The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-22, Page 4_. THE Odr AtIvrorate... SANDERS & SWEET; Props, THURSDAY, OCT, 22nd, 189L .POSTPOiYE111E TT OF IECIP.ROC- ITY NEGOTIATIONS. "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick"-sue'n may be the sentiment in the minds of many, as they learn of the delay in carrying out the proposed negotiations for i'eoiproeity between Canada and the United States, owing to the continued illness of Mr, Blaine, the American Secretary of State. It may be that the indefinite postpone- ment of these negotiations will be eon. strued into a desire on the part of the United States authorities to avoid the consequences of anv commercial ar• aangement whatever between the two powers. It may be that the Opposition party in Canada will take adyantage of the suspense and delay to farther poison the 'public mind against the frequently expressed desire of our Government to bring about a fair rec- iprocal trade. Of this the public may be well assured, that no arrangement or treaty will be agreed to on the part of the Ottawa Government which would compromise our present coin nection with Britain, or discriminate iii ` our trade relations against the Mother Country. It is well known. that eighty-eight of the representatives of parliament in Canada voted last session in favor of a resolution which: if carried into effect; would prove fatal to our•presentconnection with Great Britain and sacrifice the fiscal Inde peticlence of this Dominion, and ulti- mately end in our being absorbed into the neighboring Republic. This was the drift of the Opposition policy in parliament; and how far it may be modified by the present . prosperous condition of Canada, and the political outcome of matter: in Quebecprovince, remains to be seen. But of this we may be sure, that, so far as the present Cabinet and majority, in the Commons. are e) cor. ernel c c , no negotiations will be ". entertained for freer trade relations with the United States which will not be honorable and m-utually advantag- eous to Canada, while dealing with our neighbors to the Sori:th of us in the most friendly and liberal spirit. And we have full confidence in the negot 5 iators on the British and Canadian side, who may be apppointed to tate deli. cats and responsible task of salving the complications of trade and com- merce between the two nations, that nothing will be done to conproutise the independence of Canada in arrang- ing her own tariff or by accepting such a scheme as that of ,"Commercial Un ion or "Unrestricted Reciprocity." We can well imagine that there are those among American statesman -who envy the noble heritage which has fallen to otic lot.by the opening up of that il- limitable territory in the great North. West, embracing both agricultural and mineral resources of untold wealth; but we can hardly conceive any Brit ish or Canadian delegateso unpatriotic, I e or so blind to the importance of Imper- ial develo lenient N on this North I Ameri- can Continent, as to barter away such a rich t,h tags li y •i . as that through which the C. P. R. runs for any supposed osed or doubtful advantage to be• derived by our making common cause with the institutions and commerce of the neighboring Republic. Canada can well afford to do without . reciprocity, unless it be such an interchange as a, shall ]' under amp le Britisl: thrive alongside of each other, and to ,dl Veld)a healthy rivalry such as will ,impart life and vigor to the commerce ,ofboth countries. esting topic of journalism might 'be filrnished b3 going back to the tines preceding Ccnfodei<ttion, showing how the kite Conservative chieftain moulded the conflicting elements of race and creed and local interests in the four• or five provinces that adopted the elan of a federal union. But that phase of things may be safely left in the hands of the historian, We would merely ask our readers to contrast the state of matters under the 1'racl:enzie'Cart- wrigilt regime with the policy that im mediately followed, in which after a brief defeat of the Conservative party, owing to what was called the Pacitie scandal young Canada put on its giant strength and went forward by leaps and bounds in a career of commercial prosperity and territorial development. The Grit rule in 1874 was heralded by ]oud professions of political purity, and its pledges were redeemed by repeated the lady and Ranee again tied. The lady used Captain Todds' rifle. At 400 yards the lady also made solve. good shooting, Mrs, James Brisbin,says the Listowel Standard, who resides with her hus- band on Penelope street is in a pi'ecar• sous condition through swallowing a plum stone' several days ago. While eating a plum the stone by, some means got into the windpipe and from thence to the lungs, from where her medical attendants have found it impossible to dislodgeit. Its presence has caused the unfortun ite'laidy who is upwards of seventy year's of age,a great amount of suffering and .incessant fits of cough - lug,. `!'here is little hope that she will survive her deplorable situation. The unfortunate lady .and her husband were formci'_y residents of Wallace,Mr. Brisbin, senior, haying, retired from fanning and removed to Listowel some nine or tea years ago. Mr, Nelson Brisbin Mitchell is their son TvloGlllivray Council. breaches of Parliamentary independ• Council met pursuant to adjourn ment Town .Hall; MeGTilliyray, October 5th, 1891, Present W. L. Corbett, reeve; G. T. Johnson and.J. D. DruM- mond, deputy -reeves; T. Wrest Council- lor, Minutes of last meeting read, ap- proyed of and signed, G T Johnson - D Drummond -That the clerk is hereby instructed to advertise for tend• ors for the construction of the black bridge near Ailsa Craig, said tenders to be opened on the first Monday . in November: Carried. J D Drummond -G T Johnson -That this council do hereby instruct the clerk to communis tate with the Municipal" Councils of Biddulph, East W'illia.nis and West Williams to arrange for a meeting with the said Townships for the pur• pose of effecting a settlement for con- crete eulverts and other improvements en the respective boundaries adjoining this municipality. -Carried, T Prest -S D Drummond -That the herein named individuals be paid the several amounts as. set forth, yiz;-J. Dixon, gravel account and opening pit, Mc- Gillivray portion, $17.07; J. Thompson, repairing bridge and overseeing grav- elling front road, $14.50; W. •Windsor, one sheep killed by dog's, $5.33; E, Gla-. Yin, ditching on fiontroad;MtGiliivray portion, $3.90; 8, Harmer, repairing hill ou Harem's side road, $8 a5;.J, Hall repatirin„~ scrapers, $1,25; J. •Darrach, Dieting account, $2,88; l,obinson ! and Wingert, gravel contract, front road, McGillivray portion, $43:87; J. Ti'. Rob• inson, eraeel contract on jog front road, $15.84; W. Thompson, putting in concrte culvert Bu du] h town line, , n McI1 h r ev: repairing bridge, 14th concession, and tile across roaid; 2nd eon, $2.65:3... Turner, one sheep killed by dogs,'$4; T. Bunting; repair- ing Marsden's bridge, '4thr coneess[ti1i: C. Mecicof, putting in two concrete culverts; W. William's town line MeG: 0 .III dcof putting in �l n '475•C e 1t0 0 $+i , p 1 1 5 twd concrete culverts "Whitney's side road, $o; C. il4ecicof, repairing flats Dowl:er's side road and work on Park- hill road, $2.25; D. Coughlin, tile on road on R Boundary, $6; W. Metann, cleaning ditches en Teintott's hills, $ , 95. -Carried. J. D. 'Drummond -T: Prest-That this. council ad,jouin to meet in the Town Hall, on the first Monday in Noyember, at ten o'clock a, ni.-Carried. War. FRAsnR, To. Clerk. once, by the unseating of prominent members of their own party for urn) ery and corruption, by jobbery in pub - lie contracts, and by the condoning of the grossest violations of the Inde- pendenee of Parliament Act. Incom- petency, mismanagement of the public business, deficits in the exchequer, stagnation in commerce, the exodus of our young men, the loss of prestige among other nations, and the conse- quent depreciation of Canadian secnri- ties-such were the order of the day. No wonder that at 'the end of four years of mal -administration the elect- orate rose in their might and hurled from power the man who publicly ad• mitted they were 'only "!lies on the wheel," and that by no legislation of theirs could the country be redeemed from a state of financial collapse. With that statesmanlike foresight which was ever a characteristic of Sir John Mac donald, aided by such competent : men in finance and administrative abilities as Sir Leonard Tilley and Sir Charles Tupper, the late Premier "took the bull by the horns" and inaugurated a policy of protection for Canada which changed the whole face of things. Without burdening the people by ex- cessive taxation, a magnificent scheme was devised and accomplished for building that great continental high- way which has been the means of op- ening up what was before ai wilderness and converting it into the future gran: ary fan- ary of the world. Factories began to be erected that gave v employment to � thousands our artisans -Canada S< Of was no longer a slaughter market for the overproductious of; the United States -new channels of trade were opened up for our farm produce -our exports were no longer confined to the narrow territory to the South of us, where they are met by a prohibitory tariff -and as a result of all this change our people are now prosperous, our farmers hopeful, and our credits in the money markets of the world stands. higher than ever before. And although much has been sand by Opposition journals about the great indebtedness of Canada, and the bugbear of an overburdened taxation, yet such a cry is really without foundation; since, with all our expenditure ou public works the increase of taxation per , . head of population is only 7 cents ad- ditional durum- the thirteen wears of Conservative rale, whereas according to a late authority the increase of tax- ation undo the Mackenzie -Cartwright misrule Was 24 cents per head, without any corresponding return to show for the outlay • but a succession of deficits and mat. deteriorated financial credit in the markets of the world. Let our readers ".look on this pietttro and on that," and see whether we have not gained'. immeasureably by the change from theodic 1'7 t that of the, p y of b4 -S 0 succeeding thirteen years; in which we have se>; e enlargement ur d of trade, industrial levelo emert, facilities of intercoutrse wit]t distant countries, im- proved credit, and a must .hopeful out- look for our people generally. It re• mains for the electorate of Canada to say whether they are willing to forego ,' li an improved b )roved condition of things, 8110 , and such a prosperous outlook. for the future, for anv doubtful advantages to be derived by einl ing ottr n)itionai autonomy and substituting the stars and stripes for "the old fiag" that has braved the battle and the breeze, e mutually advantageous, and any . circumstances there is Continent i .Dom on thisfor C both and American in ti tut i st ons to A POL,ITJC,IL RETROSPECT. In reading the life of the late Sir John Macdonald, one cannot lc]f) con• tlasting the state of matters in Canada between the events that transpired from [87dd: to 1878, under the Grit re, gime, and the elastic bound that fol- lowed the change to Conservative -rule., culminating in the adoption of the National Policy. '['here id a natural tendency in the public mind to forget the policy of by -gone .eas, owing to the rapid cloct,ldlu eents. of Tatar p p events, But the historian and the journalist have both ' a ditty to dist Y y charge' and with that d ew It becomes 1 5 our .ea, nttwo p , a task: to contrast the tx o e �c• orioles ill bider to showa pmore c,s p ally to the younger generation 1isiug In our hist, ,I, this cliffcu,ihcc, between Con•cr v tice and Grit rule, A)1 utter The ptaitietion of every competitor will form an cxhibt iu the large and well equipped Diamond l)yo establish- ment in Montreal,and three of the larg- est and best known Dry Goods firms in Canada has promised experts to a1074 aihe-know housesrd athe prre: Henrzesy MTorgeseatirl &Iwll Co.,Henryn & N, E. Hamilton, and John Murphy & Co. aham S:: Co., plopietors pf the moGntrealrE',Dail'y Stcar`" and "li'tz�llia'r/ Herald and freckly Star" have signi- fied their willingness to act as judges on the various Essays sent for Ward for competition. Young and old, rieh and poor, have an equal chance in this magnificent and competition' scheme; therefore you should willingly enter•. If you have not yet received a book giving full pairticulars of the scheme, write at once to the Wells & Richardson Co., Mont- real, who will send it post free. We are asked to remind our readers of the fact that all intending competitors tors should at once signify their inten- tion competitors, by sending in the form, properiy tilled up, which is found on pane 15 of the boot: referred to, We wish. to impress upon our peolile the fact thet this contest is ltbsolntely free to all. There is no cost for books, no entrance fee, and no money to be sent forward; it is as free to all as the air we breathe, We trust our people will do what they can in this competition, and thus sust un the reputation of our women and girls as adepts in house- hold work and art. A.a on ravel.' About Us, The Clinton News Record. Ives the following. account of gin aftc,rnoon,s shooting by 1, yotit g lady of Clinton One day last week Miss Mc,Ilardy) organist,sail church, of St I a a cl u c and L tenants Combe and liattee tried their f nerve and acctiracs of Aim at the, Cliit „ tan shooting rrttlge. At 200 yards Miss n l:l . 1biwJ:.C,lltly mal,rlr, 17 out of a. possible 25, 100 of them bul'l's cyeS: tieing Lieuten- ant Rance and doing better 10tn Lieu- tcnaet Combe. In shooting off the tie The Ladies Interested In the Distribution of 5 00.00. 9 The ladies of Canada are delighted; husbands note with pleasure the <smil in;; faces' of wives and daughters; in- deed, the whole country is stirred up with a pleasureable excitement. It simply amounts to this.-tliat the; manufacturers of the celebrated and univel sally used Diamond Dyes have inaugurated a grand competition scheme known as the "Diamond Dye Competition," which is freely" thrown open to every mother, wife and daugh- ter of our broad Dominion. No less a sum than $1,500.00 will be distributed to the pothers, wives' and daughters of Canada, in first, "second and third pliees, This sum is really being returned to the consumes of Diamond Dyes, Every Canada can a'°orcl to baconll a competitor, and 1 has sufficient intelligence and ability to male up some of the articles . men tionc;d in the long kind varied list. Am- ple time is afforded to all for experi- menting nlentillg and Let:+ln,ln„ perfect as com- petitors for the large cash prizes o,1'cr• ed. It is an'unprecedeeted act of liber. ality on the part of the wealthy manes n' as and never lecturers of Diamond Dyes, 1 •int • attend ted )v att ' simtl . before p Y li in- stitution in the world and the � public... Have the most ample proof that every promise will be faithfully carried out. During the season the , manufactur- ors of Diamond Dyes have contributed liberally to country fairs, in order to encourage Household Economy and Art. Small and almost unknown con- cerns on cerns have tried to stimulate this char- acter of'work by the offer' of insieenifle cant sums of from one to three dollah's, that would not in any instance .defray cost of dyeing and the making up of goods called for. We fear these small imitators Inas not yet been discovered the fact that the ladies value theft time and materials, to be lured by �l sticlh trifling and miserly prizes,. 'rho fairs of our country having clos- ed eel for tltesoastntl,tiheltailufac(iu11,r. of " e the ladies ies Diamond Dyes mean to keep , c < o• busy daring ,n fl Un..,y tllc ]ung, atrturntl a winter' evening's by offering' large and a substantial Jrizos in `keepiing with the character of wot•tll asked for, • SUDDBN CHANGES. A cold, or exposure, may cause the )oisonous acids hi the blood to clog. its ;irculation. This is Rheumatism, Nark's Lightning Linimentwillstop he pain at once. It should be token 10111 internally and externally if the ttttck is severe, and it atiffords instant 'elief. If the pain appears again, it should be met with the sante treatment lntil a curs: is effected. This wonderful )reparation has worked some remark- tble cures amens. Rheutatic sufferers. flThere once tried it is always used aft- er. Sold byall druggists, price fifty. ;ants. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, Stew- York. , , is Cold stages. SOOTFIINO, symptoms ached. small ting,'nausea any: your time Bsrar. cold lowed klAsir. orwill price(d0 ,` ."i: -see: Ai 4. f I((Qy �. i4� X31 '"4 Itis -a certain and in the EAU HEALING. afanf Relief, 'Cure, Failuf'e Irony so.catled Catarrh, of C, foul al boonili, faura,egnerafeel one nlisy, oto. '. II you oda these or have Catarrh, in procuringewarned Be warned in. head results by . consumption 00 is cold. be bemit,postwad.onreemr, cents tsand FULFORD Brockville p''',llrla i%'.�.v 1 : 3$" ® ii kl .,j6i>..g41s'1,4.1 e tViiG i.�+,r 1i^ t A Gtr �1 •lyi Y •f ; t' t Y0 ,, ''t+ •.,b speedycure for. nd Catarrhinanite '. CLEANSING, Permanent '4 Impossible. clisesaeo are aimp7^, ouch 01 heat . 1 h lis;losmg mill pit g'of. ie. slut e 'rar feeling of d 6 are troubled with iind,ed symptoms, an,ottle d; lose no AAL abottle, neN s In ,time, neglected in Catarrh,- fol : and death by all druggists. of $1.00)byadilressnng co s Ont. A1e at It'. "ti+tU+ } � �A !: 4"u ri-4.i•: i� , j ;.1• r r, `'. 1 }. t,l lilj,. . + 4 w t t�' r•, 4 : 01 til•.. • ' •> i �,y,, r , +;» ,, +Cr •', ri,'1 ,r„.) t,,,s`}+•,,•;.., , $ .!' �' F . •�'. .'} •l, r l� `.,,t', ) i --; k,.., Aa ' 5 + r' , , 4 r. ,n a i i iJ , `gi 4 • M u 4 "it' � Li ``i j; , e • .ty. Pa q 11, •'fit "'i tiQTIIE RICRARD Not the Revised. Sec 3, Estate the To 'Heron, lot day to the ter and 1St a statement nature After E.eontora said. entitled claims they which Dated T �GI � IfI�CRs 9 -OE- HUNTER,; DECEASED. t0 110, the late of of the to send }hin- On.. or next, of the by them the said of the persons to the and of ceeutors lop is Ilorshv' Stututo5 all 'persons of Richard wnship of 'Lisbon) Yeoman of August nllcl r.igned, Richard -before Day of of of the seeilritiea, the said 1st hill distribute 71101,111. 11iiu thereto, bitty of which. ihev1l will not be noticu shrill Gth Oct ,. 1801. , given. that pnr3nant" of Ontario, Chap. baying claims against 1'IUllter the elder, e. in the County w110 diets on or about last. aro required Solicitor for Simon OOates, Executors, the December 111eli claims and if any, held day of Deocntger the assets ter , ,mong.,t the fug regard only aye :had notice, liable for any claim n.ot have been received- ' L urs f-1. Dielcsox, . T?ei,r, Ont Solicitor f • L+ So U3 8900ppjaa ��.11 kiP.S::Y tltu9: slid 0oinlriis.l0ra 10 . Agents, Alen and women, Teach- ers introduce It IneW and porn far standard Boole. Testimony of 10 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth, '11,011 11717 rCfl)711'k0h10 religions book. of *lie age written 1.v1 1) on the whelars, Non - sec 11111tH. 1 i',oro Christian hl jilts it. Es- c1ii.,ive territory given. Apply to The, Henry Bill 110-15 11n CO, Norwich,fed g i CONN. [an to peeially w1tiC11 attended wholesome soap t tomes now liquid treatment ` fur, not an "A any' olensunel intelligonL Q,• � STITCH IN SO WILL A DOLLAR LTO artificial gastric SA Vg person suffering if taken at the is usurtlly weight by slight or a heavy paISes away, find which, mere pronounced. p sugatst0d the purgatives, that IS worse than The 710uhlc is 1'05uomibi0, and treatment " nr r z� a c.r 11i /� � \ TIME SAVES INvns7'ED P.EPSYN juice -formula 99 DOLLARS from stomach .first symptom at the Stdmltrb, pain, and may me:t1. At 1a only remembered when repented, '.1'o the, cathartic Pill, w111 7:101; SI t useless; it 1s in the. Stomach, relief will only l>f the disorder '111rr;rr °. t1, - 1�. wR� } label; es lull be is othe, Suet 11711m' an 11h� .... 7 NINE," IN on every troubles, of Indigestion sometime follow either first, this (071107 ns a gradually average person g hitters, or Ibe1)0'0411S. positively the Bowels come tlhrottgl within ., . .Z32' TSE are the latest goods i.n---- FAL WINTER SUITINGS ancl overcoatin 's just arrived, All will be made up in' the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. J' AT PRICES AviAY DON. Remember the Stand one Door North of E. l=T, Fish's Barber Shop. Give me a call. J. H. GRIEVE. Farmers 8L uilders. sonagoommizsmaznima It will pay you to call on us if' you walit anything. i],1 Hard- ware such as Nails, Hinges, Locks,Glass,Putty, Paints and Oils. 9 El �ow $tok of Jofijsto's OgIo6rg1of Liqilik „rlmnch• h t > u, urnt.l y n stomach trouble.., Endot'sed. by the best physicians I of atgtnnd and Canada,Send Cts, in lsn,ta;c' for ialuabls pamphlet to I IA210N NtOttSI:, I.,1L:h..1;. :.S isLL'.7) OAthitkoi NEW COLORS. Ba 'Rl ed, Plain, Stip, Black, & �a'aivanize6. wires away clown for cash, TINWARE STOCK IS COMPI.4ETE. EAVETROUG%IING A SPECIALTY NEEDLES. NEW RAYMOND MACHINES ES ASD NEEDLES. CALL WHEN TONS. � "i v ISSETT' ROS. 511 y ti Y ' I have a positive remedy for the above d sense by its use thousands ofcases. of the worst kind and of long standing 110r•0 been cu ed. Indeed so strop{, is my faith In its efficacy, that I 7vi11 send- TWO BOTTLES FREE, with. a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer who v,•Iln send me their EXPRESS and P.O.. address, T. A. SLoouM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST„ WEST, TORONTO, ONT. ALLAN LINE. 'vsl ucl.nt(1+ 1891. Summer Sailing. 1891, LiveA 7 r oo1-Dori'virQuebec and Montreal. From I - Liver- Steamship: 1 eel I 1 ` from I T+`rOM - Mon- tt•enl. 1 Sept. +I u Oct. 1. Nov.. 3 10 ' 17 21 . 1 8 15- 51 20 5 uA1tl'IN1AN atoNC1Or. IAN ]:1n111s.rAN OIRCASSIAN POLY,Nl1SIAN II I' SARDINIAN N ,.A MONGOLIAN PARISIAN' O.11.1CASSIAN POLYNESIAN :Sopa. - 1.1.1 " 37) Oct, 3 .+ 10 " 17 2,r Nov. 4 „ 7 '1 14 `+ 21 Sept. rat) Oct. 1 " d "" 11 11 1s " ...t Nov. 5 17 5 a ln .. " -_ RATES OF PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool. By S. S. Parisian, SOO, $70, .t50 single, $110, 5130, $150 return. I3y Oilier Steamers $50, $55, $30 single; $95, $too{'$115 rot urn. 7nterm olia ta$3000, return $ 0.00. Steerage $20.00, return510,00. • John Spackman, EXETER, r � R ONT. CE$TRUL TKILIJMSHP. SilOP Mr. George Smallcombe wishes' to inform thecitizens o £ Exeter and sur rounding country that he has opened'. --ottt a 11CW Tailoring' and Greats' Furnish- ing Establishment in E'anson'a l3locli ' r 0 Latest designs of „sods allvays on hand, and made up in the latest inei scc,n SiILS at .Right t Prie8S, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD I i; .l FIT GUARANTEED: Ladles Jackets and Mantle t making r CJ attel9. decd o 1 n 45 , LT�ACC�11�I3B� �C:��A MERCHANT [ AILOB, Exeter. AVOID D b111I OPIU z R QL to children you o ti wishSor their future welfare. Norse's G, ly- oer'oie or Celery Com- pound, Exact formula on, every label, is a safe rem- edy for, teething infants and nervous adults. En- dorsed by physicians. Sendtwocent stamp for descriptive circular to Eazea Morse, Baguio, N. r. 1i etazz=zetuaz Laocoon the coilsof the fatal ser- pents was not more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, overwork, worry, etc. 'Rouse yourself. Talk heart of hope aget_n. c )hcl Dl, : 11A1 1 We have - cured thousands, who :allow Lis to fuer to them. WI] C.111 cu;a:F; You' by use of 011V c.:dilif;i?,'e methods and appliances. %d12h1 le, unfailing' -treatment at heal o . 1'or. lost or jf' ilial;;' 1,1;.711.ocfl, Genoa al or riervJIl, Eyt l;ilit,,, Wcal llcescs of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Olcl ol� Young. Robust,. Noble III:t.zzoon sully restored. Improvement seen the first ,cloy. How to I lake'- ga.. e 1 aC al•ltd StrCllr,l,lleti, -' o. , 0it1ANS AND PARTS or BODY. Merl teStif . ):r e t 50 Slates and Foreign Countries;, Write them. Loot:, o explansiren an nail d )roofs mailed (sealed) free. 1 (s lt,d) f.c . Address ERIE: MEDICAL 00,, 4 BUFFALO, N.Y. THE KEY TO HE LT Ike„ Unloolce all the clogged avenues Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, off gradually without weal ening tele, all the impurities and fot of iiia secretions; at tho rime resting Acidity of the curing ki1llousnes1, T lleadtttelles :iZZilles'3, l3 Constipntio11, Dryness (15 Dropsy, Dimness or Vis dire, Salt Rheum, Bi ! .+1 Dna, 1. . •..e the h trait, 1''Ilxuf,Erlit�, h' 'vousnesr",, and Genera: diose anal lnany other sir .,told to the happy Inline, BLOOD BIrl'E irks, ,1:`01' ,15l6l0 �rf �rr711, !t S