HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-12, Page 4THE fir et ev Abruoicate. SANDERS eo SWEET, Props. TTI-IIIRSDAY, NOV, 12th, 1891, THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK Now that the contest elections are aniiergoinglegal scrutiny, and the bye. elections are soon ,to follow, it is well for our people to keep their eyee open and watch for fueure - develop- ments. It is au old but prudent lnax im, that "to he forewarned is to be torearined." Notwithstanding the strenuous efforts put forth by the Lib- eral party during last session of parlia- ment to upset the governmeut, result- ing in the presentation of a united Solid front by the Conservative major- ity, the Opposition leaders through their subsidized journals are again bid• filing for popular support and laboring Bard to "'educate" the party up to annexationist principles. In spite of the determination already shown by Premier Abbott and Sir John Thomp• son to ferret out every ease of irregu- larity or wrongdoing in the Civil Ser vice, and the vigorous action already .•taken to punish those who have been onvof conspiracy and e t'ct d e P fraud, the Oppositie jnourna1s like. the Phahisee of ild are still vaunting their hypocriti cal boast of "purity." But the cry will not ayail them. So long as the huge swindle in. Quebec is remembered by the public, and the extensive corrupt` ion and bribery of South Perth and North Perth are exposed to the public gaze. the intelligent electorate of Can- ada will not likely be gulled or hood - w -inked by any empty promises of par_ ity or by any immature behem'es of Unrestricted Reciprocity or free trade, which are nothing more Icor less than the despeeate efforts of an unpopular Clppositionto regain, if possible, poss. ession of the Treasury benches. flow is it that "the party of purity" are so wilfully blind to 'their instincts that they cannot distinguish between the corrupt practices that unseated the member for South Perth, and which. are goingto uneeat the member for .North Perth,—while the Conservative members for South Leeds (Jr. Taylor) and Muskoka (Col. O'Brien) have been retained in,their seats on the ground that no evidence whatever of wrong- oing could be adduced against either :of thein? Then as to the fiscal policy ,of the Opposition,? advocated by Sir Richard Cartwright through the Globe, 5t is not all sm'ood ' sailing with the party's following, There are numbers' of loyal Liberals who will not be bought and sold on the shambles of American annexation. Previous to the last elect- ion many Liberals deserted their party, and either stood -up for the late Premier's loyal policy of British con- nexion or abstained altogether from recording their yotes. And since the recalcitrant ' letter of the lion. Mr.. Blal(we has been made public, there are b]undreds—perhaps, thousands more- -who have had their eyes opened to the suicidalpolicy of risking, our present commercial prosperity and Beittish con- nection for the (to say the least) doubt- ful po'icv of annexation to the United States. On the whole, it may be fairly. asserted that under the present able and honest administration of Premien Abbott, who is quite the ,t . ^1 of the hate chieftain on questions of finance— backed by such ''L distinguished. jurist in the House of Commons as Sir John Thompson—both of them men of high moral and political standing -there is little doubt that the coming bye elect- ions will strengthen the hands of the AdministratioL; and that many intelli- gent Reformers, instead of being drag- ged ttarou, h the mire by the present ctonductors of the Globe,' will be pre pared to endorse the attitude of Brown, Mackenzie and by n Blake, refusing to discriminate f]- 'Lg� , i r ti t the mother coun- try and transferring their allegiance to a foreign power, EXPERIMENTAL FARMING. The farming community will natur y rally feel interested in ;.anything =Petal ing to the development of agricul-. titre. With commendable zeal, and d.ue, regard to the prosperity of th'e',p p agricultural classes, the Dominion Government has lone mucirto improve and elevate the science of farming, chiefly by establishing at central points ,experimental farms and by introduc- ing various kinds of seed ' grain: We' observe that the'snperintendcint of the•'. t periinental farm at Brandon, Man., who was at the capital last week, has given a full and most encouraging re- port tothe Department of Agriculture, he • t.] success a of � ss at t ends n the C „ lovern- .,xtcnt s efforts. lie reports the harvest in Isjanitoba to have been exceptional- ly good; The interest taken by the farmers of that Province in the experi- mental farm, inay be learned from the fact that hundreds: of them have at- tended daily to visit and inspect its practical working. Different kinds of brain have been tested, such as the Red life and Ladoga. The plan of operation is to experiment on different kinds of soil, Such has been the re- sult that the demand for the Ladoga species far exceeds the supply, Other kinds have been tested, but none conte upp to the Ladoga either in yield or in 'its early ripening quality. Ti Aperi- rpouts have also been made With dil'fer- ent.kinds of oats. One species readied as high as 453 lbs to the bushel. Last year the white oat yielded 84 bushels to the acre, while the black oat reach- ed as high as 88 bushels, It must be remembered that in Ontario the aver- age yield for the last six or eight years has been 84?r bushels to the stere. Bar ley also does well in Manitoba, one va- riety yielding 68 bushels to the acre, and weighing 543- lbs to the bushel. Potatoes were also a large yield, and so of other root crops as well. The great want mostly felt in Manitoba. seems to be in live stock, and the oh jest of the visit of superintendent Bedford to ntaiio just n i 0 u on � to select J 1 animals from rvl]ich to experiment The question of raising stoat, and se curiug the best supply of fodder is that. which now engages the attention of, government at the experimental farm in Manitoba. Such has been the yield, of grain this year; notwithstanding a partial loss by early frost in certain 10- caiities, Viet the great difficulty will be the exportation of this year's im- mense crop to market. To accomplish this the C. P. R. Co. are building nhore rolling stock in the shape of locomot- ives and box cars for shipment of farm Deduce to the seaboard. re arIng for the Cor test? SCORES OF APPLICATIONS COMING IN! Only The Ladies of Canada Can. Compete! A SPECIAL FEATURE OF TIM (•O t5P1E'I'.iTION i Our Canadian ladies are already preparing for the great Diamond Dye Competition; they are going into this - work with a vim and earnestness that is truly surprising.; and it is a well- known fact, that whenever the ladies enter upon any work in this way, it is always well done. Of course the great novelty of the work, and the wide field of operation opened up by this unique competition, will be the means of drawing in hundreds of ardent work- ers, n ho, uncles ordinary circumstances, would hesitate before committing themselves to trouble and unremuner- ative work. Iirthis liberal and highly commend- able contest, inaugurated by the, pro- prietors of Diamond Dyes, the ladles. have an agent to 'cork .with, which develops immense possibilities, and, produces results which are pleasing to the eye. The great variety of work in the vairtous classes open for competition does not by any means take in all that can.be accomplished by the celebrated Diamond Dyes. It is, however; in the well. regulated, economical and happy home that Diamond Dyes are justly appreciated, and considered to be ir]dis- pensible helps and aids. As season succeeds season, the wise wife and mother thinks of the wearing' apparel. beton; ill '• to herself, husband and chrlctren, and realizes the important fact:t:hat .it can be fitted for wear once more ethrou„ h the use of Diamond Dyek The materials still good, but pe]h•tps too light in color, and, it may he faded with 'wear and exposure to sun, can all be re dyed in some fash- iopabledarl: color, or made a lovely -shade of jet or - blue -black. It just amounts to this, as a lady remarked, "for x'-t'tfling outlay you can have the sur•>;irrpr;veardrobe of man, woman or child taansformed into new and stylish artreies.' for autumn and winter wear,?'; .. Alkali. scores of wives and mothers Have seat iii the necessary 'application fortJ] utrm n rr alt their ' intention nti on f eompetui 'in the great "Diamond Dye Competition" scheme. They know ehadtly the particular line of work Ley pari.. excel in, and feel that the proposcid competition: sciheme embraces in its ample scope just such work as tilt y' lien best accomplish. Within the past three weeks ladies itx the; .United States have written to useasking if they will be allowed to compete. Vire wish it distinctly under stoodithat this"Diamond Dye Compe• tittorl" is open only to the ladies of •Cdnacla;. •HOWe,rer, we devoutly trust tl tr *)Ili'far1' American cousins will, in `cl'uc,tilnha e ve a competition of the S'atltl'e find pie`sented to them. A ver:,'. g ,eci,al feature of this "Dia: ton 4; tlp etition is the fact of s I cltiig>f,ritisr to all competitors, Not- withs-al,fljng.tl]e great cost of its in aug elation and en extra t of h"Jp,foi'tha proper Conducting of the se4lnej'110:lees are exacted froto the ladies for the privilege of - competing, and all goods sent' in for exhibition remain the property of the makers, and aro to be. returned free of charge to them• It will thus be seen that every possible aid is extended to the ladies. in to enable theto take large cash prizes without incurring any expense, The retail druggists of the Domin- ion, from ocean to ocean, highly com- mend the scheme, and predict an in. teresting and profitable time for the ladies. Hundreds of tatters received from these drug'g'ists are full of assur- ances of kind support; and each drug- gist.has determined to do what he can'andto encourage the wives, mothers 'an daughters of his town to take as many prizes as possible, All who are not already supplied with "Competitiou Books," explaining the scheme, should apply for them at once to the Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal; they will be sent post free to any address. THAT LITTLE TICKLING In your throat, which makes you cough once in a while and keeps you Constantly clearing your throne arises frocatarrh. and As catarrh is a con- stitutional disease the ordinary cough n]edicines all fail to hit the spot. What yoti need is n constitutional t•emedy like Hood's Seesceparill.t. Many people who have teken this medicine fol• scrofula, dyspepsia, 'loss of appetite, and other .troubles, have been, surprised that it should etue this troublesome cough. But to know the actual cause 0 OI till-e0nr.;11 is to solve the mystery. Many c•a�es of consumption can be traced hack to the neglect of sono such slight affection es this. Consump- tion can be controlled -ill its early stag- es and the effect oflood's Sarsaparilla in purifying the blood, building up the general health, and expelling the scroflhlous taint whichis the cause of catarrh and consumption, has restored to perfect health many persons on whom this dreaded disease seemed to have ti firm hold. Bidd111ph Couuo l - Council met in Town Hall, Lucan, Noy. 2nd. The reeve and all the here= •bees resent. The following accounts' were ordered to be paid:—Chas. Friers, statute labor money, $1.50; W Haskett tile ditch Div 3, 84; I. Isaac, rep Bebridge, div. 3, $1.50; W. Ryan; baa for wort.: on: gravel react Div 1, X13; W. G. Stanley a/e for spikes, 31,1; :Robt Ke,effe, work ou Qui leg's side rood, 1.50; Jas Thompson work ou W, B. div 2, 10.25; F. G. Ryan, bal on grading & bridge, 28,S1; R. S. Hodgins, list ' on gravel contract, 94,86; Joseph Dixon; 204• cords grave', 5.12; John Hodgins, 19 cords gravel; 3;25; J Colwell rep culvt S''i'. B 4; Tal Mackey, ditching divs. 4 & 5, 15.87; WmHedgins do 2. 95; TL -os Breen rep 4 ditches and tile drain div 4, 8; P. Garce, 4 tite drains die. 4, 5.20; Joseph McCarthy cleaning out ditch div. 4, 2.00; KCtilrilll bel on culvt, div 4, 800; John Ioster gravel on N B, div 5, 50c.; R Radcliffe, 8 inch tile for C S. B, div 5, 2.00;' George Langford ditching St. N. G. R, div 5, 85: A. Wilson tile for road. ditch St. M. G. R. $8; R. Jackson, ,gravel 906 loads,. 45.30; C. M. Webb; spikes, 42c. The township engineer reported "that the complaint of Wm Whalen in themtatter of the Digman Ditch was well founded —and was instructed to have the work done as prescribed by- law. The council adjourned to meet on Monday, Dec. 7 1891, at 10 a, m. W. D. ST ILE , Tp. Clerk. I p FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Will be given for a case of Catarrh which cannot be cured permanently by Clark's Catarrh Cure. Step right up to the office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have tried - this remedy but no one Jute. claimed the reward, because it cures in every case. If you have a cold or are troubled with ieatarrh, ash; your druggist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, price 50 cents, and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly.'- If you are: asked to take.somethi'ng else, send to. us direct, and ere will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of price. 'Claele Chemical Co,, Toronto, New York. /N•• OWWEN SOUND, ONTARIO IS TII I•, V ER 1 la MST PLACE IN CANAnA r0 CET Take THOROUGH. BUSINESS EDUCATION. flake a Po11ndTrip and visit all other Busi noss College and Com- mercial Dopartmcnts.in Canada, then visit th.e Northern Busin ass College, oxan.'inc every-thingthoroughly. If we -fail to pro- duce the most thorough, complete, practical and extensive course of study; t i ho test col- lege premises and the best and moat complete and most suitable furniture and appliances, we will give you. a full course, FRED. For it.nnnal. Ann onncernont, guying full particu- lars, free, address, 0 A FLEMING, Principal. ijensaI1 Palace Baker D. WI Foss Proprietor of he Palace Bakery, Mensal', wishes to inform the citizens of T--,\XTSTT P, that he visits the village );verY Y y Wednesd a & Saturday . Afternoon with a supply of FIRST-CLASS BREAD & BUN'S. All orders left with G.uonrrt SANn- T•,12,5 will be promptly attended to, and from whore bread can be had at all times. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, - (.LIVE l[IE .el TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. De W FOSS, �y i. Ka>ro , l4enst)ll A RE NOT a Pun- ativo Medi - eine. They are a BLOOD 13uI anal, Tomo and ltitooN- srtaucron,atthey supply in a condensed form the substances aotually needed to en- ich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Poon and WAT- RY I3LooD, or from VITIATED HUitionS in the BLOOD, and also nvigorato and Bonn P the I)Looli - and SYsrcig, when broken. down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and indiscre- tions, They have a SPEoumic AcrioN on the SERVAL SYsrimi of both men and women, 'motoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all IRREGULARITIES and SUPPRE8SION5. EVERYEVERYMAN tiyho finely his mental lac. MAN ultios dull or failing, or his physical powers tagging, should take these PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and trental. EVERY WOMAN Slloltld intra them, r° Tlioy sure all sup- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. v®ant.. Weil should take these Palms, Bq They will mire the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. NI ppNG WOMEN yea shouldthese ZtakeILLs thwillem, YOU make thein regular. For sale byall druggists, or will be sent upon, receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing TEE D.Z8. JYI.dLEA21.1S' aiTWD. CO. Brockville. Ont. p�n/� SALAILY`' and Commission to ejp�lll0• Agents, Men and Women, Teach- erd:anclClergvnien to introduce a new aunt popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Na`urareth, Tho m ei+, remarkable book of the age, written by 800 sminent .Scholars, Non- sectarian. -Every Ohristian wants it. Es - elusive territory given. Apply 50 The Henry Bill ublishiag Co., Norwich, CONN. "TRE LEST A'agTOR A GAI:1' ST DISEASE LS C,noo 7c is a bard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for even the unprofessional to understand when we take into consideration the mass of food that it.ismade the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di, gested and so assimilated. MALTOPEPSYN (mi artificial gastric juice- formula on every label) will aid the weak stomach and so cure lndiigestiou,Dyspep- psia etc. In fact, it is a good aid to' digest a hearty dinner, And can dono harm, as itis only adding an extra nmou n t of gastric juice, does not stimulate, aad so there is no reaction. Endorsed by physicians. Send a ets.in . postage for valuable book to HAZEN MORSE, 1NTL.aNaTIo5AL BRIDGE, ONTARIO. Extr M -1I 111319111P11 EMPORIUM. ZSS ti1`�L LS t.i° PERKINS & MARTIN PROP We cary the most complete, stock of Musical instruments in the county. PzANOS, ORGANS. vIOLI Ys, ALSO SEWING MACI-IINES, BICYLES. - FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL, EVERYTHING AW.4 Y DOWN. PERKINS 'di 1t1A'RTIN. I have a Positive remedy: for the above disease by Da use thousands of eases of the worst .kind and of long. standing have been cured. , Indeedno strong is my faith 10 its efficacy, that will send TWO II OTPLE5MAZE, .c with a,VALV�iLEI 11St);A2I„D nn this disease to any sufferer who will send ine their EXPRESS and 8.0, address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDEST„ WEST, TORONTO, OUT. r , I 1 r eI d. A' e. .n51, From Mon- treat.. 'Regu ates the Stomach, Liver and rowels, unlocks theSecretions,' urifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im' purities from a Pimple to the worst. Scrofulous Sore. •ti., ,,, Iiv. .ali a,A, E ;,z , �:- 4 r C. 1 } r d 1 n.� V a. %; s.., rnF.,..or:,. i,-,. '.i i1.lI f.n.,;i.l ..d • ,r•... rr ` C URE•. •S DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROrULA. HEARTBURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. . DROPSY RHt=UMA'h'ISM,:SKIN DISEASES BeiF!rk 10 :- 80 8. 111 17 `24 4 7 14 21 %'lvn�.f'iQ;•f../1 .`t '1t AT T23F. LC�d111� C101�l11� House1 are the latest goods in PALL AND WINTER SUgTINGS and ove 'coati'nys,,just arrived.. All will be macre up in the Latest Style and a Good Fittver .eYno Time or Sale. AT PRICES AWAY DO f.. Remember the , Stand one Door North of E. II, Fish's Barbel' Shop. Give me a call. J. H. GRIEVE. • ar ers & B1l ders• cummtstaxmaffszeurama It will pay you to call on us if you wait anything in Hard-- ware ard-ware such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. ow Stook of Jolfsto4's Golohrolog Liquid P�s�tS, NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black & Galvanised wires away clown for caeh, TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. NEW RAYMOND DIACIII ES AIID NEEDLES. Ha W E N IN TOWN. - BI 'Err BROS. ENLARGED _TO_ 16 PAGES LY EEKLY CLOBE N !DOLLAR IET`CD1R.. 1S92 AND BALANCE OF 1891 THE MOST WEAL OFFER EVER MADE. NO FAKES! ! NO CHEAP BOOKS 1 NO JACK-KNIVES NIVES 1. SCISSORS OR : CATC-y•PENNY OFFERS I BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON IIS It,T RITS. Commencing with the i''tsue of 7th October TITE WEEKLY GLOBE, will contF.tin sixteen gages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the 1;•sl;;cst ;Ind best family, newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be d;_v(ili. 1 to mrtl:inr.; it BRIGHT, ;w.. ., s fe READABLE, ACCURATE i fid 7;V f1?1�1., l t�.{,in all It., c�C.�artneilts- vwil l be taken with its ,A crricu'tur�tl rite cs and Special. pains 1 ., _ , MORE SPACE \MILL 131: 1)1 V0•Ci31 •I:0 SELECT kL IDING- FOR TIIE i1AMILY. SJUnSCRIvm.s WIIOSE ORDER' ARE RrCrl ;'i I:) 1 riE IGUS TO - ist DECEMBER, R, 1891, \i'11.L IIAl'is THE PAPER. S..:NT 'LIIE.1T UNTIL', CLOSE 0118,92. FOR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. ri. 15 nlontlls of a 16 -page for $I to .1\,1 aT' t. (•;very one ss ho Sul)Sc.l Ices now. .AGENTS \\TAN'TE() IN ALL U\I:I:PREScV'I.1sJ, DISI'lidCTS. For t(:1'TI75, address I TRONTO.' THE GLOBE O CE{TMII.. T�II SHOP. Mr. George Srnallcombe, wishes to inform' the citizens of Exeter and sur that rounding .0 L11trVhe has 1 Otopened --out a hiew— Z allorillg and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in Fan.son's Block. Latest designs of groods always on hand and made up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices, ces, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making attended to, J G.SMALLACOMBE, , MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter, ALL.:' LINE. 1891. Summer Sailing, 1891, Liverpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal. From : Liver- pool Steamship; From Mon- treat.. From Quobec Sept, t3 ,. 10 I 17 rr :'L: 00 b. 1 " s 15 22 20 Iiov. 5 SARDINIAN btoNooLIAN 1'AIt151AN CIRClSSIAN POr Y130 5IAN SAIir1INIAN btOsr0r,IAN PAN rSIAN OiROASSIAN POLYNESIAN Sept. ”" Oet. " " " NoV. " " '` 10 :- 80 8. 111 17 `24 4 7 14 21 Sept. 2.1 Oct. 1 - cc 11 "' 1 (t I' " 2r Nov, " `1 1i " 2: EA.TES Or PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool. 1 5 5. Parisian, 70, 080 single; $ii0, I10,5150 return. B other 55 sing lo' $'05yry ,S , $(30 g , 10., L1s return. s Intin ereditto$!1OOO,return�$00,00, Steeraga' 520.00, return540,00. JohnC1 itC]iina111, 1 XJI TEE, 0xT .,a