The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-15, Page 51'or Over Fifty 'Years. AI4S.11+ 11%101.4035°S SOOTHING SYRUP hag been need bymillions of mothers for their ohild- rran while t-eething. if disturbed at i,ig':t and broken of your rest by a sick child Su& tong ad oy1n with pain of Cutting Teeth sena fit epee ulna got a bottle of "Mrs 1Viu- slow'sSoothing Syrup" for Children Tooth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imrn.eilzutolyy, Depend upon it, mothors,thero is no zreistiike about it. It (sures Diat'rhuea, r_c�+gulixtes tho Stomach and Bowels, giros Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Lo - ''f1 mm tion,and gives tone and extern'- to the whole system. " Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" Ter children teething is pleasant to the iasto and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female pliyyicians anct nnl@Ses?n the 'United States. Brice twenty - nye (lents abottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Lo sure:and ask Or "Mass. 1,viiss .oR'S SOOTHING S1'aaUP," Robert VS oods, a justice of the peace of East Grand Forks, Minn., whose par- ents live at Moulinetto, Ont., was shot dead by thugs the other night while out seeking a physician for a sink room mate. His watch and two $20 gold pieces were taken, ev-clencing that rebber3= was the motive for the. cringe. Mr, Woods was 35 years oke and single, Co] asuml)t. on. Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having bald placed in his haiuls by an. East lntlir;le:r iinnarl the formula of a simple vegetable reined l for the speedy and perma- ncnt caro of 0o11sumption, Bronchitis, Ca- , tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and. .Lung Affections, also ca positive and aclioal cure for Nervous Debility and n,11 D ervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative po ll' u's in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it renown. to his suff- Oringfollolvs, Actuated by this motivo and a desire to relieve human sul1ering, I will send free ofoharge, to all who desire it, this recipe,111 Germ an, French or English, with • fun directions for preparin and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, uamiug this paper. W. A. Norris, 820 Powers Block, 1k1C7cestrr, N. Y. .Anson H. Hamilton, proprietor of the Cape May house,, Storeham Hotel and other properties, real and personal, at Cape May point, has failed, Liabilities $100,000. The principal' creditor is Israel S. Johnson, the Quaker million - are, of Philadelphia. 4Vhe,. Babywas sick, we gave her Castoria. When shelves a Child, she cried for Castor? When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shelled Cbildren, she gave,them Castoria The monument. to be erected to the memory of Major Short and. Lieut Wilk&.], who lost their lives at the great St. 8ir0ur fire in Quebec, has arrived from the old country, and will at once be placed. 1'120'3 Reined or Catair°i 3 the .ifr r.e t nur,iost to Use owl Cheapest. Bold by drt k lits or seat by mart One. Iaa_e1tcno, War en, Pa., U. G.A.. •• The schooner Elizabeth Ann, belong- ing to Capt. White, of Hamilton, found orcd.in lake Ontario, off Bronte, on Saturday night, and the captain's wife and daughter had a narrow escape fame drowning. Ail disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by lining Carter's Little Liver Pills. No train, gr ip[1:r or discomfort attending their tise. Try them, Tile New York Times publishes a de spatch from Washington which inch cates that the United States Govern Ment contemplates asking for the ivod- ification, abrogation, or estensi0r of the treaty of 181.7 1e al ng 5 un boats on the great lakes, and 'that the object of the request is to enable the United States Government to build vessels for :raffle en the lakes which can easily be converted into armed cruisers. VICTORY AT VIVIAN, "In our f itnily faithful wort: has been clone by Fowler's Estrace of Wild Strawberry as .a, sure and quick cure for diarrhoea, dysentery and all sum- mer complaints, I can recoinmencl it to fill as e family friend, always true. and faithful."—Mrs. W. Bishop, Vivian, Ont. Mrs. MacKeivtn; Mi•s. Geo, Itamnilton and Hiss Nora Clench, of Hamilton, hada. large audience at their first con cert in Winnipeg on Tuesday night. Yon have catarrh, and other reme dies have failed you -then give Nasal Bairn ,a fair trial There is' no case of catarrh it isill not cure if the diicttons are faithfully followed. The trot of the two greaQ stallions Allerton and Nelson' at Grana Rapids Mich., yesterday resulted in 'a victory for Allerton. Nelson won the first heat in the fastest time of the race, 2.13: BEAUTIFUL BANFF, NWT I -was induced to 1180 y0tt1 Bttrdocic Blood Bitters for constipation and gen- era! debility and fouiicl it a complete cure WhichI take pleasure in recom- mending to all who play be thus afllie ted."— Ialnes J Carson, Banff, N.3V:T The milling convention held at the Soo yesterday and the day before pass ed resolutions pralc inb for repeal of the royalty ttnd other clauses of the Ontario Mining Act. Worms Cause Much Sickness among children h r c 111s1It , WVoi•ni Ponders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. The .ladies employed in the census department atOttawa make very much better wngas than then under the new system of piece work. TRUI+E .l'AITH. "I have great faith in Burdock Blood hitters as a blood purifier. ' have tak en three bottles for bad blood and find it a perfect cure. It is a, grand medi- cine tact I reeotnmeed it wherever 1. , Toronto, [P V a,nd(t,.0n j. rotrt0 One 1, G. -.(da 19. o , 0 It is Semi-0ftieially annoainced that ills Itnseian Government laa's i.rointent- ion ofr hibitin g the exportation pc �,of wheat. Dr. T. A. Slocuin's OXYGENIZBD f.1:MULSTON of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a Cold —:Use iC. For sale by all (lrtI . L.ists, The value of the eutiory exports from Shetlie:d to the United States.dur- ing the last quarter was 829.874, a gainst exports valued at £74.970 for the same quarter of 1890. If you had taken tcs o of Carter's Little; Liver Pills before retiring' you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with- you for occasional use, $.4 Burlingame, of the fan of Bur- lingame Curtis, Detroit,' and .0e. S Duncan, a driver, were killed by the explosion of a gasoline tank in that city yesterday. HENRY 0. JAMES. Henry G. James, of OVinnipe , Man. wiites: "`tor several veers 2 wee troth,• bled with pimples and irritations of the skin. After other remedies failed I used four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and since then I have been quite free from my complaint. B.B,B, will always occupy a place in my Heise." On the lcite-shaped tract; at Stockton Cal, ou Tuesday, the stallion Orion re- dueed the 2 -year old ,t•ecord to and Bell Bird.reduced the yearling re cord to Never Allow the bowels to remain constipated ;est serious evil ensue, National Pills are unci ipassed as a remedy for constipation. At Galt, yesterday, James Miller, while adjusting machinery, was caught and whirled round a shaft. Sol -feral ribs were broken and he is in a criti- eni coudition. AUNTY'S ADVICE. "My brother had severe summer complaint about a year ago and , no remedies seemed to relieve him. At last our aunt advised us to try fowl er's Extract of Wild Strawberry and Were he had taken one bottle he was entirely eared." --Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont. Capt. John D. IIay, of the wholesale firm of Davidson & Hay, Toronto, was married in Hamilton yesterday to Miss Elizabeth Strsthearn Hendrie, eldest o• dau,,htc,r of AIF. 'Nilliam Hendrie. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild efbcts of Carter's Little Liver Pills, If you try them they will cert- ainly please you. . e. i rn Grain is jest beginning te come to market at Brandon, where the price yesterday was 5S to 75 cents: Farmers are sturing most of their wheat yet. Oats and barley have not commenced to move. MRS. GEO. RENDLE: i'Irs. Geo. Rcadle, of Galt, Ont, 11<ritcs: ° I calf • recommend rDr,:Fowl+3r's Extract of Wild Strawberry for' it is a sure cure for all summer complaints. We are never without it in the house." .Fowler's Wild Strawberry. Price, 35c. The pope has instructed the papal nuncios abroad to present an identical. note to the Governments to which they are accredited on the recent disorders in Rome. This 1 o'e will hold that. these disorders are e"idance of the in- security of the papal position in "Rome, • di., .. .• o. L,t ..5 who are suffering from sup- pressions, bearing down pains, nerv- ousness, or any, form of female weak- ness, will find Dr. Williams' Pink :Pills are an infallible cure. Tay them. The British steamer Galileo has ar- rived at Boston with the captain and crew and three passengers of the bails ue John E. Chase, Which was abaruion- ed at sea.. The captain's wife and Child are among the rescued. Liman. Mr. James Stewardson has pit a stone foundation uiicler his house, which adds greatly to the convenience of the building. -Miss Emma Donovan is at present attending'the Forest City. Business College..—Mr. 13, W. Shaw -has gone to London to attend the Western University.—Miss Sproat has been ire enga,'edin our. public school for the coniine veer.—Mr, J. A. Ferguson has moved into Mr. J McMahon's house north of the village: -117x, J R. Mc- Comb has purchased 3Ir. E. Mara's buiadina 0i111ale street and will take possession on Jan. 2nd. Mr. Mara in tends retiring from the mercantile bus- iness, --Mr, 13: Aubry:., the Montreal horse buyer, will be at the Central Hotel Thursday (to Clay) for the pixie, pose of pnrehasing geed sound horses of all classes.—Mr. Nelson, of Kingston, has .been appointed to succeed Mr.' Ed- wards in the, High School: He comes high': recommended, both as a teacher, and a gentleman. Iiensall, • Mr. Ed, Bossenberrl- was successful with his hoc' e,I3illy C., in winning est• place in the three year old trot, and 1st' in the three minute trot, in Parkhill on Wednesday last week. Mr. McNaughton has left for Brus sells, where lie has secured a situation as,jeiti eller, Miss Bert Hodgins has left for Lon- don, where she will take a course in the Forest City Business College. Mr; Daniel Bell has stopped teaching school and entered the medical profes- sion and is now attending the Detroit Medical College. During the past week we h<avc had several hard frosts which have blacken ed the lens exa of vegetables and flowers eoisidc r tb,y. Miss Lnnirnie beg returned home again After ;spending: a short vacation With i S. (ttei') Fear. Mr. Jas. Petty is expected home from England this week. The proprietors of the Hensall. Pork Packips houseare busily engaged these days getting everything in read- iness for the coming season which pro- mises to eclipse all former years. Messrs Cook Bros, are shipping large quantities of flour from this station every week. Farmers are busy in this section tak ing up their inangolds. Seaforth. l�nitz 1nbLr. \Tr W, J. McMillan, who, during the past six months, has assisted the Rey.:A, D. McDonald in lila pastoral duties, has severed his con neetion with the congregation, and left for his home on Wednesday last week. Mr, ti7cilfillan; ministerially and socially spea.king,became quite a favor ite during his stay, and everybody will join with us in wishing hint everysuc- eess, wherever it may be his lot in fu- ture, to labor. He 'preached a very practical 8ermon, oat Sunday morning, in the 111et11odist church, froth the text, 'Abstain from the very .appearance of evil.' In the evening' Avery large con- gronation assembled in the Presbyter- ian church, to hear his farewell sermon On Tuesday eveltinl a farewell social was tendered :him bs the Christain En- deavor Society; which was largely at tended, rind all were sorry to bave. to. say g'ood'bye to one whom they had learned to love. Brewster. J. Foss, of Plympton township, was the guest of It. Jennison during part. of last week.—Mrs. Robert Taylor has again been hastily called to forest to. see her mother, Mrs. Gilmore, who is lying at the point of death. It will be remembered that only two or three weeks ago she was summoned ` to the death bed of her brother. We sincerely hope that this time the news may not be so bad as was at firs ;feared. Stanley The Reeve and Treasurer were in Goderich a few days ago making the final paymenton the rail road deben- tures so that the municipality is now freed from that i , � — i i del tedi�ess. Council met on Oct. 10th, 1891, at Varna, at 1 o'clock p. m. all present, minutes of previous meeting read and signed. The Collector's Bond was laid- before the council and accepted. W. Clarke— John Ketchen that this council require all takes to he paid on or before the 10th day of Dec next, and that all ac- counts be sent in on or before the 28rd day Nov.. nest, John Tough's ace. of $8 for selecting jams wereordered to be paid. Council then 'adjourned , to meet again on Monday Nov 3rd' at 1 o'clock p. m. GE0. L. SnewanT, Clerk. For Coughs & Colds. John P. Jones, Edom,Te.r.,writes: I have used German Syrup for the past six years, for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest and Lungs, and let me say to any- one wanting such a medicine— German Syrup is the best. B. W. Baldwin, Carnesville,Tenn., writes : I have used. your German Syrup in my f nuly, and and it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs. and colds. I recommend. it to every. - one for these<troubles. R. SclirYia1iauseu, Druggist, of Charleston, I11. , writes : After trying scores of prescriptions and prepare- bola' I: liacl'011 my files and shelves, without relief for a very severe cold, which had settled 013 111y lungs, I tried your Gernrtii Syrup. It g ave Ire immediate relief and a perma- nent cure. G. G. GREEN?, Sole Maotifactnrer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. 8. A. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Tinie Table. GOING NORTH. am pm. tondon,dep't805 4.26. LucanCros g 8.47 5120. Clandeboye 852 5'28. Centralia 905 5:45. EXETER - 910 5.57. Hensel). 9.28 6.09 Kippen 9.34 6.17, 13rucofleld 9.42 6.26. Clinton 10.00 6:15. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03 Blyth 10,28 7.12. ltelgrave 10.42 7 27. Windham 1,1.00 7.45. GOING Sotrmll. a.m p.m. Windham 7.05 340. Belgravo 7,24 4.00. Blyth 7.: i8 4.15. Londesboro' 7,47 9,25. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Bruce field 8.26 5.04 Kippen 8.34 5.12 Hensall 8.41 5.19 EXETER, 8.57 5.33, Centralia 9,09 5.45, Clandeboye 9.18 5..58 Yuman Cros'g9.24 6.02• London 11,17 1018 64.5 EXETER STILL TO TIE FRONT And if you don't Believe it caiI at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LIMBER R YARD and you wi11 be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of ftll kinds of Bililding 'Materials in this sec• tion of Cotlritry,and at the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we aro prepared to meet the keenest coanpetit• ion as to price or quality. We have se - clued the eight' to li'hinllfactitre and Sell Meiiih,tras celebrated Baking Cab- inets: Call and see them and be con- rincucof their merit. ROSS & TAYLOR, igaizl. St., Latter PEOPLE SAY BLOW BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT Uig Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, have thoroughly refitted the factory, and ami manufacturing an line of furniture in Oak, Cherry Maple and. Ash. ,. elegant Yr Note some of the Prices. Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up, " Maple, Cherry and Ash it $8,75 and up•,, Beds, new stile, in Maple And a handsome assortment of o Hall Stands, � ds, Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at$10 00 and up Maple, Cherry r and' Ash at .$8.00 and ii l? Extension 'Tables, Writing Desks, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, end at very close prices. Remember r't l ak .. no trashy elm ._.; furniture and I sell as cheap as the Cheapest. 100 000 feet of Limber and 300 eo3cls of wood wanted in exchange for f innature Undertaking A full Line of Us on hand. �'b goods always y WaRememberrerooms nd the Stand—Factory arc! two doom north ol! Town Ha1!, Exeter. WALT. ADREWS. Roll. N. Roe. BERLE11 AND Undertaker. S. GI L is THE LEADING .S� der, k ? AND Furniture Dealer OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking, Goods now on hand, which I will sell at p right prices. UDE RTAK ING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. CIIBLEY. 0 OT G J. SNELL, s'i_ EXETER - ONTARIO Ilas now in stock ftp gash-00s+ar:./✓., IN THE .FOLLOWING LINES West of .I;nglaiid Suiting ,and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Siritiilg•s and Trouser-. legs. French and .English Worsted Cloth Al : made uf� iA the Latest Style, T 1 at best Rates. DR FOWLERS •EXT: OF • -WILD. TRRWBERRY CURES HOhERA holera Morbus 01—c I C'a�a RAMPS IABRHCEA YSEMTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT I5 SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. G.issett's Livery. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G: BISSE TT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR --- SLIMMER GOODS1 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST as Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND MATS. , LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED IIID M1TS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant bo undersold in Teas and Sugars' for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North FarIlIeIlBro., W1io1a1e �� R0t31! WINE & SNRIT Merchants, Ezcte�'. CFIRrnTIE's ou 11iL) a ':) First Class RIGS And HORSE& ORDERSk LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE. WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Torrsa _ oa �oaz� 1=1e Telephone Connection. ',-wAtx rROrFA PZ +ir` > fiAil5iie aS Rasa/tan n ALL l''4EAT...r'•ACMF_. a •7Ei'lr sere real adlz;eo— tioeti :%o elVre 'C'9,enp• t 1,7;bUC tIl zigy head - ie lees. Zh•z7 ib C171, tit will cost but w'ri cent;' w a ban aaad. they are lana:M ss. 7hc ere nota Cathartic,. F. I. f1SJ, BNN�E9, IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND —where he is— READY FOR A CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will =GIVE AN'--- EASY SHAME, AND E-❑ ❑I HAIRGIJT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post-Ornce. r THE LIG�i�' A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —It— PBtot8l1Gi1joS, Sp41igoS, 1IflljiS1'8 $IIp1Ies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Fanvil.. Receipts carefully 1 Prepared. paa ed. WINII'S 6011[1111611 POWt161 the best ill the market. h�RCf�111�,C.ORi�N�i�t���� CHt,CP,O , ` l u r Eli .: f? . NIdN::a LAld. NYr�nit 115 4 A't`L . A A. sr i. , s C`IT, C . bt t, ata. bC PROPr ...,; M1NFrrn C ONLY SEWaMG AC11g11E',. • • Jf MI AT C i V E5' °1...1t�: r :. C. LtTZ, t. .l