HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-8, Page 177
.'w.ss,Sasggss.sn asassgassa
The Molsons ank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1885.)
Paid up Capital._ ,... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund-. . .... 1,000,000,
'Head office Montreal.
nGar MainAorin.
ey aclV'atNicliclt'tLgockl Farmer's on thell
own notes with One or more endersers at 7
per cent per annum—
Exeter .Branch.
Open eVe#Yawful day from 19 a. m. to 3 p.
m,, Saturdays 1.0 a. m. to 1 p. rn
. .
A generalbankmg busmess trausacted
ur per cent. per anntun allowed for mon-
y on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8
per cent. .
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager,
(.r62etter Abroicate
Is pubUShet every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
&re paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid. and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description ot ,TOB
PIUNTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
ers, tk.e. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made ,payable to
Sanders ez, Sweet
Cltarelt Directory. .
Robinson, Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. m
R.R.61. 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p.
METIIODIST Ounicuit--James-St , Rev. A.. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. in.
and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p.
MAIN STREET-11ov. W. 111cDonough, Pa -
tor. Sunday Services,10.80 a.m. and 6,30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30
S1i.54 if not so paid.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 11.30 p.
re. abbat11 School, 5.45 alT.,
r rOreSSIOnal Cards.
It. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Faus o 11' s Block
two doors north of earling, Store,
31,1.1.1i STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth
with pain. Away at Hensall 021 108
*am •
Friday; Ails°. Craig on 221(1 212118 4th Tuesday;
and Zurich on. last Thursday of each_ anon tn.
r1 II. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
kJ • College Dental Surgeons successor to
.11. L. Billings. ()thee o'er ell's Bank,
Exeter, Ont. 1. safe .anaepthetip 'given for
the pa.mless extraction of teeth. Plates se-
cured firmly in the mouth by Yemen's pat -
tent Valve
tfi . and Snrgeon. °Bice and residence
Corner 'Victoria 212118E16821 streets, Goderich,
.L.1 Residence -Corner .A.D.d.rew gad North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
• the College of' Physicians and Surgcon.s
Ontario. Physician, Stirgeon and Auchuch-
eur. 081200, pashwoocl, Ont.
▪ 13. 01.105E-E1.1Y, Member Royal College
.1-.0 Surgeons, England.; Licentiate Royal
College of Playsicia.us. Edinburgh.; Mem ber
College of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario.
011ice, Alitchell's old. staini, (heal:ton, Ont.
T. A. AMOS. M. D., 0. 703, :illember of
.1.." College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Sur goons 'Edinburgh: licen-
tiate of the Eaortity of Playsicians and Sur-
geons, GIabIgo\1 JoLLcIW of Trinity Idudi(al
, College, 'I'oronto, Offi-ce-Dr. 00 21'011'
of 1.'oronto,) 'Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Baying spent th(1 winter of j506-'81 in New
York, an11 tile winter of 18K7-'88 in 'Vienna,
A.ustria. 0E2110E, -- OREDITON , ONT.
DR' 11. IvicLE-LLAI\T
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
Of the eorporation of the eounty of
llnion will be held at the court hOuse in the
town of Goderieh, On Tuesday„.0a. 20,1891 At
8o clock p. ni.,for the transact, on of general
county business. ,By order of the. Warden,
County Cleric's Office, -vtsar. sioastiss,
qc:!ilorich, Oct, 1891. 5 Acting Co. Cleric.
There strayed into the premise,s of
the undersigned, Lot condessioo 1,
Ust?orne, (London Road) ou or abont
the lath of September, a yearling. heif-
er, red, with seine white spots. Owner
can have same by proving property
and Paying. expeases.
SSD°. AvuNsoN, Exeter P. 0.
$900. to
,tto);;t1Z„ s .Lcer.Lc
ors ana Clergymen to introduce 8. new and
popular standard book.
Testimony of 10 CentrarieS
to dreSas of N1.1251,1,re,th,
The most remarkable religious book of the
age, writttni by 300 ominent scholars, Non-
sectarian. Every Christian wants it. _Ex-
clusive territory given.. A ppl y to
The Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich,
A desireable eottage to let ou Eliza-
beth Street, south of James St. Church.
Tile building has 7 different apartments
and it is a' good location to live in.
Immediate possession given. For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises,
Tuomas DEARING, Exeter.
mittoe of the same to attend a meeting
of the Usborne Collueil on Saturday
next, with a yiew to a float settlement
of the difficulty segarding Railway in,
debtedueas was read. Moved by E.
Christie monde(' hy T. B, 01,1'linfr that
the Beeve and Mr goss be a committee
for that purpose.-Canied. Moved by
E. Christie seemided by T 13 Carling'
that'a aright -watchman be appointed
for the remainder of the current year. -
Carried. Moved by T. 13. Carling see'cl
by W. G Bissett that this Council ad.
joorn until tall of the Reeve.--Carriecl.
INT, EACEUTT, 0 lerk.
SO11001 Law.
The law which wept into effect on
the first day of August, requires that
all children between the ages of eight
and fourteen shall attend the public
school for a full term, failing' to do so
without satisfactory excuse, parents,
guardiaes and children are liable to
prosecution. The "excuses" allowed
by the net nine; Efficient instruction tit
home or elsewirere ; sickuess; no schoel
within two mites excuses a chili under
ten, three miles if older; lack of school
accomodation ; if excused by a magist-
rate pr principal, or. has passed the en-
tradee A justice of the peace may
gra* a child six lve0-1;S' leave of ab-
seriee during each sohool term if he is
satisfied that the services of such child
are required in husbandry,er iti urgent
or nee( ssary household duties. In
t ,ivns and villiages the municipal coun-
cil shall appoint truant officers to en-
force this Act; in townships the school
trustees have this power, and if a child
fails to attend within five days of noti-
fication by this officer, proceedings
shall be instituted against the parents.
The penalty is a fine of from $5 to $20,
with the option of giving bonds for
8100 that the child shall attend the
Khoo' Assessors are to enter in a
when ma,king their assessment,
the Vilifies and ages of children of
school ages in the municipality, which
will be compared with the school regis-
ter by the truant officer. ,Corporatiou
officers or agents of corpora:ions nee'
a - , ts
lusting to enforce this Act are liable to
a penalty of from $2,5 to $35st
North half of lot 4, north boundary of
Stephen, in the county of Huron, about 138
miles west of Exeter, which is possessed of
one of the best markets in Western Ontario.
There are first class out buildings, good
frame d welling, good orchard on the premi-
ses, all, well fencfid and drained, and is in
first class state of cultivation.
Also, west half of lot 6, north boundary of
the aforesaid. township, about 15 acres of
good. hardwood bush, the balance of which
is good pasture lands, well fenced, with good
supply of water. 'Possession of both places
immediately. For further particulars apply
on the premises, or to
MR. JOHN SWEET, Exeter, Ont.
Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor.
Maple and Talbot streets.
..Lt. Conveyancer, Notary Public.
()face-- Over Post Oilice, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
15 . of Svprome Court, Notary Public, Con-
veya1l3e2, Commission er, 8,tc. Money to loan
Oftice-Fauson's Block, 'Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, Sze. Money to loan
Say some dealers who try to sell a sub-
stitute preparation when a customer
calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not
allow any such false statements as this
iuduce you to buy what you do not
want. Remember that the only reason
for making
it is that a few cents more
profit will be made on the substitute.
Insist upon having the best medicine -
Hood's Sarsaparilla: It is peculiar to
, at 6 per cent.
B. V. ELLtoT.
TX BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of lisborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms reason
abl e. sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
A 3. ROLLINS, late of Manii oba, Licen 5-
ldiesex. Residence;
ter:x011.8. SaloenC(rdersbyarnt oariltor °then.
Wise promptly att lodtotsonabie
wed Auction1 mile south
eer, for the counties of Hur-
ANT 11.0LT, Uhiva, Ontario. Licensed suet -
V si ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Laro.bton, and +13 e townships of Stephen
and Ilay All sales promptly attended to,
Es.ENBERRY$ Hensall Ontario, Lie-
Pr Eze winnerS.
Stock from 81118 country did well at
the Western Fair this year. The fol-
lovving prizes were brought home. -
Dow & Willis, Exeter, lsafor four year
old English shire Stallion; R.Ross, Rod
gerville, 2nd for Canadian draught
team. H. & W. D. Smith, Hay, 3rd for
aged Durham bull; 2tid for three year
old cow; Srd for yearling. heifer,and 2nd
for heifer calf. Thos. Russell Usborne,
Silver medal for herd of Durhams; 2nd
for aged cow; Brd for two year old hei
for 2nd for yearling heifer: 1st for buil
calf, also the one hundred dollar prize
for the cow making the most butter in
two days. This last prize is quite a
victory for Mr. Russell, as his cosy be-
ing a thoroughbred Du?:ham, a breed
not noted for milking qualities, as well
as with several others of her OW11 breed
Mr. Russell also sold, his yearling bull,
which took the first prize, to Mr. John
Govenlock, of Port Elgin, for $200.
1Prair ie
The air has been thick with smoke
from prairiegfires for some days last
week, audit WaS feared that some great
darnage would be dime, to farm proper-
ty before the fire would burn out; the
result proves this to haye been the
case. From the neighborhood of Was
kada on Friday last, prairie fires were
seen away in Dakota, aud settlers be
gran to prepare for its coming, by
plowing along the south side of their
fields, &c. On Saturday morning' the
fire entered Manitoba about Range 26,
the wind being from the south, and
those who hadbnot made preparations
the day before did so then; the wind
was blewing very strong, but chopped
from first one side and then the other,
first goingwest, then north, but when
it reached the Waskada farnrers it Was
'bleaving almost a hurricane, aod when
one time the fire might be miles away,
another minute it was right into the
Wheat:Stribhle, rushing at titiMS With 11,
Speed faster than a ttiee horse. Fort.
unately it was day time when the fire
struck the settlement, or the result
would have been disastrous, and many
sturdy .farmers would probably ha ve
been readered • hotnelesS-Deloraine
.7%4s. •
. ensed Auctioneer for tit° Countys of
Iluron and Perth, CbturgeS moderate Itnd
a t isfite tio n g Liar itItt ee
trRIUD. W. FARNCOMB, Proyinotaa Lana
Sarveyor ana civil Engineer- Office,
Over PoSt Office, Main streeti Exeter, Ont.
LHARDY1 Ificeneed Auctioneer for the
. Clounty Of .H.tirou. Salos CoridnOted On
row:linable terms. Farm and Farris Stook a
specialty, Fall arrangements Call be made
at this office. -
F�r Sale.
A. aostrableroSidence in EXoter NOrth,neW
Ig1VriCis"e'r:crillir acre 0± A commtinication frorri the Clerk of
On Monday night last an entrance
was effected into the store of Benjamin
Quarry, but nothing. is missing to their
knowledge with the exceptioo of a few
coppers. Two registered letters were
close at hand from where the
coppers were taken, but owing
to there being no register stamps on
the envelopes they were left untouched.
The entrauce was rnade from the front
door in which holes were bored it,Ud the
bolt remvoed.
S. RossSpent-last Week visiting his
brother in Plympton To*Oship.
and Mrs. George Turnbull are
viaiting'frieads in East Williams.
Several:from these parts attended
the Exeter Lair, .on Tuattd.ay et last
week'. •
Miss A.'Densimore of Blyth, is at
present 'isiting ',her sister, Mrs M.
Whitmore. .
Several from this vicinity are talk-
ing. of taltieg in the Parkhill fair on
NO 210
.groameatm...8....r."Mnan,Inerrntrtaptiosrorlaymt47..;.411,W)174......1.P4..F..r.. 50.1,
leg ever the traces. While Mr. Weslot recent infliatiom aed were evideattg
was in the act of r u,tiog the colts' leg Sastained before death, Both were a
back lac) its place it kicked striking opiniori that all of the injuries gong
him in the abdomeo, Mr. WeSlott did Pot have beeu inflicted by a fait cam -
not feel the effemt.s of the Mule mitil log from a slight push. A number elf
some time afterwards when he felt a other witnesses g.ave evidence and, teas
eeyere pain, He at once summoned tified that they found him in it perfect -
the doetor who pronouneed his case IF U11C0USCi0114 state, awl dia nothilog
very serions but we are pleased to hear for him aS it was coasidered uselega-
of Mr. Weslots speedy recovery and, we The coroner then addressed the jury,„
shall be pleased to see him around be- after stating that there were no °the:a
fore loeg.
Theorganizatton of ..a • "Lodge of
Maccabees" iv heing agitated hero.
The lodge would find many supporters
and will Yea's, likely be established.
Our, villagse sehool is being. reshing-
ed, which adds intieh to its appearance,
aud volunies to RS Comfort, for it was
very badly needed. Mr. George Lewis
of Adare; is the contractor.
The lad wheat about here is exceW
ent, but it is said that the wireworm
is wrirhiuss on the root whieh if true
will mak) mud) loss of the plant as
the 1118008 is swift and. sure in its de
struetive quality.
PerSonni Mention.
1\11.S. H. L. Billings has returned. to
Ridgetown.-Mr. Cook, of Dash wood,
left on Thursday moreing for South.
Riyer to remain a few days.-alrs. A.
Q. Bobier was visiting in London last
'week. -Mr. George Weekes was hare
for a few days last week visiting ael-
ativeas,stie left on Friday:evening for
Chicago where he is engaged with a
monumental firm. -Mr. John Atkinson
left last week for Stratforchto work in
a large furniture factory -Mrs. E.
Christie returned on Friday eyening
after visiting Clintou and. Settiorth.-
Miss Susie Sweet, of London, is speed-
ing a short Vacati3n with her parents
here. -Mr. Frank Tom, son of Mr. Jas,
Tom, of this place, who has been. ab-
sent from here some time is home on a
visit. He. looks well and. as if the:East.
ern City agrees with his healtig----kr.
George Raitton, of Toronto, was in
town. during the past week. -Mr. E. G.
Cosh, of Gananoque, a ',former Exeter
boy, has been giving short calls to his
many relatives and friends ' and
around Exeter daring the, past wea.k.
During his absence, of about two Years
he has met with much. success anti is at
present engaged with a large tailoring
firm in the above mentioned place.-
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Sanders were vis-
iting. in St. Marys on SuadaSa-Mr.
Jas. Ramsay, of _Detroit, Mich., is sPend
a few days under the paruntat roof.--'
Mr. L. alper andWw
ife, of Berlin, ho
have been visiting. friends and rela-
tives here returned home on Tuesday.
-Mr. C. Myners, of Sarnia, conductor
on G. T. R. running' between the, above
• station and Niagara Falls,was visiting
friends in town a few days this week.-
Mrs. Reginald Elliot of Toronto, is
spending' tafew days under the pa-
rental roof. -Mr. Mat Ellwood who has
been in Ilensall during the past week
looking after the iriterests of Mr. Ring
Torisorial Artiatgeturned here on Tues
day evenips..-a-Messrs. WeS. Hawk-
shaw, John Siren and B Aubry left
for Parkhill on Weduesday to Witness
the horseracing, held io connection
with the fair. --Mr. H. 0, Brewer, man-
ager of the Molson Bank, of Clinton,
was in the village on Wednesday la*.
Connell Proceedings.
The Council met by order of the
Reeve at the TOWI1 Hall, Exeter, 80th
Sept,. 1801. Pill present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed,
Moved by T. B. Carling. seconded W
G. Bissett that the following aceounts
be paid, viz. Jas Creech $4,50 for grate
pattern and Bobier Produce Co. $7.00
for coal oil.-Carrie.d. A letter from
Mrs. Cann, pleading sickness and ina-
bility to mantain herself and asking'aid from the Council, was read. Mov-
ed by E. Christie seconded by D A Ross
that Mrs. Cann be granted. one dolikr
per week the meantime. Carried.
We .are again called on to chronicle
the death of one if Usborne's oldest
andgeSpeeted inhabitants, Mr. James
Jory, at the advanced age of 82 years
and 8: ths. Deceased has been aii.
ing for some months.past, during, which
time he has been conipelled to keep his
bed .a.nd has been gradually declining.
fro m first .,clan tin erne n t, until Sun-
dat, llaa 4,th ,thst., :)vlieti:the cold hand
of death took him to 'hi S last teeing
The -funeral took place from
.hiS late residende, Thames: Road, on
Tuesda.y, at which a large number of
sorrowing friends paid their last trib-
ute_ of respect.
'SlararmoNfata.-A very pleasant,
though unexpected, affair took place
on Wednesday afternoon last week.
This was the marriage of Mr. Albert
Clark, son of Mr. David Clark, Parr
Line, to Miss Matilda Shea, daughter
of Mr. Wm. Shea. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Stewart Acheson, of
Kipper). The happy couple left for
London the following day. Their
Many friends and acquaintances unite
in wishing. them a long', happy and
prosperous journey through life.
'We were all pleased to notice the
sueeess of Mr. Wm. Coleman, of Tuck.
ersmith, as a prize winner Goderich
r.:how. William is a natiVe this place,
being It Sob Of 81111well•known horse,
man, Mr, reaneis Colernan, and cense-
qUently has had a good teacher, which
accounts largely for his present success,
as there is no better horse man in the
Dominion than Mr, Francis Coleman, Of
yurcA &seg. APPly at thia Offiee. 1411‘t Usborne invitino, the Council or a cora ilillsoteeit
• ensall,
Mr and Mrs. King have returned af-
ter an extendt d trip in Cleveland aod
other cities. From all appearances we
would say that the outing quite iigreed
with them..
Everythieg has began to assume an
aut amn al appearairce.
Busy bands are preparing. for the
annual Fair which comes off on Thurs-
day and Friday off this week,
The revival meetings of the Metho-
dists are still continued daily, with
what results remain to be seen.
G. L. Money, who has purchased the
house and shop, lately vacated by Mr.
Taylor took possession last week.
An addition WaS made to the popu•
latiori of this yillage last, week in the
birthofa son to Mr. & Mrs, Wm Hazel -
Mr, I. Taylor has removed into his
new hotel and taken out a license for
the sale of liquor. He will continue
the saddleay business.
The Hall in conneetthn
e with ti
Commercial Hotel ignearing complet-
ion. It has been thoroUghly remodel
led and will he used in the future by
the Masonic fraternity as a lodge room.
Mr. Ed. Bossenberry was. in Ailsa
Craig on Wednesday last week with
his colt "Frank Woods." It succeeded
in winnthg a first prize.. Although the
colt is young, it shows qualities of be-
ing possessed of speed and has disting-
uished itself on several occasions.
The residence Of Ma R. Cudmore
narrowly escaped destruction by fire
short time ago. A spark by some way
had ignited some clothing in a closet,
through which the stovepipes passed,
and considerable; headway was made
before being discovered. Mr. Cad-
more's loss is fully coyered by insur-
The many &leads • of Mr. W. A.
TATaugh. a former resident and
man of this village, will he pleased to
learn that he is"doing well in his new
home ia Eskridge, a rising town in
Kansas. Mr. Waugh. is engaged in
the sarne line there as he was here. He
is dealing in hardware, stoves, tinware,
&c., and has in addition harness, wag
ons, buggies, Carts, &c, In a private
letter he says he wishes to be kindly
rememberei to bis old friends in Hera
sail and yieinity, and, although he is
doing well in Uncle Sam's country, he
still has a warm side for Ontario arid
particularly for the county of Huron,
and especially for that part of the
county of which Hensall is the thriv-
lug centre.
Some of our town took in the last
fair of the season held. at Bayfield.
Miss Mary Warm left last Wednes-
day for Detroit where she has secured
a situation.
A great many of this village attend-
ed the Exeter Fair and they report of
having spent a good. time there.
Mr. Philip Haneh has returned home
after spending several weeks with
friends in the neighborhood of Blen-
%re are at present having a cold
spell of weather and its eftects are
greatly felt after having such warm
weather of Some time ago.
Mr. D. Steinbach merchant, has se-
cured the services of Miss Heffrnan, of
Stratford, as milliner this fall and lie is
now preparing to give every one that
gives him a call guod satisfaction.
Now that the sporting. season 18 at
hand a great many of our Sports may
sbweasmeepn, ssovefraidrinngot thmeill.chwagyanitoo hats ars
been bagged and perhaps "Billy arid
Harry" scared out all the game in the
Mr. jack Lightening,' who has been
hi the employment of Messrs Happel &
Johnston for some time has secured a
good position. in Seaforth for which
place he left last Wednesday. We are
sorry to lose Jack because lie has made
a great many friends during the short
time he has been with us.
One day last week i9 111r. Henry
Weslot Sr, WAS hattOWing a colt which
A Tragedy at Strathroy.
STRATTIROY, Oct. 5. -Rd. UPten, a
well known resident of Strathroy and
Adelaide. aged about SO years, about
5 o'clock on Friday evening entered
the Western Hotel. kept by Peter Fitz-
patrick. While there he met Wm Wil.
son, of Metcalf, a powerful young mail
of about 35 years of age, and a son of
the late Francis Wilson, who was for a
long time bailiff of the Sixth Division
Court. They were drinking' together,
when an altercation arose between
them, Uptoa using insulting' language
towards Wilsoa. It is said Wilson push-
ed him away from him which causec1
him to fall and dtrilte his head on a
large spittoon, fractnrieg his skull,
which was the cause of his death. Coro
aer Dr. Lindsay empaneled a jury on
Saturday. The bartender, John Fitz-
patrick was examined. He said Wil-
son only pushed him geptly. Wilsoi
was arrested. Fitzpatrick deposed that
on Friday afternoon Upton came into
the bar some time after 2 o'clock and
had three drinks of whiskey within
half an hour. Wilson was there also.
The two of them joined 10 the last two
drinks,the one treating the other. They
were chatting together quite friendly,
and apparently on the best of terms. At
length Wilson made the remark, refer-
ing. to Fitzpatrick: "Now, I like that
boy: I have known him a long time,"
Upton replied, "I have known him lon
ger than you haye." Wilson said: "No;
you haven't, Dad." Upton then. said:
"You're a liar, you — —." At this
Wilson said: "Now don't you repeat
those words again. I respect gamy hairs
but don't say that again." Wilson then
said: "Now go away from me," and
,gave the old man a push, and he fell
Over on the floor. Fitzpatrick at once
came from behind the bar, and found
Wilson raising the old mao up, He
was conveyed' into an adjoining. room.
While this Was going on rio one else
was in the bar. Being asked if Wilson
was tinder the infltience of lignor,
Fitzpatrick. replied 'He was pretty full'
The inquest was resumed
Strlithro3r., on Monday Morning at 9
o'clock before Coroner Lindsay, whon
Verdiet.of ,i3attriSlatightorl! was given
against Wilson. Mr. McKillop wag
Iciresent on behalf of the Crewm. and
.MeSsrs E.. Meredith. and FolinSboe on
.behalf of ,the aectased. The,firat ' 'eyida
eirce.taken Was' that Of the :medical
witnesses to be examined, After rt,
short deliberation the jury.returiied the
,following verdict, whieh is 'one Of mg. -
slaughter; -"That Winn Wilson, On dae
2nd day of Weber'in the year 1891,ita
the baaroom of the , Western 'Had,
Staatfiroy iu the County of Middieseaa
did feloniously arid Unlawfully, bat aft -
I insult n tily, kill and slay .one Edviarsi
Upton, 'against the 1)0906 of 'oar Laait,
the Queen, her Crown and dignity"
tar on tab ur eh. NV orkel'e
The active co-operation of the laity
of both sexes in the work of the char&
has received a powerful impettiS, dar-
ing the past few years in the diocese
of°Huron. The attention given by the
sa trod to bunday School matters, al
which a large and energetie,cominittie
has speeial charge; the orginizatien ea
a Lay Workers' association, and Lusa
bntuot Least, the zealous efforts of the
W onions' Missionary :auxiliary, ha ye.,
all borne good fruit. A diocesan chile&
workers and Sunday school convent-
ien, to be held at St. Thomas on the
28th and 29th inst., under the presid.eat •
ey of the bishop of the diocese, is A&
outcome of these movements. The ate-
nuat meeting of the Lay Workers' as-
sociation takes place at the sante that.
The two Anglican congregations in at.
Thomas are making prepaaations. ta
give the visitors a hospitablereceptionn
and the railways are offering libegat
rates. An excellent programme is Lt
course of preparation. Among other
speakers or contribuiers of papers tail&
be Mr. C. R. W. Biggar, of Toronto, wha
will especially present the Sunda/
school question, while the Rev. Roberts
Ker, of St Catharines, will criticise
our existing Sunday schools with hie
woated ability. Mr. Charles Jenkins",
of Petrolia, 0110 0± the ablest Anglican,
churchmen in Canada, gives an ad
dress on lay help, and Rural Dean
Mackenzie, of Brantford, will rea11 a.
paper on its practical aspects. A dales
gation from the eouncil of the St An-
drew's Brotherhood will attend, and.'
deal particularly' with the duty of
young men to the church. It is hoped,
too, that a lady representative of the
mission cause and another lady .ea -
gaged in Sunday school teaching. Nei&
favor the convention with papers. The
Rev. N. W. Martin, of Christ churgla
Chatham, whose Sunday school is- the
largest in the Mouse, and Mr. Jasper
Golden, one of the oldest and mess
faithful of Suuday school teachers ad.
lay readers, will discuss Sunday schema
work and Bible class teachimg respesa-
ively. An interesting and, it is hotaais
highly profitable feature in the angst-
gemen..s win be a special seryice te 11.f!
th Trinity church, St. Thomas, ea
the ()venlig; of the 28th inst., when the.
Bishop of Huron will deliver an addgeas
on cluirch work. The programme:,
when issued, will aro doubt contaimt tkei':
names of other church workers %lap
will take part in the proceedings. The
bishop has issued a pastoral circular ts
the clergy, requesting their co,operaaa
0.entlemen whose report of the post
Inortern examination was read by 1S8.
Hoare. It set forth that they found n.
severe contusion over the'right eye, a,
Serious wound over the right ear, ex-
tending to the back of the head; ,a SC,
VW:0 wound on tile right side of the
'body near the lower ribs, and a donple,
of slight contusions on the left side, of
the body. The wound over the right
eat was undoubtedly .tbe, cause of death
as' deceased was otherwise quitelicalthy
Jonv.-In Usborne on the 4th inst,
James Jory, aged 82 years and
JONES, -In Usborne, 28811 ult., fha
wife of Henry Jones of a daugh.-
JOHNS. -In Usborne, 1st inst., the
wife of Henry Johns, of a daugh-
SOMERS Morris, at tke
residence of the bride's father, est
Wednesday 80th ult, by Rev. A,.
Glazier, Durham, Ont., assisted by
Rey. W. F. Campbell, Robt. Semen;
to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mat.
Francis Wright.
CLARK,-SurA.--Hillsgrcen, on 80tki
ult., by the Rev. Stewart Achescaa,
Mr. Albert Clark to Misa 111a,tildat.
Shea. Both of Stanley tp.
John Hannah of Seaforth who is al-
so proprietor of the Kirkton crea,mery„
has shipped two carloads of creams:rig
butter from his two creameries. Tiffs
butter waS July and part of Auguat,
make, rend was sold at 1.9fr cents Ur
July make and 20 dents for AugUala
It goes to the Old Country. This will
realize to the 'patrons a good deal
ter figures than if they had made tist,
butter themselves, and they are savSall
all the labor of butter 'making. Thk
is the largest Shiptnent Hanna*.
has yet nitta.6 at one time, the total tt-
ha had hitched in the harrows. gob :Its All of the wounds wore hoki to be of eeiPts Of will& Will amount to %OP&