The Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-12, Page 1VOL. IV.
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.4
Paid up Capital..., .. $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. 1,0007000,
Head office liontreal.
ensisasse MANAGER,
Money advanced. to good Farmer's on their
own robes with ono or more onfloisere at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawfUl day from 110 a. in. to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 31.0 a.m. to 1 p. m
A generalbanleing business transacted
Four per centper ennum allowed for mop-
e..., ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8
per cent.
Exeter, Jae). 28, 'SS, Sub Manager.
Oxeter (tocate
Is published every .Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance.
81.50 if not so paid..
.m.a-erert3.0.1-1.6- Ratere ors .33-vielica.-
No paper discontinued until aal arreaeages
are paid. AdYertisements -without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged adcordingly. Liberal discoun.t mad
for tra,nscient advertisements inserted for
long -periods.. Every description ot JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
ancl at moderate rates. Checines,enoney ord-
ers, ere. for advertising, subscriptions, eta. to
be rnad.e payable to
Sanders ez-, Sweet
Church. Directory.
Robinson, Rooter. Sunday Serviees, 11. a. m
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30!, m.
BIETnenieT Ouniten--James-st , Rev. A. L
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.80 w m
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath. School., aso r. m.
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDonough, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services,10 30 a.m. and 0.80 p.m
Sabbath School 2.30 p. tn.
PakSBYTE11.1AX Cnuncit.--Bev. W. Martin
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a,m.
ProfeSsional Ceeeds.
DAIVD MILLER, Veterinary SurGraduate of the Ontario Veterlimr
College, Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet
V.13 ) Over 18 years practice. Offiee 1111C
residence one block east of nicharcIPickard
Store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, unt
H.RINSMAN,L.D.S, Fanson's Bloc
two doors north of Carling, Store
° 3EA1li STREET, EXETER, extracts teet
. .....
without pain. .Away at Mensal). on is
Friday; Mist'. Craig on 2nd and Asa Tuesday
and Zurich on last Thursday of each month
Vri H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Rova,
. College Dental Surgeons, successor t
H. L. I3illings. Office over O'Neil's Bank
Exeter, OntA. safe anaesthetic: given fo
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine G'ol
Fillings as reqnired.
CJ and. Surgeon. Ofhee and residence
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderic
▪ Residence --Corner Andreyr and. -e-tort
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
JLJ the College of Physicians an.d.Surgeon
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Accouch
eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont.
1 -NR. CROSEERY, Member Royal Colleg
Surgeons, England; Licentiate Itoya,
College of Physic an. 'Edinburgh; Membe
College of Physicians mud. Surgeons, Ontario
Office, Mitehell's old stand., Crediton, Out.
AMOS, M. D.., C. M , Member o
• College of Physicians and Surgecm
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College o
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen
tiate of the Faeulty of Physicians and Sur
geons, Glasgov,-; Fellow of Trinity Mediett
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's ol
.1,./ of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon et
Having spent the winter of 1.886-87 'Ne
'York, and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienn
BR. J.H. 1VIcLE-
Graduate New York Eye and Ear 'Hos pit
Eyes tested and. glasses supplied. Office co
Maple and. Talbot streets.
.LL. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publi
Office-- Over Post Offiee, Exeter, Ontari
Money to Loan.
11 • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Co
veyanaer,00rnmissi011er, &c. Money to loa
Office--Eanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loa
at 0 per cent.
Tir BROWN,. Winchelsea. Licensed Aue
▪ ioneer for the Counties of Perth an
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborn
Sales promptly attended to and term e reaso
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchel
A J. nowinls, late of Matiteba, Licen
-Mood Auctioneer, for the counties of Hu
on and Micialeeex. Residence: 1 mile sout
Of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or othe
wise promptly attended to at reasonab
WHOLT, Xhiva,Ontario. Licensed (MC
• ioneer for the Counties of Midellese
and Larabton, and the townships of Stephe
Hay All sales promptly attended to,
BOSSENBERRY, Hensall. Ontario. 'IA
eneed Auctioneer for the Count
Huron and Perth. Cherges moderate a
atiefaetien guaranteed..
RED. W. PARNCOMB, I'toyinaial Lan
✓ Surveyor and Civil hngineet. Odic
Uver Post Offiee, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
LH.ARDY, Licensed Auctioneer fot±11
. Colin try of Euron. Sales Ciowirteted o
rorteeneble te.rins. Farm and Farm Stock
s eecialtyPitil, arrangemente can. he Mac
at thie Office.
The itudersigned will give a reward of $50
to the pereon givisueli infornlation 66
will lead to the oonving. etion of the party or
1 parties who she t the colu en. the. -premises,
Lot. le. concession 1, township of , stoehse,
00 or about the 17th October, 1891.
ROBT. f,EATRORN, Exeter.
Notice is 'hereby given that all persons
having claims ago ins t the es ta te of John
Gould, deeeased., late of the village of Exeter
aro requesbect to send by mail or deliver
eame un or bo 000 December It. 1891; and
all accounts due the a foresahl, 'deceased
must be settled with his widow, Mrs. John
Gould, 011 00 before the above date.
' - Mils. jonx 0 ou Li),
loathe. Nov. jutl, 1891, Exeter, Out
, .. ., ,..
West half of lot 10,, Concession 5 in . the
town shit) of Usbornean t he ootulty o f Huron
containing theroin 50 acres Moro Or .less,
There is about 110 acres eleared and the bal-
ance 'bush, hoin g.mixed with black ash, and
cedar. A good. wind -mill with a good. Ival
of waterand well suited for stook ra :sin g.
Ifor further particulars apply to Geo. Fl lint.
er, Ridgetown or to john -Gunter, jr. Exuttr
$ 1 Bel;uttifta et Old W ate/1 $1
Dean Bros,, of Montreal, are now offering.
O beautiful engraved orplain, ladies' or
gents' size,filled case Geld 'et' arch for only
$1.00 to be paid after you haverecoivd it
and:have given ±8 110 days trial au cl fled it
enst whet they represeeit, It, is a stem, wind
stern set, fine mOvemeet, and warrauted for
over to years by the makereend eannot be
bought anywhere for less than es 1.00 in any
retail store. Dean Bros, do this to advertise
their New Blood, Liver and Stomach, Pills
and consider that $20,000 a year epent in this
wav will do more to frdvertise their lxisinGSS
than any other III ethod. Send them your
address on a post-card,addressecl DEAN I11os
Montreal, Que-5t,
e,, • 0 0 1E001
00 ..i. RS 0 ti 6
A recent discovery by an
? ' old physician. Stfeeeeetune
used monthly by th098(111(29 Of
LADIES, Is tho only perfect
ly safe and. reliable medic-
V.,.e me discovered. Beware ol
„.., unprincipled drurgiets who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ash
for COOK's GoTTON ROOT CumPOUND, talro alt
mantitate; Or inclose gi and 4 three -cent Can•
too, postage stamps in letter, anCt we will
send, sealed, bt return mail. Full sealed par-
ticulars in plain envelope,.to ladies only, pa. Address Pond .1.11y Company,Nc
ft Fisher Block,181 Woodward ave., Det3oit
Mich. iarsoia in EXETER at Dn. LuTz'S, 3
NV. Baow/axo's and by all druggists every.
Was saved by Hood's Sarsaparilla,'
says Mr. B. 13. Jones of Alma, Maine
'• "She had seven running sores in difier
, ent plans on her body, but on giv
hog her Hood's Sarsaparilla there was
marked improyement and uow she b
. ,
well, strong and hearty."
' Hood's Pills cure Constipation by re
; storingethe peristaltic action of tin
: alimentary canal. They are the 'Ires
i family cathartic.
, rersonai mention.
[ After an absence of nearly thre,
years Mr. George Enke has retureei
from Iowa to visit relatives and friend
r in town and surrounding country. Dur
; ing his absence theee has been but 4
slight change in him. He speaks ii
words of praise about the West and tle
s many adVantages that can be derive(
., in that country. He will return agair
‘ in about a menthe -Rev. S F. Robinsor
5 left for Walkerton on Monday =ruins
. .
to make arrangements for his remova
. from -here, haying received word fron
i the Bishop of his appointment to tha
r pastorate. -Mr. John Glanville returu
ed to London on Friday morning kis
to look after a situation. -Mr. William.
f White, London Road. near Rodgeryilll
i returned from the Detroit hospital or
: Friday evening last,where he had beet
.1. undergoing treatment for contractior
' of the muscle. He appears to be slight
• lylianproved,although not cured,and ha,
hopes of having the cause removed an
s being again restored to his usual healtl
s -Mrs. David Penwarclen, lof London
_ who has been the guest of eilrs.Samue
Buckingham for seyeral days, ha.
, again returned to the city. -The tee
young men who -were committed a
Goderich Goal a short time ago- fa
1 chicken stealing, have had their tria
' befor His Lordship, Judge Tom, an(
3, beet" discharged for want of evidencl
- for conviction. ---Messrs. George Hea
s 0
a man and Alfred Sheere returned. fron
,. Wingham on Friday evening, wher
they had been busily engaged erectini
30 two large stores Mr, freeman havini
the contract, through his energy am
push succeeded in completing th
i_ brickwork in thirteen days. -Mr. •Wil
n liam Ryan, son of Mr. John Ryan o
this place, who has been working il
1 Chicago for about two years, is hom
visitinunder the parental roof.---Wi.
a tea
a liam E. Cuchenour, left on Saturday fo
e Hamilton where he has sueured a sits
na ation as deue clerk. -Mr. Daniel Prio
- who has been working in Clinton an
5- Seaforth during the summer month
h has returned and will remain here dui
a ing the winter. -Mr. W. D. Weeks lel
e on Thursday morning for Jaryis to e3
ect some mouumental ,work. -Mie
Janet Mutart, who has been yisitin
;', friends in Stratford and other place
n has returned home. --Miss Phoeh
- Hodgins, of Clandeboye, is the guest c
a . Miss Birtha Hodoeins.
el Listowel.
About 7.80 on Friday eyenina lae
a week, flee broke out in 11, °Roth
11 stables in connection with his brewer
which was totally destroyed, togethe
with the most of the contents. It wa
e insured in the Waterloo Mutual, $40
n on the builclina and $800 on the cot
a V
e tenta but the inattrance Will not cove
. _ _ . _ . _ .
e lols.
e cause 01 11113 uro
morning last at an early hoist the
vacant hotel belonging to Mr. Pat Hall
of Limeriek, and which was situated
just aceoss the road from where he
keeps au hotel, WaS struck by lightniva
;lett totally destroyed by fire, together
with two plows and number of empty
kegs, 1 he buildiug was insured; loss
between $500 and $'700.
.A_roa nisei Ab out Us.
One evening last week the Claude,
.boye7Lirean 'brie while passieg through
Clandeboye r-311 route to Locaa was
•discOvered hy the, driver', -Mr, David
MeGuire; to be, ou tire, ' As speedily 18
possible he extinguished it, but not
before the front eistls had been consid-
erably charred and a' pair of horse,
blankets destroyed No one had been
smoking there, aed. how the blaSe.
originated is one of the mysteries.
Tue Patrons of Industry of nevi
deuce Assocattion, No. 173, have co181.
menc;ed a saries of debates for the •viu
ter nsonths, whieli will be kept up reg-
ularly during the. WilltCr, Ole tirSt Of
which is to talse place on Wednesday
e,yening, Nov. 18. Subject "resolved
ttutt the Franchise be extended to wona'
en." S. J. ilogarth will lead the af-
firmative; George Penhale the irega-
tiye and will be debated' by four on
each side, which promises to be very
Mr. and Mrs, II; Hartman eccomp-
anied by Mrs, 13. B. Baileys spent Sue -
day in MitChell.---Mr. and Mr* Robert
'ray ler seen t. Silo day-visitin friends'
in Foiest. Miss Sarah Policia leaves:
this week for.Parkhill where she in
tends temaining for some •time. -Tall
wheat has made great headway in this
, section and looks as if it is fully Pre-
pared to receive a Severe Winter. -The
farmers have jest fieished a busy sea -
Ore, the roots being all gathered into
comfortable Wintee quei ters.
William Carney who has been work
ingertroutd- here for the last t WO years
IS gone to learn the eheese making in
London township. -Thomas Laughton
has sold his farm to William llodison
and is going to live a retired life in the
town.-Jolni Morbin, a resident of this
place for over forty years, has Sold his
farm of 100 acres to Jos 'Morley and
John and Timothy Morbin for $5,500
and is gone to Brandon.-Riehard
Jones was the guest of William Ogden
on Smiday.-A barber and a shoe
maker would do a good business here
as there is none in five miles Irons
here. •
Hyde Park
Whilst Walter Larway, a boy 13 or
14 years of age was returning from
the Hyde Peril station one night last
week, he was surprised in a piece of
woods which leads from the station to
the old saw mill property by a huge
lynx that crossed the road in front of
him. The boy as eaturally would be
the case soon ran home being badly
frightened. Where the lynx was seen
was on lot 26, con. 2, near some wild
and weird looking' ravines which verge
on the River Thames. This anima,1
has since been heard by some ofthe
neighbors, screeching, howlin,g, mewl-
ing-, caterwauling, or whatever it may
be termed is something terrifying. A
few of the looal sports have been on
the trail for several days, but With no
last week. -Miss Sarah, F. Stewartson,
of Maguire, was the guest of Mrs. T.
Hodgins last week. -Miss Jennie Hen
dersoo, of London, has 'been visiting
her. sister, Mrs. A. Keox of this place. -
Mr. W, P, Boyle,. of Loudon, \Vat> in
tosses on Monday last 131111e looks hale
and hearty. -Mr. Ralph Haodford.' was
the guest of Mr, H. Isaae, of Sodom, oo
Thursdey eVening .Jas A.
MeFalls spent Sunday in London
with his friend Billie -Mr. Thos Hand
toed. has started to buy another load. of
horses for the North West. -A few of
our yotingt sports took in- the dance
gist Thersday night (5811) at Joseph
Hodgins and ieport 11 17 very suecess
ful gathering, but complain of it Os too
1011g' a ilriVe by the Exeter road.
Fritz is decorating his premises by
building a brand new pigs' pen.
The reads have become very muddy
caused by the continued rain these last
few days.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Leopold of New Ham -
burgh have been visitina in this yicm-
ity during the past week°.
Mr Henry Koehler has sold his ham
to Mr. Jrio Widow for the handsome
sum of $3000. Thera; is 50 acres 11.1 the
Thursday (today)Thanksgiving
day will be celebrated as usual here
services aro to be held in all the
churches and business places to be
Mr. Peter Beaver Jr, has moved into
the house next to 1), Sternbache store
rec1 ntly. vacated by Mr. Fisher svho
has moved 1.0 13001111 where be will in
the future reside.
CENTRALIA MAE kier s.--whea t pot. bush, 00
to es; Barley, 88 to 40f Ofite,30 to 84; Peas, 54 to
58 Butter Ilto 14.4 Eggs 14 to 15: Potatoee pet
bash. 26 to 80
Mr. Rd. Handford is at twesent lyiag
Seriously ill.-- Chas. Sanders Editor
of the Exeter ADVOCATE WaS in town
no ,
Mrs. Cahn who has been at deaths
door for some time ie slowly recoyeeing
bet it will be sometime before she 88111
be able to be about again,--HYMNEAL.
One by 0110 the young people 000 en-
tering the bonds of double blessedness
rhis time we have the pleasure of re-
cording the feet that Miss Ida eldest
delight, r of Mr. f1S. Clark has taken
the 5010811 11 vows with elr, Jas. H. Pow-
ell of Winchelsea. On Wednesday even
iltg the 4th lost the young (entitle ac
companied by Mr. W. J. Powell and
Miss Joan Duucan repaired to the par
soilage at Efiroville WhOre .Ress. John
Russell lied the knot that made the
you17g. couple mail inil •wife. They
then returned to the brides home
when a splendid supper was partakeu
of themselves and. the invited guests,
after which.> jovial time was spent
tripping the gay fantastic to the time
of the violin until old sors rays streak-
ed the east All join in wishing the
young couple peace pleuty ancl happi-
ness, magtheir ;sorrows be few and
their jos-s be many. Jim old boy, we
grasp your ha.nd and heartily congrat-
ulate you. on winning the hand' and
heart•of one of Usborne's fairest daugh
ters and may you learn to appreciate
each others 'society more and more and
thus while young may you both do
your best, to make life worte lising
and lay thefoundation of a happy
home., '
The ladies of St. Patrick's church
Biddulph, intend having' 0 social at the
house Of Mr. Ogden On the townline of
S boreitst n d Blddulph on Friday eiPg,
Nove2Oth, from 6 o'clock on, to aid in
raising funds towards the erection of
Church Sheds. : A good time May be
eXpecteci. Admission 15 cents.. All
are welcome. -Mr. Thos. Dickens, 3rd
concession purposes leaving for Eng
land next week ot a visit to his parents
home. He goes by the SS "Circassian"
of the Allan Line. ,Bon voyage. -Miss
Mary McFalls has gone to Lucan to
work at J. D. MeColls.-MissesHodgins
Dickens of the satible- line was the
guest of Miss Annie Prout on Stmday.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar McFalls was the guest
of Mrs. T. Boyle, of Centralia, on Sun-
day last.--Messks Jas Dempsey & Robt.
McFalls paid Centralia a flying visit
on Monday evening last. -Mr. W. T.
Boyle, of London and his brother T. F.
Boyle of Centralia paidour line a short
ViSit 011 :Thursday eYenings lest on their
,way to the big ball. -The Orangemens
dinner and grand ball which Was held
rt Joseph Hodgins Nat Thursday (5th
Nov.) was a grand Success, but the
crowdwas not se large as last year
Some 20. tic.kets less °being sold, The
villagers of Centralia, Exeter,Parkhill,
Lucan Clandeboye being well repre-
sented. All .Werewell sat shed With the
.nights amusements and all ,join 111
thanking Mr. Hodgins for his trouble
Wishing' him again to: have it next
destruction of muc1i personal property,
Mrs. Martin is at preseot coal -Med to
the house owing to a severe illness but
is not considered dangerous,
Miss Janet Mustard and Mr, A. For-
sythe returned home last Thursday
after a six months' visit to the Old
Country, -We are pleased to state that
Mrs. Neil Ross who ries been ill foe some
time, 'is improving slowly. - While
threshing ab W. Rattenburgs ort Teurs
(le)» last the engine owned by Messrs.
TomliuSon and Hart Was badly damag-
ed. The belt was thrown ce'f and in
some unknewu way cauget, doiog
damage to the eXte,et of about $100. -
Quite a eumber Of our citizens attend-
ed the regiasal serviees in Sestforth last
week,: Tiw meetings are being con
ducteu Miss Williams.-Messrs.11.
and T. Mcdonnell and R. Smith leave.
for Wisconsin this week. -Messrs M.
Dixen and'R Smith have contracted to
pet io 1. large culvert on Maple AVe.
They will no doubt Make a , tirst class
ob 1.8 both ars! able mechanics, Street
lamps are the order. We expect to
have them in a few weeks. -Miss Mc-
Doueld, of Wingh4i-re is visiting at 'her
Mr.A. Ress.-A Union Thanks
giviog service will be held in Metho-•
dist ch.urch Thursday; November 12611.
-The annual Meeting of the British
and Foreign Bible somety ili be, held
in the Methodist chureli Friday even'
ing.-Miss Eleanor Graham is visiting -
her brother in Belmore, this Week.-a.Mr.
Geo. Young, of Ridgetown, ill ton
this Week.-eSisongas :DE ATIt -MTS. Mos
WOodley passed suddenly away on
Saturday last about one o'clock, she
had. been. ailing for about a week with
iodarntmrtion othe lungs. She leaves
behind her a sorrowing husband and
two small children who have the heart-
felt sympathy of the whole neighbor-
hood. The remains were ieterred in
Baird's cemetery on Monday, 9111. inst,
SOCIAL MEETING. -A social meeting
of relatives and a few insited guest's
took place at the residence of Mr. Matt-
hew Kelland, Devon Hotel, a short
time ago After all had assembled,
t.aames and other amusements were indulged in by young and old, antil they
were asked to partake of eatables to
refresh the inner man, The company
all having°eaten heartily the,y then re-
turned totheir former sport and con-
tinued to enjoy it until the clock peal-
ed out three. Thinking that it was
about time to separate, cached wished
the host and hostess adieu, and repair-
ed to their several homes, feeliug that
they had spent an enjoyable evening
with the gentleman of the "Inn" and
hoping that his life would be spared to
ha,ve another reunion in his comfort-
able domieile,
NomteEn tet Trerge-When some
neighbors of Mr. William Martin, who
lives on the Crediton Road a short dis-
tance west of here, were teturning
home from a gathering last week, they
noticed a bright light near his resi•
dace, and up= examination it was
found to be the ash box on fire situated
a short distance from the house. They
immediately informed the 'inmates and
then proceeded to extinguish the blaze
which had gained eonsiderable head -
Way. Fortetnately no building's were
close enough to be caught by the
Haines which undonbtedly saved the
Mr Thomas Berry has returned
from BayCity Hospital where he has
been undergoing a speeial treatment.
and his health is might's., improyed.
Miss Urquhart has agained returned
to her home in Chatham. -The 'Canad-
ian Home Circle' svill be organized in
town shortly, a large number having'
alrea.dy signified 'their intentions of
becoming members. •
Mr. William White,London Road,
has returned from Detroit Hospital
where he has been confined for a short
time. His troubles have been pro
nolinced contraction of the muscles
and he has only found a, slight relief
from the treatment received.
The next meeting of the Young
People's Literary and Mutual: Improve
ment Society will be held next Monday
evening in Carmel Presbyterian church
when a good general programme will
be carried out. As this is a UniOn
meeting between the members aud ad
herents of the Methodist .and Presby-
terian churches, a large attendance is
Missionary Anniversary services
will be. conducted on Hensall circuit,
on Sunday Nov. 15th, by Revs, W.
Ayers, of Holmesville, and J. Galloway
of Clinton. -The plate glass has been
placed in the front of Mr. George Mc.
Ewen's new block, which adds areatly
to the appearance of the Main st.-Me.
T. Nichols, Messrs. Chapman and Tan-
ner left last week for California,, to try
and make a fortune for themselves. -
The nights of Meeting of the .Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor
is the first and third Mondays of each
month. -Mr. R. Ballard's brick residence
is nearing completion -The weather
during. the past week has been some-
what hazey, and put us in mind that
it was altogether likely we were get-
ting our "Injun Summer."
awaEaS a_
NO 231
W Delbridge do $15; W Chowen da
SIG; W. Bailswell do $20; J. Frayrie der
$20; W. Belman do $20; G, Etheringtoe
do 580; 3, Blateliford do 7311; E. ROM
lel 110 30,$' P. Moir, do $10; J. Cottle de
$12; T. Huu kin, do $10; 1110. Hackney
$20; W. Bray do 822,50; T. Coates, de.
5e30; J. Polo;t do $10: Jiro McOurcly (10
$25; \V, Moody do 24.70; Kerslake
do $1.0; A, Stewart do $10; 11, Stepan
ald clo $24; W, Brownlee do $36; T.
Passmore do 7.65; W. Wisernari graese
$5; J Kelly do 534.24; C. Ceara gravel
and gravelliug, $28; T, fdarten grayed
damages, 0; w. Mitchell do $4; It Belt
plank $68; 3±1 Samwell keep of J Hew.
itt and wife $13; F. Davis, uuderdrant
8\ ;IP ads; Sse51;()(1,1t3i41,Agi (1110 ; G
;, j
Allison pharking T. IL bridge $6: Re
Coward cutting thtstles $1,40; 3. Hod
gest Sel; IT. Anderson cleaning water-
course 1.25: J. Gardie: underdraiir 83;
W. Bray hauling lumber, &c., $5; H.
Johns uuderdravs $3; Veal ditching
and culeert $42; A.. Carmichael, char-
ity, $7, On motion of J. Shier seconded
by T. Cameron the commil adjourned
to meet again on the 5th Den, at 11
o'clock a. In. GEO, W. Hogstast,
New green blinds have been pleee
Ill the windows of the Town Hall h
the Patrons of Industry. This no do
adds to the, couyenieece, of eie• brether
as well as adding much to the appear-
ance of the 1111.11. -Mr. S. F. Hill, Se.
of the a o. 0. F. has succeeded in org-
anizing a large council of the above
order here. People are beg,iunina
think that it does not shorten lie, te
have their lives inaurect --Missionary
sermons svere preached on this cireuit
last Sabbath. At this appointment twee
very able and instructive sermons
were preached, in the morning by Rey
P. W. Jones of Melrose, and in the eg-
ening by Rev. G. H. Thompson, of
Brya.uston. 3o6h were greete,d with
by large congregagione and botli ser-
mons were highly appreciated. 011.
Tuesday evening a very successful
platform meeting. was held when the,
Revs. A. L. Russell and W. McDonou.gia
of Exeter, delivered powerful appeals
for the support of the mission fund of
the church. The pastor of the church
was arse present ad delivered a short
address A. splendid subscription list
was gotten up -There is some talk of
getting up a sparrow hunting match
here, sornethiug similar to that held a.t
Farquhar Farmers should do all they
ean to encourage these hunts and not
ask those who do the ,work to pay for
the supper, but should come dowse
handsomely for the boys. A quarter
chipped in by a few would buy a good
oyster feed to strengthen the inner
man, as well as fill au extra, bin next
fall with wheat saved by the killing- of
these pests.
WEDonso BELLS --OW little village
was somewhat eelivened. last Wednes-
day evening, the 1611 inst., by the
ing of numerous rigs conve,ying °auests
to wM
itness the arriage ef Miss Doro-
thy A Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr.
Jonathan Cooper, of tsborne. to Mr.
Daniel 1VIcCurclY of Hibbert. The cern
mony which tools. place under the pa-
rental roof was svitnessed by upwards,
of forty couple who had come from far
and near to see Dot and Dan, as they
are usually familiarly called, rnade
one in aims, purpose and sympathy.
Rev. C. Fletcher, 111. A., performed the
ceremony in his usual pleasant man-
ner. After the usual coogratulations
all sat down to one of the ast wedding,
feasts it has been our pleasure, to par-
take of. The rest of the evening twig.
whiled away in innocent amusements,
music and song, The presents were
very numerous and costly. All joie.
in wishing the young couple a long
and happy married life. May all their
troubles be little--wellkiever mind we
wish them joy anyway. -Mr. Taylor
and wife and son John and his wife, of
Chicago, formerly of Elimyille, are vis-
iting friends in this vicinity. It ds
some years ago that they resided. ia
met on the 71.1) inst. All the members
were present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ap-
proved. Messrs. John Iroine and Henry
Francis appeared before the council
and requested payment for sheep killed
by dogs, J. Sheir-W. Kydcl -and rio.
solved to consider the, above application
at next meeting of council, A. Car
rnichael was granted $7 for relief on
motion of T 'Cameron seconded by J.
Halls. On motion of J. Halls seconded
by W.Kydd the selectors of jurors were
paid $3 each. W. Kydd-J. Shier -
that whereas the provisions of by-law
No. 4-1871 granting by way of bonus
the snns of $25000 to the L. H. & B,
Railway have been fully satisfied, and
the said sum of $25000 paid in full to•
gether with the iuterest thereon, Re-
solved that a byelaw be prepared re-
pealieg said by-law No. 4-1871, and
appropriating any surplus moneys re
maining to the credit of said railway
account, to the general funds of the
township. --Carried. The followin
orders were granted, vies--.Alsra and
Edwards, plank $4.; A, McCrady, dtaw•
Mg plank and covering' bridge, $3; R.
Ilegdman gravel $30; J, Iloweliffe
drain and gravelling $38; T. liens gra
yelling $25; Win Sawyer, do $23; A,
Turnbull do $10; D Hazelwood do $12;
TWOHY-CAIN-In Biddulph, on the
4th inst. by the Rev. Father Graham
assisted by Rev. Father Conolly, Mr.
T. Troohy, of London to Miss Julia
Cain, of the Roman Line.
Mankins,-In Exeter, on the 711) inst.,
.the wife of Mr. Mark Meakins, of a,
. daughter.
Carling.-In Exeter on the 10th inst.,
the wife of Thomas B. Carling of a
P1. t!8111
Pugsley.-In Exeter, on the 7th hist,
Jane, beloved wife of William Pugs-
ley, aged 59 years and 4 months,
Rouatt-At Grand Bend, on 5th inst,
Wm. Rouatt, aged 69 years and 11
BARRY.-At Khiva, on 6th inst., Annie
Barry, aged 15 years and months.
SHOEBOTTOM -At her late residence,
North Half lot 8, con 9, London
Township the 10 inst, 11
Shoebottom, beloVed wife of
James C. Shoebottom, in ha 60t3a