HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-5, Page 1VOL. — —EXETER, ONTARIO,. 'IatTRSDAY, OITEMBER 5. 1891.
The Molsoris z ank.
(Ohartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital, .... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.... .... 1,000,000,
Read office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmer's on their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per eclat per 21,111111M.
Exeter Breach.
Open every lawful day from 310 zo m.to p.
in., Saturdays 1.0 0-. 011. to 1 p, rn
A geueralbanking business transacted
Four por 0011 t, per annum 9,1Iowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank et 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jail 28, '88, Sub Manager.
(Mx.etvc Abuoicafr
Is published. every Thursday Morning,
at the Offiee,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
if not so paid.
.Z3.6.-erertirAziz, .."..Teev.tez
No paper discontinued 131) eil all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specifie
directions will be published till forbid an(1
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transeient advertisements inserted for
long periods, Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, ra oney ord-
ers, &o,for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
he made pity% ble to
Sal1C1CrS & Sweet
For Sale.
A. desirable residence in Exeter North , TIONV
frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The
house was erected. in 1838. ' Geed terms to
purchaser. Apply at 3 is office. 145-t
Clutreli Directory.
TRIVITT M11010111.kt CAMICIL—Rev. S F
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 010-.
and 7 p. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
HEETII0 DIST 011U mni-James-st , Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. re..
MAIN SrnEwr--Itev. W. McDonough, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. 003. 0-0-3.1 1030 p.m.
Sabbath School ::.31.1 p. ra.
Pastor. Sunday Serviees, 1 1 a, ni. and 0,30 1).
ra. Sabbath. School, 9.4tx.a.ni.
reolessional Cads.
Fauson's Block
two doors north of Oarlinn.„ Store,
4 is ea 3.0-3.11 S1.'1CIIET, VSETElt,extritets teeth
without pttin. Away at Reiman. on ist
Friday; As&a Craig on 21u1 and 4tli Tuesday;
u.d Zurich on 1.8.aG inIlli$atly Of (38.Ch 1110111-b..
GRAM, TIST, Member Royal
• College Dental Surgeons, successor to
11. L. Billings. Office over 0.0'110115 Bank,
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetie given for
the painless extraction of teeth. 101.0-0 Gold.
Fillings as required..
. and. Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin 6treet6, Goderieh,
Residence--Coruer Andrew ancl North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and. Accoueli-
eur. Office, Dash -wood, ont.
CROSKERY, Member Royal College
1./ Surgoons, England.; Licentiate Royal
College of-Pliyicians. Edinburg,h; Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's old stand, Orediton, Ont.
11-111. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C., M , Member of
13 College of Physieians and. Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faeulty of 1?hy510101/s and Sur-
geons, Glasgow• Yellow of Trinity Medical
College, J.Coront'o. Office -Dr. Cowen's old
13 of' Toronto,) Physioian, Surgeon etc.
Ravispent the winter of 1838-'87 in '
ng, New
Yoric, and the winter of 18$0-08 in 'Vienna,
Gra±iUfltc 00wzor1tapyarl9sFita1
EyeS ,%hr7M1eo,e.
Mple a
(r '.
i. 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office- Over Post 02110e, Exeter, Ontario,
M.oney to Loan.
.1.J. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, tee. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, conveyancers, 8Le. Money to loan
att.; per eent.
is. V. Baertie. ELLIOT
JjBROWN,. Winchelsea. Licensed AAfe,t,-
• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of 'Osborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms reason
able.Salos arranged at Post office, WinChelsa
Xl-j. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
wed Auctioneer, for the counties of' Bur.
on altfd..Middlesex. j.itesidence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
WHOLT, eahiva, Ontario. Licertsodanct-
• ioncer for the Counties Of Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stophen
and Ray A.11 sales promptly attended to,
BOSSENBERRY,Honsall Ontario. Lic-
ensoa Aeetioneer for the Countys
Huron hnd Perth. Ohargee moderate and.
satisfactiOn guaranteed.
0.50 REWARD.
The undersigned will give a reward of $50'
to the person giving sneli information 0-8
ing geese and prairie c4am whieh
were plenttful.--Mr. Arthur Davis,who
hes been absent from the 'Yillage for
se,Yeral NV001:8, ref -Wiled, again on Mon-
day A, G. Dyer and Mrs. Daniel
Davis weg( YiSitillg Me. allei INIrs. 1).
$teinbtiele of 11110 1), 011 Wedneeday.-
Miss Aeuie Brooks is at present visit
in g frends in Wbodham t,ted. Kiekton,
Mrs. jaanes Burgese of Seafotth is the
will lead to the eetivieneu of .he party or ,rueSt Of Mr. filld Mos. Ecl 13issett.--Mrs.
parties who shot the colt on. the, premi$e,i,
Lot, is, conccasion o, township ot s'rephen, A‘t..A • A• L. Ittossell, has veturued. from
on or about the 1 7th October, 101. MallitOba. She 0(1 \'(d the, trip and'
Roioo LEA-TIMNI. EkOtei'! Sark; she has 'be)3n much benefitted
Notice is hereby given that all pCrsons
ha ving ela ims against the este, to of Jo hu
Gould, deceased. late of the village of Exeter
are, requested to send by mail" or deliver
eame 00 or before Decern her lot.. 1301; and
all accomits due the aforesald, deceased
must be SCIt t,tal With 1110 wit -Lows Mrs. Oloro
Gould, 00 or before the above date.
Alas. JOhN 13-017L1,,
Dated Nov. 2031, 1831. Exeter, Ont
West. half of lOtC,oncesSion 5 in the
townShip of Usberne t 110 ((013017' of Buren
contaieing therein 50 acres mere or less.
There is about 30 acres cleared and the loll -
111100 bush, being.mixod with black ash and
cedar. A good wind -mill with a good well
of Water and well suited for stock ra!sing.
For further pastienlars apply to Ge0. Bun t-
er, Rid geto wn to John Hunter, Jr. Exeter
Norfth half of lot 4, north bounda273-
Stephen. in the county of Buren, about
miles west of Exeter, which is possessed of
one of the best markets in Western OD tali()
There are first class out buildiugs, good
frame dwelling, good orchard on the premi-
ses, all well fenced and drained, and is in
first class state of cultivatien.
Also, West half of lot 3, north boundary of
theaforesaid township, about 15 acres of
good 1iardw,00d bush, the balm:tee of which
is good pasture lands, well fenced, with „e.00d
supply of' water, Possession of both places
inino adiately, For f Orther particulars apply
on the premises, or to
11.R. JOTIN SwrxT, Exeter, Ont.
$1 13eantiful G -old Watch $1
Dean Bros,, of Montreal, are DOW offering
a beautiful engraved or plain, ladies' or
gents' size.fillecl case. (oht ti 'Fitat eh tor nilly
sit 1,01) to be paid after you have received it
and have given 811 80 clays trial and find it
just what they represent. 311 15 a stem, wind
stem set, fine in o vem en and warranted for
over 10 years by the makers, and cannot be
bought anywhere for less than $%30.00 in any
retail store. Dean Bros, do this to 'advertise
their New Blood, Liver and Stomach Pills
and. consider that $20,000 a. year spent in this
way 10111 (10 more to advertise their business
than any other methoa. Send them your
address o,,,L 110 S1-OtLritAdAr(18ge<1 DEAN tHOS
MOD treal, Quo -St.
.MILLER, veterinary sure:cola
ill GraLtVDduate of the Ontario Veterinary
tlollego, Toronto, (Successor to Wm 180000. 1.
V. S ) Over 18 years practieo, Office &nit
residence one blocic east of RIchardPickitrds
stoke, Opposite Skating Ulna, Exeter, Ont
13111ED, W.VA.IINCOAIB, Provincial Land
,17 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
tiver Post Office, btain street, Exeter, Ont,
Lt HATtnLicensee artotheteer for silo
00tility of Huron, Sales Conducted on
veasonabla tonna. Farha and Farm .5toelt a
SpecUlty. Fttll arrangements ean be made
at this office,
A recent discovery by an
old ph ySiCian. St/COMP/ill/
1/Sai 71701017tly by thousands of
LAni ES. Is 11110 0110.)' perfect
ly safe and reliable medic-
incediscoverecl. Beware of
unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask
for 0001c'8 COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, filkC 110
substitute: or inelose go and 4 three -cent Can-
ada -postage stamps in letter, ancl we will
send; sealed, by return mail. Full sealed par-
ticulars in plain envelope. to ' ladies only, 2
stamps, Address Pond. y Company.No
Fisher Block, 131 Woodward aye., Deti oit,
Mich. I3121Seld 103 EXETER at Dn. LOT J
W. BuowNINO's and by all druggists every-
Hay School Report.
The October report for S. S. No. 3,
is as follows, Names are in order
of merit. Sixroi. -notne,r Russell.
FIET10.--DaVid SID WI. 1 01.11V111, -Kate
Chapman, Aggie Shirrity, Frauk „Reis.
'Ttuno.-.11tolph eke pnuin, Annie North-
dott and Nellie O'Brien equal, Alice
Gould. SENIOR SECOND -Jas. Slangy
Nellie Gould, Nellie Northcott JU:Naelt
SECOND.---Bcokit3 Northcott, Henry
Bothell, \\ 111001 SECOND .PAR,T.
--Flora Northeott, ivliltou Russell. Alois
ten Gould. Fins's, Parer.-Bertie
Olarien, Jessie Munn, Willie Bissell.
atow nicely Heed's Sarsaparilla hits
the needs of people who feel "all tired
out" or."run down," from any cause.
It seems to oil up the whole mechanism
of the body so that all moves smoothly
and work becomes a positive delight.
Be sure to get Hood's.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the
liver, rousing it from torpidity to its
natural duties, cure constipation a,nd
assist digestion.
.A. lively alai sotiable time Was speut
0111 0111 oyster supper held hereon Friday
uigh t. host. at Willa a lame number WaS
presmit, occassiolt being a match
betweeu two chOsea sides of men to col
loot the largest number of sparrows in
sido the tp. Messrs, Wm. McLaughlin,
and Tilos Hunkin were captains and
sides chosen eaeli ha v haat wenty. Aftes
several days search for the little feaths
erect creatures they ,succeed in captur-
ing' 6277. Mr. McDougall) and his men
won the, match by over 500 thus the
other side had to pay for the supper.
This is something that should be en-
couraged by the farming community
as these birds are a great pest and
should be annihilated.
Our accounts are DOW ieady. All
persons indebted to us will confer a fa.
uor by calling before the 1st day of
December and settling'. Bossurr Bnos.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to doe post office. G.
Permonal Mention.
Mr. Thomas Peach and his mother
Mrs. Peach, of Richmond Hill, are tho
guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Loadman
of Hay township. Mrs. Peach is a sis
ter of Mr. Jas. Loadman and at present
is enjoying good health -Mr. J. Bro
phey, of Brophey, Coins & Co ,Montreal,
brother -in law of L. H. Dickson, was in
town Saturday, Sunday and Monday. -
The Secretary and Treasurer of the
South Moron Agricultural Society were
at the Central hotel on Monday payiug
the'prize money in connection with the
late exhibition -We, ore pleased to
announce that AIr. Geo. Baker, who has
been ill for several months has returned
to Wingham to again fulfil his duties
as cabinet natoker.--Miss Blatchford,
daughter of Mr. Richard Blatchford, of
this place, left on 'Tuesday morning for
Toronto, where, she will remaiu for a.
shoat time. -Mr. Charles Darwood left
on Tuesday morning for GlascomaScot-
land. He purchased his tieket from
Capt Geo. Kernp,our town ticket agent
and sailei from New York on Wednes.
day in the Majestic, White Star Line.
He intends being' absent for several
moloths so as to be able to visit his
many relatives and friends in their
home across the watere--Mr. Robert
Sanders returned from the North West
on Friday last week. During his 'O.
Sence he has been in Dakota vieitong.
many Of ho a old friends, atod while in
British posSesslons was sojourning ,vith
relatiyes.-Re reports of having had
an enjoyable titne, especially in shoot.
CONCERT. --The DiroCtorS o± the
Public Hall Company ittleed to open
the yew Ball by a grand concert oil „Le bige,d;s41,0,1 real.01-,aalty,... of .ate.
Thomas Nieholl and daughter,
left tati „Monday last for 00.11ft/1'111a
0(1.. 131)a will iait friends ,and. ± ta
ease:Yip11,111 OttO eountry ilea husband
02 1100 property here toud
join lees --Mos Itieliard-Nicholl well 1111 01
frivorab";y,knownete'the neighbors of
aicia4y, and Who has been ill for
wane time from a severe lung trouble,
underwent a very painful operatiou
the begnining of this week, it being a
tube inserted on his side so as to con
neet4yitil the lower uart oS'his lung
and'geinove the•fluid that had accum
theis-o, Which amehate(l to over
a opeiation wee pe(f00131-
ed;1)1'. Browning, of Exctur, -who
ex'bdatts.4 Mooch skill in the tondertalt-
ing,;;Atel' 11 11 be Nieh 01 I'S 10t to re-
c1liv,§4,einuelo credit will be clue the
ie OUP Si01e0r0 wish' that he
111,S 'ne,over alai soon be able to at -
teed • ids deities.
;•1\l'artettelLONS.-.-On 'Wednesday even-
Otit.tber 28t1i, pleasitio' e Vent.
toele plaee at the residence of Sir. Jas
Ettelti.' The oecassion was the marei,
411 ter, Emma, to Mr.
Cherles Stewart, of Goderich. tp, The
ceremony was preformed bv Rev. Mr.
Thibitlead before a ftow frieuds and
relatives of the contracting parties
The high esteem 111 NV hicli they, are
held wad's attested by the beautiful -gifts
has o Wed .
UDATIL - 011 SUIlday morning our
reSidents were sursrised on lea rum g of
the very sudden death of Mr. John
MeNab, ,who died very suddenly Satur ,
daY night Deceased was born in In.
vernees,,Scotland, in 1826, and had re.
sided here -upwards of five years The
foineral took place on Tuesday to Bruce
field, aud thence by train to Moddlemiss
Mr. MeNab has the, sympathy of his
nnany friends in lois bereavement.
roller process chopper, 'Pheir itusiness
bass -been rapidly locreasing for some
time aed the demand has compelled
them to purchase some new matilinery
Their mill is DOW fitted up with the
best first class machinery that can be
obtained, and their success eneaks
highly of them as millerse-A dis
turbance was caused by a number of
boy van Satuaday evening last, it be
in, 'Hallowe'en. The depredations
committed were of a low eharatter
which does not speak yety. hig.hly of
the young men who were taking part.
--Mr, William Welsh is at peesent
very busily engaged finishing. his sea-
son's work, His business has increitsed
to sue.h au extent that he intends
erecting an addition to his planing
factory next ee,asote-Mr, J T Wren
has been engagel. as principal of the
lieusall Public School and t.ts assistant
Miss I\ foateith and Miss Simla oa of
Ooderich.-The Masonic Frauternity
now occupy their new hall on the
nights set apart' for that purpose. -
Miss' Earthy Davis of Exeter, N'Vas the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hughes
on Sunday, -Mr. Charles McDoneR has
returned frbra Lake Smith, where he sem-4 $ydney Mills.;
had 'been in company with several Aled. Examiner W. Irving M. a
siairte from Exeter on a deer hunting ,
rust,e,es, Sanntel LAII-k1.01
expedition. They were not successful Fotheringhaen. Commit holde, tea -
in eaptllring any of the fonrlegged 0tha1 meeting,. 00 eaneay eyemeg as se
aninntls, but 'were rewarded fog' their number wish. to become Charters Melva
labors by bagging a number of duck berg
and other gitne. ' He reports 1111 Ing
spent a good time iiageneral.
' IIsborne School Report.
The followiteg is a report of the
Stauding oFthe pupils its S. S. No. 5
1Jeborne, for the month of Oct ; saidge-
Frid"Y N"("1/1-* 1-*1.11-711'''''&1;It'crance" generat Worl7 and gObd con-'
duct, together with the written (3310.111-
1110.0000 Sonie who were not regular
in ettendance appear lower in theia
eaiases than they otherwise would, The.
,Mries appear in order of merit. IV
,C;Laes----:Edwarcl 'Mt Dougall, Edith
Wc'etcott. SR. III -Lila McCord, Violet
Russell, Joe. 111 -lily May Westcott
•Gareet Frayne, Willie Frayne, Nelson
Prott, L. M. McDonald, Elijah Higgins
Sa'.'Il-Eintly 'Wood, Marion McDoug-
all, Violet Willis, Norman McDonald
follow:tog gendemea have pronnsed
be present and deliver addresses, viz.
Messrs. J. McMillan M. P., Coestanee,,A.
Bishop, M. P. P., Osborne, Dr. Roltins,,
Exeter, Geo. E Jackscu, Eganondville,
and M. G. McLean, Seaforth. The 'td"
dresses will be interspersed by read .
ings, recitations and music. Dr. Camp.
bell,:who is a whole concert ia himself,
wil :be present, Robt. Holmes; of Clin-'
ton, D. McFadyert, of Londesboro, and.
the seivices of sevetal of the best c omit;
and aentimental singers of the county use...Tessa; Richard, vineeut Wood
have been seemed. This is expected
take; Carrie Shipley and
to be the best concert that ever wae
s NA
'. g, gaie flussell. II PART --Ma ijOrie
held in this vi0 inity. a e,
' - McDougall, A. McDougall, Fanny Ship.
ley, George) Westcott, Arnold Perkins,
WillieRowelitfe, John Richard, Edith
McCord, Tonarriy Higgins, Maud Roar-
elitte 1 Parer-Harvey..Perkins, Dav-
id ,McCord, Millie Martin, Wilber Mar-
tin. J. W. HOGARTH, Teacher.
BARNS BURNED. -The baEUS and 011t
buildings of Mr. WM. Armstrong; on'
the 9th con. were destroyed by fire, tos,
gether with their contents, on Wedness
day eveningblast week... The fire was
first noticed about seven o'clock in the
evening, and spread so rapidly that
Only:the animals in the buildings could
be saved. Many of the implements
and the entire season's crops were 'de.
stioyed. We understand that Mr.
Armstrongehtulan insurance of $900
on the contents, but this 'will not near.
ly cover the loss. The farm and huild
inge belong to Mr. Thompson Morrison,.
of Dakota, Mr. Armstrong being a ter -
ant. He was going to thresh the teat
day, and was Out wanting the hands
for the threshing when the fire started:
The origin of the fire is not knossee.
Mr, Geo. Batson had the misfortune
to lutve his threshingengine upset and
somewhat injured by a span of colts on
Monday last. The engine will require
sonie repairs but will likely be in order
in a day or two. -Mr. Kirke, bute,her of
Kirkton who has yisited Staffa with
meat during the past summer while
going through Cromarty on his way
borne on Tuesday last was observed to
fall from his wagon. .A good Samaritan
of the said villttge quickly ran to ids
assistance, took him to an inn and had
his injuries dressed by a physician.
Heart trouble is said to have been the
cause. -Miss Fanny Sadler of Pickete",
ing, a sister of Mr, John Sadler, of thist
placa, loas been visitieg friends here,
during' the past week. -Air. R Lang ofl
Exeter, has a couple of gongs of apple'
pickers at work in this vicmity. The
apple crop on the whole has turned out
better than was tit one time expected.
Some fair ized orcharde have yield
over cite hundred barrels fit for export.
-The farmers are somewhat bellied
with thenhill plorighing on account of
the late harvest . -It was etated in the
last issue of the Atovottarn that yeur
correspondent must have been mis-in
formed with 1093. id to Mr, Dormice's
appointment to S. S. No. 3, Hibbert,
Your correspondent WA 8 not MI5 in-
formed Mr. Dorrance did receive the
appointmentbolt of comae resigned on
receiving a better appeintment it Relr
riston. IIibbert'a less Will be itaarig-
toll's gain.
St, Marys.
NC) 230-
SIMOTINC atagen.-A grand shooting
mattili will be held. at Woodhata (511
Thursday Nov ember 12th (Titan ksgive
in g' Date) when a large number of Tar
keys, geese, (Welts and effieken wik
be given as prizes. _Great preparations;
are%eitase made to make this the matels.
Of the season. A beautiful fowl supper
will be provided at 113 hotel. G.
Glean, Referee; George Stagg, Mania -
Woodhant council Ni 97 Canadlare
Order Chosen Fritaide was orgaedgee
on Saturday eveming Get 31 by Grand.
Organizer S, F. Hill, of Bowmatovilles
Oat. with 15 Charter Applieants after
which tai. following °item were dudy
elected end installed.
Past Councilor, T. Fotheringhanie
Councilor, Jas. Mille;
John Swallow;
Angns NeVia;
SiMOD Chappelz
Wesley afills;
A Lux toil;
Samuel Lao Ida;
Day id y 0100
N. "
'Wtt a
Last Sunday we had quite a snow
storm aedsthe weather eontinues to be
very Cold. -Last Wednesday eveniug
School Inspector Toth for West . Huron
addressed it large audience in the Town
Hall. Risaddress was' very interest-
ing. and .no doubt our rate payers
received. a- great deal of information aS
to how a school is and should be con-
ducted. We roust ' also congratulate
our school teachers foo the good train-
ing of the scholars who -ftve us quiet
a eumber of'sortigs and recitations. -
Mr. CaMeron, our noted horse collar
maker, has teratoYed to a shop next . to
D. Steibbaeh's store, wheat; he, will 100
the:future conduct ilia ,lansiness.--LaSt
baturdai, night was lasilleivaaert and al..
though it WAS. a, very:dfils night there
'were not ' Many misehievous tricks
Played.. -A certain Irian in this locality
made rather aasUdden dissappearance,
last Moodily g ht. -The Misses Eu
land, of New Hamburg, are, yisiting at
Mr. Andrew Smith's on the 14th con. -
Mrs Adam Wetlaufer, of Blythe, is vis-
iting friends in this neighborhood. --
Miss Minnie Rowe is visiting in our
yillage at present.
Mr. John E. Somers has been award-
ed a second class certificate by the Col.
legiate Institute, The Perth Teachers
Association will meet in Convocation
Hall, on Thursday .and Friday, Nov
19t3) and 20th. -Crowded houses have
greeted Miss Nora Clench and Concert'
Co., lo tho North West. The Calgary'
Herald among other complimentary
references says; "It does not detract
from the praise due to other -performers
to mention that Miss Clench's violin
solos were looked upon 'as the chief
eeents of the'eyening. The two parts
of her first number, the Cavatina, and
Scherzo, were a charming contrast be-
ing admirable examples of skilful exe-
cution in different styles. Miss Clench
arid her company may rest assured
that a warm reception will greet them
whenever they May appear. ito Cal-
gary." --Mr George Gibb is.at present
ia Toronto attending the Ontario Vet.
erinary College. -Mr. James Maude
has so fullyerectoyered from his late ill
ness, that lot haagreturned to Peter.
borough. -The Rev, Mr. Taylor of St.
Marys‘gave a very intere4ng address
On Temperance hot the Tentperance Hall
a short time ago.
Messrs. George and Loch Petty, pro
victors of the llensall Packing House,
have placed a new engine and boiler
in their establishment. The new firm
are meeting with much success, which
is pnly obtainable by perseVeranee and
skall.-Coon, hunting and beech nut
picking have been indulged in by a
number pf otor sports here during, the
past few week's -It is Ivith4ee1ings of
sorrow that we announte the illness of
Mr. William White, London Road, who
has been stricken with hip disease, He
left last week for Detroit svhere he Will
undergo examination aed treatment.
Word has been received since his te.
moral that his condition 18 about the
same, and that it will be souse time be,
lot* he ha fully reeovered from his
hallictian.--Messrs. Cook Brea.: Imillers,
have just completed pottting in a nett'
Election Notes,
The North Perth elections trial has
been adjourned until the 20th Novem.
bets ,
The petition against the, election of
Col. O'Brien, Conservative M. P. for
Muskoka and Parry Sound was dis
missed on Saturday Oct. 81st with costs
to the petitioners, no evidence being
submitted. The session at 10 a, no.,
and lasted five minutes. Justice Street
and Falconbridge presided. , Mr. T. C.
Milligan appeared for the petitions and
Mr. Harry O'Brier for respond t,
The, troal of the petition of e ililam
Geo. Glenn a.gaiust the election of
JtomeeTrow, M. P. for South Perth, was
opened at Stratford on Wednesday Oct
2,80), before Mr. ,Tustice Rose and Mc-
Mahon. B. B. Osier, Q. C., mid John
Clatke, of St. Marys, appeared for the
petitioner, arid A. B. Ay }swarth, of Tor-
onto and W. C. Moscrip, of St., Marys,
for the respondent. There were 76
charges in the petition. After a
lengthy trial ensued it 'decision was
arratied at, whzch was the unseating of
Mr Troweand finally it was agreed on
Mr. Tow's behalf to pay $550 to the
petitioner, who would then assume the
Mr. N. Field of Parkhill, fornierly of
this place, was visiting hos many
friends in Dashwood this week.-Misa
Nancy Weber left on Monday ,fer Lon-
don. She will be greatly missed here.
-The Foresters' concert last week was
well attended, the hall being packed to
the doors. Mr. Fax was the principal
attraction, who with lois humorous and
tannic song's received motel) applause
from the audience. Mr. Miller of 'I'or-
onto gave an address on Forestery.
The Mulch String Batid enlivened the
evehing svith minsic.-Miss Barbra
Wurtz while visiting frieitcla 111 MAI -
wood had the misfortune to fall down a
cellar way and receive a severe, shak-
leg up, -Mr. J. Wurtz fee's happy over
the birth of a daughter. -Mr. 1,Vm.
Snell lost a very valuable colt on Mon-
day from the effects of a severe gash
hooked by a coW while attuning in the
yard. -Mr. R- Ruby, tail0r, hag secured
the services df Miss M, Winke:mader
Messrs. R. Cooke A. Tiecleman. and
Ilse left on Monday on 'a 'hinting ex.
pedition in Mnaltoka.-Dr. P. ,T! Mc.
Langhlin has moved intO his new office
Willerts New 31oels, where he will be
found ready'sand willing to fttlfill the
wants 02 1118 many dusfomers.
The Crediton bridge over the SaubSe
river Will be rebuilt we are told shit
winter. Not before it is needed. -Mr.
Ed. Trevethick, one of our,old
boys, Who has beeu away lot about ser'
en years in different parts of the We -'o -
tern States, returned home on Matt- '
day last. Ed looks hale and hearty. -
Master Wilford , Finkbiner, \vim btu;
been conlined.to his bed from an attack
of Typhoid fever is, we are glad to aasse
able t3 sit upSand hopes of his relievers -
are intertaiued.-Dr. Stabler, who hay
been spending a couple of weeks in
New York, returned home on Friday
night last. Messrs Henry
Banes, and two gentlemen from Dash-
wood left on Friday Morning last flit.
Muskoka where they -will indolge
do or tainting for two 00. threeiweeksa
May they be vell renrunerateacie tlee
shape of game for their wearisome for-
est travels, -Snow fell very thick on
Sunday lag the cold weather inade
people think of their winter gareientaa-
Master Chas. Taylor, who has been
Visiting friends in and around Cre.litoe,
for the past two weeks left; for ais eense
eear Elton Mich., on Monday evening
last. -Master Wesley Trevethiek,
has been in the employ of Mr. ga.a.
Grieve, Exeter; is home -unable to eat -
tend to his duties owing; to a sere five
Youxee-In Fullartom on 27th tilt,
Alexander Young jr, aged 130 yrs, .
2 mos. and 18 days.
. 11.111/VID0ii.
I:IEYW0001.-I1i Usborne, on the 29±11
ult,, the wife of Joshua Heywood.
of a son.
SKINNER. -In Usborne, on 3r01 inst.,
the wife of Russel Skinner of a.
WILSON. -In Stephen, Con. 6, on 31.. -se
ult. the wife of John Wilson, of
daughter. •
Rio as. -In Usborne, Con. 2., on
loose, the wife of Sam Hicks, of t.
son. '
DOW1:1--LTARVEY.-At the residence pS2
the bride's palents, Thames Road,,
Ilaborne, oil the 28th October, Mr.
Robert Down, to Miss Mary, daughter
of Mr. Richard Harvey, all of Us.-
JONES -WELsii-At the James Street
parsonage, on the 28t3) ult., by Rey.
A. L. Russell, Mr. Th0111f18 Jones, to
Miss Eliza, youngest daughter all
Mr. John Welsh, all of the 2n01 can
cession of Usborne,
HARNESS -0L0711111 -At Port Hope, en
Wednesdcy, Oct. 2Sth, ‚111 ±1)03 Metko-
dist Parsonage, by the Rev. Mr.
Baker, Mr. William John Harness ol
this village, to Miss Elizabeth, elf:feat'
daughter of Mr. Thomas Olver, a
Mill Bank,
Pow.riaL-CLaukrie-In 'Osborne on the
4t3) inst, at the residence of the
bride,s parents by the Rev, Mr. Urea -
„sell, Mr. James Powell, to Mies Ida,
daughter of James Chaise, all of
OLIVE1 -.11.AMILT011.-At the residence
of the bride,'s parents, on the, 28tia
ult., 'by the Rev. j. Scott, Wm. ()a-
ver, of Grand Bend, Ont,, to Alice
daughter of Matthew Hamiltee.
St, Marys.
.MeCtranv--Coent Usborne on
the 4th inst, at the re8idrice of the
bride's father, by the Rev.C.Eletther
Mr. Daniel McCurdy, to Miss Dehertie
Cooper, ail of I.Tsborne.
ShOetitig Mittel),
pigeon Shooting Match WM be
held at the Metropolitan Ilotise
Thursday Novetabor 12t11) (Thanks-
giving Day), A good day for ola
sportsmen will be given, Further pas-
ticulars later.