HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-22, Page 8ti
,aM!%FrM!^Y!W1+.•??F.,?T ?4.kR,tMAF
Toys S. Polish. Piet axes
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dolls Match Safes Salts Inca
Mugs Needles Rules
Balls H. Piles Repenters
Purses Thimbles Tacks
I1- Pencils ButtonsAgate S. Drivers
Broaches Pearl P. Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openers
Cups Towels 10. Tongs
Toy Books I eel:tice . F. Shovels
S. Lifters
Toast Forks
Knives Fans
M. OrgansSp lashurs
Whisks T. Mats
Soaps Bibs
N. Brushes Tiu Pails Egg Beaters
" Tin Steepers 0, Turners.
Clothes " T. P, Stands Pans
Blaek'g " Comb Cases L. Squeezer
Stove 14 Dust Pans C. Screws
Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles
Comba Trays
Toy Brooms Goblets
J. �7 �8 p�
Thi knkrqt acro.
The Correct Spot for Bargains.
Vast Goods! Van Goods !!
Never have we ever had such a
magnificent fail trade,and never
were we so will prepared fpr a
rushing business. Keep your
eye on the Big Bankrupt Store
all this month and see the crowds
of pleased buyers.
A. Wonderful Bargain.
A Wonderful Bargain.
Yes we got a wonderful bargain'
in good black Silk. One special
make of Black Leon Silk war-
ranted not to gloss or out. A
regular $1.75 line, we got a deal
on a large order anis can sell
this line at $1.25. You say dear
enough, yes it would be for or-
dinary silk, but this line is spec-
ial value and we can't repeat it.
We think its the best value in
the trade. We inylte inspection
We Lead. Thera Ait.
Undoubtedly we lead. Ask any
lady in Exeter where to look for
the best values in Black Dress
Goods, and see if she don't say
the Big Bankrupt Store. Ask
to see our Bloom Henrietta in
Black; a full range of prices in
both Blue Black and Jet Black.
We can save you 25 per cent ou
your good Black goods. Try
us and see, and try your luck
for Beauty, he is,well worth try-
ing for.
Almost too Strong
Is what some; people say for our
25c Tea. All we can say is use
less for a meal and one pound
will go as far with you as two
pounds of ordinary 25c Tea. Oh
yes, our 25c uncolored Japan
Tea is a strong one and a great
A ]Fullstoat
—&Frill Stock.
of overcoats for men or boys, at
prices that we know are the
lowest in the trade.
1 eaaty.Ueanty.
Who is going to get him? Pro-
nounced by good Judges to be
one of the finest Shetland ponies
in Ontario. Costs you nothing
to try for him.Are you in it.
Now for the Conditions on which
Beauty into be givenaway.
Ther is inwindow
eour a ass
1 jar
containing a number of button, thnum-
ber unknown.
lie -t n. person0
may pe O ,the guarantee
of which appears below. With every pur-
chase of8..03 you are entitled to one guess ttt
thenamber of Buttons in the :Tar, with a
purchase of 5800 two guesses and so on.
In our office will be kept a Book whereyou
will register your name and your guess.
he contest to ,lose at 8 o'clock ott NewYear
Eye, when the jar wiil be opened anti the
, Buttons counted by disinterested and. res-
ponsible parties, and the person who has
guessed the correct or nearest to the correct
,]umber of Buttons will then become the
owner of Beauty, should there be a tie then
it he first who has registered the correetnutn-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
, number of buttons
i r
t the jar in the
window of the Bankrupt Store
is unknown to any person, as they
were placed there by us and the
jar sealed in our presence.
Sinetl f B. S.17O'\Tl,rr
( R. . Cor,r,ra" .
wd a oaai. S'6•es V`V. 6Vr,W.q
Dealer ie Bankrupt Steele
Our tax collector is calling on citiz-
e,ns this Week.
For a fine black snit try J. H. Grieve
Merchant Tailor.
Now is the, time to get your stocking
yarn at the Exeter Woollen:Milis.
• wH..,... ... Y,"';*liui'a:'i 4 *sasn. rs
BlanketsBlanketa rt less than Mill
priceses at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
The be c had
at the Weolleu Mills, Exeter,
Buy your Ribbons and Boots & shoes
at the Big Bankrupt Store,
Our:coopene are doing a ru.sltiag bus
iness in manufacturing apple barrels,
I++ows-D.--The greatest snap in oyer
coats in western Ontario at the Big
Grand value, yes grand Value in
Men's Undershirts and Drawers at the
Big Bankrupt Store.
Mr. Thos. Dearing, wens has been
confined to the house foe some time
past is able to be out again.
Victoria Carbolic Salve is a wonder'
fill healing compound for cuts, wounds,
bruises, burns, scalds, boils, piles, pimp-
les, &c.
Have you seen the blankete at the
Woollen Mills, If not, call aaui see
them. They are showing a yery sup-
erior lot.
Mr, Robert Verity has moved into his
new premises on. vVitliam. Street, re-
cently purchased from Messrs Trick
and Currency,
Every tissue of the body, every
nerve, bone and muscle is made
stronger and more'heatthy by taliue,
Hoods Sarsaparilla,
Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine
fortifies the system against attacks of
ague, chills, bilious fever, dumb ague
and like troubles.
The A.Dvoatrn will be sent to any
address for the balance of theyear 1.891
for. 20 cents, paidin advance, Now is
the time to subscribe.
Now is the time to subscribe for the
Anvocarn. You can have it sent to
any friend in Canada, or the United
from now until Jan. lst, for only 20
All parties needing sale bills will
find it to their advantage to give tbot
"ADvocars"office a can, and you will
receive satisfaction for leaving your
order. Give us a call.
A few days ago Mr, John McInnis
lost a valuable mileh cow. She was
gazing in a pasture field and by some
means got into a ditch on her back in
which position she was found dead. The
loss will amount to about$40.00.
One day last week Mr. David Johns,
Postmaster, lost one of his Beadle
hounds in the swamp west of the vil-
lage. The animal has evidently stray-
ed. away as he has been unable to get
any trace of the dog since last seen in
the bush.
Do you require anything in Woollen
goods? If so, call at the -Exeter woollen
Mills, and they will be able to supply
you with blankets, sheeting, yarns,
tweeds, flannels; underclothing, &c., of
the very best quality, and at the low-
est possible prices.
From a letter received from Lang-
don, N. Dakota, dated Oct 16th, we.
quote the following:—uWe have just
arrived fnom Devil's Lake, where our
sport was excellent having shot 231
geese besides a few duck and chicken,
Mr. H. Cook, of the Huron road, God-
erieh township. has gone into the rais-
ing of fish on his farm. A natural pond
about a quarter of an acre in extent,
was stocked some time ago with carp,
and these have increased considerably.
If food is thrown into the water, the
fish will seramble for it like so many
chickens; they have attained consider-
able size, but are difficult to catch. •
In the North Perth election protest
against James Grieve, M. P., Chancell-
or Boyd has made an order for the issue
of subpoenas to Quebec for L. J. Sear
secant, general manager of the G.T.R.;
W. Wainwright, the assistant manag
er W. Edgar, passenger agent and R.
Hannah, a detective. These witnesses
will be examined at the trial in refer.
etiee to the alleged, collusion between
the G. T. R. and the Reform party at
the late Dominion elections.
On Thursday morning last week a
number of our sports availed them-
selves of the opportunity of 1)agginm a,
fewquail. This "benne the e b
� first clay.
that they were allowed to shoot the
birds, they left early in the morning to
search the neighboring woods where
they were supposed to be. On their
return in the evening it soon became
known that the huntsman were not
vevy successful " in capturing their
prey, the birds seeming to .know that
it was the 15th, had secreted themselves
i secluded
,c uded la(,e.s
Bridget Glynn on Monday last was.
apprehended by Constable Kerney and
lodged in jail on a charge of having
stolen a dress from Clara Georgon.
Bridget is 10 yoars old and belongs to
an Irish immigrant family who have
been living in Walkerton -for the past
three years. The child eeems to be of
an abandoned disposition and eppar,
eiitly takes peculiar pleasure in steal
ing. She has been a groat source of
annoyance to the neighbors in the im-
mediate locality of her mothers resicl-
mice, and there is a feeling of relief at
her removal,
Sonol beat the world's record on the
tockton track on Tuesday October 20,
v -making. a mile in 2.084, beetitg
feud S. time by half a second. It
'ac a fast mile from the start and the
are finished strong. After warming
er upin three miles,jogging torub
,.1 „ h
down, Marvinn
ca 1e out in the af-
ertioon too against the record.' At
e first attempt he nodded for the
word, and she went away alone. The
runner was waiting at the half for her.
She went the first quarter in 3iij, half
in 1,04 flat, three quarters in 137, and
came home strong and sleeked in 2.081.
here Were Six timers,and every watch
as the same. The crowd went wild
hen the time was made known,
r,urs: fine, new and cheap at theBil; v
Bankrupt Store
If you want a (ir;stclessfarmon easy h
e call on
John Spackman, acklna t I:,xctet,
P s
Don't forget to call and.see J. H. th
Grieve's $10 overcoats before purchas-
The pulpit of the Jamey -street church
was occupied by the hey. C. Fletcher,
of Thames Road, on Sunday evening,
Three extra fine makes of feather T
ticking et clearing prices at the Big w
Bankrupt Store, w
The open trot which wee to have.
eaplaee It
Parkhill fair. but n
u asost poned r • t nt of the wet
p 1 Dux co>
weather, Caine off ori tiro l' rt l.lrtli
trade on Friday, There were three
good horses in the rico:, Torn 'Bourke,
orveecl by V. Becton, Neilsall; Amber
1., owned by D. McEwen, Ailsa. Craig;
and Sleepy Joe, owned by Wm, Baw-
den, Exeter. The track was a little'
heavy and the horses were pushed for
all they were worth, making quite an
exeitiug contest, The first heat was
won by Tom Bourke, Amber F. second
and Joe behind, The second heat was
finished in the same order In the
third boat Amber P. passed under the,
string first, Tom Bourke second an
Joe last. Tom Bourke did not get
good start in this heat and in the ne-
heat for the first half mile Amber
took the lead and it was thought he
would win, but he broke up after
passing the half mile and dropped to
third place and TOM Bourke won the
treat and the race. The prizes were
$G0 and $25, and considerable money
changed hands on the race, Time.
2.37, 2.371, 2.3Gg, 2.37. Dr. Carr. T.
Dignan, and W. H. Hollands acted as
judges to the satisfaction of all parties,
The Sopranos and Altos of
the Chorus for the Oratorio
will x meet a 7.30. The Basses
and Tenors at 8 o'clock in the
Town Hall on Monday even
ing, October 2Gth inst.
Farms tor Sale.
The undersigned has several first:
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. Srxv.esset u , Exeter.
SId RAneuts.
Mr. Joseph Case, of Roderville;
shipped a load of lambs to Buffalo last
week which averaged 100 pounds
each. This is a good average.
3v anted.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Bet ween Exeter and Gran ton a brass
cap belonging to the hub of a buggy.
A reward will be given the person
leaving the same at this office or with;.
the owner, MR ,iosEeu Pj AI T,
doors open at .c.30, concert at 8 o'clock,
�`.t 1.
iQew urchase, `
t 1 The Stephen. and, 'flshorne' Agricul
tural Soctety have purchased another
live aeres of land, with the. .privilege
of adding more if they wish, from Mr,
William Bawdon, for the sutra of $500,
or at the rate. of $100. per acre They
intend to make a good * mile track,
second to none in the county, which
will be used on the days set apart for
the holding of the fair for speeding
purposes. This, together with the oth
er eanveni.ericos they have on the
grounds, will not only put them ahead
of all local fairs, but on an equal foot-
ing with the cities. The new purchase
been badly e 1 rd � ueecled. for a ntunber
of years, but it was not iuitil recently
that they sal' their way clear to pro-
cure the property.
An FJnhreeeaented Apple Export.
The Canadian apple croptliis season
is said to be the "largest on record".
However that maybe, the export of
this branch of Canadian produce basso
far this fall been unpreeeclently large.
For the week ending Sept 50th, the two
railway companies broil—Otto Montreal
for export to Greet Britain fifteen
thousand barrels. That was just about
the beseining of the apple shipping sea•
son, and the fifteen thousand barrels
did not include those exported from the
city. Since that time the two compan-
ies have been bringing over thirty
thousand barrels weekly for export and
there are no signs of the quantity di-
minishing. The only thing to be re-
gretteci is that there kill not be suffici-
ent steamship space before navigation
closes to carryover Canada's surplus
apples. Every inch of available space
has been taken and shipments to some
ports are being refused. The freight
sheds .on the wharves, are literally
packed with barrels.-i'Vitne,ss.
Conte .A.' Thegitlu.r,
The Rankin Scottish COnet3,rt Com-
pany will 1 giv> c an errGertairitno t itt
Drew's Hall, ' op, '1'uesda•Y evening'
Oct.27th, under tiny direct manage-
ment of Sitn lax, the :great character
specialist and humorist. 'Fite grand
Rapids Eagle has the following to sae
regarding the other Artists.—"Tie
Rankin ,Scottish Concert Co, gave an
entertainment in the Opera Hall 00
Friday evening. Tiris Company is
first-class in every respect. Miss 11la
gic is a very pleasing stage artist, and
Miss Age ie is unsurpassed in the grace
and beauty of the highland dances,
and Mr. R. S. is certainly an artist in
his line." Admiselon 35e. and 25 cents;
save The Potatoes.
Some farmers report that potato
show considerable sighs of rotting thi
season. A Beverly friend informs in
that air -slacked `Bute is a sure preven
ative of rot. The proper method c
using it,;is to sprinkle over the potato:.
es, in the: proportion of one peck of lime
to fifty bushels of potatoes.
Bridge Contract Let.
Mr. John Ainsly, County Engineer
let the contract for the erection o
Black Creek bridge, on the bouridar'
between Hay and Stephen, to Mr, Rol
Jamieson, his tender being this _lower'
Mr. Jamieson, however, afterc�ards d i
dined to proceed with the work an.
the contract was awarded to Mr. ZI
Hardy, of Exeter, his being the ilex,
lowess tender. He is to receive th
sutn of 8330 for the completion of the
Get Your Gun •1i eady.
An eastern exchange says that. a
swindler bas been going about' neigh-
boring towns representing himself , as
an agent of a large firm dealing in
rugs and carpets: He carried -With hien
a large stock.of membership tickets and
til who paid him 2l cents had acharlce
f Tlrawing one of the tickets which en-
itles the purchaser, to a rug.; The peo-
ple are anxiously awaiting their goods:
Look out for him, Ise may giy'e you a
all some of these days;
While Mr. John Atkinson was busily
ngaged running some machinery in
large furniture. factory in Stratford
ast week, his arm got caught in a
at ere '
andreceived a °•
tivrenching. He returned shortly after
he accident occurred, and although
rot confined to the house is under the
oetor's care. It was only a short time
go that, he left here toy fill. the. en.
agements he had made with the firm,
nd at present it is not known how
ong his injuries will cause him to
e off work, but we look for a speedy
Division Court wee held here on
1llonday, 1:9th inst, Tud;e Doyle pre.
iding. The following cases were dis-
4 n•�
o. ed of , I i a•rrclt vs.1llaniun� An ac
es Beauty.
tion upon a lease. Judgement reserved!
till next court. R. H. Collins for plff.;
F. Elliot for deft. -Collins ys Al'en-Ac-
tion on bill of costs. Judgment for
plff, ,$3.48.—Sykes vs. Hogg and Cow-
ard Bros. Garnishee, Judgement for
piff and order for payment by 'c arui-.
shee, L. II. Dickson for plff.--.Irvine'
vs. Dempsey; and Trustees of school
section No. 4, Usborne, „arnishees. Ad-
journed. L. II. Dickson for plff- By
consent ofcounsel interested cases et
Creditor' for trial Tuesday were ad-
journed' till next court,
The Canada company.
On account of failing' of of business
in Canada Company circles their Exet-
er agency will be Closed about the 1st
of December next. Mr. John Spackman
who has been acting as agent for the
company in this district fol• a number
of years will up a Real
A enc. iii the e olficc, he now c ' �s
Agencyo cnpl(, ,
after going out of their employ, and,
from the know/edge he has of land and
people we predict a large business for.•.
him. He Inas been an old and trusted
servant to his former employers and
no "doubt the vacation of his office will
he keenly felt by them. All
parties having farms or town property
to dispose of will find it to their advan-
tage to give hint a call.
Are You Beat
Or 10 you suff.r f'i•ont noises in the head.
Then. send 9 cant stamp and I will send tt.val
amble treatise containing full particulars for
home cure which. costs con:parltivelynoth-
ing., Asplenclid work oft "deafness and the
ear. Address PLLOP+. G. CEASE, Montreal -
213 --t3 t
53,600.00 WORTII.
If you -dant a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, r &c. call
and see our big stock.
Phe LEtgi in TOVIg to
01100SE PROM.
.w.wsmv..-: _°r°vr,Y'.,4^.'"�.•!vq<r.tvsilrK!RRikfM4a�i<iiii, .
Our STOCK is large; ODS new;
Our . RICES lour
We makea, business of making
in Dry y , Groceries, Eats, daps, Boats
Shoes Clothing,Furnishings,
Notions, &D,
The latest in
STYLE, the finest in
and the tltnlost in VARIETY
TT �• rpt have been combined in us
d"gL�S J i, �c;
in one mighty e r i't for trade.
We are no Makers, neither do we popoee to Lo a fake
business in order to gain -custom.
We calla dollar a dollar and not ninety-nine cents Our
Foods all e S
�, are 111a11_�,C1111,
And you may depend that our prices are right. Our fall
winter otl'eringa will not and cannot be surpassed
to the contrary, There is a limit below which honest goods
cannot be sold. We place our prices at the low water
o• ,, 1 an mark
for safe and reliable x s, Inspect us, criticise us, know l. 1
and,you will find that we save you dollars.
and Surrounding country.
Having purchased the Stock of William
Tolland and engaged his services to conduct
and carry on
The Tilsfithillg Business
I am now prepared to execute work on the
shortest notice and at
All contracts made by him will be strict-
adhered to, but all payments must be made
through the shop or to the proprietor.
All persons receiving goods at the shop
tivill be held responsible for the same; except-
ing by written' ordersigned by the proprietor_
J.N. HOW .k, RD.
Ex • r �
Mien I any Ile,, I v not mean return
aeon , I ! an a
for radical cu pad then e l nava thein return ngm, , i menu P .
! cure, T I. mace RNESS life-long
of VMS, w rant
ney or ody to cure
NESS a ses. Because
se I: warrant
rem enore sone the of no cares. Decauee :lucre haat
fatted to no reason for not no,vreceiving :'n cure. Send at
once for 'treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible
romed . Give EXPRESS and POST.OFFICE.
H�{ - . ROOT, M. WEFC. 186'ADELAIDE Sr.
. O
from which; this paper is printed
was supplied by the
Dealers in type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies,
80 & 82 Wellington St. west
Exeter Ex
� Roil - rMilltJ cc
WHEAT 0,90 TO 0.95 per bush
Our SOIlSnT Prices.
Flour, strong
bakers', 5n
0 per
best fanuly, 2.50
'r losv grade,
2.00 tt
70 u
30 It
1.10 to 1,25
Chop stone running euery day.
The Exeter Milling Co
The Summer holidays are clow about
over and the Fall Pairs being close at
hand, I wish to inform my many ens
totners that I am still:in my
T r
(F. J. I,_11
1 1t
And am prepared
to do work in latest style and
best of workmanship.
1< se 11 x ' 11 - 11 it 1I
fill VI1I
x II 4- 11 x 11 e- 11 x 11 ff x"
Give me a call
and leave your measure
1 will give you a
-neat fit.
Over F. Knig',lt's Grocer
A.�t'1t AT
per daR,.
J. & 141 elttitTilrl; Ijropiotars.