HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-29, Page 5I'or Over Fifty I carts, Mits. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their (Mild - ran while teething. If disturbed at; night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf. feting and cryin with .ainofCutting Teeth send at once and )iget aL bottle of•'`.14frs 'Wiu- slow's Soothing Syrup" forChildren ;Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend open it, inothors,theru is no mistake about it, It cures Diarrhoea, re"ulattew the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums; reduces 11i ilammatiota, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" 'for children teething. is pleasant to the taste and is the, prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and. nurses in the United States.l'race twenty- five cents a bottle. Sohl by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure"and ask for "Mns. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SX1tur,," Mr. Leland, a millionar0 banker of Liverpool, has purchased at a high price 10 prairie buffalo in Chicago for his private,. park. The animals sire on the way to New York for shipment. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by 1111 East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pernma- nentmire of' Consumption, Bronohltis, Ca- t:tirrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung" Affections, also a positive and-adicai' cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful' curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suff-• orbs gfellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to, relieve human suffering, .T - Will send tree of oharge, to all who desire it, this, rocip�e, in (termini, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using, Sent; by mail by addressing 'with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. No71;S, 820 Powers 'Block,. noc1leater, N. Y. The Baroness Macdonald of Earns Cliffe, was yesterday officially notified of the distinguished honor conferred by the Queen in her ladyship's elevat- ion to the peerage. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When shelves a Child, she cried for Castor; When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Cbildren, She gave them Castoria, The Indians on tae., Sarnia reserve held a highly suceessful agricultural show yesterday. In many respects the exhibits were superior to those of the county show. P1so's P.cmcdy for Catarrh is the Dost, Easiest to Cseand Cheapest. Sold bydrugglsts or sent by mall, 50e. Hazeltine, VTarren, P;i., U. E. A. 1 Judge Balsas K. Hi,'gi.nbctham, one of the most eloquent orators in Indiana Went to the Keeley Institute for the bi chloride of gold treatment in Plain- • field on Satiirdty'night; Ile took the injections for two days and died Mon- day, 'TURN THE RASCALS OUT. We refer to such rascals as dyspep- sia, bad blood, biliousness,conStlpatioll, sick headache, etc,, infesting the hum- an system Turn thew out and keep them out by using I3urdoel. Blood Bit tors, the naturgl foe to disease, which invigorates, tones S and strengthens t1CLS the, 81 tire svStem• At Nashville yesterday m California pacer Direct beat the Tennesso champ- ion,; Hal ' Pointer,- in three siraight. heats. The second heat was done in 2.097 without a Skip and all the heats were very closely contested• A neglected case of cold in the head may cost 1 ou your life. Why run the risk when Nasal Balm offers soil a speedy rc4ielf and certain nitre. bold by <•t11 dealers. Try, it. The commirtee of the French chain- bor of deputies, having the matter in . charge, has agreed to report in favor of suspending the dramatic censorship for three years. This action is in the nature of an experiment. CUJi1i FOR.CH APPED HANDS, DEA11 SIRS -I think it is a privilege to 'recommend H'egyald's Yellow Oil ts a sure cure for ehapped hands, swell- ings, sore throat, etc. I iecommend it to all. 'Mies. GLo. \VA1ID, Josp`.ine Ont. Customs officers at San Francisco made a seizure of 175 cams of opium on the steamer Lime; which arrived on Sattirdzly from Seattle. The opium was afresh imnortatitiou from China. Worms Cause Much Sickness among children, Frccmali's Worm Powders prevent this, and male the child bright land healthy. The German imperial fiamily have ordered costly presents to be sent to the Prince of Wales on the occasion of his jubilee. Prince 'Henry will prob- ably bring, the, gifts to England. 1'}IE TR:iDE OIJrLOOI%. The trade outlool: seems bright, but to those burdened with bad blood, stomach or liver troubles, etc., the •out - loot. is blue. This may be, avoided and bounding health restored by the use of Burdocl.�3lood Bitters, the most effect ive, rapid and satisfactory medicine for all derangements of the stomach, liver, bowels and bloods. After 44 ballots. at C,odcl•lth yester• day the reeves and deputy reeves of Huron, in county council < assembled, appointed William Laze, township clerk of Aslrheld, as county clerk. `. To get relief from indigestion, bit- iolzsuc,8, constipation or torpid liver without disttubim the stomach or P111 gnu; the bowels, tale a few closes of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they i'jIl please you. The Ganz Electric Company, of Vi- eerie, 'Asks the privilege of Fanning <a rapid transit elect) 1"afilroatl from Chic a;'o to St I;'t1u1'8t„ (;ruling the 'World's Fair. They, pro\loyw to cover titc distance in three hones. Dr, T; A. Slocum's .OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PUKE COD LIVER OIL. If you are Feeble and Emaciated -Use it. For sale by all drug,Zists., ` 35 cents Per bottle. The North German Lloyd Steamship Company will open an experimental steamship line from New York to Ge- noa, Italy, The first strip will sail on Saturday next. NO MORE BOTHER. GENTIXME .-I have used IIaa yard's fellow Oil for my chilblains and it cured thein. 1 heti=e never been bothered with them since. 1vi;G11; 1 now N, Victoria, 13, C. The 1011111 annual convention of the American Street Railroad Association opened at Pittsburg yesterday. Busi• ness will be taken. up to day. They make one feel as though life was worth Hying. Tale one of Cartel,,'s Little Liver Pills after eating it will relieve clpspepsia, aid digestion, give tone 'end vigor to the system. The SS, City, of Paris, which reached Qteenston yesterday, had very rough weather during the last half of her voyage. Never Allow the:bowels to •rema'n constipated .est serious evil ensL:e. National Pills are unsurpassed .as ,1 remedy for constipation. ' on Wednesday night the Anchor line steamer Conemaugh was sunk in Detroit river, near the . Canadian 'side by collision with: the steamer New York, of the Union line. The Cone- maugh's cargo of flour and other freight was rained at .$80,000. The New York was not much damaged. A CORRUPT SYSTEM: A corrupt system, whether politica or pertaining to the human body, caul not do other wise than work untold in, jury. Strengthen and purify the en tire system by means of Burdock - Blood Litters; and such troubles as; Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Scrofula, Bad Blood cannot exist. The steambarge Oscar Townsend, owned by J. Root, of Tecumseth,Mich., vas burned off Point Sanilac on Wed- nesday. No lives were lost. The ves- sel was valued. at $40,000; insured for $25,000. Would you like to exchange your sallow cheeks for those glowing With health's roses? . Then try Dr. 'Williams Fink Pills. They rebuild the system and make life as bright as childhood's dream. • The. Typothete: of America assembled at Cincinnati, selected Toronto as the place for the nest meeting, to be held. in August, 1892. \1%. A. Shepard, of Toronto, was chosen president. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. DEAD Stns. -This is to certify that my husband had asthma •for about. 8 year;', combined with a bid cough, and that liis huts were badly effected, so that he could not rest or work. 1 then got liagyard s Pectoral Balsam, which has greatly relieved pini. After tak- ing six or eight botles it has entirely cured his cough, and done a great deal of good to his tun's; MRS. Mosns Cauca, Apsley, Ont. John W. Cleary brought suit against the Municipal Electric Light Co., of Brooklyn, for damages sustained through an electric shod:. He asked for $50,000 and got a verdict of $3,500 That tired, lata„ unci feeling arid dull. Headache is very disagreeable: Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring, incl you will find relief. They never fail to do good. At Stratford yesterday Daniel Whale formerly of Toronto was found guilty of manslaugher for killing his wife at Mitchell some months ago, and senten- ced to penitentiary for life. IRORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPPUND; A. SAFE remedy for teething Infante and adults suffering from &linervous troubles. Guaranteed, to contain eto opium or any dregs. except those printed on, formula on every bottle. Endorsed by physicians. rams,. 60 COMM For sale by druggists, Send two centstamp for descriptive circular to _ Hazen Morse. Buffalo, N. Ys ;1l -iii aDoh Mr t,:; OG I. me iftc:rJ HOME Le.et,rsa'1rrga/Mmvm E1]St 111.IPAIT4LI i11,7E EZ£E vx:qam krzn 'TO IR 74 rgia.'r TeX, For LOS; or ;'AILING MAN 306D. Gone r,l and 1 T..^. - V0175 DIEEILITY,Weakness f 3ody Ina 1,943, Moto of Errors or Esdeases in Olin o, veune. Dotent Voblo P.417 - ROOD hillylteotored. Sowtocnln:gu sad of orgih'ttit riff DfTDH731,02rD ORU115.b RTS of BODY. Atcolutily aa• failing HOME IREb'fit1lliT-11fseitd in a day. den :ratlt'r 061 it States and /breigs Cduntrles. Writ,: t.c m. floc.% osplanatioa end prods mailed teslei 1 frlo. Abd:coi. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, 0. '1'. es r 1ti 802 '''; a mf.• pi, ii STFT,1313 if OD ;t: y1. 1L ..,j{1 rya� l,a.l{r.4ll en Meal FORA LtP/il` Oilil fl?El` . cl't c0i',1 sena y151'0" L`I 0 4i Fur i)yspapsia. A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun- dry, A'Ioutagny, Quebec, writes: • 1 have used August Flower for D,s- pepsia, It gave 1110 great relief. l recolnitiend it to all 1Dyspeptics as a very good remedy." Ed :Bergeron, General Dealer, I zi ion; Levis, Quebec i mites' , I 1iave used August -flower with the best possible results for Iyspepia.,, ' (2, A. Barrington; Engineer a11C1 General Smith, Sydney, AustIiilia, suites: "August Flower has effected a complete cure in my case. It act- ed like a miracle:' ' Geo. Gigs, Corinth Miss, ,writes: 1' •1 consider your August P101804: the; befit remedy edy iii the world for Dys- 1>e I was alulost dead with that clic •zi «e, but used several bottles of August Flower, and foW .Con- sider myself elf tt well lean. I sincerely recomliieud this medicine to, suffer- ing hualanity the world over." G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New jersey; U. S .A EXETER VARKE S. Wheat per bushel .... Barley Oats Peas Butter $0.88 to0.90 40 to 42 26 to 28 ...... .....:. a5 to 57 .. 13 to 13 Eggs .... .. 13 to 13 Potatoes per bus.. 30 to 35 Hay per ton .......... , .8.00 to 10.00 Wool...... 1S to 19 HIST ❑ GENETIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE ITS CHALLENGE IS INVESTIGATION. ITS PASSPORT IS TRUTH. The system is complete having dif- ferent medicines for all the different diseases. The medicines are perfectly pure containing nothing of a poison- ou8 nature whatever, and are ' quite tasteless. THE THEORY is to rebuild the diseased cells .and tissues of the body, and by thus reaching the primal cause of disease these medicines will save life in acute and chronic cases. where the old systems of giving pois- onous drug's miserably Mail. Books sent free explaining the system to any address. I-istogenetie Medicine Association: ❑w a F nex.-Thi is certify t Q' T L i0 C fy last I suffered. With rheumatism for the last twen- ty -Rye years At fiva different periods I have n so bail that a t rein 9,121 in been Int d ogod for severalmonHIS at a time. This summer I was suffering severely with pain all through my body, constipation, headache, drowsi- ness, etc. I began taking Histogenetic Medicines on .Tune 15th and continued for eight week,. I began to improve at once, pain left me gradually. I do net feel it at all except a very little at change of ,veather- nothig to speLblt of, just a gen tie reminder. Constinpation and headache cored rip and ,no return of either since. Itis now six weeks sinco,Istouped taking the medicines. I feel better now than I haye for years, and I heartily recommend the people of'Eondon to try Ffistogenotie Medicines. as they dict more for tn.c than all the rlmiters' prescrtption3 or other medicines that Ihad taken ' before. JAMES .TACK: London, 519 Yerk street, Sept. 18, 1881, Will be at Exeter,"Central Hotel," on Tuesday Nov. 3rd, from 9.30 a, 1n„ to 5:30, p. m,, and at ilensall "II ;nsall Hotel," same clay (Tuesday) from 6 ga. in , to 9 next morning. CONSTJLTATION FREE. Histogonctic Medicine Association. Booms 2 and 1 Anion Blocl-, Riehm and St London Head office for Western Caterio Head Office for. Canada, 18 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May .14-1 ,y. Mention: Exeter. "AnvooAru. London Huron & Bruce Railtuay Passenger Time Table. GOING, NoRTU a m. London,dep't8 05 IncanCros'g 8.47 Clandeboye 852 Centralia 905 EXETER 9.16 I Iensall 9.28 Rippen 9 34 Brucefield 9.42 Clinton 10.00 Londesboro' 10.19 Blyth 10.28 Belgrave 1042 Win_ham 11.00 GOINGSOUTH. p m. a.m. p.m. 4.25. Win gham 7.05 340.. 5.20. Belggrave 7.24 4.00. 5 28..Blyt3i '7 38 415. 5.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25, 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.45. 6.00 Brucefield 8.26 5,04, 647. Aippen 8,34 5 12 6 26. Hensall 8.41 519 6.45. EXETER 8.57 5.33. 7,03. Centralia , 9.06 5.45 7.12. Clandeboye 918 5.56. 7 27. Lucan.Cros'g9.24 6.02. 7.45. London a,rr 40 15 64.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and ,you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock pf all hinds of 'Building Materials in this sec, tion of couutry,and at the lowest prices Shingles a Specialty, laving a large stock on hand we are. prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price of quality. We have se- cured the right to Manufacture and Sell Martian's celebrated Baking Cab-- inets. Call and see them and bo con, winced, of their merit. ROSS dei; TA'h0R, Main r.., ES.etcr .Special Sale of Fui�it»rz for 30 DAYS. Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter, I WILL OFFER +WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC ,.T For the next THIRTY Y DAYS, OFFIJR Z HE STOCK OF - n Maple, .. ... Sideboards in Cherry, Ash & Oak; 9 Maple, Cherry and Oak; together witha i Bed Room sets Magnificent nifice nt line in Parlor Suites! �i Lounge ? % Chairs, .� a bees 1ld�tg ! and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER TgIESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELIA, and tite prices are from TEN to TWENTYper centBELOW the usual ,. �, price. CaH Early while the Stock lasts, Remember the Stand -Factory and Wareroots tvdoors. north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Rola, N. Rows. fu9�(l�Bs IELER A Co Undertaker. 0 TT H �i. 14 THE LEADING ridertaker AND Ftrniture OF THE • I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at prrightices. prices. llNDERTA:K 1 N1 A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GI1LE CLOTH! .v'G J. SMELL, aZairs. St- EXETER tE YETER - ONTARIO Inas now in stock Liatign and �iinti�r IN THE FOLLOWING LINES t West of England Suiting3 and Trous ening°, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. ' French and English "Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest. Style, at best Rates. �a �s an t tw. FREEMAN'S`- -7----WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is asafe, sure and effect rel idestrc:yer ofworm ries Children or.eldult c. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Uardwaro Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W . G-. BISSETT IN ORDER TO MAE.E SPACE -FOR- SllMMER COORS We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST -FOR ' Cash ONLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND FIATS. WOOL NETT, VEST AND VS OOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TBIM\IIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED HID M1TS & GLOVES at 75e worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North ariiier iYA!a1c Grocers, NINE & SPIRIT. Merchants, emacs. CHRIS T ic'S WATO First Class. RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS .LEFT AT THE IIAWR SIIAW HOUSE OA AT TW5I STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. wera•=.s .^c..ea�caa• 6 Telephone Connection. - ''''''''''''4,- ,•,xr Tsixv• FAOFIr'iV:Cag�a,rG na sill;??:1Ci au 1.1 :1wJ3CIlE tt.ig,��` i'OitdDR:74$ N oxcr�. t-. \-,-N A P('''' .:17 -Clio Oro :7•e: steer•• X111:1 tisC(t io orate woes thin,r,btasirnyiZ,t head- aches. '.Civ them, it u•lta cost brat 105 cents sf.o7 a boaian.d. they ares 3tho•ratcss.. They are nota Catharilr. 'E f1611 Bluril 9 9 IS STILL , IN THE OLD STAND -where lie is - READY FOR A CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will -G1VE AN - EASY SHAXLE7 GU BB HAIRCUT, LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER, rel Also LAD IRWORK tfltOE I1B1 North of Post -Office. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Pategtg►aliciAos, 8JiOijS, Droggist's Sllh1j]IiS At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and . i anvilRecce pts Carefully Prepared. Wiii'S Gogitiof Pewei the best in the market. C. LTTTZ. PROP. THE L HT RLII t9ING SEWING MACHINE tI A S lk i� �;QM3A LADIES' FAVO1!1TE. testy THE ONLY SEWiNGACHIII '>: _. THAT GIVESi1"1.. '_- IlEW O sE ING IdI Cf1NE c MIc t4S,• CIOILAI.G* 26 1II10N SQIRRE,NY ,-DRI I1 sr,loul.",.ito. Ai�LANiAt(''11 r CC)f,