HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-3, Page 4THE fjAtJeter SANDERS d SNVEE.T, P1'ops•. Premier Abbott's administration, s.tat- ing that there was not tete least d<an$'er of a change of Oovernntent, As to trade relations 'with the United States, Mr, Patterson :pronounced ate agitation THURSDAY, ,Dect Mrd ] 891 on the part of certain Libcrlt,l leaders - , in favor of annexation as pure clap - ONTARIO'S CROP REPORTS For the special benefit of our farm -'Sig community, we give below a co0. e'Junsed summary of the latest bulletil 'ss ted by� the Bureau of Industries foi Ontario. As will be generally admit- Sod, the yield of fall wheat has proved the most successful crop of 1S91—a ver - ring front 25 to 30 bushels per acre,and En weight from 60 to 66 lbs per bushel Spring wheat, whish is mostly grown Eastern Ontario, has proved a re rna l:abiy fine crop—the best for many yeas. The reports as to two -rowed ztrley are very divided. It is too soon, however, to pronounce absolutely tbis new importationof seed, The slat top in a majority of instances is :'lite above the average --while in seertain localities it has reached, nearly am average crop. In Western Ontario eats have proved a heavy crop, but the ;island in other countries is likely to give high prices to our farmers. On 'Ale whole, the yield of oats has been eoei)iclerably above the average. Rye fo not a large crop. Peas promised. well, but for the '`pea bug," although ilea many townships the yield has been ::lebovo- the average. Coin, beans, and 'buckwheat have given large returns wherever the sot. was favorable. Fed- ;:lsv corn is an abundant crop -the best :bs many years The autumu, weather o've4 yery favorable for harvesting rail' hinds of grain. As to root crops, the l: 1:azl,orts are varied. Turnips haw�'(lOte 7setter than some other roots. In the arakzenties bordering on Lake Ontario, appleshave given a splendid yield and great quantities are being sup• plied to England, the•States, and other reign markets. Grapes have yielded an abundant crop, In Pelee island alone 520,000 worth of grapes were drown, yielding. over 100,000 gallons of wine. Potatoes were an abundant yield, but the rot has caused Great ilernage to that esculent. Hay proved o large crop in certain localities, but ale price keeps up in the market. Ac- cord -lug to the Bureau bulletin, the <I:crtIage of fall wheat sown this .•tut .rite is 25 per cent above thatsown in 'J0;—owing putty' to the great yield epi this year, and partly to the poor re- (i.ns.of barley;" Asto live stock, of 0 .all hind.,, there is a great increase - especially e.specsal'ly in sheep and lambs. Large shipments have been made this fall to "Montreal 11 cattle, sheep and hogs; be :sides there is an abundant supply for ;'kcal demand. The fodder ` prospects :Ter the corning winter are generally good, the only lack being in the article 0f. hay—although from the great pro - ,ace of roots; corn stalks, and straw, aids will not be seriously felt. Alto gtther'the farmers of Ontario have season to be thauJ:fill, as generally the zrops have been abundant and good ;rices realized for stock of all kinds and also for dairy produee. trap and although the Conservative party had always been In favor of freer trade relations with the States, they would never consent to lose con trol of our own tariff or adopt a policy= which would discriminate against Great Britain and the colonies, or one that would involve our people in direct Patterson taxation, As11I1. I atterson tt•ell puts: it: "No hostile tariff can hamper our commerce, as they only tended, to de velop in Canadians a hardier spirit of manhood and independence of charact- er, Our commerce. across both oceans is increasing year by year," On being asked as to "Continental Union" Mr, Patterson treated the subject humor- ously as being a hatrudess craze resort- ed to by a few disgruntled politicians Who, are acting the part of "drowning then catching at straws"; and he vent- ured the opinion that "the disiutegrat• ion of the United States was more pro babie than the annexation of Canada to the Americom Republic." In fact, we in Canada are through the extens- ion of trade with other countries across the seas, and the great development of this country, becoming too self-reliant to ever seriously.think of asking for Annexation Ilderton. S. W Paisley, of Iiderton, has just arrived home, bringing with him a magnificent pair of Jerseys, Dorah, a handsome. cow, four years old, by Can ada's John Bali, bred by Sir. Valance L. Fuller, of Hamilton, and Young Vic- tor, a very fine young fellow, sired by Pearl's Stoke Pogas, bred by Mr. L. W, Symonds, of Berlin. The price paid for Such uaagniftcent animals must necessarily be very high. CONTINENTAL UNION. This is the imposing title now as - rammed by the Cartwright-Wiman (Alpe, who have Hitherto been sailing vatndni: various aliases,—such as Com- mercial l;uion, l;nrestricted Reciproc- it y; National destine, Annexation, &c., J. c. ,One of the latest converts to this ;political fad is Sul. White, ex-M.P.P,, of ' itndsor, who has been holding meet r, " "Western Ontario to "enthuse" a111 V1C asap 5 ft's inhabitants: But they iwont en- lsose." The last meeting of this new di(:iple of annexation was held in k•Yeoilstock, ,where a fairly large aud- ,± ii3Cmet to hear what Mr. White had tessalsi in support of his new bantling, let ci!ecfared Imperial federation to be ilalpraetible, Sold advocated political ai1;lnri with the United States on the ,"round that the bulk of emigration psssed by Canada and found its way into °the neighboribg republic. Mr. 'White, was kind enough to say that 5011estrieted reciprocity would not be .ttc�s;ptecl, because the American Gov_ alI.nmevlt wpu'd never yield it en terms a-i�sisfactory to Canadians, But the Teeple of Oxford sat upon the ,ex-M•P.P. fleab• net a voice was raised in favor of jreis heme of political union; o11 the was aSSCCl in ' ti resolution 1It3'art < dL81 ,p greet opposition to the news How different the sentiments ex-` -•,lsstred b 1• O. Patterson, Esq,, of Es al' Y pix who was interviewed the other gay b: a representative of the Detroit _ Y p ,;£1o'- o ..Pr'ogs. ,1i Patterson has been alifc Srt.ry. tt . arts • the late Sir Sohn Mac �rrpp zOf fat . ig srl•t�onalfl-batt ilttentts to resign ..alit '117 l b p 1vt.a1 life to alive attention to his private b being , •seri : r f s. •:l ess. bola �, o es lona] goad 1, On Q a r�s3seit his opinion of affairs at Ottaii•a; lits expteescd the fullest confidence in .�ACHE.OUixao OR MONEY REFUNDED. Purely Vegetable, Perfectly Harmless and Pleasant to take. For sale by all Druggists. PRICE 25 cts. gravel; Douglas McTavish $9.28 gray- el; Duncan McCraie $L60 gravel. The clerk was instructed to send the total assessment of each school section and the rate on the dollar with retie orders on the treasurer for school money. A by-law appointing George Baird, Thos. Tennat•d, Geo, Stewart, Wm, Rathwell and Samuel Sterling Deputy Return- ing Officers for the ensuing term was A Seed a third' time and passed. The couuoil then idjourneu to meet again onTnesday, Dec, 15th next, at one o'cleelr p.ni.. GLo, S'rprvtuti, clerk': A MOUNTAIN OF TRUTHS DE- SPISED BY SOME PEOPLE! Some Will Not Exalnule Truth Because They Fear l'It! a✓(D i�'.IO*. 3l Q; CAre_-'AIDILAN Tfue,TII- Tlg®1�l NOTICE to CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of William Brock, late of the Township of Us - borne in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Notice is hereby givon pursuant to chapter 110 ()tithe Revised Stab -Otos of Ontario, 1887,. that tail pQrsonshavirig eltti111s, tl v,ttinSt 1110 Lstate. 01' 'William. Brook, late of thu Town.. ship of Usborncin the Conn ty of iluron,yco- nlan, dere trod, who thole_ on the 1.ttll day of October, 1801, aro required to deli,yer orsend by post prepaid to tho undersigned Solicitor for Samuel Brock and Thomas Brock, Exec- utors of the Last Will and Testament of tho -stiicl deceased on or before the - 31st Day of DEUEMBE1, 1891, a statement in writing containing their names and addresses and full particu- lars of their claims duly verified by statut- ory declaration and the no taro of the scour- ity (.itauk) held by thorn au,l that after, the said 31st nay of December, 1801, the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of tho saidesttute owing,,the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above required,aucl the said Executors will not be liable for tho said Assets or any part thereof so distributee, to any person or tier sons of whose chins notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribu- tion. D. V.:ELLIOT, There are truths' which some men Solicitor for Executors, despise. because the have .not exansui- Exeter, Ont. 1 y Dated this 23rd day of Novomber,1301. cd. them, and whiclrthey will; nbt t�- Our Clubbing List, amine because they dislike them. Im- poi•telnt and mighty truths are contin- ually being' accumulated, all going to prove that our Canadian people hay e now in their midst the grandest agency for the complete cure of nervi ousness, sleeplessness, brokendown bodies, tt earied and. befogged brain, dyspepsia and rheumatism, ever heard, of in the christiau world. It is the great restorer of life that our fore- fathers so eagerly sought for but could. good not find. Providence , in its own time, through one of the greatest phy- sicians of the century, gave to suffer ing man Paine's 'Celery Compound. Up to the present time its magnifi.cout and heaven -blessed triumphs have been so many and so remarkable, that malty jealous physicians, of the lower. order: have despised its wondrous effects, and will not condescend to ex amine truths connected with it, simply because they dislike it, and fear it will tale away their means of obtain in=` a Hying. Shame on such low, sordid character! Away with such men, who put personal gain. before the public weal and good! We now call the ,attention of our readers to a few soul stirrins facts; and at the salve time we would inform those jealcus physicians who dislike the truth, that full and ample proofs can be shown to them of the following cures:— Mr: B.'Hutchias, a well known Real Estate anut Financial A`; -(;;?;is •. u�'Iont• real, P.Q., suffered for fifty years from neuralgia and rheumatism; he was cured by Paine's Celery Compound. Mrs. F. G. Fothisgall, of = Middleton, N.S., whose life was a long continued agony from sleeplessness, neuralgia and rheumatism, found. a perfect curt in Paine's Celery Compound. Captain Douglas, proprietor of the Leland House, Winnipeg, Man., used Paine's Celery Compound for dyspepsia indigestion and lassitude. He is now enjoying perfect health, and says Cel- ery Compound beats all the efforts of the doctors Mr. R. Allen, of Oiangeville, Ont., was a martyr to rheumatism and 1 ease o Staffa. _ler. McLean; organizer for the Pat, ions of Industry held a meeting in the school house of section No. 3, -'Hibbert, on Wednesday evening and in No. 2, on Thursday evening. At ,the former place he earolle,d 17 'members and at the latter 27. Mr. McLean although. he does not nee the purest Englisli,is ,a clear and forcible speaker and seemed to be thoroughly ilnbited with the idea that the farmers were a notch oppress- ed people en account of trade restric-: tions iuonopolies and combines togeth er with the exortatious of the retailer. He proceeded to state what the Patrons had done and what they intended to do. Ile claimed that it was through the instrumentality of the Patrons that knocked. oat the salt combine was knoc a >, whereby the price of salt was reclueed one bolt Ile also claimed that through the efforts of this society binding• twine was cheapened }Ie stated that the Patrons .had made arrangements with certain merchants who had agreed to supply thele with goods at 12°e„ advan- ce on wholesale price and that they had also made arrangements with cer- inlplement manufacturing establish - meets by Which the Patrons count deal direct with the firm and thus save the agent's conitnissiou; but he did.. not give the names of these Grms, Mr.Mc- Lean is in favor of forming ' a society in every school house, Of course not be- cause he gars $10 for every lodge he 'succeeds in'organining,but out Of Dnre love for the downtrociclen and overbur• dined agriculturist. Stenlien'CounoiI. Tho .A.nvocAT1. will be clubbed with the following newspapers till Jan. 1st 1895 at the following rates. -- Advocate and Empire $1•75 Family Herald $ ,70. " " Free Press $1,75, " u Toronto News S1.75. ,, „ Globe $1,75: " Farm and Live Stock Jour.5L.75 a " Advertiser $1,70 '. " " 'Wives & Daughters 51m " Eamilton Spectator $1.75. Crediton, 25th Nov., 1891. All members present except Mr.aher ritt. Minutes of last meeting read and signed, H. Eilbcr—F. Wuelth—That a by law be ;passed appropriating from the general funds of the township to the sinking fund account the sum of. 82,427.24 more or less in order to rs fall- ing' Uebetltu liq- uidate the Rail Board ing due first day of December, 1891 Resolved that the following orders_ be granted, G. Lawson, error in School Rate, $602; Jas Lawson, culvert.27.60; James Hodgins, 50e.; G.' Wuerth and Eilbcr, work C. R., 5.50; P. Flannagan error in dog tax, $1; J. G. Weine, error in dog tax. $1; SVII's. Newcomb, $3 S'V, Mitchell, $5; C. Prouty, commission. 13.75; J. Mitchell, ;•ravel, 40.18; Wm Ford, 2 contracts of graveling S,B. 62.- 50;'ThomasF'ollis ;ravel and contract 82.8.; S. Stanlake, lumber, 63.51; R. Barry, gravel contract block 1 S. B. $3; R. Barry, pot gravel contract block 4, S.B,$74; A. Campbell, gravel, 10.40; FI. Yea.ger, lumber. 28,98; F. W. Farn- cornbo, Sharp Michel, x$15; A, .Mc- Eag;hen, rep three culverts, $2; J. Hea- man work on,L. R., 2,50; John Ryan, selecting jurors, $4, Resolved that council adjourn to meet again on Tues• clay, 15th December, at 1 o'eloek. C, P1murr. $ts,nley Oouncil, Nov, 23rd. 1891. The council met to day at 1 o'clock p.m. `' John Ketchen absent. Minutes P 'i of previous 'meeting read and signed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, Wm. Purdy, $10 80 for wood for Mrs, Scotchmore (indigent); Dr. Staniury $7.00 for attending John Bemanian (indigent); Mrs. Swan, ,$30 for keeping Thomas Mallow (indigent): John Cameron 817.36 for gravel; Wnl. Reid 824, gee vel ;Chas , Dogan $31.12 iusall Palace Baker 0 D. W. Foss Proprietor of the•Palace Bakery, Ilensall, wishes to inform the citizens of }+aX�rr 11, Clothuiig Holme. are the latest goods in ----- FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS ITINGS ver'oating's just arrived. and o � �, 1 that he visits the village Every 'Wednesday et Saturday Afternoon with a supply of FIRST-CLASS BREAD S, BUD'S. Ail orders left with Gramusit SAND- ICtts nrill be promptly attended to, and from whom bread can be bad at all times. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED, D. W. FOSS, Baker, Heaasai. sleeplessness; he found. a pew1 f life after using Paine's Celery Com- . pound. Mr. J. T. Dillon, chairman Board of City Assessors, Montreal, P,Q,, was for many years a sufferer from indigestion fiatnlency and rllei matisni. He, has become a new man through the use of Ejffjii TJIIiQli SIIOPO will e made upin the Latest.Style and a �Il}� Every le. Good fit Time or no AT PRICES A lY A Y DOWN. Remember the Stand one Door North of E. 11, Fish's Barber Shop. Give ll J GRIEVE. r.zF`a`+•Fw,,t:�-:rg. RP•t,7oR.�d.,`t,s?tlq+.•ut4:0 Ns you to call on us if you waist anythingin lard It will pay S o Y ware such as Nails, Hinges, Looks, Glass, Putty, Paints and. Oils. lint Stock of Jt1jisto's Coloiltated UllI I1Rts, NEW COLORS. Barbed., Plain, Strip, Stem Black & Galvanized wires away down for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. 11 Er EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. NEW RAYMOND MACDIIIES AND NEEDLES. GALL WHEN TOWN. • BISSETT B Mr. George Slmailcombe wishes to x ,. inform the citizens of 1✓.�ett,1 and sur- rounding country that :he has opened --out" a now-- Tailo ill, and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment 111 Fan.son's Block. Latest designs of woods always on hand, and made up in the latest EXETER MARKET& Wheatper bushel.. $0.90 to 0,92 Barley. `. 40 to 40 Oats............... 80 to 32 Peas .. ... 60 to 00 Butter .... 15 to 16 Eggs ..... ........ 18 to 11 Potatoes per bus 30 to 85 Hay per ton ........ ,.8.00 to 10.00, . . Wool 18 to 19 Anacrican Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD' FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle naakin 5 attended to. Paine's Celery Compound, . and now Possesses a robust constitution. Mr. Joseph Manuel, of West Brome, P.Q., was given up by the doctors as MERCHANT TAILOR , an incurable from dropsey; he was ex.Exeter, peeled to die, but Providence directed friends to try the effects of Paine's Cel ery Compound on the sufferer, with the result that he is now in good health. Mr. E. V. Ronke, of Si. Martiljs, N.B., c. twos •t terrible sufferer from neui<L]„la, he was cared in a short time by Paine's Celery Compound Mr. Chas, E. Robertson, Electrical Expert and Mechanical Superintendent of the Royal Electric Works, Montre,ati1 P.Q:, was a terrible sufferer' owing to nervousness, sleeplessness and over- work of body and brain. He is now enjoying1.perfecthealth and strength, owing to the grand effects of Paiee's Celery Compound,' Mrs. J.floward, of Grenville, P•Q , was nervous, weak and faint; she found a new existence—a new life after using Paine's Celery Compound for a short Limo. It( does a work in the home that no other medicine can accomplish, and it always cures. 11 is the only preparat- ion in existence that ,the best physic- ians ale now prescribing and recom- Mending to their patients. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS S TO 1st JANUARY at tarrh 3 e of C Will be given for a case which cannot be cured permanentlyb. b5 c1ark s catarrh cure. Step 11 http This s gr en t t ip er fr oen n o w t ill 1 stI on ua r lsoa- l rt§ 1carI1n" matter weekly -and to the office and prove your case and our Premium plc, oe, ,SONGS OF get the reward. Thousands have tried LOVE," for only $1,00, . thss remedy but no one has claimed the reward, because, it cures ie every case, If you have a colt[ or are troub• led with Catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, price 50eetits and what a pleasant relief it will and' be instantly. if you are asked to take Something else send to us direct, and J;. G. SIiIALLACOMBE, SES i LORI —FOR— t E THE HAMILTON WEEKLY PEOTTO Elam gedl and jitnprovecl. Contains all the News, .Many SpecialF13;eatures, Crisp and pointed Comments The Most Entertaining Stories,- The Choicest Literaryplatter, e; ,;';'A`? Everything for Everybody. • DESTROYS AND REMOVES WO RM S Cr -ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR AND SWEET SYRUP 1.�UP ,i,r• ADULTS i5rsMYh. C cANNo`r-l-1AFtM THE Mc:,sT D MI- ICH."I" E C S-3 I tL.tD EXCIOI 011,18100,1 , Witflli j�C�, g T id �< M 1� O R 1 U 'M r The "Advocate” and About Papel' $4.75, • EII. .�t.I;rET��'S ��Z.1�.1�T'L'. Liberalcommission to agents, ; A .good agent for this district is wanted at once - ono who will truce an inter 05tiin MIA -.mg the planer land will male athoro ugh cam vass of his district: we will send you a bottle by mail on For terms and particular, address Clark, Chemical Co,, Printing Co,. receipt of price, C ,I PECTATO.I �. Toronto, New Xor1L ilainitton, Caun A It ia',a certain andspeedy cure for Cold in: the Head and Oaturrhin oohs stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, 11 EALING. ':,scant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure impossible. 'Many so•calied diseases are Simply symptoms of Catarrh, 00111 ashead. ache partial deafnese,losiog sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and sepia' ting nausea, general feeling of de. bilicy, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred 0ymptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring a -bottle' of NASAL BALM, 80 warned 'intime, neglected cold in head results' in Catarrh,"fol• lowed by consumption and .dath. NASAL BATAS ie sold by all dxuggiste or wilt be sent, post. paid, on reeemt of price (e0 cents and $1.00) by addxessfng FULFORD & CO„'' Brockville, Ont. q�,yg rJ 1. � , ,� ikLtltllr:9 I have a positive remedy fox the al ove disen00 by its use thousands of case of the worst' :Ind and of :long standing' have been cur d. Indeed so e mg is my faith in its efficacy, that I', ill send TWO BOTTLES TREE, with arVALUABLE. TIIEATISE on th s disease to any sufferer who will sand me their EXPRESS and P.O. address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST WEST ToRorIT0 ONT. PERMS I NRTINPROPS. We car'; the most complete stock of Musical nstru Bents in the county. t'1AITOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING 'MACIIINES, BIC Yh7;S. FARM IMPLEMENTS &n• The above instruments always on hand. d �'Ciiai���S. Terms to skit �'�, GIVE US A OA.LL, EVERYTHING' AWAY DOWN, PERKINS & MARTIN, THE KEY TO HEALTH. "A STITCH IN TIII!E SAVES NINE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPE1 SYN (an artificial gastric juice -formula on every label] S14 PT 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken at the first symptom of .Indigestion, width ,s usually weight atthe stomach, sometimes attended by slight pnm, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At 'first, this feeling soon passes away, and ,s only remembered as a utile regAleasant which, when repeated, gradually be- comes person 'i' the average _.o t comes more pronounced.5 1 new suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels, Such, treatment is we,'SC than usclis.i it is positively harm. fut. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of tits disorder within the stomach, MAhTOPLPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles, Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send c els. in postage for valuable pamphlet to HAYIt.N MORSE, ANTasnariosA . D nix il• QNTAltlo.. Unlocks ail the eloggerx avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, c allying off gradually without weakening the sys-, humors and. foul h tem, all the impurities n of tho secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of Van Stomach, tunny Biliousness, Dyspepsia, plead iohes, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness mf the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness or Vlsien, Jaun- dice, ' . a l Salt Rheum,Erysipelas, h.v �Ore Eula, ilu„Lelm,r or theHeart, PPi• vousness, anwGeneral Debilityl these a <1 1other similar C omplaintt gllto the happy influence of ItIiIIOCr BLOOD BITTL25. r'o! ,5 '^, by cat .Deem's. rl 9 .1et01� '�nr03eI3� � �� l i