The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-8, Page 8I:AD,1111AKER'S r 0 1 EYER FAILS TQ QIYt SeesteCTItii rare SALE s'1` Age DeALERsr ..ar,aia.,.o..• P 3 atall Vitro DEPRitifilE)11 THE MART. COUNTER GOODS. Toys IS, Polish Pictures Beads 'Shoe " Spice Jars Dolls hatch Safes Sales Nid tugs `Needles Rules l Balls1rT. Pits I1ln I amers Nurses }T fumbles Tacks 61, Pencils `Bullous Agate S. Drivers Broaches I " Pearl P. Cord bre. Chains 'Handkerchief C. Openers Cups Towels IC. Tongs l'oy Books Necktics 'F. , Shove1 s Knives Fans 1I.Organs iSplashers Whisks FT. Mats Soaps Bibs N. Brushes Ten Pails S•, e Ten Sleepers0 Turners :Jlothes " T. P. Stands Pans lllacic'g " Comb Cases L. Squeezer Store 'ai Dust Pans C. Screws Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles S. Lifters P. Mashers Toast Forks Dippers Egg Beaters ! t n . r' i\ ? 1 r Il 1 olI S uua 1 lc3C ttol 5 The ) lu X1.00 ur 3 t with every p E,1 \ 1 t 11C11hb. L< , \ elelitist)elitist)13 at the ,,; Bankrupt Store you, tliv llLtitt Memorial church will be. in. have 1. ;•Mess for beauty, aid of the large and floor 1)iocess of Victoria Carbolic Salve is a vv onUe>,•. Algoma. ful healing compound for cuts, \wounds, Now is the tune to subscribe for the bruise: burns scalds, boils, plies, pimp, Any eea1 4. Y ii can have it s;+nt to les, &c. ttny friend in Canada or the 'United Sacramental services were tdtnihiS• fronxh0ow until Jan. lst, for ocily 23 taxed in the Trivitt tllemorial church cents. on Sunday last by the Rector, Rev. S. P prizes for bestreport of sermon to Robinson. children of the Tt•ivitt Memorial a, S. That tired T feeling' now so often on the anniversary were awarded by heard of is entirely overcomebyHoocl's the Rev, W. Hindu as follows: Char• Saisaparillai, which gives mental and lott i'etterson, Frankie Fish, Joshua bodily strength. Morgan. Combs Trays Toy Brooms lGoblets. ■ SCR is g Exeter. BEAUTY &S STILL THE ORRIN CARO 111 EXETER. BIG Milburn's Aromatic (e iniue \Vine Mr• B. Aubry, the well Lnorvn horse' fortifies the system against attacks of buyer, of Montreal, has been u1 town ague, chills, bilions fever, dumb ague for the past few days purchasing Igor - and like troubles sex a11(1 5 illieoutiuue to do so for a S,Vell now ain't it funny that Beauty week longer. Parties having horses is so much admired Sedraised. Who to dispose of can see this gentlenlau at p the Commercial Rouse Exeter:. him! r is goingco tt any hint, TiTri your lack it 'While lifting a bag of salt at the won't cast anything. ` The ADvocerie will be sent to any 'Exeter Salt Well on Tuesday morning address for the balance of the rear 1591 last, Mr. Geo, Oudmore had the misfor is tune of injuring the spine of his back, t20i eeli0 subsUsce rfbe. in advance. ND and had to be removed to his residence the limo to on Huron street where medical aid Mr, Frank Hohlbein shipped a car- was summoned anti his injuries cared load of bare: front this station on Tues.for. day to .London. This will be his last shipment for this season. Who wouldn't buy their fall and winter g000ds at the Big Bankrupt Store aucl have a chance of winning Beauty. Have you seen him? if not, its time you had. The battered hull of Nelson's famous r flagship the Victory, which will be ex - Overcoats! Overcoats. Overcoats,, lublted at the World's Fair,is 120 years The largest stock, and we will guaran- old. The exact spot where Nelson fell tee the best values in Western Ontario is marked on the deck, and in the cock= is at the Big Bankrupt Store: pit will be a number of Mnie,Tussaud's All parties needing sale bills will waS figures representing' in a realistic find it to their advantage to give the way the death of the admiral surround, 1 ADvocamn" office a call, and you will ed by his otiiceis. receive satisfaction for leaving your Joshua, Morgan ayoung , lad whoorder. Give us a cafe le 5 works for Smith Bros. of the Stock Farm The members of the Young Peop + Exeter. North had his foot badly injnr- Association of James Street Methodist ed in the horse' power of a thrashing church will give an open meeting on machine on Saturday last. The sole Tuesday lath inst., and a good time of his boot was torn from the upper may be expected: Let there be a good leather andlthe limb badly • crushed. turn out. rarleit5for .sate,. 1h4 undersigned 11 ad several first• class farms for sale on easy tern., J. Seeeiceee, E `*eter. avautea. Never too late to mend. 5333 pugs of boots and shoes that Lhx.ecl ropaieiug, to be left at the leading boot and 8h03 store next door to the post olliee, G. Ntansou. Lost. 13etween Exeter andGrant)n't brass cap belcngfng to the hub of a baggy. A reward will be given the parson leaving' the sam3 at this o le) or with the owner, Ala Joseeit righter, Exeter court or Revision. Court of Ilavision was helix lyra 00 Monday, IIis'HIonor, Judge Tx-ne, pre, slicing, and`oa, rueidaty at Creditoni, for the tnwaship of Stephen. A large nutnber of new names were added to the lis s by both parties, sick List . Mr. Eiward Sa11ders, who we repeet • ed in. 0u1' last issue as. being. 1x1 from. the effacts 0' Typhoid fever iii Michi- gan, is, we are pleased to learn, get- ting along mealy, and is eepectecl home as soon as health will permit, -- Mrs. Philip Lang, we :IN sorry to lcarn is confined to her bed through a 63 - yen illness, of which her recovery is doubtful. Allotifer Gains Donor. We notice amongst the nettles of successful students at the r'3ceut. Tor- onto University examinations, that of Isaac R Carling. son of Isaac: Carling, Esq. "Ike" stood high up in the 'grad bating class and will now b3 permitted to affiix B. A. to his Autograph. Ha now begins leis course in law, and wa fell satisfied, from the title he has just attained, that Wit will soon. have the pleasure of recording his sue- cess. Law School lioxidations. Students and Clerks who have here- tofore passed the second laterlu sdiate examination and are required under • existing rules to attend the third year lectures of the Law Selutt d limn. the term of 183e-3 may eleet toatte.li slur• ing the preseait terlll such portion o the third year lectures as m ty reason. ably approeimite.to 01i3 hLIE thereof, and, after duly attending the proper proportion of lectures on those subjects shall not be ragitired to attend to tures on the sant aurin,; th.3 fallowing term A written' eleetio:i'mu;` be delivered to the prinzip it b /foee. (11.3 caeeni tut of the lectures stee td to be. attended. The Law itexam,iia: Newspapers 1.—Any parson wil) tsleas a pip3r regularly from the p )stofii, , whether in his nein: of anoth.r's or wesea r tis has subseelb3.1 or not, is rasp) nsible for the payment. 2.—If a p3rsio melees his paper dis- continued, 113 111.031 p ler up all arrears, or the publisher may continue , to seal it until payment is male; awl tiieeco1- lect the whale amity it whether the:pi- per is taken from the. o!Ii e or not. 3.—In suits for sabterip ra.1s; the' shit may be ihstit11 i.. i in tit t pleas where the paper is .published, aliis nigh the subseriber' Inv r.,sid , hu.ulydis of miles away. 4—The courts have d vee 1 that re- fusing new;sptp are or p trio lie tee fr>m the p)a.otfi3. or r::nllvin 0,11 131.' ink• th3m i1:10i110 for while u.lphii, i•3 prim; facie evi.t;ils3 o3 iateatih.lal fraud. We have some extra values to offer this week; We just struck another 'bap in Sugars. Beat value in a nice yellow sugar we have ever offered. Just here we stop and wonder, has ably merchants in this town dared have the cheek to say that we dont sell 20 itaunds of granulated sugar for $1.00 unless you buy Dry Goods from us as well. Now such is net the ease, you get all the sugar from us you want whether you buy Dry Goods or not. We state positively right here that :here has never been any person refus- ed sugar by us because they did not buy. Dry Goods as well. The merchant who circulates such repors is a \VIL- our, STRANGER TO THE TRUTH, and is already branded as such. Have you l000ked through our as - He will be laid up for sometime but is The tropical heat which has pre doing very well. veiled for some time has given place An exchange tells of a printing office to cooler weather. Of late there has in Kentucky being opened with pray been several refreshing showers, and .er. This is a rare exception to the the grain and grass are now in a flour- rule, as froni time immemorial it has ishing condition. been the custom for printing offices s to Regular traffic through the St. Clainbe opened by the devil and closed by tunnel will begin on the 27th October, the sheriff, and sometimes by way of The winter timetable will come into variety, they have been opened with a force on that day, and the tunnel route corkscrew and closed by a nib will then make its first appearance on Word has been received from. Mus- the company's schedules. 1 oke that the shingle mill, owned by Do you require anything inSVoollen Messrs. V, Ratz, of Crediton, Bernard goods? If so, call at the Exeter Woollen Cook, of Dashwood, & Co., near Sou Mills,th and they will be able to supply River was totally destroyed by fire 011 you with blankets, sheeting, yarns, Thursday last \Ve have received no tweeds, flannels, underclothing, &c., of particulars as to cause,or how much loss, the very best quality, and at the low No doubt it will be a big loss as an est possible prices. extensive business was done by them. sortment of Mantle Cloths and Sealettes pronounced by good judges to- be the ..'INEST GOODS and BEST VALUES an the trade. You make a Serious Iiistake. you buy your Dress Goods before seeing; our stock. Remember that with eyery $4 pur- ahase you have a chance for Beauty. Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS: There is in our window a glass jar containing it number of button„ the num- .+er isunknuwu to any ))croon ,;lie guarantee ,:t which app oro below. With every pur- •.iase 181uayou are Len titied. to one gauss at t.te number o3 Buttons in the .Tar, with . tt L,ureha.=e of ,,5 QJ tZVU guesses wed so on. Itt our office will be kept a Book where you will register Four naano :and yourg noxa. a'!te contest to close at S o'clock on New Year Bye. when. the jar, will be opened and the Buttons counted by disinterested and res- O,nsible parties, and the person who has guessed the correct or nearest to the correct :cumber of Buttons will then become the owner of Beauty; should there be tt tie then. -he first who has registered the correct nuni- ber will 11e the winner. A number of our sports can be seen The Book Committee of the Exeter these evenings wending their way to• Mechanics'. Institute held their monthly wards a number of corn patches,whicli meeting in the library Tuesday night. are only a short distance from 'the vil- There was a fair attendance of the lage, in search of coons. The little an- members and considerable work was imals will soon have to get a move on done. Several accounts were ordered as there are several eanitles under to be paid and a list of books prepared training for the hunt this fall. by Messrs. Henry Smith and. Robt. During the past few days four car Muir ordered to be purchased. The load of salt has been shipped. from the committee were highly pleased with. Exeter Salt well. They have been the catalogues printed at the ADVO running day and night for several OAri office, Next meeting, on the first weeks and have succeeded in mane- Tuesday in November. factoring a large quantity of sett. Ow ' Another of our citizens ,and business. to a shall breakage this week they men left a few dans ago for other parts will dose down for a few days. of the Globe and up to the present it is. Autumn, the most delightful season not known where he has located. We of the year, is at hand and henceforth refer to the person of MIr. Fred Griffin we may expect weather that will in- who has been running a bol ery Here fuse life and acti\ itr into every ale- sometime and of late has been following partment of trade. 7t is the beginning the fall fairs with a tent selling confect of a prosperous and hopeful season and lottery u:c. He stated to a young moa as it advances we are looking for a in his employ that bn wanted to viSit rush of trade that will go on with in- London on business and hiring the creasing force until after the Christmas Plight, took his nvife and family with holidays. him aucl blade his escape. Several. The. Government has made a change creditors are left behind wlio are look- in the method of passing through ems- lug after the furniture and sloe ,,which. is not Ore' lunge, and it will b., sold oti toms goods sent by express o[ underis .13th hist.. $10 ie: alio. In the future all such g h.' and there goods will be entered in a small cult• This i; the aster month, ems goof. similar to that in which post are not many of its, I fang*, vvrh) li tve al matter is entered, and the consign- not already plucked or glimpsed at the a. splashes hes ers of such goods need but to "sign the roadside asters. What pretty l boot:," thus doing Amway with the ex of color they are when one flies past p ells^, of dialing out entry papers as in them on board the train,.and how fla- girls is to certify tufa the t`. number of buttons in the jar in the 4 -Window of tee Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they were placed there by us 'and the 4' jar sealed in our presence. i%. Signed ( B. S. O'Nh rr,, t R. H. Cor,t,res. :...tea y 4 - Oar STO Cik is large; Our;;COO new; Our P $OE err e, We make a business of making Bu Spins in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings, Goods, J9 Notions, Fro. The latest in STYLE, the finest in QUALITY, the 11t11103t in VAR Y have been combined .111 us andI in one mighty effort for trade. neither do we yropose to do a Wo oleo . Pak?, 8'5,3,® fake i busreos n order to gain custom. dollar a dollar incl not ninety-nine cents. Our We call a l0 1 e goods are all marked in PLAIN FIGURES. And you nyt depend end that otir rices are right. 0 i r fall yprices be sur and winter offerings well not:and can passed WITH ALL THEM BLOW, BRAY AHD BLUSTER. to the contrary. . Thera is a limit below which honest. good's cannot be sold. We plaee our prices at the low water mark for safe and reliable gooda. Insect us, criticise us, know us and you will find that we save you dollars. Stewart, Dealer in Bankrupt Stook. LOCAL JOTTINGS Note Carling Bros: change of "ad" this week. Call and see J. H. Grieye's $2,50 pants rnade to order. Large forest fires are raging in. the swamp west of this village. Dentists are not all farmers but they give off the achers just the same. If you want a first class farm on easy terms call on John Spackman, Exeter. Don't forget to call and see J. H. Grieve's $10 overcoats before purchas- ing. Have you seen the. beautiful Fall Dress Goods at the L'ii, Bankrupt .,tore. A new telephone WAS placed in the residence of Mr, L 11, Dickson. last week. Another shipment of that 1 25e. Japan Tea just arrived at t Bankrupt Store. A ntnmber of our local sports attendance at the races held in c ton with the Parkhill fair on \'\ Many. It is reported t,hot quail aro n iy plentiful hi \\resters (Ilton' teunamer, the TIloS1 season ands atno as he Dig were in n tinect' red3le5• Iusual• io this on the. the past. gilt; mid dainty they are ill form when closet scrutinised. Our roadside ogees n given to ata• y 'trLlCti0Yl5 have been 5 are tall, and the disc of fluffy "petals tion agents, road masters, sectnoa boss has not given way to the lieavy,hend- es and employes of railroads generally d aster of our garden. The5r, too; are to thoroughly ca:ry on.; the Ontario pretty. We welcome their stilrey. laws regarding cattle running. at large rounded mass of Bloom. We ,joy in the. hole, sheep it is to teepee(' ninny cow, at varied colors, the delicate: purples, the large, ithor pig found of an running e_ rich crimsons, the soft pill am' the slarge city, one half mite of any ntry, spotless White, But while we admire andin rose town, village or country, them they hold. in Our hearts no such" and to prosecute the owners thereof place as do the wild asters, nodding• where theypersi.stiuviolatiugthe lbws' their plumy heads in the October wired There has, been several complaints and gladdeuil,g our eyes with the lour - throughout the country among the pie shades,' scattered amclig reddening millers and grain buyers that the far- grouted ivy leaves, tinted 5urnachsand mets have been marketing their gis'tin the ast sunny spikes of the later -flow• too soon. In several 11Ystances the ering golden,iod. gain was taken out' of the field in a As the season of the year is fast ap damp condition. and after it was preaching whcsn the lea\ es change threshed, it sweated in the ;bans, and their color -mei fall to the earth, it is was then bagged up for sale before' it then that you wilt find a number of was perfectly dry. The annoyance people taking a ramble through the has caused considerable . trouble in woods gatherin_ the shapeliest leaves some sections. Farmers should see of the tees, sprigs of moss and any that their wheat is given plenty of miniature leayes that they think will ventilation before offering it on the retain their beauty atter being dried, market, as it will not only be, a benefit and especially keeping a lookout 101. to the purchaser but to the seller. ferns. After several pleasant hours is The official annourydement of Lady the woods they will come home with Macdonald's elevation to the peerage their baskets full of all kinds of plants is made in the Official Gat•sette publish• and leaves. To preserve the delicate ed in London. The announcement colors of the latter it is necessa ry tht leads: "That the (ween has been pleas• they should be, dried at once. After eel to direct letters patent to be passed yeti have arranged your specimens otli under the great seal of the United the drying' papery ley several sheets Kingdom of Greami Britain and It'el.znd, over and under them,and putin a press weight but be cafe: • v•tc.l ht gerontine the dignity of a baroness of or under a heavy v „ • . . pressure Until L them under e Age, (r p the side United Kingdom to Susatl A ; fol to p nes, Lady Macdonald, widow of the perfectly dry, or your largo flowers will Right Ilotorablc Sir John Alexatnder mould or shrink and thus Lose all beau Macdonald G. C. B:, Prime Minister of ty. Whetl your mounting is finished, the Dominion of Canada, by the title write under each Specimen the date of Baroness Macdonald, of Lai'nscuffe, when i was found, tne c 11113 and thefund- ionnYne in the Province of Ontario, and Domin g tp • + of Canada, and at her decease, the far name, The sheets may ry then e dignityl of at. baron to the said United placed in portfolios, according to g ` Il Iifnmdotn to the heirs male; 1)y the 'titles era, or `nay by':1rrLng`:d slet the of Buren Macdonald o. Larnscile>+specimens from one place are together, CLARK'S LIG I PNING Liniment will ratieee ih 3 p tin h i.l tp:t- Lira 01 R.le11nttiem 111 till. I)iha' or. mus'les. It slital.t ba W311 tete 31 in with I:h3 hlan:1, anal 1;±13 ptiez coear3+1 with a piece ofAvenel. Tit t p in will mete: with t1.i acs:, ,1.3'')'111.3(1 1, a•11 eolti u3l 1.133 well e feet a 111 try-31.nmR cure. This remedy needs bu, a trial to convince the In eit seep:xeal thee it that W0flderilll prop'tr'atio ii. +J )1d 1)v all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., '.1'or,xpto, N r 1. k Ace 'Mon Deaf. Or c'to you suffer from nni;ei io 553 Bead 'Then sand 3 cent stam p.to1 Lv iii seal a val. liable treatise. cont:ticungth11purttc.ulursfnr hog care which coar1 Cu n.p'bra ti lu noth- ing. A 1 n,1i 1 work Im deaf i ,tnd the ear. A fares P.W.R. G. °FL .SE, KJ arch. 513 —33 t c NG t ,iylA a •y l ,. >R ;t c. S'• NOW is TEE rs=asa x BUY 'YOUR FALL CLOTHIIM3 $3,toei sflrfl. TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN WIIOLESALE pRICE If you want a Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and Pants, &c., call and see our big stock. Ths Lit Tag tg oi'IOUSE FROM. TO THE PEO!Lt OF EXEffR and surrounding country. Having purchased the Stock of William Folland and engaged his services to conduct and carry on Th Tillsraithing Blls! leSS I am now prepared to execute work on the shortest notice and at PR ICES TO SUIT ALL. REPAIRING A SPECILTY. All contracts made by him will be strict - adhered. to, but all payments must be made through the shop or to the proprietor. All p el•sons receiving goods at the shop will be held i poasibl e for the same; except- ingby Yttea order the . l ry tv. m signedby proprietor. N. HO t4 R rap ,1 9 \Wen r say I core I: do not moan merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the 'limits .of 1115, erxr,nP. 51 or FALLING SICIiN155 a Ille•1on•• study. I'wtrmnt my remedy to caro the worst cases. llocanSe others have fni,ed'rs no reason for not. now ieeeialn56 a cure. Send at onto for a.'. treatiseand a Free 'Bottle of any: Infallible remedy. Giro EXPRESS and P0ST.OFFICE. H. U. RooT; tVl, C. 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, OIiT. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR GUT T 0 N ■r doe from which this paper is I x Int ed was supplied. by the ' RIMeJ ummv,ana,r,. . Toaotro Te FoItO Y E. J. SPACKMAN & CO. SAIIWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, ONTARIOI Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies, J. T. JOHNSTON. S0 & 82Wellin ;ton St. west TORONT O, ONT. Exeter Roller Mills. 111A.RItE AEE.i'OR,TS. WIIELIT 0,90 TO 0. Oar S3i1inT Flour, strong bakers', best,cfamily, " low i' 1r gladC , Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, 1,10 95 per bush FrMes. hrliqt s„ L i, big $3.00 per 100 2.50 , 2.00 l` 70 of " 90 a cc too " to 1 25 11 Chop stone running every day. TERMS C.A•SH. The Milling Co E :etea ,,. XPi t jjs 6 ramagsiamsatorMonrosor . 3 The Summer holidays are now about the Fall Fairs close at. over and t e being hand, ;I wish to inform my many cus- tomers that I a.m still in my OLD STAND, (OVER (F. J. Knight's (''grocery Store.) And am prepared to do work in latest style and best of workmanship. x IIg II x it = 11. x 11 II x R[L JO1I1( III1II(!D. 3< II _ 11 ,fit 11 -3- U x II -i- it )< Give me a call leave your measure and I will g ive you a teat fit. and Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store, BERT KNIGHT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $3. per _p J. &J MCMARTIN, Propridors.