HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-24, Page 2zt, TRAGEDY IN AN INN, Servant at an English Inn Slain by Iler Lover. BRITAIN WANTS JUSTICE. COLLIDE0.1Y1111:111.•.ARIZONI 4‘ SAMUEL OF POSEN" Arrested ou a Charge Of Murdering a San Francie00 Policeman A CAPT"011iS. W9011.4 TUE 1,01tii) "TAV411t talV LONDON, Moving "'reputed the Way Me May Slave The Mansion Mouse and Its Preaching. , • ',reposed. °pennant, se He—Woula you object to my proposing The Lord. Mayor of London is e poraonage If Bilff'DOOS Not Get it -front the Ali Olinthyn sewer Hun up west the Big to you; . -whom the, intelligent foreigner is ouppood Ch.in.ese Sh9 May Fight, Steamerand. is Lost, aigiliTe,swt.ith timorous composure—Not the to rank as next in dignity and power to the, GIVEN 1171) BY III ', MOTHER. Sovereign of :England. liet the Lord Mayor WHILE ON A BIG DUNK,. , He --You would be perfectly willing that is by no means so exalted a personage as ant Catharine Dennis, aged 10, a servant at the Burned Tea Thousand Telegraph roles A London cable says ; On August 22nd Evasive Auswere to plata Questions — TM ARIZONA NOT MUCH DAMAGED, name is Maurice Bertram Sterlinger, and and loved you, and the A Detroit despatch Pa3,'E" Curtiss' real the length of time that I have worshipped during his term sof office. Ile receives I should state in a few well-chosen words that, and be is only "my lord" by courtesy Ivy GrS011 taVer; a small. and little -fres and. Drove the Workmen. tfir—d. Mts. A Queenstown cable says : Tho Guien he is a member of a well-known Detroit which has been mine as I saw you waivers.' expected to spend that terrible despair $50,000 for his year of service, kid he IS , of Linthwaite, was found murdered. She quented inn near the manufacturing tOW13, SiOnary Murdered—More Mors Leaked Line steamer Arizona, from New York Sep- familY• He is married. to a* member ef a ally adored, and perceived how little chance $S0,000 more in keeping leer. 'amount and had been left alone by her mietress, the' tentber 5thfor Liverpool, arrived hero to. well-known French family of Montreal, \Liao there was of my hopes being realized while reputation for digaitY and hospitality. up the city's . other members of the family being absent A San Francisco despatch says : The day in a battered condition. The passen- plays with him most of the time. , Ourdss you remained queen over the hearts of He has a palace to live in, the most , on various business. and there, being no steamer China„ whicli arrived tealay fom gers report that early on Sunday morning, owns a good deal of property at Berkeley, suitors far more worthy? guests at the time. A neighbor who Hong Kong and Yokohama, brines advices ept. Oth, while the vessel was in a fog but Cal., and was engaged in running an hotel she, as before—Perfectly willing. gorgeous coaches to ride iu, the most impos- there when this trouble happened. Curtiss mg servants in the Most, elaborate liveries .. chanced to oil found Catharine uead on the from china, to August eath, sir soh, wos, steaming rapidly an unknown sailing ves- He—Would you perfor me to make the to attend upon hini ; he entertains lavishly, floor covered with blood, the furniture and sont, the British ltlinister, has protested sel, believed to be a large coasting schaoner, tells the following story of the affair : 1 i A thetproposal standing or kneeling? , he heads all movements for the public in- strenglY against the' dilatory manner of the struck with her stern on rzona's was ab rand Opera ouse last night walls of the room being also spattered witht thGH'She, correctly lowering her eyes --I terest ; he is made a knight for his pains, Fi bleed. taidly it becameknown that a man e - Chinese Government, asking first why an dict on the subject of the riots was not bed at the time of the accident, were .I left the theatre about 10 o'clock to go to port quarter. The passengers, who were in with my wife to see Bernhardbin "Camille," ftohrimnk vete and commercial life, nd he takes his the latter way would be far better and at the end of his year he returns to pri- • a named Stockwell had been eating a meal despatched throUgh the empire by 'telegraph, awakened by the shock and noise of the the Tivoli Theatre with Wm. Kreling, • in the kitchen of the tavern when the land- Second, why the 'Wulin Magistrate 'who He—Would you prefer the declaration place among "the aldermen who have udy left, awl that he had been missing triod to Stop the viots was degraded, „hue that 80 feet of rails and a. life boat had been drink together, and I left him to return collision and rushed on desk. . It was seen one of the proprietors. We had a epolsen, or intense, Passionate and con- not, belong to that delectable body known adh?guage fervid, fieree and' out- passed the 'chair." The Lord Mayor (lees from. his usual hanntsince that time. his superiors, whodid nothing, were not smashed, that the deck was damaged, and to the Opera House for zny ‘vif e• :auto le ,as the aristocracy of England. He is Last night Stockwell, unable to longer. en- punished ; and third, why the punishment , s • . that several plates had been bent. Owing When 1 reached the corner of Third and ., She, with considerable promptness—Fors attached to that baleful thing known as ' dure the pangs of hunger, left the place in of the guilty at Wusuch was delayed.' - to these ominous. evidences of a collision, it Mission streets I was suddenly tumbled into vid, fierce and outspoken. " trade," but while in residence at the • which he had been, hiding and crawled no. The ohinese Government sent the quo,. was at first believed that the conse- the gutter, and after that I remember He—And would you deem it indiscreet if ,Mansion House he has the , powers and quelaces of the accident were more nothing, only somebody pulling and jerking the proposer, during the declaration, should privileges and state of e petty sovering. observed to his mother's house. The poor tions to His Excellency Lei Chung Chang . print some kisses' on the hand of the pro- But no reigning monarch in Europe makes . old woman was shocked at his ghastly looks to be answered. Chang replied : (1) It is .atnd wild manner. She besought him to tell not the custom of China to send edicts by passengers were much alarmed, and life with handcuffs on my wrists," When ems serious than proved to be the case. The inc about until 1 found myself M a waggon, posee ? . ber the truth, and he related the tale of his wire ; (2) the magistrate was degraded for belts were prepared, but the fears of all tiss was taken to jail last night he appeared were soon allayed. The Arizona for a long te be under the influence of liquor, and in - were anything better and more eatisfYing She, with artless candor—Yes, if there st000z)i,incEil, sospfolLte:scli9ilvviavettso:r 1:771.,:yrodliil May or of taro; : crime and flight. He said that finding him- other reasons, and (3) the rioters had been time searched in vain for the unfortunate coherently told of his doings during the reasonably contigious. . date and rather ridiculours. .;. 141:111181 self alone in the house with Catharine, for punished, two beingexecuted and the others sailing vessel. Part of her bowsprit was night, .protesting he had no weapon and He ---11 he encountered a feeble oppo- The present Lord Mayor is Sir Joseph whom he had conceived an. ardent passion, otherwise punished. he could not resist the temptation to makeThe North China News, commenting left on the Arizona's deck. Froth. wreckag that he Wasinnocent of murder. The Place sition m ' erely would you consider it un- Savory, a goldsmith by trade and a lay ' ' advances to her. When she repulsed him editorially on the answers, says the first is he lost centrist of himself and attacked her. merely a subterfuge. The case was too seen it is feared she foundered. where the officer arrested Curtiss ssome he passenger makes the following state- blocks from wise on the part of the proposer should preacher by inclination. He is very fond She screamed for help, and beinstricken serious to admit of delay caused by the use m the station house, but the bil. ent : After passing Sandy Hook Weentered shooting occurred within half a ookof he pass his arm around the proposee's of preaching. The other day, as you know, he repeated a sermon which had been given With terror lest his offence should become of messengers, .As for the second reply, it a haze, which later became a dense fog. the station and within hearing of a number waigt She, gently, but firmly—It would be, 1 20 years before by Mr.. Spurgeon. . About 11 of policemen. Grant was killed instantlY, think, a, matter for extreme regret if he This tedious bit of plagiarism attracted sh -known, he seized her isy the throat and . en- was.stated at the time that the magistrate The feg-hern WaS kePt mewing. deavored to silence her cries, but beingwas degraded as a concession to the natives, p. m. a loud report like the bursting of . a the bullet entering the middle of the fore- failed to comprehend whatever possibilities , the situation presented, great dealtnore notice than it deserved, the • boiler startled the Passengers, who rushed head near the hair a,nd penetrating the Pall Mali Gazette being short ()loopy at the ' stabbed her time and again until she ceased inthe affair. The reply is a Palpable tumble to do so he snatclaed .up a, knife ahd who had denounced him for doing his duty on deck. The captain, who was on the brain. The pistol with which, the Police Re—And incase the proposition should, time; and it was finally explained by the • ' to struggle. • evasion and only shows that China cannot bridge, ordered the engines reversed at fullafter slight resistance, realize these peed - °file" was shot was found in the street a short distance from where the tragedy oc- bilities, would you consider such slight Lord Mayor that he had asked his secretary It was only when. her lifeless form be depended on by the foreign powers. As Speed. He assured the passengers that the or somebody else to prepare a sermon, and . ' dropped from . his grasp that he realized for the execution of two culprits this is steamer was all right and ordered them curred. that he was e murderer and fled in terror. unsatisfactory, as coming far short of the below.Afterward the officers stated that resistance sufficient encouragement to jus- uthaotutmher.ysoupeugrgmeaoinsphstpurlessterarvigoltvartv poached Re' He hid in the nearest clump of Woods, and requirements of Chinese law in cases of ' a three -masted schooner had struck the DM SlitE_BILL nilla ? tify him in fondly folding the Propesee to p . ' before he could leave it the pursuers were murder among themselves. Murders of Arizona Oil the portside almost amidshipshis heart ? . yet appearsermons, but, if he must indulge himself in around him. While the whole population' foreigners must not be punished more and then disappeared. The fog steam A Quebec taborer Pound Bathed in Blood. She, as before—Undobtedly. why a LordMayor should preach g was on the lookout for him he was lying in lightly than the murder of Chinese. whistles and fog -horn were kept going icing su Bed and DA ead—His Wife rrested. He—Taking it for ranted, then, that that direction, it were better, for many the last situation has been consurn- reasons, after the collision, but nothing was discov- A Sherbrooke despa:tch says : Felix mated, can you see no reason why the pro- that he should trust to his own ditches on the 'heath br concealed in marshy Lord Salisberry added to his three. questions inspiration. !Tots on the neighboring moors by day, and a demand that Hunan, which is the hotbed ered. The steamer's pumps were started, Bouchard; aged. 28, a laborer, was found laid poser should not rightfully eegaid elThe Lord Mayor of London has a busy often overheard his pursuers discuss plans of anti -foreign sentiment inChina, be opened. but no water was found. So violent. was out on a bed in his honee to -day with his in the light of a magnificent succehdismassaf twelvemonth. for his capture. to trade, coupled with a threat that if China the collision that passengers sleeping on the head and shoulders covered with blood. He wooer ? elvemonth. He acts as magistrate in his ' own police court; he attends half a dozen All that he could find to eat were herbs could not control her Own people the foreign damaged side of the steamer were thrown had apparently been dead several hours. She, promptly—I cannot. and wild currants, which formed his entire powers would take the matter in hand. To from their berths. An inquest was open, and the coroner, He—Or why he shOuld not be joyful in public funtions every day; every, night he gives a dinner, or eats a dinner given by diet for seventeen days. • Hunger and re- this the viceroy replies that China is per- after a brief examination, ordered the arrest the thought that for the nonce, at least she somebody else; he has speeches to make; raorse tormented him into Visions, in which fectly able to control her own people. The A WARNING TO CHICAGO. of the man's wife and a girl of &years, and is his andhe hers?osSA"'' gk!rni , he says he saw the bleeding form of his conclusion is that if able she mak must be un- — adjourned till 9 a. m. Saturday. The body She, with some impatienceNo. he presides oyer committees ; . manages victim, as if the horrible tragedy were being . willing. Te a Lesson From Paris and Don't Call has been removed to the morgue. Madame Ile—Now, appealing to you as belonging funds and he goes to church two or three to that sex which intuitively sees and times on Sumla3r. again enacted. He felt himself growing The News adds :—Meanwhile the powers mad, and,. unable to longer endure the do not intend to be satisfied with these We do not remember whether at the time Down Heaven's Wrath. Bouchard has given. several different his- tories of the affair, one of her stories being understands the peculiar proprieties of an forHeiegnperisaycsomtelleto host town;whhee nd 0 de' si s the i ng hu oi snho er sd tortures which racked him in body and replies and with what has been done by the of the construction of the Tower Eiffel any_ that her husband.came into the house bleed- emergency of this sort, are there not oc- mind, he turned his steps last night toward Chinese Government so far in the weey of body was sagacious enough to. point out. the ing, that he went unaided to his bed and casions more appropriate than others for a to royalty when royalty visits the city; and lie is active in every charitable scheme that his mother's home. punishment and reparation. They have fate of the projectors and builders of the after some Mine died there. However, a declaration of love? The sorrowing mother was nearly pros- sent China what is virtually an ultimatum, Tower Babel as an awful warning, but if it ' bloody hatchet, as well as a flatiron, have She, trifling nervously with her handker- is put before the British public. !braked by the recital. There was only one and will not take any inadequate reply. -wasn't done some prophet has apparently been discovered in the house, the man's fore- chief—There •are. The elements of dimthee,He has, moreover, to watch the affairs of course for her to pursue, however. Con- England's action is understood to be backed lost a good. chance to score. Itis not that head bearingmarlss which look as if they place and liability of interruption must, of corporation. The corporation of the city of London is, as you may e cealment was impossible even had she felt by otherpowers, and it is thought force will a confusion of tongues has resulted among had been made by a. flatiron. Blood also course, be properly regarded. eqital to the task of attmpting it. She be used if china is not conciliatory. visitors to the Eiffel tower, though the poiy. lay thickly over the floOr, and the wall was Fle—Do you believe the present contains suPP°"' a highly imnortant body. sent for the officers of the law, who came to Over 20,000 people assembled at Lung glot inscriptions in the elevators might bespattered in two of the rooms. Circum- those elements? It is a, highly efficient one, as well. It governs the " historic " square the house and placed Stockwell in custody. Chow, in the Province of Hunan, recently, easily have brought about that 'consumma- stances indicate that the women alone may She trifling more nervously with her mile" in the heart of the metropolis, and it to prevent workmen from putting up tele- tion through the intemperate efforts of the not have 'committed the deed, but undoubt- ha,ndk'erchief-1 have no doubt of it,. BANARLM• moors HICK. He—You also believe, do you not, that governs it better than any other city is gov- --- graph lines. Ten thousand poles were curious to read them. The judgment which edly was an accessory after, if not to, the burned and the men driven over the boun- has overtaken the city of Paris is of a differ- fact. Madame Bouchard herself made tastes, inclinations—in fact—all dieposi- erned anywhere under the sun. The city of Long Marches and Poor Food Make Them dary. A society has been formed to keep ent nature, and as befits the times, wears a known the condition of her husband to her tional charactei istics are found to be con- London is small, but it is the richest and. Feel Ugly—An Officer Unhorsed. nearest neighbor. spicuously similar, more especially in family most important of cities, as it is the busiest A Berlin cable says: A detachment of watch at New Chong. the telegraph out, and a mob is still on the more scientific cast. French meteorologists now boldly declare groups? ' and the most crowded. It is the bestpaved, She, trifling most nervously with hand- the best lighted, the best drained, the best troopers of the First Bavarian Regiment, Dr. Greig, a missionary doctor, has been that M. Eiffel's prodigy has entirely ruined IS.ILAIL_tT TRUTHS. returning from the manceuvres on Saturday, assassinated by soldiers. The matter has their climate. Thrusting its proud head up . kerchief—Certainly. pOliced city in the world; and because it is Conservative in politics it is Liberal in spirit. strung Like Gold Beads on a Single Complained in a manner threatening mutiny been placed in the hands Of the British into the clouds, . it attracts the electric He—Now, for instance, you and your against the long marches which they were consul It is thought this is not connected forces of nature; which 'com e and perform Thread. sister are, I fancy, vivid illustrations of thisSir Joseph Savory, the present Lords Mayor of London, is 48 years of age. He forced to undergo after the fatigue of the 'with secret societies. their terrifying gambols . around its inetalic A bad man is worse when he pretends to truism. manceusires, and against the , quality of the Reports from Fos Chow of the killing of summit and cause every manner of aerial be a saint. She, elevating her eyebrows—Yes'Mabel was educated at Harrow. He then joined' food dealt out to them. Lieut. Balligand, three missionaries up the country prove to dThose who make the worst use of their isturbence. in their power. It behooves us and I are, sh far as preferences and. dislikes his father in the well-known city firm of A. their commander, treated the complaints. be faikkr,ft eto study these significant phenomena are concerned, singularly similar. B. Savory & Sons, one of the largest firma, . with .inclifferencesand- refused to alleviate The- 'German Roman Catholic: Bishop of closely, for we are not only projectingtime most complain of its shortness. , He—Is your sister at hotne? of goldsmiths in the kingdom. The business. Few people are more virtuously indignant .She slowly looking him over—I think the hardships whid ! had occasioned the ill- Shan Tung has returned from 1?ekirs to planning and raising buildings -whi.chipay. than the cheat when he finds himself out- she is. • is now carried on by a limited . company feeling. .As a result, the troops actually Tien Tsin. It is said His . Excellency Li turn out Babels—they are certainly not in - she is you tell her, please, I would is "The Goldsmiths' Alliance." Its. headquarters are in Cornhill, within thes mutinied last evening, 'breaking ranks and Hung Chang told him the late riots are tended for Bethels—but Chicago is promis= wittedFortune has often been blamed for her like to see her—alone !-J3rooklyn Life. shadowof the Mansion House, opposite the refusing to proceed until they had a resting ouly forerunners of more serious trouble and ing herself a tower of her own. If a judg- Bank of England and the Royal lilxchange. spell and been properly fed. The lieutenant, hinted that he hoped the bishop would be ment follows the building of a tower Chi- blindness ; but fortune is not so blind as men are. Sir Joseph was made Sheriff of London • in his efforts to compel obedience of his moderate in demands When he returned to eago it will donbtless • be appropriate.. CARLYLE W_AS REFR1ESIIING. 'orders, advancedispon the rebellious troopers Shan Tung. Maybe the inhabitants of the city will be The more one endeavors to sound the in 1882, alderman in • 1888,. and he • How the Sage et cheuea Rid nimself or became Lord Meyer by election and rotation ;with drawn sword.. Instantly a dozen stal- Gold mines have been discovered in the stricken with • modesty. — Philadelphia depths of his ignorance, the deeper the Bores. chasm appears. in November, 1890. He is a •member of the. wart riders spurred their horses against his, Ching Chen district of Kuang Tung. Times. . School Board, a director of the Royal Mail and the officer's sword thrusts were parried. Adventurers flocked to themin crowds by a dozen blades. The onset overthrew the and did much damage to graves and fields What a Boy Did. The best way to live is to cast away A certain successful literary man once Steam Packet Company and of the New troubles and contentions, which cannot be granted an interview to a young gentleman. River Company. Ile is rich, of course, or . lieutenant's animal, and horse and rider fell in digging.' Finally the Magistrate pro- A duke, walking in his garden one day, cured by fretting. The youth began to talk about his accom- he could not be Lord Mayor, and the only into the ditch. The lieutenant was stunned hibited mming there, and quiet is restored. .saw a Latin copy of a great work on mathe- pliihments and his opinions, his auto- thing I have heard against hiin is, that he . The history of the past is a mere puppet by the fall. Meanwhile a sub -officer, There are.serious troubles in Sing Tang, matics lying ,on the grass, and, thinking show. .A little man comes out and blows a biography from the age of 15, and the will persist in preeching. alarmed at the serious outlook of affairs, Dutch Virest Borneo, between the Dyaks that it had -been brought frohis library, little trumpet and goes in again. doomed author soon saw that only mein He cuts a very good figure in the Lord' had hurried off to the main body of the' and Malays. Three thousand ,. Dyaks are called some one to take it back, force would make the terrible gabbier cease. Mayor's robes and chains, and he look's as liothsibild's * regiment and given the alerm, and soon a in arms against the Malay Rajah over "It belongs to me, your grace," said the For two mortal hours did this torturer well as any man can in the astoundings Maxims. ' strong detachment had reached the spot. taxes. gardener's son, stepping up. chatter ontohis own entire satisfaction. The vehicles in which the lord mayor. drives The ringleaders of the mutiny were arrested Early VSe of the Compass. • "'Yours!" cried the duke. "Do You The eMer Baron Rothschild had the walls host, 'dwelling in. a secluded place, had.not about town. He has a. pla,n for creating and , and the lieutenant released from his uncom- understand geometry and Latin 2" of his bank playearded with the following the heart to turn his guest out into the endowing a great university in London, and fortable resting place in the ditch. A court- There has for long been a legend that the. Chinese are to be credited with the inven- "1 know a little of them," answered the curious maxims : snow to vvait two hours for a train, so he if he carries this through during his mayor-. snartial. will shortly be held to assess the tion of the mariners' aompasS. But this boy modestly. Carefully examine .every detail of your suffered and suffered, until at length, in a alty, his sermonizing. will be forgiven. He .pmaishment • of the revolters, and inci- The duke, having a taste for the sciences, business. ' spasm of acute boredom, he said: was made a baronet for lavistilyentertaining,: dentally the complaints of overwork and pig and the use of gunpowder, has never claim of theirs, like the discovery of roast began to talk to the young student, and was Be prompt in everything. "Mr. Blank, your train goes in two the German Emperor. • improper food. made by the men, and which astonished at the clearness and intelligence Take time to consider, but decide posi- hours' time; you will findall the week's are not confined to this particular time, will been put to the test of literary research. It of his =mem. tively, papers on your right; I am compelled to be looked into. is, therefore, pleasant to learn that an ex- '" But how came you to know so much ?" Dare to go forward. start to work !" and thus procured. a respite InJurions 31ourallietures. haustive inquiry just made proves not only asked the duke. Bear trouble patiently. from the guest's drivel • The Trades Unionist, an English labor A. NICE OPERA.TION. that they invented the most important bid , "One of the •servants taught me to read," Be brave.in the struggle of life. Another rather distinguished man had paper, is printing a series of articles on thes • — plement in navigation, but that Europe answered the lad : "one does not need to Maintain your integrity as a sacred thtng. one evening a visitor who began to speakchemical indnstries,. showing how they • A Man's Leg Saved, by Engrafting Guinea . copied it from them. Four centuries before know anything more than the 26 letters hi Never tell business lies. , about a certain branch of science. The 'affect the laborer. employed. The effects - Pig Flesh. the Christian era, a Chinese author order to learn everything eLse one wishes." Make no useless acquaintances. * host, perhaps a dozen times in the space of are summarized . as follows : "To be. mentions " the South pointing Needle "' A Va,ncouver despatch says : Some two s But tlie nobleman wished to know more Never appear something more than you two hours and a half, gave a preliminary literally eaten up by vitriol ; to be com- er three months ago, it Will ,be remembered, but it was not until A. D. 324 that the about it. are. . "Rem !" because he wanted to say some- pelted to work in a poisonous atmosphere, , the engine of a freight train went through a compass, hitherto used to indicate the "After I learned to read," said the boys Pay your debts promptly. thing, but the bore waved him down with where it is necessary to breathe through a burning trestle not many miles from Van- position of the stars in,galculatin,gnativities, "the mason came to work on your house; I Shun strong liquor. a suave "One moment, if you please !" deign yards of flannel; to have to grease • conver.' -.The fireman was killed and assumed its present form. At first, noticed the architect use a rule and com- Employ your time well. What the gagged men wanted to say, and such portions of the body as are exposed to - Engineer Morse was badly burned, peinci- it floated on water supported on a passes, and made a great many calculations. . Do not reckon upon chance. eventually did say, was that his caller's poisonous fumes ; to have one's teeth turn pally about the legs. He was taken charge of piece of wood, the pivot being an improve- 'What was the rneanin,g and use of that?' I . Be polite to everybody. lecture, though interesting, was perfectly so soft that a crust cannot be chewed ; to by the docters near where the accident ment copied from the Japanese, who again asked, and theytold of a science called arith- Never be discouraged. • familiar to him. have the gums rot . to work under condi- happened and was giyen. the best of care had learned this nicety from the Portuguese. metic, I bought an arithmetic and studied Then work hard and you will be certain " You are, in fact," he concluded, " dis- tions that one's shir't falls off in bits of rags and attention, but the wounds were very But long before the compass was used M it through. They thentold me there was to succeed. coursing on My own special subject." after three days' wear ; to do this week: deep and refused.to heal. As a last resort Europe, the Arabs trading to China em- anotherscience called geometry. Then 1 Such a statementwould have disconcerted ,after -week until one's strength will no, it Was decided to try grafting, and for this 1)11:Wed it on board their dhows, and from found that there were -better books about Children's Ears. a man who had talked with one even flow longer admit of it, is surely to dothat which purpose two healthy young guinea pigs them undoubtedly the invention reached the these sciences in Latin. I bought a clic- Mothers tire becoming agitated over the for the space of 150.minutes ; but not at all. should comnuind an exceptionally high western barbarian, barbarian and was forthwith impro-' . of pay and relatively : very few hours of were got and parts of theirflesh transferred tionary and learned Latin. I heard there question of children's ears. It is being sug- With the placid, confidence of the thorough - to the man's legs. The operation was 'a ' ved upon. The Arabs, however, used the work." But the pay is low and the hours. were better. ones in French. I ,got a clic- gested that flaring ears are now very much paced bore he sweetly remarked: western notation to mirk the quarters andare long. success and the inan's legs at once began to tionary and learned. French. It seems to me more common than formerly, and the preva- ". Ah, well, you see how copiously I can heal. As soon as he was fit he was taken to intermediate points of the horizon. When, we may learn everything when we know the lenge of these ,ungraceful head appendages is talk on that subject. Next time I call you Tile Way to Get Bich. Montreal,. and the last word, is that the therefore, the mariners' compass was adopted 26 letters of the alphabet" , ascribed to the discarding of the caps which shall see that I can be quite as fluent on an_ burned limbs, are now almost well, and the by them, the Chinese system of twenty-four " It is not so hard after all to grow rich,"' They are in fact, '. the ladder to every our grandniothers, some of our mothers, in- other branch of knowledge." science. But how many boys are eontented deed, wore nightand day. What the race The second call has not yet taken place. flesh of the guinea pig has become part of points, resting on the old astrological remarked a cynical young man at the Bur -- the man and. is quite tirm and healthy. division of the horizon into twelve double net Houee last night as he ordered "az-hither- to waste their time'on the first two or three has lost in aural beauty, however„ it has When we hear of cases like those above hours; was not communicated. bottle." "It is to•trtist nobody, is to be-• , rounds, without pluck or perseverance certainly gained in immunitY from head cited we are tempted to wish that all men . A California Bontanee.friend none, to get everything, and Save air to climb higher? Up, up, up, if you want colds during infancy, as these caps kept the had something of Carlyle's rudeness. The Miss Billie Lee, a pretty' girl and an heir- A Half•Dozen Medical Don'ts. you get; to stint ourselves and everybody to know more, and see clearer, and take a little pates they inclosed in a condition of mighty Thomas was bidding. " good-bye " belonging to us ;' to be the friend of no man efts, came near making ,a very grave mistake Don't frighten children for the fins of it. high post of uSefainesa in this world. .9.nd and have no man for our friend; to heap in - was encouragement to help you otenderness and susceptibility that ma,de to a very conceited youug man whohad fav - If you are a poor boy an'need a little them easy prey to draughts. Mothers and . ored him with a long sermon On things in in Los Angeles, Cal:, a few days ago. She Don't get excited; compose your thoughts bd terest upon interest, cent upon cent; to be en, be nurses may avoid disfigured ears by a little general; he went 'politely to the door and was engaged to be married and the day and and rest. ' sure, if you have a will to climb, you will watchfulness of their manner of pubbing said ' . ' ' mean, miserable and'despised for some thirty bour had come. But the groom came not. g Thirty minutes passed and still he was Don't 'shout in or close to a person's ear, find the way, just as the gardener's son their charges in crib or bed. For such "Well, Mr. Bland, I've received ye for ears, and riches will come as sure as abeent. The bride looked lovely in her wed- It may cause deafness. found it afterward in the Duke.of Argyll, youngsters as may have escaped such care the sake of your father. Now, , good.by ; disease and . disaPPeintruent And when prettynear enough wealth is 'collected by a, ding robes. ' Another half hour had flown Don't leave liniment in a drinking -cup by under -whose patronage he pursued' hie and thus come into the possession of ears midi easnlY hoPe I'll neva see ye again !" of the house and sped avvay. ,A rival for the and the expectant bride's Blister slipped out the patient's bedside ; he might drink it, studies and became a distinguished mathe- every enjoyment save that of wallowing in rampant, an "ear, cap" may be procured On another occasion Carlyle looked in a disregard of human heart, at the expense of mistElking itsfor water or his medicine, matieian. Stone's Mathematical Dictionary which is a set of tapes keeping the ears close passionless way at the 'visitor . who had been band of MiSS Billie Lee was attending tolls , Don't neglect the set -bowls in the sleep - work --the hody ' is buried in a hole, the work and feeling awfully blue over the fact • ' celebrated book published in London some York, Times.' "Mao, but ye're a puir creature."—irials i —for Stone was the gardener's son—was a to the head,. te be ' worn at night. —New holding forth for ever so long and said : ' ' filthy meanness, death comes to 'finish the ing-room. Pour hot soapsuds clown once , ss., , , heirs dance over it, and the spirit goes— that he was not the chosen one. The young each week. Keep the taps closed when where?—Cineinnati Commereiat-Gazette. ' clear, He made a hurried 'toilet and flew Don't allow a poultice or any warm , 43/1111 rusql'IlitYi not,, years ago.—unal6eroox. "The best protection a young woman new ITtest. Files Go. ' man was quickly told that , the field wail fa use. , • ' • , . A Badge of Protection. Times. , , I Looking Ahead. to the presence of the waiting party. When dressing to remain on a patient until it ' " When'will I get my divorce ?" asked can have in this ' city," said a big police- h ' 1 thonght Sharpe was in love with the he arrived there , were cries ofsoprano of the choir; be has just married It has been ascertained by a careful "Dick," becomes cold and cla,mmy, but change it Hostetter McGinnis of a prominent New man on the Broadway squad yesterday, " ' 8 the contralto." observer that a swarm a flies cannot travel ' " Billie," and the next rninute the two as often as directed by the physician,— York lawyer. , . one of those little silver crosses , that th1e lovers Were locked in each other's arms. " He was in love with the soprano, I be- at any greater pace than eleven miles an ' ," sobbed .Fioseseho/d. . 1 " The District Court will not, convene for King's! Daughters wear. 'I've noticed that ' " I nearly medo an awful mistake - the bride. The wedding went of in fine No Offence. contralto. You see, he thought a low- lieve, hut he transferred his affection to the hour. So much the better' for the cyclist, who has only to put on 'a spurt to get at , I several months, so it may be three months nothadays the profesesional masher will look style, but, just at the close a letter came ,' before you get your divorce from your better first at the bosom of a woman's dress and ' voioea.wife from the mother of the absent young man " Will you give:me the next waltz, Miss 1 half '' ' would be better than a high. any time clear away from this intedetable pest of the highways • in warm weather.. if that little cross is dangling from a button- ' Low, 1 "Three months 1 By that time I may hide be passea her b without even a stare. i'voleed 'me' Sharp has a long head ; he was saying she did not approve et the match and have had a reconciliation with Sarah. For It's the same w y ay on street cars as on the For the unfortunate outside passenger by . had prevented her sten appearance. " I wonder how you can ask it ? ' Didn't ' drag or chaise there is no help unless it iS . loOking to the future." - . , yommake some jocular remark this evening ' . from the fate Worse than cleath."—di.hhas of those badges has got the whole car load that, .patent fly veil which enabled the ' heayen e sake, 'hurry up things, and save me street. The young woman who wears one ' The General Manager of the Northeast. about my being so tall ?" . ,. . Ainerican editor to look forward to the , A bill has .recently. been introduced ern Railway of tegland, resigned recently ar,"wI400nulyt.a,Lhided, to O11 as 'sweetness long ffigunge. . time when whole congregations would .be • of men to take care Of her „ma jw, p on tile ieto the Prussian Ptirliam,ent which pro - fellow that dares to annoy her. , The ems, vides that every person adjudged to be an after a long tent' of service with the com- pany. Three thrones in Europe are now occupied is gating to be looked on with the ' same haloitual drunkard Shall , be put under the able in August to listen to a sermon in He was thereupon made a director " You may have the next waltz.° by children—thorie of Spam the Nether- reepect, a id deference es 0, nun's garb.. As a ca,re of a guardian, Who $50,000 in recognition of his' services, Of the -company and —Uncle Sam has 64,391 post-offiees. lands and Servia. sefegnard it beats the average • .1". . • . , . sponsible for him. shall be held re- comfort while the flies in church, " united preacher in, the pulpit.'" given a preSerit of as one fly," were " taking it out of the, ge po iceman typo founders of the 'united tif fates, with e, It is said it combine la being,formed by the An train making 125 miles an hour watching sends his wife and family away' An eirpert eleetrioia.n asserts i hat, an —When a Man whom the devil has been all hollow."--jVcw York gun. , when in a hurry. ' _The fly makes 600 stroke a 280e0c,00nodo —There are 800 newspapers publishedf „mild recntire meg feet in „hiss, to some to the country and stays in town himself —Cora Tanner has added sons - stunning --Santiago, Chili's capital, haS in Fleet street, London, eleven of which are, tapital o'f $18,660A00 to a Standstill. , . the devil takes a Vatation. , goWns to her repertoire. , . people. , dailies.