HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-19, Page 8aereesT.•eeasp•'wN4erovra• . s 4!w.ra sa,.n. eeraraarraa. unwaemerarae vera,A: ih o ,
..A. ps.WNFeeee ,e..seoseses.n..grra ssesv Pere reser,umi%!Pd=Xg eera IAeeraera ni vessver a?rasve
r•. `TniT-rap,.
Sat 11 Viato 1)EPERTIDEll
r..�`. 31.. 74A1.W rr.:
Toys S. Polish Pictures
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dolls Match Safes Salts Ind
Mugs Neeiilos Rules
Balls FI, Pius Hammers
Purses Thimbles Tacks
L, Pencils But tons S. Drivers
Broaches " Pearl P, Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openers
Cups Towels C. Tongs
Toy Books Neckties. F. Shovels
Knives Fans S. Lifters
M. Organs Splasbers P. Mashers
Whisks T. Mats '.roast Forks
Soaps Bibs Dippers
N. Brushes Tin Pails _ Egg Beaters
5. " E'I'ill Sleeper's C Turners
Clothes " T..P. Stands Pans
Blaek'g " Comb Cases L. Squeezer
Stoye " Dust Pans C. Screws
Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles
Combs Trays
Toy Brooms Goblets
a is c, -
'rho hirqt
OVCI'GDat ��i�
of the
Now for the Conditions on which
Beauty is to be given away.
There is in our window a glass jar
of buttons,
the num-
ter is unknown to any person the guarantee
With every pur-
below. w h c ,y p
ti at
to ,112 guess t you are entitledi
chase o£.y7 0 r vgl,
the number of Buttons in the Jar, with a
purchase: of $$$ 00 two guesses and so on.
In our office will be- kept a Book where you
will register your naive and :your guess
The contest to close at o'clock onNewS`'ear
Fye. when the ,jar will he opened and the
Buttons counted-ey disinterestedand. res-
ponsible parties, and the person who has
guessed te correct or nearest to the correct
number of Buttons will then become the
owner of Beauty, should there be a tie then
the first who has registered the correct num-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
number of buttons in the jar in the
window of the Big Bankrupt. Store
is unknown to any person, as they
were placed there by us and the
jar sealed in our presence.
Segued {B. S. O'Nnon,
R; H. Corr,TNs.
Dealer in Bankrupt Stock.
For a fine black suit try J. Ii. Grieve
Merchant Tailor.
If you want afir:stclass farm on easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter
Don't forget to call and see J. I1.
Grieve's $10 overcoats before purehas-
Underwear the finest, the best and
the cheapest at theExeter Woollen
and cuts are quickly soothed and heal-
ed by Victoria Carbolic Salve.,
An exchange says that Messrs,
Crossley and IInnter have secured be-
tween 500 and 600 converts in Owen
Mr. Mich TTnrrel is confined to his bed
and is in a critical condition, and
;light hopes of his recovery are enter..
alai tied,'
�.1 v QS arca, from now i11 � . 3 for
io i i o
Soo clubbing rates.
Nr, n
Mr, 1V. F. Pitt), mathematical plaster
Parkhill, has been re-ou,c'aged at an
inu•ease of salary, from .8'700 to ;,l7ii0,
The best medical authorities say the
proper way to ;teat catarrh is to take
at constitutional remedy, like Hood's
Sarsaparilla. •
A great leveller is the eensus. There
and at the polls the prominent citizen
who fuels big enough to be half the
population only counts one.
All:parties needing sale: bills will
find it to their advantage to ;give the
t,•ADvoOATE" office a call, and you • will
:receive satisfaction for leaving your
order, Give us a call.
Services will be conducted in .the
Trivict Memorial Church on. Suncl+iy
next by the Rev. S. F. Robinson in the.
morning and in the evening by the
Rev. Mr. Sermon, of Hensall.
Mr. R. 11. Collins has purchased from
Mr. J. N. Hooper that large to o•storey
residence situated on James Street. for
the sum of $1800. This is desirable
property and considered cheap.
The Sarnia Tunnel will probably be -
opened for West -Bound freight traffic
next Monday. Passenger trains will
not go funder the river' for a month 'or
ntore, or until the stations at each end
are completed.'
The I;�etu,r Woollen Mills have now
ready for sale a few hundred pounds
of their famous 2 ply fine ;yarns in
black, dark gray, seariet, garnet, car
dinal, navy -bine and brown, all shades
only 10 cents per skein.
Let every subscriber of the.Aiivo-
eamn who learns any local occurrance
in his or her neighborhood, just write
•the partieulars of what has Or about
to take place and send them 'to the
office, where all such are, welcome.
Mr. William Rowtcliffe, London
Road, was -successful in capturing a
coon` last week that Weighed 35 pounds.
His labors have been rewarded since
the season began with 23 fine pelts, all
of which are of: a fair size but none. of
them equal to the one recently taken.
This week is to be observed in the
Methodist churches of the Dominion, as
a week` of prayer, the Ecumenical
Council at "Washington having so .a-
greed. These special services began
in the Methodist churches hereon Mon
day and, will continue the remainder
of the week.
Mr. Thontas Cornish, 2nd concession
of Usborne, lost a valuable horse last
week. Au examination Wits made
after the animal had. died by David
Miller, V, S•, as to the cause, when it
was found that the stomach"had become
ulcerated and in a decaying condition.
His loss will aggregate the sum of
On Sunday evening between the
hours of G and 9 30 o'clock it was so
dark owing to the eclipse, that it was
almost impossible to find your
way along the street. What was
wrong with our street lamps which are
placed in different locations of the vil-
lage?; there
illage?;`there was not: even the first ray
of light to guide tnde the weary traveller.
A tree alive. with beds was discovered
recently upon the farm of James Craw-
ford; Blanchard. That gentleman ea-
companied by Mr. Dinsmore one day
recently went out to investigate. Time
and again the intruders were kept at
bay by the bees, but they eventually
succeeded in locating the comb and
were rewarded with four tubs of honey
of prime quality.
Mr. Thomas Michaeltree, (commonly"
called blind Tommy) of London, will
visit thMansion"house on Tuesday
next. This young 'man is known to, a
number of our citizens and those that
have had the pleasure of hearing .him
sing, and piay on different instruments
say that as a musician ho is hard to
beat. Those who *Isla to hear him
will call on the above evening.
1` r timetwomen could
A short t ago e
have been noticed going
through our
village selling and buying silver
thimbles, A large number were pur-
chased by our citizens, which were
guaranteed, by word of mouth, to be
genuine, but have now turned out to.
be of an inferior quality, and ,the peo-
ple are beginning tofind that
they paid 25 cents for a penny thimble.
After all the warnings that are given
they are still easily led astray.
An oil lamp tipped over in• George
Stokes' yankee notiorr store, 78 Linden
street, Detroit, on Monday, November
9th, and theflaming oil communicated
with the contents, destroying the
greater part of it and totally consum-
ine the household effects, including
Mr. and Mrs. Stokes' and1 baby's wear-
ing apparel, save what they:, had on
their persons. The demagee to the
stock,' effects and dwelling was placed
at $1,500, fully covered by insurance.
The many friends here of Mrs. Stokes
(nee Miss Lizzie Weir, formerly of this
place) will be sorry to learn of her mis-
Mr. Will F. McNulty is the ;nest of
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Acheson, Central
Ilotel for a fe\v days. It will be re-
membered that he was here last spring
with the Diamond Oil Company and
has been with them 'ever since, and
having become closely attached to a
great number of friends here, is now
on a leave of absence and paying them
a visit. Although he has travelled all
his lifetime,
tmc, he
openly accn
vied e
that he ha never motsuch a friendly
lot of good natured people as there are
in this little:burg• of elirs. During his
absence there has been taut a slit,)ht
change, but as the hour of tr..-al at)
proanh'es it is rumored that he is about
to taleabindingand Solemn
nn n lI
ht which two ere implicated and only
two can take part. , 3'•115 friends, which
ere rnt:nv, welcome hint to their midst
and wish him a life Of happiness
Mr, R. S. Lan„ paid Mr, John Dew,
lJsbnrnc., a few days ago, $1341,00 for
apples which he had delivered at the
Exeter station, The yield in Mr. Dew's
orchards this year was large and the
fruit is of such an extra quality that
it demands high prices.
Notice. t.
Our accounts are now ready All
persons indebted to us will confer a' fa:
vor by calling before the est day of
December and settling. L'zssl•,•ri Bnos,
Never too late to mond. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left itt the loading boot and ,shoe
store next door to the post' office. G.
.lialltlyson. .tietsteiltbei.
The Mailseresometimes very un-
certain, anal some papers which are
started to subscribers never rerlell
them. If you miss a number don't
censure the publisher, and don't remain
silent., but report loss to him and anoth-
er will be nailed, Persons who do
without the papers triey have paid for,
and compliin of the publisher, do in-
justice to all concerned;
Otte or The aCoaesetonoas wonders.
• The Faiimiltl Herald and Preeli.ly
Stat, Montreal, has been enlarged and
vastly improved. It is really a wond-
erfnl paper, Its success its phonome
nal, It's notjtrange clow' people are
wondering :
such a
papor can be supplied for
SD Small a
subscription. People who are interested
in the wonders of the age ,hould see
the Family, Herald and Wieldy Star
of Montreal.
rau'eiAal'ied.: -
Messre. VtTood Bros. have ,purehased
from Mr. John Southeott the; piece; of
property consisting of three Lits, sttuat •
ed on Main street; north IS his son
William's taller shop, paying for the
same $1S00. They intend tc erect a
large brick butcher,shop on ate, prem
ises during neat year which will not
only be of interest to their thriving
business, but a great iniprovunent on
the Main street.
At Iionte.
An At Home was giver, by the
members of the Young Peop1.'s Christ-
ta.n Endeavor Society in tke CaVen
Presbyterianchurch on Tueilay e.ven-
ing last. After a large nuuber had
assembled in the basement of the
building tea was served to "al, which
had been provided by the ladies, ah°d a
lengthy programme of songs, - reeitat
ions, etc., kept them in a state of en
joy went for several hours. Ar• it is in-
tended that a series of these .will be
held this winter, they are to Pe con-
gratulated on the success of tlhir first
Oyster social.
• An oyster social was held in the
lecture roomof the Mstin St. 11 thodist
church on Wednesday evenin, under
the auspices of the Epworth eague.
Refreshments were served fro ;G.30 to
Spm by the ladies, to a larg num-
of. people. Tea was provided fthose
root wishing oysters and an enjoyable
time greeted all who were presort. A
lengthy program was also dispoied of,
when the best local' talent that i could
be produced in the village too'.partk
reflecting much credit on each artiei
e. lection. Pro ,
seeds amount
pant in h givin their selection.
ed to a nice little sum.
There died at the parents residence
453 Woodbridge.st. East, Detroit ; on
Tuesday, November 10th Francii;; M.
Gould, aed12 years 1• month an 16.
days. Funeral services wereconduct-
ed at the houseon Thursday last :;eels
at 10 a. m. the remains being take to
Mt. Clements for burial. Manywilf're
member Mr. Gould as lie was a foi er
resident of this village several y ars
ago, having served his apprentice.hip
with Mr. Rd. Davis as carriage but .er
Of late he has been living in the 'ty
where this sad occurrence took pl, e,
and Mach'symyathy will be felt h re
for the bereaved parents in' their: ho rs
of sot
ow. r
Asocial gathering took place attiiie
residence of Mr. James Grieve last
week, it being his birthday, his ettr-
ploy es assembled to partake of an esp.
supper and spend an evening in.
jovial merriment and glee,' After l-
ing repast ing justice to the which hila
been provided by the lady of the Hous;
they then enjoyed themselves in yari-
ous games of amusements until the
hands of the clock began to point to
the small figures on the dial, Whet
they began to think it was time to sep-
ral homes. Afte'
orate to their several < 1
thanking the host,and hostess for their
kindness, all bade them adieu, wishing
that they may live to enjoy many
more such days.
Terracotta ]irentlon.
Miss Lovina Iiregor, of London, is at
present the guest, of her sister, Mts.
James Bissett, Jr. -Mrs. Thos Dunsforcl
who has been spending a short tyam
tion with relatives and friends in and
around Exeter for several weeks re-
turned to her home in Marlette, Michi
gan, on Friday.—Mrs. Walmsley, of
London, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Buckingllan during' the past week,
—Miss Emily Erayne. who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Mark,
near• Strathroy for a few days returned
home Tuesday. morning, ---Mr. Nathan
Horn is at present visiting his sister
Mrs. John A. Darfn" Mr. Latimer,
Miss Spelling and lilss•Shaw, of Sea-
werethe guests of Mr, and Mrs..
Sea -
re u s
James U te cc
lav last week,
i Mrs. lames horn were call
—tri•. and d I . ed
away on Wednesday to attend the fun-
eral of Mrs. Samuel Gunning, of Blan-
shard, -•-Mr. Edward Sanders, who has
been very sick from typhoid fever in
Sand Lrl.kr, Mich., returned home to-
gether with his mother, on Ftida,y, of
last weeps El. is improving but from
his appearrnce has had rather a hard
(it ht.
' t.' 4 tot' Sale.
n a
et 1 itis
undersigned11' e a
o s s t
class farms for sale on easy teams,
J• SL'.i.caontn, bireter.
Adair:Tee nota ,ti�a t Neil t.l ttOU
On Sunday afternoon after the dos
ing of the Trivia Memorial Sunday
School the scholars of the class of Mrs;
(Rev,) S. P. Robinson, wishing to StIOW
it token of respect and esteem to their
teacher' asked Mr. Sainnel Sweet to
read an address to her. When it had
boon delivered, they presented her
with a footstool, beautifully covered
with plush, on which were worked. the
initials of her severe scholars, The ad-
dress was writton by one of the class,
and was placed in a gilt frame, all of
which is highly prized by the receiver.
'the following is the address:—
To .Mas. S. F. Rou1Nsox.
Man air. --W e,' the undersigned,
members of your Sunday School class,
kuawing• you are about to leave us,
cannot allow you to do so without
thanking you with all our hearts for
You kindness and tender care of us
while tinder your tuition. We shall
all ever think of you with love, and
shall miss you sadly, and never forget
you, knowing you will not forget us.
And we humbly pray, Gocl may bless
and help you wherever you are.
Signed Edith Gidley, Susie
Case, Lilly Whitlock, Maggie Sweet,
Charlotte Peterson, Flossio Jeckcll,
Francis Fish.
Canadian °can� C}1O' Cn Frieisdti.
Is a trimly Canadian Benovolertand
Fraternal Society, is charted by the
Government, and admits both ladies
and gentlemen tofall membership and
full benefits from age 18 to 55 years
and pays the full claim ,at death or age
75 years, or one half in case of total
disability end balance. at death or age
75,`has also a sick benefit fund paying
$5 per week: oertiiieates are issued for
$500,.$1,000 or $2,000 as the member
may elect, The Order gives its ben
efits rtt actual cost as it •does not allow
any more surplus than $20,000 to an -
cumulate at one time. The object Of
the order is to protect the families of
its members in case of death and the
mem hers' themselves in the event of
disability or old. age. The order is
controlled' by -its member, each mem-
ber having a Vote on all questions, in-
dividually first and then by their dele-
gate in the Grand Connell, every
amendment being subinitted to the
membership, in the local councils before
being brought before the Grand Conn
The Order has already between
three and four thousand members..
]✓eater Connell has i ,
C c, I\o. 94 dee clod for
a shore tittle longer to admit .candi-
dates at: charter ratThere
ea T eI , is a de-
cided advantage in joininc' at charter
rate which can only be made known
after initiation. Now do not put off
until tomorrow that which you should.
do to day—•,give in your name "don't
"procl astinate" you know not what a
day may bring forth." He that pro-
videth not for his own, and especially
"those of his own household, hath denied
the faith and is worse than an infidel.
For full particulars`see circular or nay -
ton the t w
a voffallo ua tV W.1
Martin, Councilor; J. P. Ross P. C.; J
Senior, V, 0.4 P A.,Brown. Prelate and
Asst Rec.; Mrs T. A Bro.w•n, Recorder;
T. Fitton, Treas.; LH. Grieve, Marsh-
all; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie,
Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent.;Dr. Amos
Medical examiner, or to any of the
members. .As the Council can close
the charter at any, meeting apply at
once and make' sure of gettting in at
charter rate. T. A LriowN, Asst. Rec.
And endorsed by the. medical faculty
throughout the states. Clark's Catarrh
Cure has come to be regarded as the
only real specific ftirthat disease. In
evey case it works'A certain, safe and
speedy cure. Pleasant to tasteand..
smell it is yet powerful in honliva' and
rstorirlg, the natural functions. NO
Other remedy gives such satisfaction;
because the results from use are not
Sold byI r s r
all' ctru„, st , o
sent to any'address on receipt of 50
cents, by Marl- Chemical Co., Toronto,
New York.
$3,000.00 WORTIL
If you want a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c., call
and see our big stock.
Tie Lirt in TOWN �o
E. J. SPAC, l\� I.
EXETER,• : - - - oNTAltio
Would bo a good phrase to
apply to those who are al-
parading bar
gi s they ,never
can produce.
We undertake to do a
M9srepre er t nNothing;
Selling goods for what they
are giving dollar for dollar
in value.
CUR l [ aTt 1 O:
Square Dealing, Good.
Stook, Low Prices, Vari
ety, Coul tesy.
Also a large Assortment of Stores.
Famous Cook,
� �"lam-- ne •
the Nc( )440
i }
. w r :+
Art Countess,
Royal Art,
Double Heater,
.Double Heater with uveal
Box Stoves,
HARD W Alt E. /
Iron shelf goods, Cattlechains, Scoops,
Axes, Xcut saws, hinges & House
Fittings, Paints, Oils, &c.
Coal Oil, 4 gallons for 65 cts_
Water White, 4 gallons for a 0 Cts..
3000 feet Ash Ceiling, Dressed.:
2 0 00 feet Hardwood Flooring, Dressed.
All to be sold this Fall.
J. L HOWARD, Prop.
',d h A ti iyIF'
Whencure do
m I sayI m I notrn c m let • to stop them
for a time and thm have them c urn again, ITI mean' -
SY er FAL N have made SICKNESS 1 e, so of d.warrant
SY re mA y cueG thewnt aa rue• ung erase I. others
my remedy toe cure the of n0w sec 13 cause ro. Se d01
failed is no reason for not new Teething a cure. Send at?
once for a vtreatise and a Free not le of my infallible
remedy.: 'Cave EXPRESS and POST•CPmiCE.
OM MIN MI 11•1
from which this paper is printed
was supplied by the
Dealers in type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies.
s0 & 82 Wellington St. west
Exeter Roller Mills.
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush
Our Sellintl. Prices.
Fleur, strong bakere', $800 per 100
best family, ,
lull � 2.50
low i,tate
0 grade,
2,00 tt
70 t:
Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 t•
Chop stone running every day.
The Exeter Milling Co
A iiltooloin t
The Summer holidays are now about
over and the Fall;Fairs being close at
hand,;] wish to inform my many cus-
tomers *•hat I am still in my
(F. J. Knight's Grocery Store)
And am prepared
to do aura: in eat •
est style an
best of workmanship.
x II_ it x II ± 1 x II'_ _ 11 x
x 11 — 11 x 11 .- 11 x 11 - li x
Give me a call
and leave your measure and
I will:'give you a
neat fit.
Over F. J. Knight's Grocer
1 per day.
J. & J AtehEAlITIN, Proprietors.