HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-15, Page 7I+1
DOM -1110'
The Jou ee wen
laeviell'a Bill, pro
certain railway s
Mr. Mulock
• providing that t
•Mali the House
Statement of pay
way subsidies and
• formed, together
and sub -contract
rallwaya which la
Mr. Bowen sus,
amendment be al
of motion.
The bill Witf3 re
Mr. Kaulbach,
into Committee
teution of the H
new Bait Act a
which permitted
procure bait at N
vied the aame pri
men. He charg
promoted this le
upon Canada for
• respect to the N
• the United State
Mr. Laurier—
Mr. Kaulbach,
made the case
the bill had recei
distinct unclerst
interfere with ti:
fishermen. Las
to American fis
refused Canadian
the Newfoundlan
in the same ma
Canadian fisherm
done to relieve
Scotia fishermen,
disability to pr
• there would be a
Mr. Tupper s
had been most p
of this subject in
Imperial and th
ments. Althoug
• present to state
like to exactly t
was at liberty to
•of necessity req
'its settlement, th
the three Govorn
•ing a condition
•expected a satisf
next fishing :seas
;belies e that the
be changed this
Mr. Mills (Bot
tion of affairs?
Mr. Tupper r
time Canadian fis
•• to buy bait on a
ports of Newfou
• of that province
^ Government wi
Canadian ships f
ports. The rea
necessary in the
Act as far as
• vessels.
Mr. Laurier sa
Mr. Tupper tha
- exclusion of our
bait in Newfou
that had arisen ii
mercial war bet
Mr. Tupper—
fishing vessels fr
ports of Newfo
• excluded.
Mr. Mills (Bot
tbach had used v
the Government
-thought the Go
pali very stion
, against the Go
would be reme
the Governmen
lied no connectio
.0 negotiate a
The people of
dependent upon
• Government of
rangement wh
them, by which
ancl • would ha
market for the
Government of
this interference
goinginto ope
surprising thet t
mut and the p
been greatly irr
course the defen
was that separat
tions on the p
detritnental to
between Canada
Mr. Tupper—
• Mr. Mills (
that the Canadi
the Government
be compelled i
their fortunes w
ought to be p
treaty on their
include Canada.
that the Goerii
take so far as t
concerned a vie
was that they w
in negotiations
foundland tha
allowed to nego
remembered tha
allowed Newfou
negotiations in '
these negotiatio
factory to the
Canada interfe
interference the
affected. It is
view to sacrifi
that was separ
people were so
practically only
He did not thin
as that we sh
injury that we
Mr. Foster sa
discus this qu
would he unfort
•of opinion whi
record to remai
least. He was
ohad just spoken
declaration at t
Mr. Tupper s
'before Mr. 33on
was eontemplat
,adverse action i
• ing vessels a ye
tion in the neg
ions of the Bait
been entered an
'Government a
The liotise w
• Mr. Paterso
$4,000 for th
• West Farnham,
ciple which had
for the expencli
Farnham, in wli
postoiace and
•only $1,)00, ha
• ILC building.
Mr. Baker
Government to
Coancil of Wes
there was an el 4
gay that the eounsel in the election case
a ainot` him were Mercier, Beausoleil &
Choquette, who had made A deposit of
$1 000.
' 'Mr. Sutherland eaidit was difficult to be-
lieve that considerations of political expedi-
ency did not govern such expenditures as
the one under discussion. Woodstock was
a more important business centre than West
Farnham The revenue it yielded to the
Government was more than ten times as
great, but yet, although the Board of Trade
and the Municipal Council had made every
Possible roues° t t' f • the f •
n a ion for e erection o a
' • • ' •
public building such as the one proposed for
West barnham, they found it imposaible to
obtain from the Government the favorable
consideration of their request.
Mr. Mills, of Bothwell, protested against
the in•ustice of such expenditures as th
proposed.iThe end was at hand f thee one
ftheQ 373-
tem o corrupting constituencies with
their own money. ,
Mr. McMullen quoted the statement
made1 • b -'' John
. est session y Sir Macdonald to,
moneys no e
the effect that public should t b
- •
expended without good reason and not for
• ' ., .
the purpose of helping the friends of the
Ad - • • • •
ministration. Ile had further accepted a
resolution moved b M M'll (B th 11)
. y r. Milis o we
peclaring that buildings • should not he
erected unless necessitated by the public
' •
interest. .
Mr. Landerkin char d that th ' f
. geeatem or
ti ie West Farnham post -office had been put
in the eatimates to, appease Mr. Baker and
his constituents for his failure to get a ,seat
in the Cabinet. In a similar manner a grant
• n y e overnment to the
had beemade b the G '0
Sherbrooke fair to compensate for the dis-
appointment of Mr. Ives who was also aended
a didatef Cabinet ''
or aposition.
e isn
Mr, Speaker took the chair, and the coin-
inittee arose. •
Mr. Bowell moved the adjournment of the
House.' . 3e
Mr. Landerkin, on ' the motion to ad-
• , . '
porn, completed the reading of the article
g•uproar, an said a a r
amid a deafenin d 'd th t fte
its publication the money had been granted
t ' West I' h d Sherbrooke.'who'
oiarn am an
Mr. Bowell, in answer to Mr. McMullen,
said that the Intercolonial Railway was in
a condition to fulfil' its part in furnishing a
fast transcontinental mail ' service all the
way from the easternmost Point of railway
communication at North Sydney, O. B. The
Question of the advisability of constru ting a'
- • - c - •
railway wharf at North Sydney, suitable for
coal, was one or consi era-
the loading of '' f 'd
tion. ".but
Mr. Sowell moved in amendment tohis
hill authorizing the granting of railway
subsidies, that a clause be added providing
that within a month after the comae ne-
ment of each session Of Parliament estate.
ment of all moneys paid on accmint of
subsidies, and. to whom *tad, shall be laid
on the table, together with copies of all con-
tracts between the Government and rail-
„5,i,a3, companies.
1 rr. Mulock moved that a sub -section be
,a added to the amended Clause requiring sub-
.sidized railway, companies to furnish a state-
ment of payments made by them out of
„ . .
subsidies and. the consideration thereof.
This amendment . I t '
is was losti.
Sir John Thompson moved that there be
inserted in his Bill to further amend the
Dominion Controverted Elections Act a
clause providing that in case the petitioner
,against the return of a candidate should be
found not to be qualified the petition
should not be dismissed on that account, but
Within the time allowed by the court an-
pe i toner s ou e a owe o e e
other Vt. h Id b 11 dt fa the
petition. .
Mr. Barron pointed out the danger of
adopting, such a clause as this as it would
b ' ' ''.
e an encouragement to worthless people to
e- c i muspe i lona . . . - . . . ,disagreement
file fi VC . ft'
Sir John Thom 8011 withdrew the pro -
d Pventurer
pose . amendment. .
After Recess.
The House went into Committee of
Supply. ,
, Mr. McMullen, on the item of 5.000 forellow
the post office at Picton, said that there was
a protest against the member for Prince
Edward county, and this grant wasproposed
in order to facilitate his re-eMction.
Mr. McNeill called attention to the nth-
cess which is being achieved in the realm of
poetry by William Wilfred Campbell, an
' ' '
employee of the Railway Department, who
is serving the county. for $1.50 per day. He
received very flattering criticisms froni the
highest sourceS both in Europe and America
of the peem "Mother." It was enly right
and fitting that work such as this
should be recognized. He believed that
Canada's young' poet would rank higher
than Longfellow it he were placed in a pOsi-
tion that would give him. an opportunitythirsted
for development. He hoped the Govern -man.
!neat would see its way clear to giving him
a position in the library, in charge of Bellescashierdi
Lettres, which would enable Mr. Campbell
to follow his inclinatiin and bring . furtherh
Credit upon his native country. . •
' •
Mr. Laurier said he would.gladly endorse
the statement to the 'favorable consideration
of the Government While he did not pre-
• ' • • ' t
.tend to be a judge of poetry, in his estima, e
Mr. Campbell was one of the real living
poets to -day of the English language. The
poem called " Mother " was certainly
something that had not been equalled since,endowment
the days of Edgar Poe. Mr. Campbell was
, •
a.young man,, and if the Government gave
'him a position in the Library hewould have
opportunity to cultivate his talent, and it
would be money well a,pplie.d., Both sides
of the Heine would heartily approveof such
action. .
On the item of $600 to, pay claims eon-
nected with the Northwest rebellion, Mr.
Laurier asked if anything had been done
towards a settlement with Bremner.
Mr. DewdneY said Bremner's claim was
now before the Department of Justice, and
nothing had been done regarding it. • ,
Mr. Watson coniplained bitterly respect-
in this treatment f Bremner,B emnwho was
g , iso i er, w'peered
literally in poverty. It was certainly a
great hardship for him to endure.
Mr. Laurier stated that his information
alsoBremnerwas in es 1 u ion.
wasthat B ' d t't t*
Mr. Dewdney—His claim has swelled up
greatly since last session.en1011een.11
Mr. Laurier—That may be so but the
Government ought to give him what was
right. ''
.Mr. Dewdney—TheGoVernment will take
, .
up the matter at' an early dath.
The item paosed.
Mr. Laurier, on the item of $775 as extra
, ,was
. .
any and allowance to Dr. Bergin, while
Sur6eon-Genetal in 1885, moved, seconded
by ols Tyrwhitt, that the item be struck
Mit. He said that the Surgeon -General had
no more right to be paid in accordance with
Imperial regulations than the other officers.
fie understood this seat was the difference
tweet what was p, dlum and hat allowed
be 1 iti '
by the Queen's regulations.„
, . . r .
The itern was carried by 2,3 yeas to 20
nays. . .
The committee rose and reported pro-
In the Conunonsthe speakerannounce dthat
he had issued his warrant for a writ for a
new election in Quebec West to fill theAnd.
vacancy caused by the expulsion of Mr.
McGreeevy. in reply to an interrogation,
Sir Tohn Thompson said that the question of
issuing a writ for it was not considered.
Some time ag9 he mentioned to Mr, Laurier
that he himself was favorable to the view
that no election should tahe pittee until the
- —
Mr. Foster then rouoveldesst,he, ad°Pti°aneenof
the trades relations del • to theQ
prayingfor the abrogation of ,eertain
clauses in the treaties between Great
Britain and Belgium and the 0. erman Zell-
verein which Would exempt. Canada, froin,,
the pti;loev cis)! joantse nceef oftltiil 0 steprecErssec'n4 trileveet;t4:
Canada from making • ' t'• 1 tradeg
relations 'between herself and her Bier
colonies or between Can dathe,Firth
o ic Manya, . or, other.
c un ries. also behove( that
the clauses Prevented, or if not
prevented, at any rate hampered.d
the negotiatioas of a treaty between Canada•ti
d ti t ' A 1 f th
an o ier .coun ries. p ea , or e
Imperial Trade'
League was vaguely in-
serted in the address. It also Co luded
'tl t _ Britain . ne .
wi z an argument that in future
should, take each a course owing to the
governing spirit of protection that would
permit Canada to have fulleontrol of her
fiseal 'tariff, as it might be necessary to
' ' ' •
retaliate against' the adverse tariff of other
nations '..,.......w
, , ''
' ' ' " '
• ' • '
Mr. Laurier said that this was an argu-
men in favor o w 0 e, pposi lona ways
t a f f h t th 0 't. 1'
declared f • d that that Canada1
ca, anwas
should have • ht to.negotiateh •
a rig her own
treaties. He objected te the vague state
meents about the Imperial Trade League
d d ' ' d - t to that t f
an move an amen men at par o
the address which' instructs Britain to , keep
. '
herself free from any negotiations which
would prevent herself and the colonies from
seine day entering into a trade league.
An act to reduce the representation of
th Northwest'' Territories" A bl f •
e, in ssem y from
26 to 25, Was thrown out. ', ,
The Government Frauds Bill was am-
so as 0 make it, n or
Government contractore, to contribute hinds
towards elections. The bill was read the
third timed
Thi ' • '
This concluded the business of the House.
„ oh:4; .4,11Yosi:LT,441:418:111t7dnry"tylla.:r tama
and praise Gad ' Om asasafa a at ; Th
tl ' 7 el ' ere
ass, wain: .nnga than death ; aye, week',
waur—inuckle wain' I" And three toddling
little Imes, 14W.d. wet.eyed to kiss the waxen
ifa:itoneid,Qrfesttieledirwdi eualdtebni:', touch
ances 41' the griz4le"ld rnan whe„,s,e,
• - —
ea:leo:I weeping mother's head as he uttered in
4 voice broken with sobs his strange
consolation Consolation 1 Ah 1
what can console ihe mother while her
freshly torn fibres
y heart weep teeth of deso-
'abler' and her .
, matet nal yearnings essay to
brid e the cha ' . • •
sin which sunders the living
and the dead? How trite and common-
place and ineffectual are words, even from
the truest and best, when the Lower depths
of our being are thus sounded ! Friends
will try to console '
a we me •
11 ant alms of breath,
But not all the preaclaing since Adam
Hes made death other than death."
And so the little mourners'talc
are en away,
hushed, awed, sorrowing yet t
' -,no knowing
the wherefore of it all Mother•
' weeps , and
t ley know she has been hurt, and they
sorrowfully sob themselves to sleep. Kind
friends perform the occasion's' d offices,
e sa
and aft I
after long nights of watching and wait-
' '
mg, tortured by witnessing her darling's
' ff 'racked h - ' " -
su eruags, y hopes and fears the
stricken inother knows ' '
ws the worst, and kind
t brings
nature relief in tears and insensibil-
isY. • the strange, rough, kindly old
man !sits through the long night, and when
morning brings other friends he lifts up the
little brother and sisters tth the
rs o show ein e
wow ite face, *hose pinolied, pained look
ho given place to an expression of ineffable
'peace • and then '
he takes his old fur cap and
- " ' 'e .
his iron -shod staff and slowly moves away,
pausing a .e, oor o one morehunger,
• t the d • t takelook
at the still form on the cot, and to murmur
as he sadly shakes his head:"Aye,.th ere
... ,..,.,
are waur things than death!"
* * * * * ,
Leaving Scotland early in the forties, a
wi two sons,
couple, with theirt
made the then weary journey across the
Atlantic and up through the new country
to the Huron . Tract, where they set about
the work of hewing out a home in the
forest. It was hard work for the new-
comers, unaccustomed as they were to the
difficulties with which the pioneers in
Canada had to contend; but they had
rugged health, hope was strong, d anthe
desire to see the "bairns" well settled in
life gave them courage for the struggle. •
Holden gray, and homely fare made tooth-
some by the appetite acquired in long hours
of toll, was the rule of their lives. The
boys were, as the mother used to say; ." a'
that heart could wish"; their parents'
Pride and hope. There was much of
unromantic hard. work and very
'little of variety in their 'life ; but they
never murmured. or complained. As.the
Years passed other boys were. added to the
family roll, but loved as were the later
comers they were not the boys who boiled
the sap and brought the.cows, who chopped
- .
the fallow and sat up with mother .when
she was sick and helped her With her house-
work as if they, were young•wornen—who
were more like big loving brothers than
children in their care of her. The mother's
heart was large enough for all, but the first
places were taken. Neighbors came by-
'anctliye, for one pioneerattra.cts others, and
soon there were roads, rough enough, of
course, but better than the blazed- path
the woods on . which they had de-
P ended; whispers from the great outer
world began to reach the opening in the
foreat. Among these were strange wild
tales'1 the wealth f th ' 1
o e wondrous wea o . e new y-
gold -fields of th f r est h• h
.. .., . • . gold;fields e• a .w ,,w ic
, passed from lip to hp. Some ad-
had returned from the new Eldo-
ra o, and around ' the blazing log
fui es the settlers were wont to dis-
a es e o y
c4ss his narrative, '' tt t d' t b
the rough nuggets and glittering
Y . dust, which he had brought back
with him from the "diggings." It was a
far journey and rough. was the way.
Across a great continent on foot and by
waggons. And such a continent! For two-
thirdsf the ' • the t ' 11 ' 1 f
o . e Jouiney e• rave er s ease o
11 h ld b ' t f 1 •F
i e was e y vir ue o us rifle. or
much of the distanae he must rely upon
guides said to be the most untrustworthy
and cunning • and to lose his way in the .
. ,
sand wastes .meant death—death by
slow starvation, death from thirst
and beat, or death ' by the 'knives
and arrows of savages. For weeks the
traveller's1 through territory•"Listen,"
route ay where
rattlesnakes of e swamps an roc -s were
d k
• an savages who
kind Compared with the•hum •
for the blood of the hated white
The simple-minded folk shuddered
as they related in whispers how a part of
had b t '1 d party
adventurous spiritsbeen lex e or
weeks by these implacable forest fiends
b f 11 b knife-'
ow one. y one lis members e y
thrusts in the dead of night when not a leaf
rustled • or ' twig cracked to an-
noimce the presence of the &SSELS-
h P. death '
sin ; or ow , shot towith
arrows their mutilated bodies were left to
the birds and beasts.; and, sadder still, how
those less fortunate ones captured alive were
subjected to tortures such as only special
with that ingenious fieudishness
.,, , , . .
upon which the imagination of lVfilton and
Dante cast a poetic ray, could account for.
But beyond the toilsome' march beveud the
stret hf 1 ' ' • -
c es o p am and forest and desert, of
brake and quagmire, where crawling ser-
en s an creeping savages over e
P t d • lurked,- th
burned, scalped, mutilated corpses of vie-
tams—somebody's darlings who had started
out full of hope and ambition, but who were
, t theirloved th
never more o gree.ones— e
young.men saw and were 'fascinated by the
• f gold. It wl'f • th '
gleam 0 go, • as a slow i e in e
th d'manhood • df
woods; theirexpanding mg yeatne or
wider fields. They loved' adventure; and,
s i , , eyo ma e i e -p eas-
bettert'll they longed 1 k 11 1
th • •t 1 th • t '1
anter or en parents, o lessen their m
and to surround them with such comforts as
wealth can procure.
And so one spring morning when the birds
1 foliage,''.
sang gaily in t ie young the boys
Mother and the babies good-bye, and
I the father accompanied them to the nearest
own, were o n coin-
, twherethey w t fi d. •
PanY for the 'journey, gave thein his bless -
0 ,
I ing and returned with a sense of broodinc,
1 neliness to his brMlr v .ods , 1 ' ,,_ 9
o . . N ( ca en, ,.ailu
never from tessellated floor or alter grand
roe° prayer! to heaven breathing more of
soul of love, of trust than daily went nr,
, , ,
from that backwoods home for the boys who
' had weighed anchor on lire's troubled Mt.
l And all beyond is conjecture ! They
never returned 'again. Two letters brought
by erossing caravans reached the parentg
, • , • . s •
Both told of difficulties mad dangers 1 of dis•
o ' t • ,W , 1 - •,s
h nest guides, of t blush with ,,it \ agt. .
They looked for danger, butthey wore brave
boys,and it was onl b - readina between
. Y ' • e - -
the lines that the parents discovered that
which perturbed them A small partyrhad
i . • 4 .
been completely wiped out, but their party
, 'was stronger and well armed ; they did not
f They - 11 d I tt 1 th t
ear. ley wet c sett e ers by • e next
returning' party.,aa
that was all. For fifteen years those
' parttn.te had waited, Prayed, hoped, soy.,
rowed ; but from the silence of the past no
word ever came to explain the mystery of
their lost ones. " If we only kennecl they
• were deid," the aged father used to say to
me in later years , . "bat 0114 its weary
waitin' 1" And then I understood in a
' nn 011,,i wl,A4,1,6 f.1 f. trhnn hn evitesrpri `krtv.
jooTHING, ; k's
• -•a leas
ct cLEAN81",
Instant Hiel'AieLrGierinallent•
Cure Failure Imnossible
Many -4. ' ..
of suiell, foul breath,
zsi spitting, general
debility, etc,
troubled with any
eindiea symptoms,
' ' ' '
2amtearr%aund should
pr c ring_.a
NASAL- BAlat. Be
time nealected cold
results m Catarrh,
by consumption
Sold by an druggists,
post paid, on receipt
(SO cults and ala by
FULFORD & CO. Brockville.
' • • ' •
E V E Rs
N _
'.: • FA I L S .
0 -
• a . ' ' 16j •the
diseases are ,
-1i. .•• • 4'8"
hawking ,
feeling .
If you are
of these or
aottle of
warned in,
in bead
followed •
and death.
or sent,
of price
A. Qreat Milt,
B'Illiall atnadlk841;0°Vherea7cihjaeemer:
owners 4re
A big ship
that great steerners
Olyde on
the eat.
these two
there 100 years,
and 10 feet
ocean steamers.
sideratien provide
two routes
One of the
Loch Lomond
the Clyde near
however, the
of mountainous
could be passed
two miles of
through the
is 69 miles,
res.ted at $40,000,000.
A more probable
is that shown
I inc is very
• •
termini, and
is figured that
built twenty-six
at the bottom,
is estimated
yield an income
On is rote
quired, and
ways and the
Scotland to
round , y the
rents and prevailing
through th-crowded
make a long
of England.
The proposed
lessen the
o miles.
New York
Where are
Second Society
First S.
. „,-.
Second lb.
off somewhere
With .
its mother.
A wicked
father and
"We ask
, Your Honor,"
" On what
" Your
They had
know ' Maggie
is she ?"
the rapid
know she
, , Theodore
, dence in Chicago
all in a week.
A Toronto
on his ability
couples because.
. ,
came into
It is reported
tionists is
that a strong
sent out
ils .
va •
The convention
League of
• Biton—"
• •
rule to America."
House hunter
this was a
id "furnished"
in. the.house..
I furnish
cry .SCOICIA 1ST Iirw*,
Canal to iiltee 11Cer at the
' Watats
canol ,cilear acreas Scotland, so
may be able to sail up
the West coast and ',eine down
Forth into the North Sea Olt
There is actually a canal between'
points at present; it has been.
but it is only 56 feet wide
, ,
deep, eo that A is of no use for
The plane now under con -
for On entirely new canal, •
for which are suggested.
routes proposes to makeusie of
and Loch Long, and strike
its mouth. On this route ,
canal would strike a fewaniles
country, part of which
by deep cuttings and about
it by a tunnel 150 feet high,
hill. The length of this route
and the cost of the canal is esti-
and more favorableroute
in the map, which is re-
from Cassen's Magazine. This
nearly direct between the two.
is only twenty-nine miles. It
a canal on this line could. be
feet deep and 100 feet wide
for about .$35,000,000, and. it
that a low scale of tolls would,
of $3 000,000 per annum
' '
welve lock, would be re-
. ,
the canal would crosa niX rail -
present barge canal ' Vessels
f ' •
a port on the east coast of
' .
one on the west coast have to go,
north through dangerous cur -
fogs or ' el d
se run own.
, ng oh channel, anct
E ' li
• 't d
circuit round the southern enct
Forth -Clyde' Ict
canal wou
dangers and save some hundreds.,
t into Committee. °n, Mr'
aiding for the granting of
Lbsidies. ,
Rtbxnittecl, an amendment
'e °°vern•nien••t. shall fur"
at every session with a
nents on account of rail-
the amount of work per -
copies of contracts
; for the construe •
, tam of
been Tantedsubsidies
),ve i., •
ted that the ro osed
ges P P
owed to stand as a noticeg
upon' the motion to go
of Supply, called the at-
,use to the injustide of the
opted by Newfoundland,
American fishing ve
, , vessels to
ewfoundlond ports and de-'
vilege to Canadian fisher-
ed that Mr. Bond had
out, of revenge
histrating his plot with
etvfoundland treaty with
Order. ,
continuing said that what
ore aggravating was that
/ed the royal assent on the
udine that in should not
to privileges of Canadiant
b year licenses were issued
hermen while they were
s. Canada should treat
dors in the matter of trade
.ner that they treated the
an. • If something werenot
he condition of the Nova
who Would starve if the
pure bait was continued, '
revolution amongst them.
lid that the Government
, .
3rsistent. in the discussion
all its phases with both the
a Newfoundland Govern -hard-working
a he wee not at liberty at
-,,o the House as he would
he position of the case he
sey that while this matter
.ired ' a very long time for
e correspondence between
ments was now approach-
n .which the Government
6ctory settlement before the
al. They had no reason to
• •
position of affairs would
iwell)—Whet is the pod-
;plied that at the present
hermen were not permitted
i.y terms whatever in the
dland, and the Legislature
and. professed to clothe the,
a . authority to ' prevent
•om obtaining bait at their
on given Was that it.was
sdrninistration of their Bait
regarded French fishing
id that he understood from
1 the only motive for the
fishermen from purchasing
ndland ports was the one
a consequence of the coin:
etni Newfoundland and the
:n order to prevent French
an, obtaining bait from the
.ndland our fishermen arethrough
) said that r. Kaul-
hwell 'dM
, .
Ty strong language against
. of Newfoundland, • but he
. .
•ernment of Newfonnalanddiscovered
, • ,. , • .. , ..
g grounds of complaint
rernment of Canada. It
,bered that Emma time ago
i of Newfoundland, which
a with Canada, undertook
treaty with *•ashington.
ewfoundland were 'largely
their fishing interests. The
hat colony • had made ar-
ch were satisfactory to
they expected to secure,
e secured; the American
ale of their fish. But the
Danada interfered, and by
prevented the treaty from
astion. It was not at all
he Newfoundland Govern-
;ople of Newfoundland had
fated by that action: Of
ie of the Government here
a and independent negotia,
6rt of Newfoundland were
lie chances of . negotiations
and the United States.
Vlore than that.
lothwell), continuing, said
an Government said that
of Newfoundland ought to
1 this respect to cast in
A Canada, and that they
revented from securing a
Own behalf which did not
He was not going to say
,ment of Canada did not
ie people of Canada wezer
w that fkas correat—that
are more likely to succeed
in conjunction with New-.
i if Newfoundland were ,
iate alone, ; but it must be
t the 'British Gevermnent
idland to undertake these'
tis own behalf, and when
is were successful and ,satis
people of Newfoundland,
ed. On account of that
condition of the people of
had been most seriously
eking an extremely selfish
le thp interests of a colony
ated from us, and whose
peculiarly situated, having
one ' means of subsistence.
li the world was so situatedboarding-house
mid 'do somebody .else an
light benefit ourselvea.'
,c1 that he did not intend to
istion but he thought it
mate to allow the expression
h had just been placed on
i there without noting it at
orry that the gentleman who
c • •
had chosen to make such a
iis particular unctitre.
bid that the trouble began
l's mission to Washington
xi. Newfoundland took the
ti regard te Canadian fish-
.1' before Canada's interven-
)tiations under the previa-
Act. , Canada's protest had
lodged with the Imperial
year. before, the mission to
• - '
int into Committee of Supe
i (Brant), on the item of
erection of a posteffice in
. . ,
objected that on the prin-
been laid down last session
;ure of public money, West
deli the total revenue from
bher Government offices waS
1 no claim for a 8,1,000 pub.+
.11—There's a protest in that
said that he had Urged the
accede to the petition of the
1 Farnham, but not because
sainted mother that strange consolation,
"There are waur thin s than death • a e
' ' ,, g , Y
muclale waur I
_ .
Near y ears apsed since a
thirty yhave el
a little boy beside his dead baby sister 1
viewed the strange, kind, sad.Voiced ' old
man with 'curiosity and, awe. , Seirrowing
mother and corn! rting friend have been
releasedirom duty. And now, looking at
my own children, his Words come to
me with a deeper meaning. As i
'' g• ,
'think of the Vigil of the years, the heart-
e e sug-
h the uncertainty,th ' horrible
gestions, which fancy would . persist in
presenting to the mind and which no will
, . . .1
could repel, 1 cannot but conclude that a
certain knowledge of their peaceful death
, • , .. .
among kind friends would have been less
hard. to bear; that in the old man's expres-
.•„ , . -
stye words: There are waur things than
death ; aye, muckle waur! ”
_,.' .
. ,
who cu a swa
General' Boulanger,t big'' swath
in European affairs a few years 'ago and
, some people ,thought, would, like e
little corporal,, be one day dictator of
France, committedsuicide this morning at
the grave of , his , late .mistress, Madame
,Bonnemain. .George Ernest. Jean Marie
Boulanger, general of FranCe and ex -Minis-
ter Of War, was born at Rennes,' in 1837
He 'received a. portion of his education at
• Eng.,- .nati
Brighton, but, like a good French:.
man, espeaking any anguage
h detestedI
Ms own. He entered the military col-
lege of St.. Cyr in 1855; he was made a ,sub- ,
lieutenant in 1857. He was sent to Algeria,
where he served under Marshal Ranolon in
the Kabyle campaign. lie served. also .
in the Franco -Italian • war, and was
wounded ' at Turbigo. Iii• 1860 he
was made a lieutenant. In 1862 he
became a captain, the promotion
having come as a reward for service M
Cochin -China. , He was made a major just
before the war with Germany in 1870. At
Metz he was with Bazaine, but he some-
how escaped the fate of Bazaine's army, and
turned lip in Paris, where he was made. a
lieutenant -colonel by the government,,of
national defence. This was • '
1870. From. November 30th to December
2nd he fought at Cha,mpignY. .While lead-
ing his troops, against the Communists he'
was wounded. After the suppression of the
Commune his newly attained promotion
was quashed by the Grade Revision Coni-'
mittee,' but it was restored. to • him in 1874.
(In' 1876 he represented France at the
centennial'' Philadelphia.) H
exhibition ine
became a brigadier -general in 1880.
Boulanger was appointed to the command
of the army of occupation in Tunis, but he
was soon recalled ' because . of a,and
wi e rest en genera ,.;,.., .
th the 'cl t 1: In
the D F • t January -rapidly
e e reycineCabinet, formed ..
7th, 1886, Boulanger became Minister of
War. ' When Goblet succeeded De Freyci-
net, Boulanger retained the portfolio, but
went out o o ce•w en Rouvier became
he f ffi h ' b
President of the Council in • 1887. But the
1 t t Cl t Farrand t
genera was sen o ermono
take command of an army corps, ,Paris giv-
in him an ovation when he left the City.
When theLimOusinscandal startled France, •
Boulanger was thou ht to be implicated.
- - indignant g— - •
But he wrote an letter. of, denial
. .•
which seemed to satisfy the country.. Net
content, however, with. his denial he made
en. far-
some rather free 'assertions about G r
on theMinisterf W F this o War. or i
• r '
act of insubordination he wasi placed-
under close arrest at • his oment.
hea.d uarters for a period of thirty
days.li• Just before this Jules Ferry,in "a,
public speech,had called "le.brav eneral"furniture.•
p, gin
• a cafe concert hero." This 'brought athe
c la enge fromBoulanger,Ferry, hike a
1 11 f but
sensible men; declined. to'I March,.
. fight. n
'88, the Government having decided to
' • 1 bplacing1 • the
. .e genera y um, onadvice
retired list, • Boulanger resolved, .to takea
f his ' 1 't b
advantage.. o . s growing. popu ari y y
beginning a vigorous campaign .a.gamst the
ministry. Vacancies shortly after occurred .
in representation r the.ogne an
the ' . '' for Dordogne d
the Nord. Boulanger declined to stand for
the Dordogne, but he was nevertheless
elected by 59,500 votes, as against 35,750
for his opponent. In the Nord, .where he
personally, conducted the campaign, he
ed l'-'0 528against 85 548 for:t
scored i..., votes, , two
This was on the 15th of .April, 1888, a
date which he declared would be rk d i
w, ma, e n
the Annals of the country as a date of •true
deliveratncett Boulanger laeCame the hero of
emone ra. ion.s wherever he wen.. T h
4 e
populace idolized him .as the cowing man
who wee to save France from the blunders
of incompetent statesmen and the frauds of
immoral olitical combinati n ' and who
o Ea.,
would be perhaps the leader in a war of
* 0
, • e, . ,,
SubsequentlyDoman er s popularity
. .g • •
waned for a while, and his candidate in the
Charente M. Paul Deroulede was
.' ' ' '
defeated at the polls. Boulanger ap-
• • . . •f
in the Chamber of Deputies:!III0
and demanded the dissolution of .the
Chamber. A stormy scene followed. M.
Fl t• 'oratoricalattack
oque made a vigorous
'upon the general, who replied "You lie !"'
Th the d i with • Comtekissed
bneinfcamem t iiis. izil rapiers on
AM( 1
Georges°I 8 estate ' a " 8 ' Yi
- Perin ' were F oquet's seconds ;
t • 6 d D H ' ated f th1
mean an e erasse ac e forthe general,
who reeeived a deep wound in the neck.
R ' • ' • f- • •
li '
Recovering rom the injury t us received,
Boulanger stood as a candidate at the bye
elections in the Nord,•Seennte 'omd Charente
. e cc a
Inferieure d t t ' d h 1 t 1
epar men s, an e
by large majorities. Then he stoodfor Paris,
and was elected. For a time Inc was the
idol of France, but stormy daye ' came ; the
General fled and took refuge in England,
iv. is c own a
ancl from the,date of his fl• I t h` 1 - f 11
commenced. He had gradually.disappeared
• • •
from public view, and the announcement of
bus death to -day only recalls the filet that
, •
such a stormy petrel once lived. , ,,
The Kirby in Danger.
Press: First Society Mou—
yoUrunning to ? •
M.--sWii t' the' at A fire?
a srn ter? .
M.—No; the nurse has one
and left the baby all &Iona
A Rai/read !manager. •
Ohio and Mississippi, Railway, Office 0 f
" Railway
the President and Gen'l Manager, Cincin-
Ohio U.S. A 15,1886.Gentle-
* .. * **. Nov.'
men: Recently while in the act of alight-
Mg from my car I stepped upon a stone,,
which, turning suddenly under my foot,
threw to the round with a severely
reme g
sprained ankle. Suffering exceedingly, 1
was helped into the car, anmy man rubbed
me most generously with arnica and kindred
remedies, but to no avail. Reaching a
station where St. Jacob's Oil could be se-
cured, two bottles of it were bought and the
application resulted at once in relief from
pain, which had become well nigh unbear-
able. I . was out and about my work in
three days. W. W. PEABODY, Pres't and
Gen'l Manager.
A !'lea For Leniency.
western boy killed 'his
mother and was duly found
for leniency in the sentence,
said the lawyer for the
• ground?" gruffly' asked the
honor, the defendant is an
been talking about Beethoven
Annie Rooney and other musket
when she re/narked: ." Do You
Murphy's Home ?' " "Ne?
he replied; somewhat • sta,rtled at
change of subject.(v1 didn't
was away." .
Thomas has taken up his resi-
and become acclimated—
He will organize "the finest
in the world," of eighty members.
hotel clerk prides himself
tedistinguish young married
a newl -made benediet
— - Y • •
ins hostelry the other evening
as " E. C. Wife & white
, r
• ' . •
that e.31 army of IIISUITeO-
marching upon Guatemala, and
Government force has been
g . ,
to meet it. Much uneasiness pre -
of the Irish National
America was opened in Chicago
Neither the Parnellite nor, Mc -
party was represented.
Are you in favor ed. England
home rule to Ireland ?" Neva
Yes, if Ireland will grant home
(at the seaside) -1 thought.
furnished cottage? You certainly
cottage in your ad.ver um-
• t'
I•don't see a stick of furniture
Estate agent—Of course not.
the cottage, and you furnish the
A Realism.
"At last we are alonel"
It was the man who spoke.
The woman trembled and lifted her eyes
to his face. .
They, were beautiful eyes, but they were
tremulous eyes; eyes which look out from a
n e , fearful.
heart which is • T solute
The echoes brought back in their invisible
arms the sound, and let it ripple out again
until it struck the walls once more, and. fell
into the vast void of silence •
A bat, disturbed by the unusual activit-y,
darted from a corner and blindly dashed
in eccentric convolutions about the dusty
. .
Great '. ropes of cobwebs hung down
• from the ceiling, and across the corner
of the room d.ead flies swung lightly in
the hammocks the spiders had fastened
there. •
The dust roe in clouds from the
' listless
shock of the heavy footfall, and sank again,
overcome by its own inertia. •
Even the air was resting.
The spirit of the desolation of desolation
seemed to pervade the place.
The woRan looked furtively around upon
her dim surroundings and shivered.
The man laughed harshly. •
" Alone, i said," he growled.
"Yes,"she murmured.
A' faint light struggled in through th .,
great windows in front, thick with dust.
1 "Where are we ?" she whispered and
shivered as the bat dashed into her hair.
he replied hoarsely, "we are
a store which does not advertise."—
Detroit Free Press.
D. C. N. L. 42..91
Tire Boarding•honse Keepers.
Le Monde gives the following practical
. to boarding-house keepers: " If .you
wish to open. a boarding-house, bear in mind,
from the very first day, that your success
11 depend ' 11, thing
WI.especia y upon one ,
namely, the kind of table that you will pro-
vide for your boarders. There is nothing
that disgusts one so much with a boarding-•
. .
house as to find the same kmd of dishes on
the table. Your boarders must not know
to -day what they will have for breakfast
three weeks hence ; they must not find on
the table, in the morning, crusts of
bread over from the previousmeal ; they
must not be obliged to use the same napkin
for several days in succession; when, m the
morning their appetite is tgood,the
, t no y
inuat not find on the table nothing else but
charred cutlets ; they must. not be com-
ell d t t ' cold hallthey p e o ea in a cowhere freeze
in winter, or a badly ventilated room where
they are suffocated in summer ; they must
not know that, for luncheon; the meat left
over from e previous day's inner will be
f • the ' 'd• '
Served to them cold ; they must not be
obliged to drink their tea or coffee in ridicu-
. . . .
lously thick cups This is good advice
might benefit a large number of
. . . . .
. mistresses in this city. It
is very easy to follow and requires but very
little money to put intb practice."
Fir Vir'
mass EN
me IE
Sold by
/a •
al.' S OIL
and PerManently
M 'Er 3INE .11.1V I S
Jaw adache, Toothache,
mew ,
gi,./i Et. A. lar Gr X .A..
Throat, siieilings, Frost -bites,
Bruises,13nrns ,Scalds.
Druggists and Dealers Everywhere.
Depot, 44 and 46 Lonlbard St. Toronto, ant
-Te ..
, \ a
••-:C. \I
k' ,
At Druggists
1,„..%•:!, t",A
uLomach Troubles,
Nausea, Sour Stocan-
ach, Ciddiness P
Heartburn, Co in sti-
Fullness, Food Rising,
Taste, Nervous..
If you are sufferin't, from a feeling of con-
. e'
stant tiredness, the result of. mental Worry
or overwork, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
promptly cure you. Give them a trial.
and Denler,s, Or sent by mail on
of P.5' cts. (5 boxes 41.055 in stamp.%
Another Vali ltion of an Old Joke
' ' *
" I own a thousand acres of land,"s said
It '
" How delightful]
<, kthere- , .•
And , are twenty young men after'
me." '
" For the land's sake!"
— .
c; yes. 2)
Depot, 44 and 46 Lombard St., Toronto, Oat
, . . .
'DO . RECA11110 TIRE, es
YOVII unEmma e
out.e asstng all others t.ir home
a treatment is our sp_eeifie rereedy , .
N 4 caned the oREAT KNOLISF1 ••
. PRESCRIPTION. It has extra,
orctinar% ameess in curing Sperrentorrhet, Nigh*
LoSSes,NervOusnotg Weak Po.rtti. The resillts or in-
, afeerottee. it Nom 121.Vigoiitte and cant yea. Serie:ft'
'8""68 4 foXahthi"An . "ILA& son it. $1•00044
box.. Om tnop it bottled. n7 P.til r smiled lottAt t8cl
Eureka Cheinical Co.. Detre! kiln
to Id
The latost'Indian census shows that in the
as en years .ic na Aire ,grow i o n la s
I t t ' tl t 1 tl f I d' '
population has been 27,500,000. The point -
lation noinumbers 286,000,000. One can
hardly appreciate what these figures mean
except by comparison. India contains more
people than all Europe exchisive of Russia.
There is a baby in ,Chester, whose
d" — b ' f d 'f
ittenutive size may e in erre from the
fact that its arms aro about the thicknes of
an ordinary ead pencil,
Mrs. Lucian Ms,yberry, of Little Rock,
Ark., is the mother of 10 boys, all,' born
within a married life of :39 months. Thom
are two sets of triplets and two pairs of
twins. Mrs. Mayberry is a pretty blonde,
Plum's aixt hearty, of barely 24 years of age.
Michael: Davith says that the neitgenerel
elution will leeve Charles , Stewart Parnell
nIt f. (IF TriAS ncilitiflg,
. _
In!�u 0 o no 0, Veil -
ee Noun p 0 1 / hd r I., k
t'1/4Y‘`.. ,l34-‘,.. TIM, dOpinlablilS, no from what.
over °him ititinIng, dura bY DE,
i4:..11 raltCY'a VitnhatiaaanAT0a.
'' the requItor 26_ OLtre nimel0 riartioa
OA - Cure CuarNiiteed,
,. .> , .e.e.:fee )>), nati in riArdi plarT, (I
see • ,eee...a pain nettled. tiltelc46, with ,ItaleOtoe
„ e - -a- roocim. of Two DOnattl. Eritinla COM.
II , blood Nato of ininlinf $0ao4.
' Sead jar Sedkd PaonAlet.
, „„ii, .0r. JOHN .PERCY,.
'''''' ' . Box 603. WINDSOR. ONf.
The statue of William Ellery Chenniney
a ''''
to be erected in Newport at a cost of $20,-
000 ie given by W, J. Weld now of that
,, . , I
city, but formerly a 1.3osto,nian. The granite
' A b .
Wise will stand ten eet a ove the ground,
and the bronze will run Mile feet; higher,
"Why did yea talk in Wench to Ethel
last night'? '' "Because I had. soinething to
impart to her that I wished no one , elee to
know." "But there was a French lit<ly
sitting close behind you." ' 'Yes, but I
have Since discovered She didn't understand
n avTni.,4 41rntl ovnitl "
P: a :WS. e:1./ R E •FOR ..•
, • ..., '. '
. .