The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-15, Page 4THE SANDERS et SWEET, Props, THURSDAY, OOT, I5t 1, 1891, PAAl:tl ELL IS DEAD! The announcement of the death of '=Chaxzlee Stewart Parnell will cause a shook of surprise, and much heartfelt regret, throughout the civilized world. 'iJlae of the greatest forces of modern .simes, the man who has been practical ly Dictator of Ireland for more than :.en years, anal who was called by hrs • admirers "the Uncrowned King," has • suddenly been called away, and to the feeling of sorrow at his loss will be add a regret that his life was not spared •antil his work was accomplished, and ie had seen Ireland enjoying at least .'sone measure of that Bono Rule for which be has so long and so valiantly Striven, A born "Leader of men" he 'liens, against tremendous odds, show], .gtow strong one determined man with s :let purpose in view, cau become. Al «oaost single-handed at first, he hound atn<i welded together the Irish part .euntal it became an important politica Tactor; and' even Mr. Gladstone, after Shaving first imprisoned him in Pail. -ntainham gaol, diel not disdain to trey with him as a political equal, That h .was a splendid fighter no one will dis -pute; and although the odds agains which be has been fighting; lately were :almost overpowering, stall there'is no -doubt up to the very last, although outvaled and discredited iu seyeral .elections, he still had a strong hold up- -en the affections of a large section of Irish people, and there were very 'strong probabilities of his regaining his and position, in the not far distant fut- are. That Parnell's position was in- 5ured, almost destroyed, by the O'Shea • incident, it would be idle to deny; but this death will cause his fault to sink into insignificance, and his name and .fame axil- live hi history as that of the ane man who embodied the idea of :Home Rule for Ireland, and who put Ante question into such shape that the ,granting of some measure of local self. government to Ireland is only a quest-, 'len of time, and not a very long time t�stler. It is somewhat remarkable that three men who haye each ``filled World's the �, rlof o d s eye fora brief space -ixne—Balmaceda, Boulanger and Par. .~dell—should pass from the world's ,stage within so short a time of each • ether. The points: of resemblance be- t -amen the three men were that each • was a leader; each was, practically, a Dictator for a while, and would have been .actually a Dictator if successful, - :'anti that each failed to accomplish his purpose; but, of the three, Parnell was 1rnmensely the superior in every way, •:'and in nothing dict he show this more han in the fact that he ,took tempos • defeat L ' a 'yrs I l.e a man, and while "tht. _Frenchman and the Chilian gave way .sato despair. and committed suicide, the :Irishman pulled himself together after this disaster, made such reparation as 't was in his -power to make, and de • .:•ermined to regain, if possible, the po_ -salon he had lost. Thousands of true and faithful friends of Ireland will -e ler 1 regret that he was not granted pY b Sae opportunity of showing whether he pp g could repgain that position or not. ' GGS1 EGGS/ The shipment of eggs from Canada t :ts England is quite a recent venture, and by all accounts it has thus far :)etnvet a • reat success. It is one of those unexpected results which often -chow from an adverse policy, such as :;h.e McKinley tariff was intended to be Not -withstanding the prohibitory tariff i':bxttaed by'American legislators, the :i,,,saladiaat hen still lives and lays the Olden, egg for many of our farmers. 1�otonly.so, but as our neighbors .a- cross the line .cannot well do withbut. the.Canadian .egg, so the American \corjstrniel ata:, had, to pay the duty to 'their detriment and without any loss tss Canada, while a new market has ',seen. opened up in England to us t`a•a' rongr'rtSbe retaliatory policy of our neighbors, What was intended for .,elutt. injury has thus proved to be for sus good. According to latest advices Seem England, there has been an . im- 1 :anense shipment of eggs to Liverpool 7r LA London during the past year i'Eremthe opening. of navigation down b July 81st, nine million eggs crossed the Atlantic from Montreal alone • and 'see Sn1y roasonably suppose that ship- ments have gone across the Ocean r, tom other ports of the Dominion. : It slew transpires that by careful packing t i.cost:tirl way,and-by the use, of °.'f, fxigeiattors. 011 the Atltutie liners, 'Canadian eggs can be laid down in the Liverpool. market fresh and in good condition; and, from the high price which they command in , the English Market, Our farulers and the sons and daughter's of farmers may' well feel en- couraged to largely increase the nunt- ber of baunyald fowls, making the bus Ines.. a specialty and thus deriving a handsome profit from this particular branch of trade, By all accounts, the demand for fresh eggs in the large oities and towns in England is unlimit- ed; and now that the question of: safe and sound transhipment has been piac tically settled, the fainters of Canada limy fairly compete with the French exporters who are so much nearer the English market. The Ladies Interested In the Distribution of $1,500.00. The ladies of Canada are delighted; l husbands not with pleasure the mil ti ing faces of wives' and slaughters; in- deed, the whole country is stirred up with a pleasureablo excitement. It simply amounts to this.—that. the, 3' manufacturers of the celebrated' and 1 uuiversailly used Diamond Dyes have inaugurated a grand competition scheme known as the "Di•Lmond Dye Competition," which is freely thrown t open to every mother, wife and daugh- ter of our broad Dominion. No less a .sura than $1,500.00 will be t distributed to the mothers, wives and daughters of Canada, in first, second at;cl third prizes. This sum is really being returned to the constuners of Diamond Dyes. Every lady ie Canada, can afford to become a competitor, and has sufficient intelligence and ability to make up some of the articles men- tioned in the long and varied list. Am pie time is afforded to all for experi mentina and becoming perfect as eom• petitory for the large cash prizes offer ed. It is an unprecedented act of liber ality on the part of the wealthy mann facturers of Diamond Dyes, and neve before attempted by any similiar in stitution in the world and the publi have the most ample proof that evert promise will be faithfully carried oat During the season the manufactur ors of Diamond Dyes have contribute liberally to country faits, in order t encourage Household Economy an Art. Small and almost uuknown con ceras haye tried to stimulate this char acter of work by the offer of insigniti cant sums of from one to three dollars that would not in any instance aefra cost ofd dyeing and the making t t u 3 r a p o goods called for. We fear these sinal imitators has not yet been discovers the fact that the ladies value the` tittle and materials, to be lured b such trifling and miserly prizes. The fairs of our country having clos ed for the season, the manufacturers o Diamond Dyes Mean to keep the lacl.ie busy during the lung autumn an winter evenings, by offering large ane substantial prizes in keeping with th- character of word asked for. The production of every competitor will form an exblbt in the large attic well equipped Diamond .Dye establish uaent in Montreal,and three of the larg• est and best known Dry Goods firm in Canada hasrornised ex )erts t P 1 award the prizes. These well-known houses are: Henry Moran S" Co.,Henry & N. E. Hamilton, and John Murphy - Co. Graham S. Co., proprietors of the Montreal "Daily Stur'" and "Family Ilea"unci and fiTeek/aj Star" have signi- fied their willingness to act as judges on the various Essays sent' forward for COMpetUion, Young and old, rich and poor, have an equal chance in this magnificent and competition eeheme• thereforeou should willingly enter. If 'you have not yet received a book giving full particulars of the scheme, write atorice to the Wells &Richardson Co., Mont real, who will send it post free. We are asked to remind our readers of the fact that all'intending competitors tors should at once signify their inten- tion competitors, 1)y sending in the form, properly filled' up, which is found on page 15 of the book referred to. We wish to impress upon our people the fact that this contest.is absolutely free to, all. There is ria cost for books, no entrance fec, and no rhoney to be sent forward; it is as free to alias the. air we breathe. We trust our people will do what they eau in this competition, and thus sustain the reputation of our women and girls es adepts in house hold work and arc. Staffs. A Harvest Home service was held in the English church last Sunday evening. The church was very taste- fully decorated for the occasion. The long expected Forester's Ball and Suppe]' Ovals field at I:,arcl's hall Cromarty on Friday evening as adver- tised'and was a very decided success. The Foresters deserve great credit for the manner in which theaffair was conducted, Suppe] was served in i:ho lower Stoiy of the building:, while the fine floor of the third flat made a little paradise for those who tale a deliht in tripping the light fantastic. Music was supplied by Messrs. Grant and Davis of Exeter, who Savo general satisfaction. Nothing unpleasant whatever occurred to mar the night's en,joylnent, Dancing continued Until f)til'o'clock in the morning WhE;ll :,111 dispersed to their homes, feeling that they lead spent a very ell joy able tirne, Bruoetleld, Rev, J. Higginsof Hast Winchester, occupied the pulpit of Canada Presby- terian church last Sabbath morning,— on:Rev. Mr, MoCrne, of Montreal, preach• iu Uniola Church S ibbath eYenuig',' —The Miss H411s, Revivalists; held crowded meetings last week in the Methodist church, They also continue all this week,—Mr. Jessie O'Neil, C P. R. Agent, Strathelair, Man,, is in town at present looking hale and hearty -- The celebrated trotting stallion, St, Llaise, owned by Mr. P. McGregor was brought home hist week from Ken tucl:y where he has been in training during the summer.—A:bad cold is go- ing the rounds at present. -Mrs. Jas Broadfootand Miss R. Walker returned home Monday evening fromAxe, Mich., where they were yisiting friends —We are glad to state that Miss C McIntosh, who has been unwell for some time is improving rapidly. THE WISE SAVANTS Tell us that Rheumatism is a blood di wase; that it call be cured only by ai remedy which works through the blood. And yet, if you have the dart- ing pains of Rheumatism tan muscles or joints,:try a little Of Clark's Light- ning Liniment. Irwin go direct to the seat of pain and relieve it at once. There is no waiting weeks acid months until the disease can be attacked through the blood. This seems to be contrary to scientific claims, But it is true that 0111h's Lightning Liniment will care Rheumatism. Sold by drug- gists; price fifty cents, Clark Chemi- cal Co„ Toronto, New York. HIS'I'D E NEmlt SYSTEM OF MEDICINE Harpli y. • Duck shooting is the sport ' of the day at present. —Miss Bell Getrean and hiss J. McLlollau left last week for Detroit where.they intend spend- ing the drunter.--lack birds by the million can be seen passing over here towards the soutli•east every clay, Miss Sarah Polloek was the gilest Of Mies Alvira Moliard last ween:.—Mr. D. Hagen has purchased Mr. J. W. ITS CHALLENGE IS INVESTIGATION'. ITS PASSPORT IS TRUTH. The system is complete having di.f fererit medicines for all the different diseases. The medicines are perfectly pure containing. nothing of a poison- one natiue whatever, and are quite tasteless, THE TIIEORYr is to rebuild the diseased cells and tissues ' of the S'Vatson's farm for the sum of p4,300 body, and by thus reaching the primal and it is expected he will take possess- cause of disease these medicines , will ion at once—The wife' of Mr. Arclii. 1 save life in acute and chronic eases, bald Mclnnis presented liim with ai where the olcl systems of giving pais - hearty little cook on Monda ' lust:—f onotts drugs miserably fail. Books Y sent free explauung the system to any address.: Ristogenetio Medicine Association: On Sunday last while Mr. Joseph Slcarross and family were returning home froth church, by some means the horses took fright throwing one of the little girls out of the rig, passing over her leg, breaking it between the knee and hip. It was carefully set by Dr. Ovens and the patient is doing as well as could be expected.—The home of Mr. Stephen Webb was blessed with a bouncing little plough boy last week. • • Literally germs • or are r by - is C eine ' fortunate . Even - where L successful i markable I. posed - should - Hood's , y f 1 d r• S d e i s O- 1 his PILLS. physical pressions entail sults system. Make receipt MALARIA means bad air. Poisonous arising from low, marshy land, from decaying vegetable matter; breathed into the lungs, taken us the blood, and unless the vital fluid purified by the use Of a good meth• like tiood's Sarsaparilla, the un• victim is soon overpowered in - the: more advanced cases. the terrible fever prevails, this medicine has effected re - cures. Those who are ex. to malarial or other poison: keep the blood pure by taking Sarsaparilla, st,S' tr .e ril ',I' w 1 tij4 r� xt. L r '� a�� .- nlik, , , 'f?V•`✓e f y,{; ' } 11!t ,K i. Y G '•• - l '"� L. POIIRrEon rj,� 1 ,l:it, Ff p9L7A Eha'1d` E d physical They and ff Il and sickness ®t��j�g 11f1 FGiJ of youthful YOUNG them regular. For sale by of price TILE .D21. i �~, r -+ � rV t i ,} + 1 e ar is �i., 1c E;Y!5 MAN powers will mental. WOMAN irregularities, when p I1ld all (50c. FJ , r - " ;t-, >.*• 8 '' li �� y3!., �A S5 restore � lfa I5 bad ®SEN druggists, per WL&LL111LY' 1 4cine. i t ��� tbi c •form- 1 , '" ,, ti n',• a R' the invigorate ?, ;"r. .. excesses - the , ,j both restoring a• and 5 SUPPRESSIONS. ifho miles flagging, his neglected. should They habits, �' box), BE NOT a Pur gatry y ll%dif The ars BL00D BUILDER TONIC and Beam 89 the snppl3uin ,�, ecliadense tiio sub"stance actualiyneeded teem rich the Blood, curia all diseases comiu€ from Poon and War ny - BLOOD, or from VITIATED HUMES in BLOOD, and else and :BUILT: UP the -BLOOD .and Srsmrr, when broken don by overwork, mental woriy disease. and indisere- boas. They have a SPEC/P/0 AcrioN 011 SsnuAL SrsTnnl of men and women, LOST VIGOR 'C ' correcting all g and finds his ttlt+ntal fec- dill o'r,failing, or should take those lost energies, both should `like them. They cure all sup- which inevitably take these rims. will cure ; the re- and strengthen the should take diem. These Pixzs will or will be sent upon by addressing PIED. CO. 33r'ockviIle. Oni. 11)TIN RICKARD the sec Esta` the Ituron,'Yeoman 1st to ter ter 1,9A nature Atter ]].CCCL1i sail entitled claims they which Dated )TIE HUNTER, C1'`���,�dY, 7p��p`,D,� O9y CREDITORS -OF=- DECEASED. Notice is liereb.y given Revised Statutes Sri }sit 'persons having of Richard FT Township of Osborne. who day of August last. the tiedersi„nec1, and Richard Coates before 141at pursuant to of Ontario, Chap. 11n• claiIll s against the enter the eider, late of in the County of;' died oil or about " the are required. to seed Solicitor for Simon *Hun- -i n1 - Executors, on . or the -- next, claims and of the if any, held by them„ 1 # CC Ir 4 Deem 1 'said 11 • Y c the assets of the itmongst the persons regard. only to the have had entice, and for any claim of 1 have been received,: ( Li wrs ff. D1cxsON, j Exeter, Ont C Solicitor for Executors Day of Decelilber h statement of their of the securities, the said let day. C t: UI'3 will C7 is tribute 'Itichard Hunter. thereto, having of which they will not be liable notice shall not Oth Oct., 1801. tiLAn SAL 5181 and. Opminission 'to IV . Agents, lltoii and Wemon, !1'eac1 - ere and Clergymen to introduce a new anntl. popaatan' (standard book. Testimony of 19 Ce]it ries to Jesus of Nazareth, Tile most remarkable religious, hook of the age, written by 300 eininent schOl.ars, Non- sect;ar lan. Every christian wants it. Ex - elusive territory given, Ap,pIyto The Henry Bill Publishing Go.,Norwich, EXETER Wheat per bushel Barley Oats Peas.... Butter , Eggs , . Potatoes per bus Hay per ton . Went ..... MARKETS. . $0.88 to 0,90 . 40 to 42 26 to 28 . 55 to 57 .. 13 to J8 .... 113 to l.13 - . 130 to 35 •.8:00 to 10.00 1?, J•:n 10 . .... . ... .. . . , , ... a e g Cx-sterarau,N.—This is t.ocertify that I have suffered with rheumatism for the last twen- ty-five years. At fivedifferent periods I have been so barn that I had to remain in bed for several months at a time.. This summer I was suffering severely with pain all through my body, constipation, headache, drowsi- ne8S, ;etc. I began taking Histogenetic Merlioines on ,luno lith and continued for eight weeks. I began to improve at once, pain left mo gradually. Ido not feel it at.all except a very little at chaugo of weather- nt in o h g to speak of, just a gentle reminder. Constipation and headache cured ult and no return of either since. It is now six weeks since Istorped. taking the medicines. I feel better now than I have for years, and ' I heartily recommend the people of Pion don to try Histogenetic Medicines, as they did more for me than all the doctors` prescriptions or other medicines that Thad taken before. JAMES :FACE London, 531) 'hark street, Sept. 10, 1801, • Will be at Exete-r,66Centr a:l Hotel," on Tuesday .Nov. 3rd; from 9.30 a, n,, to 5.30, p.m, and at Henson, "lieiksall Hotel," sane day (Tuesday) from 6 p. as., to 9 next moi"nniI3g. CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Association. Rooms 2, and 3 Albion Block, Richrn onci S t Louclon,.Head Office for Western Ontario Head Office for Canada, 10 Tongs Street, 'Market, Toronto. May 14-1 ,y. Melntion Exeter "ADVOCATE." P'•:w„ to J' t� r. el J -.L1 p. epi Jnr " IIL111S.ST A,l'JOR A(»il.':ST DIS.EAs. ]S GOOD DTGES. TOiv:" It is ahard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined; this isnot :hard for even the nulirofcssional to understand when' we take into consideration the mass of food that his made the receptacle of fora time, there to be churned, di- gested and so assimilated. �T MALTO EPS�%IU Can rrtificinl gastric juice—formula on every label) will cid the ach'and . so cure indigestion,Dyspcp. ps.a etc. In fact it is a t 00k 1. aid to diggesta hearty dinner, and can do no (, ,rm as 1t is 0.11,, adding an extra amount of gastric juice, does nntstimulatc, and so there is noreacLion. Endorsed by physician's. Send 2 cis- in postage for valuable book to If:12SN MORSE, 1s rl.saarto3AL Deimos, ONTARIO, EXOtOr Ipstrilroolit EMPORIUM. PERKINS ,& MARTIN, PROPS. We cart' the most complete stock of Musical tnstrunieiats in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS'. G a, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, •BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &o. Tlie above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Puoliasers. CFIvL Us A GALL, EVERYTHING 1i W4 Y DOWN. PERKINS & MARTIN, .3.' TI -1= Leadiu� C1otiiiii Hose. are the latest goods in------ PALL AND WINTER SUITINGS and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be macle up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PRICES A AY DO Remember the Stand one Poor North of E. H, Fish's Barber Shop. 1 Givee me a,ll �lJ a rl ;. J. GRIEE. • ar }R' .1 . it d rs. EMERIEMIEZEINEMMUIETEM It willo you ayto call on us if you P J n wlilt anything in Hard- ' ware such as Nails, Hinges,Locks, Glass, Paints and Oils. j{1W Stooki f Jolutoirs tigilig Poirtts NEW COLORS. Brber, tStria, Yr1iac1 y Galvanized. wires away d own for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS CMP" ET EAVETROUGI°HHNG A SPECIALTY NEW RAYMOND MACHINES AND t , I.�..,EDLS. CALL WHEN IN TOW yy� ISSETT B x ;. aS. maseseCtammixamaneraessumurnsmc-a .9m17.71...1102 4.. OO fl I puce a positive. xemedy Stir the above disease by Rs use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of. 'ono standing hate been cured. Indeed so strong is my -faith In itsefficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES PREF, with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease t0 any stiffeser,nho will send ma their EXPRESSnn3 1.?,0. address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 186' ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO; ONT. ALLAN LINE—. . ORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF4 l4 CELERY COMPOUND; ' A SAFE remedy for teething ^i infants and adults suffering tram, all nervous troubles,.Ouaranteed. to contain no opium or any drugs exempt those printed on formula on every bottle. Endorsed by. Lor siale'b ydrug gists. n 60 Cam. Send two centstamp for descriptive circular to Rosen Morse, Buffet), N. TS f�l 1891. Sttmmor Sailing, 1891. Liverpool, DerrYiQuebec and Montreal. P i From ( + From loin Liver I Steamshins p` , Dion- Quebec pool i trail. Sept. 3 $ tlil INIAN 't 10 MONd,GILIAN 17 PARISIAN tt 2. CIRCASSIill Oct. I P0L1NI SIAS S SAl1DINIA1T 15 1bIONUOLTAK' 1 22' PARISIAN u `G0. CIRCASSIAN NOV. 5 POtyrYii$iAN " 2, t: Sept. 10 Sept. 20 30 Oct. 1 Oct, 3 " .t ft 10 ft 11 it 17 tt 18 h4 11 c"ri Nov. 4 Nov. 5 tt 7 8 Li 15 oa RATES OE PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool. Ty S. S. Parisian, '500, 570, w80 single; '5110, $130,5150 return. 13y other Steamers 550, 555, 500 single; 505, Intermediate 5S1 00, return $50.00. Steerage 5.0.00, return 840.00. John Spackman, EXETER, ONT, 5105, 8115 return. CETIi .TMJll III1P. Mr. George Sniallcolnbe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur• rounding country that he has opened --out a Clew-- 3 liner In and Gents' Fl.1rnlsh- film Establ.islitnent in J � , Fanso111s 131ock., Latest designs of hoods always on hand, arid made up in the latest A3ncx is ail Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. • Ladies Jackets and Mantle. In l i.iag itttended to, GAIALLAC0103.1+, J . .� S , MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter, All men can't be Apollos of strength and form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- ment makes such men. The methods are our own exclusively, and ]'where anything is left to build upon, the gq V 1 ,1z'e.. is efts; t r 1pdck ti,S ggg 11e. ter.,,, �'9 •t�alrr Ai a, s�T�'lr tAr�f��iilr�"3N, 1!Servonsnre't'as, Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors, or later excesses, the result, of over-wo' l , -sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Tull strength development, and tone giv- en p � en to every organ and portion of the body.lm b y Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failurtp impossible: 2,000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, ERIE MEDICAL BUFFALO, N.Y, 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and towels, unlocks the .sSecretions-ifes'tY1e Blood and removes all im- purities from 'a 'Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. 7EDi�11L 0.?„I /t 1 A it A?f, ':.CURE.S..1:-- DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. " SCROFULA. HEART BURN, SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. C)ROPS't: RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASES 0_..: t 'r�J, .;�.ak,.'.1 Ivo ..' .,,_.. •..,,,rt-' t 1 F `r d + .,n�1 ,X'Siiil+" • 1 X:, r