HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-5, Page 5For Overr,Fifty Years, 1111t8. WINSLOW'S Sop`i'HING Sxxtur has been used by, millions of mothers fortheir child- ren while teething. If distured at uiglit and broken of yourrest by a sink child i uf- feringand crying with pain of•Cntting Teeth send at 0114 and got a bottle of 'Mrs 1\cin- s1ow s Soothing Syrup" k'or Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately;. Depend upon it mathers,there is no mistake about it, It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, Softens the Gums, recluses In- flammation,;4txd gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Mrs. winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best . female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twonty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 735 sure:and ask for u1111ts. WINSLOW'S SO0'1I1ING SvRUP," A broken axle caused the ditching of a freight train on the Grand Trunk at Mandaumiri on Wedeesday eyening and some delay to traffic ensued. Consumption Cured. An old physiehini_, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an ]!grist India missionary the fornnala of n simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent euro of Consumption,, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrll, Asthma, andall throat and Lung• Affections, also te positive and aclieal, mire for Nervous Debility ;maC d. ,n11 IN ervaus om- plaints, after'having tested its wonderfill curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to mako it known to his suff- ering fellows. Actuated 1>.y this motive and a dw,,,,,fro to relieve human suffering, 1 will send free of.charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, Freugh or English; with full directions far preparing and using: Sent by. mail by addressing with stamp, naming tills paper. W A. Noxrs, 820 Power's Bina,Ilochestei�,' R. Y'. 11H. FI. Aldrich, a director o£ . the Board of Trade; suspended in Chicago yesterday, The extent of his indebt- edness is not known. He` was short on November- corn. When Baby was sick, we gave her dastor}a. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them °Astoria, The directors of the Union Theologi- cal Seminary in New York maintain their allegiance to Rev. Di Briggs, and the w ar with the General Assembly still continues. '0,10410 40341tanow. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD B7 DSUGGISTS EVEEFAEEEE. cao Ralph Wilkes, by Red Wilkes, a two- year woyear old, trotted in 2.18 yesterday over the IndeAendeuce kite track, equalling Dion'ibars' time and Sunol's two•yr•old record. ADVICE 'FREE: Keep the head cool. the feet waren • and the bowels e regular �.rin s , d p disease can attack you This is a celebrated German physician's advice, . and can beet be accomplished by using Burdock Need Bitters, the best regulator and ptiritier known. It cures all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. A hurler explosi:ou last night at the gas tit arks in Louisville kiiled one innn, 11 iedq v 1 1 others eis nul caused a less of half e. mihicn dollars. The shock was terrific, and a deluge e of burning coals set fire to the adjacent property: It took 14 fire ensiles sev- eral hours to get the flames uncial,. con- trol. • SICK HEADACHE caused by excess ' ofl' ilo_ a e disordered stomach, is promptly relieved by using National .Pills: Lord Fr'ittsfol•d, British Colonial Secretary, has requestt.d the Australian Go:ernmr nts to supply the Canadian Government with statistics of the seal fisheries in the southern hemishere, for use in conuection'wit11 the Behring sea negotiations. Not one in twenty are free from some•little ailment caused by inaction of the liver, Use Carter's Little .Liver Pills. The result will be a pleasant surprise. They give positive relief. The Chicago and Grand Trunk rail road people claim that competing lines are Cl•tndesti,uely violating; the 'LrafTic Assoerttisn agreement in regard to switching rates, and a, row is said to be brewing. WELL RECOMMENDED. • DnAta Sins, -I am happy to -say I have used Flagyard's Yellow Oil fol. burns, bruises, sprains and cuts an find that th€re is' Nothing better. I recommend it to all my friends around here. ALLAN G. MpLron, Souris,.Mtii matins Donnelly, the author and Farmers' Alliance man, sued .the St. Paul tlPioraeer Press" for 8100,000 dam- ages for libel in charging, bribery. The jury at Minneapolis awarded hint $1. Asa cur l e of �o d In the head and catarrh, Nasal Bairn has won a re- markable record from the Atlantic • to the Pacific. It never fails. Give it a trial,` All dealers. Thomas I3. Kelly, cashier of Richard son, Williams & Co,, wholesale dry goods, at New Orleans, has been ar- rested, charged with embezzling 820,, C00. Belly was a lottery fiend. A DOULLJ EFFECT. Do Alt Sols. --I Have used I3ag',y-ard's Pectoral Balsam for bronchitis and bad cough with the best results and can highly recommend it to all sufferers. Eosoor PerestE}, 250 Delaware Av,, Toronto, Schaeffer and 5losson played billiards last night in New York-•-14-inch baht line, 800 points up -for $1,000 and the gide receipts. Slosson wolf. Schaeffer only reaching 802, To be free from sick headaches, bil- foneness, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimnlato the liver and free the stomach from bile. Dr. T. A, Slocu,n's 01YGENTZEI) EMULSION of PURE CO3) LIVER Osla. If you have C" N S .UMP T 1'0 N, --Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. W. H. I+ ursman, of Pontiac, Ill., on 2p charges of forgery, aggregating ower $200,000, has pleaded guilty and been sentenced to seven years in peni- 'tent1aI'y. A SEA VOYAGE, A sea voyage is an expensive and extensive prescription, especially when equally geed results as regards health, are to be had by simply taking Bur• flock 73lood Bitters according to direct- ioes. It is a specific for dyspepsia, cleanses the blood, regulates the liver, bowels and kidneys and removes all impure matter from the system. At the Berlin assizes yesterday an injnrleti.on was granted restraining the Berliner: Shutzengesellsllnft from firin g ,over their rifle ranges, owing to tlaii • er to persons working on an adjacent farm, D1•. 1? tlliams' Pink, Pills cure men artcl women, young and old. They re- build the blood and Nervous system, and restore lost eeergies. If you are ailing give 1)110m a fair trial. A Halifax despatch says: Tho Cape )retch heirs of Timothy Ingrabeei have retained prominent New York lawyers to prosecute their claim to an estate in En gland valued at 8100,000,• 000, THE CZAR OF RUSSIA. The Czar of Russia, probably has his own troubles as well as we commoner" mortals, Where we have the advant- age its such troubles as dyspepsia, bis• ionsness, constipation, bad blood and. the like,. is in being able to procure easily a perfect remedy in Burdock. Blood Bitters, nature's grand restora- tive tonic and purifier. • The coal -producing companies, at a meeting in New York yesterday, de. tided to allow an output. of 4,000,000 tops. This is said to be all that the compaslies can produce, No change Was made in prices IT .IS SAFE TO USE Freeman's, Worm Powders, as they net only on the worms and do not .injure• the child.. An international tug of -war is going on at San Francisco, lei which a dozen. nationalities arereprescinted. England Ireland developed a struggle lasting 1 hour and 3 minutes,. Ireland whin ing. A SEVERE ATTACK. DEAR ti zits.-11Iy childrens were tak- en ill withulcerated sore throats bord ering on diphtheria. I lied nothing' 111 the house but Rage ard's Yellowy Oil whioh I used with great benefit. l am sure if it had not been for it the di, wase would 1 MVO developed into diph- theria. ft is a splendid medicine. 11Ias. E. Ceeen tox, Moore's Falls, One. Itis grace Archbishop Welsh held ai, theological conferouee of priests of the deanery of Barrie yesterday, and after- wards laid the corner stone of the new St. Patrick's •h r •}i Phelpston. c u c at Pltt.lp, ton. The ceremony was very imposing and waft witnessed ,c Sed by gr gda t multitudes You haldi1 e iealii .triat it u 1S. medi n cine, when taking' Carter's ter's L it±le Liver Pillsthey are very srn<Lll • Li o bad c a1 of fects; all troubles from tiff pi l liver' are relieved by their use. The euti hundred aiid twenty fifth arnl.ersery of American irethodism was eolebr ttecl iii old John street church, New York city, on Sunday. PROMPT, POTENT AND PERMA- NENT results always coma from the use of Milbu:l•n's Aromatic Quinine 7i'n e. • The US ship TTecla,about which sone fears were entertained owing to the fact that she was long overdue, has reached Vancouver -from Japan. TE VOID aria 1t opium 14 to children if you wish.for their future welfare. Morse's Gly. cerolo of Color Dons- pound, Exact' formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. En- dorsod by physicians. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N r. ,ly >�r a 8 .to MEERV0 aF HOLM 4. ;Dirt. LIMITED TIViEe W spy veal.'- ,•ti.4%fJ sale, ensieelseieeli VIGOR and STRENGTH! For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, General And NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors' or Excesses in Old or Young. .Robust,. ;Noble MAN- HOOD AN-11EOD fully Restored. How to en - lame and strengthen WEAK p PARTS DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENT -Benefits in a day. llIen testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. tries. '@'trite them. iitook, explanation and proofs mailed � e sealed li TiS,1Fr1;,. Address M DIOAL Co. r UFFALO., N.Y.! a:.. For Dyspepsia. A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun- dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: ' I have used August Flower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a very good remedy." Ed Bergeron, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: "I have used August Flower with the best possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barrington, Engineer and General Smith, ,Sydney, Australia, unites: "August flower has effected a complete cure inmy case. It act- ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes: I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease,but used several bottles. of August Flower, and now con- sider myself a well man, I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer- ing humanity the ;world over," 0 G G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. EXETER MAKE S. Wheatper bushel. $0.90 to 0.90 Barley 38 to 45 Oats .• 28 to 36 Peas , , , 55 to 57 Butter 15 to 16 Egg's • • • 14 to 15. Potatoes per bus... 30 to 35 Hay per ton , , , . 8.00 to 10.00 Wool • , , • • • • • 18 t 0 19 HISTG G-ENETIG SYSTEM OF MEDICINE ITS CHALLENGE IS .INVESTIGATION, ITS PASSPORT IS TRUTH. The system is complete having dif- ferent medicines for all the different diseases. The medicines are perfectly pure containing nothing of a poison - 01.10. nature whatever, and are quite tasteless. THE THEORY is to rebuild the diseased cells and tissues of the body, andbythus reaching the primal cause of -disease these medicines will save life in acute and chronic cases, 'Where the old systems of giving pois- onous drugs miserably rsfai1. Books - sent free explaining the system to any address. I:iotogen crit Medicine Association: Ci m cL1oer•:N -Timis is to certify that Thave suffered dw.ih ff c h r] Icttmatim for hist � the years At five different periods T have been so bad that I had. to rem aux in becl for several months ata time. This summer I WAS suffering severely with pain all through my lo}y, con tl gat on headache. le. drowsi- ness, etc. I bean taking Histogenetic Medicines on rune 15th and continued for eight weeks. Ibeg.n to improve at once, pain left me gradually. Ido not fuel it at all e: ccpt a very little at change of weather - nothing to apcial1 of ,just a gentle reminder. .Constipation andilneadache-cured un and n0 return of either sinter' It is now six weeks since Istouped talcii,g the mcclicines. I feel bettor now than T have for years, and I heartily recommend the people of Eondon to try Flistogenetio Medicines. as they did more for me than all the doctors' prescriptions or other medicines that Thad taken before. LMES .TACK London, 5110 York street, Sept. 19, 1891, Will be at Exeter,Q6Cent>ial Hotel," on Tuesday Nov. 3rd, from 9.30 a, m,, to 5.30, p. naz„ and at Hensall, "Hensall Hotel," same day (Tuesday) from 6 p. fan., to 9 next morning. CONSULTATION FREE, Histoalelctic Medicine association. Rooms 211114 3 Albion Block, Bleb moncl St London, Bead Office for. Western Ontario T-1 eacl Grace for Canada, 19 Yongo Street Market, Toronto. May 14-1 ,y. Mention Exeter 1'ADvocArts." London fluron & Bruce Railway Passernl;cr Tine Table, GOING NORTH. - GOING SOUTH. p.m.p,m. Gondon,dep't8 05 4.25. winghani a 70, 340. Lttean Cros'g 8:17 5,20. Belgrave 7.24 4.00. Clandeboye 8 52 5 28, Blyth 7.28 4.15, Centralia 905 5,45 Londesboro' 7.47 1.25. EXETER 9.16 5,57. Minton 8,07 4.45, lieusall 0.28 6.09 Brueefield 9 86 5.04, Nippon 9.84 6, l7 'Nippon 8.34 5.1.2 F3rurefield 9.42 6.28 11e.nsull 8.41. 519' Clinton 10.00 6,45. EXETER . 857 5.38. Londosboxo' 10,19 703, Centralia 909 5.15 Blyth 10,28 7.12, Clandeboye 9.18 5.58. Belgrave 10,42' 7.27; Lucan Cros'g9.24 6,02, Wrotham 51.00 ;7.45. London a,rr 10 15 61.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at, Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building Materials in this sec. tion of country;and at the lowest prices. Shincles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest eompetit• ion as to }trice or quality. We have se- cured the right to Manufacture and Sell Merriams celebrated Baking' Cab- inets. Cull and see them and be con- vinced of their merit. ROSS i& TAYLOR; Main Sr., Eieter S1100111 Sale 01 fill111111.1T 10111110 1NXI JO DAY Now is the time to secure furniture atn •rices never heard of before in Exeter, For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER TIIE WHOLE OF MYG-ANTIC N TIC STOCK OF Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in Ma le, Cherryand Oak; together witha P Magnificent line-, �.�. Parlor ���e� Loin. and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELMand the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the tisual price. Early while all ah the Stock lasts. Remember the Stand -Factory and Warero north of Town Hall, Exeter. 1K. Fns two doors WALT. ANDREWS. floiL N. Bowe. filillITHE PEER Undertaker IDh � R i y W .. THE LEADING ceder taker AND D Funili!re Dealer OF THE r► I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertakin ' Goods now on hand, which will I tivill sell at right prices. UMERTAKIY A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. G113LE .,,O`'.:`:.' NG. .111 Jr SELL I 1+ 3 EXETER ONTARIO Ilas now in stock Wiatu IN THIt] FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Ti•ous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser - Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth :W4v`aR GQATt'q A SURE CURE, Fon DiLI0U5NESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK' HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First. Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' I3ardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE ATR I.LTTrD I 1 , SOL C W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO :MAKE SPACE FOR - SUMMER 6009S3 �' e will clear out the t o balance of our Winter Stock • AT COST -rOR- h 0L Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID ii11TS & GLOVES at 75c worth S1. We cant he undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASII. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North EltiTBR flUft wT[13�, A complete stock of Pure arcs Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. 401g0s, !Jrllll18t'$ Supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and ' Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. 11111/01198 CoRtht1fl PowElir the best in the market. C. LTTTZ. PROP: Falllil 1 tftoIesaic & Btaii Grocers 9 WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, `Iu, fiLd�'.SmtSa`t.g E LGUer. s 99 HRISTIE3S NEM' ,: First Glass ROS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Ters�.s easo:aar=itz Telephone Connection.' KO S -Fila fa Te"'S e� :v HARMLESS 1�1z faxCiE Pd32PJ -a�, r7 c iT-"..ra 2 y, � \t �>� � ._ aro sn .hones. sadiainw ar mineh only honest; Prl !d tt,,a,grtferwar3 ctatc- rats t6 ' , Rte r.L ' -�+. n,.e, Fie • A ro Gee n u otthe S canine :xZ ?F - z o man'a. Insist on havif Sheen, They "4-8 ASS., lI^adaohes, They are sat a Cstharlis. o IIR11EL MI IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND -where he is READY FOR A CALL Morn, Noon or Night he 'will -GIVE AN-- EASY N-EASY SHAVE, ADM. I�GUI9 T�IGU'a LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES IIAIR WORK DONE. North of Post•Office. r THE L1RHT RUNNING *EMI*EMIG MACHINE PAV RE ►'1`. THE ONLY SEWING MACIETH AT G IV ES All made up in tile Latest 1 pE57ROYS AND RCMOVES; WORM S Rates. ALL KINDS IN CHILDRtN OR Style, at beat ADUL'i S $WEstAte.5YALIP ANC) .A �ww;t�y■,rr y CANN Cyr • rr,iyY/a,R.�vl� rI�It RiGtiT ■ 140'_41 .4L; ,r... NEVtHOMESEWING MACHINE 0.0RANCENAW cHtotGo Is.tf lJthON SQUl1ICE NY.- 64 tY15,,1 S� L:21211Ko, P1 LANTA0A ,' '5Xc }nilrrXuclreEoraii