HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-1, Page 5a t t a h'Or Over Fifty Yeats, : RS. WINSrow'S SOOTHING SYRUP Hale, been s, sed bymillions ofmotiler•s for their child - al while teething. if disturbed at night Al nd broken of your rest by a sick child suf- 1 ring and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth end at once and got a bottle of "Mrs SVin- ow's Soothing Syrtip" for Children Teeth - kg. 1t will relieve the poor little sufferer mmediatoly. Depend upon it,,nothers,there C no mistake about it, 1t eures Daarrhooa, c rielates the Stomach and Bowels, erre. nd Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- C animation, and gives tone and energy to se' whole system. ;qtrs. Winslow's Sooth- a lg Syrup" for children teething is pleasant o the taste and is the proscription of ono of se oldest and bast female Physicians and urns in the. United States. Price twenty- y vecents a bottle. Sold by all drnv'gists f iroughout the world, Be sure;and ask"for 1 Mks. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," i tlerrh, curative felt Bring ) send 'all Tile seven union tailors of Windsor I 7110 were charged with assault upon 1 nd conspiracy against: a non-union ailor were acquitted before Judge lacMahon at Sandwith;yesterday, and t he lock out tailors are consequently 1 -cry jnbilant, especially as three of t heir number, including. the president 1 Dere eonyieted on a similar char;'e l ud are now serving out their sestet • ;es. C]onsumption Cured. 1 An old physician, retired: from 'practioo Laving 11ad placed in his hands by an East i ndiamissionary the formula of a simple .1 •egetable remedy for the speedy and norma- tent euro of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- Astlira e, and. all throat and Lung Affections, also a, hositivo and • adical cure 'or Nervous Debility and all l ervons Coin- I ilaints, rafter having tested its wonderful powers in thousands of cases, has it his duty to make it known to his stiff- fellows. Actuated by this motive and desire to relieve human sulrering, I will free of'charge, to all who desire it, this wipe, in German, French or English, with directions for preparin g and using. Sent ly mail byaddressing with stamp, naming itis paper. W. A. Noy ES, 820 X'owers Bieck, tochesfee,'N. Y. William Connell, of Pefferlaw, was itruck by last evening's train, near Sutton, and decapitated. I-Iis body was found on the railway track. The unfortunate man had been attendine- the fair at Sutron during the day. He leaves a wife and large family. When Baby was sink, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The executive of the Trunk Line Association met in New York yester- ester•day and decided to restore lake and day rail traffic rates to the full tariff. tei THE GEST COUGH MEDICINE. ,,. 001,D BY Big/MISY!�T,,,S,y EVEBFWITE,ByE. a, 0,'' L L1 .$;-ltritt} 1 4 f.,'YC;'''+r''cv '..;_ 55,, r, 1' °1. , ' dGa. .9, J 'Illi^,.rye ,.•L��.R 1(, rig TS4 ` U+ �e E.. c a".--. SI :' a<. , i71�.�1'EP •.51r'�.: BILIOUSNESS. 'C`iON ST1P,ATCON, FIEADAC1-!i. 'SALT RI-1EUrti1, SCRO`ULA, •HE T BURN.' SOUL ,. C c w !��'RST M/\ t1 rir .� RHEUNs Ari" I I \ ,I -CIN DISEASES SEASES 1 are There are 676,160 pensioners on the roll at Washington, and the disburse- ments on pensions account last year amounted to $118,543,959.71: VICTORY AT VIVIAN. "In our family faithful work has been clone by Fowler's Eatracc of Wild Strawberry as a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea, dysentery and all suer mer cornpl,it:ls, I can recommend it to all as n 1a1'lilc fri"Ild, always true a nd faithfui."—Mrs. W. Bishop, Vivian, -Ont. Richard Conway Cartwright, second n of Sir Richard Cartwright, was arried in Kingston yesterday to Miss. ate Mora, of Pittsbury, Ont. • Dr. T. A. Slocum's 2'.YGENIZED EMULSION of PURE OD LIVER OIL. If you have atarrh — Use it. For sale by 11 druggists. Richard Howell, who claims the bie- cle championship of the world, sailed •om Liverpool to New York yesterday ceomlianyin , Howell were other bit-. chsts, who. with Howell, will take art in a six days' bicycle contest in ew York. HENRY G. JAMES; .Fleury G. James, of Winnipeg, Man., 1iites: "For sever, a years I Was troll; >led with pimples and' irritations of the Uhl. After other remedies failed. I ased four bottles of Burdock Blood Sitters and since then I have been ltllte free from my complaint. B.B.B. will always Occupy a place in my rouse." At Cambridge, Mass., yesterday, the Feat trotter Nelson made a anile iu 21O with a running mate. To•d'iy Neilson Will go against 2.10, Nancy Hanks against 2.12, and. Justine and Globo, double, to beat 2.13, Worms Cause -Much Sickness among hildren, Freeman's Worm Powders. reycnt this, and mal:o the child bright nd healthy, The U. S. grand jury propose to charge the trans -Missouri R. R. Associ• ation with maintainiug a trust or pool, tend there is a sensation in railroad eir- cies at Topeka, Kansas. MRS. GEO. RENDLE. Mrs. Geo. Rendle, of Galt, Ont., writes: '•I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for it is a sure cure for all summer complaints, Weave never without it in the house,' Fowler's Wild Strawberry. Price, 350, Fires are destroying property in North-western Minnesota at the rate of $700 an hour. Pine City is in danger, and 500 men are at work fighting the flames. A man's wife should always be the same, especially to lief• husband, but if she is weak and nervous, aclvous, < and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot ' be, for. they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say, and their hus- bands say so too! The steamer California, from Liver- pool for Colon, has been wrecked on an island in the Dutch Antilles.. Passen gers end crew saved except the second engineer. The Grand Duchess Paul, wife of the czar's youngest brother and eldest daughter of the King of Greece, is dead, aged 21 years. It is a matter of astonishment that so many women suffer in silence the troubles peculiar to their sex when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. are an unfailing cure. Suppressions, derangements, weakness, rte., especially yield to their treatment. Sold by all dealers or by mail on receipt of price (50c: a box) by addressing Dr. William's Med. Co., Brockville, Ont. The czar and the czarina, owing' to the death of the Grand Duchess Paul, will leave Copenhagen to day for Mos. tory, BEAUTIFUL BANFF, N,W.T I was induced_ to use your .Burdock. Blood Bitters for constipation and gen - oral debility once foulul it a complete; cure which I take pleasure in i'econi mending to all u ho may be thus afilic ted.'' -James M. Carson,' Banff, N.W.T. The funeral of the late W. L. Scott, ea-Con;ressrnaa; took; place at Erie Pa., yesterday and was an imposing affair. Never Allow the bowels to remain constipated rest scl•iois evil ensue. National Pills are unsurpassed as a remedy for constipation. A fall in the price of Missouri Pacific steel: occassioned considerable; talk iu Wail street, N. Y., yesterday. TRUE 'FAITH. "I have great faith in Burdock Blood Bitters as a blood purifier. I have talc• en three bottles for bad blood and find it a perfect, trite; It ie :.a, grand medi- cine a.nd 1 iccctnmend it wherever I go."—lila Sanderson, Toronto, Ont. Prof. James Miley, a ,yellknown. light weight boxer and proprietor of the T;0111' 1sIe1 (1 hotel, died there of blood polsonlltf;' t,Ills attel'iioon.' The poisoning W'I I tt(1 icsal5 of a blow he struck an tinl:nown niarr who insulted ,1 r t r 10 eon lane. hand artu I l a o wife, 1 ll.v. 111�1t c taurith the stranger'sanrnel, s teeth itc Was bialy lacerated. My f 'riotid, ` loot; hhere!here!yon know how wife is and nervous �oitr « c, Beath and, you know that etiltei'zt Iron Pill. •wi11' TOlei)cher, now why not be i'dir el)otlt it ;ind 1 uv -iter ti box? ?c� ntL 1c;tAlc y 1 s l' nl r' Cell (Mena 1 t'.n7.u.i1 -tent, eh ore Copper Tiarbor, 1. forward, She '. .1' < lea £0 i ch which caused .t laid 1 was to telt d 11 reit whoa tfl'Om "1)1uli1t h 1,0 t r , ' c t 11 oncan 11 0 un itis( after putting van; jrteliet oho, j>t orat:dtuil cluts'ti. erman yup 99 or children a medi- A Cough Ii cine should be abso- and Croup lutely reliable. A another must be able to Medicine. pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin- ister ; dmin-ister; easy and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi- ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It roust not only relieve quick but bring them arouthcl quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long con- finement, It must do its work in moderate doses: A large quantity of medicine in a child is not desira- ble. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as : young folks, and make Bo- schee's German Syrup the favorite family medicine. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT —TY E: --- PEOPLE MAY BLOB BUT HAVE THEY. THE GOODS TO BACK from which this paper is printed was supplied by the AUNTY'S ADVICE. "1Tv brother had severe summer complaint abont a year ago and no remedies seemed to relieve him. At• last OUT <Lunt advised ns to try P01w1- er's Etract of Wild Strawberry and before he had taken 'one•bottle he was entirely erred." --Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont. The neighborhood of Vandalia, has been without rain; for ut month, and the situation is alarming. Past- ures are burnt up and wells are dry. Mr. Albert P. Morehouse, ex Gover- nor of Missouri, suicided at his resi- dence in Marysville yesterday by cat - tinge his throat With a common pocket knife. A woman who is tweak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and, feet cannot feel and act like a well' person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength and .rest. , Ex -President Joseph Smith, the Mor- mon leader, has been pardoned. by President Harrison, and has returned to Stilt Lake 'from his long exile: Hay Council. IIAY SWAMP DRAINAGE 7:Y T AV..— CouTiT o1 REVISION.—The adjourned Court of Revision, re the Hay Swamp Drainage By-law 'not hi the town hall 2 1h. on Saturday, SeptAll the mem- bers present. Kalbfieisch-Schnell- that the following changes be made in the assessment of lands in the H. S. D. By-law, viz:— WI- iz:—\V3 30, con 5, owned by Wrn. Caldwell reduced 8810; W' 19, con 5 owned by Wm. Caldwell, reduced 55; \V't W 6, con S, owned by- W. Smith struck off; con 8, Dan Wildfong " Es5, c01: 8, Jos. Foster " 4, con 8, J Broderick \V15 con 8, jos. Gill 12, con 9, Sam Rennie 13, coli 9, Geo Witmer S?, 14, con 9, G. Lisenbach 14 con 9, \\'ni. Battler pt 15 con 9, Wm Voe.lker " pt 16 tori 0, \Vm Treumner " LI p S 117,con 9, W-& 0 Schroeder " N,�r.1.7,54 18, 9, John Foster " N4' con 9, Abram Geiger " Np 10,20 con 9, 11., Tlappcl S pt 19, con 9, II Bender " i.ct S 13, Wm .Harris 1.,V5 con 5, Thus: Worry " pt 12 con; 8, T Decker, ossa for 55 S W cr 12 8, 11. li,ydd, " $6 51i, 13 lar Penhale red._$d3 1, 1i, 12 John Medial° " 85 22 D. Bell, assess for 860 ,, iG I C t r 5tilY., .,.. J 1 Wilson b 1' 0 15 D Mock, reduced $10 ri ll,; 14, Wm ',Finnic, roused, $:1.0 B—'t.. 12 S 1at.nttie, eses4 01 for $1100 Carried. C, halbileiscfl --`4 n1kt;i'---•that all alp pralrl lir 1'i;£Caenee to property north of the 11)11c11 road he left over for 000 1c1 - ,l 1< court, sitting of t i c crrilfrn ,the mixt tt , It r r —Carried Schnt+ll- A'ou-- "lhab the t adjourn i'11 to nicer Court of Iwl.sltiu tr ,.d,l x,1110n on Saturday i ctober 1:"lh at 10 T r,v 1 1`•�.. .l,.l. l irAC v, r3., ("allied. ,.1C 1 Clerk of the Court GG GG a. 11 TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers iri type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. a,:..• Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn,I have thoroughly refitted the factory, and art manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cheny, Maple and "Ash. J. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 Wellington St west TORONTO, ONT. rinklan Tia1u Zhoils The Summer.holidays are now about over and the Fall Fairs being close at band, 1 wish•to inform ray many cus- tomers that I am still in my OLD STAND, (OVER (F J. Knight's Grocery Store.) And amu prepared to do work in latest style and best of workmanship. x II _ ]I x II _ II x II± 11 x 1111 t111OK GURRHITEED. x 11 _ 11 x II 11 x 11 4-.11 x Give me a call and leave your measure and I will give you a neat" fit. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. London Huron & Bruce Railway i'asserlger Tune Tabic.. • cis.. Note some of the Prices. Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $10,00 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8;75 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and ty Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90, < Extension Desks And a handsome assortment of Hall. Stands, xtension i T ables,riting Writing , Centre 'Tables, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at ver close prices. tildes, all in Walnut, C yY furniture and 1 sell as cheap Remember � make no trashy e0 as the Cheapest. 100,000 feet of Luraber and 300 cords of wood waited ui exchange for furniture. iture. . kingoods always A full Line of Undertaking � on hand. Rememberer the Stand—Factoryand Warerooms two doors north of Tow Hall, GOINGNonraI G•Fozrtc sorra. a.m r m. A.M. p.m. Lontlondep't8.05_4 5. Winghatn 7.05 310. Lncan.Oros 'g 8.47 5.20. Belgravo 7.24 4.00. Clandoboye 8 52 5 28. Blyth 7.38 4.15. Centralia ' 905 54, tondesboro 747 425. EXETER 9,10 5.57. Clinton ' 8.07 4.45. T-rensall 9.28 0.09 .Brucefield. 8.29, 5.04, Rippon pPen 9 34 6 17. 1 ippon 8,94 5.12 .t3n:001101d' 9.42 1, 26 Il ensall 8.41 519 Clinton 10.00 0.45. EXETER 8.51, 5.93 Londesboro' 10.19 1.09, Centralia 9.09 5,45 Blyth 10 28 7.12: Clan deho5 a 9.18 5.56 nn1grave 10.42 7;37 Tuan Cros'g9.2;1 802' Winaham 1100 7:15. Lo,iaou a.rr 1018 64.5 CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 law day J.& J lIcl'IARTINl, hropr!otors. _.,f °RegJulates the St.ornnch, Liver ,nd-i3owels, unlocks the ocret.ions,"Pu: if'iesthe 'Blood *and removes oil puriiios from a 'Pimp]e the vac rat Scrofiiloun irn- to Soto. 1441d(„I{ 7. '"'VVYY,,�i ti 1 i ,U do 11t1N: :.., 1 11551 . yq I, 'az-1f�eiYt. s.a 0,'' L L1 .$;-ltritt} 1 4 f.,'YC;'''+r''cv '..;_ 55,, r, 1' °1. , ' dGa. .9, J 'Illi^,.rye ,.•L��.R 1(, rig TS4 ` U+ �e E.. c a".--. SI :' a<. , i71�.�1'EP •.51r'�.: BILIOUSNESS. 'C`iON ST1P,ATCON, FIEADAC1-!i. 'SALT RI-1EUrti1, SCRO`ULA, •HE T BURN.' SOUL ,. C c w !��'RST M/\ t1 rir .� RHEUNs Ari" I I \ ,I -CIN DISEASES SEASES 1 are W r „ t 4 V .1. y 9 r 4U. Env "' 4 r �1 N,t , u S 4 y S tl +Sr . i, " Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Robt0 N. Roc. FURJIITURE ELER AND Undertaker. • THE LEADING Undertalmer AND Furniture Dealer OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. IIHDERTAKIIH1 A SPECIALTY. An examination of our: Stock Solicited. S. I ,LE CLOT NG 0 SNELL I �.. st.. EXETER - ONTARIO IIas now in stock DR. FOWLERS !EXT: OF • *WI D TR)WBERRY' CURES HOLERA holera Morbus O Lr 1 C 'ani F3. AMPS IARRH E1 YSERTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE FOR, CHILDREN OR ADULTS. W. G. Bissell's Livery. First Class Horses. and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. vv 11 tjgQ. ti IN.THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trolls cringe, S GOtCli Tweed Sumg3 aria Tr0t o 1. in rog IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE --FOR-- SUMMER FOODS We Will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST --FOR— Casha :�� Y ,,Y NE BIbo1, Wflo1es1e k� flv;ail Grocers, WINE & SPI&IT Merchants, Main-st., E,zete'. Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES VEST 1S NETT, TT, S J • T AND WOOL SIHAWLS. NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMM'IN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS' & GLOVES at75c worth $1. 'VVe cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASA.' JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North NTL i086G A complete stock of CHRmTIE' First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. '2'0r s: : R®asoxia. cle Telephone Connection. Nitre and Reliable Drrigs ALWAYS KEPT. Platt moirLoo, ONAgos, )rllrpttla At right anti reasonable priocs. 0 0 ^a,;�a �ra�i y}^ S! �^p meq; . Ja. et"�"''.J 9. �t.p YrioY� 7,Ds and. Family Receipts \ipts Qiy Pr p arc dt. . . I rh asd u li 81 1 � CSt` wimp Cloth. A 1 g 9 ,g fl i Gf�i ,�' x\1 til lest 111 the li')al: ket;. ^f h a f 4• r•� r Style, f d lti .3 9 T v: the � f�� PROP. rwa �.,tt?S`a n t4.O FFPI; ARM'S EIARMLESS. EEA1)ACHE POW DYgS arars ALL id1EADACHE. 2'hoy are rota5ver- i•ised to euro every- hZttJ,ZrutsinaliZy head. aches. Try. them, it will cost but 2,8 cents rr r c, box ana thea, are 7iar2n.less. The1 are not a Cathartic. E. N. ASI, LfflEll, IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND, —where he READY FOR ACALL, Morn, Noon or Might he Will. —GIVE AN— EASY SUAVE, AND: Gu11Ii HAIRCUT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. THE LIGHT ,RUNNING SE rl i G kMOM THE LAMES'' •�bh5. �L�$tiLbf ,ef �`4af.Yf ,,�• 7 elf. Y d �• P 41 � s t ,.,.,...#.tt`• ate.:�� �� t x,a;,..�a�1�8w. we I I U G {i1G h C of'UNION 1 t 5 t3 r 1 oLL.bl)a, r 1 l�r(8y�(1�,;;,