HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-12, Page 8Su�a1i WT �EP!LjjiiE.T. THE MART, COUNTERGOODS. GODS. lave S. Polish Pictures Beads Shoe " Spice Jars Dolls Match Safes Salts Ind Mugs Needles Rules Hails II. Pins hammers Parses Thimbles Tacks L. Pencils Buttons agate S. Drivers Broaches ! " Pearl P. Cord W. Chains .!Handkerchief C. Openers Cups. Towels 0. Tongs Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels Knives Fans S. Lifters M. Oi ane Splashers P. Mashers Whisks T. Mats Toast Forts Soaps, Bibs Dippers N. Brushes "Tin Pails Egg Beaters. S. '` Tin Steepers C. Turners. • Clothes " T. P. Stands Pans Blaeleg " Comb Cases L. Squeezer Stoye " Dust Pans C. Screws Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles Combs Trays Tay Brooms ,G oblt,ts p!� 3".fa�G, Exeter. Tho BOOMING! BOOMING! BOOMING! Yes we are doing a booming trade and in order to make November and December the two best months we have ever had we are going to offer some startling bargains, bargains that are sure to bring a crowd. We don't think it possible for any of the regular dealers to touch our prices. Come and see our beautiful stock of fall and win- ter goods, and compare our prices with those of other houses and see what the effect will be. 9 K C. Buys from us a Black or Color- ed Mery or Silk that is well worth $1.25 .in any regular store in Ontario. C. buys from us one of the best makes of Black Henrietta in the trade. You know what regular dealers ask for their best, 1 C. buys from us a beautiful line of serge Dress Goods that sold in the regular way for 20e. We have six different colors in this line. 10C. buys from us regular 15 et Dress Goods. Piles of differeut styles and colorings, all regular 15c goods for 10. For a line blaelc snit try j. 11 'leve Morelia e( l'arilor. I.00h out i'or the 1,q. O.1?, concert flbOilt the 1st of Dec. Posters will be out in a few days. 11r. Joile T. klcnder•son, of the Huron Road, has a heifer iifteeu months olcl, which is giyiirg milli stns never had a calf. • Mr. Wn1, Yoe who clerked in Ma Bords store, has accepted a situation with Carling Bros inEExeter.--i1'l'itchell Advocate, The Exeter Fire Companies decided at their last regular meeting to have a concert iu the near future. Further particulars later on, Tho ADyooaaa will be sent to any address for the balance of the year 1591 for 15 cents, paid in advance. No is the time to subscribe. Mr. Samuel Fanson could have been seen removing soot from a number •of chimneys throughout the village dur. ing the few fine days of last week. Now is the time to subscribe for the AnvooATn. You can have it Slat to any friend in Canada or the United from now instil Jan. 1st, for' only 15 cents, The Exeter ?Woollen Mills have just made another lot of those wool blan- kets in white and grey, and ,will sell . them at Very low figures, Call .and see them. All parties needing sale bills will find it to diets advantage: to give the '•AnvocATiti"ofiee a call, and you will receive satisfaction for leaving your order. Give us a call. .For seyeral days a number of men have been busily engaged erecting a shed.on the • prennses of Mr. 'James Willis, lumber merchant, under which he will keep shingles and other stock. A Union Thanks giving service of the members, of Caven Presbyterian church, Main street Methodist, will ' be held in the James- St. church to day (Thursday) at 10.30 a. m. Rev, A. L. Russell occupying the pulpit. Mr. Ed. Bissett has lead workmen en- gaged during the past week building a cellar under his residence. This will make a great improvement to his pre- mises, not only in appearance outside, but will add greatly to the comforts of his home. We have been informed that Prof. Scott of Hensall has engaged Miss Jesse Alexander of Toronto, the queen of Elocutionists to take part in a con cert in Drew's Hall the third week in December. This promises to be a treat for the citizens of Exeter. 6210. buys from us the very best all wool Canadian underwear for men. Sold in all regular stores for S5c. C. buys from us a ladies' Balton- ian Ribbed Vest that would be good value at 80c. See this line soon or you will be late, SOC. buys from us 1. pound of gun- powder tea that we guarantee equal to any in the market at 45c, CIAO, buys from us 1 pound of our "best uncolored Japan Tea. Yes p good judges say this Tea should be worth 40e. and we think it is. .00 spent at the Big Bankrupt &4chance of iy itt '40 stem gives you a meg Beauty. He is the best prize in Western Ontario. Try for him. Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS: There is in our window a glass jar containing a number of buttons, the num- ber is unknown to any perso n,the guarantee of which appears below, With every pur- chase guess at entitled t oe c chase of&lUtlyunare g the number ofButtonsin. the Jar, with a purchase of y;300 two guesses and so on. In our office will be kept a Book where you will register your name aiicl your guess. The contest, to close at 8 o'clock on NewYear Bye. when the jar will be opened and the Buttons counted by disinterested and res- ponsible parties, and the person who has guessed the correct or nearest to the correct number of Buttons will then become the owner of Beauty, should there be a tie then the first who has registered. the correct num- ber will be the winner. This is to certify that the number of buttons in the jar in the window of the Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they were laced there by us and the jar sealed in our presence. Signed( B. S. O'NnIL, R. H. Coi.i.INS. T_ ._ Stewast, Dealer in Bankrupt Stozk. LOCAL JOTTINGS. This is the 04so3 of the year Whoa the lief of marriage • announcements increase greatly, The betrothals of the slimmer are fulfilled in the weddings of the autumn, and in all the circles of society we have abundant and practi- eel proof thrat. the :cry about the failure of marriage, which has been raised by a few pessimistic philosophers, both men and women, is not heeded by healthy hinds, and does not cheek the growth of tire sentiment Which results in matrimony. It may be true that there has been a decline in the tnarr•i are rate of highly civilized countries due•ing recent years. That is a matter of statistics, which are indisputable. But because there has been such a de- crease we have no good reason for con- eludieg that the -desire for marriage has lessened: propoitionaitciy er that the institution of matrimony has fallen into any disfavor•. .Parnas toe Sale. The undersi ;ned bit several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. Saacuelle1N, Exeler, Notice. Our accounts are now ready. All persons indebted to, us will confer -a fa- vor by calling before the 1st day of December and settling. Damara, Bros. S ' anted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots &rid shoos that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Service. Thanksgiving service will be held in the Trivitt Memorial church today (Thursday) at the hour of eleven o'clock. Sermon by the, Rev. S. F. Robinson. The Side. A large number of the Exeter Coun- cil, Royal Templars of Temperance, intend visiting Crediton this evening (Thursday) to take part in the concert under the auspices of the hone lodge. A good programme has been provided and an enjoyable time is expected.• Word has been received- from 'Liver- pool that the Steamer Majestic arrived in dock on Tuesday. It will be remem- bered that it emem-bered'that-it was on this boat that Mr. Chas Darwoed took passage, and he has completed the trip from here to the above mentioned place in less than eight days, including rail from here to New York: On Saturday evening, while our milkman, Mr. William Dearing, Jr., was on his usual round, and nearing the residence of ]'.:Hardy the front axle of the wagon severed in twain, allow- ing the box and contents to fall to the earth. No damage otherwise was sus- tained, and after procuringanother vehicle the trip was completed, but not until a late hour. The Canadian Order of Foresters, High Court, have paid in death claims since. June last $1,500 to beneficiaries of deceased Foresters, and have placed to reserve fund during the same period over $27,000. Adding this sum to the. balance on hand makes the handsome. 171,r total of $ G00 tothe credit dit of the endowment account which is kept for nof claims. t death "We understand that Mr. James Martin, who has had the•Vanstinofartn on the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, rented for three years, intends retiring from farming- He has purchased a residence in Exeter, and intends going there` to' live' in the spring and will engage in. the agricultural implement business. The people of Exeter will find Mr. Mar- tin a genial, good citizen and a trust- worthy business Inan.-Seaforth Ex- positor. If you want afirst class farmon easy terms call on John Spackman, Exeter Don't forget to call and see J, H. Grieve's $10 overcoats before purchas- ing. Carling Bros have a new change of "add" this week; also James Howard, Don't forget to read them. PAINFUL BURNS, bruises, scalds :rad cuts are quickly soothed and heal cd by Victoria Carbolic Salye. ver The Exeter Woollen Mil1E." arc. v burepeat orders sy at present filling for yarns, from a firm in London. For scrofula in every form Heed's Sarsaparilla is a radical, reliable reme- edy. It has an unequalled record of cures. Just opened out a large quantity of the best Make of under clothing, which will he Sold very cheap., rl'lie Exeter Woollen' Iv1iPs. Miss Bertie $nellhas been ilt for the past few days and unable to attend to her household duties. -Mr. John Pin- combe, who has been very ill for some time past, was in town on Monday last. industrial. No less thanthree different manu- facturing concerns are at present neg- otating with a view to locating in Brantford. One of them is a manufact- urer of shirts, another a large boot and shoe manufacturing concern, while. a third is an electrical appliance concern. .anniversary Serrano. On Sunday last anniversary sermons were preached in the Main Street Meth- odist church by the Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Stratford, formerly of Exeter. Both sermons were listened to by fair con. gregations who were highly pleased with the discourses. The collections taken up amounted to $106 which go to meet the requirements of the church. Snake Tea. The family of Mr. Wilkinson had a very unenviable experience one even: ing last week. About teatime the ket- tle was taken to the pump, filled with water and placed on the stove. A few minutes later a very offensive oder was noticed throughtout the house but no one could tell the reason Tea was made from the water taken from the family. When emptied of the water the kettle was found to contain a wet er snake abouta foot long. No harm other than mortified feeling has result- ed. -Leamington Post. Eclipses. There will be a totaleclipse of the moon on. Sunday next, Nov. 15th, visi- ble in all carts of Canada, from 9.30 p. in, to 3 a. m. on Monday morning. The total eclipse will last for one hour: and a half. On the 30th of this month there will also be a partialeclipse of the sun-t,ot visible in Canada. Darr ing this month, there will also be ;cone junctions of the moon with six of the principal planets -Venus, Jupiter, Nep tune, Saturn, Mars, and Uranus. To star -gazers, with a good telescope or even a large field glass, the outlook will be most interesting. Going To Be A Dandy: 1 Ann. for -.. will RIPS COMIC ALMANAC 9 G Co be the t ittee nth issue of that popular :runes!, and the publishers have deter- mined that it shall break the record for brilliancy, humor and typographic beauty. Amongst the; features ;of it will be a doubles page Cartoon, entitled "The Dickens Christmas Party," in which a Large number of our ' public men will figure in more or less approp- riate characters, from the works of the. great novelist. ' t. Sp ecial illustrations are being prepared for the Almanac by Mr. Wm. Bengough, Mr. S. L. West, Mr. E. S. Bisbee, Mr. Chas. ' Broughton, Mr. Bert' Thompson. Mr. Chas, W. Brad- ley, Mr. A. H. Howard, and many other artists, and the letterpress will be, as usual, of a light and amusing char- acter. The work is to be brought out in the highest style of the printers' art though there will be no increase in price -10 cents. Keep Giur's forth- corning ALMANAC in mind. It will be out sometime in November. Mr. James McDonald, formerly - of the township of Hay, now of Clande- boye, is at present visiting his daugh- ter Mrs. Michael Eacrett, winding up a round of visits to his children and grandchildren. Mr. McDonald has 5 sons, six daughters, sixty one grand_ children, and seven great ;grandchild- r•en, which with sons .and: daughters - in law, and grand -son's and grand• daughter's in-law, . make a total of. ninety four persons, all living. Mr. McDonald is ir, his eighty second year, and still stirring. His wife is also liv- ing and hearty. Com. During the past few fine days Mr. Peter Bawden, mason, has been busily engaged laying a number of feet of stone walk for Mr. John 'Farmer. Hav- ins; purchased the art of manufactur- ing composition stone, through the summer he has !net with much success in accomplishing the mode of . cawing hand which is and now has a stock.on �, . y a. worthy o f nertio'n The difib, rent peices have been e3cecuted in the latest designs, not a flaw be', 0. noticeable, which speas highly of Mr: B's knowl- edge in per•forming his duties, As this is his first season handling it, the de, m .td has not been large,t btit another year we may expect to see several of our village residences adorned with this new walk It is not only cheap but durabie, resbyt'oa•y otiliit'on. `Igo Presbyterian of Huron mot ,at Ileosall on Tuesday last. A l u^„ e nrrinber was ie attendance. Among other matters introduced the following which will bo of the most interests to the public was brought up: eA ealt to Rev J, A. Wan:mld, late of Brigden, from the congregation of Bayfield Road and Berne was sustained and ordered to be transmitted and provisional ar- rangement made for the induction in ease aevoptance, The appeal ` of I\ar. Gavin Ross against the Honsall session for'saspensions from the office of the eldership, was considered, Mr. Ross ap- pearing for himself anti EEev. Mr. Hen- derson and Messrs Sutherland and Me- Far'en for the session. The Presbytery agreed to send the matter back to the session to consider it de novo, and fill-. pointed Iley, Messrs McDonald and Fletcher to act with the session as as- sessors. After all transaction of busi- ness was performed the meeting ad- journed to meet in Seaforth on 3rd Tuesday in January el9th ) C7onemil Pr oceedi,rgs. Tho Council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 3rd November, 1891, All present. Minutes of prealous Meeting read and eotrfirm• ed. Moved by T. B, Carling seconded. by E, Christie, that orders be granted for the, following suns, ylz:-W1r. H Verity & Sons, $21.78 for sewer grates Jas Creech, $S0 pt salary; Townshipof Usborne SG5,35 in full of Indebtedness; Jas. Down $453, selecting Jurors and poetag;e; Jas. Creech e4 charity to \Irs. Melntosh;do $2 Mrs. Cann ; Wm. Davis' $13.50 rep tower on engine House; Jas Willis $14.05; IJ. Spackman $12.65, nails. &c; Albert Bissett' $84.75 balance of street watering; Jas. Bissett, $2.50, labor; S..Powle $2 22 do; Wes. J. Bissett $5G. 25: J. N. Howard $6.75 Hardware; do $4.50 labor; S. Handford $18 do.; Thos. Horn $2625 do; Jno. Gillespie $7.00 do; Jno White, 63c do Jno Stan- lake $9.88 do; Geo. Hodgins $8.16 do; Jno. Morehead $3.50 do; Albert Bissett $$.25 do. Moved by T. B. Carling sec ended by D. A. Ross that this council adjourn until Wednesday. the 2nd Dec, at 730 p. in. Carried. M. EACrnTT, C'k. Obitnaiy. Another of Exeter's, esteemed and respected residents passed away on the 7th inst., iii the person of Jane, beloved wife of William Pugsley, aged 59 years and 4 months. $he had been ailing for some time with Heart disease but until recently was not considered dangerouse congestion of the lungs set in and her life was soon brought to a close, death ending her srifferi tgs on Hie above date. She emigrated with her parents from Devonshire, England' in the early pioneer days of Canada, who settled in the township"of Usborne. Several years afterward she" mazried a Mr. Ito vtcliffe, and raised a family of ten children, five of.whom still remain to mourn her departure. Fourteen years ago she married William Pugs ley, and continued- to reside in the same township for seren years, when they becameresidents of this village. She was a member of' Caven Presby. terian church, arid. on Tuesday*' after- noon the last sadrites were performed by the Rev. Wm: Martin, both at the house and grave. The funeral took place frons her late residence, William street, on Tuesday .afternoon and pro- ceeded to the Elimville cemetery for interment: The remains were followed to. their last resting place by it large number of relatives and sympathizing friends; each feeling the loss . that has been sustained. We extend feelings of sympathy to the husband and fam- ily in their hours of sorrow and 'dis- tress. Resolution. At the regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 133, A. F. & A. M. held on Monday evening last, the fol- lowing resolution ol•lowing'resolution' was passed: -Moved by Bro. R. H. Collins and seconded by Bro. M. Eaerett and resolved that whereas through the Divine wisdom of the Gravid Architect of the Universe, the Angel of Death has been permitted to enter the house of our respected Brother, Wm, Pugsley, and snatch therefrom his beloved wife. Be it re- solved that the, heartfelt sympathy' of this Lodge with hien its his bereave- ment be communicated to cur respect- ed Brother, together with other sincere wishes and earnest prayer, that the Most High way pour the value of con- solation into his wounded heart and direct hie eyes to those Itnmortal Man- cions where his loved one, we trust,has lately gohe .eAnd be it further before. A c resolved that a copy of this resolution be engrossed by the secrccar,y and sent to our B1•o,, Wm. Pugsley. -Carried un - an trnously, nanimously, CLARK'S CATARRH CURE. May be had of any enterprising drug- gist for 50 cents. It affords instant relief,, and will cure the worst case. It is pleasant to both taste and smell, and may be carried in the pocket. 'Don't fool away time and money trying worthless 'remedies, but yvu tli. t(. tos ti rest. If your druggist cannot supply you with Clark's Catarrlr Cure, we will. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. NOW I6 THE TIME TO BEAT YOUR FALL CLOTHING, $3,00LOO WOTR, SCRXECI-11Na � TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN WIIOLESALE pRICE. If you want a h. Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and Pants, &c., call and see our big stock. The Lirt in TOWS to ONOOSE FROZE. E. J. SPCK MAN & CO. `SAMaVELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, - - - ONTARIO SCIIAMBLING Would be a good phrase to. apply to those who are al- ways parading bar- gains they never can produce We undertake to do STRAIGHI ' USINESS isrep!esentnn ()tying Selling goods for what they are dying dollar for dollar itt value. C)Ul MOTTO: Square Dealing, Goon Stork, Low PricoS, 'Vari- ety, Courtesy. c a1 Great BARGAINS ill T!llvraIle Also a large Assortment of Stoves. COOK; Bermuda, Original, Florida, Famous Cook, Manitoba. GOAL: Art Countess, Royal Art, Double Heater, .trouble Heater with oven Box Stoves, IIAIti54 ARE.• Iron shelf goods, Catt].eel,ains, Scoops, Axes, cut saws hingesg & House Fittings, Paints, Oils, &c. Coal Oil, 4 gallons for E Ct� Water White, 4 gallons for eo Cts_ Ash Ceiling, feet Dressed. 2000 feet Hardwood Flooring, Dressed. All to be sold. this Fall. J. f M HOWAR 6� ro`p 45rY ergE. F .rc 1� �i. P' mm When I sa • I cure I do not mean merely.to stopp them for a time at then have them return gin I ean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP SY or FALLING SICI{NESS a lifelong study. I warrant my remedy to cute the :worst eases, Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send' at oncefar' a treatise and a Free Bottle of my .infallible remedy. . Give. EXPRESS and -POST-OFFICE.. H. G. ROOT,` M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, . TORONTO, ONT. THE BEAUTIFUL ;AND CLEAR CUT -TYPE° from which this paper is printed • was supplied by the Tn 0MNO EYP RY.�. Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush Our SellinT Prices. Flour, strong bakers', $3,00 per 100 a best family, 21500 70 ,t ,a 90 {i « 2,0 lowrade g , Bran, Middlings, Screenings, 100 " 1` Chop, 1.10 to 1.,25 '• Chop stone running euery day. TERMS CASA. , The Exetek Milling Co The Summer holidays are now about over and the Fall Fairs being close at hand, I wish to inform my many ruse tomers that I atm: still in nay ' OLD STAND, (OVER (F. . J.Kni h t s Grocery Store.) And am prepared to do work in latest style and best of woi*man§hipiyp x 11 it x 11 4- 11 x' II _ II x fllL ?ff1{ OIJ�WKTEEL x II _ II _ x II = it x ° "II tl x Give me a call and leave your measure a,nd.� I will give you a neat fit. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1. per day. J. & J :NIo tAlTIN, Proprietors.