The Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-24, Page 8RE4O'PRA E 'S" ;;... 0
SJiiil1:WIf FPNRiIf T.
Toys S. Polish Pict -isms
Beads IShoe °` Spice Jars
Dolls ilatcli Safes Sails Nld'
Mugs iNceailes Rodes
Bails 'El. Pins Hammers
Purses Thimbles Tacks
L. Pencils Bullous Agate S, Drivers
Broaches t' Pearl P. Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief: le. Openers
Cups Towels C• Tongs
Toy Books Neckties 1'. Shovels
Knives Fans S. Lifters
M. Organs Spiashers P. Mashers
Whisks T. Mats Toast. Forks
Soaps Bibs Dippers
N. Brushes Ten Pails Egg Beaters
S. '' Ten Sleepers C. Turners
Clothes " T, P. Stands Pans
Blaek'g " Comb Cases L. Squeezer
Stove •" Dust Pans C. Screws
Tooth " Pie Plates. S. Ladles
Combs `Prays
Toy Brooms Goblets
Out! i
Watch! Wait.
Look Det ate
For Beauty. What is Beauty!
Beauty is one of the finest Shetland
ponies in Canada. See him and you
are sure to love him. Where is he. He
is in the window ,at the
Now for" some fun for old and young.
Can you guess what we are going to
do with Beauty. Ryon are good en-
ough on the guess,
The Pony is Yours.
We are going to give Beauty away to
some one of our customers, t, Wont that
be a fine present? Wait till you see
him and if' you don't say that it will be
a present to be proud of, then we are
away out.
No doubt some of the old time deal -
ars will say we are crazy this time
sure; no we ain't. We have built up a
trade in Exeter that we are proud of,
and, we are going to increase our trade
by being the most liberal dealers in
Westeru Ontario. The crowds are with
us and we are going to keep the lead
or die in the attempt. We are terrors
to the old fashioned,high priceddealers.
The Big Bankrupt Store. -will be a
merry, jolly, crowded place for the bal-
ance of this year.
Now for the Conditions on which
Beauty is to be given away.
There will appear in our window on and
after Friday evening of this -week Et, glass jar
containing a number of buttons, the num-
ber is unknown to n.ny person,i:he guarantee
of -which appears below. With every pur-
chase of Si.EO you are entitled to one guess at
the number of Buttons in the Jar, with a
purchase ofSS00'two guesses and so on.
In our office will be kept a Book where you
will register your name and your guess.
The contest to close at 8: o'clock on Newt ear
]ave. when the jar will be opened and the
Buttons countedny disinterested and res-
ponsible parties. and the person who has
guessed the correct or nearest to the correct
number of Buttons will then become the
owner of Beauty, should. there be a tie alien
the first who has registered the correct num-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
number of buttons hi the jar in the
window of the Big Bankrupt Store
is unknown to any person,- as they
• were placed there by us and the
jar sealed in our presence.
Signed f B. S. O'NEIL,
Now kr who is going to win Beauty
he is a dandy, see him in our window
on and after Friday evg. Remember
we guarantee to sell you good fresh
goods cheaper than any regular house
in Western Ontario. Buy your Fall
Goods at the Big Bankrupt Store and
try and win Beauty.
7_ .Z3.. Stewart,
Dealer in Bankrupt Stosk.
Call and see J. H. Grieye's $2,50
pants made to order.
Wanted at the Exeter Woollen Mills,
a few thousand lbs of wool.
Great value in Men's and Boy's over
coats at the Big Bankrupt store,
Great values in all departments at
Richard Pickard & Son's on fair days.
If you want a first class farm on easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter.
Don't forget to call on E. H. Fish
before going to the fairs, it will pay
Great values in ordered and ready-
lnade•clothing at Richard Piekard &
"portsmen, remember that October
he 15th is the first day y'ou may lets-
ally kill quail,
With every purchase of St at the
Big Bankrupt store you have a. chance.
of winding .Beauty.
Mr. Dan Woods picked 25 large
wooden pails of fruit from a young
Ilium tree last week,
Ladies, Beit in mind Richard Pick-
ard & Son's Millinery Opening en Mon-
ay and Tuesday, 28th and 29th.
Por choice dross goods artd silks the
11i;,• Bankrupt store takes the Bun,
Richard Pickard & Sou are showing
the Moat elegant range of dress fabrics
in town.
Why do SO many people buy their
Japan Tea at the Big Bankrupt Store,
Don't you know?. Enquire,
Lathes in need of mantles for them-
selves or children can save money by
calling at Richard Pickard & Son's.
Rood's Sarsaparilla is in 'favor with
all &lasses .because it combines economy
and strength. 100 Doses One Dollar.
Purity Of Ingredients and accur'aev
of compounding, makes Milbarn's Aro-
matic Quinine ,'Vine the criterion of
It will pad* you to call on E. 11 fish
for a hair cut and shave before going
to the fairs, as it would cost you more
when there..
A Single Serateh,may cause a fest
ering sore Victoria Carbolic Salve
rapidly 'heals cuts, wounds. bruises,
burns and all sores.
The ADvooaTu will be sent to any
address for the balance of the year 189:1
for 25 cents, paid in advance. N')w is
the time to subscribe.
Every lady should tali and see 'Mc-
Tavish S. Co's exhibit of fall millinery.
Opening days, Saturday, 26th; Monday
28th and Tuesday, 29th.
Richard Pickard & Son have pur-
chased a large lot of grey flannels,
much below their regular price. Now
is the time for bargains.
Are you sure that you can guess the
number of buttons in the jar at the
Bi„ Bankrupt Store, if von can, do so
at once and Beauty is yours.
All should remember that Miss
Horne's Millinery Opening takes place
on Saturday September 26th, and Mon-
day and Tuesday 28th and 29th
The Patrons of Industry in the town
ships of Stephen, Hay and Hibbert
should call and see J. H. Grieve's $10
suits before purchasing elsewhere.
The poorest church living in Great
Britain is that of Wainfleet, Lincoln-
shire, where the parson gets is lid a
week for ministering to 200 people.
Mr. Alex. McColl the noted Veterin
ary Dentist is at present in town and
can be seen at the Mansion House. All
work guaranteed and charges moder-
A ball and supper will be given at
the Queen's Hotel, Exeter North
(known as Walper's Hotel) on Tuesday
evening, 29th iiist. Tickets 50 cents
per couple.
Richard Pickaad &Son have import-
ed their millinery direct from Europe
themselves this season. They can save
you 25 a/a. Call and see their display
on fair days.
You can save 20 to 30 per cent by
buying your Mantle Cloths and Sealet-
tes at the Big Bankrupt Store,and with
every $4 purchase you haven chance
to win Beauty.
l Everybocl is invited to call and
inspect Mrs. Spicer's stock of Fall Milli-
nery on her opening days, which are
Saturday September 26th, Monday and.
Tuesday, 2.8th and 29th.
The greatest display of mantles ever
shown in Exeter will be en exhibition
at Richard Pickard & Son's on fair
days, quality, price and everything
right. Call and see them.
Don't forget the dates of E. 5. Spack-
man & Co's Millinery Opening,
day September the 26th, and Monday
and Tuesday 28th and 29th inst.
Rey, Mr. Webster, of St. Marys,
preached a very interesting and im-
pressive sermon both morning and evg
to a fair congregation in the Presby-
terian church here on Sunday last.
On Sunday morning one of the hor-
ses which was tied in the stied of the
James Street Methodist Church became
somewhat entangled with another veh-
icle and caused considerable disturb-
ance. No damage,was done.
Hugh Spackman disposed of one of
his Italian Grey Hounds to a gentle-
man in Owen Sound this week. He
has only two left out of the second lit-
ter, and the demand which is steadily
increasing, speaks well for the breed
of the animals.
The ADVOCATE will not force itself
where it is not wanted- if you think
it is not worth a dollar a year and you
do not want it, please throw it where
somebody else will see it. The ADVO-
CATE like good fortune aver comes
unbidden but once.
According to the last meeting of the
Order •sf Royal Templars of Temper-
ance held at Se:aforth last week there
are now 18 councils in the county. It
was decided to hold the next meeting
in Clinton, in December next, when an
interesting session is expected.
Mr. Robert Verity has purchased'
from Mr. John Trick that residence for-
merly owned and occupied by E. Drew,
situated on William street, and Mr.
William Verity has purehasee the pro-
perty owned by his brother on .Andrew
street. Both are desireable locations
and command high prices.
"Mr. D. R. Pierce and his agents,
who have been engaged during the
past few months selling the Alncrican
Plow left last Monday for haeter.
During Mr, Pierce's stay here he made
a host of friends and Exeter people
will 'find the same gentleman a straight
forward business man,—Petrolia fop-
The great tunnel under the St. Clair
river, 56.83 feet below the surface of
the water, seas formally opened on Sat.
urday and the missing link between
Dominion and Republic was welded
when the train carrying 300 invited
guests of Sir Henry Tyler thundered
through the resounding ttinnel under
the St Clair river.
Cottle Mr. s
Ambrose is very busy
these days grinding and ,squeezing
the juke ortt of the apples for farmers
in the surrounding" country, who lrl
tend storing away, a largo' quantity of
At a concert given, in Kingston a
short time ttg o the journals of that city
have this to say about the Misses Stev-
enson, who are to appear here on Tues.
day evening the 29th inst. "It was
their first appearanoe here and their
stage manners at once won for them
the most enthusiastic applause, cache'',
es being demanded after every song and
duet, They received a warm welcome
here, but we feel satisfied should they
return again they would be greeted
with a much larger house". Don't miss
hearing them in the Opera house on
Tuesday night the 29th inst,
The requirements of the horse's
mouth aro greater than the public in
general have any idea of, for this rea•
son; the upper jaw being: from one to
two inches broader than the lower. In
masticating their hay- and oats they
wear away the inside of the upper and
the outside of the lower molars or
jaw teeth, leaving ,sharp edges to lac -
ate facia muscles by the upper and the
tongue by the lower, acid cause side -
Dulling horses to stop short, tongue law-
less, and unpleasant drivers. Young
horses from the age of 3 to 5 should be
looked after especially as their teeth be-
come very rough and sharp about the
time of shedding, which keeps them
down in flesh. I ani satisfied that by
my treatment I can remove all difficult •
ies caused by the mouth and teeth. I
will operate on any horse is ithout hal-
ter or bridle, and will visit any point
fur a reasonable number of : horses..
Seven years experience: References
on application. Examinations free.
Will be at the Mansion' -louse, Exeter,
from Wednesday till after the Fair.
A. McCoara V. D.
Millinery Opening Days.
• Miss Horne's Millinery opening days
are Saturday September 26th, Monday
and Tuesday - 2Sthand 29 h.
All the newest designs in hats, bon-
nets, etc., can be seen by visiting Mc-
Tavish & Co.'s Millinery Show Room on
26th, 28th and 29th.
Election Trials.
The election trial of this division
will be held at London on Friday, Oct-
ober 16th, and .for South. Perth at
Stratford, October 18th.
Farms for Sale.
The undersigned bas several first-
class farms for sale on easy terms.
Call and see my stock of millinery
on Saturday September 26th, blon.lay
2Sth and Tuesday 29th.
Mits. D. SPICEn.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading. boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
A dark colorod cow -farrow -on or
about 10th inst. Any information as
to her whereabouts will be liberally re•
warded by leaving the same at this of-
fice or with W. G. Bissett, Exeter.
Saturday September 26tb, Monday
and Tuesday 28th and 29th are the
dates of E. J. Spackman's Millinery
Opening. Every lady cordially invited.
E. J. Spackman.
.A. Grand Concert is to be given in
the Opera House on Tuesday evening.,
September 29th, under the manage-
ment of. Prof. Scott When several of
the best artists in Canada will; take
part, amongst which are the Misses
Stevenson, and Mr. Sian Fax,of Wood-
stock, in his seven comic characters.
Usual prices of admission.
Croquet Atatc11,
On Saturday afternoon Messrs. M.
Eacrett, `yes Bissett, John-Smallcombe
and Daniel Davis left for <Hensall to
take part in a game of croquet. The
score stood at the finish 2-1 in
favor of Exeter, the fourth game being
a draw. It is expected that a return
match will be played on the grounds
of Wes Bissett on Saturday.
Something saisout Circulars.
You can do a great deal of good
with circulars for your business if thea-
heyare prepared the right way. .A. circu-
lar that conveys the flattering impres-
sion that you have taken special pains
to please those for whom it is intended
is the most effective. The more pro,
trounced this impression is made, ' the.
greater assurance you will have that
your circular will bo read and preset
wed: Instances are frequent 'where
business etrculars were made so artis-
tically attractive and so interesting
that people have asked for them. These
are got tip in the latest style and on
shortest notice at the "Advocate" office,
A (;treat Society Town.
Exeter is not a bewildering large
place but it has more Societies than
probably any other town of its popula-
ation. Here is the list:
The Ancient Free & Accepted Masons,
•' IRoyal. Arch Chapter.
" `' Oddfeilows,
Encampment of Oddfellows.
Loyal Orange
Canadian 0rdoi• Foresters.
Independent order Foresters.
Sons of England, B. S.
"t tl Rose Degree
Select Knights of Canada.
" International Fraternal Alliance.
" Royal Templars of Temperance:
There is also a movement to organize
a Lodgeof Chosen Friends here. All
of the above Societies are in .a, flourish-
ing condition and the most of their,
have oyer fifty members.
.Another accident occurred at the
saw -Mill. on' Thursday of last week.
While Alfred, son of 1Mr. Nelson Peters
son, was playing around the gangway
which is used for the purpose of taking
logs into the mill; a large iron bar fell
upon one .of liis' fingers. The little
fellow Was taken home and medical
aid summoned lied upon examination
found it necessary to amputate the
crushed member. He is -now doing asp
well as can be expected uncles the cat•
4'ersonscl nonstop.
Mrs. Isaac Bowden left for Sti'athroy
on Thursday, where she is visiting her
daughters—Miss Fanny Bissett and
Edna Creech left for London on Satur-
day morning to attend the Exhibition.
-LW W. D. Weekes returned from
Toronto on Thursday evening last
week. -Miss Celesta Ilodgins, of Ci•edi-
ton, was visiting relatives and friends
in the village'lastweek,-Mrs, Skinner,
of Parkhill, is at present visiting her
sister, Mrs. John `I`aylor•.-1Vfiss Annie
Weekes and Miss Susie Tait left on
Saturday evening for London where
they will remain during, the Exhibi•
tion Wnt, Ba'.kwill, who
has been visiting under the parental
roof for some time returned to Loudon
On Tuesday es-as—Mrs. Ed Dyer has,
returned lroine after an absence of
nearly one month visiting friends in
Richmond Hill and Toronto. --Mi. Robt
Pickard has returned after visiting
London and Toronto on business. --Mrs.
Russell; wife of Rev.. A. L. Russell, has
gone to Manitoba to visit her sister,
who is very ill: -Mies Nellie D. Pringle
has been unable to fulfill her duties as
teacher in the Exeter Public School
since Monday owing to a severe illness
—Mr. Bryant, Editor of the Lucknow
Sentinel; and wife have been the
guests Of mr. and Mrs. John Hawk-
shaw for several days. They left on
Tuesday for London, accompanied by
Mrs. Hawkshaw, and intend visiting
Detroit and several other places before
returning.—Mr. Samuel White, of Sea
forth, arrived in the village on Tues,
day evening and ;left on Wednesday
morning for London.—Mr. Isaac Cail-
ing, jr, has returned from. Toronto
where he has been eri:•E ged in his
studies for a short time.—Miss Maggie
-Murray who has been visiting relatives
and friends in Chatham for seyeial
weeks returned here on Tuesday even-
when 1 say I cure.I do not mean merely to stop them
for a timeand then have them return again, I mean a
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP•
SY Or FALLING SICKNESS a lifelong study.. I warrant
m reinedy,to eurofthe worst cases. Because othershave
failed is. no reason for not now reeoisingq &euro. Send at
once fore a' treatise and a Free Beitle of -my Infallible
remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST.OFF10E,
H. Ca, R OT, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST.
A desireable cottage to let on Eliza-
beth Street, south of Jaynes St. Church.
The building has 7 different apartments
and it is a good lucation to live in.
Immediate possession given. For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises.
It is a certain end speedy intro for
Cold in the Bead andCatarrhinallita
:,scant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many eo•eailed diseases aro nim,y
symptoms of Catarrh, such an head•
ache partial deafness, losing sense of
smell, foul breath, hawking and spit.
ting, nausea, general, feeling of de-
bility, eta. If you are troubled with
anyof these or kindred eymptonn,
your have Catarrh, and should lose no
time In _procuring a bottle- of NASAL
BALM. o- Warned in time, neglected
cold in head results in Catarrh, fo!•
lowed by eonsutnptienand death.
NASAL DALY is sold by all drogg ats
or will be sent, pont pard. on receipt of
priee(OO cents and We) by eddreesing
Brockville, Ont.
If you want a
Child's, Boys' or Man's Suit
Overcoat and' Pants, &c., call
and see our big .stock.
Li;gt io TOWN to
You can clo :it as well as not—with our aid. There's
lots of satisfaction in it, not to speak of the profit. ,
Begin at o,
at the neck; 11tot]:11.11 proclaims a man like his
NECK T,EE. We have Scarfs --Four h Hand.
BOWS ---An Endless Variety—in-
Newest andDesigns.
I3 t
Well, we'll let the prices speak for themselves. They can do
it without assistance. And. talking' of prices!
We are offering' the most remark-
able values in the
Extra fine ones for evening' wear.
Dress Shirts and in lower grade goods.
everything required in Gentleman's Furnishings
TRY us.
CA . f t LING
and surrounding country.
Having purchased the Stock of' William
F'olland and engaged his services to conduct
and carry on
The Tinsrnithing Business
I am now prepared to execute work on the
shortest notice and at
All contracts made by hiin will be strict -
adhered` to, but all payments must be made
through the shop or to th,e. proprietor.
All persons receiving goods at the shop
will be held responsible for the 'same; except-
ing by written order signed
by the p
MEI ASD TUESDAY, Seg.. 2B(4 in 29(%, 1091.
We have this year received direct froin British and foreign markets the
finest and largest lot of
Millinery and Mantles, Mantle Cloth,
Dress Goods, &c.,
These goods have been carefully selected and in price and
quality are ahead of anything before shown. 1
A look through our
STOCK Will convince you that we have the right GOODS
at the right prices.
Exeter Roller Mills
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush
Our Sc11inT Prices.
Flour, strong bakers', $300 per 100.
•' best family, 2.50 "
2.00 " "
70 " tt
00 It "
100 " "
1.1.0 to 1.25 '• rt
Chop stone running y day.
The Exeter Milling •-Co
" low grade,
And if you don't believe it call at
Ross & Taylor's
and you will be cont 1..cctd that they
have the Largest and Bost Stock of all
kinds of Building Materials in this sec.
tion of country,and at the lowest prices.
Shingles a Specialty,
having a large stock on hand we are
prepared to meet the keenest competit-
ion as to price or quality. We have `se-
cured the right to 'Manufacture and
Sell sr iarns celebrated Baking
inets. Call and see them and be con-
vinced Of their merit.
Main St., Exe