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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-19, Page 1
IIMINIMMewsnaTonnwsnnzInneanure VOL. IV ellireetess-e., ertyu,rr..t.uyevtnnn-maopgnmu.mmemnsmemce•••=awrsmvxvnaVVrlaUrsilagtnao•WLI.aavonnroarD•nrrnrxrIrinw..nnnrrcatttUI,Tawurlrltg.m.Mrr...........9..M.O.ltacIWXtatmrpc./yfrxg ,11%,...6.1•FequormancOsenclau EXETER, ONTARIO, TITURS‘DAY, NO- VEMBER 19, 1891. MRS NO 2: The, •'',‘Isons Bank. , . (Chartered. by Parliament, wee . Paid up Capital , . . $2 000 000, , Rest Fund.... .......... 1,000,000, Head office 111:ontreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. . Mouey advanced to f.,<ooll Farmer's on thateir own notes with ono Or more endor8ers 7 Lor cunt per annum. Exeter Branch. . Opeu every lawful day from WV a. m. to 3 p. nl., SatardaYS 10 a.m. to 1 p. ta A general banking business transacted Four per nut, per aamum allowed for mou. ey on.De posit Receipts. SaYings Bank per Cont. N. DYER IFURDON E xeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager, 5o'REWARD. . me undersigned win give e reward of $50 t e. the person:, giving, such information a 11 wilble.acl.to the conviction of the party or earties who shut the colt on the premises, 1.01.15about. concetho.17thssion 1, township of Stephen, oOctober, 1891. n or . • ROBT. LEA'rnaltii, Exeter. wish to return hanks 'to all who so kindly assisted them in., carryingout, their 'desires. I ioceeds amounted to $50 00, Which oo to clear the debt otT ' the tne organ.. .„... . , weleome.-Miss E. Atkinson, daughter of Mr. Wm. Atkinson, of the 2nd con, Biddelph is sick at. her .,eieteree ' Mrs. Davis. . . Davis. expeetedio tied him, but in death. He was in his 69th year tied enjoying good health. The respect in which he was. , held was shown . by the . large number of friends who we•re 111 attencLince when the last sad tires Were performed at Mars Hill Cemetere-• The deceased leaves a wife and largs'e fain ily to mourn the •loss, , who have the sympattly of the entire neighborhood,- . Air, Jemes.Carter andSon. ietend ear rvino. ,on a.o.rocery business in the old Flanagan stand, Where all in need of then requirements' will find it to. Cildr advantage to give, them a cell, . They will at. haee the Post Office, 10 c00021130 tiou . with tile store.. Their matey friends wish thorn every success -Mr. e W. BlackWell has nearl,y $5,000 warts." of eggs in stock. They have been in pickle since .estrly. tn. 1110 Spring andlie.. is now beginning to move thein '12) '12 --It is supposed that the ".jigeser g.ticse h'12 1. abated in their depredation . yeteas a quant(ty of butter and feuiS .was steles. from Flannerv Cann-he-1mm .. a few nights ago. •eteain ' burgielast eesek.e7-4 severe wind and snow storm passed over this section et country last Tuesday -The ,tounges1 (laughter of the late IssacStem;rus died/ of brain disease, last Saturday. The remains were eaterred in thg.; 'Bronson Line Cemetery Tuesday rrierning, Wc extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved mother who but 5 weeksettge mourned the loss of her husband,alley Mr, Heist and Wife returapd home last , , , Mondey after spendiu 0. several day( with. friends in Sebringvisle,-Sereices were held in. the :Baptist ' churcsh 1ast Sunday.-Teedere for the cot/trace ot the, "Big,.Swamp Drains" will be rt,,,,yeesie ed.nexteSitterclay..--The time 114 ae, rived when the squeal of the pio. ie . once more heard in the neighborhood --Theeksgiving Day passed off in a very mild way ,on account of it haying yari.a011 all day.e.-"Bob”ht.id an unusual! halarge load of passengers last Mon 'day nig.ht and it appears , people, arc taltingead vantage of the enew top 011 the stews)" dining the w -et f111,181)11. -MI 'In H. Dumart, Si', Tanner, ints put a . sallied() on his beiler. bro... t.,•1,,ii,,,,,,.,,, .1,1*<„,tch. , , Ill@ anntlal 81100ting match held ' in connection, with the Metropolitan" hOtQl on Thia•sday last (Thanksgis•ing day) as a success ited it large number wit nessed. the match. The largest ,seore was 10 td. by el•O Ilertzell shootino. 9 -' ' ' ..< !,`, "..', , " *s 011t of the possums, iu. ' elects were. chos- et. q. shoot for the supper, Robe San- ' ' ders and Ed. Bissett being. captains, The followieg is the score:- . R 1 ebt Sanders 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 .1-7 Hensley 1.' 1 1 1 0 0 1 0'1 1-7 . Meeluarray • '0'1 CI. 0 1 1. 0 1 0 1-5 Colo 1 1 1 i. 1, 0 1 1 0 1-8 Abery 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 .1 0-5 w r,..; ,,, ,,, 1 0 0 1 0 1' 1 1 se 1-7 " • ,•,•0/ '11-1, C2, '1/4Vestuott 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1-8 R. Eiferett 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 .0 1 1-6 G. Hertzell 1 1. 1 1 1. 0. 1 1 1 1.-9 1, lIerdford 0 1 .0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1-6 ` ' W. G. Bissett: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1--5 F. Trieubner 1 0 1 0 ,1 0. 1 0 1 1-'-5 A J.,Sn•e,11 • 0 0 1 1 0 1. 1 1 0 07-5 — Total , 84 Ed. 3issett. '0 1 1 1. 1 1 1' 1. 1 .0-4-3 ,..,„ 1., 1-.1-78 Staffa. ,, . --- , Mr. Thompson, a brether of Mrs,..A.,K, FereAlsoll, (:)f thie place, has been .en- gaged to falueeharge of S. S. No. 3, , Hibbert in place of Mr, 1'. 0. Hutchison • who has' reSigned,-The football club , . of tne sermIth concession' of Eibbert played a friendly game with the Stan cr. elub on s7aturdayslast resultingin one goal each. Tiles, e. chels,s have now had three matches, Ite the ' first neither club seeceedcd in seoring; a goal, . its the secolsd Staffa succeeded in gettines in 000 goal and in the third each club secured -pies so that Staffe, stands ahead with 110-f"..iarteh to boast of -.A. meeting is 10 be held in the school house of NO, 37 Hilkert on Wednesday evenino• for the purpose of considering the .aclvisa bility of formino a lodge of tee Patrons -. . , of Industry, Results of the mooting Will be reported later. -Miss 111. Robbins Wilo has presided at the organ in the NrothOditit Chttroh, Statia for the past five or Sia .yeare. has sent in her resio. a nation. ' '" .rr, AkE lioncE. .X, . Notice is hereby given that ali. persons ha ving,elairns tig•iinse the. estate ot join, 070eid., di:ceased. late of the village of Exeter are requested to send by mail- or deliver same on or before 'December ist.. 2801; and, all * due' Cie aforesaid, Insistaccountshe settled with his wi•low, Mrdeceased s. John G" -Tal " or bdpre the i"" date• mex 0 etre et. seeu" Dated N ov. 2nd, [Se, OL ' Exeter, Ont FARMS FOR SALE. as . . west half of lot 10, Concession 3 in the township of Usborne.in t he COn.11 fly of' Huron Containing, therein 50 acres more or less. There is about 30 a,cres cleared and the bad- *moo bush, bein g•inixed with black ash and cedar. A good wind -mill with a good well of weter esut wen stated for stock .ra!sine. For further particulars arnly to Geo. FI uut- er,.Ridgetown or to John Bunter, Jr. Exeter P. O. ,. THE rrA, ,T,b., c‘ t,s.. .11,1. ek., r.e.r. •• a '''' 007,9 aa, ae9 a., eselae e Is published 'every Thursday morning; at the Office, , MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING CO NIPANy. TERMS OE SUI3SCRIPTION. Oue Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. $1.5k1 if not so paid. .a.a.-.1-c-r.t1 s54,-; zz.syterz.' 02:1 ©- t -* No limier discontinued until all arrearagg are paid. Advertisemonts . withou.tbspe,caild d'reetions will be published. till,icr id gly. Liberal eildi.scounat'de larged accordin for transcient advertisoments,*.useritae ..,,00r B long periods. Every .desefilPtrnue.tist)yle PRINTING< turned out in t e 1 s ,,,,..,a2 and at moderate rates. Cheques ,enere°.(t.e:-.._ ers, 8z.c. for advertising, subscriptions, e . to he mad.opavaSble to , & Sweet eenelerS PnernIneOliS $1 Beautifttl Gold IT a ttit $1. Dean Bros,, of Montreal. are now offering a beautiful en*,ra,vc 0 or <-[ain ladies' 'or gen tb',size.filled'ease C.4)141 IV at eh 1.01` Onlyfalling $ g..0e) to be paid after you have received it Ind have given 2130 days trial aa.d fii,d. it sees what they represent. 1:t, is a stem, wind stem set, fine mo vem en t; and Warranted f'or over 10 years by the makers. and cannot be . bought anywhere for less than .SV.OG in 0.03, retail store. Dean Bros. do this to advertise their New Blood, Liver aucl Stomach Pills „rand consider that S20,000 a.year sp.ent in. this wav will clo more to advertise thetr husiness than aey other method- Send thorn your address on a post-card,addressed DEAN PROS a AIon treI, Que-R. -as- . Graleri NIA se, Wlialen. • Thine, has been a good deal of rain - .,. e the. last few days, consaquesetly the roads are getting very muddy.- . Mr. John Shetritt shipped'71 cer loa.d of cattle to Toronto last week peal ort his return telephoned to his yife to . meet Min at Parkhill but through seine mis unde,rstandliVg. 111(e message came to meet him at Peri:stale that is a sus tion west of Toronto, His svife thinking semething wrong started to Parkhill iticcompassecl by Mr. Ge.orge Sherritt took the train but arriving. at. Ailea Craig and making more partneeln,r in- . - , quiry found their mistake, and also ., found to theia„sorrow that the quickest way of r acleingeParkhill was to walk on foot which they did and foetid. Mr. , John Sherritt waitino in town for them , when they ale returned 110011' 00110 the . , . w case for their trip. -Mr. Itobert eloci o'ib$ was home spending. Thanksoi vino._ 1Fe a ...,r Liav- with his parents but returned oe-the Monda,y.-The Tea meeting of the.Alet hodist Church on Tuesda.v evening laSt't:' was not as successful aS WaS expected on account of the, rough state of the weather. Proceeds at the door just nicely covering expenses.-7.Mr. John Dalziel, of Sarnia is spending a few days visiting friends around Grand Bend.--Aliss A. Turnbull, oE Brewster, spent lasteSetarday yisithig,Mes. Seep- hen Webb, of this pi 204 ' ' • We have had. a slight flurry of 311'))'.tiCat. during the paSt week aud it, remieds . . us that, svinter IA close at hand. -Air. T. le Harrison, of St. Marys, bas the con. , tract for seating', the noes, . church at Auderson.-CALLED HOME]. -As the hours of timeroll by and death keeps - ' ' ' claiming its yictims one by one,. we this week mention the demise. of Mrs, Samuel Gunning, aged 38 years. Hay- ing resided with her husband on the townlinc, near Whalen, for a number . , of years they managed to make a coin fortable home for themselves. She WaS a daughter of Mr. Thomas Nern, of Blanshard, formerly a resident of gs- borne, and has been a Sufferer to that d. d d 1. . • • t' I ' 1 lea e c isease consump um w ne I en- (led her troubles on Monclay last. As there is no family left behind it will still make it all the more lonesome .for 4:. bereavcsd husband ' who has the sr mpathy of the community. hee- T 1 mains were interred in Zion cem'eters- 012 Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. amidst a large o•athering csf relative.s end friends. 'A's God in his infinite wisdom and mercy has seen fit to .eall, . - her who, will be miesed on earth,to these bright mausions above, may' he with outstretched armas, guide the sorrow striCken one who is left • behind, until the.re is fl, gathering in of the Chit -fell who are mit of the fold when. parting will be no mores -Arrangements are in progiess for a series of lectures to be delivered by Rev. C. E. Perry, Orang•e g•rancl organizer, under the ausPices`of local orange lodges durino. the latter put of this month. -Mr. f ohn O'Dwire wit' 'eriVe next 1 -eel- where he will 1 . •- - 1 s visit friends. -Air. Jas. Kelly, who left here for Iowa in September last has pur chased a farm in that state.and intends makino• it his future home. -The truss tees oe'S. S. NO. 12 Whale,n have en - , „ ", gao ea miss C. McLaughlin, now teach- . ss. ine in o succeed Mr. iourn - 0 Guelph,t 1 A D. AieGee while threshing last week let a hammer pass through. tbe ' mach. inc. breaking f ih one o e concaves.- The farmers of this section report that there was never known to be a better crop of turnips than the present. -Mr Jas. Horn and men threshed one.thous and bushels of oats in five hours and twenty minutes on the farm of Daniel Jones. -Fall wheat looks well in thh section. -Plowing is all finished and the farmers are now preparino for win. • a ter. esaceall 1 1 1 0 1 1.0 A eery --sse--- • - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 C--5 Kirton 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1---5 T Carling Do•u-/ ' 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1--5 The root harvest has been about, F. Farncombe 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-0 completed and excellent retures 'are . S. Eilber 1. 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1--S spoken. oE. T ,, ,. ... keening 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Mr, A. m'll I t feem . -1 er eis ro tuned J. Gillespie 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1. 0-73 Manieoba, he looks as though that Smith 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 17-7 elimate ag•reen with him. • N. D. Hurdon 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1-1 Air. Smel.th has. taken uosession of the J. Eloward 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.---5 f h d '• a arm e rente from Air. atacey and T. Eunkin 0 0 1 0 1- 1 0 1 1 1--7 Air F • '. . ox of St. Marys, fireman in the . 1 "Woodhani sawmill" has moved into Total . 78 the honse lately occupied by en.. „ anus Ed. Bissett's side was elected to 'Smyth, .',?: ' . , pay for the supper by a score of 7S to n., John Callender is home again from 04. OttaNya. He expresses himself as de. BLUE Rock Mann. lighted with the provineial S. S• con- NAmE, a .„eareT, ..‘ , . , ., .. .. . . .. Geo. Einchley, 01 0 1 O. 1 1 1 0 10 0 1, 0-0- 7 v(eition, and esp(,ciany ins visit to his mcMurray, i i o o i i 1 i i i i 1 1 " i -is aoed mother who resides uot far froin E. Homy, 1 t 0 1 1. 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1.1 1.-12 1 Lie city. , Werbery, 1 1 1 • 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2.. 0 0 1 1- 7 „ . • ts, ecae,. o i o o 0 1 o 0 i 0 .) 0.0 1 1-- 5 ' Miss Ada Hutton' denoliter of Rev p7;eau,' eieelet00000iso- 4' 1 - . ' c '"" ' Dr. masseau, 1 o 1 o 0 1 2 1 1 I I 1, 1 1. 1-12 13. I. Hutton, has. beet) enga,ged as 11, Eacrett, 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 t 1 0 1 0- G teaChe'r, for school section No. 10 (Salem E Bissett, 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 , for 1892. From all we can learn the ,0=PP-0.. . ooks Canon 'se 111.41 ;,•1!.. . • 11,: • 1 t.,, - COMI;OUND. 4 .,. A. recent diseovery .,,, old physician. Successfuliy 118ed manna)* by thousands vs . LAM ES. IS tile only ,r,, kteee , ly safe and reliable saasaaager ine diseeYered. Beware . . mprinetpleddruggisps offer inferior medicines ra place of this. for cook's coaeos: :ROOT CourouND, talcc suestasee. er inclose $1, and 4 three -cent ' . .. . ada postage stamps in letter, and wo send, sealed, bv return mail.'..Fullsealed ticulars in Vain envelope, to ladies only, starn ps. Address IL'ond tele cemnaey.No 3 Fisher Block,131 Woodward ave., pet* mice.. treesoid in EXETER at -DR. LuTz's, VV. BnOwNiNG,s.and by all druggists •%vhere. Goi by an of uerfout medic- of who Ask Teo Can- will par- 2 oit, :I every- - church raireetorec Tan, trr MEnoni,ki, Onuncu..--Reli., Sa. mF Robinson, Rector. Sunday Servlets, . and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. METHODIST Omunon--james.-st,,Rovc.,A..mL. ssell, Pastor. Sund.ay Services,1 .0* t. . *1.11,210.30 p.m. Sabbath School., :',30,.. m. . nougla ras- MAIN STREIsae-rvitirel1V0.10115cDmo. tor. Sunday . . , and. e,d0 Pau• Sabbath S'ehoo12.30 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CIIIIIICIL-Rev. W Martin, ..t. p. Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. al d. ti.uu ne Sabbath S011001,1115 a.m. - • ..-.......**=...vmm"e' reoresslonat (D eras. --,----- MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, iev-raDdeutte of the Ontario Voterliviettry 1) Toronto, (Successor, to \Vm. oseN L', College, li, anCi. V S ) Over 18 years ,pract.u,e. Of e• '' lence one block east ofltichardPi.ckarcl: tsolrce. Opposite Skating Rink, Ext.:tin, on . .s Bieck FL. IKII‘TSNAN, L.D.S, Fanson, . two doors,horth' of Uarling Sto,ie, MAIN STREET, EXETER,eeng.staraUtS tO.E.r.ti -thout pen, Aseee at n n. 011 1St ''''"- , • 's, on *lid ana 4th TuesdaY; iciaV; Ailsa'"al° --' . ' f aeh month. rtnrd.Z.nrieb on last Thursday o e , . _ H. ree A D8NTIsr, Member Royal -ia CollZeltilliiit al, Surgeon l.) .' es, sucTessor to k :a. L. Billings. .01lide over CP*1.4!0.1., balL ! Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic. ,I. i i tl hiivieelG-old the painles's extraction oi tee 2. Fillings as required. B WHITELY, M. D. 0 M PHYSICIAN u . and Surgeon. Office. a'nd. re_sidene,— Jlaoaeriel Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, , TIR. X A. ROLLINS. ,OFFICE—MAIN ST. "N. ti 1..., Re.4donce-ClOrner And.rew ancl .i or i Streets, Exeter, Ontario. e. is. MoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER 011 Du'til'e cAticsg.itsciotiningiszins'aanicr A0001101.- Ontario. i, . , sur. Office., Eashwood, Wit . — Royal College', T1R. OROSKER,Y, Member, ., iiiate Royal ,L, Surgeons, hnglanck, ,L Ic"--..1. 1110 nher College of Physic:jails, Eclbri?„, 2, i College of Physicians and Sur c.on , Ontario. ug(ditOn wit. Office, Mitchell's old stand., re. , ---, r Surgeonsof R.T.A.AMOS, .M. DeO. 31, Membe 1-1 , .11--, College of Physicians ane s oya. College of O ntaSurgc,"6 rio; licentiate of the R ,, b i rh,rh; een- physicia,ns and Ecl" 11. -tridbSur- tiaee of the Eaoulty of Phys,i,cutu. .* medical geons, Glasgow; aenege, Torontelfe0111.12-±I'.1 teiwen's old itand.. i e'rsEBLER,StiNevERspre• D'032I'VerieDnL:5 Physician, surgeenn,_et‘c. s. Raving spent the winter of 1.836-187 _ .2111(.8, Vo I and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vi.„1 , , OFFLOE, 'D .CREDITON, ON • eustret. Ds FIG . , --. . • Ne..97;51ERAI i(d6/M/IA / w , 0 EI\ SOUND ONT ART° . , , , - . IS TRE VERA' DEST_PI AMIN C 1NAP 4. TO GET A. TIIOROUGII BO'SINESS En' uo.4.1-'toN. Take a Round Tr'p and-visit:ill other BuSi, I ness College and Com- ercial Departi Jents in Canada, then . visit xtrla e Northern Bu ,<e. exaine 's in ess Collem everything- thoroughly. If wo 'fasil to pro- duco the most thoroug,h, complete, practical and extensive course of studY; the best col. lege premises ana. thebest and rn ost complete and most suitable furniture and appliances, i,ill «ive <mil. full. course we 1- ** 3 , • , , FREE. For Annual Announcement, pm g_full partici*, lars, free, address, 0 A FLEMING, Principal. et--sse. • Bruoefield. trutee Board have made a most ex cellext selection and the present popu hir teeeher will have a worthy succes. • ' 'II d f rom . G al t on , Airs. MeIntosh item e s or of la.st week. ---Mr. and ,Skturday George`Foreste of London, were .,taisess,! - , . Grantoll. • - . • ' • . 201111 ThanksgeringDstes-A.McIntosli I of London was in town this week.- The quarterly board of the Granton Our sports gathered c,onsiderable, game circuit met on Monday, though not on Tn haksgir tip; Day. -Miss ik. Ken- .yery largely attended. The business nard and Miss E. Nevin are risitieg in - was on the whole in a satisfactory con- T,N , . T .0.. ' rovenients here sseetei.- ealee, imp , ' dition. Air. Thos. '1111 ton 1211° has been made on Queen Street sidewalks. been a member of the board for a 'sone). _ Rensall. . Thanksgivino services were held, in different churges throng,.hout the vill- a(se on Thursday last week. ' Dnrinte the past few days winter has . - 1 i nutde its appearance, and t se esi•ounc has been covered with a slight coat- . e, f , ,• • in, o snow . . The old top on the Zurich stage has been replaced by a new one which will add greatly to the. comfort of ,the pas- sengers travelling between that place and Hensel!.. Ope eay last week Mr. Thomas Ball- antyne was somewhat surprised to find after hunting for some time for P 'his cow that she leacl been taken to the s es slaughter house in mistake for another cow which the butcher had purchased feom ono of our villagers. Mr. Batten- type's, although not being prepared for death, and having several times broken away from the drivers, fell the victim. Imagine the surprise of the ownea. syhen it was ascertained his noble bouvine had fallen a prey to the hutch - er's axe. She was a valuable animal and a splendid milker, Mrs. James Green left the Hensel] , visit ss, anon on ii ..y e. , . ' t ' F •'de for Michigan to • relatives and friends for 13511081 time.- ‘i. 1- ft lest '1- f • is r. Charles i. oore e,wee. oi Peru Ind. -Mr. David Buchanan of s / •the township of Hay, has very success. h' • • fstudiest y is course o a . the Guelph Aorisultural College, a and e has returned home. -Prof Scott; of this • village, purposes giving. a 'concert in Zurich on Saturday evening,Nov. 21st. He has secured the services of Sim Fax, Johnston CSBain, guiter pier er, - ' - 7 and other talent of a high order, it is expected a treat is in store for all.- Mr. Thomas Peart has. returned home from Manitoba where he has been for r * several mantlis. He is looking well, and from all appearances we would. say that the Climate seems to asrree • th ' with him. , . time, resigned his position as he is :- Moorsville. . about remoritag from the. neighbor- — hood. A very hearty and feeling reso. . Dieltens, 4th con. Biddulph lution wa.s adopted and tendered him left on Monday last for England, the' land of his birthplace, wild where his expressing' the board's high apprecia Lion of his' valuable services to the parents and friends now live, All wish church during the years he was on • and.a safe return-, . • t ' i.cuit and of his u Hoht him -bon voyage (elan on c i , P e Some forty schoolniates (all' girls) ass Walls ie life and faithfulness to the AlaS- semblecl at the residence of Joseph Cul-," ea. . Andregretting them now having 1 . , es b bei -t, 3rd con., Biddulph on Saturday . to lose his valuable services. -Mr. RIO. last, to bid his family gout bye, Mr ' a Sta•nley purchased the Renton estate of Culbert havipg sold hie farm to Mt . • 5'0 acres on Monday last. Price paid, . Flyn. ofe Stephen. His future, Ade 51,870, This is all excellent piece of 'aide! land, well situated eyeryway.-Mr. ,Tacob Taylor, of Kirkton, succeeds Mr. Dastwood. W. B. Stewart in the harness business . for ellsail Palace Baker 7 -7 -3 • D. W. t oss i roprietor of the the Palace Bakery, Hensall, wishes to inform•the citizens of . . "M's, r- X -P7,\ rr re IEi, 1. 9 that he visits the villaoe *, .Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon with a supply of FIItST-CLASS BREAD & BUNS. .A.II orders left with GEORGE SAND- 11 be . ..1 tt 1 d ER$ NO. ptompey a..encee to, and from whom bread can be. had at all times. ' Your patronage is solicited and satisfa.ction guaranteed. ' , i 7 1 GIVE ME A 'PRIAL AND BE CONNINGED D.. W. FOSS, Balier, . Hen s'Ill , • ----- here. Mr. Taylor has a.reputation Mrs. R. Cook is. at present • visitin' good material, good workmanship and T Kibler :of "( ' • • friends in Milverton. -Mr. ..... , Ian dealings second to none in this Zurich, visited friends in Dashwood on, Thursday last. -Air, Jos Davis and Province. We wish him success. family- of Exeter North/ have moved, Crediton. . to Dashwood -Messrs A. Tiedman and Ilsie haye ret-arned from Muskoka A. great number. of Exeter people where they have been on a hunting- se , . , wisited the Temperance concert held Ft'on durino. the est two weehe ( • ol Th.• cx pc( 1 1 h pc '• • here on Thursday evenine ast. 'le , They were unable to secure mach Was a, laroe attendance and an enjoy- ,,,11 game owing to the continued wet, wea- able evening was spent. ---Master Alex. ther Querterlv meetines was held . in oi, oc and his two sisters, of Detroit - -- - ' . - " • NI tl k - the Evenoelica' church here on Satur- ,are home on a visit. -Mr. Harry Blies ' e' • '.fullcompleted day and Sunday. kingham spent Sunday in town .-Som • 1111111THS. LUXTOV.-Itt Usborne on the loth inst. ' - ' the wife of Mr Fred Luxtmeof a son. -1k/CCT-ELLAN, LIR, a, H. .i.w, . 9 ' EYE & EAR StIRREON. ' Graduath New York Eyo and Ear Hosp.tat g-assos supplied, .0ffico cor. - ted and 1 Syes tes ma . . 1 251804 Streets. rile"' • ONT.A.RIO. [701'71'1)0N, — ._ DEATH:4. . Pou'rkous.-In Clandeboye, on the 11 th inst, Marsclon 'Porteous in his . 69th,year. . G I Det • 't 10th ' t • OULD.- 11 , ioi , on . insl. at the parents residence 453 , Wood- ., M. 011 . bridge sI, east Francis M G Id' beloved datig!hter of John B. and Mau E. E G Id I P ilaw 4. ou • aget. . ts Years, 1 mon an days. . month d 16 Gas NND.TG.-In Blanshard, on 16 thinst. . Mery beloved wife of Samuel Gun. ' -' ' nino acsed 38 years. e ss , MCCULLY.—in Stanley on the 1.03}1 inst. Jos McCully, aged 73 years • .. I 0,,. and 3 months , . MANY LADIES Heve written that Clark's Catarrh , Cure has re • lieved them, restoring per- fectiv every sense. Through gratitude s . they heye cousented that their names .. < be published. Yet the Clark Chemical Co.. will110t 11.8e thismeans to advertise ' their remedy. They will not parade the sufferings of any one, or invade the sacred privacy of any home, Any sufferer from Catarrh will recommend Clark's, Catarrh Cure and that good word. is worth more than the published certificate. Clark Chemical Co., Tor- Onto, New York D H COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- s.%) H. OR, Cenveyancer,_ 'Notary Public. ' • Post Office, ,Exoter, Ontario. Mice- Over . stoney to Loan. . . „ people argued here cannot surely ex - Adaitr. .4,, pect any snow this winter as their roots . .. . • ' are 3t 10 the ground. -Geo. Beale, a Thantsgivelig.. day passed away vourin• man well known to the people . 0 , glue 3''' es, here who came from England to this . During the past few days we have country eight or nine years ago .(ind bad a severe snow' storm in tnis vicini was engaged in the immediate vicinitY tY• ' for some time; came to his fate recent - Not beino satisfied with the .ens• We are about to loose one of .our lY• a • neighbors, Mr. Chili who is about to PloY ment he received here he left to b 9 take a residence for himself in London. seek his fortune in the states where he when he re. His departure is rearretted by all who remained until last fall . in are '' turned to pay his Many friends here a .' persoeally acquainted with him. • . , . short visit. After remaining here for The ferin ers hive been Imaily en oeloa . ' ' ' '. ' ' • - "a''''' ri, , a few days he again returned to the ed stolen°. away their turnips an 'tit - a , sailing . " s • it- tes end o•ot employment on roots the last twO weeks and ale. - ' ' • " - • .. er ' 7 • . ;the lakes which lie remained at untie the Weather has been fine,•they' . . • 1 • t ' 1 • • e. ., , , , . ,,i, . 1 ..1 . , f di, .few ;Weeks ago when he came o its are not as tar aue elicit wit i t len a .. . ..: 11 t M lv end by receiving . a severe )1csuo'hito aa they would like to be. "'- 11 '' e - ' . 1 a a - .. ' 'blow on the head from a piece of mach — I 11. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLTCITOB, L. of Supreme Cotirt,Noetary0Pueblic, Uocsani: 7.eyeaseer,CeInnaissioner„,& . ei n y to i )ftice-ranson's Block, Exeter. ' — LaDastOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- .1u..4 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan • le 6 per cent. , B. V. ELLIOT. . .T. ELLIoT ------ ens 7.1 Auct- 1.-1.111geeigriergeGiCtl.PaesLioef Peer th and qiddlesex, also for the township OfTsborne 'Odes promptly attended to and term.sreeaeson ible.Sales arranged at Post office, 'Win h Isa - sacial, Tti ' tl l'Soi 'i 0' 8.0 '1,1 1, I ' .1 , 1, -Ian a, s ne, ea y uci was given by the ladies of the Guild of the (e. .. a ". .. .. . Thursday • i is itt ,Mcmonal chinch on • , . . • ,, /est week was fauly patiomeed, Tea d 1 -, Band p • ti was in ins.. loom in ie Town Hall,, which was partaken of . very mai 1 y.. aee, ieshecl. 1 . 'CI Alter' all had • f • therng6hieS with eatables they g,.atnered in .the hall. 'above where a splericlid ro p oramtne was carried..out. The Rev , , , , . . S F. RobinsOri °cativo(' the chair • end S. .. . r ., . ‘ as eaeli natne Was annotnced they chine forward and gave their different parts, , WI iell cot eieted of 800 o's re.' 1 - . h 1, . ti- ta.tions tend, 'music. The evening's Mirth and glee Wag brought to a close ' 0' ' ' by all sin mine! "God about 1 .30 p. me. , , , e . ;save ,the queen.'" ThisShotild• not be . iln 'cl t ' es .11 ar. 0 e' 1 ' l& ' 'svotelastrf. ptaise to the.laillea 'who' had . ' ' . ' ''' .6 end cond eted the, affeir for b the spread displared, 'shOwed plainly , • ., . .. , ,... , ,.. . ''' that they hau not been negligent in — . ' 0 Ur t ilibbing List* ---...—.0r... . 7 Zurion. . The AlwookrE will be ' clubbed with' the following newspapers, till :ran, ist 1808 at the o Owing rates.— Advocate and Empire e .. Fainily Herald . $1.10. " Free Press .. TorontO News ' Globe Farm and. Live Stock. jour..$1.05 • " Advertiser ..' .. Wives tit Daughters star) " Hamilton Spectator ... ' late of Manitoba,. Licens- A j, ROLLINS, . s• e Ht r- Lis st ea Auctioneer, for tho noun leg.thouoh 1-1 and Midillesex. Residence: 1 r.nile 'south )f Exeter* Ont. Sale OrderS by mail or °there - Nise promptly attended to at reesona. a. Irices. r, ____ , u Tana A conceit will be (riven ' ' — ' 10 the TOWil Hall on Saturday evenino N . f . d.c s' ovember 21st by Peo Scott.an o y, Mr. Sim Fax Canada's greatest comic sing.er; Mies,Detta E. Zeigler; of Berlin Finest German Singer in Canada; and Prof. Scott of Hensel], will be the lead- • . Aa ino characters on the programme. . - •P mission7 epe; iesei, vsd Scats 35c. Doors opeti at 7,30, Concert at 8 o'clock. . John }Wenner', of Mich is at pre- , . , . : . . . . sent visiting! frieuds in. this vicinity.- 1 tel -W. I Mae Our we( 1 knosvis . loi . H. I off 1 . ' • d. tl . 1 d • tl '•.el'e eas secured atm lei Ian m le person ,ei..( of kr. Ches Horria.ellet --Mr. Fred H. 'same ' ' 'ringed bis Fred has tles8 has ieshi , p. ment8 to of late made several itnprove ' ' . ids shop Which imptorea the appear- . . , , ance of it very much, -Mr. Adatn Fas. , la • . A r -•' A - - - 7:7 - T.T vin — inery which he wag engaged at; and ' Biddtlph. from the,effects Of the blow he lived . ' —"'-' but three weeks. He wa8 a member . .. , , . , Mr. John Abbot, Bid 43131. the wells ...f ti e I 0 0 II' here and hie menr. • 0 1 • • • • • - , .. knOwn Laneoln 811e03 breeder, putehasfriends will be pained to'hear of his sad . ed recently from Gibson and. Walker,. roieeap, Iidertien imeOrted 'rate leneb ' - VET HOLT,'Xhiva, Ontario. Licensed **met- W , iencer:fot the Cciuntieg of Mid.dlosex 6nd Lambtou, and. the towns . i _ Sterien .na Hay ..4.11 sales promptly attended ,o, . ' YOU CAN RELY Upon Hood's Sarsa,perilla as a positive retne,dy for every form of. eceofule, 'salt rheum, boils, pimples (net all other di- seesee clused by i ' ' • ' ,... e . • .. inpuie blood. It les e • ' • telt ' d tl i a CVCry imp n .y a,11 at the . . .. tame tones and vitalizea the whole s .+stero 5 • Constipation, and all troubl W' 's , t the digestive organs and he liver. are . 0 . ' , eured by Hood'a PHIS. UneqUalled a8 ' 1' • • `II , E. 130940KBERRYlatensan Ontario. Did' Le. on'sed Aitctioneer fOr the County° of moderate and Enron and Perth. ChargesMr. 41,ti9thoetiG.n guaranteed. , Of en stock , ---,est.— . /‘ " , ', , , , . . for the headset -I -le sum Of $60. Me. Ales :,,1„ . Clandeboyei . .. , , has. ho6.11 largely to hie bott adding Cil- , teeisiye flock of slicep-e'The ladies of s1 'W Niehol A yeroneola,rmer of this . . ,, , , . . .,,,, ' - .' • ' ! St..Patriek'8 church taidtinlpla. ieteed "'Vicinity has gene to work for [Tilde haVitio a seciel at the hou8e of Mk Do• Sa ' 'i tl , 'Umber woods. -A very stid- dui on the toWnline of Ileberne. z.tad. deti and. Unexpected death oectirred on , . s . . . , . ' - . ' • ' " s • ' - ' ' • . • •• 7 - • ' - 1 Biddulph On Iridav.evenulg, Nov...20 . Wednesday Morning last week, wili,n to aid iii reiesing, funds for tile erection Mrs Marsden ' Porteotts passed peactiftil- 't ' i ' -I' 1 d A d ' ''' ' '''`e. 1 ' Ils - f' mid on thesOfe he, . . . _ . . se. a - .. .... ... . - .. ' ••• 0, a 01111C 1 S le .. get) .. time Mas y aWay, a was o .. • re F.D W, Peettet0030, Provineial Dana teIRS'Ur'vey'er it Civil Engineer. Oftioe, ivor Post nice, Main street, EXeter, Ont,. , ' L. HARDY, Licensed Atteth*peer „for „the laai Coaate' of nue". s'14"''''-'61"1111`."1 (1.11' easonable tering. Farm anctratin Steak. it+ 'Jetty, Pelt arrangements can. be made tatil o *U. )011' titttiiss, anli at the same time thcy he expected. AUrnission 12211. Al1ar11 hi8littic atigi er, nOt 111 SICC13 188 81 •