HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-5, Page 4THE v ^#x �1re oAr'1^' '. A sA.N.D4sts & SW'EET, Props, 6 ti_t, 1891 rO'.'(r 'rid, ,'8I 011e TEE 'TVHEELP We lately took oecasirn,to refer t tlso`introcllu;tion into Canada b 1 �? ,th .ti'latiitek of Agrienitnre of tivo'roWe barley, and the succuss which h1$ tkhu far attended its cultivation inCntario .gy latest exchanges we learn that the 5�•Yr•#7Y!wi'nnient a Ottawa, throne' th Hon. Mr. Carling, b u has gi»ei 1 l struc thin to Prot. Saunders to collect a num •f er of samples of this year's growth o 'wee -rowed barley Which have been for -A:ah'decl to the High Commissioner i London, with a view to submitting th samples for inspection to leading mal stere in the Motherland, Among, th samples forwarded to England ar specimen's of the Duckbill and Priz 3's'olilic varieties, grown at ditferen points in 'Ontario, ancl• weighing froin ;58 lbs to 56i lbs in the bushel. Th m seeles are:described as plump and E ata ht, and one specimen from Coburg 1 Of a high grade, weighing 59 lbs to iarr bushel, These samples forwarded to kngland fully bear out the view ex- pzxetised by the Minister of Agriculture that the newly imported seed would in In probability be acclimatized and im- -prtweinweigiht and appearance by careful cultivation. Indeed, the speci- mens just sent to the High. Commission - era average much heavier in . weight woad brighter' in appearance than the grain shipped last year, which drew forth such fayora.ble comment by Eng- :i�h brewers and maltsters. And we learn from recent exchanges that large shipments are being made this fall of two -rowed barley to England, and that buyers have been instructed to secure all they can of that particular kind of grain and of the best quality. }}'e leave thus another proof, afforded us flat the government ale no mere, "flies tint the wheel," but practical men,whose slim is to advance in eyery legitimate way both the agricultural and indust - sial interests of the country -.It is also a source of g:atilication to ftMew that Providence has smiled on int" country= during the past year, giv- 1uy, the largest returns to the farming eomniabnity that has been experienced for many years. We observe, from fetters published by gentlemen and ;wrists -in different parts of Canada, who have been visiting the North-west Territory, that in Manitoba. Assiniboia Alberta, and geuerally- throughout the :Prairie Provinces of this Dominion, the s ropy have been magnificent. In the Regina District alone, it is estimated • bat the yield is from 800,000 to 500,000 :bushels of grain. One gentleman from Toronto who is now in the West,. re- portsthat the probable return for, grain in the region between Winnipeg and ibe Rockies will foot up the Rice little sum of Eighteen Million Dollars. One VS" two years of similar crops would, put :gill our farmers on their feet again,and inspire them with courage in knowing ib.at we have in the far west one of the :most productive agricultural countries :,as the world. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. 'That' James Trow, M P. for South :.berth, cheif, Opposition Whip in the Mouse of Commons, has been unseated ler bribery, tied corruption. 0 e Ll e 1 1 e e e e t e That in Quebec Mereierism is on the eve of"dissoIatioon, the Liberal Premier baying involved. the Province in bank- ruptcy through "boodling" and reek - less extravagance. (fiat I G,' (Werner Angers has com- a tense& lega;i' proceedings of a criminal nature against the Reforma er in f tttawa for slander.p p That the Hon. iVIr. Chapleau has in- stituted an action for libel against the Toronto Globe, for maliciously assert- ing that the Secretary of State offered to sell himself to the Opposition. That in his evidence before the Roy- al Commission at Quebec Count Merc- .er involved Mr. Laurier, leader of the €'dppesition in Dominion Parliament, in the distribution of money for the else- That Mr, Eaca rad who macre himself > ch boodling,lacted as the in telmedl- y or"tgosbetween"wi :, th the Quebec t�*akrnoet and the governtnenEcontract, i ]sat $5,000 Was i i ,sent toPremier, Blair, of New 'Brunsw cl: to be CrYuptin g.'eonStituen ie8 of the Do .sxaa)aan Parliament, ha't the Province of u tt Q ebt.c lost by t.lm Mercier government : the sum of $420,000, being the difference between' the McZlonald tender and Tho11's ac vepted offer fort:-.:l ,in the , Ch _ curs Railway:' That Mr, 1), D, Wilson, of Seaforth, the Egg^ Icing of Canada, and an ultra grit, has admitted ;o the Glasgow Mai/ that in Spite of the McKinley tariff he shipped last yea 88 000,000 ego's gas to London, Liverpool, and Glasgow at a remunerative price. ,;. Thilt oiit of the four million dollar. lobi negotiated by Count iNle cier Europe, a protnise was made by Mr Laurier of it Snbsidv to Quebec of $400 000 on,. condition of a strong majority for the Dominion Parliai lent being' re turned from that Province. And a great deal more! SOUTH' PERTH. 4'o111114 Albollit Us1. Tho rruatees of S S.: Tel 8, Hallett, have o egaged MI'. Win Doig, naw teacher in Perth, to succeed,ilii'. Me,' Padden. Joseph Culbert, of 13icldvlph,has Sold his 100 zero farm to Rokert' I'llnn, Stephen, for the sum of SI,, 00 . ;Mr.' Culbert intends moving, to ' ids/ township next A 4 -year old eon of ],,.. A. Dobbs Bid dulph,got his !eg broken a few days ae'o, He was riding in':a wagon with the hired Ivan, and while driving through gate the :rack struck the post, breaking his' thigh bone. TI1Aetu.Ia ENGAGED.—Tho trustees of School Section No. 7, Tucke,rsmith- Hannaii's school—have. engaged Mr. rr .Hoggarth, of Aonsali, as..teaeher.. for next year. Mr. Hoggarth is at present attending the Model •Sehoolh; He is a graduate of the Seaforth Col= legiate institute, was an industrious' and painstaking' student and will, no doubt, make a good teacher. When the Dominion elections closed and showed a substantial though somewhat reduced Conservative ma- jority, the Reform leaders did not abandon hope of capturing the political situation. Their first scheme was to enter piotests against Conservatives wherever money could be found to put, up as security. And a good deal of Money was found. Mr, 'Pacaud pro vided large sums of looney stolen from. the Baie des Chaleurs railway subsidy. It is quite in keeping with the recognized order of things for the party of purity to •fight for political purity with stolen money. In all about forty petitions were entered against Conservatives, and thentlhe petitioners who swore that they had knowledge or belief in the commission of corrupt practices by Conservative members or their agents began to nose around to find something with which to make at least a pretense of going into court, or to have a protest to "saw oft" against a genuine protest entered against some 'Reform member. On the other hand, Conservatives entered protests against about sixty Reform members elect, so that we had a house of commons sitting and mak- ing laws one-half of whose members, it is alleged, gained their seats by illegal practices. ;tilanv of the protests on both sides will, no doubt, be dropped for want of evidence. Some will be drop peel by agreement—"sawn off." But a very large number will go to court. The first trial has just ended in the unseating of llfr. Trow, the member - elect for South Perth. A great number of specifications were put forward— one of then that there was a conspir- acy between the respondent and officials of the Grand Trunk railway company by which the influences of those officials was throWn IuilrTrow's favor. That charge, however, was not reached, as the judges rendered a de- cision against SIr. Trow on one of -the earlier charges. When that was done Mr. Trow accepted the verdict as final, and the other charges were not press• ed. Conservatives should follow up this successful protest by a strong effort to gain the seat. Mr. Trow's majority was certainly considerable; but a lna- jority of 177 in a total vote of 4,540 is one that may be overcome. The .Con, servative government is in power,' and it will stay in power for the next four years. The people : of Smith Perth ought to see the advantage of having a member in the Ministerial ranks. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Will be given for a case of Catarrh which cannot be cured permanently by Clark's Catarrh Cure. Step right up to the office and prove your ease and get the reward, Thousands have tried. this remedy* but no one has claimed the reward, because it • cures in every ease. If you tare a cold or are troubled With catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, price 50 cents, and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly. If you are asked to take something else, send to us direct, and we will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of price. Clark C'ihemieal Co., Toronto, New York, OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. IS TRE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA. TO GET A 'I'aoROUGH BUSINESS' EDUCATION: Take a Round Trip and visit all other Busi- p ess College ant Com- mercial Departments in Canada, then visit the Northern Business College, examine everything thoroughly. If we fail to pro- d -ace the most thorough, complete, practical Laud extensive vo co r . u sEofs tad the best v, col lo,e promises and the hes ttand most complete . and most suitable furniture and apppliances, we will givoyou a full course, FREE, " For Annual Announcement. givingfull partiuu- lars, free, address, C A h'L EMTNQ, Principal, �eusall Palace Baker! D, W Foss Proprietor of the Palace Bakery, Hensall, wishes - to inform the citizens of that he visits the village Every Ned jesda 8t Saturday Afternoon moon -.. with a supl?� lv of -. FIRST-CLASS I3READ &A .BUNS . 11 orders left with GEORGE SaiND- ERS will be promptly attended •to, and. from wheat bread can be had at all times, Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, 1 BE t GIVE ME A MIRCONVINCED, AND co�avl�arh� P. VV•.�..�..,,�sX yOSSy r _.. Na utt sssorta inn, -Tuesday eight Mr. and Mrs. Ad;iui Cook, Boron Roacl came near losing their lives by belting suffocated froni escaping gas froni a coal stove. They were discovered in thein bed early Wednesday' morning' Mrs. Cook being- entirely 1lneollSCioi1S and Mr. Cook in a stupified state. Medical aid was,ealled inands'we are pleased to learn that they are now all right again. 1ENTnD.-George Stewart, formerly, of the Loudon Road, after eight years sojourn is Dakota, has returned to On- tario and in company with his brother. in-law John Cndmore,rented front ' John HanhalL the 200 acres knoiirn as the Jolhnstori farnls,situated on the 2nd con o£ 'rucl:et�suhitil, near Egnioudville, Messrs. Stewart and'Cuclnhore are ener- getic young men, awl deserve success itt whatever they undertake. The rent, we understand is $540 per year. THE LADIES ALIVE To the Great Importance of the UNDER'T'AKING. The ladies of Canada are delighted; husbands note with pleasure the smil iug faces of wives and daughters; in- deed, the whole country is stirred Up with a ploasureable excitement. It simply animists t� this.—that the manufacturers of the celebrated and universally used Diamond Dyes have inaugurated, a grand competitiot. scheme known as the "Di'tmond Dye Competition," which is freely thrown open to every mother, wife and daugh- ter of our broad Doulinion. No less a sutra than $1,500.00 will be distributed to the mothers, wives and daughters of Canada, in first, second ar:d third prizes. This sunt is really being returned to the consumers of Diamond Dyes. Every lady til Cantada can afford to become a competitor, and has sufficient intelligence and ability to snake up some of the articles men tioned in the long and varied list. Ana- ple„time is afforded to all for experi mcuting and becoming perfect as'com- petitors for the large cash prizes offer- ed. It is an unprecedented act of liber- ality- on the part of the wealthy mailu faeturers of Diamond Dyes, and nevet before attempted by any siniiliar in- stitution in the world and the public. have the most ample proof that every promise will be faithfully carried out. During theseasott the Manufactur- ers of Diamond Dyes have, eontributed hberally to country* fairs, in order' to encourage Household Economy and Art. Small and almost unknown Con- cerns have tried to stimulate this:char- acterof work by the offer of insignefi cant stuns of froni one to three dollars, that would not in any instance Iefray cost of dyeing and the making up of goods called for. We fear these small imitators has not yet been discovered. the fact that the ladies value their time and Materials, to be lured by: such Gritting andsmiserly prizes. The fairs of our Country having' dos- ed for the season, the manufacturers of Diamond Dyes Mean to keep theladies busy during the leu„ autumn and winter evenings; by oftbring large and sil.bstantial prizes hi keeping with the charaeter of word asked for. The production of every competitor will y form an exhibt in the large an ., d• wall equipped Diarriond Dye establish- ment in Montreal,and three of the `larg- est and best known Dry Goods ''firms in Canada has -promised experts to award the prizes. These Wel l-l:uown houst:s are: Henry Morgan .0 Co.,Henry & N. E. Hamilton, and John Mur ply Sz Co. • Graham & Co., proprietors of tho vTontreal"Tail?/ Stec)•" and "Fantill/ 1=leralcl and Weekly Sta "have. - fted their willingness to act' as judges on the various Essays sent forward for competition. Young and old, rich and poor, have an,equal chanes, in this magnificent and competition acheine; therefore you should willingly enter. 1f you ,have• not yet received a book giveng .full particulars of the`Seheme, write at once to the Wells & Richardson Co., ,Mout- real, -tvho will send it post' free. tVe are asked to remind our readers of tlhe fact. that all intending competitors torts should at once signify their inten- tion competitors; by sending ,in the form, properly Celled up, whiehis found on page 15 of the Gook referred to, .We Olt to impressupon our people. •the fact that this contest is absolutely free to all. There is no cost foe• books, no entrance fee, and no money to be sent forward it is as free to all as the air' we breathe, We tiltst our people 'will' de what the can ilk, this Competition, petition, and thus sustain the reputation of outs wo"met) arsct girls tis adopts itt house- hold Work and art, isa agttain ant speedy alga fog Oold lu the Head and Oatairrhia all ttt itarieq, .SS QOTHIN.Q, PLEAINSINO, 1WiEALINa. tsfanf Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Mena so oslled diseases era $100517 Iynipfonip of Ogter{•h, quote aq hqu . a0he Partial dosli eu 1004 senrq t sited, foul bredttt,„prithi and spiitt•. tin;, naulea, 3,ork s i teellu8' a el do- qil ty, oto ,u yoh Irs troubled tvitll any of thee -e or kindred pymptoule, yyour ltpve ()oiowli, pod ohoukt 1oso no. time In jj+;oourtng a bottle 01 No..trr LtOLO;. )he wsrhed, to tint?, noglactad 0014 in hood dceult, In Oatarrll, fol•: Lowed b• aonsuin tion and death. Ni,AL it.Lsi IS ,old b uti drugshrte orWill tieseht,post paid onreae,,.9f prieeilg cents an4 f4.eo) by addreseing FULFORO & 00,, Brockville, Ont. ftflrl0 f2.:C tASi'+i' timid Oommissioli to t�lJ t)U'V, Agonta, 11Len abed ti\r03 00, r aeh- or., and clorgynien to introduce 11 new mad pop►mtar sttauglarlt ta01)12. Teatxnioa.y of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Natktreth, The most remarkable religious boolc of the ago, written by 500 eminent scholars Non- sectarian Every Ohlistian wants it. Ex elusive territory given. d piply t The Henry Bill Wishing Co., Nortich, "A STITCH IN TIME SPIES NINE,” SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN [an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label] -SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach 'roubles, es- pecially it taken at the. first symptom of Indigestion, •whici, is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a v..holesome or a heavy meal: At first, this feeling Soon passes away, and is only remembered as a Iteae uu/+l easels::, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced. To the average person is note suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment is worse than useless ; it is positively harm- ful.. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Rowels are not responsible, and relief will only conte through an intelligent treatment of tete disorder within the stomach.' 11SALTOPEPSVN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and. •Canada. Send a cis. in postage for valuable pamphlet to IIAZ.EN MORSE, • INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, OIiTAP.IO. ElOtOr ti1310RIIIIStrilli18111 ---- FMP0RY JIV! r PERKINS & MEM; 'T ; PROP. SVe cavy the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. • PIANOS, ORGANS. "IOLINS, ALSO ` SEWING MACHINES,; BIC iLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS ,c. The above instruments always on hand. 'er g to suit PuD o asors. GIVE US A CALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. PERKINS & MARTIN. 1 T I have a positive remedy for ti o al ova disease• by its MO thousands of eases of the :orst idnd and of long standing have been cured. Indee 1 so stro tg is my faith in its efficacy, that T will send: Two BOTTLES Pi REE,. withs VALUABLE UAD E L TREATISE - on t ti s liaraso to any sufferer who. will send mo their E$PRESS and P.O. address T. A. SLOCUM, M. O., " 186 ADELAIDE WEST, TORONTO, ONT. reit 9a':d ILCET B! GiB . 114 , 00 Unlocks nil the clogs eel;avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and liver, carrying off gradually without \weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities' and foul humors of the secretions;' tit tiro same tithe Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, euaringc Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Tes,daolfes, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation,; Dryness' of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness off' Vision, Jaun- diee, ;salt Rhettrd E r� si,�el.as,Atia+Flattering or to eat SeP eYr eor vousies;, and, General Debility ;al all these and many other similar Complaints yield to .• the happy influence of BUll>✓Ot1 b1.00110BITT' E1 s. Ica` ,'tad py tat 3)cccld,c, I,t,tI BU Ii 8t CO Preplletot>si Toronto� eathni Clothing Hoiise1 are the latest goods. i1i--- FALL AND WINTER TR SV. TIVT and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in, the Latest Style t le and a Good]. fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PRICES AWAY DOWN, Remember the Stand one Door North of E. H, Fish's Barber Shop. 0 i a calls: J. H. GRIEVE. Farmers Builders. It will pay you to call on us if you }wilt anything in Hard- ware such as Nails, Hinges,Locks,Glass, Putt y, Paints and Oils. Ow Stock of Jojiitoii's Ocrte Ulli PIts, NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black & Galvanized wires away down for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUG•HING A SPECIALTY 1a RAYMOND MACHINES AAAD NEEDLES. E ` s GALL WHEN /PI TOWN. ISS"' TT `R ''S TAILT WEERLY i- PAaES AND BALANCE OF 1891 III ROST LIBERAL OF ,Ft 1 ONLY ONE • DOLLAR NO FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS ! NO JACK-KNIVES ! SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS ! BUT A CLEAN, VvIICLESOME ,FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. • Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it tiie larges_ ,:n11 best family nc'\v.sp,lper ill Canada: Every effort lull! ' be dc•ote to ,n.1.kin2; it I kri:irl-r, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING ESTING in all iii cirphr.ni'nts. Spa tial pains will be taken wit:t its .�Av,ricsi'talrsil l':n cs, irllda MORE SPACE \VI LL 13 E DE VOT•i:D TO S i:1.i;C'1 I- E.\ L)1 ` I F'O:, T I I E IFAMILY. SUi3SCRIBERS \\'IIOS1s ORDERS ARE R,i'CEit: l•,D PREVIOUS TO 3 s DECE:tr13i::R, i891, WILL IlAVE '.l•I1N: PAPER S....N'I' TIIEIl U\TIL. CLOSE OF 1892 FOR Ti PIs ONE T'EAR'S 51105C:RIi'TION. TMr"' `o 1• Irq �•c g. f•.�1 1Yi( x101 ) ,l I a P f -1o - I tO -1 ' � / ° ^� c,i•rr`Y• ofl�w• vvhc�,�;.rba,c.,rlaors Hary.il1 3._.r 1 A: b AGENTS \`)A:NTEI) IN ALL UNREPitE51:NTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address THE GLOBE, TORONTO. EJ(ThJII T011.01, SIIO1. Mi. George Smallcombe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur- rounding country that he has opened. --out a new Tailoring. and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in I'an:son's ;Block. Latest' designs of goods always on honed, and made ftp in the latest E11 iicata Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD I .. FIT GUARANTEED.. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making ed'to attended C SMALLACOMi3F, MERCHANT A.TTAtL 0R , Exeter, ALLAN LINE.' N. 1891. Summer Sailing. 1891, Liverpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal, b'roin From Liver- Steamship: Mon- pool I i pool 'treat, Fi+om Quebec Sept, " " '('' Oct. '1 " lion 8 10 ; 17 2.6 1 8 15 h2 20 5 SAItDINIAN MogcloLIAN 1?ARYSIAN" CrinCAsssAN PotYNtisTAN SAiritiorta bMONOor,YA'N' PAttTSTAN: OuutoAssrAN Po'l'y NLSIAs Sept, " 0ot. 't (1 11 Nov. ‘'7: 1,id " . 10 80 s 10 1,7 h4; 4 21 Sent. 8C Oct. 1. "4 " 13 a 1c ,t h5 Nov..f ,a a " 1k; " 2., iiT'PS Or PASSAGt To Londonderry or Liver l poo, J. oh n S». LlkYa l oBY 8. S. Parisian, $00 $701 $80 single; $10,$190,$160 return. By Other Steamers $50 $55i $CO single; $05,$1.Or,41115 return, Intermediate S3400,return $00:40, StodragA 620.00, return $40.00. METER, ONT: 4