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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-19, Page 5
t t c 2l t t e c S f Vur Over Virti Years, Ins. WINSLOW'S SOU-IUIN(r SYItuI' has beeii Sed, by, millions Of mothersf'or their chile!- C en while teething. If disturbed at night n1, broken of ,your,,rest by a sick child suf- C wing and cryin^with pain of Cutting Teeth, and at once and got a bottle of '`Mrs •Win- 'l low's Soothing Syrup" for Children Tooth- 11 no, It will relieve the poor little sufferer nlmodiate1 , Depend upon it,mothers,thoro s no mistake about it, It cures Diarrhoea, mutates the Stomach and Bowels, cures ( Nind Colic, softens the (;Mims, reduces Iii 1 amination, and gives tone anct energy to he whole system, "Mrs, Winelow's Sooth. ztg Syrup" for clulcireo teething is pleasant O the taste and is the proscription of :Olio of he oldest and best female physicians and S urses in the Unitech States, Brice twenty- ve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists hroughout the world. Be sure:and ask for Mao. W1NSLOW's Soo'rniNG . SYilup,".: , Notwithstalnding the 'McKinley bill 1 he export°of eggs from St. Sohn, N.13., .1 o the United States this year have ex- l eeded those of last year. '!,his year 1 ;40,000 dozens have been' sent, nearly s ,11 Prince Edward Island eggs, and r ho prices are higher to the producer 1 han last year or the year before. ( OUSur1)tiOn Cured.. An old. physician, .retired from prtactice Laving had placed in his handy by an East ndia missionary tido formal% o#' a simple '' 'onetable remedy for the speedy and lierzna- 0 1st n at on .Bronehltie Ca-• n cure of 0 1 t t t to t c o ,. 4,rrh, Asthma, and all throat ancl- Lung • lffections, also a positive and adical cure. or Nervous Debility and ail 1 .rvo-as Cotn- tlaints, after haying tested its wonderful urative powers 111 thousands of eases, has elt it his duty to make it known to his suff- ring fellows. Actuated by this motive and desire to relieve human suffering, .1 will end free of charge, to all who desire it, this • •ecipo in German, French or English, with 'all directions for preparing and using. u Sent • ))7. mail by acldressin with stamp, naming , his paper. W.A. NOy Ls, 8'20 Po10010 Block, tochester, IV. Y. Two charges of dynamite were ex- )lode'l in Lyn, Ont,, yesterday, one fear the entrance to the Eyre D'lanu- �acturing Company's works, and the )thee• on the doorstep of Mr. Eyre's resi- deuce. Some damage was caused to the property but n10 one. was hurt. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f,9r Castor/ When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had'cbildren, she gave them Castoria, Mr. William O'Brien has published in the Dublin Freeman's Journal. the letter from Mr. Parnell which Messrs. Redmond and! Harrington alleged lie had destroyed. A desirable frame house, house was purchaser. �A'. ° oIr Sale.,. residence in Exeter N'Orth,now one -fifths acre of lance. The erected in 183S. Good terms to Apply at this office. 1,5-t A director of the Erie railroad says the finance committee at its last meet- ing voted to recommend the directors to pay. a dividend of 3 per cent. -o11 the preferred stock. 1 ,046 n + , :°' y, •t+ :tt'_ mti.oa 1..),,'li RIGID 6I1IIIl6 OPIUM ' .'7"i a to children if you '?i wish;for their future yi- p ld' welfare. 11lorse's Gly - om- 6.. .. ©erole of Celery Com- . pound, Exact formula on every label, is a safe rem- 't !' . edy for teething' infants . 1 , and nervous adults. En - ,u r dorsed by physicians. cent n m for Send two� P circular to deseriptivectr }spas. Hezom Morse, Buf alo, R. 7. There are now 65 chartered and 3 private banks doing business in Mani- toba and the territories. In 1335 there were' only 19,'twelye of which were in 11'innipeg. ,, Dr, T. A. Slocum''s XYGI NIIED EMULSION of PURE OD LIVER -OIL, If you have uy Throat Trouble--"lJse it, For sale y all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. rl'he Roman newspaper "Italia" un leystallds that the U. S. Government las acknowledged liability in the New Orleans lynching matter, and that the. only question remaining is as to the .mount of indemnity to. be paid, - r, t 1 1 Itiv OLD, 1 1 OVER U V Many cases are known • of persons iving to be over 100 years old and here is 110 good reason: why this should lot occur. 13y paying attention to the lealth by using Burdock Blood Bitters ellen 1lecessary to purify the blood and trengthen the system much may. be doled to the comfort and happiness of ife even if the century mark is Pitt ttained.: The Chicago and Grand Trunk 11.11, people refuse to restore the switching res es, though pressed by the Central 1'laliic Association. Easy to use, pleasant and agreeable 1s the verdict of all who have used Nasal Balls, and better still, there is no c11.sc; of cold in the Head or catarrh that it will not cure. The monunient to the , memory of 1lajor Short and Sergeant Wallick was luveiled at Quebec yesterday by May- r Fremont. '7'110 weather was unfay- ,rabie, SANDWICH. Sins. -For rave years I suffered from, lumbago and could get no relief until I used Hagyard,s Yellow 011, and must say I find no better remedy for it. Jolix DEsITII1CnAN, Sandwich, Ont. G. Gloger,. Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug Store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anypne else how remedies sell,M1 and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat, German Syrup. Last winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory +I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief." O Delegates of the various commercial organizations of the state of New York to form a state Board of Trade met in Rochester yesterday. SICK HEADACHE caused by excess of bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using National Pills. The trial of the South Ontario elect ion petition began at Whitby yester- day. The chief interest is centred in the ticket question. PERFECT PURITY. 's Pefect purity of the !!!cool is es cnt• ill to good health. Bu,•doek Blood Bitters will purify the blood and re- move. all eftete matter, 13. B. B. cures all bleed diseases from a common pim- ple to the worst scrofulous sore. Russia has decided to build a lisle of forts along the Chinese frontier and increase the number of officers in cent- ral Asia, Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whose oceupation gives but lit- tle exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious= iousness. One; is a close. Try the[tt. The new, fisheries cruiser Constatroo was succesfully launched al Owen Sound yesterday in the presence of a large. crowd. A VOICE P 11O=MI SCOTLAND. DEAR Sans, --I can highly reconl- in n ci Bagyard's redteral Balsam. 11 cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is new twelve years old. Mits. 10 FAIRCHILD, TILD, Scotland, Ont. A POPULAR PHYSICIAN. The popular physician is unassum- ing', pleasant and successful in treat- ing disease. Such an one is Burdock .Blood Bitters -units:oiillirlg,-only a dollar a bottle -pleasant, agreeable in taste, -successful i11 nine cases out of ten. In truth it may be said B. B. B. is the popular physician to the people, a tricd and trusted family friend in all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and hlood. rfhe argument in the United States Supreme Court i11 regard to the consti- tutionality of the McKinley bill has been ' postponed till Nov. 130. IT IS SAFE TO USE Freeman's ".1 01111 Powders, as they act only 011 the worms and do not injure the child. Mr. 1viii Wilde, who married Mrs. Frank I..:eslle live weeks L,0, 16 dang- erously ill angerously'ill in New York from hemorr hage of the StOnr<auh. Prompt rc'ief from siel: headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the. side, guaranteed to those using 11 arte'S Little Liver T'ills. One a cease. •n Small stn . Small dose, Small Pill. P A Pernambuco despatch indicates that the situation in Brazil is certainly Alarming, and that an appeal to arras is not imp Oby hie. TWELVE YEARS' TEST. DEAR Sias, -We have used Bag yard'sYellow Oil • in our family for twelve ,years and find nothing to equal it for rheumatism, lumbago, lame. back,,ft'ost bites: etc. We would not:- be ot`be without it. MPS. MAT/LDA CHICK, . Winnipeg,, Dian. A Quebec d 5l c 1 says s Chief Dood- ler Pacaud has rnoa t''d into his splendid re 1•1•.Lstd01(i facing il,IW 1 1terrace. Marey women stiffer in silence from tate troubles peculiar to theirsex rather than consult a physician. Let thele try. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they no longer feel life a burden. Near Salem, Mass on Wednesday S, , Farmer Satnucl Wilkinson, while in the woods counting ties with a gun in his hated, caught the hammer on to a twig; and the weapon was discharged, killing Mr, willtinson'3 14 year odd son, who accOmpallied his father. d 'ROb1P'1' , POTENT AND DERMA. I NENT results always come from the Use of Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine, Robbers held up' the midnight ea- ptc,ss from Chicoiio ou the Milwaukee, and St, Paul road near Western Union junction yesterday at 1 a. in. and rob- bed car of 100 000; the dies > �c Z a Are free from all crude and it itatiug matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very small; very easy 10 take; 110 Pahl; 110 griping; 110 purging. Try than!. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel. . $0.90 to0.92 Barley 58 to 45 Oats ................ 0 to 32 S to (30 15 to 1 G . 14 to 15 30 to35- . 5.00 to 10.00 18 to 19 Peas Butter Eggs Potatoes per bus Hay per ton .... Wool Special Sale 01F111111111110 !or lie 11°11 30 IlAY Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter, WHOLE IGAN rzc STOC_.,. next. THIRTY DAYS,T WILL OFFER Z IIIDO ,� MY G Vol'the K OP Oak; d Room sets in !Maple, Cherry,Ash d�c. Side��r in maple, Cherry and O � � p � ak>s together t �'etller with a in Parlor uite� Loup __ ew Chai rs Tab1eS, Magnificent line ~, 9 and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store, EE3IE1VIF ER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO S1EODDY ELM, , and the prices are from TEN TWENTY per cent BELOW he usual price. IT SAVE HER LIFE. A Letter to the Ladies, Toronto Oct 21, 1051. 1 take great pleasure to info' ting .yon that a yearago 111„;ogeiletic llediuno cured me of 11 serib is attacl; of paralysis -.Three tetra 1150 l',ad a sudden stroke while sit.. tang 01) It.. SofiL,asecond one fourteen months Igo -Whilely ing i 1 led.. All 3 ,lid tor irfailal to do ranch g'oo,L My v1wc gull till one side dere badly affected. At last 1 tried Dr.. 1. Eugene Jordan's lligtogenotic Ronne Ines. Tri three months m•y voice became strong, My limho, which Were almost n'saless regained iuU power, Ino longer need to be assisted to the 1)110 orfrom one place to another. My muscles developed )vondcrf0ily. considering' that Iain 71 foul 0f age I Can walk to church and:back. re ulitrly. The effect has been.? el ma.nent now for about twelve Mon- ths Last April l: had a. severe attack of l,b0t':rnmuaand TTt togenoticRemedies curs ednit. inafew 0 ys,•anLonthe 8th of th.is- 11oVttll3tookanu istion of the Hier and - have M1• had c tu« 1 not hies e lung.wits G a L right I lived tong.. In a few !tours the11 isto eidetic. Rernuli soncemoic,gn,Ve ellate relief. It is. only two wee! sa;nrl.I am sitting -up ev- ery 0 a aur! nearly .yell, TO say that nay Medicines cites is strong but faith in Histogenetic :nrtic .c i faintly l* t t c ..,sit Try rte .dices fur these or any other complaints aints and ho`couvinced. Dr. Peer, of Toronto is allowed to give my n't,n 0 and aailre c to any inquirers similarly affected. Respectfully, ectfully, TILS. - - Toronto. 3?. S,-A`'earc a,ldrLsa can also he had at the London ecrleb. • Will be at E 1 et er " Cea'tral lfiot-el," on Tuesday Dec. lst, from 9.30 a,�tr nes,, to7 p.I iLil€� at3 gY€�,7 Cil "HFeusall Hote.9," samey day (Tuesday.) 'row.V p pl.,. to 9 nexn:t i1iOririi; g. CALL EARL r, McGillivray Council Council met pursuar.s to adjourn- ment in town hall on 2+u1 Nov. all pros out. Minutes of last meeting read 11p. moved and signed -J. D. Drummond- T. Prest that the ()lifer of 333 per cent. of the cost of building black Midge in this tp made by the special bridge coin lnittec appointed by the Middlesex County Councilpursuant to the stat a- tes of Ontario 53 Vie. Chap 50, Section 30 be accepted. -Ca rried.--J. D. Drum. mond-G. 1, Johnston that the tender of Wm. L. Rite to build black bridge according to plan and specification for providing bonds are !ted n t �o 1033 be accepted 0 1 a � r P signed and satisfactory security given for 'the t ompletion of the same, -Car- ried. -G. 1. Johnson --Il., Morgan that E. B. Talbot county Commissioner be and he is hereby appointed to oversee the building of black bridge, -Carried. E. Morgan -G. T. Johnston that the hereinafter named in ttidtals be paid the several amounts as set forth viz.- E. Emery, gravel ace. 5.48; J. Morton, repairing culvert and hill on 7th con. E, C. R. near black bridge, 2.5c a. Em- ery 1 sheep killed by dogs, $4; 1'. Mc Innis, tile across road 'i th con. W. E. R. 2.35; T. Hodgson gravel ace. 17.43; S. Armstrong, repairing Artnstrong's bridge 7th con. E. 0.R. $2; J. Thompson puttingin conc,rete culvert fr O1 t road 10 25. RSceli, plank acv G3.27; J. Gla- vin la• VI commissioner V i 1 pis inner o ersecule' gravel!. ing div. No. 1 2 and 3 N. Bdy, 12.50; I. Johns, gravelacc, 31,55; I. Johns gra, vel ace, N. Bdy, 8.25 13. ollin gravel ace. 26.79; A Glendinning, gravelling on the 24th con 19.50; A. Glcdnenning building bridge and approaches 24th con. $19; J. Paterson, repairing stone work Woodltirns gttll;c,$12; J. W. Har dy, tile across road on Ilardy's side road, $1; J. 14. Faultier, repairing :ip• preaches, to Patrieks bridge, 4.50. ` W. Reid damages sustained at silver creek bridge, $28? -Carried. -T. Prest-J, IJ. Drummond that this tonna ladjourn to meet in the town hall on the first Mon- dad- in December at ton o'clock a. m. slutrp.-C<u•ried, Wm, FILA5LR, Clerk CONSULTATION FREE. All Diseases Treated, Histogenetic Medicine Association. looms > and, 3 Albion Block, Richmond St London, 11un Head (ifice-for Western Ontario Heal ,:,Nice for Canada, 19 longe ,Street Market 'Toronto. TIa 14-1 ,y. Mention Exeter "ADvor:AT13." 5 London Huron,,& Bruce Railway Table. 1 n;SMi,Ia;�ea• Time GOINGNOr1TH. 1.4ondon,dep't.8 05 Luca aCros'g 8.47 Cl[andebo,ye 8 52 Centralia "' 9 05 EXETER 9,10, fronsall 9.28 Kipper,Kipper,931 Brucefield 912 Clinton 10.00 Lonclesboxo' 10.19 Blyth 10.28 1io.lgrave 1012 Wingbam 11.00 4.25. 5.20. 5 28, 5.45 ,57, 6:09 6,17, r ,r,' 6,15, 7,03. 7.12. 7.27. 7.41. Goman Sournl• Cal! Early while the Stock fasts. Remember the Stand -Factory and Wareroonns two door. north dCf own Hall, 1Ba01g Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Wingham 7.05 '3 0., 13elggrave` 7,24 400: Blyth 7.38 415, Llndesboro' 7,47 4 25, Clinton 8,07 4.45, Brucefiold 8 26 5.04, 2 , 34 t., Tit , e 1 9 � TTenlsell 8.41 519' EXETER 8.57 5.33 Centralia 9.09 5.45 Clandeboye 9,18 5 53. .T.,ucan. Oros'g9.24 6.02. London a.rr 10 15 64.5 OHe° A 5I Undert akere EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT lr And if you don't ' believe it call at.1 ri Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILLAID LUMBER V ARD • and you will be cotivi-need that , they•. have, the Lat rc st and Best Steel: of all kinds of. Building Materials in this sec.' tion of country,and at the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock On hand we, are prepared to sleet the keenest nompetit• ion ,R8 to price or quality. We lnavesc;- eured the right to Manufacture and Sell Merrittms celebrated Baking Cab- inets. Call and see them and bo con• vinced of their merit. ROSS & TAYLOR, M'un St., 11.1epteii • PILE THE LEADING ANDndelecaker Ftnii1trt1oar OF THE 2 d I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. TJ1DERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S o ILEY0 A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUI,OLE AID TO BURDOCK. BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE. OF CHRONIC AND. OBSTINATE DISEASES. W. G. Bissett's Livery. „ T G First Class Horses and i',igs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardwa re Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL � SOLICIITED.. 1'Y . G. BISSETT. A - J. SELL, 9 I i\Zain.at_ EXETER ONTARIO ` Has now in stock Mti ��d C�iiit�r IN ORDER TO MAKES ' SPACE -FOR- IN TIL FOLLOWINGLINES West of England S b d uitings and Tious ening°, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser' lugs, Drench and rn„hslr Worsted o Cloth All . naadoup in the Latest Style, tat best Rates. � 4%. J. S' ''LR Wethe out.h„ balance of clear lillce i our Winter Stock 44.1 6.9 COST -FOR- NLY FETIcr Wfljilesafe & fielail Grocers, VZII'[EI & PIRIT erchants, Including assortmenttsPi> splendid of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR, CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS & GLOVES at 75c worth 81. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASII. T JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North DI1B,M,1 EDI T111D0 A complete stock of aG7dof�,i 'trd 1 , Eze Ler. Pure and'tellable Drugs g ALWAYS ASS K EI. T. CHRISTIE'S 0 ECT sH First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE IIAWR - SIIAW HOUSE OR ,4-T THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY'ATTENDED TO. Ter_ �s Telephone Connection. 1tiit lU SJoI1lles, Droggist's8llJIlI!es At rig ht and reasonableprices. . rre1� rc ritions and Family Receipts Prepared. > el>'are€I. 11 PWtiOI �Il the best in the market. .LT TTZ. PROP. beSTTRO`(S AND REMOVES WORMS OP' ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANP•IOT•HARM 1 Hf MOST LIGATE CHILD.,. 747. ti'.;r,PliAll y'S "�'�� ;%,C �;,.`c� 1. 1;vl31l'e'_,S '1E4.D'1113I:' ' 11 POW aE! :, A ro a. , 1 LOR0" >L, (. ezna 3 \. r , i -, a+ , f r V: 1 01.1 L'.T n - 4 o he c.. ^`+r s.ra::irtforra.: " t - Y 5 d aka e,' t . r. y ` �' mtin a tar^ '� a � o •Ll „7-..,...,,,,, ..rL.4_. ooi;hnt :... f� you �,e:the 11 t;c:v:r haver. „...", • man's. .merest or, hr. r• ,y �- .,: them. They Curs M'. romdeoL•eo• • Thy are mat a Cathartic. • d P. iEllEnE, 9 IS STILL IN TIII� OLD STAND -where lie is - READY FOR A CALL., Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN- E AEY AY ET®WII HAIRGETT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER, Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post -Office. Laocoon 21` the coils of the fatal ser- pents a l? was more helpless than is the duan who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease „�,� excesses�;, ; ., �. 1. e r a11N t21P U U C1'SV O' OY ilii worry, Ch. Rouse :ourself. Take heart of hope again '.ncl DL .A. M aN 1 Wo have cured t] ousands, ivilo alloy, us to refer tot them . 'W n c +T CURT'. YOU by 1180 of our „clelusi'Se methods 111111 appliances. Silnplo, llunfailingunfailingi11_17rc treatment at ].('u C for Lost .01 1 Gelcral r N;,trCies Debility, 1YCaknes105 of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or • T. Excesses r'. n • ld or �, cull i LLr,e„sc„ 1.1 0 Robust, Noble TL:. Tloon fully: 1;rstored. 7mlllnrelneft seen' Lilo fir: t day. 1Iow to enlarge and. ct1•engtliel1, �4r.11,tinrvELorl, 0110Aria 1? -vin's 01? BODY, i[L".l testify Acres ,10 Sl"t'cls and 1'o;'eiga C;OL,ltr'les. t.�,c v; 1lrCnllc 11�1C)_,, Qti'ltl<bn.4i1,°3a9 and !"+roof, 1"tlt5:'lcd (settled) 1:i.^e. Add: c: s