HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-22, Page 1mro..,..... VOL, IV, �r,�,e+.�.riw,+il�uoAaVIfLSA71'L' i'v,v�wauw++wiaMlhlvW.+vvnvo,�m.wrm,�NaiemYM.i Fi+!d11W+nnnryiin. '.wnvww.a The a91a0 - - (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) • ?Pa tl i upCapital 000 Cp �2 , ,000; Rest' Fund. , 1000 000 Head o . lie d office Montreal. t tr real. ''. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., G'DNDRAL MANAGER, 111 lie ` arse o Farmer's i h it o dv ed to good o t their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cunt per annum. Exeter Brandi. Open every lawful clay from 10 a. m. to 3 p. Saturdays lO a.m. to 1 .&"generatbanking business transacted .'Four per cont, per annum allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Reoei•pts, Savings Bank at 3 per: cent• N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager. JIG OZeRtier AbrO-Cate) Is published. every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET; — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PTJ131.,ISTITNG COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION'. One Dollar per' annum if paid in Advance, t I.iti if' not so paid. Rates on S ppliee.- tiga;. No peeler alsoontintietl insets all arrearagos are ptaict. Adve2tiseulents without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for trans'eient advertisements inserter. for Tong periods. Every description of JOB PRIN'1.ING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- • ere, &c: for advertising, s ubseriptions, ete. to be lade payable to SaUders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Church Directory. TRIVITTMEeLOBIAt-Cr1tJItC r, --Rev, S..,F: Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a, m and 7 p. m, Sabbath School, 2.80 p. m, METHODIST CIIIIROII-James-st, Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sanday Serviees,10.00 u, m. and 6.80 p. m. Sabbath School, 2 p. in. MaIN STREET—Rev, W. McDonough, Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 10.50 a.m. and 11.80 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. y RRSRYTERIAB eJrr Qir(iH.—Rev, W. Martin,. Pastor. Sunday Services, it a. in. and 6.30 p. m.. Sabbath School: 9a8 a.m., Professional. Card s. mra H.KINSMAN,L.D.S,:@'auson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, ;MAIN STREET, :l1•1ET11R, extracts teeth without pain Away, at lfensall on 1st Friday; Zurich ch on ilsa Cast lhuon ynd rsdaylof each month. and (}'� H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to li. D. Billings. unite over O'Neil', Bank, Exeter, Ont. .A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Eine Gold 1111iugs as required. • B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PIHYSICIAN . and Surgeon,. Oiiiee and residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. ])R. J. A..1tOLL' INS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. JJJJ Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. LTeen. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF' the College of' Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouctr- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. DR. CROSKERY, Member Royal College Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians. Edinburgh; Member •College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crediton, Ont. 1R. T. A. A1vi0S, 11. D.; C. M , Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, •'0ntario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; 'licen- tiate of the l'ar'.ulty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow. Fellow of Trinity Medical ollege, 'Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowen's old stand. TNR. DAVID NIST EBLER, (UNIVERSITY YJ of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon,, etc. Having spent the winter of 1860-'87 in New York,•and the winter of 18147-'88 in Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, - CREDITON, ONT. BR. J. 11. McLELLAN, EMERE Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes -hes t8iaple andyTalbot Streets. Office c ar- LONDON, — ONTARIO• 'D 11, COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - All,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Over. Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. • 1 I. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .L4 .of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money t0 loan Office--Fanson's Block; Exeter. LLIOT & IO:LLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to login at6per cont. ' B. V.ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt - J . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of. Usborne Sales promptly attended to and termsreas On able.salcs arranged at Post office, Winchelsea. �,T, ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- 'ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on Sind Middlesex. Residence; :1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or othoi- wise `prom ptly attended to at reasonable prices. HOLT, Hhiva, Ontario. Licensed auet- ionoer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambt en, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to. BOSSENBEiIRY, Hensall Ontario, Lie- . eased, Auctioneer for the Countys o£ adroit and Perth. Oharges moderate and action gttaraanteed. . W, Ii'ARN i0Mli, Provincial. Land vevor' and Civil Engineer. Office, t Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont, 5.,7s1Lcu od Auctioneer for the Of Pinion, Sales Conducted on ems. Farm and Farm Steck a ill arrangements tan be grade r ''Sale. • , Once ' in Exeter Nortb, n e a6 Tex , new fifths acre of land. The in 1885. Good tenni; to t this ()Med, rl.r-t_ FARM D1 FOR SAL,, E .ETER, ONTARIO, TI URSI�AY OC:OB R.22, 1891. • North half of lot i, north boundary of Stephen,' in the _S0unty of Ninon, about LIq wiles west of Exeter, *Well is possessed of One of the best markets in V' stern Ontario. ,There aro first class out b\u4ldln0s, good frame dwelling, good orchard on the r premi- ses all well foueed and drtained.and is 1 first class state of' iniltkvation, t i Also;,west half of lot 0, north boundary of the aforesaid township, about 18 acres of good. hardwood bush, tho balance of which is good pasture lands, well fenced, with good. supply of water, Possession of both places immediately. I'or further particulars apply on the premises, or to hilt, Jolrx SwnoT, Exeter, Ont. ,$1 Beautiful Gold Watch nl Dean Bros,, of Montreal, are now offering t4 beautiful engraved or plait)„ ladies' or gents' size,filled case (nolci'Wattch foronly 1111100 to be paid tatter you have received it and have' given .it 50 days trial and fend it just what they represen t, It i8 a stem, wind stem set, fine movement, and warranted for over 10 years by the makers, and cannot be bought anywhere for loss than•SSJ.00 in any retail store. Doan Jiro,. do this to advertise their New Blood, Liver and Stomas!! Pil.h and consider that 520,000 a year spent in this way will clo more to advertise their business than any other method. Send them address on a post-oard,a(l,lrs.scd DEAN B1tOS Montreal, (rue—it, ttctd • COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfally used monthly by thaws ntds r;( LADES. Is the only perfeet ly safe and reliable rneclle- ine discovered. Beware of nupriLcipaeddrnggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ash for Cocnt'3 COTTON 1100' Colo O rD, tare tto 8ld%,s±tttatc; or. inclose 41 and 4 three -cent Can- ada postagestamps in letter and We will send, scaled, by return mall, lull sealed par- ticulars in plain cnvelbpc, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address Pond Q.ify 4.:omenpauy,No 3 Fisher Block, 181 Woodward ave., Doti oit Mich. ;resold 1 n EXE'PE1t 116 pre L u'z•s, ;} W. Bnoweirrc's and by 1x11 druggists every- where. Personantienticin. Mr. Jessie WTesteott, of Los Angles, Cal„ son of James ,Yestcott,formerly of this place, is visiting friends here and intends remaining here for the winter. -Mr. E. J. Spackman left for Toronto for the purpose of purchasing a full and complete line of winter supplies for his dry -goods department, --Mr. and 141,. McTavish, of Kincardine district have been visiting in town during the past week.—Miss RoSa Stephens, of London, is here on a short vacation with her mother, Mrs. Littlejohns.—Mr. Thomas Sweet, jr., who was here at tending the funeral of his uncle last week, returned to Blyth on Friday where he will remain for only a short time, as he intends pursuing his course of studies at the Ontario his College, Toronto, which opens shortly. —Mr Fred Farncombe returned here on Monday after being absent several days on e vacation in London and Stratford.—Mr, John T. Westcott Was in London last week, having been sum- moned their to give evidence in the North Middlesex election trial, --Mr. George Weir and son, of Ridg'etown, have been here during• the past week visiting relatives and friends. He is looking well and speaks highly of the section of country he has chosen for'his new home, --Mr. J. H. Grieve and wife, Mr. Frank Woods, Mrs. Joseph Senior and son, and Misses Nellie Senior and Eliza Woods spent Sunday in Seaforth. -M. W. L. Gundy was visiting his parents in Sarnia on Sunday returning here 00 Monday morning. -Mrs. John Darling has returned after spending a short vacation with relatives in Dur- haui,—Mr. Samuel Brock, Jr. after vie:- Mpg- is- titin g - relatives and friends in Bothwell g for sometime has Ageism returned to his dutiee, as shoemaker. with Mr. Geo. Manson.Messrs, George Ash and Geo. Freeman, of St. Marys, were the guests of Mr. A. J. McTavislton Sunday. --Mr Joseph Bawden, a former Exeter boy, bat now of London, was in town over Sunday. -114r. Samuel White, of Sea- forth, was'in tory, during Monday and Tuesda -�Mr. John Trick and a cl \\ tit,, Mr. JohcCuaGtle: \ wife and a ou left ori Saturday for Toronto where they intend making their f'atiire horse, -Mrs, Geo. Lyne left, c on�Tltesda` y • for 'Credi- ton where in neel-anteing to ds a few da •s S before returning to her home rn London:•• --Me, I. Bowerman has just returned if ter visiting his son Arnold who is prleticing dentistry ill W[scon- sin, Hestatcs'that he is l r ocat.d in a place of About 1500 p opulation and,• aze rnb With nitclrsuccess rn Jus !xis Mess, Mr Kenneth COoclm1111, Ilevising • of- fice!• for the Electoral. Distriet ef North Middlesex, of Parkhill, disposed of sonic thirty -pine cases of Compliments,: a.e cord.itlgto the, fCl,corial 1racliso A.ct ale Tuesday afternoon lastat'I'own Ball Exeter. The following' is the e r.;- 1, l c snit: -15 Conservatives out of 26 were allowed to remain-- 11 boiCi, l > struck oft'; 7 reforiner•,s out of 18, and 6 s eek tr olf. Thus a gain of 3ConserratIves. Sht000inng 1tf•atclL A pigeon shooting match will be held at the Metropolitan Heuse on Thursday November 120, (Thanl;s- giving Day). A good day for all sportsmen will be given, Further parr• ticulars lifter. Dashwood, The Foresters have secured a splen- did array of talent for their concert to be held in 11'illert's flan, Dashwood, 00 Tuesday Oct. 27th.. The Zurich Stein;•. Band has been engaged for the oc(:a ,fort. Popular prices of admission, adults 25 ere., children 15 cts, Concert to continence at 7.80 p m. Joseph Snell, chairman; John Hall, Secretary, Remember the date and come. Farquhar:, e following fall exhibits ns Mr. At the fo \ ul;, c 0 Simon Campbell was successful in ob tainiu;g the following prizes for, stock, At London 2nd for brood mare,' 2nd for two-year old, 2nd for.colt; Exeter, 1st for brood mare; 1st for 2-year•old, 3rd for 1 year old; Kirkton,, 1st for brood mare, 2nd for 2 year old, 2nd for 1•yr• cid and 3rd for foal. These were the only three exhibitions he attended, and each animal carried away a price •wherever shown. This speaks well for Mr. C's stock and should not be passed by without being noticed as his ani mals are of a superior quality and cle• serve a few words of praise. iiensall. Mr. George Mereven's new brick Mock is nearing completion, and will be occupied by A. W. King. Mr. J Mncarthur, banker, has been successful in bagging a number of ducks at Lake Smith this fall. Al- though there are not a large number Of birds there, the few he has secured speaks well of his marksmanship, Mr. May, of the Educational Depait inerlt, Toronto, inspected the Mechanics institute here a short time ago and was highly satisfied with its prosperity since its inception, and informed the directors that a grant of nearly $180 would be forthcoming, which Will be expended by the committee in library books. Staffa. Mr, Johnson, a teacher of Hay Town- ship and organizer for the Patrons of Industry, has succeeded in organizing a lodge in Cromarty of something over fifty membere. A number of young people from Staffa and vicinity attended a ball held iu Izzard's Hall, Cromarty, by the. base ball club of that hauntlet and report having spent an enjoyable time. • Mr. D. C. Dorrance, teacher of Cen- tralia has been engaged to take charge of S, S. No 3 of the township of Hibbert for the year 1892. Mr. Dorrance has taught with great success for a num- ber of years and the Trustees of No. 3 are to be congratulated on having sec- ured the services of such an efficient teacher. Goderich. Mr W. W. Ogilvie, senior proprietor of the Goderich Big Mill, returned to Montreal, Wednesday, from a visit to his grain elevators in Manitoba and was seen by a Fitness reporter. Mr. Ogilvie said that although the weather had been very unfavorable for thresh. ing, the farmer in Manitoba and the North,West would realize one half more good Hying wheat this year than last. He has already purchased twice as much wheat as he did up to date last year, the first cargo 30,000 bushels, having arrived in Montreal yesterday. During his stay he visited 32 of the 30 elevators owned by his company, travelling es far west as M.00somin; the boundary line between Manitoba and the North West Territories, about 250 miles west of Winnipeg. Clinton, PION:79IERL PASSED AWAY. -- The e Empire of Friday has an interesting account of the life of the bite Mrs. Mount ca tie who died inc s ClintonC Oetr 6, aged 87 years. The deceased and her late husband settled in Huron count,'y, about two mileswest of what is now Clinton, in 1832. For 'near] y. seven ears past she had been taite y P q helpless through the bureting of a blood vessel on the brain. In this state she retnaine.l nearly seven years, the helpless charge of her three unmarried g • b , 's d.r.urihtels, one, of whom is Clinton's well known artist and authore5o, Clara 1±. Mountcastle; Deceased was the NO 228 •.. .. �'..r.4f,Q rsm�.4v+,!...m�^mrf*mr®R^+mvv+fa..vrm,es=+!wi+;rm r�'Mmsa><++s+x,•virwKnr,.-�rrmr=��rp .:': mother ' of 12 children, Two were buried in the old country, one in Dull - (Jae, one in Clinton and three at the. old homestead. Five still survive, the rernainrn two'being i;r, Mr. bZoulltc;istle,, of Dull'erin:comity, and Mrs: Smelter of the 51llne place. Devoted to 1100)0, husband .land children Frances Daura Momiteastlo was one Whose name should be handed down in the ,n •L rials. of our country as a model' wife and mother. Ki> kaon. Mr G, L. Money has nuved into the residence later- purchased be Min from Mr, Jas, Were. Mr. Hngh Smith has rented the farm of Me.: George Stacey find wil1 take poseessiorl ,shortly. 11e311111 services have been in the Methodist church during- the past three weeks and are being attendedwith success, • - Mr. J. Taylor has moved into his new hotel and has fitted it up in modern style to meet the requirements of the public at large. Thu enormous crowds at tile fair who patronized the • house were Unanimous in the expression of their approval of. theestalailshrent and think a loop, felt Want is now supplier. The contractors for bbS erection of the building, Messrs. Ross grid Taylor, of Exeter, are to he congratulated upon their work and punctuality els also are •the sub contractors, Messrs. Somerville, Avery, Money and Moore. The build- ing was erected and eempleted wholly within a few days over'•two months, it ,being occupied justlthree months after date of commenomgo destroy the old building. St. Marys. The death of the oldest settler on the Mitchell Road, Blaushard, occurred at St. Marys Tuesday morning in the person •of Mr•. Thomas Armstrong. De ceased had suffered from paralysis for about a year, haying sustained a third stroke lastsammer. since which time he has been helpless, ; end his demise was not unexpected. He was aged 74 years, and came to this country from County Fermanagh, in the north' of Ireland, in 1852, taking up his resi deuce in the wilderness about five utiles from where the town of St Marys is -noav locates; .Fere he remained un- til:seeniears'si� fee, when lie removed to St. M.',t`rys to spend the remainder of his days: He was married in 1846 to Miss Clarinda Sperling, and nine children, three sons and six daughters, together with his life partner, survive him Two of the sons are Messrs. C. B, and George Armstrong, of London. A brother ,and sister, aged 76 and SO years respectively, the former residing in Blanshardarld the .latter •in Iowa, are both living. The deceased was a prominent Methodist, having been a local preacher for some thirty-six years. Clandeboye, A .well attended harvest home festi- val was held in Clandeboye Methodist church on the evening of the 16th inst. Appropriate addresses were delivered by Ilevs Henderson (The Pastor) Rus- sell and Allen, The interior was de- corated after the prevailing fashion 'and the evening pleasantly passed. Early Tuesday morning of last week au incendiary fire occurred on con. 2 of McGillivray, by which the extensive barns',' stables and sheds of Mr, Arte - mus Lice, together with the entire crop of 200 acres and a thoroughbred Durham bull, were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $2,500; insured for about $1,800 in the McGillivray Town- ship Insurance Company. • One morning recently :Mr. Joseph Simpson, a resident of McGillivray township, a short distance) from Clan- deboye, discovered that during the night previous a hive of bees bad been taken from his yard, and later in the clay found it -in a secluded place wrap Ped round with a coat, suggesti ng the idea the inhabitants hard becomc troublesome, and that it would have• been celled for later on with better gleans of removal. Seyer•al grain thefts have occurred during the past few nights in the neighborhood, Mr. Junes Curtis, of the 2nd concession, 14cCllryray, estirnating his loss at some. 25 bushels of wheat, while Mr. Geo, MaFarlaine, of 4th concession; is reported to have lost' an entire load which he had cleaned and' ba°'ged ready for market, Centralia. rn' Threshin is the order of the (lay. h y Many of our farmers' aro now housing their roots. Boys,you should not let straw:sere 3 h come into our midst and take away J the blooming belles of our village. A. r, p preciate what you have, and keep them here, • { , to The I'ores,crS are increasing in q e g rrrtmter in our ledge, Centralia should have one of the best courts in the NOW is the titno to join country. N join, the &oat is not at all vielous, Tnoetor T visited s, our schoo last n spGek ,a;nd exompressed Himself well pleased at the progress of our pl As rumors f c `' o .its ontert ti i• • r r actions of our 'I' •1 r lstees',h;avc' !leer tt flying late! a notice ill given : y b• ,Ya \ �,l,ei mit in school for a meeting of ratepayers to meet in'Se eol.lions Friday even - ing last, for the purpose of ciscussing matters, which they did, a large num ber attending' after a Chairman and Secretary were. appointed. The quest- ions at issue were discussed sheering where the faults 1ay. The following Resolution moved by Mr. Wm, Baker, seconded by- Mr. Flank Hicks,'ResDl\ '- ed,that this meeting appreciate and endorse our teacher, Mr. Dorracco,' not only as a teacher but 118 0 man since taking charge of our school. The resolution was carried Llrlaninlously, not a dissenting vote. Mr. Dorraucc thanked the meeting, when it adjourn- ed, djourned. The -ratepa3ers feeling satisfied that ' the school was in good hands, and the teacher is doing his duty tonscien tionslessly without fear or favor to anybody, Blyth. On Saturday the threee 111e11 whom Constable Davies arrested 0 short time ago, on supposition of attempting' to hreek into Metcalf's jewellery store, were brought before the judge and acquitted, They returned to town the same evening but only stopped' a short time. We are pleased to hear that our townsman, Sir. Thos, Thompson, who has been working on this section of G. W. R. for several years, has been promoted to be boss ou this same sect- ion. Tom's steadiness and untiring energy is worthy of the promotion which he has obtained. A meeting of the Liberal Conserva- tive association of this burg was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening and delegates were appointed to the East Huron. Convention to he held in. Brussels on Saturday, also other important business is to be brought before the meeting. All those interested were cordially ine'ired to at- tend. The Trustees of S. S. No. 2, Hallett, (near the cemetery) have shown their a.ppreeiation of the services of their excellent teacher, Miss McCallum, by increasing her salary $25 for next y ear, making it $100; this is the second increase that the board has given 'her, eo they are bound to keep her—unless some young man files claim papers. The trustees of Blyth Public School have made a conditional offer. to Mr. A. H. Plummer (son of Mr. S Plummer) to accept the headmastership next year: he has not decided as to what he will do, but should he accept; Hullett will lose a first class teacher, and Blyth will be the gainer, He has given extra good satisfaction where he is, and per sonal acquaintance with hirn enables us to testify as to his excellent social and other qualities. Eden. FooTBALL.—According to arrange- ments made some time ago, our foot- ball team went to Lucan on Saturday last to play the team of that town for a silver cup given by J. D. McColl, of Lucan. It will be remembered it was at one time announced that this game should take place on Saturday, Oct. 3, but on account of the Lucan boys be- ing suddenly seized with a serious ill ness called "fear," Mr. McColl was obliged to postpone the game until they regained strength and courage. Hence it came about that the game was arranged for last Saturday, but alas! when onr boys arrived in the town they found that their courage had again deserted then and that the prospects of -a game were but slight However, upon .itlterviewin the] cap tain (who, by the way, is now a resi- dent of London) he assured us that he hast somewhat revived the hopes of his team by bringing with him from Lon- don a detachment of players selected from the difti;rent city clubs. This was all very fine as far as it went, but really it did not speak very highly for the abilities of the Lucan football club, It is not a very usual thing for a flourishing; town like Lucan, to. pretend' to Support a football club to act as spectators, while hired players are en- deavoring to wile honors for them, Neyertheless this was the true situat- ion of affairs—there were the regular Lucan players standing among the spectators to witness the game -- width however did not happen to tale place. As our capts in pointed out to them, it was a contest between our team and Lucan as to which should have the prize; and not between our team and a team frons Lucan, and London combined. He also challenged the LUeau team over and over again to play for the cup, and oven offered after playing for the prize with Lucas, to play theircombitiatiotl tenni for any prize or amount they wished to name. Mn J. D. McColl also very properly pointed out to the Liman captain that this was by no means a Lucas team and that if he did not get : his Lucan Men to play, the prize certainly be- longed to the Aden ream, which finally waS the case,. All efforts to mallet he Lucan team to play were i11 Yain—it was impossible to burst the Lucas and London `e0 lel' tl I mta a o r, They did not care to play vherthey were sure of defeat.i They were not in it and they ,. r.. knew t,tlu.y would not talar„ they didn't ,` lllaiy; they lost the cup; the .. Eden bays got it, Theregular Edon t tear!! has never h }t,,., a lGVGr lase a cup yet, hat the Lucan team h.is , and. ihev Iv4iuted this cup,:.... as the didn tlleatc won yono 5 r l>y otir team in Ailsa Craig—without playing for it. In fact that is the only way they can. get one. This is the second Silver Cup' our club has \w011 this season, and con- teary to the expectations of some they are net yet disbanded, but are yet in playing condition, and ready :to gleet any amateur : team i11 the surruuncling district; A Murderer's OOntesSiioli1. 'William Cpy confessed on October 20th, to the murder of. John Whalen, whose body was found buried on the mountain. side at SV isiling10n, :47+4ass, last Tuesday. He says he leerned on Saturday, August 29th, that Whalen had 131011 tied nt elopement with Mrs. Coy. When he reached home tato Sat urday night Whalen was absent, He went into the house tel get a lantern. 1171d started to hunt Whalen up, He could find no trace of him, and return- ed to the house girl found Whaler's trunk standing in his room. He broke it open and found iris wife's clothing packed in it. While examining the trunk Whalen came in. This was be- tween two and three o'clock in the morning. Whalen asked Coy what he was doing, and a quarrel followed. Ac- cording to Coy's story Whalen .stepped outside and returned with an axe and club, and then strnck Coy with his fists, knocking him into a corner. Whalen then seized the axe and struck twice at Coy, who grappled with him and after a hard struggle succeeded ir1 getting possession of the axe. Whalen then seized the club, and, as he tried to strike.Coy, the latter struck him with the axe, smashing in his skull. Whalen fell dead. Coy filially took tee axe and cut Whalen's throat to make sure of his death, then dragged the body into the yard and left it while he cut the bloody pieces out of the carpet and bedding and burned them. He then went into the yard and. cut the legs from «patens body with the axe. and carried the remains up to the mountain and buried them. Coy -says he killed Whalen in self defence and exunerates Joe Kelly and Mrs. Coy saying they knew nothing about the crime. When asked about °ho -es he came to have so much money immed- iately after Whalen's disappearance, he became reticent, but finally said. Whalen gave it to him in consideration of his saying nothing about his (Wha- len's) intimacy with Mrs. Coy. I3J1.1311L:'v. BRAUND.—In Exeter, on the 19th inst., the wife of John Braund, of a daughter. SKINNER.—In Elimville, on the 16th inst., the wife of William. -Skinner, of a son. l)1l;14.T319. STtysoet.—In Usborne, on the 20th inst,, Sarah Stinson, (relict of the late William Stinson,) aged 74 years and 4 months. BRAUND.—In Exeter, 011 the 19th inst., infant daughter of John Braund. thiottDtlAGES. BRITTON—STARK—In' Hensall, on the 14th inst., by the Rev, ,T, S. Ilen- derson, Miss Stark, of Hensall, to Mr. Britton, of Iona, BISSDTT—TAYLOR.—In Exeter, on the 20th inst., at the James St. Church parsonage, by the Rev. A L Rus sell, Mr. Thomas Bissett, Sr,; to Mrs. Annie Tavlo 11 e Exeter WHAT DOES IT D:IEAN? "100 Doses One Dollar means simp- ly im - p 1y that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most economical medicine to buy, because it ,gives more for the money than any- other preparation, Ealc11 bottle con- tains .100 doses and will ayera,ge to last a month, while other preparations,. taken according to directions,are gone in a week. Therefore be 'stare to get Mood's Sareaparilla, the best blood purifier. There was a narrow 0Seape from it serious accident on Saturday morning near Homol a, where the a r R, crosses the G. T, R. tract'. The ' limited ex- presses eastof ech„dine aaro .,, due t01 iaSS ,,:' this point about the same hour, but the air brakes of the C. P. R. train failed to operate, and the interlocking switch threw engine, tender and lieges- age e g s- L]M age ear off the track. The Grand Trunk train was close by when the other left the r rails, The accident caused a delay of six hours to the 0. R. epl•ess. P.