HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-26, Page 4THE to � �.pw �Y<• •fir � t SANDERS SWEET, Props. THURSDAY, NOV, 26th, 1891, OVATION AT PERTH. It was most beueetiug that the P 'faster General should, after what t placer during last session of Parliat receive a public endorsement by m hers of the Cabinet in presence. of own constituency'. Never`on ally vious occasion were so many rltilils of the Crown present at any pu demonstration such as that given Perth last weer; to honor of the 1 John Haggart, who has represer South Lanark for the last twenty yc Stress of official duties alone peeven Premier Abbott from being pies and taking part in the clemonstrat Perth might well feel honorees by s distinguished party and such a to influent gathering as assembled in new .Agricultural Hall ;and South L ark, whieli was represented by ev municipality in the Fitting;, might f proud of the honor alone to its repr eutative on that occasion. The me bees of Cabinet present, who all spo greater g at or less length on the polit al issues before tae country, were t Hun, Sir John Thompson, Minister Justice; Hon. G. E, Foster, Minister k'inance; Hon. M. Bowels, Minister Customs; Bon. J. A. Chapleeu, Deere ary of State; Hon. Carling, Minister Agriculture; lion. J. Costigan, Minist of Inland Revenue: Hen, C. H. Tapp Minister of Marine and Fisheries; 1•?o Frank Smith, Acting Minister of Pu lie Works.; and Hon. J. Haggart, Pos Master• -General. Mr. Haggart, wh was the -first speaker, rebutted the pe sonal charges brought against hi during the closing hours of last sessio by an infuriated Opposition smartin under disappointment at their inabi ity to upset the Government. Th Minister of Justice dealt with that pa of the opposition policy that tried t connect the Government with certai irregularities in the Civil Service showing that the Cabinet had aided i the investigations and taken the bold est steps for purifying the public ser vice. The Minister of Finance in hi usual incesive way threw back upon the Opposition their hypocritical pro fessions of purity,and referred instron b terms to the. recent contested election trials as evidence that, the corruptio and bribery were all ou ttre other side Mr Chapeau in a very happy and able speech defended the loyalty of the French Canadians, and said that "the last gine to. be ;lied in Canada in de feast of the:British flag would be fired by a French Caanadain". The cry of political morality by the. Opposition 'inet witha scathing rebuke from the Secretary of State. He, endorsed the full plank of the great Conservative parry, as outlined by their late,; chief- tain. The ''Minister of Agriculture spoke of the immense increase in our trade with Great Britain. Last year, he said, we sent to the Motherland twenty million dollas worth of Agricul- tural produce, while only Eleven Mil. 1 .. v lion Dollars worth found its way into the neighboring' Stales, Hon, Mr. Trip per pointed out the prosperity of Can- ada as proof of the beneficial efiectb of Conservative rule during the last thir- teen years. Other members of Cabinet dwelt upon various features of nation- al progress and development, while` " they one. and all testified. to the ability and integrity of the Post -Master Gen- eral. In moving a vote of thanks to the Chairman who presided, Sir John Thompson alluded to an incident inthe ife of the late Premier, who in spear: bag. some years ago for e church.fund was warned not to refer. to 'political • subjects. Said he: "Never mind polit- ies but r•e-elect Jacl:11tggart and leave " r no mol e filess-about rt. .Chis the iw7in- ister of Justice thought was the ' most appropriate sentiment en the present occasion, The ovation given at Perth to the Hon, Mr, Haggart was pronoun: sed to be an unqualified success. QSt ook Bent cm - (lis pre- ters bile at Ion. tted ars ted 011 t ion uch ag the an• eve eel es- ke ie he of of of t - of er er, b- t - 0 r m n THE TORONTO ihli'PTRE. It is with feelings of satisfaction that we congratulate the Toronto Empire I on the independent stand it has talten in public matt put ' C p ars, more especially in the publication of the starting diselos` ures recently made regarding the Quebec Court house contract. The public owe: a debt of obligation to.. the ;rlrp'ire fo) keeping thein read up 'on the Scandalous Misappropriation of the. /Albite funds voted for the building of tjie Bay Chaleurs railwa - out: y,of which large sums were paid to Paeaud as' agent ofr' P emrer 14lercinr to carry on the uebec ale' i a , c.t on, Q an dtosecur e for r Mr, Lac a irbi a good. ood working majority in the .house of':Conunons. But dam- aging as the .evidences was in that case the disclosures just made by Mr. Z'i'hel' an, Who was contractor for the Quebec Court house, far surpass in guilt and magnitude the boodling transactions itt the Other instance` As furnished by Mr. Whelan to the correspondent of the Empire, the items of money given to different members of the Quebec - Gov- ernment and their confreres, and char- ges by them to the public account, foot up the enormous sum of $15,000! The diselosures made have naturally cre- ated an immense sensation throughout the province, comin, so soon upon the heels of the Bay Chalenr•s scandal: and the press of Quebec, without regard to political bias, have pronounced this latest phase of government corruption to be such as to demand a Foyel Corn mission to fully investigate the charges preferred, Mr, Whelan has, since been interviewed by. severalnewspaper men in the other province, and cot - &Ms to the letter his statements prey• iously made to the Umpire correspond- ent, Both the Montreal Star and Wit- ness, who usually reflect the views of the Liberal party, have spoken out manfully on this fast scandal; and they contend that in the interests of public justice, as well as for the credit of their Province, a sifting inresti,ation should be; made of the whole .transact ion. Meantime, the Montreal Xeroses —whose editor -is the Hon. Peter Mitch ell, the rejected of his own constituency iu Neiir Brunswick --.has published a most fierce and hiatal attack On Mr Whelan for 'having peached onthe party and given information to the Einpiu'e, and lie will be called upon to substantiate his charges before a court of justice. As the .Daly Witness has well observed: "The Conservatives may now be cour'tted upon to do their very best to rid the province of this.` incubus of evil. Stephen. Mr. Septinrus llogaith's new resi- dance, situated on the dth concession of the township, is nearing completion. It is much admired by all andconsidered one of the best buildings in the section This, with the many other improve- meats Mr. H. bus made, will add great- ly to the value of his farm, Messrs. Bawcten Bros,, brielelayers, eouinleted the brickwoek of Mr, Sidney Snell's bank barn, London Road, last week. The building• has been raised about eight feet and workmen are at present busily engaged putting an ad- dition on one, side of about twenty feet. Although the work was begun he a late season of the year it hes been pushed forward .rapidly and orily a short time will elapse before it will be occupied by. stock. When completed it will make a vast improvement to his much admired premises. Centralia. Charlie was in town last week giv- ing the boys some superfluous talk.— Messrs. Hodgins and Robinson, of Lu. can, were in town on Tuesday of last week.—Mr. Wes. Pym, of Whalen, was visiting his hone on Sunday--Wessrs.. Parsons and Sons have started to but two carload of poultry and two of dressed. hogs.—WEDDING BELLS.—On Tuesday last week at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Hicks, of this place, to Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Eagleson, of Harp ley. ,After ceremony had 1 Pthe been performd, and the happy couple nude one, they all sat down to a good repast, after which Janes started on his honeymoon it ith his long sought for prize.' The have 1 y ale the best wishes of the community, con- gratulations.being extended from all quarters, and many the two, which are one now, live to enjoy long. Ryes of happiness. Preparing for the Contest! SCORE'S OF APPLICATIONS` COMING IN! Only The Ladies of Canada Can Compete! .3 SPV.C3A,L FlItTURE OF Tin,: Our Canadian ladies are already preparing for the; great Diamond. Dye Competition; they are going -into this work with a vire and earnestness that is truly surprising; and it is a well- known fact, that whenever the ladies enter upon any work in this way, it is always well 1 done. Of taut • stl the great noveltyof the work, and the wide field of operation opened up by this unique competition, will be the means of drawing' in hundreds of ardent work- ers, wlm, under ordinary circumstances, would hesitate before : committing thernselye9 to trouble and unremuner- ati re work. In this liberal and highly commend- able contest, inaugurated by the pro- prietors of Diamond Dyes, the ladies have 'en agent to work with, which develops immense possibilities, and produces results wielth ! are pleasing to t hs eye. The great t valio t,y Of work in r the various eiassesoperl foreompetition sloes not by any means take in all that can be aceomplisned by the celebrated Dlainorld Dyes, it ls, however, in the well regulated, economical and happy home that Diamond Dyes are justly appreciated, and considered' to be incus tensible helps and aids, As season succeeds season, the wise wife and mother thinks of the wearing apparel belonging to herself, husband and children, and realizes the iunnortant fact that it can be fitted for wear once mare through the use of Diamond Dyes. The materials still good, but perhaps too light in color, and, it • may be faded With .VCO1 and exposure to sun, can all be re dyed in some fash- ionable dark color, or made a lovely shade 01 jet or blue black. It just amounts to tins, as a lady remarked, "for a trifling outlay you can have the summer wardrobe of man, woman or d.hild transformed into nein and stylish articles for autunm ,and winter wear." Ahl;acly scores of wives and mothers have sent in the necessary application form, intimating their intention of coinpethig in the great "Diamond Dye Competition" scheme. They 'know exactly the particular line of work they =can excel in, and feel that the proposed competition scheme embraces in its ample scope just such it 01 , as they can best accomplish. Within the past three weeks ladies in the United States have written • to us, asking if they will be allowed to compete. We wish it distinctly under stood that 1 1 1, this Dr <1 111011 d Dye Comte tition" is open only to the ladies of Canada. However, we devoutly trust that Mir fair American cousins will, ie due time, have a competition of the sante kind presented to them. •A very special feature of this "Dia mond Dye Competition" is the filet of its beim fit E4 to all competitors. Not- withstanding the great cost of its in- auguration, and employment of extra. helpfor the proper conducting' of the scheme, no fees are exacted from the ladies for the privilege of competing, and all goods sent in for exhibition remain the property of the makers, and are to be returned free of charge to then. It will thus be seen that every possible aid is extended to thea• ladies` to enable them to take large cash: pllzes without incurring any expense. The retail druggists of the Domin- ion,from ocean to ocean, highly Coln.' nand the Scheme, and predict ell' in- teresting and profitable time foie the ]adies> Hundreds of letters received from these druggists are full of assur- ances of kind support; and each drug- gist has determined to do what he can to encourage the wives, mothers and slaughters of his ton=n to tale as many prizes as possible. All who are not already supplied with `Competition hooks," explaining the scheme, Should apply for them at Once to the Wells & Richardson Co,, Montreal; they will be sent post free to any, address. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of William Brock, late of the Township of 'Us - borne in the County of Huron,' Yeoman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to chapter 1.10 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario; 1597, that all persons hating claims against the Estate ni'William Brock, ]ate of' the Town- ship of tlsborne in the County of Ifnron ;yeo- man, deceased, who died on the, lith day of October, 1591, are required to deliver or send. by post prepaid to the undersigned Solicitor • for Samuel Brock and Thomas Brock. Exec- utors of the Last Will and Te; tament of the —said deceased on or before the— ay o °EMBER,. I89I, a statement in writing containing their names and, addresses and full particu- lars of their claims duly verified by statist- �S `t° °� arv<leclltration. and t.henature of'the seem•- Pa•9R 81 MARTIN, , PROP S. it, (if airy) baldly them and that after the said 5rs;t clay of December, 7391 the said Ex- ecutors utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate owing the parties entitled thereto Laving regards only to claims' of which notice shall have been received as above required, and the said Executors not be liable for the said Assets or,any part thereof so distributed to any person or leer - sons of whose claims notice sbal.1 not have been receivers at the time of such distribu- tion. B. V ELLIOT, Solicitor for Executors. Dated this circ day ofNovembe1991 r, Ont, ApllNT'aPur. gauPvo bfeai Mee. They are a Paoor, IIUILDrit, si.:00o and ltnotn 1 '+ s'rliocrOR,as titoyy suipty in a condprtsed fora}th , e substances aotpaily needed to en- 'ieh the Blood, curing all diseases coining from, P0013 and Wer. „ttr BLooA, or from VITIAt,a» Hutiois the BLoon, and also invigorase and tiwin ti' rho I3t:oon and srs'rLar, whop broken down by overworit; Rtental worz'y, disease; OxeesseeThcy hand indisore does:' ave a SrFtc s'Io Acrroi on the Sutxr,nn SrsTelt of both mon and women, restoring LosT vieon and °correcting all IISEEGDLARi'rIES and 'e' smrzri sxoNs. g���� 1 mita Who finds' hie menta] fat. gg�� 6i9�9tl nities dull or Pairing, or 16 his physical powers stagging, should take' these Pmts. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental, EVERT�g�8 should take then, 8oY Io1fA ®d>iB>D They cure all stip- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected, ilii�ItB should take these>'XLLs, kl BBi N5 They will cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. (®mei Cl; ma ®11811 Tlaesshould take them. �v( Jcdm These PILLS Will make thous regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (100. per box), by addressing THE .DR. WD'ILL.71AMS' ?)FE11, CO. Brockville, Ont. t �i)® SAL&tt and Commission to elA IJ o Agent.;, lien and Women, Teach- $900 and Clergymen to introduce a new mad ponetav etatzduts'd book. Testimony of 19 Centuries Nazareth, toe'l�eSti + of Tho most remarkable religions boort of the age, written by 300 eminent scholars, Non sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory gry . z. ,I.ppty to The Henry Bill ubilshing Co., Nor''wich, CONN. "1.712 BEST ft R.7TOR A GAINS?' DISEASE Is GOOD DIGESTION." Tris a hard, tlncontrovcrtible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach. than to all the other organs combined this isnot hard for even the t•nprofessonal to understand when we cake into consideration the titnss of food that it is made the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di, gested and so assimilated, MALTOPEPSYN (an artificial gastric juice -formula: on every label) will aid the weak stomach and soctire Indigestion, ll,yspe p_ psiit etc. In fact, it is a good aid to digest a Hearty dinner, and can do no harm, as itis only adding an extra amount of crastrie juice, tines trot .tiriudate, anciso there isnoreaction, ]indorsedbyphysicians. Sendzas, in postage for valuable book to HAZEN .MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BIsIOOR, ONTARIO:.,. Ex EMPOIRIUMz SU SI.. kndig9krit THE HAMILTON WEEKLY b PECTATO Enlarged and Improved. Contains all the News, Many Special Features, Crisp and pointed Comments The Most Entertaining Stories, The Choicest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody. TO 1st 'JANUARY This groat paper fron'i now fill tst.Tanua I$03-1'2 pages reading matter wee}il. zy our read premium Y—an p picture, "SONcs, OI 60Y „” for only The "Advocate" and Above paper $1,75. AGENTS _4.°eS3 sL:'1L AJ_91 rl_ EII. f filler, l corninission to lagenas. A good agent for tbiy district, is wanted. at once— One who will take an interest in pushing the paper and will make a thorough canvass of hes distii i, For taints xti l aria ' ra " culars`arldress r , Pei �� d)riT�1'irrbffE nlliuM ;tr Y9nzailtori, 4.'irnitrd L. We eery the most com)let:, stock Musical instruments in the county.. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit .Purchasers. of GIVE US A GALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DQW1V.. PERKINS &iil� ilz rl. FARMS FOR. SAL.,.E. "West half of lot 10, Concession 5 in the township of Osborne iii the countt, of Huron con tainin i t h - h -r � r ,in n 0 aur ds nr. le of1ass. There e is aslant ao acres cleared and the bal- ance hush bring mtxue with b1ack ash and cedar.'with 1 wind -in t ,=cost well. ofwater inrlwell stated for stock raising. For further particulars us app. ply to Ger). 1holt- rcr, Ridgetotcn or bo John. Bunter, Jr. Exeter. f?a ,v i Flu •r lr0 �� mfr f. , t ' n , t .., ...-Yt{.. Zl? " et. ,Kf, ,I7,Wi' ,�,.....se ,. itr, ' i � ., Y�.. Regcalates the Stomach, Liverand'Bowels, unlocks theSecretions,''r uri'fiesthe 'l3looaaand removes all imp, purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. t ' e, ,a' [ ��,. roti., if Y• ,4i' '�.t{ ;• CURES .-4– DYSPEPSIA. 4t)YSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS,. CONSTIPATION,, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DI 'ZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES 5 1, BLM1r l 4 < :d s Y '9 , Y ryr tS y l uH5 rF AT THE LoarIiii C1ot1i!ii House. are the latest goods in-- FALL n-=FA L AND and overeoatings, just arrived. y All will be iriade up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time AT PRICES I GRS Aw ilY DOWN. llerenmber the Stand one Door North of E. II, Fish's B r ber Shop. •�' . Give me a call. J. H.GRIEVE. a Y �t., ,r�; tinders. s . i'g emzesiszusinumamyersm It will pay you to call on us if' you want anything in Hard- ware such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. w 3loac of Jofijto's Coleintog Ulli tCOLORS. �}py �}q{ :�r�r � 7 �\ 1 Y• COLOclr+eS. Barbed., Plain, Strap, Blacks & Galvanized ices away do's for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. stn EAVETROUGHINU A SPECIALTY. RV --7 v a ' MACHINES , NEEDLES. FALL MB rl TOM. BISSETT BT EIEiLAIICED --TO- 16 PAGES �H WEEKLY RODE �+ ® 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ®:'r= LY ONE DOLLAR THE ROSS" LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE NO FAKES'1 NO CHEAP BOOKS'! NO JACK-KNIVES ! SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS ! BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. , Commencing with the issue of 7th October TIIE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen ages instead of twelvepages �, pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family P1 news aper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making - it BRIGHT READABLE, ACCURATE and INPL.?.F,5'1•l\1., , <s in all' its cael��u-tnients. Specialains will he tatken with its Agricult lr,tl l' 1 es P ;, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT' READING "Ok 1'11E 1:AD'MILY. SUI3SC1ULERs WHOSE ORDERS ARE R r:CEIvr1) PREVIOUS TO 3 ISt DECEMBER, I891, WILL IIAVIs T1113 PAPER S.:\ 1' TIIL11 UNTIL' CLOSE O1 1892 FOR TIIE ONE YEAR',TT I IS 11/1 E` A titJF;SCRI}?I'1Q1. T ( I5 I11o1)t11S of a 16 -page for $I to ,1 I et•c;r`-,one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALI, 1J L'ti i'1.1.S1:N`.rEi)'DISTRICTS. For ter`nis, address forkescuer THE GLOBE, TORONTO.! OE1iJ1i TMLO8 3.46P. Mr. George Srnallcombe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur rounding country that he has opened -out a new -- 0. and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment ilr Fanson's Block. Latest designs of a'oods always on hand, and'matde up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and IVIantle making gt attended to. J G. SMI" LL . i t, ACOMBI;. MERCHANT A TT C7 N A ILoB , • Exeter, Biel c:.1g $. I have a positive remedy for the above d sense by Ito use thousands el cases• et the went- lend and ' of long standing have been cured.' Indeed so strong is my faith in Its eaicacy, that I will send T'1V0 BOTTLES PRICE, with a VALTIABLE'. TREATISE on this disease to any snRorer who will send mo their EYFRE59 and P.O. address; T. A. SLOCUM,. M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT, O>lir clubbing List. The AnvoCAT7-,will he clubbed with the following newspapers till Java, lst 1.893 at the f0llow1.n1, rates:— Ad vocate ites:--Advocate anus Empire $1.7,"r " „ Flintily Tlerahl 5;1,70, " " Free E. Fess $1,75' " .roronto Nev, , $$1.75 " Globe orie $1,75. Farm t i arm and Live Stook tTotir �,5 Advertiser 4,170 Wives at 'Daughters $1.95 Hamilton Spectators' 51.75. MiinftiftR# !