HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-22, Page 2WON .0111.113tVell AN VIE110114,
A ellere'eman netie eetweer Veva Whets
Nieves on Ihel{xnamssmee et Scientists.
,A We:41446n deepatek eitye : The fel...1;th
sa4ty'5 session of the elethedist lietunenical
Council. wee presided over by Rove' Dr, Wm,
Arthur, of lesneeletul, who , condented the
devotional exercises, lerayee was offered by
Rev. joint Wakefield of Canada. The sub-
jeet for diecussion was then talten np, it
being " The Charon and Scientific. thought"
• The firat essay was one prepared by Percy
W. Bunting, editor Of the Contemporary
Review, entitled, "The loffinnice of Modern
Scientifie Progeeswon Religious Thought."
lie Mr. Buntiog's abeenee the paper was
reed by J. B. Sleek of London. Rev. D.
,Milton S. Terry, ofilteranstem Ills,, spoke
on the attitude of the Church towarcl the
various phases of unbelief.
Rev. W. T. Davidson, of England, tutor
in biblical literature and exegesis in Rich-
mond (England) College, Wesley Methodist
Church, followed in an address on the sub-
ject of The Bible and Modern Critioism,"
The question was discussed by Rev. Dr.
Nevelt, of Toronto ; Rev. Frank Ballard,
of Lenglend ; Dr. Buckley, of New York, and
others. Dr. Buckley said science could give
Am help as to the fundamental questions of
religion. Christianity was as false as the
wildest superstition unless the birth of
Christ was the result of the divine operation
UDOU a woman without the agency of man.
(Hear, hear.) Nine -tenths of whet the high
critics brought) forward had been a subject
of study by bible stutlente for twenty -live
years. The trouble lay in the arrogance of
the critics. The trial of Dr. Briggs had
resulted not from what he held out, but the
arrogant and damning flattener in which he
,sought to force those ideas down the throats
of every one (Applause.)
Chaermae Arthur, addressing the council,
said he had never heard in a Methodist as-
sembly a discussion which caused him such
deep feeling as the one heard this morning.
He had hoard words used that evidently
the users had not settled in their heads
-what they meant. What was evolution?
The unrolling of a thing from itself. Give
the flower the sun and rain and it woulcl un-
fold itself, because there was a power at the
Bishop Keener, M. E. Church South, said
he believed it was the purpose of the human
mind to grasp the problem of creation that
had resulted in evolution.
Rev. M. P. Allen, of Shffield, Eng., said
we were in the midst of a great reaction.
Caution and study were necessary, or the
hold of the church and the great super-
natural theories would be shaken.
Rev. David Brock, of England, said Eng-
lish preachers felt that it was like knocking
their heads against a stone wall to refuse
to accept certain scientific facts. If there
had been a loss in the belief of the theory of
mechanical inspiration of the Bible there
had been a grand gain in the depth of love
for Christ.
Mr. J. J. McLaren, of Canada, said while
scientists confined themselves to the dis-
covery of the laws of nature there was
nothing to say. The conflict betweenscience
and religion had come from scientists who
were unsatisfied. with their work, who did
not know the "A B C's" of the, rule of
evideuce, and were totally incapable of
drawing a conclusion. Science had been
compelled to abandon more positions than
had religion.
Lynchers of the Brute Coe Jailed—A Mob
Threatens Trouble.
Au Omaha despatch has the following
particulers of the Omaha lynching : Joe
Coe, a negro, was lynched early yesterday
morning by a mob, which battered down
the steel doors of the city jail and braved
the whole police force and the fire depart-
ment to get its victim. Coe was confined to
the jail for a criminal assault on little
5 -year-old Lizzie Yates, and. when it became
known that the child had died from the
effects of the injuries inflicted by the black
brute, the indignation of the citizens was
aroused to such a pitch that the life of the
miscreant was the only thing that would
satisfy them. .
Joseph Newshoffer, who led the assault on
the county jail last night, which resulted in
the lynching of Geo. Coe, thenegro, has been
arrested ou a charge of murder.
Seven members of the mob which lynched
the negro, Geo. Coe, are under arrest charged
with murder in the first degree. At 7 p. m.
a large crowd surrounded. the county jail
and threatened that if the prisoners were
mot given their liberty the jail would be
attacked and the men liberated. County
Attorney Mahoney sent down word that the
men would not be released. under any cir-
cumstances, and the crowd at once began to
lay plans for attacking the jail.
Humor that lEgorts Wiil be Made to Give
the Public the Facts.
A London cable says : The Prince of
Wales' set and the coterie of young swells
who surround Prince Albert Victor, his
eldest son, are alarmed over a reeeorethat
the father of Lydia Miller, who is in good
circumstances, has engaged a solicitor of
standing, who will not be likely to respect
or protect the reputation of any one who
may have been guilty of a breach of the law
in connection with his daughter's death.
Among the rumors afloat is that Prince
Albert Vi tor and other aristocrats who had
been friends of the chorus girl had not
treated Li '-
the ill-tre
jected, ar
of her sui
coroner, 1,
duced at
A New TertE ItailWay Fined for Disregard
f4s the Law.
A New York despatch says: In the
Supreme Coure circuit, before Judge Bart-
lett, a verdict for ' $7,000 was yesterday
directed to be entered against the NewYork,
New Haven & Hartford Railway in the suit
brought by the Attorney -General of this
State to collect penalties for the heating of
cars by doves in violation of the Act of
1887. The customary stay of 30 days for the
purpose of perfecting aneppeal was granted.
The United State e Supreme Court will be
appealed to to detetinme whether the Car
&eve Act was an ueconstitutional interfer-
ence with intee-State commerce.
The fair wages for skilled female tailors
• in Berlin are $L42 a week, though they run
down to $1.10, and the working season is
a short one. Good cloakmakers get $1.66
per week. Young girl workers get from
50 ciente to $1 a week. The price paid
making a amen buttonholes by hand is 2entL
Yoe/1g men, yonr safety dementia that
yoa should engage in some sort of regale'.
An editioe of Walter Scott's nenels on an
unprecedented scale of magriifieence 15 Soon
to be publiedted in England, Andmw Lang
is te edit the Work, end lie Will have the
use d 'luny ifiteresting hothe provided by
eSeett'S graticIdateghter.
leitENDIelle AWN
'Praia Vereekees rule the Ssitlies fimt ote
• unitri at a Puree. '
A Sacramento deepateh says,: The .fitee
wet -boatel exprees ,ou the Ceara Pecifie,
which passed Colfax early thie morning en
its way to this. eity, was wrecked between'
New lengland Mille and Colfax, The train
passed through a deep cut and out on to an
embaokment which had been throwu up te
preserve the grade. The engineer did not
detect anything wrong lentil the first two
cars were slightly derailed. The baggage -
car and the twonlay ex:cites remeined on
the track, but the four Pulleriene ana met
boose left the track. The Penmen sleeper
Santa, Cruz turued on its side and rolled
dome the embankment for fifty feee before
its progress was stopped.
In the sleeper were ten passengers ell
asleep at the time of the erash. They were
knocked about in a lively fashion, but es-
caped with a lively elle:kin... The only per-
son seriously injure(' was tITe coloured porter
of the Santa Cruz. In:vestigial= howed
that an attempt had been made to wreek
the train, and the spikes bad been drawn
from severalof the outside reels on the outer
edge of the embankment, just at a point
where the track makes it curve. No spot
better adapted to the plot could have been
selected, and it was evidently selected in the
hope that the engilleer, fireman, and
employees in the baggage and mail cars
would be killed es soon as the forward part
of the train struck the loosened rails. The
three cars could be looted, and as they car-
ried a great quantity of mail the plunder
would have been very profitable. The pas-
sengers in one of the coaches caught a
glimpse of one of the would-be wreckers as
he rushed off. Detectives are searching for
the perpetrators. The Dalton gang are sup-
posed to have had a hand in it. Much harm
was done to the roadbed aud rolling stock.
The Southern Pacific has offered a reward of
$500 for the arrest end conviction of the
party or parties implicated in causing the
A Sharp knife einried Into the Carriage of
the French Ministers.
A Marseilles despatch says : Ministers
Guyot, Roche and Rouver to -day -were
treated to a rather excitingexperience.
They left the prefecti
ure n carriages,
escorted by the Hussars and a number of
gendarmes. The streets were thronged
with a sight-seeing, cheering multitude, but
at several points along the ronte pronounced
hissing and hooting were heard and this was
specially noticable iu the Canebical quarter.
While passing through the Boulevard
Liberte somebody in the crowd hurled an
open knife having a sharp blade with great
force at the Ministers. The weapon fortu-
nately missed its mark, striking with con-
siderable force, but handle foremost, an
officer of the prefecture, who was seated in
the rear of the Ministerial carriages. The
incident caused great excitement, and the
gendarmes immediately charged and dis-
persed the mob. They were not able, how
ever to discover the miscreant. The Min-
isters were afterwards entertained at lunch-
eon at the Chamber of Commerce. M.
Roche made a short speech on the subject
of the customs tariff. He said that the
Cabinet has resolved• to make a vigorous
defence before the Senate for the free entry
of raw material, which was necessary as a
part of the national industry.
The Russian Geudaroses wastmasters in the
Ast acdonaldism.
A St. Petersburg cable says: The United
States Immigration Commissioners, who
have recently been visiting Russia were
painfully impressed by the condition of the
Jews who are within the pale. They saw a
number of curious examples of Russian
administration, of which the following
instance is given : A Jew suffering from
hydrophobia was being treated at the Pas-
teur Institute, Moscow. When supposed
to be cured, a gendarme arrived at the
instituto and the Jew was conducted on
foot, marching stage by stage alongside the
gendarme's horse, to his birthplace in the
western provinces. The United States
commissioners also visited a factory at
Gradno, capital of the province of that
name, where hundreds of Jewesses were
working for wages amounting to less than
50 cents per week. The high standard of
morality of these girls, in spite of the state
of frightful poverty in which they lived, is
said to have made a deep impression upon
the American comnaissioners. At a Rus-
sian police station the commissioners re-
ceived a lesson in bribery, a Russian friend
of the travellers openly bribing a number of
Russian officials one after the other without
meeting with a single rebuff.
And He Shot Himself Dead in the Cruel
Father's Presence.
A Berlin cable says : A merchant named
Richard Engel, of Hagelstrasse, this city,
courted and won the daughter of Privy
Councillor Loche, but when he asked for
the daughter's hand he was met with a con-
temptuous refusal. Engel retired heart-
broken from the interview and wandered
disconsolately through the streets. As he
was passing Muhlenstrasse he was attracted
by a crowd on the quay, and drawing near
he saw some men dragging from the river
the corpse of a young girl. Something
j,h,mj he dress or -figure seemed familiar.
forward, and the terrible sue-
t had subsequently formed in his
Confirmed—the body was that of
eart. On learning of her father's
he had rushed from the house and
asself into the Spree. Engel was
grief. He followed the corpse to
of the Privy Councillor, and
ith the bearers, he drew a pistol
and shot himself dead, his body falling be-
side that Of his beloved in the presence of
the horror-stricken father of the girl.
Young lassine in a, Divorce Suit.
A special from Sioux Falls says : Tho
answer in the famous divorce suit of Marie
Nevis Blaine against James G Blaine, jun.,
was served upon Mrs. Blaine to -day. She
asks for a decree of divorce and custody of
the child and for suitable alimony. Mr.
Blaine in his reply denies that he deserted
his wife, bat del= else deserted him, He
pleads poverty, and urges that hehrts an in-
come of only $2,000 a year, which will cease
the firet of December next. He makee
plea for the custody of the child. There
will probably be a hard fight for the child,
who resembles hie grandfather.
Lady of the House—It seems to me your
bill is very large. The other iceman we had
didn't charge us half as much. Icethart—He
didn't 1 Well, er, you see, lady, rny ice is a
good deal colder than his.
The ActingGovernor of Arizona Territory
is of the opinion thee the population of the
Territory will reach 70,000 before the end,
of the present fiscal year, '
New York talks of an office building 550
A ealinoti Weighieg eeetlee peunds wee eaught
in the SelWay, Sootland, aecitiple of weeks
lentlellellnel." A SWINMAER•
IOW a latlellsoneet‘011ecialirreelted a roan.
olvanaa Pink.
Cleerflold, Pa., deopeteli says 'Phe
prelitednery hearing of Preeident Dill, of the
i,lefunet bankin» institution of Clearfield and
Houtzdele, took places ou, Friday. Book-
keeper Bloom, who was the first examined,
reeognized an entry in the journal made
July 11, 1891, as benig, in haudwrit-
ing. entry was tus '-extra " to the
creche of Dill, amounting to $12,664, made
up a three items, a which one Was for
$10,000, rnarked " Philadelphia Exehange."
He then turned to the bank journal of the
same date and these three entries were in
Dill's handwriting. W, C. Smith, dis-
count clerk of the Chestnut street Na-
tional 13a,nk, Philadelphia, was next
called, and created a sensation by
stating that Dill had no credit there of
310,000 on July 1,4th or anywhere near that
tine. This witness corroboreted the testi-
mossy of Bookkeeper Bloom that only $1,800
had been remitted to Philadelphia and that
to the Chestnut street bank. Both were
closely questioned by counsel and by QOM-
sional interrogatory by Dill, but both
stated that no trace whatever of the $10,000
created in Dill's hooks could be found. The
bank examiner then pronounced the entry
false. Pending further examination the de.
fence asked for time, and the hearing was
continued until next Friday at Altoona.
Mr. Dill was bound over in the sum of
$20,000 to appear at that time, Another
warrant was served, however, by Marshal
Harrah, charging Dill with [embezzling
376,000 from the First National Bank of
Clearfield, aud he was required to give an
additional bond of 320,000 before he could
return to his home.
She Played the Part of a Highwayman With
Great success,
A Helena, Mont., despatch says: A few
nights ago, as A. H. Richardson was going
home, he was held up and robbed by a high.
wayman who intimidated him with two
revolvers On Thursday night Policeman
Grogan noticed it suspicious looking char-
acter in the same locality. On the police-
man's approach the man displayed a re-
volver, which the officer took away from
him, but almost immediately after he
received it shot from another revolver the
desperado had in his left hand Grogan's
injuries may result fatally. Early on Fri-
day morning another man, named Ray, was
held up and relieved of a watch and cash.
About noon the detectives arrested a boyish.
booking fellow near the depot, and search
brought to light Ray's watch. He was
taken to jail, where it was ascertained that
the supposed boy was a ,eseirl. She is not
more than 19, has a pretty face and petite
figure, and from her conversation has been
reared in refinement. After being iu jail
an hour or BO "Charles Miller," as the girl
called herself, asked permission to send out
a note. This was allowed. The officer fol-
lowed the bearer and it was delivered to
Henry Clark. He was arrested and fully
identified by Grogan, Richardson and Ray.
The girl later confessed that Clark had
committed the crimes mentioned, and that
he did the same business in Oregon, Wash-
ington, Butte, Anaconda, and she told of
it number of "hold ups" she had made her-
self. When questioned about her family
she breaks down and refuses to utter a word.
Clark is in danger of being lynched.
While Fighting to Save Her Father 1From
Nis Murderers.
A Macon, Ga., despatch says itglYless Lees.ae
Gossott, a girl of seventeen, was shot eo
death last 'Thursday night by her fear
cousins while defending her father. She
was engaged to marry one of the young -men
who aided in murderingher. J. C. Gossott,
the father of the murdered girl, is a planter.
On an adjoining farm lives his brother-in-
law, Edward Thomas, who has four sons.
He has had trouble for some time with tWO
of the Thomas boys, David 33. and Jake.
The four rode over to whip him on Thursday,
about dark, and had him down when his
daughter Lizzie, who had been out horse-
back riding, :lame up. Seeing four men
beating her father she sprang from her
horse, and grasping one of the assailants
by the collar threw him upon his back.
The flash of several pistols followed and the
girl fell, exclaiming: "Oh, Cousin Dave.
It was the bullet of Cousin Dave which has
killed nee." The murderers lied, leaving;
the girl and her father alone. During the
night hundreds of people gathered to aee
the dead body of the girl who had died in
defence of her father.
Youssg Wenn= of Prankish Disposition t
Caught at Ler Tricks.
A Norwalk, Come:, despatch says: For t
sense weeke past superstitious persons have i
said that an undertaker's store, owned by a
James D. Jennings, was haunted. They e
claim to have seen a. woman dressed in M
white moving a,bout inside the store after I
midnigbt. The police recently placed a s
watch on the store, and early on Saturday T
morning they were convinced that a woman t
was in the building. They demanded en- n
trance, and were admitted by Wm. Benton,
an employee of Jennings. He denied that a
woman had been in the store during the h
night, but upon searching the officers found
a young woman concealed in a handsome re
casket. She and Benton were placed under m
arrest, but were afterwards released. Ben- 1111
Reft.ieee Brin'ne Eel/Clete Or the Recent
Biota in China,
"SLAY eeleel
Advices by steamer from Hankow, China,
A:nett September 0th, say: "Tite st,amei.
iro''°l hsro
f'oglt,;,,thrio,abrwovoe4tY two-hday
A London cable ettys The National
League ef Greet 13ritain has Wiled the fol -
bowing manifesto "Six months ago the
members d this execative were appoiuted
by Me, Parnell to Advance the ()teem 01
Irish independence,in Greet Britian. Fight.
ing under many difficulties we held our
ground and rallied every Irislunau who
remained true to the principle for which oui
leader lived and died—the principle of an
independent Irish party and an independ-
ent Irish Parliament. Ireland has received
a blow by his death from which she will
not recover for a generation. When
O'Connell died all was chaos. A
Parliamentary party sprang up, but
failure and disgrace markee, its course.
Nothing was done for Ireland and
the name of Irish members became a by-
word. Fenianism arose and all eves
changed. Irish affairs absorbed attentioo
itt Parliament while Irishmen died for Ire-
land on the scaffold or perished in prison or
in exile. Something was then done—the
English State Church in Irelandelimppettred
and the first step was taken in tardy course
of legislation for the protection of the Irish
tenant. The power of Fenianism was for
the moment broken, but not until it had re-
vived the spirit of nabionaaity. Parliamen-
tary agitation followed the momentary sub-
sidence of the Fenian movement, and once
more failure marked its course. Then
Charles Stewart Parnell came and all was
changed. Rallying the forces of Irish
nationality everywhere, and combining revo-
lutionary action with constitutional agita-
tion, he fixed the attention of the
civilized world on the wrongs and miseries
of Ireland. English parties and English
leaders bowed before him. Tories vied with
Liberals to gain his support. Firm, inexor-
able, commanding the followers whom he
found a rabble and whom he made an army,
be dictated terms to the English Minister
and the Minister granted them.
In ten years he did more for Ireland than
had been done in a generation. Measure
after measure bearing his mark took its'
place on the statute book, and his work was
crowned when the Prime Minister of Eng-
land brought into Parliament a bill to estab-
lish an Irish Parliament
Ireland mourns over his grave. What is
the duty of those he has left behind? What
is the duty of those who followed him to
the last in the struggle for Irish freedom?
It has been said that we fought for a
man, net for a principle. It is not true.
We fought for the principle which the man
embodied. The man himself was
indeed, in principle, tho -principle
of self-reliance and independence which
nothing could sap. To that principle
we are staunch. It is now necessary for
the members of this organization to elect a
new President and a new Exebutive Corn-
mittee, and we invite the branches of
the National League of Great Britain
to take immediate steps to this end.
We urge our fellow -countrymen not to des-
pair if victory seems distant. We ask theiu
to take as their motto the last words of Mr.
Parnell to his ExecutiveCommittee : "Hold
on; fight on."
T. P. O'Connor, n an interview to -day
regarding the situation of Irish Parliamen-
eery affairs, said: "The strongest desire of
the majority is not to stand between the
nation and the restoration of unity. With
this object in view many meetings, includ-
ing the important convention which was to
have been held in Cork, have been postponed.
We desire to show our profound respect and
grief in the most emphatic manner." Con-
cerning the chances of a re -union of the
Irish parties, Mr. O'Connor said: " This
is not the best time to discuss this
question. It was anticipated from the first
that the vehemence of their grief over their
lost leader would lead Mr. Parnell's sup-
porters into a state of temper in which
reason is blinded by affection. They see in
the political opposition to Mr. Parnell
jealousy and private hatred. All that has
happened. has tended to realize this yiew
of the case, but I believe this stage of
unreason will pass away, while some
sorrow for the loss of Parnell will remain.
The decency mud order which prevailed
zt the vast funeral of yesterday, in spite of
he terrible appeals made to disosder and
assion, are welcome signs that the Irish
eople will be ready in due time to consider
he political situation calmly and to again
e united in a final struggle for their liber-
ies. There is no difference in political
rinciples. Both factions are convinced
hat the Irish party should be absolutely
ndependent of all English parties and
tatesmen, and that no Irish Nationalist
an accept place or pay from an English
inistry. Both factions desire to get for
reland a full 'and practicable measure of
elf -government, and will accept no other.
he so-called 1VIcCarthyites hold exactly
he same views politically as the Par-
Mr. Parnell's Parliamentary colleagues
ave issued the following manifesto :
Ireland has lost her leader; but her cause
mains. Our duty to the living and dead is to
aintain erect and unsullied the flag of national
tloeirecheannect You, bit
ao of (Titeg allagrttrae.
ton has fled the town. The young woman M
was taken to her residence by the police. It in
is seed that she was engaged to marry a re- n
speetable young man of this city.
e people Parnell entary colleagues the charge of your political
tercets and the honor 0,nd safety of the
ation al cause. You aslred us by constitutional
cans to restore prosperity, peace and freedom
our country; and animated by his spirit,
uided by his clear intelligence and firmness of
ul, we carried the cause to it point at which
o tower of victory coulci be seen by all men.
it in an unfortunate hour a majority of the
ish representatives, at the bidding of an
nglish statesman, broke our ranks, aban.
oiled the flag of independent opposition and
nged themselves as followers and satellites
that British statesman. We refused to be -
300,000,000 Heart Beats. so
The human heart is six inches in length, th
four inches m diameter and beats an aver- li
age of seventy times per minute, 4,200 times 11
an hour, 100,800 times per day and 3,681,- a
720 times per year. So in a life of eighty ee
years the heart beats 300,000,000 times. 1itt
A Wholesale Beater.
Talkative: Drummer (to stranger on train)
—What's your line?
Stranger --Brains
Drummer (thareastically)—Indeed how
do you sell eam.
Stranger -43y the case ; I'm a lawyer !—
me parties to the treason, relying upon the
ational convictien, and maintained intact the
allegiance to the independent national party
in the convention that the people would justify
and support us. The grept leader is dead but
the cause lives on. Relying on your devotion
Irish nationality, we propose to carry on the
'niggle until the principles for which he lived
and died triumph, and the national unity is
stoted. The Parliamentary party is pledged '
work for Ireland under the flag of an hide-
tident opposition, absolutely free fioni' ths.
titrol of any foreign power or party. This is
resolution; li, realization , depends upon ,
u. inVolves sacrifices and , straggles, and
e call upon you to make them.
True to ithe principle that we are the instrtt
onts of the people, we have teselved to call a
invention Of reprosentatiVes of Triebrnen te
85058 itt the name of the nation the nieans
hereby to carry out the policy and pro.
ammo he beeueethed in dying. To our ranks
. we shall welcome all honest Mon Who believe
that the political affairs of Iteland should bit
controlled and directed by the representatives
oftheIrish people alone, but With men who are
mediately responsible for the disraption Of
the nationalparty Who, in obedience to foreign
dietation, hounded to death the fotemest man
of out race, wo can have he fellowship.
A Siosple L'ona Solvent. yo It
Tint:taro .. 4 clans 7
• • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • . • nos m
Sol, antina, „ea-we...awe 4 drine
Also tisefutfor waste. di
—Pharmaceutica Att. le
Ile—What allowance do you think your
father ought to make us when we ate
married 1 She—Well, if he makes alloW-
Mee for yeur faults I think he will be doing
all that, can he expected of him.
• The liltripreee Frederick ems presented the
mess of the regiment of Pruseiau Missal -se of
which she is !moonily Celtenel, with a silver
adhere -piece, which erase $2,000, as it
mernorlal of ber reeent visit fee the bars -edits
De. Marty Walker will iibs 17 e sent
Wenn xot Sing REUNION.
A meeting of the National Club Was held
here this evening, The getestion of the
propeeed anion with the McCarthyites
came up for discussion, and after debate
reselutione denouncing Buell Innen were
to a lunate asylum, carried,
x.cept the clothes they wore at the begin-
iiing, of the outhreak. Several bore marks
of serious violence, The riot took place in
broad noonday without warning or printout -
eon. It was carried oat by it heneful of
naeo, evicleutly acting under orders, in the
presence of a number of Chinese officials,
who knew every one of the rioters. Their
mission of destruction was carried out with
the utmost speed. A crowd had collected,
and suddenly a rush was made for
it. house belonging to the American
Episcopal mission. The gate was
smashed in'and a man heading the
mob cried Sley the foreigners." The riot-
ers came in with a rush, and one aimed it
murderous blow with a shackle at Mr.
Sowerby. Mr. Sowerby disarmed this as-
sailant and ran for his life, reaching the con-
sulate. The American Mission House was
set on fire and the yamen and soldiers fell
back, neither civil nor military mandarins
makine any effort to protect the property.
The Ro.man Catholic convent was next fired,
aied the sisters. seven in number, barely
escaped to the river, where they were
thrown headlong down the steep bank by
soldiers. They were taken in a boat on
board the Paohua,' and were stoned by the
mob on shore. Several sisters were badly
injured by the missiles. It is thought a
nember of children in the convent were
burned to death, A mob armed with knivce
and axes rushed to the consulate, but did
not attack it. The house in which were Dr.
Pier and Rev. Mr. Deane, together with
several other buildings, was burned. Mr.
Rockburn's house was ruined and the new
13ritish consulate, in course of construction,
was torn down. Houses ' were looted, end
although no one was killed, several
attempts -were made to murder, and threats
were frequent. At the old consulate the
foreigners kept the rioters back with
bayonets. The leaders of th.e mob carried
gunpowder and kerosene with which to fire
the buildings.
In Mathew thingsare stirring again.
Yesterday thee was a gathering of the
antieforeign element, including a large
number of magistrates and official's. They
resolvecl that foreigners must be driven
immediately frorn the central provinces.
The missionaries at Wu Chang have re-
ceived threatening placards ordering_them
to lea
The '1
the sh
mialy1 k
os lfaTthvhee
As Owe advances the amount required be-
comee less but even at two years it ought
to deep 13 or 14 hours out of every 24.
There are more children who do not get
this amount of sleep than there are who do,
and yet it is absolutely essential to their
well being.
Mothers ought not, as a rule, to be obliged
to neglect either their infants or their other
important cares if they ere wise in their con-
duct and economize time. Very much, in-
deed, will depend upon the way they per-
form the first duties of motherhood. If they
devote themselves almost wholly to their
little ones, they must expect, for a year or
two, at least, to be martyrs to this mistake;
whereas, if the following rule be observed,
the management of healthy children, at
least, is not likely to prove a hardship : Do
not take up a baby unless it is absolutely
necessary, and return it to its crib at the
earliest moment.
In other words, a mother should hold her
infant iu her arms just as little as possible ;
and during the intervals between feeding,
washing, dressing and journeys out of doors,
the crib is the proper place for it. This
should be the rule in health. Of course no
line of conduct .can be marked out for a
mother when her baby is ill.
AA' k
OeBeribe::::"I'gr;t40100111 70.4n):171titeneiNesse
jolm Qmig, of Hamill:wi. eas received
e letter front her sea Iieure, Slated leilnee,
Voleano House, Wand of Avevaii,'Saildwieh
'gentle, 300 nab* Muth from H000hag,
olu'retthsiee s,eifcieCaoneiro,,u41,1101,00Loftell ;7,177(7:Ise: lheivgehl;
e yolcenio mountain, Auguet 9th, 1891.
Mr. Craig writes that he ie beeping to
build a large hotel, barne, selphur baths,
'etc., 30 miles from the coest s roads very'
bed, ceets $25,por 1,000 feet, to haul lumber,
freight from Reuel:Ala $e per el, and
the cost there is $22.50 to $4$ Per
I\�, malting it pretty expensive lumber.
Average cost $65 thoueend feet and the
building take e 135,000 feet besides tons of
other meterial. " This is the world-fanied
crater the largest aotive volcano in the
World and it's a grand eight. Ibis beyond de,
,scription ; youcannot describe it ; another.
thing it changes so, not as some people sup-
pose. The active volcano is not on the top.
of the mount although there • is one there
also which breaks out every few psalm. In
1886 it broke oat and the lava ran 30 miles,
to the sea,. It took nine mouths to get.
there, it filled up great gulches on its way,
but Hole Mauma is always (wave. On the,
side of the mountain is a, well say,table land,
just as though it had settled down then and
there. Then another, etc., one inside of
another till you come to what is called the
bed of the crater which is three miles across,.
nine miles around all black lave. About the
centre of this floor is the lake of fire 400 feet
down in a big basin about a mile acmes ate
the top tapered down to half -mile at the,
bottom where it is boiling and spurt-
ing away. It's terribly grand. just think
of a great cupula of iron in a.
stove foundry, only hundred timeetas large e
it seems to boil from one piece, about the.
centre—throws it up fifty feet at times,
then subsides for a few seconds, then up,
again. When it boils up it seems to run
the one way, and the noiee is just like the
breakers on a beach. It is worth a long
journey to see it. Five months ago there '
was a great cone inside of the hole, or
where the lake is now ; it was above the
level of the bank. When you got over to,
where eve look down at ib now, 400 feet,
yen had to go up forty feet to the big lake.
There were two smaller lakes also, and. the
fire was shooting out all through tke cone.
It was grand. One morning they—the
people at the hotel—missed the cone. You
count' sec it from the house. They went over
and where had been a mountain of fire the.
night before there was nothing but a great
nole 500 feet deep, with very little fire in
it. It did the earno seven years ago. The
fire kept getting larger and. larger until I
arrived two months ago. I looked, I saw,
dered. Five days after there was a .
commotion. I saw it during the
con; more steam and vapor. That
, we went over, and we saw—what ? the
lad risen a hundred feet or more, and
wice as large and active. It will keep
til it has a cone Op again. When it is
O fire breaks out through cracks all
be floor of the crater. .People go over
.imes, and cracke open up between
and the bank. It takes hours to get
sometimes all night, and such a walk
ava that cuts the shoes off your feet.
s only a few nigh is ago that a party
et, got off the treil and wandered'
d for three hours. A native mans
ng for us, that used to be a guide,
down and piloted. them out, The
was a new one. The 4th of July
we went over. Talk about fireworks!
eats Professor Hand's. It's won -
McKinley's Bill Reduced the" Quantity
Official returns show that the export of
barley from Canada during the year ending
30th June, 1891, WEIS 4,892,327 bushels,
against 9,975,911 bushels in 1890. In detail
the exports in 1891 were 13.%650 bushels to
Great Britain, 4,751,952 bushels to the
United States, 7,714 bushels to Newfound-
land. In 1890, 27,132 bushels were ex-
ported to England, 9,939,745 bushels to the
United States and 8,073 bushels to New-
foundland. The decline of 52 per cent in the
total export is due meinly to the increased
duty on barley in the United States last
fall, although the fact mustbe borne in mind
that the quantity of barley sown last
fall in anticipation of the increase
in the American tariff eonsiderably reduced
the quantity available for export On the
other hand a large increase is shown in the
pereentage of barley exported to Great
Britain, which recent exports indicate will
be greatly increased over last year's figures,
it result of this season's shipment of two -
rowed barley.
Not to Blame.
"Chappie told me he thought you laeked
TOpOSe,'' faid Maud.
" Well, it was his fettle," retotted
Eetelle. "If Chappie would go home at a
reasonable hour I'd get the repose I need."
A Sildin FJertie
worth ?"
"Tom," she aeked, " it this ting
" Well," he answered, "I paid $75 for
lb e aetttal worth probably $30 and 1 might
raise about $12 on It at my s.
The Emprepe Eogerde is staying ab Birk -
hall House in Abeedeeneleite, the tteual
etttunin residence of the biletietts � AThany.
tilie estate was botught far the PrIDOO of
Wales in 1850, and he afterwards sold it to
the 4fieori.
se Story of tice Gook Agent and the -
was summer, saws the Cincinnati Carn-
al Gmette ; he was a book agent ; the
door bell rang ; the ,kitchen girl
red the peal.
ood morning, ma'am."
the lady of the house in?"
"Sem is."
"Can I see her ?"
ou cam"
Both stand in motionless silence, expect-
antly. •
" You said I could see the lady of the:
" I did."
" Well, why don't t see the lady of the -
house, then ?'
" You see her."
Girl looks down.
Agent looks up paralyzed.
" Then I would like to see the personage,
who owns the prioperty."
" In Chicago."
"Then I want to ecu the man, woman,
child, lady, gentleman, dowager, old maid,.
bachelor or heir-at-law wbo rents this pro-
perty from the Chicago owner."
" Oh, you want to see the woman that.
assists me with the wink Way didn't you.
say so in the fleet pluese ? This vulgar care-
lessness in the nee of the word ie •
very aggravating."
Yes, 1 expeet ro—is she in ?"
" When will she bo in ?"
" Won't be in."
" Why not? Where is she ?"
"1 gave her it week's vacation to spend
with her hushand at Old Point Comfort, so's -
she could reel. up reedy for the fall house-
cleaning. You didn't think I was going, to
do it ail myself, did you ?"
The New Skirt -
There is e nesv kind of skirt for women,
which pobsesmis great advantage over all.'
others for oulkloor wear in that it is so con-
structed that it is imposgible for any partr
of the drapery to become disarranged. This
skirt is °specie -11y reuommended for cycling,
horseback riding and tennis. It opens by
mearee of a elle on each hip instead of at the
back. The openings are ornamented with
buttons, SO US to give the idea of pockets.
By being made in this way the skirt can be
no scant that tins is no portion of it left flye
ing to eateh in the machine or otherwise -
discommode the wea,rer.—N. E Advertiser.
She—You are very depreseed. I didn'
know you oared so mech for your uncle.
He—I didn't ; but 1 was the means
keeping him in an insane asylum the bite,
year of his life, and now that he has left nie,
all his money I've got to prove thee he was,
of sound mind.
et Was, by That Time.
Chicago Nem; "Well, said Chappie,
he and the elate of Skinabout paced the cle
the dily efter the greyhound sailedt "
do you think of Anterma ?"
"iLit'smotitioatij5oif,,eiglit," said the noble
Aii Indiene niivister tweeze be. his
The weekness censee him great distr
Ms conference has been asked to
ProsecutingAttorriey--.Areyou a
with the prisoner at the bat
ryrnan—Yes, sir. We form
the same ehttreh choir. Ite w,
Protiecuting Attorney (to the
We'll take this trams year
• (