HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-24, Page 4THE et der A.brocatt SANDERS es SWEET, Pops„ 'THURSDAY, SEPT, 2.4tb., 189L Hicks; three -yr -old, Wm. Cornish, S. MeKenzie, L. Hunter; two yr -old, Wood Bros,, A Buehanan, Jas Alurray ; one yr old, H. Rundle, Sam Dsnape, Hugh Mc- Kay, 'The $10 special for best 5 colts, Berry & Geiger (Alacbean.) General purpose—Team, Hugh McGregor, L. Hunter; brood mare, John Johnston, J. McArthur, Jo Deehei; foal, J. John - sten, Jas Gould, Wm, Essay; three year old, W. Fotheringham, Jno MeEwen, 1.4 Hunter; two yr -old, Roger Northeott, J Murray, Jno liullistoM one year old, J no Johnston, G McDonald, R. Eacrett. $10 special for 5 best colts, Berry &- Geiger (Macbean.) Roadsters—Team, Chas Wolfe; 'Iambi' mare, L. Dickson, A. Ingram, L, Hunter; foal, I Armstrong, D W Foss, L Hunter; single driver, D. 'McTavish, J, Manning, R Luker; two yr old, I. Armstrong, Hunter & Lang, R Hodgins ; one -yr old, J Gilchrist, Alex Ingram'J Fitzge,rald. Farmer's trot, W. ‘tirhite, Jas Horton. Carriage hones—Team, Hunter & Lang; brood mare, Wm. Campbell G J Sutherland, L Hunter; foal, Wm Campbell, Wood Bross G J Sutherland; single driver, White & Snell, Ed. Bossenberry; two year old, Alex McBeth, Wm Stoneman, Wood Bros.; one yr old, Jas. Gilchrist, Wood Bros, R. McLean; saddle horse, Geo Petty, Dr, Thomson; special for the best iot of five Road and Carriage sucking colts shown together, the get of any one horse—Jas Berry (Edin- burg.) U./01 -11S. 1174.1?. The outlook in Europe is not of the auost assuring character, so far as, int7 ernational peace is eonceaned, Russia has her eye once more concentrated en 'Turkey, and the recent action. taken by the Czar in trying to secure a. pas- sage for Russian fleets through the Dardanelles bas naturally enough, aroused the military enthusiasm of the other European powers, as well as of Great Britain. NO country in the -world is of such commanding interest Its the Turkish Dominions, owing to Os position as the great highway be- tween Eirope and the East, aud owing also to the infinence it must necessar- ily exert on British polities and imper- :ial statecraft, Not only is Constanti- nople• the key to Europe for the East- ern nations that would invade. its southern territors*, and secure a mari- time supremacy through the Darda- nelles and the Black Sea; but Russia's amoition has always been to maintan- the key of the situation by taking, pos- session ef Constantinople and Making the Black Sea inpregnable against foreign attack so as to pour her mili- tary forces into our great Indian Ern, pre, and into Egypt, and thus injure: British commerce and humiliate British supremacy, The decisive action of Lord Salisbury in fortifying Mitylene at the month of the Dardanelles, with the is- land of Cyprus in near contignity, af- fording a new link in the chain of Bri: ish fortificatiobs stretching from Gib- raltar to the Black Sea, shows the gra- vity of the position and may lead to an eatly tenewal of hostilities. Russia has broken the treaty engagement made with Greaa Britain at the close of the Crimean war; and it may re- quire sharp mid deeisive measures on the part of 'the Imperial authorities be- fore the rights of Britain are recogniz, ed and the aggressivo policy of Russia checkmated. Under any circunistan- cep, a Continental war would be. as im- portant to the colonies as to Britain herself. And the probability that Can- ada would. be the'highway for the transport Of British troops by the C. P. R., instead. of via the Suez canal, gives additiozialaferce to the argument that we have a common interest and a coin- rnon allegiance to maintain as part and parcel of the British Empire. ammacezemmr...encasaa.mossa nrE QUEBEC SCANDAL. • The political situation at Quebec has at length reached a crisis—His Excell- ency, the Lieut. Governor Angers,hav- ing felt it his duty to eall upon Prem- ier Mercier for an explanation of tbe .diselosures brought:to light by the Sen- sate. Committee's inyestigation. It is a lengthy document, in which the gov- -ernor reviews the history of the nego- tiations entered. into regarding the Bay Chaleurs Railway, and the evidence submitted before the Senate's Commit- tee. Among other points made in His Excellency's letter, it is stated that the $175,000 was drawn from the public treasury without due authority, and without the sanction of the governor in Council as required by law. As the Lieut. Governor puts it, their was a toll -gate. between the government and the creditors of the province, by which "tribute had to be paid before doing justice to the elaimants". Under these .circumstances, Gov. Angers has a,p pointed a Royal Commishion consisting . of three Judges of the Province of,'Que- ,bec to investigate andreport on, the whole case. Notice has also been gisa en of this step to the Gov. Generfi.1 of Canada; so that the publie has some guarantee that the good name of Que- .bec will be vindicated anci that the 'best interests of the Province will be ssafeasuarded.. ovencrasetrxrmmth•crau=a1+,01 CATTLE.—Durham—Milk cow, Walt- er Shillinglaw ; two.year-old heifer, R. Luker; bull calf 1891, Eleott Broslst and setond; milk cow, J Traquare. Grade Cattle—milk cow. Jas Bell, D.. MeEwen; two year old heifer, .Jno Tra- quare, D MeEwen 2nd and Lird; one ye - old heifer, Jno Traquare, Alex Ingram, Jas. Gilchrist; heifer calf 1891, D. Mc- Ewen; two-year-old steer, J Sheppard, J Traquare; one steer, J Gil christ, J Traquare; steer calved 1891, R McArthur; fat steer. J. Traquare, J Sheppard; fat cow, Jas Gilchrist. SHEEP —Leiseester, ram, and for shearling ram, ram lamb, ewes, ewe Iambs, and shearling ewes G Penhale took lst and 2nd prizes. Shropshire - down sheep, aged ram, J Duncan, Jae Cooper; shearling 111111, Cooper; rani lamb, J Cooper, Saml Doupe; ewes, J Duncan lst and 2nd. Ewe lambs, Jno Duncan, j'Cooper. Shearling ewes, Cooper'S Doupe. Ewes of any other breed, Wm Buchanan, D McEwen. Fat ewe, 0 Penhale 1st and 2. Hous—Chester white—brood sow, P DeCoursey bit and 2nd Boar littered in 1891, P DeCoursey lst and 2nd. Sow littered in 1891. P DeCoursey 1 and 2. Berkshire—Aged boar, P DeCoursey, J Coxworth. Brood sow, R Delbridgo 1 and 2. Boar littered in 1891, R Del - bridge 1 and 2. Sow littered in 1891 R Delbridge, PounTs.Y.--Turkeys, R. Delbridge; Geese, John McEwen,,Geo Knox; Pe- kin ducks, Geo •AlcTa„tega.rts John Mc- Ewen; any other kind Jos Reith, Jos Hudson, Browa Leghorns, A Bissett 1 and 2nd; Black Spanish, A 'Bissett; Light Brahams'A, Bisset; Hamburgs, J Gilhrist, Cook; Black breasted red game, A Bissett bit and 2nd; Pat - ridge cochins, D Nichol; Bantam's, A Bissett, 11 Cook; Plymouth rocks, Jas Gilchrist; Collection of pigeons, A Bis- sett; Coll. of fowls, Jos IIIICIS00. GRAIN AND SEMS —Red Pall Wheat A Johnston' L Hunter; White Fall Wheat, J ABell, A Johnston; any oth er variety wheat, W Logan, G Thomp- son; spring wheat, R Eacrett, 3Hurt son; six rowed barley, A Johnston, Geo Ingram; black oats, J Hudson, A John- ston; common white oats, A Johnston; any other variety oa s, A Johnston, J Sheppard; mummy peas, A Johnston, J McEwen; white beans, A. 'Johnston: flour, Henry Cook. ' The Heilman Fair On Tuesday arid Wednesday of last weck the first fall exhibition under the auspices of the Hensall Dominion Ag- rteultural Society was held. The ex- hibits in each of the departments was the best that has been seen for a long time at a country show. The display made by thc merchants is well worthy of mention, In the outdoor classes the judges found much digieulty in award- ing the prizes, As this is their first show the directors are to be congratu- lated on tho success they hatl in their Undertaking of holding, an independ- ent show. The prizes were awarded AS follows. Hoasara—Imported heavy draught - Brood mate with foal; D, McKinnon, J. Cochrane & Son, T. Werry, ; foal, D, Mc- Kinnon, Robert McMordie, T. Werry three -yr -old, P. McKenaie; two -yr old, J, Cochrane &, Son, T, Worry, J Hut. leston ; one -yr -old, T, Wary, Canadian draught and apal—team, Robt Rohs, D. , Metwen; brood mare with foal, James Murra,y, Wm Eulton, Perkins & Mastin : Bell; oalverto„ Wen Kitehen, JO Bell; 20ez Pippins, J MeEwen, J. Gilehtist; Peaehea, j T Wten, A Johnstm; Grab apples, X Bell, T Brintnell;. Grapes, T Gudinore, Peugnilley; Lombard plums, R. Bell, A, Buchanan sr,; Any °awl:. variety plum's, W. Luker, 11. Bell; Peats newish beauty, J Biatchford, W Hanson; Pears Bartletts, J A Bell, IL Bell; Dutchess Angouletne, J White, T Brintnell; Olapps Favorite,,A. 1340114n. an, sr., G inanttn; jersey, T. Cudmore; Col. pars, Db, Bell, G. Ingiam. LADIES WORIL-KiliAtect pi1,10:1V SWIM, Mrs. S. Smillie; braided ohain, Mrs, Ge0 Petty, Airs. A W King; embroidered pillow shain,W Aloore,Mrs D Urquhart; ceoche,t table lavas, Airs M J White,Mrs Foss; toile( mats, G. Nott, Mrs lI Cook; crochet drape, F. Nott, Mrs, Wren; sofa pillows, G. Nutt, Mrs Bell; hooked mats Alra. Manning Wm MeEwein embroids 'cry on silk; Mrs. M. White, R Bell, cro- chet work in wool; Airs White, j ABell crochet work on cotton,,Mrs. White, G. Nott, embroidery in Silk, Jas. Bell, Mrs. Robkirta fancy braidings Robt Bell, W, Mooeo; knitting in Worsted, 0, Nett, A Johnston; patchet quilt, Mr's. Hobkirk J Bell, fancy quilt, Mrs Hunter, j Boll; leg cabin gnat, Mrs Cook,0- Notaknot- ted or eroched quilt, Mrs. G. Kydd, R, Carlisle; gents linen shirt, A Johnston, O. Nutt; gents fancy flannel shirt, A. Johoston, G, Nott; plain hand sewing, A johnston; Wax fruit, Geo. Nott, Mrs, Gook; feather :flowers, Geo. Nott; .8peci- man darning, Robt Bell, A. Janson; Berlin wool work at, G-. Not, J Mc- Arthur. wool work raised, Geo Nott, A Johnston; Tea cosy Mrs. King, Jos. Reitir Pencil drawingsJ S 'Hender- son; W Buchanan; Crayon drawing itIrs White, M. McAllister, Water color painting, Miss C Manning. Two house flowers in pots, to wr Foss, Thos Dick, Bouquet offloWera, D Follick, T Dick Araseene, Mrs. j Hobkink, T Dick. Col of buttons, D W Foss. Oil painting portrait, J Bell, B Hogga,rth, Panel painting; W Chapman. Real lace col- lar, Mrs McArthur. Embroidery on felt, Mrs. T. Murdock., Fancy knitting Mrs. Murdock, BOOTS AND ATZGETABLES.--ROSe 1)0 tatoes, 11 Eacrett, T Cudmore ; elephant potatoes, J Jarrett, T Cudmore ; any other variety potatoes, T Cudrnore, Jno Blatchford; field carrots, 3 Patterson; garden carrots, II Cook, R Bell; swede turnips, T Cudmore, J Jarrett; any ot- her variety turnips, W Buchanan'1st and 2nd; long red mangolds, CBurford, J Sheppard; yellow globe mangolds, J Gilchrist; long red beets, J Hudson, G J. Stitherlane; globe beets'R P Bell, Mrs, G. Kythin pumpkins, J Reith, D. McEwen; red onions H Cook Urqu- hart; yellow onions,k Cook, 3 Jarrett; silver skin onions, D Urquhart; Indian corn, .1 Hudson, W Hanson; sweet corn J Manning, G J Sutherland; citrons, R Bell, J Reith; musk melons, Aud John- ston; cabbage, D W Foss, Dan Stewart ; cauliflowers, A Johnston, aD 1V Foss; parsnips, H Cook, W Hanson; large tomatoes. 0 Burford, 3 Reith; small to matoes, A Johnston; celery-, C Burford, lst and 2nd. DAraY PaontiCE.—Tub butter, Jas. Bell, Mrs, W. Chapman; ten pounds butter, Mrs COEWorth, Mrs. R. Carlisle; factory cheese, Geo. McTaggart; home made cheese, Geo Nott, A. Johnston; extracted. honey, C. Eacrett, J. Berry; honey in comb, W. Bell. 3 Berry; bak- er's bread,D W Foss; home made bread Wm Moore, Wm. Bell; 3 pounds maple syrup, ,1 A Bell, Thos Dick; 5 pounds maple stager, J Sheppard, A Johnston; collection canned fruit, Mrs, ,T T Wren, D. Urqnhart; grape wine home made, Jas White, A Johnston; tomato catsup one quart, MO, J. McArthur, Mrs. D. W Foss; pickles One quart mixed,Mrs Cox - worth, Hy Lang; pickles one quart any other kind, F. Coxworth, Mrs D. Foss. FRIJIT—Winter apples, G. Ingram. Jab Gilchrist; fall apples, J. A. Bell, j Gilchrist ; baldwins, J. Gilchrist, J. Bali Xing of Tompkins, J. McEwen, Robt P. Bell, Rhode Island Greenings, Wood Bros, 3. Gilchrist; Northern Spys, Thos Simpson, Jas Bell; ribston pippins, Jos. Reith, Wm. MeEwe,n. golden russets, Wm. McEwen,J. Gilchrist; roxboro rus- sets J, GilchriSt, Hunter k Lang; seek riafurther8, w 13c11 T, Cuamore; Ben, davis, Thos Godmere; Vandervere, 0, Ingram, Ta a Gilchrist; Sin tzenburg, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Homemade flannel; white, Geo Nott; Robt Cailisle home made flannel, colored, Geo Nott, A Johnston; home made woollen blank- ets, Robt poi Geo Nott; gents suit ef clothes. Jug Pope; coverlet home spin, Wm, McEwen, bit and 2nd; ' rag mat, Chas Burford, Geo Nott; skein woollen yarn, A Johnston, Robt Bella woollen stocking, A & W Dougall, R. Bell,wOol len socks, R Bell, Mrs. W. Chapman; cotton stockings home made, A John- ston, J A Bell; cotton socks homemade, A Johnston,..tst and 2nd; woollen glov- es, A Johnston, G. Nott ; woollen mitts, G Nott, Mrs Geo Kydd; fine boots, A Weseloh, lst and 2nd; coarse boots, A Weseloh, lst and 2nd; assortment leather, A. Weselph; specimen cooper work, 0 M. Beek, lst and 2nd; speci- men cabinet work, J Beverley, lst and 2nd; sewing machine,J WatSon,Perkins & Martin. IMPLEMENTS.—Lumb0r wagon. pat- ent arm, H Roese; single open buggy, F. Bess, W. Golwill; double covered buggy, Fred Hess; single covered bug- gy, F. Hess, Brown & Clarke; road cart- WT W H Wenzel s square box cutter, W. Colwill, lst and 2nd; gang plough, Patterson Bros.; seed drill, Pat- terson Bros; pair iron harrows, Brown & Clarke; set of horse shoes from hams mer, Brown & Clarke, Jae Darymple; stove ahd furniture, J. E.,MeDone4Me- Arthur &Ball. Junds.-,Roots;vegetables and diary produce; W. C. Davis, and Peter Grant. Grain, J: SOtherville, Seaforth;Williain Brown Exeter; Wm, Scott, :Brucelield. Fruit,S:D. Hifichley and H. MeTa•gagart Ladles work,Mrs. D. Spicer ExciteieMrs. Laramie and Mrs. GsS Wren, Cattle, D. McLean, Kippeu; John Del - bridge, Usboane; Ben. Haggart, Crow.- tirty, Sheep, Pigs, Alex McLaren,Crom- arty ; J. McTavish, Seaforth. Light horses, E. Christie, Exeter; P. McGreg- or, BrueefieldsH, Cook; Varna, Imple- ments and Poultry, R. P. Bell, KippeM. Jas Do wn,Exeter; 0 C Wilson,Seaforth. Heavy horses, John Marquis, God.erich; Robert Scott. Londesboro, WIIY IT IS POPULAR - Because it has proven its ;absolute merit oyer and over again, because it has an unequalled record of cures, be- cause its business is conducted in a thoroughly hotiest manner, and be- cause it combines economy and strength beltsg the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true— these strongpoints have made Hood's Sarsaparilla the most successf n1 medi- cine of the day. „teal IaS M terav Ja$ I eldorm TObt CIttlino.0.511GlY ‘slad \VP) R I . HITUGENETIG SYSTEM OF MEDICINE All diseasee,Sueeesefully treated by a new systeni of nort-poisooing and tasteless Medicines, Send for free book explaining System and testimonials of the most remarkable cures on record. Srumwilit,o-ox-ram-ailEpIT, 011i. 18, ISM,. Histogen et Lc Medicine Association: . Gentlemen, --Wishing to testify to the su- perior methods ef Histo Lien gbic Medicine for the cure of lung diseases,I submit the follow ing stittem out:Two years ago 1 found myself' as a result of exposnre to cold and wet weather, taking frequent colds. I took a severe eo ugh 71,1111 got run down in vitality ' and had several spells of hemorhage of the lungs. I eoughed a great (Malin the morn- ing and some dnring tho night. I consulted bwo Ox throe physicians, one very clever Tor., onto .physician. Ile treated me -without medicine, by hand rubbing, and did me con- siderable good, but lathe course of time the hemorage returned. Two of the physicians 1 consulted consid- ered mine a serious case and one 0.170 me to understand. it was honefess, and I have 710 doubt that consumption would soonhave caused my death. I heard about the new system. of medicine and. consulted Dr. Rear at the head office fax Canada. 19 Young et. Market who 0N amined me and thonght His- togenetic remedies WO rartenre me in about six weeks, 1 coin m enced fakir; g the media- Ine about Jan. 1. In two weeks the cough and breathing were better. The amount of sputa re,pidly-lossened. The was eonsider- able brochitis and it soon dissappeared. My strength cam e again wi th a storushin g rapid- ity, and the rapid breathing dissappeared. I have not had any hemorrhage since the first lot of medicine was taken. -1 have gained steadily in the body generally as well as the lungs, and feel almost as -well as i ever did. I can walk fast now or do anything ill a hurry and not get rapid breathing or pal.pit- ation. lam no Wfollowing my 1=111 omPloV- merit and can stand any kind of -weather. It is the best treatment for the Irings I have ever known and 1 eon conscientiously recom- mend it ±0 my friends and acquaintances who may need. lung treatm an t as fax snperior to any other system. Sincerely, T. M. dAMMOND. Will be at Exeter,"Central Hotel," on Tuesday Oct. 6th, from 9.30 a, m,, to 5.30, p.m,, and at Hensall, "Hensall Hotel," same da -y (Tuesday) from 6 p. in., to 9 next morning. YOUR LAME BACK. Would get well at onee, if it were rub CONSULTATION FREE. ilistogenetio Medicine Association, Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Rich m ond St. London, Head. Office for Western Ontario. Head Office for Canada, 19 Yo;oge Street Market, Toronto. May 14.-4 ,y. MOLlti011 Exeter "ADVOCATE." "A STITCH 111 TIME SAVES ENV. SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN cC0LL BROS, & Co., The Leading Oil Firm of Canada, Are still pleasing the public with oils, Why use an oil that will injure your machinery when you can (Yet the 3elebrated •Lan artiSciai gastric juiro—formula on every lubell SA VE 9) DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, , cs- pcI, Uy if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, which is usually weight at Che sto:nach, sometitnes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy ineal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, arid is only remembered as a Utile /pp/ea:ant, which, when repeated, gradually be- cotnes more pronounced. .rs the average, person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatiaent is worse than useless it is positively harm- ful. The'trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALTOPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send cta in postage for MILE-St..1:Z3DIINTlat valuable pamphlet to HAZEN MORSE, DATBIZNATIONAL BR1170E, ONTAI:10. bed with a little of' Clailes Lightning . . Liniment, and the soreness in side andEvnior muomni ifistimo limbsot would- go away ' it treated the e Au in umuil u , - saine. This wonderful preparation ! does not elect aottre next week, but l' relieveS .at once and alinost Tpiraeu-1 t lously, Try a bottle of your druggist, price fifty cents, and be sure .youget it. Clark Chemical Co... Toronto, N. Y. SPECIALTIES: Cylinder, Lardino, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltout. . iiig, Solar, liaznezs. atlan..1.1.fact-L-Lmexe., McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto. --FOR SALE BY— SETT ROS., Exeter, 2 I have a poslive remedy for the above disease; by its use thousand of eases of the worst kin 1 and of 1 ng standing have been cured. Indeed in strong is my faith in its efficacy that I will send T1V0 BOTTLES MILE, with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer who w 1110,11 me their EXPRESS and P.O. address, T. A. SLOCUM M C, 186 A DELAi DE ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT, The Exeter Fall Show. Prize Medals, At the South Huron Fall Show to be, held at Exeter on Monday & Tuesday, Sept, 28 & 29, '91, The following, Pamir AirmAns given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will he offered for competi- tion in addition to the premiums men- tioned in the, regular published prize list, viz: For the best herd of cattle any 'oreed, snid herd to consist of 4 fe males and a bula—a silver medal For the best pen of sheep of any breed,— pen to consist of one ram, piir of aged ewe, pair of Shearang ewes and pair of ewe lambs,—a bronze medal. 'No special entrance fee reqttired to com- pete for tlfe above, M. Y, MoTanassf, jOI1N 1(148)01IEN 1,•,:ecretatv' PreigdQllt EMPORIUM 1401ai °Mari , are the latest (goods in --- FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS and overcoatingS, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PRICES AikY DOH Remember the Stand one Door North of E. 11, Fish's Barber Shop. Give me a call. J H. GRIEVE. inructsueert wnrnaonrar armers mgmagazzoamomonimm It will pay you .to call on us if you want anything in Hard- -ware. such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. flow Stook of joliRstoi's 0316tratoCi. iRts, NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black Galvanized wires away down for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY NEW RAYMOND DIACHIFES AND NEEDLES. CALL WHEN IN TOWN. BISS ITT .R$S. 6i61,1:1•JUMULT121.11:1.ZerAIIP•11.}111.11•TinlIrebt.,,11.11.1VIIIRVIGIrlett•MIT,ITICSIMAIMIORIM11011 EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bushel . $0.02 to0.34 Barley .. . .. . . 40 to 45 Oats ...... ......... 26 to 28 Peas .................56to 58 . . . 13 to 18 . 13 to 13 .. 30 to 35 500 to 600 . 18 to 19 Butter Eggs Potatoes per bus Hay per ton . Wool ALLAN LINE. RAORSE'S GLYCER OLE OF M CELERY COMPOUND: A SAVE remedy for teething infante mud adults suffering from all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain aus opium or any drugs except those printed on formula on every bottle. El:lamed by p070101105. Pmen, 50 OIDITS. For sole by dragglets, Send two centstamp for descriptive circular to TRADE 5oc.11t1C,, Hazen Morse, 13utfalo, N. Ys PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county, Pr.A.NOS, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &o. The above instruments always on hand. Tumz to auit 7."urollasers. GIVE US A CALL, 'EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. PER11113 1891. Summer Sailing. 1891. gieipool:Derry, Quebec and Montreal. From Liver - go ol Sept. 3 SARDINIAN Svt. 10 Sept. 21) 2, 30 MONGOL] AN 30 Oat, t 22 17 PARISIAN 0G-6,- 3 " 21 CIRCASf3I1.N " 10 tc11 it j 8 1, ...?5 Nov. if 8 t, 15 IFrom Erom. Steamship: I Mon- Quebec Oct. 1 PoLYNDSIAN " 17 t, 8 SARDINIAlst " 24 15 MostGoLIAN Nov. 4 21 PARIsrAN " 20 Of110ASSTAN 14 Nov. 5 POLY/410,SX A.1,1 " 21 RA.TES OF PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool. By S. S. Parisian, S00, $70, ' S80 single; aim, saes, am return. Ily0.11(wsted.inon $50, 1,5r,, 500 single; $.05, to,, $115 return. Intetrnedirtte $80 00, r ettirn 500.00 Steerage rethin $40,00, oliix Sp aelKlri a ft, V.XETI,JR, ONT. VAN avaranarescernanc Laocoon inl the coils o; the fatal ser- pents was not more helpless than is the man who pines -under the ef- .1.36.21,, fects of (Bs- , c*V ease, excesses, 41111 Itt worry, etc. Rouse yoUvrelv yourself. °r .Tat' e heart of hope again and DE .A MAN ! e have cure -d thousands, who allow us to refer to them. IVID CAN CURB YOE' by use of our exclusive -incthocls and Lbppliances. unfctiling treatment at home for Lost or railing Planhood, General or Net veils Debility, Weaknesses o Body and IY.tind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Olcl or Young. Robust, Noble BL‘acno 0 D fully Iictoie1. Improvement seen the first day. How to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, UNDEVELOP ED OnGA-Ns AND rt's et 13ony. Men icsill'y from 50 States and -Foreign Coal -arks. IVAarcilLroessthom. Book, explfmation and Proofs inailat (sealed) freo. ERIE: MED1C‘,\L ea, BUFFALO, N.Yi 4