The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-22, Page 5}'or over rimy Years, =fes, WIN liOW'(( Soor229N(, SYIIO1' has been used by millions ofmothers for their child- ren while teething. if disturbed at Tright and ciptnofttlergan4 ryyour paQting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win- vlow's Soothing Syrup" fbr Children Teeth- ing. ]t will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon iton others,there is no mistake about it, It cures Diarnccea, mutates the Stomach and Dowels, euros Wind cone, softens the Gums, redupes In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Mas. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for ehildren• teething is pleasexLt to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in .the Uni=ted States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sola by all druggists throughput the world. Be sureatnc.1 a,lc For WilesL0lv's SOOTKING SSYwUi'," Mrs. Donohoe said to be she widow of the late eonTict „Clutch , 'Donohoe jumped into the Niagara river at Fort Erie yesterday with "elleged suicidal intent, Her son and a passerby rescu- ed the woman. It is hinted that dissa,. proval 1i"4s at ate bottom of the attem. pt, (Jonnsluxiption Cured. An old physician, retired from braoti00 having had placedin his elands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and aurae, rent euro of Consnm ption, Bronchitis ea tarrll,Ast]ima, 1aIld. all 5191005 and DUD Atfeetious, also a positive find •aflieal cure: for Nervous Debility and sill sorvous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of.. erases, has. felt it his duty to make it known to his suff-. eying fellows. Aotaatocl by this motive and. a desire to relieve huntaxl suil'oring, 1 wilt send free ofo]Iarge, to all who desire it, this reci e, in German,.:rench or English, with full 'directions for preparin and using. Sent by snail by addressing with stamp, namiug this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers Mick, itocheafor, N. Y. .At Hartford the other day Mrs. Clai a Louise Kellogg Strakoscli was petting a Newfoundland dog,,whieh' playfully swallowed a $850 diamond ring which the lady had taken from her finger. Mrs. Strakosch bought the dog for 50. cents and ordered that the animal be securely tied up in the back yard. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cestoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castors When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, British Board of Trade returns show a great increaee in trade with Canada. • Miring' the past Mine months wheat and Flour imports from Canada were valued at £1,412,205, against 4508,073" for the corresponding period last year: RA �� 4' F ` ' • �•' ' S! - ROW Xt, 134 TETE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD �5?T �A,,uIIG�G'�ItE�'i6� �eve�,n. meee. 1 ae 41G7 Nis5=(NfMCS,'. Nh14 There is a sensation at Washington over the court arouse fire there, and a number of arrests have been made of persons charged with complicity, in the burning of the records. Among these .arrested is County Auditor Laveils VICTORY AT VIVIAN. "In our family faithful work has been done by Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Strawberry as a surer 1ur3' quick cure for diarrhoest, dysentery and all sum - leer complaits. I coil recomiilond it to all as a family friend, always true. and faithful;" -Mrs, W. Bishop, 'Vivian, Ont. • The Boston Record says it is under stoodthe t e Searles rylll culitest is ended, and that Timothy Hopkins will • get between 58,000,000 and $10,000,000 of the late Mrs Searles' property. When you ask for Nasal Balm clo Trot permit your it ugg,ist to ;rive. you 00(116 "just as good" substitute. It rs the only remedy yet discovered that Will thoroughly ware cataria Sold by all dealers. Near MiclaVille, Ohio, on the B. 'n cl 0. road last evening a fast train left the rails, killing three passengers and injuring 23 others, arming them Em- mons Blaine, son of the Secretary of State, BEAUTIFUL BANFF, N W.T. I was induced to use your Burdock Blood Bitters for constipation and gen- eral debility and found it a complete, cure which I take pleasure in: recom Mending to all 19ho may be thus aline ted" -James M. Carson, Banti:; N.W.T John Fitegeralti and the man Wil. son, who, hav e been on trial several dais in. London, charged with rnuedee- hflg the old mat( Upton, a,t St.rathroy, have been committed for trial. Worms Cause Much Sickness among children: Freeman's Worn) Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. Major Charles B. Throckmorton, ll, S. A:, has been arrested and relieved of his command, (barged with issuing worthless cheques and duplicating his pay vouchers. TRUE FAITH. "I have great faith in Burdock' Blood Bitters es is blood purifier. I have tale en three bottles for bald blond aired find it a perfect cure. It is se grand ' medi- cine and I recomxncr.d it wherever I go." --Ida Sancta rson, 'Toronto, One William Gardner, .a stonecutter, who came trent England, Swallowed some laud 1llalln hath 1118 Whiskey at Dcti )it yesterday, and died at the hospital later on, Suicide, No one knows s better• than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizziness', pall( in the ytdu, constipation, and disordered stomach. An 01)0 ,11 switch at Chicago .ester day caused a locomotive to 111(1 into aludrl ,,. r, , (. 1 1 err 1 1 n 0,1.1 c tnf; 1' ll 11 0 a5 a 6 of the t Chicago n C hlcti„o ararl E,istc,ru I)lini)is r"ilCloscl, Engineer Clark and three repoctera named l,, J. \Vatsoe, Fermi: 'Nicest lfE ltS Dr, T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED I+YIULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have ai Cough -Use it. For stile by all druggists, _35 cents per bottle. Dr. Kanthaek, an English rneml.er of the Indian Leprosy Commission, claims to have succeeded in his oxperi n'lents in the artificial rearing' of the baeeilus. Dr. Nanthack is pupil of Prof. Virehow, of Berate HENRY G. JAMBS, Henry G, James, of Winnipeg, Man., writes "For several years I was tr'on- bled with pimples anti irritations of the skin. After other remedies failed I used four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and since then 1 have been quite free from my complaint. B.B.13:' will always occupy a place in my house," The trial of six anarchists, including Cipriani, who were arrested during the riots last salillnor, began oa Wednes- day. They are all lherged; with be- longing' to a treasouab e society. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them zt per- fect little hill, Ti]ey please those who use then]. Carter's Little Liver Pil's may well be termed '•Perfection.". Assistant County Attorney Morierity, who is also a city councilman, and ' Six other prominent citizens of Or; aha, Neb., have been arrested for ta. ing part in last week's lynching. Never Allow the bowels to ren ail constipated ',est serious evil ono 110. National Pills are unsurpassed as a, remedy for constipation. A Shanghai despatch says the relat- ions of the ministers of the power's with the Pekin Government have taken a turn which tends towards a more har- monious state of affairs. • AUNTY'S ADVICE. "11y brother had severe summer complaint about a year ago and 210 remedies Seemed to relieve him. At last our aunt advisedus to try Fowl- er's Extract of Wild Strawberry and before he had taken one bottle he was entirely cured," -Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont. Postmaster General Wanarnaker of the 'United States, says the mails are being flooded with lottery matter from an office of the Louisiana Lottery Company ani ih � n Toronto: Wen who feel "rubdown" and "out of sorts," whether from mental worry, over-wcok, excesses or iudescretions will find a speedy More in Dr, William's Pink Pills. All dealers. The wife of Neal] Gregory, a wan- k -mown farmer living three. miles north of Middleton, N. Y., was yesterday brutally murdered by a robber, n'i1O secured 8100.in money. MRS. 'GEO. RENDLE. Mrs. Geo. Rendle, of Gait, Ont,, writes: "I can recommend Dr. (Fowler's Extract of Wild Straiivberryfor;it is a sure cure for all summer complaints.. We axe never.without it in tate house." Fowler's Wild Strawberry. Brice), 35c The returns of the French Boars] of Trade show that for September the irnporis increased 41,558,000 francs incl the; exports Increased 21,382,000 francs, Do rot despair of curing your sick bo idaehe when you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Liitle. Liver Pills. They will &Ti et a prompt and permanent cure. Their cu action is mild and natural, A general 55111(0 among the lunmber- Inello• of New York is a„alu threatened, the men being dissatisfied With otl'ees Made, l,by theh� 11111• l ' Oyt e]5. Ecotor JiI[iiii 111Still1110111 EMPORIUM, PERKINS IMS :& MARTIN, PROPS. We eery the most complete stock of i1:Itasieal instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, A 1.80 SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, FAFib:I IMPLEMENTS &c. The abeve instruments always ori band. TiTerms to cell Pur ohasoroi GIVE US A CALL. Ei/ERY'TR'INGe AWAY DOWN, PERKINS & MARTIN. A SPRAIN OE BRUISE- Should be wrapped with a lineal. cloth ', i� i writ with Clark's Lightning. Liniment. ".1"1)e pain will leave instantly, and the swelling rapidly vubside. Nothing l:ileurn to medial science will .al'tord such speeelv relief and cure, s1,05 there is no other 1(' lr(dy that ,(Fives the serif ever such quick satisfaction. Where oe e11501.)- a - . 15 used l Ortci from ,yonr druggists, There is only one Clrai'1 's Light( ]nn 1ie in 1i `t„ p t r' (, tor; fifty c c 11Cs. Cleary Chemical Co.. Tore ruci l:'rC5 l,I,ell$'U' 1r'Cte JLiliecl( (ynto, NOW York, • erman syrup For Coughs & Colds. John F. Jones, Edom,Tex.,writes: I have used German Syrup for the past six years, for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest and Lungs, and let me say to any- one wanting such a medicine - German Syrup is the best. B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville,Teun., writes : T have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every- one for these troubles. R. Schnlalhausen, Druggist, of Charleston, Ill.,wr tes : After trying scores of prescriptions and prepara- tions I had on my files and shelves, without relief for a very severe cold, which had settled on my lungs, 1 tried your German Syrup. It gave me immediate relief and a perma- nent cure. G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. L EXETER MARKS 8. Wheat per bushel.. $0.88 to 0.90 Barley ...... 40 to 42 Oats.. 26 to 2S Peas .. 55 to 57 Butter • . . . 1 3 to 13 Pgg's .. .., - 13 to 13 Potatoes per bus 80 to 85 Hay per ton 8.00 to 10:00 Wool ...... .... ....18' to 19 HISTLIGENETIC SYSTEM OF 1111EDICINE ITS CHALLENGE IS INYESTIGATION; ITS PASSPORT IS TRUTH, The system is complete having dif- ferent medicines for all the different diseases. The medicines are perfectly (blare containing nothing of a poison- ous nIltllre whatever, and are quite tasteless. THE TEFOR)1is to rebuild the diseased cells and tissues of the body, and by thus reaching the primal. cause of disease these medicines will save Iife in acute and chronic cases. where the old systems of riving pois- onous drags miserably &fail. Books sent free explaiiiing the system to any address. His togee otic.lIedlciilsAssociation: GES 9' 1x1;0. -This is to certify that I. have suffered with rheumatism for the as last t tiv ty-ftye Sears At five different periods I have been so bait that I had to remain in bed for several mon thsata time, This summer I. was suffering severely with Hain all through my body, constipation, headache, drowsi- neSs, etc. I began taking Histogenetic Medicines on lane i(ith and continued for eight -..becks. I began to improve at onto, pain left roe gradittal ly. 1 rlo not f0e1 it at all oxce]tt,s very 111510 itt change of weather 130 thing to s pea k of,.lust as gen tie reminder.. Constipation and headache reared en 019d no returnf either zfhersinu(.. ,Ct+s now six weeks since Istormed. taking the lneclJoin es. I ('eel better now than I have for years, and I heartity pec omm »d fate people f Bonder, don te try 11 is ELediofnes as they dict more for me than all the doctor,' proscriptions or other medicines that Thad taken before. J JTdES ;TACK London, 550 York street, Sept. 19, 1591, WM be at Exeter,"Central Rotel," on Tuesday Nov. 3rd, from. 1, ' 0 a, 1lt'A., to 5.30, p.m, t,, and at Mensal., <.11e �taali betel," same day. (Tuesday) from 6 la. m., to 9 next morB1in CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Association, Fonlns2 and 3Albion Block, Tiichn)ond St London bread Office for We:atern Ontario xfeart 1'lthee for Cai:adka, 19 'Venue Street Market, Toronto; may 14-1 ,y. Mootion Exeter "AovonATU." London Huron 8 Bruce Railway ]l'ayesereg- er Tian° Triblie, 0-01NG NORT14. Q•OING SOTJTTU. non p.m. London,tlep 18,05 4.25. Inman C s Cla ndeboye 852 5 28, Centralia 4.05 5.45 EXETER 0:111 5.57. T•Tonsall 9.28 6 00 IZippen, 994 (117, Arueefielcl 9,42 0 26 Clinton 10.00 6411. Iiondesboro' 10,19 7.03. Blyth - 10.28 7.12, Belgruvo 10.42 7,27, WinChazn 11.00 7.15, Wiugham 7.05 310, Belgrave 7 21 1.00. Blyth 7.38 4.15, T.ondesboro' 7,47 4,25. Clinton 807 4.45. Tiruoefield 8.e6 5.04, Kippen 8.34 5.12 Tten call 8.45 5 ill E WI'ER, 8 57 5 33 Centralia 909 5.4.5' Clandel3oye 9.18 5.56 r,uean Cros'g9.24 0,02. London a,rr (0 15 (11.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if yon don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will,be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Billeting. Materials in this sec. tion of couutr e>,anet at the lowest prices, Shintjles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to 11,0(5 the keenest cnmpetit= •,> roll ars to pl Icy, Of rinailil;;y, We Imre se- cured the right to M;t111.1510t9lre and Yl Morrie er°i•ia Imo ecle lrtit(' c3a li n„ Cab- inets. Call and see them and be eon - 'ill (: C li � c d oFtr their merit, ROSS es TAI`.i3O.R, Main 'St., Exeter 1 PEOPL I MAY BLOW seeeeeeoseeeeeeeeeeeeee BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO Havingpurchased theEstate p Estate of John Brawn, T have thoroughly. refitted the factory, and ani manufacturing ars elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry,Maple and Ash . Note some of the Prices, Bed Room Sets in Antique 01(11 polished at 818.00 and up;Sideboards in AntiqueOak l' rs " Maple, Cherry and Ash at t`r8.75 and u; polished at 8818.00'and ilp " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at w�8.00 and up Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at 51.90, And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, ExtensionTale Desks. Tables, Writing Desl�,,, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. Remember make no trashyelm furniture and d sell as chea as the Cheapest.. 100,000 feet of Lumber and 300 woo cords of wanted vanted iJn exchange for furniture., A ftlll Line of Undertaking goods always on hand. Remember the Stand-Factory� � sR. and �at�erea®��� two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter, WALT. ' ANDREWS. OWC WM DEM ARID Undert ak er (e k 8 T.W± LEADING mdertaker AND Furntre• OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaldng Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. KDETAKIN A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GI)LEY0 CL T i �. St. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock 1' s gniVimtni Amnc+oczaze, IN TIIE FOLLOWING LINES 'West of F,ngla,nd Suitings and Trolls Dring°, Scotch. eed Suithn s and Trouser- ings, French and In 1is r Worsted d Olo l Almade . , . e.. 1 �1.� e �lzl,� 11~1 the Latest Rates. Styli, at bash; ates. A +r.�.ri'..r+1.4 ar81' w, 1� .!' .rrFi �r . DR. FOWLERS ...EXT: OF •WILD• TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA holera Morbus 0LrIC'e5P•- RAMPS IARRIKEA YSE MTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR. CHILDREN OR ADULTS. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIiL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware IStore, will receive prompt attention. T T1 MS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. ' W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE -FOR---- SUMMER GOODS 3 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST --FOIR-- a h L Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES PTIR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS, A NICE STOCK OP FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED IUD MITS & G=LOVES at 75e worth 81. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASIf. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North. TORL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS REPT. SigeriCS, Supplios At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions 1 a iio Aanvil.Receipts e ]s Carefal1 Pre-: ,(ed. PW!C1 the bei . in the msuket 1 C 1' T 7,, PROP. Fcriiier Bros1, Mesa & Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, aia •Iry 5 t., Exeter. WIRISTIE3S O!!L) L-0 a, First Class RIGS And HORSES, ORDERS LEFT AT . THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THTil STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'Terr=a= � cazozsalols Telephone Connection. {o.•t6i<9 aF-S: ( , AP, GFR FOlt,'I*F`r'7•S are an honest mealtime for which only .hones`, stra.ghtferward state - meats arenlade, flee that you ti;ettha genuine 110E - man's. Insist on having them. They Cure ;81st, Headaches. Theyr not a Cat -write. y JJ. F!J1, IIHII1,V IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND -where he is - READY FOR .ACALL, Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN - EASY SHAVE, AND Ern LIB HAIRCUT, LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER. iso LADIES H S A1�FIR WO 8 DONE. North 05 Post -Office, THE ince 1 THE', ONLY pV�c°A,.• �� ► TH!T C ESOUteseseseeri -. rF p� r*� NUI !]U.ML Ones 1C C}1Jl8.t7N " ��C1 AC111��c a �1 ti. - s,. � h[Gi.0 eeneeeNgeee ...>~......-,,,.l..a--.. rpt nvrnn'lc�senwr��