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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-3, Page 8
11III1 RINTIEfilifE Special—Draw a it from the Lake Shore directly east to R.ippwn tui Weal by way of Stat ana CrnulartV to Ful- lerton and Russetdale, then south to Kirkton and Woodham tliorr west again tai Olandeboye tend terminating by rutty of IVIeGuirc, Mount Caantel,Corbett and Glieeilt; L} • ' d Bend you have at Oxr•.tt t the outside boutldary of the fieldwhich- THE 'WART aims to cover rsitlt its goods and ens' tonaor b. To secure this we have to: keep a large supply anti certainly are not failiag iii this respect, Dar store is literally crowded with goods and Holiday: Stock ready for seekers of Hol- iday Gifts, Every des: •cable thing we could think of has been: placed to meet our cust0nler•s,;O ants and no we Cor- dially invite then: and their friends- to call and pass a pleasant half hoar iu looking through. We Wish to make our -store worthy of Both our. Customs and Ourselves fear ask for their <tnd. naw with little a verdict. ' Don't forget ]f 11 0 ra s Co t Cer t Friday, alt t a •:I)ce 1t11 . , Ladies and gills lined Loots at low prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. Bed blankets all wool and union, white and grey at the Exeter Woollen Men's and boys'oyereoats all reduced 25 to 40 per cent at the 13ig Bankrupt Store, I)o you know you eau save money by y buying your goode at the Big buying Bankrupt Store. Call and the stock of Grey azul white bed blankets, also horse blankets at the Exeter 1 0o1t n Mills. goods pieces of choice dress to be sacrificed at the Big Bankrupt Store— see'them. Great values, Great rush for Tweeds and Worsted Suits at Richard Pickard and Son's. The prices are selling them. Cromptons .celebrated coraline corsets for 75te, Cromptons yatisi corsets for $1,00 at the Big Bankrupt Store. 17. oni'�gitl+70, THEMART. halter. Great Closing Out Sale FOR 60 DAYS, —dTTho Bi! Bariltrqt toro. — A'clear saving of 25 to 40 per cent on all your purchases. The whole of our magnificent stock to be sacrificed. BARGAINS FOR 60 DAYS. BARGAINS FOR 60 DAYS. BARGAINS' FOR 60 DAYS. Over 300 pieces of Choice Dress 'Goods to be cleared out. Many lines .at less than actual wholesale cost. 10c Dress Goods for 5c. 12ac Dress Goods for 7e. 20e Dress Goods for 120. 25e Dress Goods for 16c. 50e Dress Goods for 30e. a 75e Dress Goods for 50c. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. -. Plenty of reserved seats to be had at Dr. Late's Drug Store for the Odd -fel- lows' Concert Friday evening, Dec, 4th NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur- gative, acting on the Stomach. Liver and bowels, removing all obstructions. "It leads them all," is the general reply of druggists when asked about the merit of sables of Hood's Sarsapar- illa. See the job lot of mantles and ulsteis •o•$7,$S & •e U Bankrupt `tl t Store, t all r 0 S � , the B 73 , at�, $9 coats, your choice of the lot for $3.50. Carpets, Curtains, 011 Cloths, etc., away below regular prices at Richard Pickard and Son's. They Must be cleared. Remember that you can save from 10°/0 to 50°/; 00 all kinds of Dry Goods during Richard Pickard and Son's Great Sale 150 Ladies' Mantles, Ulsters and Jackets bought at a bankrupt sale; your choice for $3.50.. See them at the Big Bankrupt Store. Richard Pickard and Son are selling pills and Dress Goods of their own im carting, cheaper than ordinary Mer chants can buy them. • Ladies you can get Millinery and Mantles at your own prices during Richard Pickard and Son's Great Sale. They want the money. Insti- tute S 1r '1 ltn1C t .Met 1 At � r Derr u of A i � M Tuesday ' n 14� n \ r. john alt ; r evening l trate au �uescla� ., Callum was ektetedpiotem. do 1111 the yaeaney of Rev.S• F. Robinson as presi- dent of that lnstittttion, After ehoosing Mr, Meallum as president it was nec- essary to oleet,a new vice•president, as Mr. McCall -Mu held that position prev' ions to his appointment. Mr. John Taylor was,by an unanh ousvote, des - hand caught, going clear through the ignited to that post, band and holding hum silsponded to the fence anal he managed to ' extra- tate himself from his very uneomfort- able predicament - Christmas titlycrtisinr. This is tho time of the year in which the mind of the energetic merchant Ia (f t ` 1 i ) turns towards se(,uz z �, d share Christmas ?rade, The mouth of De- cember and wintry weather hayo ar- rived and it will be unneeessary to re- mind dealers of the propriety of an- nouncing their readinsss to dispose of seasonable gods. But three weeks re- main between now and Cnristrnas, and. as in former, years, this will, no doubt, bo the there in which the winter sup- plies and holiday gocels'of many fanlil res and individuals will be purchased. Good sleighing Will bring ,many from the surrounding country with the pro- duce of their farms, and naturally a busy period is looked for. Those de- siring; to purchase goods 0,f any. de- scription should eonsuit the columns of the ADvocawTJ and dealers who have not , made. special aneenticantent of their holiday goods should do. so at once and place therns(:lvea among those Who are ready for the rugh. Uaiaadian Order Chosen Friends. Is a trimly Caanadtan Benevolent and Fraternal Society, is charted by the. Goveranent, and admits both ladies and gentlemen to full membership and full benefits from age 1$ to 55 years and pays the full claim at death or age 75 years, or one half in case of total disability al}nd balance at death or age 75, has also a sick benefit fund paying $5 per weer:—certificates aro issued for 5500, $1,000 or $2 000 as the member dent L . A,c. 3 Mas. cent befell rT< Av very painful. accident tOI Herb, son of Mr, 1s lac Il;arrdfol d, on the farm of Mr. James 1landford, of Us borne, on Saturday last, awhile getting over a fence. it appears that he had surmounted' the fence, and made a spring to the ground, tt the same time resting ono hand on the. fence where a large flail was projecting in which his. Sunday last was noticeable in the history T of tyle Trivitt Memorial church for three distinct reasons, first being the first Sunday. in Advent., second the beginning of another Ecclesiastical year, and third, the first time for the Rev. Fred Hoiing batt occupying the pulpit of the church in his area+ pariah. A large congregation were present 10 the evening to listen to the gentleman give his discourse on the teachings of the Holy Book, which was handled in such a manner as to gain the best of attention from those in attendance. We welcome him to our midst and wish him every success in the works he has been called to •perform, Men's 55.60 Overcoats for $3.75 Hen's S.00 Overcoats for 5.00 Men's 9.00 overcoats for 7.00 Men's 11.00 Overcoats for 8.50 Boys' Overcoats reduced 25 per cent. Boys' Suits reduced 22 per cent. BIG VALUE, BIG VALUE. BI.G VALUE, BIG VALUE. Men's 60c Top Shirts for 40 cts.. Men's 25c Shirts & Drawers for 18c. Men's Rubberine collars, 3 for 25 ets. Men's Rubberine Cuffs for 18 ets. Yd. wide 55c Union Carpet for 45c. XMAS GROCERIES: CHEAP. XMAS -GROCERIES CHEAP. 20 lbs Best Granulated Sugar for $1. 25 lbs Best Bright Sugar for $1. 7 lbs Best Rice for 25 cts. 9 lbs Best Oatmeal for 25 cts. N. P. Soap, 3 pound bar, for 15 ets Now for the Conditions on Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS There is in, our window a glass jar, containing a number cif buttons, the num- ber is unknown to any person,the guarantee eewhich appears below. With. every pur- ahase oe 81.00 you are entitled to one guess at IM number of Buttons in the Jar, with a purchase of 8500 two guesses and so on. In our office will be -kept a Book where you wilt register your name and your guess. The contest to close at 8 o'clock on New -rear opened and the o old e ••t will be igen the r 11 Butt w J p Buttons counted by disinterested and res- ponsible p,,rtiea and the person who has essecorrect or nearest to the correct u (t the number of 'Buttons will then become the owner of Beauty. should there be a tie then the first who has registered the correct num- bor will be the winner. This is to certify that the number t- 011511 the jar the Oir buttons tf window of the Big Bankrupt Store - u as their any person, Tntoe }sunknovti p , were placed there by us and the jar sealed in our: presence. {- B. S O'Nulr, jiglled R. 11 which °Iarls Promise" is the title of a play to be produced here in a few weeks. The Exeter Fire Company have entered ,into ananagreementagreement with Messrs• Me - :Nulty and Hart, Tragedians, to appear pefore the Exeter people in their near piece, which is Said to belong to the class of plays that are written to in- •striett and anluse, ain't builded to please the ' masses. • The play deals with many phases of Ole character, and the ted ' tradtt o• tottehiug songs that are 111 were composed by Will F. McNulty, while the play was compiled by Mr, Hirt, and both gentlemen having good reputations' in their professions, we may look for something not only amusing but edifying, As Mi. MLNulty is Highly spoken of as a, gentleman and a • masterpiece 10 his profession and haying a first class • company to assist him, we niay look -for a rare treat in the near future. ' Dates' will be announced later•on. 4,'OS 1ULOT A Grew; rush at Richard Pickard and Son's after the celebrated B. and C. Corset. They are now selling,- it for 59c. Think of it Ladies. " No reserve during Richard Pickard and Sous Great Sale, good goods must be sacrificed. 1Are• must have the mon- ey, now is the time for bargains.,. The latest enumeration of the Roman Catholic population in Canada places the total. at 2.223,424. The churches number 1,820 and the chapels 218. While Mr.. William Balkwill, son of Mr. William Balkwill, London Road, was busily engaged shifting some heavy timbers in Mr. A. J. Rollins' barn on Wednesday, last week, by some means lost his balance and fell a dis- tance of about seventeen feet. • In his descent he made 'several attemps to grasp several beams Which he narrow- ly escaped falling upon, but not being successful in obtaining a firm hold came clown heavily upon the barn floor: He was immediately taken into the house and cared for, but it was not until the afternoon that melicl aid was summonded, when it was 'found upon examination that no bones had been broken or ;joints dislocated, but that he had received ugly bruises in the hip, leg and hand. Although his injuries are not of a serious nature they are very painful and it is expect- ed the patient will have to remain in the house for several weeks to await recovery. wanted. N'T � }t Tll QLD H1P STILL FLOATS Though tossed about by many a $Lo V, and HARD ' 'g but would still not fo.icecl to unload her cargo, 0 BLOW too, :, , g lilhten her burden in oder to make room for the spring like to trade. We have a quantity of Great bargains in Crockery, Glass. ware, Chinaware, 1 Lmging Lamps,. Silverware, etc:, etc:, during the Great Sale at Richard Pickard and Sou's. Mr. Hugh Spackman has disposed of his desirable cottage on William Street to Mr. Charles Snell, butcher. Mr Spackman purposes building in the Spring. All parties needing sale bills will find it to their advantage to give tho "•AniocaT>" office a call, and you will receive satisfaction for leaving your order. Give us a call. 1 Dealer in Bankrupt Stock. LOCAL JOTTINGS, Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need reoliAng.to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to time post office. G. Manson. Take Notice That J. G. Smal.lacombe is having a great reduction sale going on all the time. Why, his prices beat the patron prices according to quality and price. Also an auction sale on Saturday night Please don't fail to call at the Shop, Fan. son's Block Exeter. :imnivers:'try Services cf. Tea Meeting Anniversary Services will be preach- ed in the James Street Methodist church on Sunday, Dee. lath, and on Monday evening the annual tea -meeting will be held in the basement. Judging frog} past arinive1Sary occasions of this kind we think that this will be fully up to the standard. xotnce. Notice is given to members of Ply- mouth Lodge No. 63,'S. 0. E. B. S, and Lebanon Forest, No. 133, A. F. S-: A. DI• are requested q . nt at their re td • it e to be Prosees s1ective halls on 1 n a.y evening; a next, as the election of officers takes place in both places of greeting. A full attendance is requested. may elect. The Order gives its ben- efits at actual cost as it does not allow any more surplus than $20,000• to ac- cumulate tacumulate 1,t one time. The object of the order is to protect the families of its members in ease of death and the members themselves in the event of disability or old age. The order is controlled by its member, each mem- ber having a vote on all questions, in- dividually first and then by their dele- gate in the Grand` Council, every amendment being submitted to the membership in the local councils before being brought before the Grand Coun- cil. The Order has already between three and four thpusanci members. Exeter Council No. 94 has decided for a short time longer to admit candi- dates at charter rates. There is a de- cided advantage in joining at charter rate which can only be made known after initiation. Now do not put off until to -morrow that which you should do to-day—gi.ve in your name "don't "procrastinate" you ::now not what a day may brig° forth." Re that pro- videth not for his own, and especially those of his own 'household, hath denied the faith' and is worse than an infidel. For full particulars see circular or ap• ply to any of the following, Rev. W. M. DIartin, Councilor; J. P. Ross, P. C.; J Senior, V. C. T. A. Brown. Prelate and, Asst Ree.; Mrs. T. A Brown, Recorder; T. Fitton, Treas.; J, H. Grieve, Marsh- all; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie, Guard; Mrs: J. I'. Ross, Sent.; Dr. Amos Medical . examiner, or to any of the members. As the Council can close the charter at any meeting apply at once and nail e` sure of gitttirtg in at charter rate. T. A Baowre, Asst: Rei. Readyrath Suits and Overcoats that will make you open your eyes when we quote youthe bice. We also have a lot of-- p u Oloaki a. boats and Shoes, Furs, �� �� 9 Shawls Underwear, - �a�t�.Robes, bes9 lowest possible rice. For whichwill be sold at the p 1 p and �� Trade, Trade:Trade, allow r �� 50 per cEcent�, u as � we cin ��a� t it on, but will allow a 11` easel discount for ggS Lard 1 c. D t✓ � c• Taal 1 .m 1(' Butter �.G Hl�,hes price paid for: produce, �5. 17c; Dried Apples 7cts; Geese 5cts; Turkeys Sets; Ducks Ccts; Chickens 5 cts. ' The London Election trial was not terminated on Saturday last but ad journecl until the 1810 of January, not for the lack of material to go on with, but by arrangement of judges and counsel` 0n both sides. The Toronto Globe train service be- tween Toronto and London has under` gone a change. Ipstead of running, daily as in the past it will run Satur• days only. Thus the Globe will be de- spatched by regular ,train. The Exeter• . Pubic School give e an evenings en ertainmen t in the Pub• t f lic School 'Flail on Monday the 21st day of December, consisting of Songs and Choruses, Calesthenic Exercises and Plays. Look out for urograms. 4aI-arls Promise," All wool horse blankets at the Exeter Woollen Mills. For a tine black suit try J. H. Grieve Merchant Tailor. 20 per cent off ail ordered clothing at the Big Bankrupt Stole. Anvoe i:d ' from now till 1803 ' for L Sec clubbing rates. Buy your Xmas groceries at the 13ig Bankrupt Stoic ‚ind 81,0 money. Something nice in Top Shirts' and 1.111am;wear X11 theEeter Woollen Mill. If you want Ft first elites farm On easy terries call on John Spacl:man, Exeter Iot,t forget to and (e I. E. fiieve's $10 O CL(iis epurchas- ing., ere ) ar has- ing. Bac 'emir sealettee and mantle gods Rev. W. I. Ford, of the Parkhill Methooist church, will spear; on the local Option Act ata temperance .con n c• 'Exeter Dec- ember ! in T,a o ' 1 orb held ,ntto 1 t c, vc, ember 16th, and Rev. 3. C. Nethercott, of the Sylvan circuit, on gospel temp- erance. Enormous crowds have thronged Messrs. Richard Pickard and Sons store from the beginning of their sale and are increasing every day. The secret of the firms success, no doubt is, the exceedingly low prices at which they are selling. high class goods. Our thanks are due Mr. Jos Senior for a coin plimentry photo which we must comment on as tieing one, creditable to the artist. Mr. Senior has secured a neve process of photograph v and he can now supply something in this line super ionto any heretofor• produced by him or In many Of 001• cities, Mr. Hugh Spackman has disposed of hie residence on William St, to Mrs, Fee-: gitson, of 39I'xy tp, n hIrwi'i tai.e possess- ion shortly and becol-01e a resident of the village. Another 4ale tool: 1aace last week in which Mr. John .l.-iawkshaw purchasedfrom Mr. John Veal his ,brick cottage a1hc1 land on Albert street. As each of the places are in a good location good prices were realized in eael:t Can. being m r 1 e arllvr 4 1 r2'e121at .ci 1 l)�l r (. � petition, Ar~ O11 )tSlIrC55 flt.t ,l r ti, by order of the Board of Trade, 10 which they Wish to secure their 011,00s as a• token of sub - (it the,Big Bankrupt ,t Store --all sale mission to matters.of interest concern - 1 prices.irrlr the welfare of 0.0 village, and that Ihey will support all moves that said None }S the time, to s:tc•e money,. Board may adva,rlC.e A large number Richard Pi. l '?rd ^rrcl °oil are C1O11.inn ha;, effiaed their SiJne,ture thereto. 1'he ee°etythilre tri Barin'; & Shoes' Como Poa-i•cl basco, ' (0tred work in view and and sen pricee,. Tl`'n: rani must have no doubt it will 1)e srtccessfelly clone 111.0 toatret , A GALL SOLICITED. 0 G Great Ballaills Ill T!iiare I ,also a large Assorthient of Stoves. COOK: Bermuda, Original, Florida, Famous Cook, Manitoba. Sick List. Mr. Thomas RoWtcliffe; of London Road, is very dangerously ill and his recovery is not expected. He lies speechless and takes very little food. -- Mrs. Wm Balkwill, jr., Huron Street is very ill and hopes of her ` recovery, until a few clays ago, were doubtful.-- 112r. Richard Davis Sr., is i shg ill Ic im- proving in health. Mr. Pratt Fisher is at present yery low and his recovery . is doubtful. BE SURE 1OUJ.t 111t:lH'1', Then go tiheac ! If you have the Ca- tarrTl, eiery preparation that does not cure you only irritates and increases vont Be��•ii� right by using the simplest and only remedy that is - guaranteed —Clark's ' Catarrh' Cure. The soothing, healing` influence is felt galways. Tr •tt once atncl a gratifying pare. "r it 5. lft c ,)0 cents. t. T itsuse. Piece follows fo druggist tries to sell you something else send the nice to Clark' Cilelnic 11 1 Co., Toronto, New Yol. , and the rem edy; will be seat to you by inai}. All Frot-class drirggists'1eep Clark's Ca- t, Care. a . n. CQAL: Art Countess, RoyeJ Art, Double Heater, .Double Heater with oven Box Stoves HA RI) W ARE, Ir®n shelf ®®dss Cattlechain.s9 Scoops 4 Axes,saws, i� Xeut hinges & House Fittings, gs, Paints, Oils, &c. Personal Mention. MTS. Couchenour and daughter left for. Hamilton on Thursday evening last where they wiil reside in future.—Mr. William Ryan h'ts returned to Chicano after spending r short vacation with his parents and'friends in this village.— Mr. illa;•e.—Ml. Charles Dor wood has returned from Scotland where he bag been visiting: his parents and friends. IIe loofa none the worse for his trip and speaks in glowing terms of 018 old native home. Drowned. Last week Mr, David Miller, V. S. oF this place received a 'telegram • from Chama,Ncw Mexico, infdming flim that his On David had been drowned and that mien were engaged -searching for the body. having continued 1u the search for several days 1,1010er tele. gram was received on Monday that they had been successful and wished to mors what would he done withthe body. 4SP herein oil Mr. 'Miller tt Heti back to /hereupon have tt pl oi,,c,r I•ycared fol and sent llanhr ltd 11150 pectccl to lIIIVO herr in a ), ` f few dayg. The part}erltarl•s o the case are not lznoaro91 present. When the news tea ehed here the pelta) nsand faani• ly wete terral•-stuel<e"i, especi Ily the xom xs TEE xsac TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTHING3 S3,000.00 1tOliT11Q TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN FIOLESALE pRIcE. Coal Oil, 4 gallons for 65 Cts. Water White, 4 gallons for so cts. 30 t,'7 t> f'pet Ash Ceiling, Dressed. 2 0 00 feet Hardwood Flooring, Dressed. 11 to be sold this Fall. J.HOWARD Pr If you Want a Child's, Boys 01:• Man's Suit Overcoat . al.nd Pants, &c. call and see our big stock. 1914g 1.4%Tgt, RVZ ■ father who tvaeseld o'0 (Wednv(,r the E. J. SeA.0 .MA IN a CO' loss of his only sol. The' have the 8A\nv✓rL1 BLOCH , svrnpath y of grainy friends in the village %Omit rl tr,1r commence o'per'ation; 111 their hours of trouble. EXETER, - ONTARIO 1 CUR•' � Yb, F z n not merely to atop .them WhenITS1 6 henCIdbn I a I 3 y stop a hate and then hada then, return a)' n. I mean n radical ogre. - I have made the ell ease of o, ,vo warrant. or FALLING°SICENESS a life•lon(C stns y. I' warrant. my remedy to curs the worst eases. Because others have faded is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free, .Bottle of my Infallible rented". Give EXPRESS and POSZOFFlOE. H. G. Roar, M. O. 1136 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. THE BEAITIPIIL AND CLEAR CUT y p MN wes 1 m from which this paper is printed was supplied by the Till TO I Pi: RAM IF1 Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies, J. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 We ltgtof St. west TORONT ©, ONT. Exeter Rolle MARKET RKET IMPORTS. TO `THEL\T 0,90 TO 0.J�)c per bush Our!1 " 'Ptice., Flour, strong bakers", `33.00 per 100 •, best � °3, " family, a, C�0 tt nradelowBrats, lo Middlings, Screenings, Chen, Chop stone running eomrg dray, .�`r L to ''Y.'ilr,'�S` C 15. ., Mllthig• CO �.�1� �.r"���,r3L � 2,00 " " 70 41 c1 10 tr 11 {{ r 100 t 1.1:0 to 1,25 Po 11,1 Ti1 srr The ,Summer holidays are now about over and the Fall Fairs being close at .• hand, I wish to inform my many cus- tomers flat am still in my- OLD yOLD STAND, (OVER (1? J. Flight's Grocery Store.) And am prepared to do work 111 latest style and best of workmanship. x 11 4- 11 x 11 11 x Ii =- 11 x r11 JOM( IIWWIIEEL ;< 11 1- 1 x II :- 11 > II h x Give nae a call and leave you: measure and'. I will give you a neat :tit, Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. ERT KNIGHT. Nsr,H(..). LONDON ONTA.ItIO. �,.A ' `, PrOdors'.'. &I .rICr�Iltll`IIU, o� �t. rt S. n. a