0.,.On b., December. 233-6 BUSINESS TO BE CONTINUED. Mrs, John Gould begs respectfully to inform the public that she has siicceeded to the Sit w mill business form erly con d noted by the late John Gould, (her husband), and she begs to asSurc the community, Who littYo favored her predece.ssor with their custom, that they wilistili be able to have work dem) in the lumber line as heretofore at the same moderate prices Inc formerly. With the hope of giving ,satisfaction to till parties Mrs. Gould has determined to con- duct her business npOn...liberal principles, and takes this medium in behalf of her bus - 'band 'o f thank ing'th e public for their past .patronage and favours. $7 •••••• 09 000•000 Q. • 9, /••,, fsteAti persons 'who Want—. CHEAP MONEY at 51, 6.and 61 PER CENT should call —at the Off= of It, COLLINS • ViritatT MONEY. I A Scheme by Which You Will Se- cure a Year's Subscription to a Great Paper Free, A years subscription to the popular "MEDICAL ADVISER" oral Farm Hem, published at Bowmanyille, Ont., which is a most valuable edition to the Farm inas Community and which we are pre - pat by special arrangement, to. film. ish that great publication for one year FREE to any of our subScribers, who Will pay up all arrearages on subscrip- tion and one, year in advance' • and to any lie iv subscribers who willpay 011e - year in advance. By this arrangement IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to receive the MEDICAL ADVISER and • FARM HELP for one year, It will be to your advanta,ge to call premptly. Sample, copies cam be seen at our office. Hair Cutting And shaving 'done in first-class, style during; the holiday season by E. H. Fish stanaiveraary, On' Sunday ,anniversary Sermons were delivered in the JameS street chureli, in the, morning by the Rev, Mr. McDonough, and •in the evening by tile Rev. Mr, Henderson, of Carmel church, Hensall, to large gatherings. On Monday evening a tea was provid. ed. in the basement, but owing to the inelemency -of the weather th0r0 Were not as many in attendance as there would have been had it been otherwise Still crowds thronged the heavily laden tables to refresh themselves for several hours, and afterwards' wended their way t� the body of the church where it varying program was carried out Rey. A, L, Russell occupied the chau. during the evening, and • speeches Were deliyered by the Revs. Mr. Allan, Centralia, and Mt. McDonough, Exeter, • etteh discourse, being received with enthusiasm by those congregated. The The topic, of discussion for the even- ing's enjoyment was "Loyalty to your country," which was ably handled bY the Rev. Mr. McDonough. Mitsie arid singing was furnishecl. by the choir. The whole: affair Was a success socially and financially, and Wa.a. intended to limve been the best in the history of the ehtirch. Proceeds of the evening'S substantial kb amOutited to over CYO While several: Other gifts were given that are not include,dlek social Was given on TueSday under the same au:Spices and was 111 g013 attend; ed Isy the children who are Members of the chipth 8(41001. This brought to a close anOther of thoSe amniVeraarica Which are looked forward to every Year. Preceeds, inChading' colleetiona and' all donations, ameiintedio $102.52 P. isODitiMi.ekktliim, Mi Theinas Powell; foirnei1'it real - dent 02 this plate, now of Tiirtiberry township, was the guest of Mr, and nis. Richard Davis during the paat week. Although haying reached a ripe old lige, he is aptive andsmart and was busily engaged. during, .his shot visit chatting with many of his old as sociates.--Mr. James Dennis returned froin,British. Columbia, laet week aftea beiose absent from' the yillage a little Oyer three we&l b Itc reportS having he.-ol. a pleasant joueney- and 'speaks highly of the western . country -Mr Christain Hegandet, of Toronto, was in tewn during the Past week renewing hissacquaimance with many ,of hIS for Mei- associates r. Ro bai 1 S n de ha's returned 'ao'ain after beimg tho northern district for SOIlle titIle 011 a onntiog ThomAs BiS sett returned from the North ),Vest on Saturday evetimg and appears to be in .good health. He intends remaining during the w lutes Months to spend a Vamstion 00 itli MS wife anti faintly. -- 'Miss Mainie Sandei s' who haS been li rl'ormito and a, n timber of other places vieitingsfor seye1;i1 months, has re turned home .again.-7Judge .Doyle, of Cloderich was in the village on Monday Mid Tuesday. --Mr. Fred Farneotnbe, Was called to his parenis. home hist week, in London Township, preyious to the death of his father whose demise oecurred ou Satinalay. , The remains were in teraed it', their last, resti ng• plaee on Monday near St. Johns, amid a large g'allpring of relatiyes tnd friends K4) Oor, Brueelield, ia spend Mg a few days in town, the guest Of Mies Amelia Oke. • Whalen, Daniel Burns and wife and Miss Hawkins, of St. Marys, were visiting at Mr. Kehoes on Sundays -'The new store .at Whalen is doing a rushing business at present. --Mr. Wm. Hogden had a wood bee recently and a large pile of wood Was the result thereof. -The Pat rons of industry at Whalen is, we are told, going to fall through. Usborne, .-aassesmasssassaassaaa'a, , mommar-astr., Tho• ADVOCATE OFFif.2 nceet ssale Bilis, 'Jaen 1)ills, LesSes.,„ lioadS and 1 veto pes,-irt saet all kind0 of printing; NO 23C .which came from the strings of the said report sliewed that the poor house violin, until all seemed to be satisfied, plan was more expensive than the pee. when they returned to their respective sent plan Of caring for them, He w as homes feeling much beileillted by the followed by '. Prouty, whose object evenings enjoyment woe to shew that a poor house system was more imbued with the principles • Grand Bend of !annuity, tnorality, religion and • ecotionty. He quoted. tbe cost m1 d. *1111 expenses, interest and Tvers:, exeeadi last week Mr W. B. Ennis met with a painful kiccident by w;ilking out on a girt which was supported a by prop, it giving NV4ty let the tenant break and lauding Will down among the sleepers, which gave hill a general shaking up. -Mr. 1). 'Hagen feturnel to his home in Hi I isg• roe, n on Th u rsd ay 1 a s -M rs. Ella and her husband are visiting her parents and friends in this viciitity at present. -Miss Annie E. Love had a severe attack, of Inflammation of the Bowe,ls on Saturday night. But under the care of Dr. Metherell is receyering as fast as could be expected -At the residence of the bride's mother on Wednesday of last week Rev. Mr. Car riere was again called in to perform the Marriage of Miss Mellie, younge.st daughter of Mrs. G. Gratton to Mr. 1. Sharrow, of Michigan, who was sup. ported by Mr. Mese°, of the same place. The bride was attended by Miss Dis- jardine, of Resanquet bIlfore about sfx- ty Invited gue,sta, 'all of Whom ieln with 3 -our coreespmident wishing! as spend their tune and property in them a preaparous journey through life public houses to the neglect of any lawful calling, (5) and idiots. Both sides figured from the Huron Commit tee's report and both claimed that the. report favored their side. The clods. ion was given in favor of no poor house, on the -ground of economy.-- Zurich., Christmas tree festimil in Sodom Tues- day evenieg•, 22nd inst. A number of iuvited guests assem- bled at the residence of Mr. A. Demp- sey, on Tuesday evening last to pay a tribute of respect to his daughter Liz zie who left yestemday (Wednesday) for Loudon, and will leave for Mode.sto,Cal to -day, 'whe,re she will meet her affian- clod Mr. John G. Smale, of Modesto, for me,r1s- of Usbm-ne, and ere long will be united in the holy bondsuf matrimony. We congratu!ate, Mr. Smale on his choice and feeloissured that., Kis part ner niad lila life happy. • Brumfield. Miss M. McDonald Hespeler is visit [ng her Aunt Mrs. D. Cameron at pits ent,-Mr. A. Wurm has returned limn° from Tolonto.-Mrs. Grant, Of Port: age la Prarie>,ho has been visiting friends here was suddenly called home owing to the illness,of her daughter - Mr. D. Cameron and D. 'Ross are expect ed home this week from Manitoba. The Christian Endeavor .anniyersary ser- vices will be conducted by. Mrs J. A, Clarke, of 'Toronto, next Sabbath. He will also deliver a lecture 'Monday eyenings-Quite a number of our Gild: zens are attending the revival. meet in g at Kippen.-gJ.Pollock blacksmith is making large improvements on his shop. Goderich., 41. The trial of thepetition apapalist the return of M. C Cameron • as member foe West Huron opened in the Court House, Goderich; on Decernber 14th before J ustice Ferguson and Robertson. There Was a large attendance of spect- ators althoursh it was known before hand that the, proceedings would he • merely of a formal character. On Sat- urday last Mr. Cameron • havino- covered that some of his friend's had acted indiseretly in the canvass signi- fied his intention of resigning his seat, and the petitiomer and his friends thereupon agreed to forgo further in- vestigation of the charges preferred' at the trial. The petetioner was repres, ented by Mr. S..F. Blackstock, Q Toronto, and Mr. E. Campion, Q. C., of Goderich ; the respondent was repre- sented by Mr, J. T. Garrow, Q C., of G oderi ch. . Connally. Messrs Miller and Spoon, of Hensall were visiting their parents near this place on -Sabbath last.-Mr.,A. Purcion was the guest of Mr. White:on Sunday. Messrs McLachlan and Liyingstone, threshers of this place, haying purchas- ed a chopping Machine are now pre. pared to give good satiafaction: to the farmers who see fit to patronize them in that line at 5 ets per bag. -Mia W. Thempaon, School section No. 6,fieid an enttrtainment on Friday night last and. was amongst the best ever held in this vicinity. The program was good and lengthy eenteiluing• some very 0X-. calent dialognes, songs and recitations Tbe most of the .eyeninge enjoyment was catried out by, the pripils, which so aS acted in first elaSs style, it fleeting great Credit on the teacher,' Proceeda amounted to $84.-A very enjoyable evening! WetS spent .at the reSidefice of Mr, Oswald 1Valker last Week. The firat Sport indulged in Wag A pacing bee; second WAS a taffy pull, and the third VMS keeping time 16 'the 'SOMA At the raising of Mr. Brenners barn • ture of the poor 11011SO of Waterloo and MakeS Sgra UP tO $5205.b5 with a good chance of deductiag same hund reds from that amount --as compared with the imperfect WM of the poor in Huron, which coet in 1888 the, sum of $6882.91, leaving' a balance in favor of a poor house of $027,36. Br. Harris closed the discussion in his usual hap- py way, his line of reasoning beineecs the abuses in similar institutions in Eng. land, and alSO MI expenSe c,f a peor house --all the speeches from both sides were very goodarid TO 010 purpose. At the end of Mr. Carrick's • speech the (.111.11111111 (MI 131okenshire) stated that he wished the speakers would (011f)11(.themselves to the poor alone as tramps, vagrants Were not adrnisble, to the poor house. C. Ptoutv referdd to claim 48, 8, 879 of 87 v., pointing out that not onlY the poor were admissible, bstt (1), all others who Were destitute and able to work but would not; (2), all .:persons leading a vagrant life; anti (8) alisuch with every.suceesa in their new horn 111 Michigan. -Miss 'Mary Pollock •re tut tied to her' heme 111 Ingei•sol, on ''TuesdaY last, where she intends to spend the winter. . Mr. L. 3enediet returned home last Saturday 'after, spending the summer in Dakota, while:there he was in the threshing business • He intends to leave, for Dakota next March. -Ester the oldest daughter of Mr. E. Apple is at present very ill; but we hope to hear of' her speedy recovery. -Mr. J. F. ic'oiiett1e' is also confined to his bed, We hope to see him around again be- fore long. The weather is very disagreeable caused by the continuance of rain which NVe are having of late, The roads are in a very Muddy state and travelling is done with great diffi- cultys-s-Council met last Saturday and put things of the past year into order. Municipal Election is the "Topic of Con YersatiOn a,gainsand no doubt there will he a lively si,lectiOn as there are ID be two Deputy .4 *eves in the next years coml. ei -.Om a b preparations are being 4or q.'rfts- zelrfeh' P utile School Concert to be held here Friday night Dec. 18th in the Town Last Monday While, Mrs, Hem -y Da tera was driving atom; ;he Goshen Line the Ing becathe • unfastened causing the buggy to run against the horse Which gave a jerk throwing the occupant out who escaped with a broken arm. No other serious damage was done. -Mr. Geo. Fassold was visiting in the vicin- ity last week, Farquhar. Mr, Robt. Gardiner Jr. who was stricken with paralysis a, short time ago will soon be able to be around again. -The debate 11 -id here on Fri- day evening last under the a.uspieces of the I 0. F. of this place passed of splendidly the subject was Resolved that the Patrons of Industry Associat- ion was a benefit to the Community,the captains were Mr. A. McLean for the affirmative and Mr. P. Madge for the negative but as neither captains put in anappearance the subject was ably handled by their seconds, Messrs: Hay and Borland and after some able dis- cussion on both sides it was decided in favor of the affirmative Mr. E. Hewitt acting as refreeMr. Geo. Bell . and family Of this place have taken up their residence in Batchelor Hall, about a mile south of this place. -Mr. Robt. Gardiner Sr. new house i•gcently built in conneetion with the itore is fast nearing completion and adds greatly to the appearance of our village -The subject fot debate by the number of the P. of I. on Tuesday evening will be Resolved that aunexation to the United States will be preferable to Independs ence for the future of Canada. -Mr. Arch MeDougall uf the boundary has been in Mitchell during -the past week Undergoing an operation Of having an absess removed from his throat. SOdOlit. The diseussion on the poor house question came off on Friday as an- nounced, • There was a large attend- ance. The chairmen were S. Broken - shire, John Ford and Charles Box, Mr Brokenahire acting as leader. First speaker was Wm. Ford, his line of arg- ument wag the tramp nuisance -follow- ed by Sam Stanlake, hiS aim to shew that the poor would be better cared for at home -next speaker was Silas Stan - lake the elder he shewed the tost of a paupers nd ehe inconsistency of send- ing the poor to jail -he svaa folloWed by Silas Stanlake the younger, his ob- ject being to shew that by the poor house System more expense Would be ineurred than by the present Way; he W'15 foflowed by John Carrick, whose objeet WaS to shew from the County Couneil'a coMmittee's report that a poor houSe was a more ecmiornical way than the present, He wag followed by Mr, Sweet, who, reasoning from the Same report,ondeavoured to shew that Crediton. There passed away to her rest on Wednesday =mince in her 44th year, after a prolonged iirness of Pulmonary consumption, Mary An mo, beloved wife of Dr. R. Criskerys She had been 'a great sufferer to that dreaded disease, and her spirit has now gone to brigth: er mansions where the weary are, at rest. The husband has the sympathy a many friends over the loss of his faithful partner in life as she was very niuch respected by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintanee. The grand entertainment of S. 8 No 2, Stephen, comes off on Friday even. ing 18th inst., at 7 o'cloek sharp. Come one, come all. ---The telephone boys are making.rapid progress. Th,ey are out as faraS CretlitOn and purpose 'going as far as Exeter before Xmas. • Then we will have communication with the Dashwoodites.-Mr. James Clark, our Popular and enterprising- man, is building up the cornet of Main street Opposite Mr. Hill's hotel, putting thereon a harness shop, also tailor shop and hall .upstairs. He intends building a brick house and bank barn 40x60. He is still busy making harness and has sold over 40 sets in two months.Mr. I Hill has just completed his bank barn it being one of the best in the • town- ship. -Mr. Eli Ring is busy drawing stuff for a large barn next summer. -- Mr. Maynland is the gnest of his broth- er in-law'Mr. Hooper. -Mrs. Jos. Ed- wards and son are of on a holiday trip May they have a pleasant time. -Mrs. Jas. Lamport, who has been on the sick list, is recovering. -Mr. H Lamport and wife have returned from London. He reports sleighing dull. --Eli King - arrived home safe and sound last week havina. spent a pleasant time in Michi- ga,n.--fWe are glad to see the smiling face of R. Hodgins again. • Robert pre- fers the bed to the ditch "bedad."-A.; Hill ,,intends holding the mammoth shooting match Xmas time. --Walter Runty starts for the north on We,dnes day on an extensive trip, possibly - wedding. -Mr Thomson, the teacher, is going to leave ;tt Xmas and will be sadly missed in the Crediton choir. Ah .g.CCIDENT.-On Monday a painful accident happened to Mr, Wesley Kerr, son of Mr. John Kerr, brickmaker. It appears that while he was busily en. gaged feeding a straw cutter, driven by four horses, it became clogged, and in order to free the obstacle he had to throw it out of (sear while in motion, when his hand slipped over the top, the knife catching it and. almost severing it fiom the arm. The sudden entan,g lelent brought the machinery to a sttindstill, and some twenty minutes elapsed before he woo released. Having retained his senses amidat all confusion after being liberated he was driven in o hug^gv to Dr. Staebler's, upwards of a mile distant, where, upon examinat- ion it was found that a cut extended from the wrist to the palm of the hand, only a small pamtiele of skin being left to hold it together The young man is doing as well 88 can be expected under the circumstances, feeling anxious for it to once mere become sound. -Mia August Hill, of the Central Hotel, has been confined to his bed with an attack of inflammation of the lungs, He is now recovering slowly. -Mr. Joseph. Simi, a resident one Mile south of here, has had an attack- of inflammation, but is noW on the mene--Division court was held here on Tuesday last and a number of eases wore disposed of by His Honor, Judge Doyle.-eMr, J. T. Westcett, of Exeter, the general agent for the Steno and Wellington nursery of TOronto, is canvasing the village this week for fruit and' ortjameiani trees for next Spring delivery; Stephen, Air, William Bags ha w, who we am-- . pounced before as being very ill, "51, aae glad to :be klble annodnee that"' lie is recovering 'rapidly -under the-- painftil nature of his malady --R whispered ar010/Cl ThAt th6 silence of; 01)1. tnidtt Will be broken shortly by - the weddin bells --The entertainment L'. - gien, by die P. of Th ing of last week imIS 00e11 attended, thee everting being all that could be Nisi -seat for, and the pamaaramme, which consist- ed of instrumental isinSic, songs, duet5,. readings,: recitations, dialogues, eeMs. was well received by the audience ;in.& met with rounds of applause. The Question of the To -morrow the electora are askedIsa She powers that be to decide for smie, time a miter that has been a sonseee of disquietude for ma uy years. This,' matter is the site of the preseut grain: market,and whether io justiee the spot. should be for the future as now, or bea removed,as better adapted' for the purs- poseao the grounds surrounding- thee town hall. Before discussiiig the clues:. tion, would 11 1101 be wise to consider mu Yhat basis we ai•e to meet, whether mae parties to two sides and in aecordantes with the principle accorded to the le ti. fraternity of simply trying to destroy - each others are -titan ts with the vic'or- 10 win,or else to meet as parties wbm may perhlips be both in error and haym- both resolyed to' find out the, trutlahowa justice, can be done, and to deeida ocr- corrlinglv, We thiuk our leaders'witil agree with us that the last plan iese pemferable, and consequently - will speak and discuss the matter- jost.that thought, And then will?: it not be well to gofurther atid le:awing:- aside personal selfish interests ana. discuss on the more patriotic basis sit: the good of allthe best interests of the:: . community at large! , We think TM" carry the popular verdict for the en- terprise. Then we begin, our aim iso now to decide on the spot for a market - that the best interests of a town may be served. And remember luso doiage• that it is an inevitable -law that thee - buyer shall be served well by the sel- ler, the sellers interests is centered' Lusa good btiyer, the buyers intereats in tbes most eon veniontlocation to purchaseiv, for his own interest. This is the univer- sal law of trade, then the idea of locat- ing a market is connected with- the, thought of placing it in such a positiona that all hustera' may most ,eon venienasat meet ancrwhere the busineas interestsoir a progressive town can be best servea. ' Should all general public businesaa institutions be placed where most con-, venient to the business publiglbr where's best suiting particular interests! The - good of the whole is the law that7 society and best government alone. recognize ,.'arid consequently a public: business institution for the benetit nt the general business publia as buyers; and sellers, it must be located as near - as possible to (first) the centre of busie; ness and (secondly) as' near as possible-, to the centre of population. Unfortu- nately our market fails to meet either - of the foregoing requirements. Judginse: by the aboveit has been wrongly placedi Have we judged according to just - rules, if so, the verdict MUST stand, and,' judgment given in accordance. The s market is in its wrong position. The interest of the business public, that part which forms the life of a town's:a progress,has been nepetle.cted and an ins -al itution which should be their conveni- ent instrument of trade has been placed' hi such a position as to be an impossible: convenience. Should this error not- be -- corrected that is the question which the, elestors are now asked to decide. : Is it best to 00*130 a false step or correct, it, to bend to it or boldly acknowledges our error and do our best to retrieve It.. The principlethat involves the lie to. hide it makes it worse, if involved here - If weare on the wrong track we care never go right by going further in that - direction and it follows that if we ham, made a mistake in placing the market we can never be wise in pursuing- the - wrong direction taken. The evil of am,. uncorrected mistake will be as surely felt here as in a misplaced switch, or the s first steps of a gambler. We must face,: right about and do right. Voters wilt you do right without fear of consequen- ces. Will you do right as all names NY0>' truly honor have done and vote to cor- rect a wrong already done, though it' involve personal loss. Do we reaselum rightly, 12 50, will you vote right. 7111/14.1t11_01A.GES. CITARIMON-GOULDING.--in township, on 10t1) inst,, by the R,ey. R. Wilson, at the residence of the: bride's father, I. Lewis Charlton, tos Miss Lucy M. Goulding, daughter of James and IVIargaret Goulding, nli LondOn Townsnip. Art ICTILS. STESVART.--In Exeter on Dec. the 1211aa the wife o2 Mr. J. A. Stewart, of son. .E110.ArirklfS. rAnNOintn.-In London township, orev the llth inst,, Iliontas Farticonaba a,ged d7 yearS. Crtostr,n,r.-In Creditoh, mo the iettt inst., of pulmonary eonSuMptien...„ Mary Anne, beloved wife of Dt. CrosItery, aged 44 years.