HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-8, Page 5Voir Over J?irty VeaeS, Nes. WanSLOw'$ So0ru114u SYRUP has boon used by millions of mothers for their child- ren while teething, if disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf'_. faring and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and got a bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing, Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, motllors,thore is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhom, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, cures. Wincl Colic, Softens the (Innis, reduces In flummation, and gives tong and energy to the whole systona. "Airs. Winelow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for ohildren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proscription of one of the oldest and bast female physicians and nurses in the United States, krioe twenty- five oontsa bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 13e sureiand ask for "Mas. WIxsaow'5 SoO'rillsce SYRUP," The Bureau of American Republics denies, upon authentic advices, the sensational reports telegraphed from the city of Mexico concerning political disturbances in Guatemala and Cent- ral America. • Couasil Altptioi1 Clu'cti. An old physician., retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an Cast India Missionary the formula of yL simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and Hermit- nent curd of Consumption, Bronehltss, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat ;incl :Dung. Affections, also a positive and " aclloal dire for Nervous Debility and all „riots Conn- plaints, after hiving Le:ited its wonderful Curative powers in.; tliOnsande of cases, has ffeltIthis duty to niakeitknown to bis stiff,, eringfollows, Aotuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sutiaring,I will send free of charge, to a11'who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with fnlldirections for preparing and using. Senit by.inail by addressing m with stap, 'naming ties paper. W. A. Noris, 820 Powers Tiloelc, Ltocitester, N. Y. A searcher after. buffalo bones in North Dakota set a match to the prair- ie grass because it interfered with his work, and the conflagration destroyed. property worth half a million dollars. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When, she became Nies, she clung to Castoria. When shelled Children, she gave them Castoria. While blasting a well yesterday at Campbellford William Flemming lost an eye and received several bec! wounds, through an explosion which hung fire, and which he went to in-, vest gate. Pisoc Remedy tor Cat rrh is the: Best; Easiest to UseandCheapest. soF. EFL J.w' to 61C �a� t114. ?caSold by druggists or sent by 01011, 560. E. T. Haseltioe, Warren,: I o., U. S. A. The manager of theParis newspap- er Irtrdnsigeccnt has been sentenced to imprisonment for one month and fined $400 for publishing an immoral article written -by M. Rochefort; - VICTORY AT VIVIAN. . "In our family faithful work has been done by Fowler's Extract of .Wild Strawberry as a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea, dysentery and all sum- mer complaints, I can recommend it to all as a. family friend, always true and faithful."—Mrs,! W. Bishop; Vivian, Ont: R. N. O'Brien was "omni guilty ftt Potties! yesterday cf libelling Prince George of Wales: Owing to the len- iency of the prosecution he was allow- ed to go on suspended sentence. Worms Cause Much Sickness among: children. Freeman's )Worm Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and healthy. A general strike of railroad coal ininers was inaugurated in the Pitts- burg district , yesterday. The nien e,i=ant half a cent nleieatse in mining ;rates. Nearly 10,000 men are out. BEAUTIFUL BANFF, N.W.T I was indrtced to Use your Burdock Blood Bitters for constipation and gera eral debility and fou,td it a .complete cure which I take pleasure in recom- mending to all who may be thus afilie tee.."—Jianee 4 Caisson, Banff, N.W'l`. Chief Justice Lacoste and Justice Blanchet received an address of con gratulation from the Quebec bar on (melding enc Court of Queen's Bedell at the antacut capital yestor(lay. IIe 10..LchP dizziness, einginge noises in the, (ears, hawknig and spitting are sure S}'171ptoms Of catarrh. There is no case Mises Balm will not. cure if given a fair trial. Beware of imitations. The hclaucl Stanford, Jr., University at Palo Alto Cal,. 0 '1 was opened � (i 1 5 0'0t, C Cater" clay with ireposin;, eeremontes, All, the students in the faculty participated ill the: opening. T.lt.iJ I/ FAITH. I. "I have graft faith irnBurdock Blood Bitters as 11 1)10051 purifier. I haye tai: ea three bottles for bad blood and find it a perfect t cure. It ie a; Band medi- eine and I recommend it wherever 1 yo."—Ida! atudei'son, Toronto, Ont. The reciprocity ac, •otietions between Canada: and the United States, ' set to begin Oct 10, have been; postponed Owing to:Seeretavy Blainu's illness. If you once til Citeter's Little 11'01. Pills for sick iT(a ret, 111 ousnc.,, oi• c:00sliprtioe, you will never be without thein. They 8 I t)tzrel4 vegetable; slid wind easy to take, Don't . forgot this. Yesterday 131.00,000. of btillion..was with(1)awn from the Bank of. England for shipment to the United States, The 'batik sold! $50,000 in United States engles to do HENRYr , r r r Cr. JAMES. • Henry G. JalnCs, 02 Wienipeg, Maine writes1 01 1(1701. al :years I, was trol:t bled With pit'npies 11)11 51)111ti.ons of the skin, After other i,mr l7(, failed 1. fixed four bottles of. Jarudnr3: Lrlood n been Bitters and sinc;o then 1 have b t, v 1 1 complaint, :il ,,1,. rlttf, free, from 1' 1 lc f y 1. willalways' occulty a piece in my Dr, T, A, Slocum's OXYGENI%ED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVL'It OIL. If you have a Cold --• IJso it. For sale by all druggists. It is reported that Archduke Karl Ludwig, who, upon the death of Crown who, Rudolf, became heir presumptive to the throne of Austria- Hungary, is about to resign his heir- ship in favor of his sou, Archduke )'ran z. Drovers alt traversing the parishes adjacent to Quebec city, buying up all the sheep they can lay hands on for the Boston market. One Beauce firm has just forwarded a shipment of 1,700 an- inlals,'and contracted to deliver 6,000 more before the end of the season. If sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Livei, Pills if they will. positively cine it? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth, r1 hey are small and easy to take The Canadian tug Bertha Endress has foundered off Point Iroquois, lake Superior, and all on board—five per-. sous—were drowned. Two, of the lost were sons of Bell and Duncan, the wealthy Michipieoten mine owners; and all five were Canadiatis. Never Allow the bowels . to remain constipatedlest serious evil ensue.. National Pills are unsurpassed as a remedy for constipation. There has been shipped . by water from Saginaw river ports during the season to date the smallest amount of lumber in a score of years, being 006,- 970,000 feet: The shipment of shingles was 60,000,000, and of lath 11,289,000. AUNTY'S ADVICE. "My brother had severe summer complaint about a wear age) and no remedies seemed to relieve him. At last our aunt advised us to try Fowl- er's Extract of Wild Strawberry and before he had taken one bottle he was entirely cured."—Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont. Andrew Quinlan, aged 79, the oldest railroad conductor in the United States was killed by a train at Avon, New Jersey yesterday, while attempting to cross the New York and Long Branch tracks. Mothers, have pity on your paleand suffering daughters. Their system is "run down,'' and if neglected the eon - sequences may be fatal. Dr. William's Pink Pills will bring back their rosy cheeksand health aiid strength. Le Malin, of Paris; says there has been a revolutionary agitation in sev- eral provinces of Brazil, causing the Government great uneashiess. In many places the troops have mutinied MRS. GEO. RENDLE. Mrs. Geo. Rendre, of Galt, Ont., writes: `'T can recommend Dr: Fowt4's Extract of Wild Strati beret' for 11 is a sure cure for all summer complaints. We are never without it in the -house.',' howler's Wild Strawberry. Price, 35c, The failure of C. H, Vonner & Co, a prominent stock brokerage firm, with offices in this city and Boston, was an - 1101117 'P, yesterday c d y(s e y afternoonon the New fork Stock Exchange. Will be found an excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liv- er iver Pills. Thorsanls of lecters from people who have used them: prove this fact. Try them. Judge Paschal, of Uvalde, Texas, has declined to naturalize R. V. Sauer because of his S0c12slistio proclivities, claiming that sx,i•tlisrz is directly Op- posed to the constitution of the United States. Usborne Council. Conned met on Brd inst. All present Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. SIi', Jas. Earl made ap- plication on behalf of the Patrons of Industry for the use of the 'Town ]7a11 as a meeting place, J.:rlalls -W. Kydcl that the use of the Town Hall be grant- ed _the Patrons of Industry to hold their meetings, provided they be responsible for any damages clone wt• such meet- ings.—Carried, J. Sheir-T. Cameron that Mrs. Sampson receive $5 for relief Carried. J.Il.alls-W.leydd that the Collector be authorized to collect a per- centege charge of 5 per cent on ,a11 tax es not paid on or before the 14th of Dec. 1891, and that a by-law be drafted in accordance therewith—Carrs d. W. Itycict—J. Sheir that the Reeve and T. <t i,�, mer'on be instructed to see that the Collector's Bond is duly exe,uted and. returned to the Clerk before 15th inst. Carried. T. Cameron -J. Halls that by law No. 4, 5 to 6 for 1591 as now read ai third time be passl.d:--Carrie•1 By invitation a deputation of the Coun cil of tie village of Exeter consisting of Dr. Rollins, Reeve and D. Ross Coun- cillos appeared at the council iu regard to the matter in dispute between the two councils with reference to the rad, way, bonus, After fully discussing the question It was moved by J. Hall—T. Cameron th it this council accept the stun of ,`G5.35 in full payment and as :t final settlement of the indebtedness of the village of Exeter toM the tp, of. U,shorzre in rc„ilids to the bonds grill led the la 12 1 b Railway, this being the difference dine tate lnwlleruality af- ter allowing '31) per cent interest on sums paid from tilno to time 131• said v,.11age Carried. The following or- ders were ;ranted viz.—A, Metitrcly rep: ctilYee t 75 ets; W. Taylor, voider-. drain '$2; J, A. Routltr, cutting> thistles stones 11. �, a or .,tonc,s for c.t i M. Thompson, Iso load Il�,l 1 75 cts;tJsborne,C Hibbert Iirs Co, - in• Town T. Sam Il', 'CS�11i, ,<uit surance on . Hall r 5 e . , '� s . 1 aw i't 11)1)1 wife $1.13` keep ,1. [ t , Linton gravel, ttttiu> thistles a.t. a ;�Sampson,1rII ,il,'0 Mts. ,3au1 a.ol (, r $ b, 1 , Tyild-J Shier the et- tc 11,'.01ana r 1 No, 7th at '{ meet I Iln on �atlil'(1 41'1 . 0 1,(;t t ) r,' 10 o't'lec.. a”, 10i Gene W. lsorMA21. Clerk, Around About Us, The old Baptist church, which has been used as a cooper shop of -late years and more recently occupied with lumber and egg cases belonging, to D. D. Wilson was destroyed by fire at 12. 30 this morning, Less unknown. In- surance $1,000, Supposed cause :neon - charism. Wm. McGevin of the 12th concession. i\rcKillop has purchased the east half of the McEwen farm, containing 100 acres for $1,500. Mr. MeGavin has the 100 acres nearly opposite thin one, and, consequently, his fres purohase is very convenient to him He has got acheap puce and will now have a fine estate 02'200 acres, Rennet) ON TEED Iao;lsA).—The sIi,,e driver who carries themail north to Wroxeter front Brussels eand also carries the Doi -Melee l'.xp.ross, reports beilig set upon by two robbers on the hi g hu av• a' few Miles south of Wroxn, ter, They seined hint from behind -and. ransacked the express bag and took therefrom a parcel of motley $109: No trace of robbers. We are very sorry to record the death of Mr Alex Callender of the gra- vel road, which occurred Thuisday morning last wee!:. Deceased ' has becii ailing for some, though his death was not expected. 'He !vasal quietiin- obtrlTsive Man who always enjoyed the highest confidence and good will of those who knew him, and though ` he leas not taken muoh part in public af- fairs, will be missed. He was for many years a member of the. Methodist church, and has filled..many of ices in connection'therewith. He' was a na- tive of Carleton counity, and leaves a wife; three.sons and two danghtersone of the latter being.Mrs J. E. Taylor, of Buffett He was a Forester, the members of which took -part in the funeral, which was on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Mayor John Butler, Messrs. William Lee and M. Hutchison, of. Goderich, and John Earls,.general freight agent of the Grand 'Trunk Railway, Toronto. constituted a deputation •.which 11 aited on Hon. Frank Smith, Acting Manager of Public Works, and other Ministers. at Ottawa on Friday. The deputation is appointed by the Town Council to urge Upon the Government the necess- ity making t .1 rl h harbor some- thingof a al n Godo c s �, thing more than a harbor of refuge in name only. The petition they present- ed points but that in rough weather a vessel drawing 12 feet of water or over. cannot enter the harbor, and that it is a difficult matter even for steamships, unless they are of light draught: The deputation ask for a liberal appropei ation to extend the piers, which will act as a brei l te•iter, and that the hale bor be thoroughly dredged. The mem- bers of the deputation were greatly. pleased with their reception by the Minister. "August Flower" Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, t two Neuralgia did alland able. dull, left side gotup in taste. short, shoulder clown mod to weather whenever d could get where August me. It of it fr, W,00 Mo., during the past years has been affected with of the Head, Stomach andWomb, and writes : " My food not seem to strengthen me at my appe- tite was very variable. My. face was yellow, my head and I had such pains in my . In the morning when I I would have a flow of mucusthe mouth, and a bad, bitter tas Sometimes my breath became and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around theheart I ached all day under the s r blades, in the left' side, andthe back of my limbs. It see be worse in the wet, cold of Winter and. Spring; and the spells came on, my feet an hands would turn cold, and I cou no sleep at I tried eve and got all.a- no relief before using st Flower Then the change ca has done me a wonderful deal good during the time I have takenand is work- ing a complete cure.' O G. G. GREEN, Sole Man' dbury,N J. c rr London Huron c',r clr L�>.,, I1,�rlwrx 4 &'$dibft ge • '111,iiti Table, GOING 3' 015Th. V� GOrNa SOL"t•li. a.A1 p `n. tbA11.11011. Londondep'ts,65 4.25, 7inghaCa 705 ;40. 1ucanCros'g 8,1.7 ,'0 Belgrave 7.14 4,051," clandeboyo S 5' 5 '9. rlyth 7.68 4.15, Centralia 90, ,;, T,ondosboro 'i NITER 9.10 i 07, Clinton a i17 4,45. TTensall 0:25 5.19 Brucefield 8.30 5,04. Nippon 9.31 6.17. Kippen 8,34 5.12 1lrueenelrl 9.42 6.11 Tie salI 811 5,10 Clinton 10.00 6.45 EXETER ELL 8 57. 5:39• Londesboro' 10.19 7,03 Centralia - 909 5,45, T lyth 10,28 7.12. Clitilileboye 0.18 5.56 Bel, grave 1012 7 27 .1UI tin Ciiosig 9,24 0,02' Wined RM. 11.00 7,15. Lnndon,P.,rr. 1015 64.8 EXETER SMILE TO Twit til. FRONT iIT And if von don't lleliel(, It call at, Ross Tteylor's T l r, PLANINGMILL AD LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they have the I,si,r;40st a.tul 11es151051: of all kinds of Building 'Mel toile is 111 tins Se 0. 11011 of country,and. .t the lowest 1151004. .Shinol ; z having a large etot.'.1. 1 1 Bind we .117'e 11'tiS}")atl d to !fico); ilc, corn petit. ,1., , <� " 1011 t.O lTl'ie t, Ol" 11111016\'. We lla 1`e se;. • `f cured ,1 hi t.,1,011;t �11lanufataure and e.tn .r „1,11 en(.1 t la,nrs celebrated Bah 111t, Cab, mete. Call; and sot: tllanl role be col. t111Cdd Oft4111 t is I el t ROS &r, TA"`i-1' 0T1 lilatlai rC.34.1 L:tieter PEOPLI MAY BLOW BUT H GOODS TO BACK imansgssammarsammomeamonaa Having purchasedEstate H the Eof John Brawn T have thoroughly refitted. the factor and aha g b YY, manufacturingan elegant nt hue of' furniture In Oak,CherIYr Maple and Ash. TT UP Note • Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in .Antique Oak polished at $16,00 and -up " 41MCherry and Ash at $8.75 and up; " " Maple Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and ul:' • a Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90, And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables Writin • Desks, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. Remember Q make no trashy eim furniture and I sell as cheap Cheapest. the Chea est. 100,000 feet of Lumber and 300 cords of vrood wanted in exchange for tausAttire' A full Line always of-Undertakinggoods s on Band. �, Y Remember eber the Stand—Factory and Wareroorns two doors north of T®Wn H alb, Exeter, WALT. ANDREWS. RoUt,1 DR. . FOYERS •EXTOF• -WILD TRMBERRY CURES ROLER A holera.Morbus OLrI C- i RAMPS FURITURE DELER AND Undert aker. S. GI THE LEADING ndertaker AND Furniture DaIer OF THE • I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. IIH DERT-AKXN-G A SPECIALTY. rin examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GI LEY. •a, L r <i;4J �1v mv...aJ.n. EXETER ONTARIO c't Has now in stock Vhain t2f • iI .7 pr I� �jQp P c+. 00= IN '.rJ:IJI FOLLOWING LINES West of England. Suitin.ys and Trous eringe, G ELL, Scotch Tweed Suitinars and T.roneer• in<r5 , n French anEnglish 'i oLct C dCUtl the l:aa,t<: s t, ,i''J_�.� .i14i'i,ti.'C' l@ kp 7 ill dl } Style, .al;IIA�,i'r 5J /1(<11;)4,q.sk: ` I... OW..Y IARRHCFA YSETERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE FOR, CHILDREN OR ADULTS.. W. G. Bissett's Livery, First ClassHorsesand Digs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR— SU69ME13 GOOD; Vire will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST Cash 14 Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & STUITSFOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND: HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS: A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S1 GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North EflU3 TL® A complete stock of Pero all. Reliable Drugs. ALWAYS KEPT. } l 9 spoligos, '. o sty ,' 5 BIR . ISS 61: Ai ri htand reasonable -rices. Prescriptions' and Family 'Reipts Cjas elu.l.y Prepared. POTiget the best. 111 t1 h c' 17a,llhct Ci W .:I r174 PROP, i• Farffier Bro, WJ1o1esie & Betail Grocers, WII'IE & SPIRIT Merchants, r.�+ls GY J,hi'1~J N.9 Iii ci e • HRITIE3S O IEROIAL) - he els first Class 81G8 4nC9 H RS S. • ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE - OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED T0. Telephone' Connection. HATAILESS HE3lJ]i1GAE POWDERS are an honed madialao for whish only hotted, - straightforward .Mate- monts are made. See that you get the genuine noir- man's. Insist en hail-:ig them. They Caro AL7, Headaches. They are not a Cathartic. E. It FISC, EfEL IS STILL IN THE - OLD STAND —where he is— READY FOR A CALL, Morn, Noon or Night he will G1VE AN— EASY SHAVE, ANE C6EIB PIAIRC;TJT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER, Also LADIES HAIR WORK DOTE. North of Post -Office. THE LIGHT.RUNHING. Tlitt A+ailil 11' ,. THE @N Y SEWINer THAT [iE rrtr..�,a��hm*2"6�45f+tirt�..d`T��4vv n..K.r•.. w...,,..�._„rt.a� ."ilf tnl.,>h' ., 1,.. '�•Y1(. NMOlS GigC � � Cil �R �i(�� C.O�1�C ����� C)F11C .;, . x G(> Y 4 N lL " I LYY. `� 10 - �gh' . < SU. I'i. - kCN-rn c . n JiTE w.ios .1I1�(� . r mr, ro. ,.r r. '..f•6at ;TADrFF hc,,C .!�i���.1 , h 't�� rr,,