HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-15, Page 8�mp,gawex!Aa�M•4?!ncxw,r.
, 7 ietu es
'lays S.1 Polish 1 id, tt,s
Beads Shoe
Dolls A'taLte1i Safas.
Mugs Needles
Balls IL Pine
Purses Thimbles
L. Pencils ButtotlsA;ate
liroaeltes " ['earl
W. Chains Handkerchief
Cups Towels
Toy Books Neckties
Knives Pans
M. Organs Splasiiers
Whisks T. 'elate•
Soups Bills
N. Bribes Tin Pails
"i'in Steepers
Clothes " T. P. Stands
Blaelk'g " Comb Cases
Store •" Dust Pans
Tooth " Pie Plates
Combs Trays
Toy Brooms Goblets
Spice Jere
Salts bed
S, Drivers
P, Cord
0, 0peaors
C. Tongs
F. Shovels
S. Lifter
P. Mashers
Toast Forks
Egg Beaters.
C. Punters
L, Squeezer
C. Screws
S. Ladles
Why is the Bis. Bankrupt store daily
crowded with eager and delighted buy
Get lour stoelr:ing yarn, single, 2 or
at li •.
. t the�,t ll' elle l ] s
al at Exeter a � k
Boys, buy pate' overcoat ttnd, suit at
the Big lanikrupt Store, and try- and
win Beatay. •
of so much stir, others say its the
special values we are offering in Flue
Dry Goods. Which is it? Colne and
,fudge for yourself.
Dress Goods, Dress Goods.
Yes we have Dress goods in such pro
fusion that ladies going through our
stock are amazed and wonder what we
are, going to do with so ranch of what
is lovely and beautiful. Why we are
going to sell them to bo sure. Price
will do it, and our prices this season
are away below low water mark.
Follow close after Dress Goods. Are.
we still leading the trade in mantle
and ulster goods! Yes, oh yes. When
we don't lead then we are out of the
race. We never stop long enough to
loose the lead. Our motto is: Best Goods
Lowest prices and Biggest trade, oh
yes and biggest stock too.
Sealettes, Sealettes.
Wehave sold an immense lot al-
ready but still have a good assortment
left, see thecrt soon, for some of thebest
lines we can't repeat. Don't forget
that you, have a chance of winning
Beauty with every $4.00 purchase.
Now fors the Conditions on which
Beauty is to be given away.
There is in our window a glass jar
containing a number of buttons, the num-
ber islink own to any perso n, the guarantee
of which appears below. With every pur-
chase of$4.0oyou. are entitled to one guess at
the number of Buttons in the Jrta,, wit1t a
purchase of $SOU" two guesses and so on.
In ont oilice will be kept a Book whereyou
will register your name and your guess.
The contest to close at 6 o'clock on NewYear
Eve. when the jar will be opened and the
Buttons counted by disinterested and res-
ponsible parties, and the person who has
guessed the cornet or nearest to the correct
number of Buttons will then. become the
owner of Beauty, should there be aa, tie then
the first who has registeredthe correctnum-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
number of buttons in the jar in the
window of the Big Bankrupt Store
is unknown to any person, as they
were placed there by us and _ the
' jar sealed in our presence.
B. S. O'Nexe,
Signed 1 R. I
. Corr,rzSs.
s14 rlmm Stewaxt.,
Dealer in l3anlrupt Sto el,-,
For a fine black: suit try J. H. Grieve
lEferchant Tailor.
Yarn only 10 cents per .skein at the
Exeter Woollen 'Mills,
For the best value in tea you mnst
go to the Big Bankrupt Store.
Now is the time to get your steeling
earn at the Eeeter Woollen Mills.
If you want afirst clams farm on.easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter.
Extra 2 ply fine yarn only 10 cents
per skein at the Exeter Woolen Mille.
Hemp carpets and floor oil cloths
cheap and good at the Big Bankrupt
Don't forget to4call and see J. H.
Grieve's 810 overcoats before parches -
Can't do better than leave your old.
er for suits and overcoats at the 131g
Bankrupt Store.
W. T, Acheson and W, G. Bissett
acted asjudges on stock at the. West
McGillivrayfit on
TheI • ,t
,.te PlO c rch Sura tool,: o3. pa Irt in a
concert at Mack's Corners, West ide
(aallivray on Tuesday evening,.
The worst lases of scrofula sant
rheum, and other diseases of the blood,
are cured by Hood's Snrsaparilht,.
The residence, of DrT7 -adman Hur-
r -on street, has just received a coat of
p, •let on the outside, from the hands of
kir. David Spicer, which adds greatly
to its appeantece.
The season for catelting'salmon trout
and white fish has beau extended this
year from October 15th to Oetober $lst.
\7tCtoi t i Carbolic Salve is a s ender
fill healing' compound for cuts, wounds;
braises, btuns, scalds, boils, piles,' pimp,
les, �c,
Defaulters who are seeking a hole
to crawl out of Should head for the St,
Clair Tunnel, which leads to the Uni-
ted States.
Milburn's Aromatic; Quinine Wine
fortifies the system against attacks of
ague, chills, bilious fever, duinb ague
and filo troubles,
The ADVOOaTE will be sent to any
address for the balance of the year 1.891
for 20 cents,' paid in advance. V Now is
the time to subscribe.
Who is going to win Beauty?Re-
Member that with every purchase of
$400 you have a chance of Beauty, at
the Digs Bankrupt Store.
Now is the time to subscribe for the
Aevoceere You con have it sent to
any friend in Canada or the United
from now until Jan. lst, for only 20
All parties deeding sale bills will
find it to their advantage to give the
a•ADVOOAT D" office a call, and you will
receive satisfaction for leaving your
order. Give us a call.
The chattels belonging to 11Ir, Fred
Griffin were sold on Tuesday afternoon
by Mr. John Gill, As the attendance
of buyers was not large they brought
exceptionally low figures.
Mr. H. Hooper having disposed of
his brick residence on. William st. to
Mr. Thomas May., has began. making
preparations to remodel the dwelling
house on the Elsson estate.
The Rev. Mr. Redmond, of Crediton
occupied the pulpit of the James St,
Church on Sunday last. The attend-
ance at both services were fair and the
sermons of an impressive nature.
During the past week there has been
a. great rattle with stoves and stove-
pipes in our little burg, and as a re-
minder of "winter is corning," they
have thought it best to prepare for the
cold blast.
W. II. Hutchins, M. P. for north Mid-
dlesex, was examined before Col Mac-
beth yesterday morning in the petition
against his election. G. C• Gibbins Q. C.
and W. MMcDiarmaial represented the
petitioner, and T. G. Meredith the re-
A sprig of rasberry bush was hand-
ed us on Monday, grown by Mr. H.
Glanville, which contained over fifty
berries and a nrnber of blossoms Sev-
eral of the berries being ripe and of
large size. This is rare for this period
of the year.
Do you require anything in Woollen
goods? If so, call at the Exeter Woollen
Mills, and they will be able to supply.
you with blankets, sheeting, yarns,
tweeds, flannels, underclothing; &e., of
the very best quality, and at the low-
est possible prices.
Contractor Hardy is making good
progress with the bridge over the Malt
land just south of the town. It wilt
not be long before teams will be pass
ing over it, instead o! driving through
the field and over a temporary bridge.
Win gham "Advance"
During the past week Mr. Alf. Ten-
nant., V. S. has had the misfortune of
loosing a valuable mare and colt. Mr.
Tennant refused $400 for this animal
only a few weeks ago, thinking at the
tinge she was worth more money, so
that his loss of both will aggregate a
nice little sum.
An entertainmeet under tiro auspices
of the Ladies Guild of the itr *iGt Mex
mortal church will be given in the
Town Hall, Exeter, 011 rih.inli.giiag
Day, Nov, 5th, when a good. time may
be eineeted,
xlohti , •a onour• t nd
most L ToolespeetedEsqcitizeeofns passe dOldesawaay
yesterday (Wednesday) Oct, 14, at the
advanced ape of 80 years. The infirm -
hies of old ape were the cause of death.
His remains \vier, be interred 'in the
Exeter cemetery on Friday at 2 o'imocl ,
Sunday next being the day appoint-`
ed by his grace the Archbishop of Can-
terbury, as a time of special, interces-
sion for Sunday St irool, in accordance
witri the pastoral of tire Bishop of
Huron, the sermons and service in the
Trivitt Memorial, Church wirer be ap-
propriate to the occassiou The pastor'
at, asps the Ceergy to : ray before the
peopce the need and wore. of Sunday
Schools and the duty of all the young.
It is legal in Canada to advertise the
sale of au account against t delinqu
ent debtor, no matter if it is done tu
injure the credit aucl reputation of the
debtor. Justice Rose, of Kingston, Ont
has decided that an account against 'a
debtor is the property of the creditor to
dispose of as he pleases. If the credi-
tor chooses to sell it and announces his
intention of doing so in terms that
imply that the debtor could pee if he
chose, the creditor does not exceee his
legal rights, and the debtor has no le-
gal redress for any injury such public
notice may have caused him•
A. telephone across the Atlantic has
long been talked abont as: a future.
achievement of electrical science. Now
it is regarded as within the region of
possibility. It is even asserted, on
what appears good authority, that a
telephone cable can be laid at less cost.
and worked more cheaply than the
telegraph cable. A=phiu is also said to
be raider consideration for laying such
cables to Englund, and is being figured
on by capitalists. In these days any-
thing seams possible to science and
ulottev, and nobody would be astonish-
ed were a telephone cable to be put in
operation within a year.
SV aptea-
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing: to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Thanksgiving Day Nov.Il2t1,
A proclamation will be issued, this
week eujoining Canadians to observe
Thursday November 12th as a day of
Thanksgiving and declaring that day
to be a public. holiday.
To Correspondents,
We will be pleased to hearfrom some
of you a little more regularly in fut-
ure.—People like, to read the district
news items every week, and the oftener
you write the easier the work becomes.
Mr, William Balkwill shipped a car-
load of cattle to Toronto on Tfa+tirsct'l.,:y
last week, -Mr. Thomasriot also
shipped one carload of cattle', one
of hoto the same peace and on the
same date.
Budden Death
A very sudden and unexpected death
occurred on•Lot E, Concession 9, Town
ship of Usborne, between the hours of
six and seven yesterday• (Wednesday)
horning, the person in question being
t'h William Broek. It appears he re-
tired the night previous in Good health
and slept sound until! his wife arose in
the mornitiG when he expressed a wish
of remaininG in bed for awhile. Mrs.
Broca left the room and returned twain
within half an hour; findiict him, as she
thouGht, sleepinG, and riot wishinG to
molest him left the room, but on return
inc the neat limo was horrified to find
him dead. Deceased worked the day
previous and shswed no sirens of til
health, He was 68 years, 6 months and
20 days of are. Itis remains will be in-
terred in the Zion cemetery to=morrow
Canadian Older Chosen Friends.
The telephone wire,near Rodgerville:
was severed. in two last week by some
evil disposed person or persons. The
damage was done in about the centre.
between two poles, but how they man-
aged to reach the wire still remains a
inystiy, nothing being left to show how
they had accomplished their task.
Mr. George Heitman, brick layer, has
accepted the contract of erecting 9
large stores in the town of Wingham.
It will take about 100,000 brick to corn.
plete the edifices all of which must be
finished this fill. He intends common-
eing work at once and is busily en
gaged looking for men to assist him in
Itis undertaking.
We have had on exhibition in our
window this week a large cucumber:
grown h -y Mr Win. Dearing, of Step-
hen, which measures 19i inches from
tip to tip, 12 inches in circumference
and weighs 5 ;be 1k ozs. He states that
the vines from which it was taken have
trade the largest:yieids he ever 'wit-
nessed, several others being nearly the
same size.
On Suniiay morning early some un-
known person or persons effected en-
trance to the cellar of the Mansion
Rouse and nineteen bottles cf the best
co,niac brandy were taken away. Mr.
Leathorn,the proprietor, says the party
or parties must have a particular lik-
ing' for cogniac, or else observed the
maxim 'Don't mix drinks," as a large
quantity of other liquors were in the
cellar untouched. No clue to the per-
On Saturday last week while, Mr.
Thos. Sweet was busily engaged cut -
rine underbrush on his farm situated
near Sodom he, receivedLv
l in ugly
wound on his•left foot from a large tin-
der bruslnng hoot which he was using;
at the time. Flavin„ raised the tool he
was in the act of letting' it fallwhen it
became entangled with some of the
suerounding bushes and fell across Itis
icft foot cutting' the
Shoe and two of
his toes, a lengthy ;rash, Although his
wounds are not of a dangerous nature
some time will elapse before they will
be properly ]sealed,
`orso>!>EAI 19k cu>tLon.
A• Robe Leatholt, better known a
arrived le from the Old
autttry on Vriday last, Ho reports of
laving had a pleasant voyage and a
necessful sale of his horses and eattle.
--AIF. E. G. Cosh has rctttriied to (x itu.
moque.—Miss Bella Acheson returned
rota Sarnia; last week where; she had
been visiting friends.—Messrs Fred
Suie'ht and Fred Parne,ombe were in
Merton. onThursdtv'evenint' talcie°.
tarts in, the concert given under the
Guild. of the church. -Miss Mary Ann
Tom, daughter of J. Tem left ort Tues -
lay for Shelbyville, 111., where she irt-
endsientatnirii, with her sister, Mrs,
Wm. Sweet, for some time. --Hr. Henry
Mills of Kirkton, has secured a situat-
sonas shoemaker with Mr. Geo, Monson
and began his duties on Tuesday.—
Messrs, John [fall, W. B Spicer and J.
Andtews,who have been in the North
Serest during the past summer return-
ed to their respective homes near Elim
vale, on Monday evening,—Mr, A. J.
Metas*ish, Miss Held ish and Miss Col-
ley, were visiting relatives and friends
in St. Marys on Sunday. -Mr. Joe.
Ralph left for Parkhill on Wednesday
morning with "Torn Burk" to take
part in the postponed trotting race on
Friday,—We are pleased to state that
we have with us this week a former
Exeter gentleman in the person of Mi
Andrew Boyd, who has been
absent from here for seeceal
years. He is looking well ands.ppears
to be enjoyintg the pleasures of this
world, and when absent from us is li y-
ing iu the City of Montreal.
Goue to Reit.
On Tuesday as the moments of .time.
were flying by death relieved another
sufferer from the toils of this world to
those' bright mansions above where
parting is no more. In writing this
tribute to the 'memory of Mr. John
Sweet there are many pleasant recol-
lections brought to mind of.him who
has just passed away on the 12th inst.
He was born in Devonshire, England,
and emigrated to this country when a
boy of 7 years old: After living With
his parents on the old homestead south
of the village for a number of years he
choose for himself a partner to share
his trials, and went to live on a farm
1i miles west of this village, on Lake
Road. During the hardships of pioneer
life they succeeded in making for them
selves a: comfortable home,and a family
of six children was born to them and
all are living As well as being a till-
er of` the soiliMr. Sweet followed fram-
ing, for a number of years and superor-
ity of his work speaks for itself at the
present day. In seetarian affairs he
was a Methodist, and a member of the
Main-st. Methodist church, r,• pile his pol-
itical belief was Reform, although ex-
pressing his views on many questions,
took an independent stand. During his
life he made many warm friends who
are grieved to hear of his demise. As
he was always a kind and loving father
the bereayedwidow and family are sor-
rowfully grieved over the sad occur-
rence. For some time past he has been
troubled with a. cancer in the stomach
and medical skill could give him no re-
lief, and toward the last it was difficult
to take even liquid nourishment. The
remains were takers from his late resi-
deuce. Huron street, ou Wedteesday and
interred in the Exeter cemetery. We
join with the bereaved family in this
their irretrievable loss of a true hus-
band and a fond fattier.
Exeter Council, No, 94, of the above
Order was instituted on Wednesday
evening, Oct. 7th, by the Grand Organ-
izer Mr. S F. Hill, ofBowmanville, Ont.,
with seventeen Charter applicants:
The followhig officers were elected <and
Past Councillor Friend J.P. Ross.
" Rev. Wm Martin
Vice " 44Recorder I= Senior
" Mrs. T. A.'Brown
Treasurer " Thos, Fitton
Prolate " T. A. Brown
dtar•shall " 4!J. H. Greive
%ZTarcleri R• IMuir
Guard E. Christie
Sentry i6 J. P. Ross
Med. Examiner " Dr. Amos
Trustees " J. Senior, T. A.
Brown, and R. Muir. Council then
closed until Wednesday Oct. 14. All
who apply then will be still admitted
as charter members.
Relation by 'Marriage.
We have been handed the following,
A gentleman who is 'somewhat puzzled
by nupital tie, thus endeavors to ex-
plain it. "I married a woman who had
a grown up daughter; my father visit-
ed our horne very often and fell in love
with my step daughter and married
her, So my father became my son -in
law, and his stepdaughter his mother;
because she was my father's wife Some
time afterwards my wife had a son and
lin was my fathci's brother•in•law, and
s the.brother of m
uncle, forhey
step de lighter. My, father's wife„:. e.,
my step daughter, had also a son, he,
was of course my brother, and in the
meanzirno my grandchild, for he was
the son of my daughter. My wife was
my •randrnother; because she was my
mother's mother, 1 was my wife's bus-
r • time
d tr
it • t the same
b tnd land „ral.dc•h d .r
'and as the husband of a person's grand
mother is his ;grandfather, 1 was my
own grandfather."
Liniment will relieve the painful tort-
ure of Rheumatism in the joints or
muscles. It should be well rubbed in
with the hand, and the part covered
with a piece of flannel- The pain will
cease with the first atpplication, and its
continued use will e` -feet a marvelous
cure. This remedy needs but a trial
to convince the most si.eptid:al that it
is a wonderful preparation: Sold be
all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark
Chemical Co., Toronto, New York.
Are You Dear.
Or do you suffer from noises in the hoard
Then send R cant stamp and t will send a vol
cable treatise containing fall part ion tars for
1±0 inc euro which Cests comparatively noth-
ing. elsplendid work on deafao,s and the
ear. Address Pit05'. G. CfIA,bii, Atontreal.
216-11 t
NOW IS TEE `lnilie�E TO
3,ollJ.eo WOTL
11 you want a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c., call.
and see our big stock.
Lugoll in TOWS Lo
E. J. SP,t�C
- KM
ER i
Our STO K is large; Our;COOD new;
Our I S Sow.
We make a business of making
Bargains in Dry. Goods, GIQC'O'era, Eats, Caps, Boots
Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings, Goods
Notions, &o.
The latest in VL E the finest i11 QuALITYs
and the ttn s
> Zoat ill VARIETY have been. combined in us
in one mighty effort for trade.
We are no rakers neither do we Dropose to do a rake
business an order to gain custom.
We call a dollar a dollar and not ninety-nine cents. Our
goods are all marked in
And you m-ty depend[ that our prices are right. Ota: fi4l:
and -lifter offerings will not and cannot be surpassed
to the caatrary. Thera is a limit' below which honest goo
cannot be sold. We l dace our p
i ices at the low water mark
for, safe and reliable gaols, Inspect us, criticise us, know us
and you Will find that w e save you dollars.
CA '.. LI
and surrounding country.
Having purchased the Stock of William
Folland and engaged his services to conduct
and carry on
The Tinsmithing Business
I am,now prepared to execute work on the
shortest notice and at
11 contracts made by him will be strict-
ti.•ict-adhere l to, but all payments must be made
through the shop or to the proprietor.
All arsons at the shop
receiving goods
will b3 held responsible for the same; except-
in2,- written order signed bythe proprietor.
Y ,-� P p
WI. mammy
When I say I care I do not mean merely. to stop them
for a time emlthen have them return ngpa n, I mean'
mdic,leute. 'I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP.
SY or Pitzsiv i SICKNESS :a life-long stn< y. I, warrant
my remedy' to cure time worst' cases. Because others have
iaerm Is no mown for not MAY i ccelvii a cure. Send at
encs' for s. treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible
remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST -OFFICE.
H d. Floor, .G. 186 ADELAIDE Si-.
sms—TYP �'.,Oausms
from which. this paper is printed
was supplied by the
Dealers in. type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies.
SO& 82 Wellington St. west
Exeter 1 R0"Mills,Roller a
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0,95 per bush
Oar Selling Prices..
Flours strong bakers', $100per 100
best family, 2,50 " "
"" to
low grade, 2.00
Bran, 70 +t tf
Middlings, 00 ai tf'
Screenings, 100 tt
Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 t. tt
Chop stone running every day.
T a Mining
A illit=6mg_Tailor
The Summer holidays are about
over and the Fall Fairs being close at
band, I wish to inform my many cus-
tomers that I ant: still itt Ins
(F. J. Knight's Grocery SW e:}
And am prepared
to do work in latest style and
best of 'v orkman shi p.
x II÷ II x II ÷II k' n - s ac
x II - II x II II x t- 1 x
Give inc a call
and leave your measure and
T will give ,you a
neat fit.
Over F. J. I .nigh[ s Grocer
si- _ r
J. & J IeMART1N, Proprietiin.