HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-10-1, Page 1-7 enrwrzsrawasz,moinuremtres.....m.r.n.ser anwnrow...,•••• wneowwwrget•non,.....emtsort...... VOL. IV. wsru,rgarrrntnnowniummurmasmarnstmaymmenrouxmwarmarogrwaronra,mmarrowmowsne...m 1.71111M0141111111,1 EXETER ONTARIO TH-Pi'SDAY OCTOBER 1 189L NO 224.J! The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .... 1,000,000, Head office Mentreal. F. VVOLFERSTAN THOMA.S, Esq., GENERAL D'IANAGent. Money adv, nced. to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per ananal- Exeter Branch, Opeh every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., Sat ardays a.m. to 1 p. m general banking, business transacted n, Pour per centper annum allowed for mon- "' ey ou Deposit Reempi;s. Savings Bank at 3 por cent. N. DYER 11URDON Exeter, Jan. 28, '88. Sub.Manager. TliE Oxeter Abuocatt) Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING CO DOAN'S!. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. if not so -paid.. .5.6..-trertizira.E. Rate= can. .a.rizlice. No paper discontinu6d. until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and. charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of :TDB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and. at moderate rates. Cheenes,money ord- ers, &o.for advertising, subscriptions, etc:. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet pnoriurrons Church Directory. Tatiturr MEMORIAL CRIIRCH.--Bev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a, m a ad. 7 p.m. Sabbath. School, 2.30 p. m. MEmnontsx CituriOn—James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.80 it. in. an.16.32. p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p.m. MAIN STItEET—Rev. W. MeDonough, Pas- tor. Sanda,y, Services,10.80 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2,20 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Cifunott.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, li it. m. and. 6.30 p. • Sabbath School, 2.43 a. m. mtors....rosrammavasousas.oaueoranwor.....a...sa PrOfeSSIOnal card s. --- (vn KIN SuAN, L.D.S,Fauson's Block 1,„..;..1 two doors north of Carling Store, BLAIN STREET,RXETRE, extracts teeth witho at pain. Away at lionsall on 1st, Friday; Ails& Craig on 2nd. anct.4th Tuesday; aud. Zurich on last Thursday of each month.. H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal C. College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. BiLlinge. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,' Ont. -A safe anaesthetic. given fox Ile painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- cured firmlyin the mouth by Yenien's pat - tont vaive T 33 FVHITELY, M. D., C. M., 2.averCesees • . and. Surgeon. Office and residence— Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderieh,' ()Atari o TAR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. .1.-/ Residence—Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Ex.etex, Ontario. Tvi. T. P. McLA.UGHLIN, 11EMl3ER OF ▪ the College of Physicians ancl Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon andAeeouch- our. Office, .Uashwood, Ont. D CROSEERY, Member Royal College 11. Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians. Edinburgh.; Mem ber College of Physicians iittd. Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crediton, Ont. C. M , Member of A" College of Physicians find Surgeons„ Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of _Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Eaeulty of Physicians and Sur- geons Glasgow• Fellow of Trinity Medical Coiled°, Toront'o. Office—Dr. Cowen's old stand.. TAR. DA VID M.STEBLER, (UNIVERSITY Al. of Toronto,) Physician,Surgeon etc. Having spent the winter of 1336-'87 in 'NSW York,,an(t the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, -- CREDITON, ONT. —_---__ 11 R. J. H. MeLELLAN, EYE & EAR SliReEON. Grriduate New- York Eye,ani Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, -- ONTARIO. I) H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, sonic:Te- OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office— Over I'ost Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, C on- veyancer, CoMmissioner. &c. Money to loan Office--Fanson's Blo.k Eketer. L'ILLIcT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, Ike. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. T. ELLIOT • nitoWN,Winehelsers. Li censee e&unt- . ion eer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales 13r omptly attendeti to and term sreason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa A 3, ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- ..t-li.ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Miildlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Ord.ers by mail. or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. VET HOLT, Ellive, Ontario. Licensed auc t - V V . ioneer Air the Counties of Middlesex and Larnbtun, and the townships of Stephen and. Hay All sales promptly attended to, BOSSENBERRY itensall Ontario Lie- . ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of Ituron and Perth. Charges moderate and sit tisfactitn. gmiriinteed. CIRLD, W. FARNC03113, Provincial Land U Surveyor and Civil Enaineer. Office lyver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the .Coem ty of Huron. • Sales Conducted on reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock it • s pooh:A.6y. Fun arrangements can bo made a t this office. For Sale. A desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame 'house, one -fifths acre of Jana. The house was ereeted in 1838. eseea terms to eurchaser., Apply at this office. 145-t ESTRAY COW. A red cow, sxhite spot Q11 forehead, white spot on left flank, two white Itiod feet, three parts of tail white; all information regarding her where- abouts will be gladly -received. Joule Bresergr, Exeter. STRAYED.: There strayed from the premises of Mr. ThomaeDicken's, Lot 10, con. 4, Biddulph, a light red heifer, 3 years old, on or about September the 21st. Any peyson giving slush infortnation as Will lead to her re,covery will be suitably rewardeet by leaving word with Thomas Dickens, jewels, or at this:office. $900 SAILAiim: and Commission to • Agents, Men and Wcnn en, Tetieh- ers and Clergymen to introduce it IlOW atria POPUtra• staves/tea hook. Testimony of 1.9 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth, The most remarkable religious book of the age, written by 300 em Luau t scliolars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory givein Apply to The Henry Bill Publishing Co, Norwich CONN. TO LET. A desireable cottage to let on Eliza- beth Street, south of James St. Church. The building has 7 different apartments and it is a good location to -live in. Immediate possession given. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises. THOMAS DEARING, Exeter. NOTICE. 'Notice is hereby given, that a Court will be 11 heltl,pursvant to The Voters' List Act, by Ilis Honor the judge of the County Court of' the County of fluron, at the Town Hall, Crediton, n the SIXTH. DAY OF OCTOBER 1891. atthe hour of 10 o clock in the forenoon to hear and determine the several com- plaints of errors an cl omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of the Township of Stephen for 1821. All persons having busin- ess at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place, CHESTER PROUTY Clerk. Dated Orediton Sept. nth, 1891. • FARM FOR SALE. North half of lot 4, north boundary of Stephen, in the county of Huron, about 13s. nines west of Exeter, which is possessed of one of the best markets in Western Ontario. There are first class out buildings, good frame d Weitillg, good orchard on the, premi- ses, all well fenced. and drained, and is in first class state of cultivation. . Atsor; west Initt of lot 0, north boundary df the aforesaid toWnship, about .15 acres of .good 'hardwood bush, the balance of which is good paSture lands, well fenced, with good apply of water. Possession of both places immediately. For further particulars apply on the premises, or to MR. JOHN SWEET, Exeter, Ont.' A. Successful Pair. The first day of the Exeter Fall Fair was ushered in with very warm wea- ther. All day long the directors were kept busy getting things in readiness s 6 e, e for the second day, and it %vas owing to their untiring efforts that every• thing in connection with the exhibit- ion was such a creditable. success. A. thunder storm on Monday evening cooled the weather and on , Tuesday the air was somewhat chilly. But this did not seem to put a stop to the people coming out to enjoy themselves and witness the laest show ever held here. After entering the grounds the first place to catch the eye of the visitors was the crystal palace, 'which was Well filled with needle and other fancy work. There was a good display in the art department by Mr. Joseph Sen- ior, and the flowers were by Po means forgotten by A. Allen. Organs and sewing machines were also on hand, and dieir simplicity and design at- tracted much attention. The Exeter Woollen Mills had some fine samples of tweeds, yarn, and woollen goods ou ex- hibition, all of whieh were pronounced equal to the best shown at 'Toronto. The garden products were the best ever shown both in numbers and qual- ity, the roots and ;vegetables were monsters, in fact evenything being of an immense size. The exhibit of cattle sheep, and hogs was good. The great centre of attraction during the after- noon was the horse ring, which was beseiged by eager spectators anxious to ascertain the names of each animal obtaining a prize,. The competion in these several classes were very closely contested, the judges being ur.able at titnes to decide for some length of time. The gate receipts amounted to about $700, Below we giye the premium winners:— Honsns,—Imported heavy draught Must be imported or bred from import. ed stook on both sides, or from imported mares. T3rood mare accompanied by foal, S. Sinitic, L. F. Goodwill, D. Mc- Kinnon; Foal foaled in 1891, D. Mc- Kinnon, L r. Goodwin, S. Smilie; Filly 2 years old, T. Worry; Filly, 1 year old T. Werry, T. Werry. Canadian heavy draught and Agricultural, Brood mare accompanied by foal, S. Campbell, J. Rowtcliffe, A, Bishop; Foal, foaled in 1891, J. Rowtcliff, J. Murray J. Load - man; Three year old gelding or filly, W. Cornish, T. Sweet, C. Monteith; Two!year-old gelding or tiny, J Cottle Wood Bros., Rodgerville J. Hackney; One -year-old gelding or Rundle R. Hicks, A. Ilishop,*Draugh team, J. McInnis, S. McKenzie, J. Patterson, One year-old entire horse, J. Ditncan. General Purpose Hood mare accem• panted by foal„ Craery & Soh, J. Decher, J. Decher; Foal, foaled in 1891 J. johnstop, R. Craery & Son, J. Gould, Three year oldgeldiug or filly, D. Pot- hering ham, L. :Hunter, L Hunter; Two ,yeste old gelding, or filly H. Doyle, R. Northcott, 11. Rotelle; One-yowl...old geld Uig, or 1111y, R. Crstgry & Son, J Deeher S. Campbell; Team, H. IlleGre.ggor, M. Helferinan, L. hunter. Carriage. Brood Mate accompanied by foal, W. Camp. bell, W. T. Acheson, E. Williams; Foal foaled in 1.801, J. Dauneey, AV, T. Ache esou, E. Williams, Three-year old geld nig or filly,. J. Handford, D. Creighton, Two-year old gelding or filly, J. me, Feddete J. Morris. Wood. Bros, Rodger. ville; One -year-old g6Idinp„' Or fillye J. Noeris, J. Sprout Jr. Woed Bros, Rod, ger '.6 Pair carriage horses, 16 heeds. high or over, in hagoese and. cerria.ge, S Hunter, Chas Wolfe, J lorgan; Sin. curiae hbese 16 hande or over ie hay ness alai buggy, Snell & White, 13issett, S. Hogarth. Roadster Brood mare wee-anis:tilled ley foal,,L. H. Dick- son, L. }lintels J. Molnnes, Foal, Foal- ed in 1891, I. Armstrong, L. If. Dickson J. McInnes; Three year old gelding' J. Hunter, Sr., R. Luker, S. Sanders & Son Twoyear old gelding or filly, J. Hawk- shaw, 1 Armstrong, T, B. Carling ; One- year old geldingor filly, W. G. Bissett, L. Hunter, J. Gilchrist; Pair of Road sters in harness and buggy, Ed. Bossen berry, Wm. Hamden, J. Manning; Sad ,Ile horse, W. Bawden, G. Oliver; Lady R driver, Mrs. H. Chesuele y, Mrs. . Horne, Mrs. j. Horton. Speeding contest.— Single Roadsters, open only to horses that never won Public mouey, 3 to en- ter and 2 to start or no prize, T. Mur. (lode, J. lIortin. Carrt.E.---Thoroughbred Durham.— Aged cow, T. Russell, T. Russell, H, W. Smith; Three-year old cow 11 W Smith, T Russell; TWo.year old heifer,WeWiers: sell, T. Russell, J. Hooper, One au heifer, T Russell, H 'W. Smiting. k'aus• sell, Heifer calf, H. W. Smith,T,Russell H W Smith; Bull calf, TRussell,Ellcort Bros, R. McCollough; Herd, 4 females and and a bull, T. Russell,II. W. Smith. GnADEs.--Aged cow, J Hooper & Son, '1' Prior; Two-year old heifer, J Hooper & Son, J Hooper & Son, A Hooper ; One year old heifer, J Hooper & Son, Thos. Shapton, T. She pion; Heifer calf, Thos Shapton, Ellcort Bros. Bugetinas' CAT TLE.—Two year-old steer, J. Hooper & Son, G-. McTag,g•art, W Dearing; One year old steer, J. Hooper & Son, It Davies Fat ox or steer, Davis, net "2nd and 8rd; Fat cots or heifer. Hoop- er & Son, T Prior, R Davis; Best herd. 3 shipping steers.R Davis,R Delbeidge R Davis. .TERSEV.—Best cow, Georg,.e Sam wed. Srnetare—Best herd, 4 fe- males and a bull.(Silver Medal) T Rus- sell Juoans—j. Gibson, Ilderton; W. Roger: T. Coats, Exeter. • STIEEP.—LEICESTER.---Agod ram, T. Ourreiley & Son lst and 2nd, G.. Pen - hale; Shearling ram, Currelley & sin), G Penhale; Ram lamb, Currelley &Son G Penhale, Currelley & Son; Pair ewes Currelley & SOD, G Penhale,G Penhale; Pair of .shearling, Currelley & Son, Gr Penhale • Pair of ewe lambs, Gr Penhale G Penha"le, T Currelley & Son. Sough- nows.-e-Agecl ram, G Creswell; Shear - ling ram, G' Creswell; Ram lamb; G- Cresslvell; Pair ewes, G Cresswell;Pair shearlings, G Creswell 1st and 2nd, Pr' ewe lambs, G Cresswell. 1st and 2ad. SHOPSHIRE DOWN.—Aged ram, J Coop- er, J Duncan, 11 A Sweitzer; Shearling i•am, J Cooper; Rain lamb, J Cooper, J Sweitzer, S Doupe ; Pair ewes,J Cooper, J. Minnie W Cooper; Pair Shcarlings J Cooper, 5 Doupe, J Cooper; Pair ewe lambs, J Courier, J Duncan, 8 Doupe. TANCOLNS. —Pair ewes haying raised lambs in 1891, G. Penhale. GRADE SHEEP—Pair ewes having raised lamb in 1891, W. Dealing, H A 3weit7er; Pair shearling awes, W Dearing, Wm: Dearing/ H A Sweitzer; Pair ewe 0 lambs, W. Dea.ringbrusaiere—Best nen of any breed (I3ron7e Medal) Geo Penhale. Jupeass.—E Brooks, J Shep- herd, T. Cornish. Puss. Large or Medium, Aged boar P. D. Coursey, J. Hord & Son; boar lit- tered in 1891, P. D. Coursey, P. D. Cour sey, ; Aged sow, must have littered in 1891, one or more of her pigs to be shosvn with her, P. D. Coursey, P. D Doursey; Sow littered m 1891, W. Dear ing, P. D. Course,y. Stinnes,. Aged boar, J. Leinhardt, lst, 2nd; Boar litter ed in 1891;J. Leinhardt 1st, 2ncl; Aged sow must has'e littered in 1891, one • or more of her pigs to be shown with her, J. Leinhardt, lst, 2nd; Sow littered in 1891, J. Leinhardt 1st, 2nd. Berkshire Aged boa, P. D. Coursey, R. Delbridge; Boar littered in 1891, J. VoeIker, J. Leinhardt; Aged sow must have lieter, ed in 1891, one or more of her pigs to be shown witti her, R. Delbriclge, R. Delbricign Sow littered in 1891, J. Voel. ker, R. Delbridtee, Pouragsv. Pair Light Brahmns, J. Down, Hord & Sun; Pair Dark Brah- inae, J. Hord & Son; Pair Plymoth Rocks, W. McLeod, J. Hord & Son; Pair any variety Cochins W, McLeod, J. Hord & Son; Pair Langshans, W. Me- Leod; Pair Black brested, Red Games, A. Bissett. W. MeLeed; Pair any other variety Games, W. McLeod; Pair Of G. Spangled Hamburgs„1. T. Westcott; Pair Silver Spangled Hamburg, W. McLeodol. Hord & Son; Pair 131ack Ham burgs, W, McLeod J. Gilchrist; Pah Houdane, J, W. Browning; Pair any ot- tier gerlety' Pelands. W. McLeod', J. Hord,i& Oen; Pair White Leghorns, A Bissett, & Son Pair Brown Leg horns, A, Bissett, P. Fisher; Pah Blaok Spanish,' 4., Johnston, J. Hord & Son; Pair Blaek Minorcas J. Hord gr, Son; Pair Wytirdottes, W. McLeod; Pair any 'other variety not on listJ. Hord & Son ; Pair Bronee Turkeys, J. Hord Son, J. 1.36waon;Pair any varieties Tar keys, J. T. Veestle, T. Kestle; Pair Tou- louse J, Hord, & SOD, J. Hord & Son; Pair any variety goese, H. A, Seeeit- zer, J. liord Son; Pair Peltiu 'Ducks, W. McLeod. J. Hord & Sop; Pair Rouen Ducks. J. Hord & Son, J. Hord and Son; Pair Ay telt ury Ducks, 0. Nott, W, Mc- Leod; Pair any o hes cty ducks, J. Pnir any variety Bantams' Meresiel, ,T. Hord & Son; Best collect ion Pigeons; D. Spicer, J. Digs:Au; Best collection F,inging birds, J Down, Spec- ials, Owl, ( Delbriclge; Rabbits, J. Wieeliliist..aseissegs.—Parm wagon, Roes.e Top Handford, 1st S; 2e6. Open buggy, Roese. Single piano box cutter, j .Dignan. Set heavy -bobsleighs, ETrebl.S.; Iron beam plow,Verity & Son Roller, T T Colemau. Jron pump, W Trevethick, j Moore. Draining tile, six pieces, Kuhn. Bedd- ing brie1s,1 welve pieces, J Harness, J MitchellO , Srnex-- Road cart, I Handford. Shoes ofi'hammer, W FI Parsons. Junctesse—John Dorsey, Seaforth; 11. Robinson, ‘,tilK.,11e1Sea,. Al. AND DUDS,— WO us ie s fali whe:itt, white. A Johnston, A North- cott; Two bueliels fall wheat, red, M Brethour, E McCord;rTwo bushels any variety spring wheat, W H Penhale, J Airth; Two bushels six rowed barley A Johnston, M Brethour; Two bushels 2 rowed, barley, R McCord, W H Pen - hale; Two bushels large oats A John- ston, M.Brethour; Two bushels common oats, D 'McInnis, A Johnston; Two bus. bleak oats, J. Hudson„T Coulter; Two bus. small peas, J Airth, M Brethour, TWo'busOsniall peas, A Johnston; One bush. timothy seed, It McCold, 111 Breth our; Half bush flax seed, M Brethour, A Johnston; 'Barrel merchants flour Exeter Milling Co; One bush white, beans, J Shier, M Brethour; Best col- lection grain in ear, A. Jelniston. M Brethoor. HprerioueTtl nee PRODUCTS, --Apples —4 varieties winter apples, jGilchriet, E Witliame; 4 verities fall apples, J GlenheMi_ eest.Jternibson; Best eolletion of ins e,f G lan es*S.111adge; Plate of 5 Rhode Isl. Greenings, J. Manning, Geo. Nott; Plate of 5 North- ern Spies, 0 Davis, J. Sweet; Plate of 5 Roaboro Russets, T. Cudmore, W Ches. ney ; Plate of 5 Spitzenbergs, No Num Gilehrist; Plate of 5 Baldwins, S. Madge, 'IlEllerington; Plate of 5 West - field's Seek-no:furthers, T Elle,rington, E Widiams; Plate of 5 snow apples, J Anderson; Plate.of 5 Gravensteins'No Num., J Manning; Plate of 5 Fall Pip- pins'P Andrews, W, Chesney, Plate of 5 Colverts, W. Chesney-, J Glenn; Plate of 5 King of Tompkins,J Horton; Plate of 5 Alexanders, M Brethour,Miss Jam- ieson; Plate of e eauada, Red, J. Airth ; Plate of 5 Swaare, G. Nott, R. McCord; Plate of 5 Ribstou Pippins, J. Gilchrist, T. Werry; Plate of 5 Wagners, T. El- lerington; Plate of 5 Swayzie Pomme Grie, 11 McCord, S. Madge; Plate of 5 American Golden Russets, P Andrew,J McCollum; Plate of 5 Maiden Blush, T. Cudmore; Plate of 10 any other variety 13. V. Elliot: Plyte of 10 wild plums, G. Bawden. Special—Cayuga Red streak apples, J. McCallum, Guseens, &c.—Plate of Deleware, Dr. Lutz. A. Hooper; Plate of Con- cord, B V Elliot, lst anti 2nd; Plate of Rogers' No. 19, J. Giichrist; Plate of Rogers' No. 4, J Anderson, A. Allen; Plate of any other variety, Dr. Lutz,G. MeLeod; Plate, of Crabs, any variety, M. Brethour, J. -Shier; Plate of late Crawford peaches, J. T. Westcott, Plate ofsany other variety, J. White, M Brethour; Best col. canned fruit, Geo. Sanders; Honey in comb, T. Cann, D. Creighton; Honey in Jar, S. Hogarth, S Sanders; Col. of homemade wine, Mrs. Tom, A Johnston, Col. of bottled pickles, 6-. Sanders, Mrs. J. Tom. PEARS.—Plate of 5 Flemish Beauty, 3. Glenn, J. Manning; Plate of Duchess Anglouteme, J. Creech, 3. Gill; Plate of 5 Beurre Clairgeaa, W. }regains; Plate of 5 Sheldon, 3 Manning,J. Armstrong; Plate of 5 Louis Bonne de Jersey-, Thos Brock. Pmems.--Plate of 10 Lombard, J. Shier, Jas Snell VEGETAI3LES.--i hashel Early Rose Potatoes, T. Cudmore, J. Snell e- bush Beauty of Hebron potateee; J. Snell, W. Folland; bushel Late Bose potatoes, W. Chesney; Half bushel Early Ver- mont potatoes, A. Allen T. Brock; Half bushel Snowflake, A Allen,111. Brethour Half bushol,Early Telephone, T. Brock; 50e and 25e awarded to each of 6 new potatoes, W Chesney, A Allen; Half buShel any variety of potatoes, J Peart, J Down; 4 heads of winter cabbage, J. A Alien; 6 blood beets'J Hodge son, W Folland; 6 sugar beete G San ders, W, G, Bissett; 6 long mangolds, A Irociper, J. Hunter Jr.; teiX Globe man. golds, T. Russell, A Hooper; Six Swede turning, J. Hunter, Jr., J. Ginn; 6 Car- ly horn carrots, W. Folland, A. Alleh; Nantes carrot, L. Day, W. Chesney; lobs, oietnge or red carrots, 5 Stanlake, J, I3awden; Six white Belgian carrots, work, G A ifyndman; Macre ate \yetis, A Hooper, C. H. Iforney; Ten ears of J Sheir; wax flowers, white, A 14' - sweet corn, A Allen A. Bissett; 12 ears Phersoti; svitx flowers or fruit, colored, of Indian corn, A Bissett, T. Brock; 3 0 Nott; paper flowers, A Delbridge .5 water melons, S Hogarth; 3 musk mel- Dignan; Piano or table scarf, E Creistse„-- ons, J. Cottle, A Johnston; Four head ton, G Nott; Table cover, embroiderea, cauliflower, A Johnston, A Allen; Peck J White; Worked whisk -holder, of red onions, Allen, W. Folland; Peck Creighton'J Dignam; Worked chairs, of white or yellow onions, A Allen, L. upholstered, Dr. Browning; Workea Day; Peck of tomatoes, G Seeders, A ottoman, Miss Ceeighton, E Creighterie Allen; Six bunches; of celery, W. PM- Painting on terra cotta, oil colors, T N. laud, A. Allan; Three, citrons, 3, Cottle, McCallum; Bannerettes, T Gregory:, 5 S. Stanlake; Six parsnips, J. Sweet, . W Hogarth; Bracket drapery, 11(611 Folland, Best collection of vegetables'J Creighton, T II McCallum; Penelope. Sweet, 1, Da. SPBOIAL.—Squash, R. work, Miss Creighton ; Tidy, crocket, Delbridge, Pumpkin, P An el, re ws . Mrs j Lom, E Creighton; Tidy, kniteesit Derive' Pnonuor.-5 lbs butter, sees, J Richa,rdsoo, G Nott; Tinsel work, E ed, j Shier, RWilson, A. Hooper; Fifty Creiglitcm, 'SI Brethour; Etching. ree lleS salt butte's' in tub, private, J. Budge outline work, J Glenn, 11 Ilarrisone 11 Dell, E. Williams; Cheese, peivate Applique work, on plush, satin or elotk made, 10 lbs, J, Budge, W, Basesliew, A E Creighton; APPliclue, work, floral. au4 Johnston; Cheeee, factory made, 50 lbs., Mosaic., T II 'McCallum, el Brettiour; 0 W Smith, G. McTaggart. Jut s— Avresene embroidery, T. Hunter, e - Geo. McEwen, Hensall ; John Johnston; Snell; Crewel. embroidery, T H McCal- Ches. Brown, Crediton. lum, L Hunter; Embroidery on silk es. MANurAornaEs —Woven home made satin, T H McCallum, M Brethonr; Erk•• quilt, Gee Nott, A Jelinston, Ten yds broidery on flannel, E Creighton, T It. McCal domestic cloth, A johnston, G Note l. um ; Knotted Stitch embroidery, . Ten yds flannel, all wool, A Johnston, S Hogarth; Ribbon or ribbesene e,rsi . m coig mon. Ten vas satioett, Robt broidery, NI Creighton, 0 Nott; Beate - Bell: Woolen yarn, A. Johnston, ing, B. Bell, G Nott; Bead work, E Muir & Co. 'fee yds domestic cotton Creigaton, J Richardson; Berlin n C warp, woolen weft, Ella Creighton, J lin we -,Ci. NYO:, W Andrews, JRichaeslsoti;stra,e r Co, NI 13retliciur. Factory tweeds, R pPokistt',SGIINItatGAIlyin r,h' M Brilh°11n; r; LL:tel: Shier. FaCtory made quilt, R Muir & n floniton. Miss Oreig•liton, A Johnstone Muir & Co,'Ist &' 2n4, Factory flannel, 0 Lace, knitted, Mrs I Toni, J Richatele R Muir &„ Co, 1st & 2nd. Factory eon; Lace, crochet, Miss Creightou, blankets, innireSe Co, 1st & 2nd. Set Gger, ia, messy li,Treble. Double team livnclman • Rick -rack work, S Sn.eli; single l hartiess;t:J Treble, Cured ham, Mrs J Tatting, G Nott, C H Ingram; Daracel net, 111 Creighton, E Creighton; Drawn 'EMI, Snell BrW& Co. Assortment of threads and hem stitching, H Oke, II cured meats, Sne,ll Bros & Co, 1st & 2nd. Allen; Silk work on Java or cong,rew Assortment of tin work, Bissett Bros. canvas, E Creighton, Miss Oreighteest Assortment of copper ware, Bissett Bros, s Lst & 2nd. Sewing machine, New York Panels, j Hawkshaw, Richards; Fantle. Bell & Co, G Vickers. Set of parlor Orgase we, table with drapery or scarf, J Mutter., J Dignan; Horne -made bread, ?Esc Singer Co, New Home, Stuffed birds, stuffed since last year, A Richert & Co. set Jamieson, 3 Hamden, Mise Creigher,„ lams: :wool socks, A Johnston; Laellee. furniture, R Rowe, bsenoras:4.--We°' stair carpet, E Will-- edroom furniture, W Andrews, R Rowe McPherson, 181 & 2ntl. Barrel of fine wool shoes, Miss Creighton; silk, Rim salt, not ground, Exeter Salt Co. Barrel Johnston; Ladies wool stockiugs, 4sf Exeter Salt Richardson; Patchwork quilt, M Eat. salt for packing purposes, Co. Knitting machine, Creelman Bros . vett; T°net mat' G N°tt 1 Sofa Pill°Nv '-e Gregory; Japanese Assortment of upholstery, 11 Rowe. nese drapery, R Nelms,: Assoetment of ten Pieces of tweeds, any Etching, J Northcott; Pen wiper, Jekee make, W Southcott, 3 Grieve. Five 1\11'11111i:eee'ereatnicle:lio,71,eeeineahdTe Werry. webs Di:13' webs broadcloth, any make, W South- Southcott, 1st 4 21141. eluennun's DEPARTMENT.-- Iieminell cott. Best collection of store goods, W huamnr _ricla.cieefst, lih,aolrfcd;onzen, THe e.M.i.Casse-,:: Senorme—Secretary, W. Andrews. 1 " 11 work,in cotton,J r-I2_r Sideboard. W Aliclrews. Collection eott, J. Manning, Wood work, plai t or eel us, j Grieve. . orreat4enetaol,1,Te.xHo.tiNeIrc;C:ilntruyin.uoJatrinnocealtsits; JISDC,.F.S.--D Sternbach,iZnrich;* Geo crSelt.tio `1_,1_, ,11.: Samweli, Exeter. di n; Mary Seeinbaelf, 'Zurich. ' FINE ARTS.—Water color drawing, W. Browning 1st and 2nd; painting in cie J. W Browning 1S1 .and 2nd; Cray- on sketch, J Whit, J W Browning; Pencil sketch, J:W. Browning; 1st and 2nd; Col. of Photographs. -J. Senior, 1st and 2nd;. Hai r :dresser's work, E. Fish. Speciads.--STaintieg ouSlate, Thos Mee gallons; Crayon, Jos. Senior; Pelota's!, in Oil, J: Senior: Painting no Satin Gs Mr: John Ned, Biddieleh, intetuls Bawden; Scroll work, Chas. Brown, spending the winter en Grosa 1.5 Painting wood, Geo. Rciok. Judges - Milesfroin Detroit. Gee gamwell, Exeter e Wm. Weekes, Exeter; a SteitibaCh, Zurich. Miss Alice Hodgins: Biddulph; lo gie-- Ring friends at Walker ville. Mr. William Lewis of Adare, has several potttoes that sveigh 8 pound,s each. FLOWERS.—Three varieties in pots, Fuchsias in flower, Foliage plants, Be gonias in flower, Geraniums in flower, Hanging basket filled with plants, Collection of flowers in pots, A. Allen all firsts, no seconds. CUT FLowmts.--Dahlias, varie- ties standard, A Aden; Dahlias, 6 va- rieties boque,t, A Allen; Pansies, T 11 McCollum, A Allen; German asters, T H McCollum A Cleo. Asters A All- , - I g en; Ten weeks' socks, collection, T H McCollum; Petunias'single, ,A. Allen; Petunias, double, A ALen ; Phlox Drummondi, A Allen, J McCollum; Zennias, A Allen; Best arranged bask- et of cut flowers, A Allen;Coll Annu 'tis in bloom, A Allen, '1' McCallum; Ornamental garden and fountain; McCallum, special. Juocsns.—R 8. Lang, Exeter; John Stewart,Beurniller. Lawns Woe:ie.—Ten yds rag carp- et, woolen warp, G Nott ; Ten yds rag carpet, cotton warp, A Johnston, T H McCallum; Rag door mat, hooked, M Eacrett, ,T Manning: Rao- hearth mat, hooked, J Budge 1st anql 2nd; Wool socks. Miss Jamieson, G Nott; wool stocking's, A Johnston, I Armstrong; cotton socks, G Nan A Johnston; cot. tonl stockings, Miss Jamieson, Miss Creighton; Ladie,s' wool rnits, Miss Jamieson, E Creigeton; Men's wool mits, Mies Jamieson, MiSs Creighton; Men's wool gloves, S Hogarth, Miss Jamieson; Counterpanes, knitted, M Creighton, Miss Jamieson: Couister- panes, crocheted, R Hicks, A Del, bridge; Counterpanes, tufted. J Sheir, A Johnston; Patchwork quilt, calico, A Johnston, G Nott; Patchwork- quilt, zloth, Miss Jamieson, J Sheir; Patch- work quilt, Silk, j White; Patchwork quilt, log cab o, A Johnston, G Nott; Silk quilt, erazy work, D Braund, Jno Glenn; Fancy wool shawl, 16 Creighton, J White; Man's shirt, hand made, Miss jamieson, A Johnston, Man's shirt, machine made, J White, Nott; Pat- ching, best and neatest, Mrs 3 Tom, 1 and 2nd; parning on stoekings, John White; Buttonhole, I Grieve, Ella Creightoh; Pillow shams, Miss Johnston Mrs. J Tom; Table mate, G Nott, F Gill; table cloylee G Nott, J Hunter, toilet set, no No., J Hunter, jr.; Pin cushion, fancy, J White G Nott; sofa iilow G Nott, Miss Creighton; Crochet Mr. Alfred Carroll of Stratford is vie - Ring, friends in Bicidalph. Mr. and Mrs. Gable are also yisiting friends ig Clandebove. The annual thanksgiving servicen for the recent abundant harvest were, largely attended in Se Patrick's church. on Sunday morning bo- a devout' coa- gregation. Miss Hamilton prc.,,sideAll acceptably a.t the organ, assisted by several ladies and gentlemenrite decorations, although not extensive., were chaste and appropriate—consist,. ing of an anchor and a cross, wkefrt flowers, fruit, etc An appropriate set - mon was preached by the Incumbemt from 1 Chron: XXIX. 141v. The of torywas much larger than uSual. At the regular quarterly meeting el the Executive Committee of the D5.0- cese of Huron, he'sd. in Londori lase, week, it was decided to postpone any re arrangement of the Church of Eng- land mission in this vieinity until /tees meeting), of the Board. A proposal bac been ma.de to ask ths.‘ church in Exeter to supply St, Patrick's church, Bid- dolph, in which case Granton westa be united to Kirkten and Prospect. Meantime the present arrangement services will continue until the end. .af December. It is expected that an early move- ment, will be made by the Wardens and members of St. Patriek's chorale for the erection of a shed, whigh. iri much needed, as the old log chortle which hai`been used so leng for duet purpose!, 1st unsightly as well as dang- erous, Dame Rumor has it that it is contemplated to start a series of house to house socials to raise tlie necessary funds, We feel e.onfident that it can and will be done cheerfully. And the sooner a start iS made, the better, be- fore the Autumn rainS and cold we.A... ther Set in, 1Lk1t1111AQIN, AMUCK—ST A.t the l‘lethodi4 Parsonage, Londen on 23r4 .1, by tbo Rev. Mr. Boyd, Mr. Job.c Carrick, to Maretta, daughter, (at , Mr. James Staeey. All of Hay. ATKINSON 1110Farsess.—In Luean cra the 23r4 ult.; by the Rev', Mr - Shaw; Mr. Thomas Atkinson, Oea , Miss Myria,h McFalls, all of Bid:- detlph• •