HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-26, Page 5T For Over Fifty Years. MRS. 1?V'INSLow'SSOOTHING SYiuurhas Loon used by millions 0tni 1lers for their child- ren while teething If disturbed at 111 1 t find broken of your rest by a sick child suf- f'eriiigand crying with firm of Cutting Teeth send at once and get t4 bottle of Mrs Wilt- slow's Soothin'g Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little suff'er'er immediately. Depend apo1 it, inothers,thcre is no mistake about it. It cures 1"Jiarnccea, regulates the SIoznach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and give, tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup' for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the 'prescription of one of the oldest anis best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Brice twenty- five cents abottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be surelancl ask for "ALM WINSLO1y'S .S.00Tai , SYRUP," At Guttenburg yesterday, Mt'. 1lig- gills' gelding My Fellow. having been very near it a tremendous number of times, thought the moment auspicious to loin right out and captured a nine furlong' race in a very creditable pian: ner. At the same place, Mr. ` Love's filly Ville Marie finished third in the last race. Oonscbinption cured. Ali old pltysicitiii, retired from practice havingbad placed in 1118 11511 ti hp tin East lndiamissionary tho formula of a simple • vegetable reinedyfor the speedy and perma- nent cure ':of Constun prionBronchitis, Ca- :tarrd Asthma, a, aiixl all throat staid Lung•, Affections, also t4 positive tared •aiclical cure for Nervous I]ebil>ty tend all Is ryous Com.:- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers iuthousands of crises, has felt tt his duty to malts it known to his suit erin„ fellows. Actuated by this motive and a'dosire to relieyo littintin suffering, I will send free of charge, to all 'wliodesire it, tilts recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Stant by mail,by addressing with stamp, naming tins paper. W..k. Novas, 820 Powers I31.ocir, Itocltestu ,.A . 1'. The Exchange Telegraph Company is furnishing news via London to the effect that, fighting is imminent in Brazil, While the Anglo-American Cab le Company announces 'through New York that peace reigns, and that re strictions on messages have been.. re moved. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she a ohm, she cried for Castori When she became Mies, she clung to Castoria. When slie had Children, she gave them Castoria, One of the richest young Women in. Philadelphia is Miss Estella Pardee, O O' whois engaged eel to 5 �,be married to a minister, She is one of the four ding tei•s of Mr, Calvin Pardee, a millioilare coal dealer, and will divide about $$14' 000,000 with. persisters. ( jORSE S GLYCEROLE OF ni CELERY COMPOUND. A SAFE remedy for teething: Intel nod adults muttering from all nervous troubles, Guaranteed to contain 00 opium or any drugs except Mona printed on formula: on every bottle. Endorsed by physicians. Paulo, 60 Omin. For sale by druggists, Send two centstamp for rw. descriptive ,circular to T1iAD17 alaux. t"�'el Hazen Morse, Buifalo, N. Its On the Stockton, Cal., kite-sbap=cl r t ac.l. yesterday, Palo Alto reduced the 2 4 stallion record to Obl„ 1..lud S.'s time. grad half ai second better than the stall- iou record previously held at 2,09!. by ,. ., I 5 111 ler to u. A 1=021. The popular physician is 111 assum ing•, pleasant and successful in treating' diseases Such an one is Burdock. Bleed Bittets-unasstuning-only a dollar a bottle -pleasant, agreeable in Uiste, successful in nine cases oat of ten. In truth it maty be said B.B.B. is the popu- lar phtsician to the people, a tried ancl• trusted friend in all diseases of .the stom.tch, lis .i,boncls and blood.' .rile unusual spectacle is offered in `Boston of 'i daughter; Carrie A. Holmes sueing' her father, Henry W. Sniith, the organ manufacturer, for something like; 20,000, Which she put into his btls- iness. PROMPT, .POTENT AND PERMA- NENT results always come from the use of IVlilburn's' Aromatic Quinine W. J. Brytherton, the mal who at tempted to trundle a, wheelharrow.frorn San Francisco t0 Chicago, died at La Junta,' Colorado, yesterday from fibril tain fever. • If your little ones suffer with "snuf• fres" Nasal ,Salm will give them relief. It is a certain cure for all forms of cold in the head or catarrh. Sold by all dealers. Try it. Five cents for wheat, and 4j cents r coin was asked yesterday ty in Citic afro for lake cargoes to Buffalo,' but as far as known none were taken at those figures. TWELVE i L AIS, TB ST. Doth Sirs, -We have use,cl Hag- yttrd's Yellow Oil iu our family for over twelve years and find nothing to equal it for rheumatism, lumbago, latae back, frost bites, etc. 11'e would not be without it. , Mus. 111A'rrrn t. CHICK; ; Winnipeg, Manitoba. At Lapelle, Ind., on Wednesday night, Pairs. G it l;y Hubbman and her two grown -lip 9114 werec asphyxiated by gas, owing to an inlpsi•feet draft to a ,gas stove. Derangement of the liver, with con stipation, inures the complexion, in- due- pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause, by using Carter's Little Liv • er Pills. One a dote. Try them. Miss Clara Holloway, of Philadelphia, died on her engagement bight, while 'playing a game of euchre, Ind an an- topsy disclosed the fact that tight 1:te- inr killed her. A VOICE FROM SCOTLAND. PcitilSIRS-•-T cal highly recom- mend. Ilagy tad's Pectoral 13alsam. If Cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is now twelve years old. Mits. M, FArrtCfrrlrls, Scotland, Ont. Dr, T, A, Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER if you have any Throat Trouble -Use it, Per sale by all druggists. 85 cents per bottle. While a young son of Daniel Buffan of McDonald's Corners, of Lanark County, was partridge shooting the other day- his gun event off aceidential- the charge entering the boy's mouth and killing him instantly. SICK HEADACHE caused by excess of bile or' a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using National Pills; Burglars got away with over $2,000 worth of cash, diamonds, etc., from the residence of Marcus Michaels in Ifo chester, N.Y., on Wednesday evening while the family were at dinner. Pale, weak and mandated women and girls would soon disappear from tde land if all would use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a great specific `for their peculiar troubles. Try diem and be convinced. A Quebec despatcli says Clancy, who was named gnardialt of the Connolly hooks and disappeared with them, is in Plattsburg, N.Y., and that Martin Con- nolly was to meet him there. OVER A CENTURY OLD, Many cases are kttowii of pencils living to be over 100 years old a 1,d there is no good reason why this should not occur. By ptyine. attention to the, health by using Burdock Blood Bitters when necessary to ,purify I he blood:ancl strengthen the s}•stern much May be added to the comfort and hap- piness of life even if the century r%ark 1S not attained. The steamer City of Nein York, which arrived at New York early yes tarda,}* morning. from;Liverpool, reports IiaVing eocouritered one of the storm- iest passages she ever experienced, \laky don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills! They are a positive cure for sal: headache. and all the ills pro- duced by disordered liver:' Only one pill a dose. William Keck, a quarr„vman, has been arrested at Allentown, Pal , char,* ed with the mruder of Mrs. William Nebisch, and attempted murder of her husband, both over 70 years old. The old man .vas conscious when found and charged hecl. with the. crime. SANDWICH. Stas, -For five years I siif Bred from ltunbak,o and could get no relief until I used Barnyard's Yellow Oil, and must say I find no better remedy for it. - JoilN DC31ILRnAN, Sandwich, Ont. A llinucapolis despi:tc0 says tlund• reds of men hnye retilraled from North Dakota, where they have been assist• ing at the threshing'. They say that at leastolie-third of the crops; IS still mithreshed,.but they -could not remain thele 'with thetcmpattire hovering 11110th the zero point. - - . The action of Carter's Little river Pills is pleasant, rm.icl and natural. They c gently tt the et 1 c liver � and regulate ail rte the bowels, but do not,purge a hey are sure to please. Try them, The petition against st the return of Bof 1 al Tisdale, e, Lonser at1,e lI 1: for ,Norfolk, has been disinissed for lack of evidence.. PERFECT PURITY. Perfect purity of the blood is -essent- ial to good health. Burdock Blood hitters will purify the blood sand re- move all effete matter. B,B H cures all blood diseases from a common pim- plc to the worst scrofulous sore. Some students in Montreal, who kicked ftp a row at a locture the other niallt, were yesterday fined' 100 each or three :months in, jail, ITIS:SAFE r1:0 USE Freei1an's Werra Powders, as they act only on the worms and to not injure the child. EXETERtARKETS. Wheat per bushel $0.90 to 0;92 Barley .. 40 to, 40 Oats ............... Peas. ........ Sutter (rgs. , Potatoes per bus Hay per ton .... it`ool 90 to 83 . GO to (10 15 to 16 3.8 to 15 80 to :3u .8.00' to 10.00 ... 18 to 19 11UU COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Sucaearttaflij wed 7no)0/ 1/, by/ tlouscaids of LAnll.s. Is the only perfect. ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this, Ask for 0001c's Cor' oplleoT GOM7'Ot;N1/, 107[1 2tn twl t ,sttGtttG or fnos1 • retand 4 three - cent ce t Can.. lido voltage stamps in letter, and we will send settled, by return mail. Fall sealed par- ticular's in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address Pond -LEI y Com pass y.No 8Fisher Block, tat Woodward ave., De tt ()it, .Mich. ArSoldin.13XETEn at Dn. .Lu t i s, ;) W. 135022 NIN4 b and by all.drn„oists cvery- whcre. �.ollsa11 Palace Baker! D. W. Foss Proprietor'of - the Palace Bakery, IIensall, wishes to inform the citizens of that he visits the villas Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon w.itli a supply of FIRST-CLASS [1lEAD & BUNS. All orders left with Guoluan SAhr.,- ietts will he promptly attended to, and from whom bread can be had at all times. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction) guaranteed. GIVE ME A MAL BD BE, CONVINCED, D. W. c+'OSS, Baiter .Mensal. ugust Flower " How does he' feel ?-He feels cranky, and is constantly experi- menting', dieting himself, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooking, the dishes, the hours, and manner of his eating -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels at times a gnawing, voracious, insati- able appetite, wholly unaccountable, unnatural and unhealthy. -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling, fault-finding, over -nice- ty about what is set before him when he is there -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels after a spell of this abnormal appe- tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food; 'as if a mouthful would kill him -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He has ir- regular bowels, and peculiar stools - August Flower the Remedy. The veterans of the regular army and navy of the United States living ,in IIudson county, N.J., have effected an iugint,.ation under the name of Winfield' Scott Hanwell Comi'nttudery IT SAVED HER PAH. A Letter to the Ladies. Toronto, Oct. 21, 1901. 1 take great pleasure in informing you that a year ago U tsroronetioMedicines cured me of a serious attack 0f paralysis. 'Three years ago 1. hada sudden stroke while sit- ting 0111 sofa, a second onefonrteen menthe ti t4 owhilel t] , h lying All Tdid for i•failed tel do mach good My voice and all one side were badly affected. At last I tried Dr. .1. ilugene Jordan's tTigtogenetie Remedios. In three months n1ivolcebeu strong, tsn es ro g My 1im 1., tthLeh were aim oat useless regained iunl power. Ino longer need to be assisted to the table orkrom one place to another. Try muscles developed wonderfully. considering that T tans 71 years of age x can. walk to chore's and back regularly, The effect has been: permanent now for about ttvelvo,mon;- tbs. Last April. I had tt severe attack of pllemu onitt and Hid t09eneticRent edies cur- etl me in a few days. and on the ,8th of this month. ±00/,congestion of the liver and 1511lung. 1 was so bad I could not have ltvul la ng. In a few hours thetogenetdc Rem Pa01 Otice mole gave iurnietlbite relief. It only , t� , two 0 tat � ur v weeks 1 x9,msi t' inglt t p et' - 'r -e +ltln irt;• Curl nr.trlt Hell. Co sass that rnv iai Hk r ci-tteltcclirio tsattonm t',tatly. express,. s1, 1 r it, ladles fur these orauv other coin plaints and he convinced. Dr. Beer, of I'orouto, is allowed to give my Hanle and .4 ' C ddies to any inquirers rCra silli fool Y affect toil, tie ,ictfully, MRS. ----, Toronto: T.S.-A1 ovea'1c11(SSC.4n also be had at the London offico. Will be at Exeter,"Centr al Hotel," on Tuesday Dec. lst, from 9. 30 a, i n,a to 5. 30, p.m,, and at IJeusall, " . r„ a.nsall Hotel," same day (Tuesday). from 0 p. .,' to 9 next morning. CALL ,EARLY CONSULTATION FREE. Ali Diseases Treated, Histogenetic rflcdicine Association. Rooms 2 and :.Albion Block, Richmond 5t London. Head Office for: West ern Ontario Head Office for Canada, 19 Yonge Street Market, Toronto, May 14-1,,v. • Mention Exeter t1Ayoca.aae." London Huron & Bruce Railway d a lest o'er 4 .me TT,bfe, G0INo N O71Trr. GOING SOU'rlr. a.m. p.m. %ondon,dep't8.05 4.25. Win"ham 7.05 340. s ] Luca n Gro a fl,17 5.20. 73e1 rev gg e 7.24 4.0 Clandeboye 8 52 5 28. Blyth 7.38 4.15. Centralia 0 05 8.45 Lon desboro' 7.47 4.25, EXETExt 9 111 557, Clinton 8.07 4,45, Nonsall 9.28 18.09 Bruce&old.. 8.205 >.04, Nippon 9..14 b.17. Nippon 8.34 5.12 .flrucofield 9.42 (3 20 71ensall 8.41 519' Clinton 10.00 G 15. EXElBl1 8.57 5.33 r oih ,sboro' 10.11 7.03 Centralia 000 5.45 Blti•tri d% 10.28 7.12. Glryncfeboye 9.18 555.' 31e1g,ravo 10 42 7.27 'Liman Cros)g9.24 002. 4/int:ham 11.00 7.45. London a.rr,1915 114.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FROET And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they. have the Largest and Best Stock of all hinds of Building Materiais in this sec - don of cottntry,and at the lowest prices,' Shingles a Specialty, • having a large stock on hand WO a,re prepared to meet the keenest cornpetit, ion na. to price or quality. We have Se- cured the right to Manufacture and Sell MeiTiam8 celebrated Baking Caib- Suets. Call and see them and - be con- vinced of their merit. - ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter special 5* 111.Filfililin for Ike NV 30 NY6 Now is the time to secure furniture atprices never heard ofbefore in Exeter, p For the next THIRTY DAYS I WILL OFFERTHEWHOLEGIGANTIC OF MY CrTGAI! .PLC STOCK OP -- Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash &Oak; Sideboards in Maple, 'Cherry and Oak: together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounges,Chairs,Tables, and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELM,and the prices are froirt TEN to TWENTY price. per cent BELOW the usualY°1Cet. CaU Early while the Stock ass5 Remember the Stand -Factory and Wareroorns two doors: north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Ilolit, N, ;'ore, FLJB)IITIIRE JJELEII ARM Undertaker i THE LEADING ndertaker AND Furnture OF THE 2 I have an immense Stock of Furniture e cud I7nclertakin Goods now on hand, which I will` sell' at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. - An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDL Y 0•t .. ' 'ET A1 SNELL, i'•I 1Iai± . EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock end 71intg4 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England nl it g sand TrOrs erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser:- robs. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the, Latest Style, at gAbest Rates,* SI FLL - --WORM POWDERS if re pheasant to laze Contain Marc -v.1 ! Purgative. Is a saf , s ere and effect ea3' kitstrayerof-warinsznsCIcilaz or.eldi tr. "'uo'csacc'o.111n„ zt nirm= altsma n W. G. B1 Livery. First {. .- . .l >i>L Glass Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'iIarclwaro Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. I3SSETT. Exeter -North General Store liviqg Up Bilsirtess, A Clearing Sale. AT and BELOW Cost. We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out. Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN' BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY HADES. 5 lbs Japan: Tea for $1. Full Stoop of Groceries, . No trouble to show goods. We offer a reduction of 25°/ for cash. JOHN MATHESON. - Exeter North CENT�fl1 6�Vn STOflZg' A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. I1iit filogiciRos, Spolos, Druggist's SlliIIlle8 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and FamilyReceipts is Carefully Prepared. IYiiii9SEOIjLIi1!O11 FflWJf the best in the market. C. LTJTZ, PROP. FErillcr 12 WLiolcsaIe Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT erc ` ts9 Mails est., Exeter. CHRISTIE'S omireE+a �. First Glass RIGS And HORSE.' ORDERS LEFT AT THE IIAWH SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Ter r:.•as ��veesossa; •l�a� Telephone Cot:nect,on. EliiliVILESS EARACHE t e a, Ael;i_ riEA DACHE. ...key are 11o8 advetr.. isery O. Cure every- thing ,Zatt verythin-g,irtet group/7/ head • aches. a'ry'/tern, ry s.i.LL cost but tri cents ce -box and they aro anrontess. They, are not a. Cathartic. POWDEn5 autos E.B111111101 IS STILL IN . THE OLD STAND ---where he is - READY FOR A GALL, Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN- EA--SY C3®SHAVE, AXE EJJJ C1A��IliE i, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER. Also CcADIEI IIATR WOK K DONE. North of Post -Office. CAE58001 i ggraa 04' drrHCC^. NOME , tzttbsrlxtr I t rna s EAtlE 4qqa TH bW III}} lM ft A Lltdli'i'41J Tlitlf liFi~C tel+x6012"•+ For L517 or '7611414B NIdi11i0C1t General. end * 1.C; VOUS 138115fL1TY, Worsntes of Body 11±. Mir) ftcctr dX Errors or tzoOsses la Old a'route. Soil t.:veno'la,,dr- BOOD fully Restored, Bow to e' 111153 835 :strengthen WEili 9f1'DEV1at0PsD 0130 071zYalseelnttlyin, failia�+HOME T13 AT5511PT-13taefft6 la 1. coy 1SeattsIil; from oO Orator and 7oreien Coon'ariod. Write then 13o.L os ignatia and nd ro g p nfd nlr,flcd taexlod 1 free, „&;:se,ITt.1... ERIE MSDICAL CO..' Ett.at-FALCJ,. 1•a. V. x