HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-3, Page 1Subscribe for
Oalk &lit from eow tll Jjmz'r
ist lass, Gaye it a trial,
....• . • . .
'MQ 11))1,l. 4.1) I Ill, P416, trAI'.
The Veloisons anki $75,000•00.
(Chartered by 1?ar1iament, 1855.)
Paid: up Capital . ,$2,000,000.
Rest Fund, • . 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal,
GENErtEa, 111ANAGInt.
11,1eney advanced to good Farmer's 0 their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per cent 12er anniun.
Exeter Branch.
()eau every lawful clay from .1,0 a m. to :.S'p
m.; Saturdays 1.) a, in; to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
Four per centper annum alio-wed for mon-
ey on Deposit' Receip
ts, Savings Bank at 3
per cont. ,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub 'Ianasser,
Oxetier Abfrotatie
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
Oi".; Dollar per anromi if paid in Advance.
Law if not so paid.
, triczn.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without speeifie
directions will be published till forbid and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
ers, Stefor advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders ..S6 Sweet
Charon Directory.
-Ail persons who want --
at 51, 0 and (31: PER CENT should call
TRIVITT linnoatAL Gaunt:H.-Rev. S. P
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
'and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.
METHODIST 011.1111CII-JameS-st Rev, A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m.
awl 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services,11.00 a. in. itn0. 0,30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 n.
Pastor, Sunday Services, ua. m. and 0.30 p.
.m. Sabbath School,a.m.
Pr ofesstonai Card S.
KINSMAN, L. D• S, Pa nson' s Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
15)5thal MAIN STEEET, EE
kETR, extracts teeth
without pain. _kway at, Bengali on ist
Friday; A11811 °rade, on -2nd ancl,lth Tuesday;
and Zurich on last dioursday of each ni on tb.
II. INGRAM,- DENTIST, Member Royal
College Dental' Surgeons, successor to
B., L. Billings. ,Oniee over O'Neil's Bank,
EXpter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction ot teeth. Eine Gold
1 '
—sat the --
Office of flr 11. COLLINS
A good girl for general worls. Apply
at the Methodist Parsonage; Centralia.
Provincial Land.
Engineer.; ,..0teew
SIZrY0Yor d
5beb ti$ Di Dio LoWS, Prof. Gross, and
othets, igie thataaitarrh is nota local
but a Conotitutional disease, it :there.
fore require§ a constitutional remedy
like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which .ellectu,
ally and permanently cures catarrh,
Thousands praise it... • ,
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaantliee,
biliousness, siek headache, constipation
and all troubles of the digestive org,
uver Post' Ofitee, Main street', Exeter;01:
Medical. , N
g 34.-OPRic0e. gand . residence-
(K.:or 'tt,,TileatoSrtliraln°t Elgin streets, Goderieli,
Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicians andSurg,eons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucli-
eur. Office, Oashwood, Ont.
AIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surc.,,eon
Graduate of tho Ontario Veterinary
.College, Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet,
) Over 1(3 years practice. Office and
residence one block east, o f Richard Pickard. s
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont,
P. 3?..A.."A.1110S, M. D., C. M, Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and. Surgeons :Pain burgb ; licen-
tiate of the 'Faculty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; :Pellow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old
------- -
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor.
Maple and Talbot streets,
. 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public:,
Office- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
AeOlnissars.-Mr. Henry Ruby liar
rowly escaped death on 'I'uesclay while
out ifl the woods hunting, together with
a numbei.- of other gentlemen. It ip
pears that he got up on a stump for
some purpose and rested his m 0.110 there-
oa in front of hwh
im, en by some
means the gun slipped off, the ham,
met striking- the'stump and causing'
it to discharge. The charge entering.
his hand (Id face. Happily to say he
Imam reshet of Monday afternoon, The -Hay P. Q ) any time before &Oafs
, smoke stack ,vf Alessrs. Hector Gunn Ss opens,
, 11.081f,osteseSTANLEv..--A 01018S11108 in- Co, flax mill was blown down 00 Mo
eid,ent took plaee, pa Noyernber 25th. in day by the storm They replaced' it
Holy Trinity church here, the occasion
being- OW inarriacae of Mr. James F. W.
Robert§salf, Parkhill, druggist, to 'Miss
Lillie Stanley, eldest daughter Of Will-
iam Stanley, J. P. The ceremony was
Performed by the Rev: r,„ II. Shaw, the
inctimbent:'' Mr. Frank Hatehins; of
Par1 11111, 8011, of 'W. H. , Hutchins,
for. NOT th ,I1tiddlesex, acted as grooms
escaped .cluath, 11 hough Ins wounds mane and Miss Aggiu Pox, daughter ot
are severe, --While Mr, "Fred Baker Mr, John Fox, President of the North
was threshing on Monday last his son
Richard had the inisfortuue to fall from
the MOW and recta yed severe injuries.
The first entertainment given lsy St.
Paul's church Guild came off at the
parsonage on Tuesday evening, when
an intere,sting programme was render-
ed in presence of a full house, -consist,
ing of vocal arid instrumental music,
songs, dialogues, readings, &c„, winding
1(1)1(1)with a flee CD3IS el Sat 011. It
Farms- for Saie. derided to hold the next regular meet
The u:idersigned has several 'first in at the house, of Mr, James Allen,
class farms for sale en easy terms. 1 Otli concession of Usborne, on 'llueS,
J, SP Acni AN, Exeterday e'. ening, December 8th.
Petition. 1 Snell was the continuation of the
Since our last issue considerable
eiteinent has prevailed throtighout the
village owing to a petition being ciren
ated getting signatures to have the
market moved more into the business
part Salle place. Many conversations
and debates upon the subject have aris
en indifferent places and the feeling is
now beginning- to get very warm as to
whether the change will take plate or
not. " As this cry has been raised for
seyeral years, just before the municipal
election comes off, it was at fiu
rSt thoaht
to be a dodge of thiS kind, but the citiz-
ens in the southern part of the village
*in to be working together with one
spirit and exclaimg: "It usm
t coe
down". Whether it wit! or not is yet to
be seen, but one thing is certain that a
number seem anxious for a 'change.
Since the above has been written it sec-
ond petition has been getting names in
direet opposition to the former one, but
it is not filling up as fast as the first one
that was started. No deubt both parties
are confident of success,
Murderer's' Confession,
It is now said that Daniel Whalc, of
Mitchell, a former Torento hotelkeeper,
who Is nowserving a life sentence for
killing his wife. made a confession
alsont the time Of the coroner's inquest.
Whales confessien in„,effeet was that
on'the 3oth November,' 1890, he gad an
altercation with his son-in-law,' Seldon,
and the. latter threw him out of the bar
of the Royal Hotel. Some days after,
during- the course of a quarrel, Mrs.
Whale had twitted him about hein,g
thrown out of the hotel. He said he
became very angry, and told her that
if she ever mentioned tke matter to
him again he would kill her. On the
morning of the terrible tragedy Mrs.
Whale again mentioned the affair to
him in a sneering manner. Being un-
der the influence of liquor, he became
So enraged that he seize -d an empty
and struck her a powerful blow on the
head, aad that as the blow that drove
her skull in, and finally • produced
deaths He then threw the bottle be
hindthe wood pile, in the yard,where
it ha's been:found since.
Mr.•Henry Jones, of Usborne met
with a very narrow escape from death
on Monday last. It appears that .he was
making pee,parations Oil his premises : to
thresh and had hitched a team of horses
unto the back part ' of the wagon on
which the se,parator Wasts,,stine. in or-
der to have it drawn back wares into the
barn which. was up rather a steep ens
bankment, Mr. Jones and job :Sims
catching hold of the toegue to guide it.
All went well until it neared the en-
trance when the bolt in the clevis which
the horses were drawing by came out,
H. DICKSON, pATIRIsTER, SOLTOrron caasing it to start down the embank
of Supreme Court, .Notary Public, Con-
nient. tMr, Sirris was thrown a consider:
able distance but Managed 0) escape un
hurt; while Mr. Jones was caught by the
front wheel,forcing him in froDt of it for
some distance and finally passing over
his breast and arm., He was at once
picked up by those present who thought
without a doubt that he was dead,: but
life yet clung to him although little
hopes of his recovery were entertained;
and Was it heard exclaimedby him that
"I'm dying." He was removed to the
house and medical summoned and af,
ter some hours seemed to improve.
Dr, Browning atri v ed and examined
him a,nd found that several ribs were
broken and other internal injuries had
been infilieted. • He is yet 10 it critical
condition but hopes of his reeevery .are
11 015 more favorable.
rainy season that most of the cellars -in
the village were flooded. A higher,
temperature set in • during Monday
night and Tuesday, 11 hich. prevented
further &image. "
The crew of the twe masted seholbith
Goodall, of Port Huron, consisting ofnl
Captain Gex, four men and one wom-
an, landed here orrMonday, November
30th, after experiencing, Mimi suffer-
ings all being pretty badly frost bitten.
The Goodall left , 'Alpena, Mich.,
lumber laden last 'Monday in :tow' • of
the steam barge Oswego. .0n Monday
nig-ht, during it heavy gale, shebecame
sedarated from the Oswega and drifted
ashore near Thunder Bay, .wheresshe
began to brake up. The crewl: a:UO*1
oned her on Wedne.sday in an open
boat. In the theantithe the Windbad
changed, and after drifting four ..days,
beieg witholit oars or food, they ar-
rived here yesterday and are now do-
j.nrat nicely. The Goodall was owned
Vy;egliWn Gex and was Uninsured.
• voyan3er, Commissioner. Sze. Money to 101511
Oftice--Fanson,s Block, 'Exeter.
•. itoss, Conveyancers, &se. Money to loan
.,0 •,! per cont. ,
B. V. ELLIOT. ,T, Et.LioT
• Auctioneers.
JjBROWN, WinchelSea. Licensed Auct-
4 ioneer for the Comities of Perth and
Middlesex, al.so for the township of Usborne
Sales nroMptly attendeC1 to and term sreason
abl e, Sales arranged at Post office, Wincheisa
AIL ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Linen s-
..n...ved. Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex'. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Salo Orders by mailer other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
TT ItOLT,it hiva, Ontario. Licensed auct-
ion ocr for the Counties of Middlesex
and Larabton, ancl the tOwnships of Stephen
I,tas- All sales promptly attended to,
TioSS.linaMat.-y, Hansa)]. Ontario, Lic-
. onsoO Atiotionaos for the Countys Of
• Huron ata Posta, Charges moderate and.
Satisfactit.th guaranteed:
T BA'RDY, Licensed Auctioneer for th• e
Comity of B.nron. Sales Cons uotoo on
reasonable terms. Harm and Parni Stock it
s Occialty. Pull arvingements can be made
at 8111, Office.
Wost, half oflot toa Caneossioe 5 in the
to wnshi of trabornean the county 6f ri nron
talning therein 60 acres more or 1.0:is.
Thoro Is 10001. 131) acres cleared and the, bit'
±1.1100 h
ce ush being so teed sal th 3)lit,c1:. ash and
cod:to:. A good w trld-m 111 (1)111 5, no 0 cl well
of watar 51111:welt suitoS fot 98(1011 050±09.,
:Pe r Ni etOOl pto filen] rs apply to Ge0. Un't'
Rid get° WIT or to 100 11 tiantor,,Ye. Exeter
P, 0.
Grat (I- Bend
mr. ISaae Sharrow, who 00 for some
time past, been residing iaIVlichi-
gan is over OE a Vig t) furlong his friends
We expect to hear of wedding bells
soon, -Mr. Joseph Sharron, while driv,-
ing ovet the bridge at 'Mr. Denis Slit
tons broke through and but for the
assistance of the mill hands both • hor-
ses would •have been drowned, -Mr.
thin. Tetrerut an11 family are over from
Miehigrm to ,spend Xmas & NOW 'It (1)15
among their many ftimida and, miss
ti ves.-The Presbyterians, of this place
intend holding their ulnulI Christmas
vited friends,
tree 00 the 281.d of December.
Middlesex Liberal Conser.vative, Assoc,
iacicm, Waited npon the bride. After
ihe ceremony the party repaired to the
resicle,-14:ef Mr. Statiloy where, a, tnae'•
Ililicerit 1,breaarfast Was pattakeu of,
lylieu tint happy Couple *took pasSage
011 tlw ,c,-“I'R. express, .going, (11(81. 1.0
rt'orooto a‘nd other points on their Wed-.
diner trip. The presents on fhii occas
inn 11'0,r0 ,)i 11 costly andnumerons,
emItributed alike by relatives ansl
friends. .I\ Its itoberts will lie much
MiSSed hy her nurnetous associates in
the village, especially sp by Holy Trill
ity Q11111:01 s:hoir, of which she was a
leadilg,,niember. for a number of years
1,tr,es'r Ishlier every succe,ss 'and happi
neg's inlitir new hoine.
: i:ble efteitement 'pre'. ailed
Over -our little'lnirg 'when', it. became
-aeueraliv-known that the body of 11
,4041k.f.iikn'h1.1d been cibAlOy.,ered lying
lins*"fence corner a bout'a Mile distant
from WeaneSday of last week.
'Aftetl,0Ll.eNatnmatlon of the body itwas
;indentilied as that of Robot :,Simpson,
sheeni0ei, who 1)11(1 ubOlit it year
sgo eanie• to this Country from Seetland
Oii his arrival to this country he re-
ceiVed: CinploMent 10 Hensall at his
trades Where he Worked for Some time,
after Whichnhe Came, to this places get-
tine- e,mplovnient with Mr. Sam Per
kins,IStiotanaker, with whom he re-
'pained up to the time of his death.. It
appears tinithe left for lirensn.11 on Mon
day:Morning and there rernained,' un-
til.niglit When he started for home. He
ltd 1101. .pioceeded• far Until he was over.
takeinbst James Stewart, who was On,
his Waylsorne, also and who took bins
un ainiscarriedhim to about the, opt:it
wherehe Wi1,S f010d.di:0.4. When he got
dowu &obi the W agoli, he was apparent
ly ,enly that ,lie Was Under
the influence of liquor. He was a man
who drank to excess .and it, is evident
tha,!'• 1 1 ewe to,his,,ueturiely:.en .4 from.
'046 ureses,Slissl'ornity iesides hi,Glas natrOW'SCa.p•'irbtil' 'drOWn while
,g6w, Scotland; he ,has, also a brother returning from ,Centralia last week, by
w eo lives in Buffalo N. Y re,inains his horses becoming unmanageable and
Were interred at MeTaggarts Cemetery
on Saturday.
'Whit& has agitbi strpck jis arid the
merry jingle of , the,: aeeigh bells are
again heard in the land.' --We are glad
to learn that Mr. John Harris is rapidly
improving. -Rev. Mr. Walker:occupied
the pulpit in the Bethesda church last
Sunday morning. -What Might have
been a very serious accident happened
on the farm of Mr. J. Dew one day last
week, while engaged in cutting wood
with a circular saw 1.1113 driver for seine
reason had to get off the power, and in
getting on again his foot came in con-
tact with the gearing of the, machine.,
Fortunately no harm beyond a -lost
shoe sole is reported -Miss M. J. Har -
ton isragain home under the parental
roof. -Mr. Joseph Hooper and wife Were
visiting relatives in this vicinity' on
Sunday last.
with a new one purchased from 'Messrs
H. C. Baird., & Son, of Ptirkhill.
Mr. Pat Curtain asserts' that he has
handled more fat cattle than '',anV other
man between •Stratford . and Toronto.
We don't doubt you Pat. -A. meeting
will be held here to -night (Thurs,day)
under the management of Mr: :LS. Gil
fi Ilan, merchant, for the. purpose of erg.
anizing a branch society[of Maccabees.
We would commend it to all young
men—Wilson Colbert, son of Wm. Col-
bert, of Sauble Line, is at present very
ill from a severe attack of inflamMatian
of the lungs. -The cold hand of • Death
-visited our burg again Sunday last,29th
inst., and removed from 01.1.1' rnidst one
of our oldest and most respected inhaln
tants of th.e nei ehborhood, in the person
of John Grundy, at the advanced age
of 70 years. He was a man of Sterling
qualities and in uch beloved. by all who
knew him. His remains will be interred
in the Nursery Cemetery to day, 'Thurs-
The folloWhlg tenders were received
by the 001111011 of the municipality of
511.1 for the construttion of the Hay
Swamp Drains: -
P. Uvitt, Stratford, $10,250;
Mr, 'Ticks, Dunnville,
Sam Rannie, Zurich, $18,548;
D. Meyer, Markham, S27,500
Owen Geiwer Zurich $2 1,598;
John MaIngh'
`fhe contract was therefore lot to
Hieks, of Dunnville, he being the low.
Mr Adalph Weber returned home
from Rochester • where he has been
werking' at the plasterin,,o• and 018000 -
Wry for the past year. Ile says busi
ness is a little dull there it present
. -
The merry jincsleof sleieh bells can
now be heard and the recent fall of
snow seems tehave put a great deal of
life into business -Mi & Mrs. Bean of
Bright are the guest of Mr, Geo. Schoel
lig, s.c),itir public sehool will hold, their
antinal ex i.inination an entertainment
D'ees 17th. The teachers are taking
great pains in preparing the"pupils for
the occasion and every one is eorclially
invited to attend. This, shoula not be
missed as it will be the greatest treat
,o,„,the,..season -ListTuesday While out
hunting Will,,GasHess succeeded in
capturing '1 me o9e-sit-11'mi of :vill cat.
111 thelbig Swamp, and,we, must con.
gratuhite Billy on his snccess, because
the wild cat is a ditlieult animal to
• Subscribe for
We are pleased to sue one of our old.
citizens in our midst again -after an
abseil eis of about fi ve months, 1101
lOoking hearty. We' refer to ithe per-
son of Mi'. George lipid v'1±0 has beer
in Helena, Mons during the, swrioner.---
Great preparations are being madelszs
the Foresters to git e an entertai omens
in the futures -11 large number of esir
yilligers have purchased reser vcd
seat tickets for the I, 0:-'0 F. concert itt
Exeter oil FridaY evening-. Inspector
rronl visited our school last week, 11041
rt-f0a- examining the different forma
tralnhllg ae
lli 11;eha
selO1 mrlis rece
from their Principal, J. Wren, and.'
alst) the workings of the entire scheol.
--Mr. John Colter, of Exeter, has so
cured employment W th 111r.
Welsh for a short time to assist him to
complete Ins season's w01'k.--111r. (Si) ±n
Snitch has returned from Bowinaliville
where lie had been attending his bre-
funeral on Thursdey last.-
Laige quantities ot grain are Iasi use
handled here daily ,and thd
seems to be in a thriving eonditiou --
Nil-. Charles Cook, son of Henry Cools,
miller, has been home on a \resit after
completin PS 1118 1)0111 S3 11.1 the 1-1111011 00
Business Colie,ge very creditably. ik
is at present engaged with a large
Wholesale firm. We congratulate, hits
on his success. -A large number from
here were in attendance at the 'Bache-
lors and Ilenedicts ball in Seaford). et;
Friday eyening last weekl'hey re-
port having a good time. -The ground
is at present coated with a light cover-
ing of snow but Dot enough to wake
slei a- i -The Rey, D. Buchanan %vas
in the village last week \risiting hr
parents and friends.
Mr. Parson is buying large quantit,
ies of fowl of allkind;for the. Manitoba
shooting !natal took Place
at the Royal Hotel on Tuesday after-
noon when it large number of turkeys.
ducks .and geese were disposed of: In
the eVenin 0. a .supner .N't;a's provided for
all Who look part in the twitch, and for
.those who wished to refresh the inner
man. ,Mr.,Harry Eilber acted. as • re-
fereeand gave good. satisfaction in the
diseharge OOlisduties. Walter is to be
congratulated on the success of the af
fair and for the reception given the
guests.-7.)tr,Robt Hodstin .CP Who had -a•
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Wm.
Bagshaw, of lid conce,ssion, is ,very itt
-Mr. J. E. Toni,LPS, paid his official
yiait to S. S. No. 3, and reports that the
progress made under the tuition of int)
W. Harrison is very satisfactory -The
darmige, clone by the downpour of rain
on Sunday and Monthly of last week to
roads' and bridges throughout the
township is in MOSt cases repaired and
made passable. -The debate whicli was
announced to take place on November
20t0, by the Patrons of Industry of
,Providence, ASsoeiation, No. 173, sub-
ject of lvhich was ".13,c,,solyed that the
country life is more, conductive; to Ino,
rality than the city," was keenly con.
tested on both sides which held., (nit at
considerable length, which the commit.
tee found hard to decide, but finally
v e dee en n 11 1.01 of the ft flirrart-
tly0 Tlio Programme committee, of
the, association 111 10 decided to give a
inusieal 1 ic1 littwary entertainment for
next meeting whieh will be, open to in
Around About -Us .
„ •
NV.. learn. that the mill dam at Bay-
field was carried away by the flood. on
Mo!..n.ia of, last week, and the immense
volume of water in the river and the
debris coming dOwn shook the bridge
badly and rendered it not very safe for
TEAL 1111' ENGAGED. --Mr. William
McKay, teacher of the school in section
No. 1, Usbernesthas been -engaged for
the year 1892: During the past five
years his aervices have been highly ap-
preciated, no fewer than 13 pnpils hay
±1314 paiged the entrance to high Schools
besides younger scholars learn very
rapibly under his teaching. Mr. McKay
both as a teacher and citizen, is praised
and respected by all who have the pleas-
ure of his acquaintance, We heartily
Welcome him among us another year. .
'RE ENCrACTED.-Mr. Andrew Scott has
been re engaged for next year as teach-
er of our schooon the Tnekersmith side
at the same salary as last year, viz,$500.
Mr. Scott has taught in this school for
several ehis and has always given the
most'universal satisfaction. He is one
of the best and most successful teachers
in the ,county, and all interested in the
schoOlwilibe pleased to lea.rn of his re-
Mr. Aldswotthaiear Bayfield,father of
Cicero AldSworth, Hay, died on Monday
night lat.
cilsa Craig.
Hollands, for someyears
genera,telerk at the Central Hotel
Parkligtt has leased the Queens, Hotel
in thiS'Vace, ansi moved. into it yester-
day. The'queen's," under his efficient
management, will no doubt receive a
lartYe ahem of public patronaree,
Mrs. Stewart, mother of Mrs. Georwe
Shipley, living near Carlisle. died Mon-
day morning, of last week. IIer re-
mains Were taken to Chesley on 'Tiles,
day for interrnent„ A daughter of Mrs
Stewart's, who resided in Loudon town-
sliip, died the other dtiy at liet home
Monday evening, last week our tcm-
sorial attist, Wm. Lowe, al rived
111(111,'. bringing with him his newly
wedded bride, (nee,Miss liarmer), They
are bcing,gre.eted oli every hand with.
the usual kindly complintenta current
on such' auspiciens oeeasions.
By. the reeent downpour of sain
MesSys. William and Peter Stewart, of
East Willittins, had 4.6 sheep paaturing
on their river flats, and of those but
oue were drowned, A .1a,r0•0 1(31.1111.11(31.1111.11(31.1111.1)137of sina 1171(1 009 fitly° been carried
running; away, when the w:,t,gen and
box -upset, keeping the occupant under
neath the entire night, is still 01 a pre-
carious condition. Medical aid has dene
all that is possible to restore the lin
fortunate man to his former health,but
irons having received such a drench-
ing in the water it will be some time
before he will be able to be around
agains-The hunters were not very sue
cessful in securing game in. the Parry
Sound District this year. They report
the weather very unfavorable, and any
amount of patridges and rabbita.-Dur
ing the flood last week Many incidents
of a laug,hable nature °mired. ,The
river was never known to be so high
by the oldest resident in or neat the
village. Considerable damage was done
tO bridges and dwelling's throughout
this section.
away eul v6.-ts' have been WaShed
out in the eoitntrY ,dtottnd, elating the notify the secretary of the club (Sodona
The boys still continue laW.Iiisper 1,0
chureh and to •deserve repremands
from the pulpit. This should .be stop,
ped boys, aud al§o the bad : hapit:
standing, in line outside the ]:'door aria .
cansing bashful young ladles to ,paas
in review between thesgooliltinis.Ite
not very niceanyway.-The iterate,
meter registered Very, little,.aboVe
la -§t Sabbath Merning in the' Chute's:.
Wake up a little earlier John and' 'gee
steam up sooner or pour an a, little -more
coal, oil even if the kicker kickethand
the growler growleth. Don't have us,
chatter our teeth out. -Mr. Bowerman...,
brother 01 (1)13 respected citizen of Exe-
ter of that name, has made this hit
,headquarters for a few days occupying;
his time trapping in the swamp, where
he has been successful iri eapturina''s:
several weasel muskrat iind mink. MI
Bowerman was a guest of his niece Mrs
Rd. Hunter. --Mr. D. Spicer, of Exeter
was seen in the neighborhood last Sat-
urday breaking a line eight year oU
filly. 'Her ladyship has enjoyed '.her
freedom so long that she did not take'
kindly to thehit. She will lOse sense
•of her Mettle before the winter is over
trudging the mail route from Exeter
to St. Marys . -s -Three young men from
the village of Exeter with the intentiou
of paying a visit to the Township Clerk -
left that town,last Friday night. The
night be,ingsstormy and under the im-
pression tb. JI$,Clerk lived at Win,
chelsea t their way ant.
,:tteit place where 'friends
pit them, right': MeV:report having a,
good time though;:Ailf will 111 1319 re•
tarn again roon.'. Welcome boys, but,
remember that ElinaVille is the Town, I
ship.Ca pi tal,-The people aro begiaris
n1fl14Jo appreciate 1.9(4i,8er111ons a Sum.
ei4aroin the pastorsof the (drank.
Last Stinday evening Rev, Mr.. RusSell,
occupied the pulpit and the congregat-
ion were Worthy of themes,oteTtetectixt,:,
ions town or city church
ctut is favored a: present with two able
ministers end should show their appres, .
dation in tangible forth. :
On Friday evening, 27t1i Nov., Sodom
Debating Institute opened. The ques-
tion being' for and against • grantinA,
bonuses to rail roads -Mr.. Sweet sup-
ported bt J. Carrick and W. Ford op
one h1e, C. Prouty, Silas Stanlaka:jr.
andsr., on the other -the great olt4t-
1071 taken by the opposers of i?,thiusing
was the exobilent charges Made by
the bonuse„.d and, then unaccemmodat-
ing proclivities, ,Artieles disposed. of
to some at a much lower figure than to
others thus reasoning that if the low
price was a paying price the, other was
so -much moneyerongfully taken out
of the purchaser. The opposite side
while admitting all the statements of
the opposers, argued that thse bonusino,
was in itself good but that the faun
was in the bonused parties, also reas-
oning that our parliaments had grant-
ed bonuses and given power under
certain restrictions to municipalitieS to
grant bonuses and as bonuses are
n'ranted by a majority rate; the chair-
man ruled that-it'was right to grant
them; 'Notwithstanding theo decision,
all the speakers, chairman and and -
fence were unanimous that they would
be very careful were they ever called,
upon to vote on any 13Onus By.laWS:
The next subject for discussion is "11,4S
solved that the cout ty council of Huron
would be justifiable in establishiug mi
house of inchtstry (alias a, poor hoese)
in said cOutty." Tho Speakets for the
poor 'house are Silas Stanlake, st C.
Prouty, John Carrick, and 'Win. Ford -
the onnosite Sanntel Stanlake,
james Sweet„ Wm, Harris and Silas
Stanlake, jr. An invitation is extended
to any- other person who may wish to
take a part on eilhou side, to speak. A
very interesting dialogue is expected
to be rendered -also a very appropriate
song-partice not named above as
speakers who wish to take pert either
in speaking or in any other Ivay, natiat
58 Butter 15 to 16; Eggs 14 to 15: Po.tato es.
to 92; Barley. 33 to 45'; Oats, 39 to 34; Peas.51'te
MARKETS,-Whont per bush ::;,e
bush. 25 to 35.
ItonntimS-STANLEY.--In the church of
. the Holsa, Trinity, Liie:an, on thh
November, J. F. Roberts, of Parkhill,
to Lillie, eldest' daughter.of
Stanley, Es.q., Of Eneun.,
Mir.nna.-Near Chaina, New Mexteo.,
15ayid Millea in his 2(3(0 1.021
GRITN1W.-In ou the 29tlr.
ult,, John Grund 3r, ag'ed '71.1 years, '
"Don't miss the Odelfellows concert oxr,
Friday evening, Deeelnher 1t1), whoa
the followin 0, noted, talent will appease
.1114 11. B.enCil !dwell, of `I'oronto, Can-
ada'a ,J1 eatstSoprano; Mias Jessie
Alexauder, the, fOl'e.1T'10.53t, li:docutionicet
On the Conthient ; Mr. George, Vox., tiko
yiolinist, and. Ilarty'
W. eRcells as a comedian. Z1 D4
17111 1:(1011 t110 11,011 011(11' in roars 'et
laughter while he is on tlie 111atforlu,