HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-1, Page 4SANDERS a SWEET, Props. ORSDAY, OOT, Ist, 1891, }N JU. ICIO (Ts iVkJ The Hon, Mr. Abbott, Premier of la6ylniia, to entitled to credit for intro• ac;hl: an important address to be sent I, both Houses of ,Parliament to Her lejeaty the Queers, looking to prefer - a nt al trade relations as between Great .i; cttlin and her Colonies. Special ref - ;:mice is made to the very objection• eitise dreaties of Great Britain with Bel :f,a:¢.esa. in 1862, and with the German' 'ivere,in in 1865, whereby the Mother 04aal;ntrry and her Colonies are, tied 2;se n to certain stipulations in trade gi,i.aeomnierce preventing that mutual taiterchange of eommoclities so desire - Ole hithe interest of the whole British 3 ,stspire. The ground .taken by the .t",.Iladian Premier in his address to the 'ecsrxerial authorities is, that the restrie e rsns contained in the above treaties sold/ foreign countries are prejudicial '▪ stie commercial interests of Canada .;anti "'incompatible with the rights and ;WV subsequently conferred by the Raish North American Act upon the leismInion Parlianlelit." It is now ac- Knowledged by leading statesmen in -Mar land, as brought out by Col. \Tin- c'ra:slLr M. P., in his recent address Inighout Canada, that the above re ;;trietive treaties were a mistake; and WAS. only the other day that Lord Sal- : -."-bury, Premier of Great Britain, ex- ssel his opinion that some means err;eesit to be devised to rectify the mis- iute. The movement on the part of Haim own Canadian Premier affords etnot er proof of the watchful oversight • 1a the Government at Ottawa take :commercial affairs, and of their ymnept and vigorous action in all that *}fates to the commercial prosperity of <titi country-. CANADA'S NEED. 'he above heading has been sug. .ta8'ed by reading an editorial in the Vincent's Empire on Col. rnis- .l, f<;xt to Canada. \Vere our leading i dries animated by the same loyal ma+k .•aa,triotie spirit that pervades the a;oitrrnsof the Empire, we should. have _;?en cause to mdurn over the late cen- ;e , returns; and instead of deriding °'A iadian progress, and belittling our e es atr~S's resources and prosperity, we ,7017;1kd be found vicing with one an- -:z,t,?aet in advertising its magnificent pa hies and virgin soil as affording ittesees and a livelihood for the over_ '.tascdened population of Europe and the '.a nrivd kingdom. That the visit of :7 ire.b.a distinguished member of Im- ewrSeg Parliament as Col. Howard Vin- II:ed will prove valuable to. Canada, in :.gra ;ing known to British people its -irs;;:.t resources and future possibilities, cssxst•:ot admit of a doubt. But that the aseetretiatory policy pursued by certain 1k.sseling politicians and newspaper 'raters operates as a barrier to immi- e ration is equally certain. It goes steSeho•nt saying that intending emi• sess its from the old country. reading urs: miserable exparte diatribes that lirethe staple editorials of such jour• .y;cai.as the Globe, et /ioe, genus onafe, ;:»r ally enough direct their attention -;v.,, tale neighboring Republic or to the .Arsettalian colonies; whereas the im r nae territory of fertile land in our stmt. North West presents inducements - a i ttii neither the United States nor :; .,ssf ralia can offer to those who, - in '41a, erne ease, desire to live under Britt lsestrictiolrs, and in the other prefer ,ts country eaasi• of access and possessing xt greater variety of resources-agri- ,sNthlural'and mineral -than is to be fr.,srrnii.n the colonies of the Southourn it sfie, -We will not enter into steels- . sees to show the large amount of Ca- Asetledn products that already find their way lizto the markets of the Unied' "Ikedont, and which afford a strong twdiol nt for the preferential tariff steiey advocated by the Trade League gal 'which Col, Vincent is secretary., -Cam it to say, that a the ie mariet affo•d• �t l:Ly.ire4a' at Britain for our products is a,!_ativaible. What is of first c i � l i, , o i eq z.,tlee t r to consider iS h' 7 a t o i e 1 of ilnm• f t i .Clt k Ganaclass to take her -pre tses Mace among the nations. Not sig"rry on l- S ,g,itBritish :ca it$lists invest piet;t- .rttliln the Dorilinion, and British 2 nd remunerative employment ,thiin our borders, but many , of otn :41.1 �t�rs1� eo le, in the Eastern and ,., 'people,: llari� or,tr, 17rc; iiiees could better their Cir- i I..e:st:•tnce:; by going West, Col, 1"in ,Iluerves digit he !rift with many, ,.,",_',;iitnerl during ilial ►vt,ate n tour, v,aW •atith few Canadians comparatively, i,:isr had le;t 'ahe tricll;r iaf3 il:ces tl 1 y Souk, their fortunes. ; What is lvituted, then, is fi large increase of immigrants from the. Motherland and from the Eastern and Maritime provinces of this Dominion. The eapabiaities of our Westernrail ies are beyond calculat- ion. c 1at- P y al u ion, I'n his 11eI,ina,addross, Co!, Vin- cent stated the actual area of the ter- ritories alone to be 2,500,000 square miles, and were there but one third of that Vast acreage bought under culti vation, it would yield at the rate of only twenty bushels per acre ten thou, standmillion bushels of wheat -enough to give bread to the whole }world! It augurs well for the future of this Do- minion that the British newspapers are coming to discuss the vast resour- ces of Canada, and that such a journal as the Not tingha]n'Guaa•cliaaa has ex- pressed itself in the following terms: "In Canada there are now all the elements that go to the making of a great nation, excopt one. There is a splendid territory, an enlightenedGov- ernxnent, an increasing trade, and a growing inereantile. marine. What is wanted is a larger population; and the more closely the Dominion is identified with the Mother Country, the greater chance of this want being sup- plied," McGillivray Council. Council mot pursuant to adjourn- ment at the Town Hall, 1VIcGillivray, 7th September, 1891. Present W. L. Corbett, Reeve; G. J. Johnson and J. D Drummond, Dep'y Reeves; T. Prest and E. Morgan, Conneillors, 112inutes of last meeting read, approved of, and signed. G. T. Johnson -J. D. Drum- mond -That the part of clause 2 of a motion passed at council Meeting. on January 15th, 1886, relating to- cul-. verts on side roads be and it is hereby rescinded, and that this Council assume the construction of culverts, on side roads on and after this date. -Carried: J D. Drummond-G.T. Johnson -That By-law No. 4 of 1891 to levy two and a half mills on the dollar for county pur- poses, two and a half mills on the dol- lar for township purposes, and one mill on the dollar from public school rate payeis for county grant and special public school rate, and the amounts re- quired per School Trustees orders as read a first and second time be now read a third time and passed. -Carried Prest-That D. Drummond -T. I lest --That the hereafter named individuals be paid amounts -a set forth, viz: J. Manning commissioner repairing washout at Delancy's 7th con., W. C. R., $47.50; D. Mathers, building, two 'culverts W. William's, town line, McGillivray por- tion, $2; J. Bice building bridge and repairing hill, Bice's sideroad, .$11.40;, C. Medcof repairing bridge Parkhill road, $43,16; C. Medcof cutting Foster's hill 7th con. E. C. R, $90; J. Corbett commissioner, overseeing gravelling divisions No. 7, 8, 9, and 10, N. B'd'y., $10; W. Lavery, ditching on side road between lots 10 and 11, 7th con. W. C. R., $9.90; J. Neale, overseeing gravel- ling; division No, .10. $4; J. Paterson, malting concrete. tile, storage and re- pairing moulds, $82.30; W. Mawson balance gravel account, and shipping pit, $6.50;. J. Wright & Co. ape for Port- land cement and hauling, $209.60; School Section No. 16, equivalent for 1890,$5; W. Smith account for tile, $2.60; J. W. 1 -Tay, printing account, $35: T. Prost -J. D. Drummond- That this Council. abjourn to meet in the Town Hall the first Monday in Oct. at ten o'cloel: a. rn.-Carried. Witt. FRASER, (;lett. FALL FAIRS, East Huron, ... Brussels .... Oct North Perth Stratford.Oet Blanshard .Kirktun ..Oct 83.1.8t51.$1S. 1-2 1-2 0-9 Rr;ssnnL.-In' Usborno, on the 22nd ult., the wife of. Thos. Russell, jr„ of a daughter. HUNKI..m*.-In tJsborne, on 22nd tilt, the wife of Thomas Hu akin, of a daughter. Gnlsai.-In Stephen, on the 2Jst rift.+ the wife of Wm. Geiser, of a son. Greenway . Mrs. A. M. Wilson is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Walker in Camlaehie. 112r. John Sherritt shipped another car load of Iambs to .l3ufralo last Tues- day. Master Robbie Aitl::en treated our. post master to raspberries pulled last Mondey,.the, last of the season. Mr. Jas. IVIeWilson has purchased an- other new seperator it arrived in.Park. hill last Thursday and on Friday morn- ing he was thrashing with it. Mr. C. hi, Wilson Jr. and wife and Mrs. Axulrew Pollock havo been spend- ing a"week visiting ' •ri till. rs r 1. R L Wilson, of oil Euprings and other ffriunde in Dresden, 112r. HoarySlain.. gold another piece, oP land to tlie'Boston :Methodist Mardi and they are arranging to MQVT.l. the 7 shed: back 88 ft and build 'about 00 ft, !This + !Lf ,, fcliti.on Jhrscon�rr�'a i 1 , h a,, t ion t.te, inalta, einont;of liar, J, T±;, Siolines is increasing. Bayf.61C.t Messrs H.Moorehot se, A, Elliott and seine other sports have returned fr?oni a .successful fishin: r and sporting tour up north. The carrying of the mail from; Clin- ton by way of Varnia will be discon- tinued after October 1s, It will bo sent from Seaforth via BruceAeld. Whether this will bo an improvement we know not but we believe 2] majority our villagers favor the change. A MYSTERY. -Tho body of an un- known elan was found floating in the rifer here Saturday morning. He is five' feet four inches in heid•ht of a rather stout build and about 60 years of age' m e, sandy hair,'turningrey, and n OF STMEDICINE YOUJ1 LAME TACK, Would get well at once if it were rube bed with a little of Clark's L,ightniug Liniment, and the soreness ill side and limbs would go :away if treated the same. This wonderful preparation dogs, not effect a cure next week, but relieves at once and almost miracu- lously, Try a bottle of your druggist,, price fifty cents, and be sure you get, it, Clark Chemical Coe Toronto, N. Y, HIST[JGENETIG whiskers shaved off his chin. He wore two white shirts, a Suit of dark mater- ial' and over the first coat a frock ,' coat of corded cloth. .The inquest held by Coroner Dr. Stanbary Saturday was adjourned till Monday to await further investigation and a possibility -of ident ifieation. A. small comb and 5 'cents were the only things found on the body which seemed to have been about two weeks in Inc water, DashwoT d, Mr. John Seibert and J.-Zuiinmer are visiting friends in Berlin it present, Quito a number'rrom.here attended the Exeter fair on Tuesday. They re- port having a good time,, Quite a number' frolic this vicinity, visited London fair last week and all report having a good time. Mr. Wni Brown of'Crediton, formerly in the employ of Mr. H. Yager, paid Dashwood a flying visit on 11 enday j last. Mr. J. Phippen of Parkhill, has erect- ed a photo gallery Here, where he in- tends to do business for a short . time. We -Wish Mr. Phippen success in his enterprise, We .are glad to state that Master Wilton Cook v: hp has been confined to his bed during the last two weeks wirli t•inflamation of the bowels" is slowly recovering. Rev. Mr. Schenck, delegate to the general conference of the evangelical association which is to meet at Indian- apolis on Oct. 1st,. preached a very in• teresting sermon here on Sunday afternoon. After the sermon a collect- ion was taken up in aid of'themissions ofGermany, which amounted be $19. Quite a disturbance was created here on Monday night last Week. It appears that several boys stole a keg of beer from the bear wagon as it was standing in Mr. Wille rt's; Stable and after gettingrather tipsey, they went. to Mr. Phippen's photo gallery and threw several stones through the win- dows and doing other damage. Mr, H. Willert's block is nearing completion It is nom ee z r, az tee a on the inside. The contractors deserve credit for the way in which they did their work. The lower story is divided into two large anartrents, a doctor's office and a tailor shop. The upper story is a large and commodious hall for the purpose of holding.public meet- ings, concerts, etc. Around About Us, Charles Johnston, a well known Lu can character, got into thebar room of the Central 1-lotel there on Friday, and when the bartender's back was turn- ed ha scooped out $2.75 from the till and made a dash for the street. The bartender, kr. Robt. McLeod, .is• lame, and was unable to chase hiin, but no, gave the alarm; and the crowd outside took up the pursuit Johnston'rau to the station, and crossing in front of. the express' train, tried toboarda,pess ing freight, which he was not able to accomplish, and the crowd beetles him off and, captured hint, He was brought before Reeve Stanley • and committed for trial Saturday morning •Judge Davis convicted him of the larceny and sentenced him to three months in the Central Prison. "DON'T CARE TO EAT." F r• I.I is with the ,greatest confidence that Hood'sarsa r S pa�i lies is recommend- ed for loss of appetite, indigestion, sick headache, and similar troubles. This mectinnne greatly tones the stomach. assists digestion, and makes one "real hungry." Persons in delicate ]health, after tatting Hood's Sarsaparilla a' few days, find themselves longing for and ietin•,g the plainest food with -unci petted relish. CENTIL�L T�1LOR SHI$P. Mr. George Smalleotnhe wishes to inform the Citizens' of Exeter and :sur. rotinrline country that he has 'opened --out anew-- Tailoring new- � :r e, , ,' fr �.alolrl'<�Establishment and Gents'�'1.ul:llsl�- g,;. i1's •s . �. . ' 111 L.�tabll.0 i G t 11 n li in 5 { r s �cLll.Sois'l, 1 loC X?vr Latest designs of goods �' y . azi s a . on hand.y and. macre up p in the latest .• r Amicaan Stytes sat piglet A CALL SOLJOITED AND A GOOD FIT t .,.'T t I'I'I G'U,�:R.h,I.�7.LI+sD, Ladies J•aokcts and \[a. title IYkaking attended to.. r. r'. b IALT-1 .00�1-i13 e , 111.iittC11AGI'1' TAll.,on, All diseases successfully treated by x'now system of non•poisoni gig and tasteless medicines. Send for free book explaining system and testimonials -'or the most remarkable cures on record. S1,111NGFI.ELD-ON-Tit r-Oab7DI , Ont. March 4S, 1591, Histogenetic, Medicine Association: Gentlemen,-,Wj,1uug to testify to the so- perior,methods ofllistouengtic Medicine i'or the cure ofInn g disoases,isubmi't the follow log sta tem on t;Two YOFITS cavo I round myself as a resrat • of exposure to cold and wet weather, taking frequent colds. I took a severe cough and got run down in vitality and had several spells ofliemerhego of the 1 usgs. 1 coughed agrent dual in the nrorn- ing and some during the night. I consulted two or three one Very clever Tor- onto physidian, Re treated ine without medicine, by Hand rubbing, until clicl me'eon- siderable good, but in the course of time the hemoriagge returned. Two oftho physicians I consulted consid- ered mine a serious case, and ono gave me to understand it was ho, eros, and I have no doubt that consumption would soon have caused my death. I heard about the new system of medicine and consulted Dr. Bear at the head office for O nada 1s Young st. Market,who examined iue andt.i:..longht Hia- togetteticremedies would cure me in about six weeks. I commenced taking the medic- ine about Jan. 1. In two weeks the cough anti breathing were better. Tho amount of sputa rapidly lessened. The was consider- able broehitis and it soon ciissappearocl. My strength came again withastonishing ra77»rcl- ity, and the rapid breathing dissappeared. I have not had any hemorrhage since the first lot of medicine was taken. i have gained steadily in the body generally as well as the lungs, and feel almost as well as i over cticl. I eau walk fast now or do anything in a hnrry and riot got rapid breathing or pal pit- ation. Iam now following my usual em plov- meutand can stand any kind of weather. Yt is the best treatment for the lungs I have ever known anal can conscion tiously recom- mend it to niy friends and acquaintances who may need lung treatment as far superior to any other system. Sincerely, T. M. EfAM11IOND. Will be at Exeter,"Central Hotel," on Tuesday Oct. 6tla, from 9.30 ' a, in,, to 5.30, p.m,, and at FIeusal.l, " Hensaa,ll hotel," sa:tne day (Tuesday) •oni 6 p. in., to 9 next morning. CONSULTATION FREE, I'Iistobenetic Medicine Association. Rooms 9and 3 Albion Block, Richmond St London, Heaci Office for Western Ontario Head Office for Canada, 10 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 11-1 ,y. Mention Exeter "ADVOCATE." Jl I•ff - %/ two "TIIE b S.ST Ai IIOR AGAINST DISEASE IS GOOD DIGESTION." it is a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard. for even the unprofessional to understand when we take into consideration the mass of food that it is made the receptacle of fora time, there to be churned, di- gestecl and so assimilated. MALTOPEPSYN (nn •rrtificial gastric juice -formula on every label) will aid the wak st,narh id so euro indigestion, D spep- psia etc. In fact, it is a good aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do noharm,nsitisonly adding anextra amount of gastric juice, does not stimulate, and so there is no reaction. Endorsed by physicians. Send a ets. in postage for valaoblc book to HAZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE„ ONTARIO. CO S fT-Ti I have a -positive remedy for theabovei sense by its use thousandsof cases of theworst kind and of long standing ,have been cured. Indeed' so strong is. my 'faith fn its efficacy, that I gill send TWO BOTTLES FMB, with a VALUABLE Ti.L'ATrsS on: this 'disease to. any W9 nufferer who will send me their .:SEr, MES and P.O. address. T. A. SLOOUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Extr IftflllIIltS E P')I' LIlltl� The Leading Oil Firm of Canada Are still. pleasing, the public with oils, Why use an oil that will injure your machinery when you ou can get the .3elebrated PZIDIINT SPECIALTIES: laaaae sardine Y � Wool, Eureta, Spindle, Boltou,t ing, Solar, IIarness an.-La.fe,ct-amers McColl a --FOR SALE BY -.- BISSETT BROS., xete r, Mario. c3T Tc E HOIISEL are the latest goods in PALL AND WINTER SUITINGS and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Timeor no Sale. AT PRICES AvAY DOWN. Remember the Stand one Door North of E. H, Fish's Barber Shop. Give me a call. J. H. GRIEVE. r ers; l ers1r samasomszy It will pay you to call on us if ,you want anything in Hard- .- -ware such as Nails, Hinges, Leeks, Glass, Putty, • Paints and Oils. ow NM of Jaimsters Coldrotoil Billig PoiAts, NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black 8& Gal as .2ized wires away down for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUGHXNG A SPECIALTY NEW RAYMOND MACHINES NES SND NEEDLES, OM WHEN !N TON. ISSETT Bt,,k,OS. EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bushel.. $0.92 to 0.94 Barley 40 to 45 Oats . 26 to 28 Peas .. 56 to 58 Butter 13 to 16 Eggs .... 13 to 13 Potatoes per bus Hay per ton .... . Wool 30 to 85 .... ; . 5.00 to 6.00 . .1Sto19 ALLAN" LINE. TRADE MARK. MORSE'S GLYCEROLE Of CELERY COMPOUND: ASAFE remedy for teething Infants and adultssuffering from all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain ao eidu n or any drug* except those printed ontomtits on ercry bottle. Endorsed bT e ns ratan 60 Oserx Foesole , M FoY sale by drogglete, Send two p centstam for descriptive' circular to Haten Morse, Buffalo, N. Ys' VIRUS. IMP,�`� PERKINS & MARTIN,PROPS. we eni» trio most nom Acte steels of Musical trrstrunienta in the county. PIANOS, VIOLINS ttTrS O SEWING MACI:PINI"2S • lI IM1� rr, T' I Lr,r LZV ,, 'T'rS" &o. The above instruments alwas on hairicl. ORGANS. Torras to gYdt Pqre C,Lr,,by+p-j. k9W GMs GALL.,' r'VEIiYTi-/IN( ,4W iY DOWN: PERKINS S & NARTIN. b'%Sf,PE71i 15 ' 7. 4a 1w,ir'i"d fuu'l '� •-Wit,-� 1891. Summer Sailing. 1891. i Vorpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal. nEr8001(�64&Rs O F ralrgon. HOME txcwslvc 1 ° nese4ENt fes ses Egfl AI LIM11E1.13 dn9Llif From ;r. Froin' Prom.' I:ivest � e t . t l ins hip: N t .on- rlxll eate yool L } l SArinT . 'SF Sept, Nrn v :,, pt. ,ir9 Sept. 20 t 1.0 1gYcdiT,tN, 30' Oct. 1 1'aiirSrA0 Oo 1. D_ ,r.: 4,t, auto.C.SSTAN 10 11 Oct, S 1.oT.'NESrAN ." 17 " 1.1 SAlt.)INTAS1 `t: 9.1 " 25. re 15 11011ta0r,rAN Noy. 1I Nev. - 'A' ikl P. R.'S AS A 1, 29 C1 rOKS,SI V" 1 r � ITov. 5 Por t.rrr,TAy ir•It „ 22 I tfly:if+v;�3 OF JIL ES V3{:9AtJi:6 . To Saoilea � � F nclefr 3 ci7i s .,.ver Dalt • p a icy ra 5. t"�,risian, Mill, S70, $90 single; ?ilio, ,9101„ jO 9O rt .uric. Bi- oUio,'14)ticmcu 95), $00, solo sieglo° 91Y;i; p�itili>, 8111 rufllrlr,' in trrin e rli t'o 1i 00, Votue i 900,00. Mecrnle 580.0), .return I.10.00. John h pnckr,nluk EXETER, ONT. ',1,110051J iX:`1P'. M. iw--r3i'f?ijCea ,rr For LOST ort'AI,INO 51111iS000.Gnnernl and lIlli- VOL'0 nml3l"LOTY, Wes/meta 6t bo ft' And Rana ]Frantz of ,tors or Eveoincn lt' 010. or Young. Robaet, itoltio 14.414 ,a II00 fu . � � .:+.. i1 U steed: Eat/ UN0'r1VAT,OPEO'Q2IhilosEMITS ofitonir. Al2.121ln' on - falling 0Mui ,t1tT,9 Mffi1� SCetiro In teat* from 60 Matoaava khoteigA'Ceiint^:en. Vr1to there. st.k explanation aadgraol Fueled nsaod) free1,t,,,tr. Milts' pill".oICcn. 00., SUPF';tLo, N. Y. r �uj r, s, u., , G,.,. .1 ,t;171,-, 1 EttC tilfGs,� 1, 'Ot' 1 hir,T' r,. Olaf 0:, . c , c r t.. ,ilr ,. f. !1, e,, r , {1 r fit, �t m,n nwtc, ipr ,.rM dig :.tl��+ ;tis.-: a ,l as.t:>f lierri;11; u r rlylt'ro4, .�''1'r"1 .;11,t '`r flail 4t 1Y3Cw ::1i 1 SU tit