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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-8, Page 4
THE ,; eti vto-rat1 + SANDERS es SWEET, Props. THURSDAY, OUT., 8th, ' 1891. ,'EOS,T,ArG O. ' PARLTe1 '.1177. memorable session of Parliament ejust been brought to a close. It ,,zein be memorable in the annals; of bis - tory or different reasons, -the most ;»egnitieent of which was the almost :iparable loss sustained by Canada :yin the removal of the late Premier the Ngrancl olcl chieftain" of the Conserve- ei3 e party. The universal tribute of. ste p;ct paid to the memory of Sir John Macdonald by church. and state, by onestant aad Catholic, and the uni- v real expression of deep sorrow evin- sea4?ay the nation, only go to�show how lnrofeemd was the affection entertained for one whose greatness as a states- men, and loveableness as a man, It re- mains ains for future historians to estimate et their true value. It may be said evilhout any exaggeration, that the Iste. Premier sacrificed himself on the tker of intense loyalty to the throne esr13 equally intense devotion to the hp tweets of his country. Soon after the earefou ed excitement consequent upon ar John's removal passed away, there visas a grand mustering of the Opposit- en forces to crush the Government; to :solo oplish which every conceiyable ;:1laetne was resorted to, more especial- ly in raking up cases of irregularity 'en the administration of the Civil ser 'eke. While no one doubts that the ec;be intention and purpose of the Op. gtsc1tion were to upset the governments and to pose before the general public ass lists and Reformers of the first -water, the investigations made at their instance have led to the discovery of ir- ffeeularities on the part of subordinate, erten clerks who used their influence to iaitract money from government con ",rltl:tees, and thus rob the public treas. rnr:- So far, however, not a tittle of s .idence has been produced to crimi- za.e'ninisters of the Crown; and in gee only case in which the Opposition lan sought to connect a Head of De- partment with wrong-doing-i.e. the idles -ter of Public Works -they them.- eeves admit the absence of any direct e:sfdenee to convict, and merely pre- tend that the Head of a Department is sr treght to be held responsible for any TEeliations of duty or breach of the pub - Nes hest. In a general seuse this is crew --and the majority report brought era by the Committee says as much. Mee difference indeed between t ie majority and lninorit.y reports is, fluke the latter seeks to inculpate the t 1Ir, Langer*in by inference, as if Jie ;;frust have been cognizant of the srmeeilarities complained of. Mr, Lan gstvin has denied under solemn oath It,E :complicity with Larkin, Connally & y cc,hnt he trnsted too blindly to the apetenee of the government Engin- eer as to the nature and extent of the niaot3•acts entered into by those parties. 2'r, is -without doubt, that through the ..r isivence of McGreevy ex -M. P. and e Owen Murphy, the government 2us been swindled out of large sums. er7 money. \Vith that fairness which th,.racterizes the Minister of Justice, Veo majority report drawn up by him giros as far as it is possible to go in ex- treesing• the Hon. Mr. Langevili's want nrf:i1ircct oversight in the Depa-rtment gas `-aep•rettable," It is a mild form of e,.eshnsre; but the report acquits him of tree 'i wrongdoing, 5L. O11S 01 intentional tivrOnb doing, `sr .is.slmost needless to say that some sef those who were most severe in pro- enotricing censure On the ex -Minister r' Plrblic Works, can show anything bz1't o clean record in their past politi- LITS Career; among whom we may men ;Neel Ananias Cameron, M P. for West J2nnan, whose furious dennn'iations of. lie governnent were, in sharp Coin- fL,ui with his public acknowledgement i 3,rrvili� spent i many t thousands of s7.c311are in debauching the conetithency aesei prevftnls election, and as the pre- sstltxlg judge remarked' who tried the .disport, he only escaped by a hair's lessedth`from political ostracisre. The • Ceereo l.-fttce's report in the Tarte-Mc. T.Lee.:tvy disc was after a heated clic, neeion carried by a majority of 25 ,3lreetty fall Tlozisc-•-thrcc of the Con - salt r'ative nletmlers votingneither During the tedious ious n,i „ lo 11r 1r Woe. ,etaverat measures of i.ni 0 `t 1 z al rc p. 111 e beenaesed`, the blisinof ss • � C r. th e schnirse has been, discharged in an ablet.". �:, nacr bycompetent co ct � c t leado_s,trhd al- r$i, a h hltl lltn ed w.s 'wasted the, 1e..ea. inVCst 1rJationJ that otletlp`1CC1 llet. tllrc .of the tIo 9 e U C„jC.t the 'string, [sae tires intrOluCed bythe . ov ° tinonnt for prevtniting and punishing ' lm o, er` or`at`e )t 1)ri may ,� 1 bee` lit future will go far to satisfy the people that the present Cabinet is resolved to let justice be done though the sky should fall. We have little doubtt,. hat the bye•electious soon to conte off will further strengthen the hands of the Administration, and that such meas- ures as the National 'Policy -•and the' perpetuating of British connection - and. the expansion of trade with the whole Empire, -as well as with foreign countries, -will be endorsed by an in telligent and appreciating electorate. 111P RIi1L: TRAD.E' RELA.'1I.ONS• Agreeably to notiee previously give en in the Senate, the Hon, Mr, Abbott has introduced a motion for passing an address to :Eley Majesty the Queen from the Canadian Parliament touch- ing trade relations between Great Britain and other countries. The Premier delivered an important and exhaustive address, in which he re- viewed then most favored nation clause in certain treaties with Belgium and Germany, by which the Motherland and her Colonies are restricted in their commercial relations, It appears frorn the Premier's statement that those prejudicial treaties may he terminated by a twelvemonth's notice on the part of Great Britain; and it is ' with the yiew of bringing about this result that Canada, whose interests are so ser iously affected by those treaties, seeks to move the Imperial authorities for an exemption from the stipulations of the above treaties. Lord Salisbury has al- ready expressed himself favorable to the repeal of those objectionable clause es. And as Canada's trade 'with the United Kingdom has attained such large proportions, being far in excess of our trade with the United States, the time seems more favorable for pressing the views of parliament on the Horne authorities so as to secure a commercial arrangement such as that suggested by the Toronto Board of Trade, on the lines mapped out by Col. Howard Vincent, M. P:, which look to an immense commercial trade to be carried on within the bounds of the British Empire. aggregating in extent six times the trade carried on by the American Republic. In other words, this would mean an interconmunity of trade without any fiscal barriers be- tween three hundred and fifty million people. instead sf dealing as at present with sixty million people to the south of us, whose fiscal policy is retaliatory ie the highest degree. It is well that Canada has for its Premier a gentle- man whose acknowledged ability and thorough acquaintance with all com- mercial matters qualifies him to speak and act with judgement. .And as hint- ed by the Premier in his last commer- cial speech in the Senate, the removal of the restrictions in Great Britain's treaties with foreign nations may go far towards Canada's securing freer trade relations with our neighbors to the South when the forthcoming Con. ference shall meet in Washington The address submitted by the Premier to the Senate passed without a dissent - gentile; voice. .d REVOLUTION' INSUGAR. A Southerner is credited with hav- ing matte a discovery which, if true, promises to cause a revolution in the sugar trade in the United States, and; to a larger extent, to replace "King. Cotton" on his old throne, from which he has been forced by wheat and pork The discovery is a process by which it is claimed that a fine article of sugar can be made, or disti!lcd from the long despised cotton seed. The new product is claimed to be fifteen times the strength of an equal quantity of cane quantity sugar, and twenty tunes the strength of beet sugar, If there is no mistake about the discovery, it will have the effect of transferring the production of. a large percentage of the world's sug- ar to the Southern States, and greatly modify the advantages which Cuba and other sugar producing countries expect to derive from Mr. Blaine s reci- procity treaties. The sugar inacle. from cotton seed, would, of courie, come under the provisions of the home ty clauses in the McKinley bill, and would greatly reduce the quantity of raw foreio.rt sugar which would be imported, AL �Ilw���,T %� .J4 �, tJ .ii. �•Y.'i. �X i Extensive A •' 1Sale of lathy e utile 1 1 Stock and Implements, on Lot 14, Con. cession 10, Usborne, on VV•ednesdar, October°,14thi 1891. All tnttst be sold without a'eservo. hL ' Brown, Auct.• 1 , i.. daixtes Clarla:,11o11. r� r i • tyStockon .nllet OlI Sale Of I'"�l,11r1 Lot D., concession 7, II'sbor.•rie, an "Monday, October rally 11301, All tntist-1)0 sold Without reserve. 1I', frown, Anct -, John Cornish, Jr., Prop, Auction Sale of Farm Land, Stock and implements, on \•Vest Half of Lot 7, in the fourth concession ofi Usborne, on Thursday, 15th October,,1891; atithe hour of 10 o'clock, a,' m. Remy Silber, Acct.; Simon Bunter, Richard Coates, Executors, L. II. Dickson,` Solicitor, Exeter. Stephen Council. All members present. Minutes of Iasi meeting read and signed. Resolv- ed that C. Prouty cause a notice to be put in Gazette and a local paper that this council will apply to the Legisla- tion of Ontario for a Special' Act to em- power us to candidate our debt of $10,- 000, and also that C. Prouty attend Bosanquet Council at its next meet• lug it1 the clatter of the G. B. C. if he sees it advisable after comrnunication. with their clerk After passing the following orders the Council adjourned to meet again. at call of Reeve: -J Rollins gravel and other work, $17.50; J Rollins gravel and other work S B, $17,25; G, Lawson and others, $17; Insuring of Hall re- newed, $7,50;13, Barry gravel contract, $43.32; D. Buchannan, balance C. R, contract, $4; F Glanville gravel N. B,, $30; W White rep culvert 4th con, 75c; 11' Rouat, rep culvert lake road, $3; W. Mitchell, $5; Mrs. Newcombe, $3; J Mc Keeyer, rep culvert, S B, $2.75; A Me Cormick, culvert 12th con, $4.50; C. Smith rep to tile drain Centralia, $2; J. Belhack, work S P, $15; Mrs, Ransom, $S; J Sharron, $3; J. Hawker lurnber, $31 39; J Pinkbeiner,rep culv't C R, $1. C. PR T 1 ov �,Crk.e Dixon is Dead, S. J. Dixon, the well-known photo- grapher, corner of King and Yonge sts. Toronto, and the man who obtained world wide fame by outdoing Blondin on the rope across Niagara's yawning gulf, is dead. He had just returned from a trip to Montreal, Peterboro and Whitby where be had been fuiltiling his engagements as a rope walker. On Thursday he started on a trip to Mus- leeko previous to fulfilling an engage- ment to walk at Collingwood Fair. He tried to induce some friends to accom- pany slim on a bear hunt. but they thought it too early in the season and declined. Then he started alone and with no other companions than his rifle and his doh' started for Muskoka. The next heard of him was a telegram from Mr. A. Meyers, stating that be had just been drowned in Wood Lake, but give ing no partieulai s. . The next train for the north carried his brother and Eddie Bond to search for the body. Friends broke the news as gently as possible` to the poor wife and family. But it was a terrible shock, and the grief of the family may be imagined -It cannot be described. Mr. Dixon visited friends at Wood Lake depot, a lumber camp on the edge of the lake, Which is about four miles broad,,and it is supposed that while swimming in the lake be was drowned. Mr. Dixon hacl just com- pleted arrangements before starting north to walk in Paris and Brussels next summer for $10,000 and all ex- penses. TkiE WISE SAVANTS Tell us that Rheumatism is a blood di sense; that it can be cured only by a remedy which works through the blood. Aud yet, if you have the dart- ing pains of Rheumatism in muscles or joints,Ptvv a little fof Clark's Light- ning Liniment. It will go direct to the seat of pain and relieve it at once. There is no waiting weeks and months until the disease can be attacked through the blood. -This seems to be contrary to scientific claims, but it is true that Clark's Lightning , Liniment will cure Rheumatism. Sold by drug- gists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemi- cal co„ Toronto, New Yeah tages,It' i.' a' certain and speedy euro for Cold in the Ilcad and Ca0arrhin allita s SOOTHING,,' CLEANSING, HEALING. :;stent Relief, Permanent Cure, Fail re lrnpossible llfsny no.calied diseases aro nimbly symptoms of Catarrh, mach as hear!. echo partial deafness, losing sense of :amen, foul breath,' hawkin5 and spit- ting, nausea, general feeling of de Nifty, eta. If yoitare troubled with any of then or kindred nymptome,. your have Catarrh, and should lose no time In prua1;1(0g a battle of N.tsoa 133 .ar. Be warned in time,' neglected cold in head results itt Catarrh fol. lowed by consumption and death. IQ.,03 y, I3ALi1, is sold by an druggists, or 3033) bo seat, peat paid, on receipt o' price (50 cents and 51.00) by addressing FUL.FORD & 00,, Brockville, Ont. EXETER MARKETS.. Wheat per bushel . '$0,SS to0.90 Barley . 40 to 49 Oats, , , 20 to 28 Peas 55 to 57 Butter 18 to 13 Eggs 13 to 13. Potatoes per bus , , . 30 to 35 Hay per ton .. , ..... , , , £3.00 to 10.00. Wool .. .1e` to 19 IFTIS°T1I7 C-EATLTIC { SYSTEM S S OF FEDI I All diseases successfully treated by '1 flew system Of Iron -poisoning and `tasteless Medicines. Send for flee book explaining• system incl testimonials of the most remarkable eaves on record. $l'uxNGFI1•LT -0 1-'l 1I IS-031'I's PIT, Ont. March 1S, 1801. Histogenetic 101edioino Association: Gent tome n,-Wtthbig to testily to the su- perior methods of •Uiatonongtic Medicine for the cure of lung d 00110es,T submit the follow ing sbittern 011t lung years ago I fount myself as a result of exposure to sold and Wet 'Watt tiler, taking frequent colds. I took a soy0re 00 14.1;11. anti got 01111 ("IOW /I in vitality and spolls ofhem orliage of the lungs. I coughed 1t l;reat deal in the morn- ing a11c1 some during the night, I consulted two or throe physicians, one very clever Tor- onto physician. lie trot) bed nie without rnod aLIlO, by hand rubbing, and did 311.0 00)0- siclerable good, but in the course of time the hem 01'13"0 returned. Two of the physicians I consulted consid- ered aline a serious case, and one gave nae to understand. it was honeless, and I have no doubt that consumption would soon have caused my death. I hoard about the now system of' medicine and consulted Dr. bear at the head office for Oanada, 19 Young st. Market,a^lio examined me and thonght Otto- togeneticremedies would cure me in about six weeks. I commenced taking the medic- ine about Tan. 1. In two weeks the cough. and breathing were better. The amount of sputa raphily 1esselasd. The was consider- able broohitas and it soon dissappearetl. My strength cavae again with astonishingrappid- ity, and the rapid breathing dissappeareci, I have not had. any hemorrhage since the first lot of medicine was taken. I have gained steadily in the body generally as well as the bungs, and feel almost as well as i ever dill. I eau walk fast now or do anything in a hurry and not get rapid breathing or palpit- ation. Ian\ now following my usual employ - matt and elan stand any kind of weather. It is the best treatment for the lungs I have ever known and" can conscientiously recom- mend it to my friends and acquaintances who may need lung treatment as far superior to any other system. Sincerely, T. M. IHAMMOND. Will be at Exeter,"Central i$otel," on Tuesday Oct. 6th, from 9.30 a, Baa„ to 5.30, Ile. 111,, 03111 at D.ensali, 60He11 4a.111 hotel," same day (Tuesday) from 6 p. 1n., to 9 neat morning. CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Association. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richm oncl S t London, Head Office for Western Ontario Head Office for. Canada, 19 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 1.1-1 ,y. Mention Exeter "ADvocare." 0" "i SUM IN TINE SAVES NINE,"iSO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN N [an arl;3cia1 gastric juice -formula or; every label] SA VE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es - }wittily if taken at the -first symptom of Inc i estien, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pam, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy ineal. At first, this feeling soon p00101 away, and is only remembered as a litth• xnfleasaot, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more 5;1)00w -iced, To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatmentis worse than useless; it is positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stom:tch. MALTOPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physician, of England and Canada. Send v cis. to posta•-e for valuable pamphlet to I3AZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. ON11k1o. Extr yyy trllffL& EMPORIUM. CREDITORS OF - RICH RD HUNTERDECE A SED. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Revised. SFi autos of Onfal10, Chat. 1(0, see, 30. all persons having claims against the T• sttate of Richt rd T•lunt ,r the bider, late of the Township., of trsborne, in tho Oonnty of N1uro11,Yeerne, t, who (lied on 21'' about the 1st 'clay of Aug!. st 1ast, aro required to ;sent to tl tc undersigned, Solfctnrfcr Simon :Him, tar and Rich ariL Coates xocutoys, on or -before rNho------ IA Day of D".,r,;e1a3i•� •x ,,,1 a statement of their clairnO and. of the nature of the s .curities,df any, held lig them After the said tst day. 0± December the ss,.ct 11.xectttois will :[itt,abltto filo 11,s808)) of the al said i i: t T1, cllarr l i. 1 to r, ttli,,ong;lt tho porsirlla clititloti theretc, hay] 1Ir; rc g•lar\ ont,v to the claims of Wilicl: the, have lln3,1 :notiee, andthey hill not ,0 liable andable for any claim 01 whioh notice al all 1131013I O 1)0101 roreivofi. t EIVIS TI; T)rci:80'i, Beesre One.` :hatedStlo Oot.,i;s>i. ;3oli:citnz• for EX= tors PERKINS MARTIN, PROPS WO Oar! the most O0311p1b,Pgrad- of Musical l.tlatl'v.lnolats i11 the/cotuil�•.. �i f i t I t\.l .�S , CRCTANS- { r• '• y � r�I O N., 5 { i�, I; ALSO ytW {i STII�?I:NG ��:1,ACITTNLi� 3icr.1.Ir.. 1. r r Y. I ARl1� I1JIl_I ,1a14tE NTn; '.Clic above I,tlst+aiiine>4,s allvay our Iaaiid. h •sv s, M i !1 I M �r f ei PIaY �t 1+�� •v '-" _, A 0�l,s.,llt `. I., 1 � AWAY DOWN,. ��-((yj(y7+ :f{Cil J1a�, y1(i�rl, }F�ty1{'Jyg17/ ... PERXIN & MAETII'L U. Leadi�� Clolli!na Huusc. are the latest goods in -- FALL AND WINTER and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PRICES Ai1 AY DOWN'. Remember the Stand one Door North of . E. 11, Fish's Barber Shop. Give m... J. o GRIEVE. E r Farmers & udders. susasompasozwminmi It will pay you to call on us if want anything y o 1 y you1 � thillb Ill Aard- `Vare such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oil. ow Sloe of Joilstoirs Oir8t1 Uiid Pets, COLORS. Barbed, Slain, Strip, Black & Galvanised wares away down for cash. TDIWARE STICK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUGHING A. SPECIALTY HEW ���,y NEEDLES.. �1����� �>�����I�A.7 ��� 1Y�3.aDhiESo CALL WHEN 6N TOWN. OS. C PTI I have a positive remedy for tho above disease; by its nso thousands of cases of the worst kin 1 and of lona standinghave been cured. Indeed so ntro tg (0 my faith inits efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, with a 'VALUABLE TP.EATISE on this disease to any sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.O, eddre's, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., Ma ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO, Om-. ALLAN LINE. 1fOID 5IIfIlld OPIUM to children if yois wish for their future welfare. 1±Iorsers Gly. eeroie of Celery Ce7ri- pound, Exact formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. Ear dorsed by physicians. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Own Mosso, Buffalo, N. Y. 1891. Summer Sailing. 1891. iiTyerpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal. From From Liver- Steamship: Mon - pool ii treat. Sept. 3 I SARDINIAN Sept. 10 " 10 '1lioacor,TAN " 311 " 1i PARTS rA.14 Oct. 3 " 21 (CIRC ISSIAN " 10 Oct. 1 IP0LYNESIAN " 17 " S SATIDnoIAN " 24 " 15 WONGOLIAN, Noy. 4 From Quebec Sept. 20 Oct. 1 e 1: 38 _-5 Nv. " 2± PAS/SIAN " 7 " $ " 21) 101RCA5sIAN " 14 " 15 Nov. 5 , IFOI YNI1S.fmr " 21 1i A.TES OF PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool - 333' S. S. Parisian,,$00, 370, $80 single; $110, 318'0, $150 return. By other Steamers 350, 355, $00 i single; E05, 3105, $115 return. Tnternied.i,ate ($3000, return $00.00• Steerage $20.00, return $40.00. John Spackman, EXETER, ONT. Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to inform the eitizees of Exeter and stir - roundlet,. country' that he has opened - 011t 11 flew-- Ta1.1o1 in p' and Gents' Furnish- Eata'bli.shn elft 111 Fan.Son's flock. i.' Laliestdcslg designs ofgooclsalways on, hand, ,and made tip In the latest Ajn'oa'iea,n> 1 .;h.t A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladles ,Jackets and Mantle 1r11attended making oLpt;t:l:ZdCC,1 tb C+ )r- a, 4• J. � i.51�L�LL.�Ci'��1�.11��'-t MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter; VIGOR rig SUE GIN! For LOST or FAILING IING 1 ANHOOD, General and NEB:VOUS DEBILITY, Weakness VY Q�.i�L'�ner9r9v, ©f:.ItDOi.liSIl t9N.aD.. MIND, ,.. Effects of Er'ror's or Excesses in Olaf lir Young. Robust, Noble MAN- HOOD L N-HIOOAD fully, Restored. 1 ow to en- large and strengthen : T1l;AK UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely wifa.iiing', 1011118 ' TREATMENT -Benefits in a day, laden testify from fifty Stales and F'or'eign Countries. Write them. Book,' explanation and - proof, mailed (sealed) FREE. ; Address ERIE MEDICAL '00., BUFFALO, N.Y. THE KIR §iirdaTnn • 1 ar' P 7 ,the p ! Jn r i l ell clogged eventide of alto ' r�avLJ::11s )tifdx2 ; and carrying oft erachirel1r 7vltlioat we 1 erste ; :the eye - tom, all the int lirliiI('6 t,1'ci Iczlil;13urn01X rr. P 1 T! Of fi . r �, COr. a l lla t amu l >n , t ©s• lria t, o t 1� t1 •. 7 i'tCf 1i 3 (i;.if.. 51 11 ,rant loll K r J t -"y i tho ..': 1'a '3 ,f.,i..r,a. hili: Y.1 rr6 Lb,a•1.!1''1., Ciortst1:` at;ii?i.'.., ,11,,,1 Drops,.1• k 7 iT ,. v '., 1)k,, s;y, Felt art c.l ,u ..lSiil, .,i..,1... ‘.9 ',h"•,.1.1",.i13^.4iSi; w•t..'"i....,. 7 � )t7`rr, lrlitr`ai''l.rn Clr F.la r 1, tUF'..In g.•`', coil•:: Qaf.rlr"...'.` )6141:1' .,.1011 •111e e'tplT.il zrl;raly 031.110r, tat c,ti r,y,lt,] ,;y :.'e '.Mlle theliap),).iii:i11G11C, Of le i;,.::%vlil.'r.tr �'0..41!"°j r - ,1 xkttJ,,. L . i. a. • �,,.,, l o;' 11t3,C ((�� rgg �t+wll.a.Nv'aa%�p cul• .0.11